EP5: Hunter Labrada - 2021 IFBB Chicago Pro Prep Series - New Split Workout, Posing, and More!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up guys like i said uh we're starting a new split today i'm gonna make a detailed video about that in the very near future but for now what you need to know is today is push a push a now is gonna be a primarily pressing day with the only thing not being an actual compound press being the first movement of the day we're going to work on the prime pec deck no working sets here all sub maximal effort three to four working not working so it's three to four warm up sets just to get our shoulders moving some blood in our chest get us ready to press the pressing order today we're going to do a dumbbell low incline a prime incline press a prime shoulder press and then a close grip neutral grip bench press so like i said push a's become more of the press day and we're gonna go over why we did this in addition to all the other changes in the video in the very near future like i said but for now we just got done doing those warm-ups on the prime fly i've given you the rundown on those before really want to focus on keeping your shoulders locked down and back and not bringing our hands together but our elbow across our body the more you get your elbow close to your center line the harder your pecs contract keep that in mind on the first one moving on to the dumbbell presses and we will kind of give you the rundown and what we're looking to do on the setup and everything when we get over there all right guys first up for today is going to be a dumbbell incline press uh because we're going to be going to the prime incline after this and it's a little bit higher of an incline making a conscious effort here to work on a lower incline i know you will ask how low of an incline uh we want it as low as possible with our shoulders staying comfortable because i get too flat start scooping at the bottom a lot of pressure in my shoulders so uh it's typically below where you know an adjustable bench will set so you'll see how we have a two by four put in the back and then actually a d handle in the front to get a little elevation on the seat because we have it all the way up my feet like touch the tippy tabs i just can't touch and get a good leg drive so moral of the story is try and get a lower incline it's definitely going to be a lower than a 45 degree incline if you can help it so things to keep in mind here um just like on the pec deck starting position we're trying to get the elbow as far away from the chest top of it we're trying to get the elbow across the chest with the main caveat being you don't want to stack the joint you don't want to be completely locked out to the point where the dumbbell your wrist your elbow and your shoulder all stacked over each other because at that point you've lost all tension through your chest and it's just simply in your joints um the range of motion we'll be using today is we're looking to get our humerus to break 90 degrees meaning when we're pressing you know obviously this is your humorous so whenever it hits about 90 degrees parallel to the floor maybe a little bit lower that's what we're pressing out of the hole um i don't really want to get a huge big extension here and because it's just not a good position for anyone to put themselves in let alone someone with a surgically repaired shoulder so that's the thought process behind the range of motion this exercise two weeks ago is the first time i've done it probably in like two years we have dumbbells up to 200 now because we were planning on putting presses back in that being said still definitely feeling them out and being a little conservative on these and then full sending on the prime and subsequent presses uh looking to have these up to a full sun level of confidence in the very near future though so take that [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] all right guys so just one working set on that incline dumbbell like i said really getting used to the exercise again then the indication as to how much i'm getting used to it last time i did the 160s for eight one today i did them for 12 one so that's not because i got stronger in two weeks just because i'm getting used to the exercise in the movement pattern again so one working set there from there move down to the prime incline like i said started a new split today so finding my numbers for everything normally a top set on that's four and a quarter on the one peg today my top set was three and a quarter on the one peg and i only hit a six one so uh you know next next session we'll adjust that so that's kind of uh what you do when you're starting to split establishing new numbers so hit two working sets here the top set three and quarter and then the back off at three and moving on to the prime shoulder press now so we'll do two working sets there as well um yeah so two movements for chest today now one pressing movement for shoulders and then finish up with that closed neutral grip uh close grip like i said we would so looking forward to that i haven't done that in a while either so let's get back to it [Music] ah [Music] [Music] oh thank you [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up guys so just finished up training not too long ago uh both of us posed she had cardio after we trained today she ate her post meal i had mine and we were doing uh one of our favorite things in the whole wide world to do and that is go on a prep sushi day what is a prep sushi date you may ask so um as far as going out to eat when it comes to prep it can be kind of sketchy um just because cooking it you don't know what's on the grill you don't know what's on the pan so with sushi obviously it's raw and you can weigh it and it's very easy so basically what we do is we order complete only tuna sashimi um we weigh it and then we order the components of sushi as well so we order our rice our nori sheets which is the seaweed that it's wrapped in um cucumbers um green onions stuff like that and we'll actually build our own actual sushi