EP 143 Should Parents Trust the American Education System? | Dr. James Lindsay

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if you clicked on this podcast it is because you are concerned about the educational system here in our country and I wish I could tell you that you had nothing to worry about but actually you should be terrified and that's what we're talking about today on redeeming [Music] truth welcome to the redeeming truth podcast my name is John I'm one of the pastors at Redeemer Bible Church and I'm here with my good friend Dr James Lindsay it's been a blessing to uh speak at a couple conferences with Dr Lindsay it has been incredible to see the way that he has been a on the Forefront the tip of the spear and fighting against the uh craziness that is happening in our culture and so Dr Lindsay thank you for being on our podcast today yeah it's uh it's been too long uh in the coming so I'm glad we're finally making it happen I agree like I was just saying it was three and a half years ago I tried to get you on our podcast and so I'm fi I'm glad that it is finally happening now and it is for an incredibly important topic education is a massive topic every parent has to struggle with education they have to think about their children's education they have to weigh things like homeschool and private school and public school and there's so much contention there's so much um stress that goes into these kinds of things whereas it used to just be like I could just send my kid to school and it was no big deal those days are seem to be gone now and you've written two books on this issue one of them is the Marx ification of Education right here and then the other one is the is is the the queering of Education which is a um which is a book that I got to read uh beforehand which I was honored to do and give an endorsement of so when it comes to this issue of Education James why why did you jump into this and say I need to I really need to focus on this well I mean it's a little bit funny I didn't intend to focus on it when I got started in education um I realized it needed to be done I realized that uh the thing that we call woke today I realized The Crucible in which that was forged you know Jordan Peterson had referred to it as postmodern neomarxism and allegedly postmodernism and neomarxism don't really mix so how in the world did they end up in this kind of Emulsion of postmodern methods attached to neo-marxist critique and the answer it turns out I stumbled upon was within education uh colleges of Education in particular which are you know they were very to purpose they were trying to figure out how do we bring this information to children and how do we uh make them think in this critical way how do we uh relax their belief in the truth on the postmodern side and the being in an educational field it doesn't have to be pure to any particular philosophical scho school it could pick up pieces and mix them together as it needed in order to achieve the objective of teaching children and so when we add in that second element that this is geared toward children and that marxists who had been moving into education are quite explicit in their own words is that they intend to disrupt the reproduction of society by changing the minds of children through the schools and through other cultural institutions that influence children like entertainment and even Faith and family I realized no is talking about education and somebody needs to and so I said at the time and I guess this would have been um gosh over two years ago I said I was going to I pardon me for the nerdy uh analogy but this is really what I said I said that I wanted to do a flyby like one of those space probes that doesn't go in orbit around a planet but flies by takes pictures and keeps going and then I I thought I was going to do like this kind of highspeed flyby like the the the probe did of Pluto and take these great pictures and then go off to do whatever the next thing is and but what I didn't realize is that the gravity in kind of all senses education is such a huge field it's such an important field it's such a grave uh field to see contaminated kind of pulled me in and I sort of got stuck there for uh much longer than I intended so the intention was in cynical theories the book that I published in 2020 I touched on a variety of uh topics critical race Theory among them queer Theory postc Colonial Theory all of which are relevant today um some other things as well but we didn't talk about education and so I wanted to correct that and fill that Gap and I thought it was going to be you know a handful of podcasts maybe 10 or so episodes covering the basics and I would just equip some parents and some teachers to be able to kind of run with the ball and it turns out that's not at all what happened I got pulled in and I'm glad that I did because it's such an important issue and it's such a complicated issue and it's literally the issue that I think matters it's right up there in the very top of of what matters and the issues because if they get the children it doesn't matter what else we we do and if they they fail to get the children it may not matter what else they do achieve so uh it seems to be a very important issue so that's that's why I'm glad to have focused on it as much as I have so in in in brief summary what has happened to education we can see that it is crazy if anybody is on social media and sees things like Libs of Tik Tok they they see it over and over again they can see it on their news feed that there is something wrong something has changed and so what happened well what happened is the activists found a way in uh and they're not going to leave that opportunity alone the opportunity to get get in front of children which are a very soft