rolls here and eat them here and it's pretty dateless it's pretty awesome um so y'all see how we do it give you the skinny on how to actually roll them i forgot my sushi roller and yeah we'll get the roller on film too we'll see how well they handle it um but a couple things to keep in mind if you're gonna come do this one do not get sushi rice for your side of rice sushi rice they put a bunch of sugar and like mirin in it and stuff so not the same as just normal steamed rice so make sure you get steamed rice not sushi rice second thing to keep in mind is because the fish is raw unless you're doing everything in your diet in raw weights if you're in diets and cooked weights make sure you add at least 20 to the weight that you're supposed to eat because it is raw and uh you know for those of you that haven't actually done it before like put a piece of fish or chicken on the scale before you cook it and then wait after and it'll typically weigh like 20 to 25 percent uh less obviously because the moisture cooks out of it so keep that in mind but other than that uh we'll show you how we do it if i could get five orders of tuna sashimi uh two sides of steamed rice and then a side of like scallion the green onion then a side of like the cucumbers that you'll use in the rolls like the long skinny cut ones just like how they go on the rolls yeah and then um 10 sheets of nori do you want nori do you want nori get 15 15. and then um let me get a side of sriracha too or just like bring the bottle whatever is easy you want a bunch of ginger yeah and then a bunch of ginger uh steamed rice for sure yeah and that's for both of us [Music] all the tuna [Music] pretty too so yeah now we wait for the rest of our uh ingredients and i'll show you the uh the prep creation and then we'll inhale it all and that'll be that because video guys gotta eat too right right so we got our food let me show you what it looks like before i inhale it all so weighed up the rice weighed out the fish added my 20 to the fish we got our sriracha and our cucumbers and onions and stuff so get a sheet of nori play [ __ ] nori down uh fish first works best because the rice is super sticky so the rice helps seals it up so that's first little tip or trick to this is fish first and then yeah just want to get fish down the middle and then use the old chapstick to pull off some rice too much toby and then i just like going like this and kind of rolling the rice up into it cut the outside a little bit rice in there throw some onions in the smell of them i tore that one a little bit but you get the idea it's like prep sushi so i'm going to inhale all these but catch up with you after the meal [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] what is up guys as promised we are here to deliver the details on the new split um you know before we get into the nuts and bolts of what happened i kind of want to go over the overarching why as to why we changed the split because you know the old one was working um basically first and foremost for me i'm gonna live and die this season by how much size i was able to put on my back so yeah under our old split we were push pull arms legs off repeat with the only thing that's really changing was the focus on the legacy alternating between hamstrings and quads towards the end of us running that split and you know especially once we got in the library gym you know we really had the pull and the push days to like an ab variation so we weren't trying to beat our numbers every five days but still i was only touching my back every five days i wasn't dead lifting on the hamstring day you know we were pulling on the pull day but i was training my back with six to eight working sets once every five days not a lot of volume so whenever we originally decided we were gonna make a new split the the first and foremost main goal of it was to increase my back volume um and i think we did that with this but you know subsequently being six weeks out uh something that we really had to pay attention to was not you know jacking the overall volume way through the roof if you look at like the weak as a whole for everything obviously with us wanting to increase the frequency of the back training the back frequency in the back working sets is going to go up but outside of the back training and i'll say outside of the non-spinal loading back training because we didn't add a ton of you know spinal spine loaded back exercises um the volume is relatively the same between the old split and the new split the only thing that really went up is the volume for back so i think it's important that the order that we have is the same order of exercises so really what we did was we took the week and we just condensed it a bit so we'll still basically doing push-pull legs in that order but it's just in condensed in the day so that's easier for us to manage recovery and it's recovering the similar and then something else that you know was really starting to weigh in my conscience to put it bluntly was you know the arm day you know while it was a good thing because it brought my arms up especially after my surgery and you know you never have too much arms it's the body part where you're both trying to bring up it essentially got to the point where we're walking in the gym and doing four to six working sets per hour not even yeah so the activity level on the arm day was basically like an off day's level of activity level so we pulled that arm day out and you know essentially you know like he said we put some of the arm exercises on our new isolation day and you know at this point biceps for us is two working sets on preacher and two step board curls so that got slapped on the end of one of the back days and so we completely eliminated a day without reducing the volume or the frequency at all for our arms lot changed like we didn't realize how much more freedom we had to having our own gym and just the exercise selection is better and doing exactly the exercises that we want not having to rig anything up is you know it's better so for sure you know that's why the