and impressionable audience a captive audience uh the activists who want to change the way Society thinks about all issues are not going to leave alone the opportunity to get into schools the thing is is that the safeguards that we had that prevented them from being able to get into the schools before were all lowered systematically and allowed them in and it's actually like I mentioned earlier there's this concept in Marxist theory that's called uh the theory of social production or theory of social reproduction really um the idea with that is that the schools and other social institutions or cultural institutions actually their their belief is brainwash the Next Generation to accept the terms of the existing Society rather than to be radicals and they have known all along that that has to be disrupted the papers and the books that were written in the 1960s and 1970s by marxists who were looking to get into education Marx critiques of Education are very clear that the problem of social reproduction has to be addressed and it we have to find an off-ramp or they have to find an off-ramp for uh the next generation of kids and then uh even more recent articles are very clear there's a article that we cite kind of extensively in the querying of the American child that is by Kevin kumashiro where he the title of his paper that we or one of his papers that we cite repeatedly is called against repetition so it's against using children to get out of the repetition generation to generation of society and so what happened is the the Long March through the institutions essentially the project in the 1970s was very unsuccessful radical Educators were rebuffed in the classrooms by their principles they were rebuffed in The Graduate schools the colleges of Education by their professors we had a very genuinely conservative notion of the sacred role of Education in in you know educating the Next Generation to working with children and they systematically started to attack that there is a man by the name of Henry jro he's a communist um he's one of the most probably influential education theorists who has ever lived he's still alive uh he's a complete radical and he was attempting to do this very unsuccessfully in the late 1970s going into the 1980s and running into a lot of roadblocks and he had an idea and it's well documented Ed in his own works and in kind of historical you know Works about how education got changed he's very clear that his goal was to get as many radicals marxists tenured as faculty of Education in colleges of Education across North America as he could and from the late 1970s through the middle of the 1980s he achieved getting at least 100 of them and he had an a professor or that he believed in this Paulo frd Who is the Brazilian Marxist who's at the heart of the Marx ification of Education that book is to expose Paulo Fredy and his goal was to make it so that when Paulo fredy's work came back to prominence in the 19 mid1 1980s that colleges of Education would take it up this became a movement called critical pedagogy and historians of marxist education Theory like Isaac goddman tell us that by 1992 the colleges of Education were completely captured once you have the colleges of Education you have the pipeline for all of the pieces you have the method of producing teachers you have the method of producing administrators you have the method of producing license lure and accreditation all uh in your hand and this is you also have the ability to increasingly skew the makeup of colleges of education and the curriculum of colleges of education so you have to think of it as a generational project they got 100 in 100 got 100 more 100 there 200 got 200 more and by just a few years later the colleges of Education had been completely seized in other words to paraphrase marks the means of educational production had been seized by these radicals who were using not old Marxist critique that could never find its way in they were using this new thing which is education for Liberation which became called critical pedagogy that came from poo for 8s method that I work to expose in Marx ification of education so how do we get to the point that we we see what's we see today let that let that engine run for 30 years and see what happens radical teachers bring in more radical teachers they approve radical papers they don't approve non-radicals for positions or for for uh you know academic paperwork and so one thing leads to another over the course of a generation and you start raising all Educators to lean this way and then eventually to not know any other way you've now hijacked the educational system in 30 years of that you end up in the situ I mean there are other details there were policy changes that occurred through the last 25 years that are very relevant but in the without getting into the details of those just this machine itself is a self-perpetuating machine in that direction once they got their foot in the door and Henry jro really made that happen and so once once that happens in the schools of Education still the lower schools like Elementary Schools they're they're still not they're still not touched by that and so and then there's government there's other checks there's other balances that should have come in and checked that a little bit and so what what happened in those areas so that the people who are graduating from these schools then are wait like wait a minute you're not you don't follow any of these guidelines you don't follow any of the things that we've been doing for all these years I'm not going to hire you what what happened there well that's the other side of that story for the last 25 years really since the George W Bush Administration we've seen a number of policy shifts that have facilitated this and it's the same thing you had radicals making their way into the Departments of education at the state level and at the level of the federal government that were pushing for these policy changes so the first of these very famously what George W bush pushed which was a uh accountability measurement which was No Child Left Behind and of course a lot of people even at the time I remember people joking it was called No Child it should be called no child gets ahead but what this was is it was an attempt to say we have a lot of schools that are not making um they're not making the grade they're not adequate and so what do we do to solve that problem well let's create a set of accountability measurements and start measuring them well the rule of thumb is that if you have a measurement that is tied to funding and you have radicals that are in the vicinity of setting those policies that those metrics are all going to get gamed in fact it's always the case that if you have a metric tied to funding the path of least resistance is always not to do the right thing but to get the best score on the measuring tool and No Child Left Behind had its own problems but this actually didn't stop there it Advanced we know that later under the Obama Administration uh the first Obama administration that we had this Lurch into Common Core so common core comes in built off of the the apparatus of these accountability measurements and said well we're going to re revamp this common curriculum and that's what we're going to plug into the accountability program and Common Core for all of the things that we could criticize it as an educational program and there are many uh it's much more concerning that it was a very um codified way to tie funding to doing what the Department of Education wanted and this was at this point Obama's Department of Education not even George W Bush's and so it was staffed and filled more or less completely with left-wing radicals like Linda darling Hammond and so on Fast Forward uh to 2015 at the very end of Obama's tenure and there was a push to to put through something that was called the every student succeeds act which is one of these bills that Congress passed that it's unclear if anybody ever read it because it's you know a thick book uh in length and it includes this idea that now we're going to expand outward from the accountability metrics under Common Core and we're not just going to assess two things one is the curricular achievement of the students themselves and the second is the implementation by the teachers are the teachers trying to implement it became an accountability standard under Common Core but when when Essa came along every student succeeds act uh in 2015 it added in that we're now going to add in behavioral metrics social metrics non-academic metrics and if you want to get money then you're going to to have to do this and so that's when the entire kind of therapeutic apparatus um social emotional learning and so on made their way into the schools as a way to check those boxes the schools weren't necessarily all that concerned they wanted to check boxes and uh they had to check boxes to get Federal funding and so you end up with this kind of standard corruption that I think led the schools off in that bad Direction meanwhile at the entire time the the pathway of the generational March through the institution was always that if you can capture the colleges of education then you'll capture the future teachers and if you capture the next teachers then you capture the future students and if you capture the students then that's how you get the future of your country and so there was a steady March academically uh leftward through these captured institutions again that produce not just teachers and administrators but also the criteria for lure and accreditation of all of our education so the things that used to prevent the radicals from being able to get into education got turned on their head piece by piece by piece uh through both accountability measures that were getting manipulated and taken advantage of but also through the kind of Relentless March of activists and activists creating new administrators who um Chang the policies let me just quick example claudian gay at Harvard became very visible and she's president of Harvard and we all know about the the plagiarism and the kind of disastrous Hearing in Congress but one of the many real stories behind Claud and gay that's less reported on is that she had approximately a dozen academic papers in her academic career what does that tell you she's president of Harvard you can say oh well Harvard standards are very low that's beside the point what it tells you is that the activists who are in academic settings are not particularly interested in doing Academia they are very interested in becoming administrators who can control the system they have a preponderance uh of bias toward wanting to control the circumstances when these activists get into those uh circumstances and so when you get enough of them in the dynamic is very simple you get a few in you agitate for more you get a few more now you have enough to make a vote maybe Quorum barely shows up one day and you vote somebody into a position of power that they then use to push the entire institution in a particular direction and again multiply that by 30 years it's not like this happened you know we woke up in 2019 and education went crazy this is a 30-year March that was occurring uh through that Pipeline and so you have the schools of Education you have the government you have the um Public Schools beneath that the colleges universities beneath those schools of Education all of those get infiltrated all of those change education into activism there's one last step in order to get the children and that's