arm day two is didn't make as much sense anymore because we can hit the same volume or even more volume if we wanted to with this new split too because there's multiple places to put the arms and it didn't make sense exactly so and also with the hamstrings too so then the secondary from back was bringing up hamstrings his hand his quads are so wild it was really the whole back side and we were training hamstrings every 10 days now it's every seven days so needed a little bit more frequency with that a lot a little bit more frequency with back and i think we achieved that and kept everything else it kept everything else pretty much the same with this yeah before we get to the nuts and bolts of the split i guess like one other thing that i'm excited about that you know i guess is like new for us especially is that isolation day so we have a push day and we have like a push isolation day meaning you know i'm the push day the push a or b it's just nothing but pressing variations then the isolation push day there's no a b variation of that we're going to run the same exercises on that day every single time but it's essentially all the isolation work pulled out of the push day so it's a very low impact day in terms of you know cns string but it's a really you know high impact day in terms of you know calories burned and you know just energy expenditure which you know in my mind that isolation they kind of replace the r day so that's really positive in my opinion but i didn't realize how much i loved it until we did it also you know it was it's a really it's a fun weekend right if i'm going to be blunt with y'all too and this is you know i feel like you'll need to hear this every day um we aren't robots we do get bored and you know him and i were definitely getting pretty damn bored of doing the same thing day in and day out for like over a year so uh don't feel bad if you're a little bored maybe you know you could try this split for a while or you know try something else or you can keep on running [ __ ] into the ground because the end of the day that's what works but i know this is fun for a lot of us too so anyways without further ado let's get into the nuts and bolts of the new split um the easiest way for you to follow along for this is going to be to look in the notes of this youtube video we have the split laid out the same way we have it up on the whiteboard but we actually have all the exercises listed under each each day uh my handwriting's not that good and i feel like i could get like way too cluttered and busy if i tried writing all the exercises up there so follow along on your phone and we'll kind of go through the thought process uh behind the days um so getting to the first day the first day is going to be that push isolation day we were just talking about like i said it's one of those days where we kind of pulled all the isolation movements out from our push day so on that day we're gonna be doing roller flies cuff laterals prime pec deck the prime lateral a cuff tricep extension and then sword draws which is another tricep extension that's really braced and has an awesome profile so like i said that day there's no pressing motions involved it really is a low impact day in our cns but it really is a high yield day in terms of you know stimulus that we're able to achieve and you know i feel like it also you know allows us to increase the frequency on our push muscles because you know once again i went from training push once every five days to having two push days every seven days so over the course of 14 days i have four days where i'm training push instead of just three times over 15 days like it is on the old split so moving on from there to pull a and i'm going to kind of go through the days subsequently as we go down the line just to kind of keep it you know straight so the pull a is going to be the non-spinal loading back day we're still kind of playing around with the day a little bit so there might end up being one you know spying loaded row uh but we're playing around back and forth with the idea of doing a chess supported dumbbell or just a standing dual dumbbell exercise but that day is going to be our straight arms our nautilus pull downs with a single arm a single arm cable row that dumbbell row that i was just talking about whether it's chest supported or you know support uh us standing with it that'll be gaming when we get closer yeah as we get closer it's a good way to manage fatigue too is take the spine loaded component out of it uh from there because i had mentioned this in a video in the past that arsenal humbler chest part of t-bar row has been tuning my elbow up lately so we've actually been doing that prime row but with the seat dropped and a really strong upper back focus and getting a good feel from that and then from there uh you know talking about eliminating the arm day we stuck rear delts on the end and then the dumbbell preacher curl and the step forward curl so this is definitely you know the big back day with all the isolation work and uh not really a lot of compounds honestly i know rows are technically compounds but it's all you know very isolated rowing uh the pull b day let me go down to that pole b day um the pull i guess we decided to run the same pull b to yeah so pull pull a and b these are going to be the same days we were going to mix them up but you know we went through this day for the first time this week and there were a couple exercises that we thought we were going to like that we really didn't and him and i neither of us are people that do things just for the sake of change or being different or muscle confusion so you know what we know what we like to do on that day and we're going to run it into the dirt on both those days so that's pull a and pull b um you can see it in the comments what the exercises are uh moving on to the quads a quads b day um the thought process that we had behind the quads a and the quads b day was we wanted one day that is a lot more taxing on our stabilizers our core and our lower back so the uh quads a day is going to be