the parent parents and so how did education now go from being something that comes alongside parents to actually seeing parents as a problem well it's actually there's another step in in between which is the cutting out of parents and I think many people have made the case very well I have not forwarded this case by my own research but I think it fits um that Common Core a lot of people complained about the weird new math that's very confusing and that one of the things that I heard I've heard thousands of times is I could no longer help my kids with their math homework I didn't know how to do it we went from you know the old algorithmic methods of multiplying and dividing to these weird drawings and a whole page and very strange things this kind of new math and so there was cutting parents out of the process the disconnect between parents and and children in terms of their educational objectives and I think Common Core was designed around facilitating that whether that was intentional which I actually suspect or whether that was kind of halfhazard by bad design one of the consequences regardless of intention was certainly that parents and and their kids were not able to work together on their homework like they used to be it used to be dad I want you to help me with my math homework then Dad shows you the way and you get the answers and everybody kind of comes along and it turned to well Dad if you help me I'm going to get the wrong answer it doesn't matter if the we get the right solution to the math equation I didn't do the method right and so I can't have you help me and so you have this cutting out of the parents and then that turns into a Dynamic increasingly of well your parents are not likely to be able to help you and in fact they'll lead you the wrong way you have to trust the teacher over the parent and when you start to inject again these more social dynamics in the wake of that starting again after Essa uh in 2015 well at that point now you have the social and emotional uh learning of children the values learning of children in fact being uh warped but it's not just that it's not just this kind of progression of cutting the parents out and then saying the parents are the wrong source for help which would have connected you know children back to their parents as has happened since time in Memorial in education there's also uh a deliberate and it's very easy to prove that there's a deliberate effort to cut the parents out because for example there's one of the documents that we cite in the quering of the American child is we have most of a chapter an entire chapter about this one document it's called navigating parental resistance and so there's a deliberate effort by the activists themselves to cut parents out and in fact to deceive parents into uh as they phrase it um coming to terms with or accepting or finding um finding the radical education more palatable and so there's this very deliberate and concerted effort that is a policy document called navigating parental resistance for how you're going to be able to do the radical education behind parents back well the first step was to cut them out most CL ly through these strange new methodologies and the Second Step would be to take advantage of that environment to um get the parents to be uh disconnected from what's really happening and deceive them about what's really happening to get them to come the the phrasing exactly is to get the parents to come to terms with the radical curriculum for example one of the tools that they use for that is to couch the radical education and this comes straight from Paul Fred uh to couch the radical education in learning objectives that the parents will accept for example we're going to do a lesson how to use commas and here's this very radical document you know that they give the children to read and the job is to find where all the commas go the parents maybe object to the radical content of the handful of paragraphs or the page that they give them which is a very common thing to do then they have a teacher parent meeting and the teacher says well the objective is we just have to have content it doesn't matter what the content is and the objective is to get them to use commas accurately and so the parents are meant to go away thinking okay well they're learning commas and the content itself is irrelevant to the comma lesson and they move on or another one is that they give as an example is these children are assigned to go read very radical literature and create their own math problems based on say environmentalism or sexual politics or race politics or whatever and then they uh literally phrase that in terms of what they call problem solving so they tell the parents well we're just working on problem solving and parents are meant to be befuddled by this into be low engagement and think well it's really about problem solving and uh they know they don't really mention too explicitly that what they mean by problem solving isn't learning to solve problems in an academic sense it's solving society's problems from a radical Marxist lens and so there's a very deliberate attempt there that like I said meshes exactly in with the Paulo fredy's methods of critical pedagogy and just to touch on that and maybe we should talk about it in more depth afterwards um Paul Freddy's method is to use academic material in his phrasing as a mediator to political knowledge in other words as an excuse to have political and radicalizing conversations with children so the math lesson is given but the point of the math lesson isn't math the point of the math lesson is to raise a radical topic and have a conversation about it with your children and the hard part is that the curriculum hard part for parents is that the curriculum can look completely benign or completely standard but the point is that the teachers are being trained to use those uh you know various problems or circumstances as a launching point to have a radical political conversation with the kids in the classroom that unless you're watching you'll never see you'll never know that that's what they're doing so when you when it comes to um what we've been describing what you've been describing you call it in your book The theft of education and so does this is there any other part of this that we haven't talked about that has led to this theft of Education no that's pretty much the picture there's the part where they've stolen the purpose of Education it's no longer to teach people the the skills and and ideas that they need to become functional adults in their society that's instead to radicalize them so they've stolen the purpose of Education they've stolen the mechanism of Education the academic material becomes not an a lesson to practice learning the mic content itself but as a mediator to a political conversation they've stolen the ends of Education where the ends of Education should have been to plug you into the society as a uh informed thinking and possibly depending on your views of Education virtuous adult and they've hijacked that and turned it again into the end of education is to make you a radical to overthrow Society so the theft of Education refers to those three things and like I said the most Insidious of them is really uh the idea that uh the mechanism of Education should be to use the curriculum as an excuse to do politicizing or radicalizing conversations with the students and um that I think is the the the worst part of it um there's a more interesting part which is the stealing of the purpose of Education itself uh in that it's I don't think it's as Insidious but it's actually reflective of the radical Minds set or the Marxist mindset which is that they literally believe because of their social production hypothesis that everything that happens in education or in family or in church or anywhere else is literally brainwashing and so it's their job to brainwash the children differently uh it's all brainwashing anyway so we need to make sure that they get Brainwashed the right way uh and that that's they're literally they're justification for trying to break the reproduction hypothesis or trying to break repetition as Kevin kishiro phrased the purpose is to uh to redirect education into a radicalizing Endeavor um like I said and the mechanism is the Insidious bit because they transform the academic lesson into a political conversation and that in my opinion and that's what I made the point about is that it steals education from the children who are robbed we see this we see the evidence of this and it steals education from society that depends on educated citizens coming out of the schools on the other end friend and so as the the evidence of them being robbed is all over we see these reports I see them on social media almost every week at least such and such School zero kids can read at grade level zero kids can do mathematics at grade level or whatever but sure sure as shine they know how to go do activism which is the exact result that you would expect if their academic lessons are being used as an excuse to do radicalizing politics instead of actually finishing say the math lesson or reading lesson or history lesson so I want to be practical for parents now and so let's say you I know your children are older now but let's say you had you have an 8-year-old and you know everything you know and you take them into their school what are things that you would notice that would tell you this school has been radicalized and the most visible outward signs are going to be the big displays that put up everywhere with you know radical iconography the fist the raised power fist of course whether that's racial whether that's sexual the various um pride and related Flags um these all indicate that they've bought into the so-called value of inclusion um a little bit more granularly if they are if their documentation talks a lot about inclusion and belonging and maybe even self-esteem uh if it uses the word transformation in particular uh I'm going to be very alarmed and I would think twice honestly about enrolling my child in such a school or keeping them in it I would definitely be having conversations with the administration that would be very uncomfortable for all involved I think so the visible outward signs are the symbols that we've come to associate with woke is there a ton of stuff about um you know kind of climate Chang looking political views the alarmism is there again the queer flags and the the kind of race politics and Raised Fist iconography if that's all there immediately I'm very concerned if the school's values and mission statement talk about belonging they talk about social and emotional development I don't want my school frankly to teach my children social and emotional development I feel like that is a that is a realm reserved to the parents I don't need the state I mean I know and their argument works this way that it always is happening that you do want men and women of character in the schools who when your kid acts up at school can give them some character correction or development or whatever we do want that but we want the parents to be involved and we don't want the the schools in the driver's seat of character development and values development uh so those are the kinds of biggest red flags and like I said the words inclusion transform um belonging these are these are red flag words at this point that they are going to have a very hard time getting away from and I think parents need to be much more familiar that those words signify danger just like those icons