that day um and actually just kidding this is going to be the uh not spine loaded day so this is gonna be yeah and if we did do like a barbo row or a dumbbell row we would put it on this day before we do hacks or so this day is either the pendulum or the hack followed by the hip press or the leg press and so it's the next squats supposed scratches other day okay yeah and then the quads b day is the you know this more spinal loading free weight exercise day and for right now you know you're right just kidding i'm wrong he's right imagine that it's usually how it works uh so yeah we're going and now that he said that we wanted the non-spinal loading compound with the need to stabilize uh secondary compound and then vice versa on the other day so the other day the quads b day we're going to be squatting on that spider uh the cambered spider bar from elite fts with the wedges and then from there because it's that free weight exercise and that bar really taxes your lower back we're gonna go from there to the hip press good call so three days in a row this is another good one i need to give a shout out to john jewett originally we had the push days with all the compounds over here so whenever i sent him the split because he offered to take a look at it for me he goes the thing that i would do is to put that isolation day here at the start of this three day stretch because instead of going all of the cns taxing compound pressing movements that huge back day and then a quad day with compounds before we have an off day we have that easy on the cns day followed by the two hard days getting off day before we go into that harder push day and then the back day with the deadlifts and we have an extra day rest and actually not rest but extra day before we have three days before the push day instead of two yeah so it just made a lot more sense so thank you for that appreciate it yeah thanks jeff it's definitely a good call so from there moving on to the push days the push a and b day uh the a day we decided we're gonna start running incline dumbbell because we have dumbbells up to 200 pounds and we can actually you know have some room to run with it and really progress with them um i like that because for the past like year year and a half i've really done nothing that is in a machine so the stabilization component to it's really good for me and i feel like it's making my shoulder a lot healthier me too my shoulder's starting a little wonky and once we put the dumbbell presses and it feels a lot better so yeah so going to go from that incline dumbbell that requires a high degree of stabilization to a machine press that requires little to no stabilization in that prime incline i really like that piece just we're able to dial in the resistance curve and really you know push the muscle past failure in a really safe way there from there we're going to move on to the prime shoulder press and then from there we want to do dips and then the cuff tricep extensions uh you know the dips is a great compound for us we wanted to have at least something that really taxed our triceps and you know this is a good little example of this right so on this push day whenever we did the the cuff extensions at the end like we have on there uh i got i think like 90 for eight was my top set but on that isolation day whenever we did them with no pressing before i got 110 for 9. so your triceps get hella used on the press day that we have set up in this split so our thought process was you know do one isolation movement at the end to really really tax them and then to have that dip in there to really you know because we already trained shoulders and chest and we want to train our triceps so i love dips for you know just all of the push muscles and that's a body part i'm trying to bring up too so yeah a little bit extra tricep action and then from there you know the push b day is going to kind of go via the other way we're gonna start with the arsenal flat that we have and then from there move on to the reverse band smith incline then the reverse band smith high incline and then run dips in that cuff extension again um you know that reverse band uh both incline and high incline we've run those into the dirt for like over a year now we both connect really well with the exercise and the smith machine we have here at the gym is awesome so definitely a big fan of the reverse band pressing movements so that pretty much compromises the entirety of the push b day moving on to probably the day that's going to make the biggest difference in my physique in the new split you know in addition to the frequency with this actual day um i finally drank brian's kool-aid and for the first time in four years like seven days ago i pulled from the ground i deadlifted right so uh we're gonna start pulling on the back and hamstring day and you know like i mentioned before one of the goals of the split was to increase my back frequency so doing straight arms and then nautilus one arm pull downs while it really really really really taxes my lower lats systemically it doesn't require a ton of energy so doing that and getting those extra three or four working sets in before i go to deadlift you know a i got an extra three or four working sets on the week for my back but b i have my lats primed full of blood and really i'm connected well with them so what you do get in your lats i feel like we're really maximizing by going from those lat pull downs straight to the deadlifts and then uh you know today was really my first day because last time i pulled from the floor it took the place of rack pulls just because like you know screw it let's pull from the floor today was the first day that we deadlifted and then went and did the hamstrings after and my hamstrings are so smoked right now it is not even funny so i'm really looking forward to having that day in you know i think it's gonna be a really good thing for both of us um you know obviously told you what the goal was with the splits bring up the entire posterior chain and that day is the day that's gonna do it um i know i have a and b up here but much like the isolation push day and the pull amb day these ended up pretty much being the same exact day the only difference that might happen is as prep goes on to manage fatigue if that deadlift really starts like slacking me and i'm just feeling like the walking dead and not really recovering from it we'll probably end up pulling the actual deadlift out and put something in like an rdl or something that requires a lot less load and it's a lot more targeted for the hamstrings and there's a lot there's a lot we can play with there you know when we get the band attachments to start doing banded poles again and snatch pulls and you know there's just you know a lot to play with that day so it's pretty exciting yeah so all in all we're super stoked about this split i'm gonna be perfectly blunt with you and say it's too early to tell y'all whether or not it's gonna be too much um there's a very real possibility there might be but in the same breath i'll say we're very in tune with you know our recovery and our bodies and it's got a lot of you know spots built in to be able to you know feather the volume you know back or even forward if i'm recovering from it well so you know all in all we're both you know really excited to start this i feel like it addresses both of our shortcomings very well you know brian got the increased frequency on the leg training i got a significant increase in my back training frequency you know the arm volume didn't go down at all so i feel like you really checked all the boxes for both of us i i absolutely agree and uh another thing is for both tampa and olympia we did deadlifts or do some kind of rock banded deadlift um every five days so i don't think pulling every seven days with this is really going to be too much too much more or at least not too much yeah i think about two where my food that now compared to in the past preps too so i'm eating a lot more than i typically am at this point in a prep so i know while i look you know really lean and ahead of schedule you know i i am i'm not saying that in a cocky way it's just facts the matter i still feel really good and i have a lot of energy and we're still very focused on training performance you know it's not time for my numbers to be slipping at all if my numbers do slip it's not going to be one of those oh well we're just getting deep into prep it's no something's up we need to address it and we need to figure out why the numbers aren't moving up because with how much i'm eating right now and how dialed everything is there's no reason it shouldn't be progressing until like probably two weeks out from the show when we intentionally you know throttle it back a little bit so and also like when we made the decision to switch things around when we came into this gym you know i you i know you're a little bit hesitant on it but uh it was like well this whole prep we're doing a much better job and it's because we are making decisions like this like on the spot this whole time and that's why you're in your best shape is because the communication between the two of us yeah it's it's flying by the seat of our pants in a good way well it's just keeping track of everything man yeah that's really what it is yeah it's pretty cool too because you know it's the first time that i've ever kept the real log book in my life i'll admit i know i preach progressive overload but i got a really good memory so in the past i was trying to get enough different gems to where you know like i do an exercise and i'd be like okay well last week i was at gym xyz and on their smith machine with this band set up i did you know this weight for x amount of reps well guess what it's a different smith machine it's a different band the band's slightly different length so it would always drive me really crazy to be tracking my numbers knowing there was that kind of variance so now that isn't present anymore you know like today we were able to look if after i did my second set of nautilus pulled down do you like it should we should we do a third working set let's flip back to the log book you know we looked in the past week i matched my reps for the first two sets from the last week so yep send it on a third working set and that working set i ended up plus one in it from what last time so from sunday yeah not even last week from sundays so that that's that's what we keep in mind that's what we look at you know that's why i'm excited about actually having a log book but yeah all in all that's pretty much the new split in a nutshell uh i know this episode's gonna be a really long one so i think we're gonna stop talking now but as always if you like this video be sure to subscribe to library nutrition's youtube so you can get an inside look at when the next one will drop um we're going on five weeks now we're in one once a week so i don't see that changing from now all the way till the show both the olympia and chicago and as always please if you have any questions comments concerns feedback positive negative criticisms you know you want to tell me how your day was just leave it in the comments we'd love to hear about it um if it's something that we can address or do better we will if it's questions we'll do our best to include it in next week's question and answer um and then keep an eye out on my instagram as well i will post you know like rest day q and a's and then whenever i know it's a day before i'm gonna shoot with john for our youtube series i'll actually put you know rest day q a plus youtube so keep an eye out on my instagram if you wanna have your question make it onto one of the youtube episodes but we'll leave y'all with that as always appreciate the hell out of you all support um couldn't do this without joe i literally get to do what i love for a living because of you all so thank you see you next week [Music] you
Channel: Labrada Nutrition
Views: 50,179
Rating: 4.9651923 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 53sec (3293 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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