radical icons like a raised fist signify danger so they're the obvious ones like you said the flags the raised fist the black lives matter things of those nature going into a classroom stepping onto the school but there's also like you said there there are some some terminology but they keep changing the names of things they and so let's say it's a more subtle school they want to they don't maybe they're in the South and they don't want to come out as as radical as maybe they would if they were in Portland OR in Massachusetts and so they want to be more subtle uh about it they're they're not going to pull it back but they're they they just don't want to be that overt about it what would then be some things that parents should be looking for again I'm going to harp on those specific words like yeah uh inclusion and belonging uh very definitely transforming you know transformative educ a I mean as somebody that's sitting in a church right now you you know that that's a religious word that's a word you should be very concerned about it's not the church or the sorry the school's job to be doing transformative anything with your children is to teach them the basics uh so those are are again going to be the biggest red flags it's that that language and you say they change the words a lot and that's true but parents at this point there's honestly I know people are busy but there's getting to be very little excuse uh left a few years into this being kind of everywhere all the time and in your kids face and in your face you should be developing a sense of that word that I just saw doesn't feel right so if they call it critical race Theory and you know that's a bad word well you you catch on to it if they call it on the other hand culturally relevant teaching you know all of these things you never heard of 3 years ago or 5 years ago when you see this terminology you immediately there should be red flags going up if it's some term that you didn't effectively kind of grow up with if it's not a term that uh that that's um kind of General to the population that we've all kind of recognized it's probably a specific academic term and when you re recognize it this specific academic language is all captured language as I phras it I say every woke term conceals an agenda and so when you see this this kind of academic or buzzword flavored language and some new program and there's going to be a new thing this and a new thing that immediately you should start to be suspicious that you don't really want your CH your children exposed to it because it probably came from a radical laboratory uh on some college campus and is probably infused with radical intention and so in everything we've talked about the Marx ification of Education in the midst of all of this there's also the the queering of the American child other book that you are a part of when it comes to education and so what does the queering of the American child have to do with the Marx ification of education so think of the Marx ification of Education which we've been discussing as a vehicle and what's inside the vehicle well we know that critical race theory was been inside the vehicle we know that some of this climate change environmental sustainability stuff is inside the vehicle well it turns out queer Theory under the brand name again of inclusion is inside the vehicle too and so what I mean is that the stuff the critical pedagogy which is what I've called the Marx ification of education is a tool by which they can deliver queer Theory to your children or critical race Theory or the others queer theory is a very specific and very um damaging ideology however it's a very specific ideology it's a it primarily is focused it started out as what they called a new radical politics of sex uh so it's focused primarily on sex gender and sexuality in all the way that we've unfortunately become familiar with now in the last few years that gender for certain is socially constructed it's malleable you may not be the the gender that reflects the biological sex that you have underneath you that sex itself is possibly malleable and downstream from social construction that sexuality is kind of an open-ended schmorgus board and you're supposed to kind of do this introspection and discover who you really are on the inside and again I've brought this up before and we're going to bring this up again now that's ultimately a religious question the the Deep ontological questions about who you are and what your relationship to the world are and then the theological questions about what you're supposed to do with who you are what your purpose in life would be those are fundamentally deep religious questions and they are totally infused whether it's through queer Theory or critical pedagogy actually if I can kind of uh exit ramp from queer Theory for a moment I want to be very clear who Paulo frd was who developed the critical pedagogy that we've been discussing so far he was a Liberation Theologian and the that means that he was a Marxist pretending to be a Catholic and that they were expressing their Marxism through Catholic religious dogma and that is absolutely clear he calls his method of Education particularly in religious education Paulo Fredy called it developing a prophetic education or a prophetic Church even which of course is woke he describes that the process of Awakening to a what he calls a critical Consciousness through this education or religious practice either one because he sees them as indistinct from one another uh is actually the process of going through your own individual personal Easter to die and be reborn on the side of the oppressed and that's again this is not kind of tangentially religious this is explicitly religious education pretending not to be by hiding itself in a math lesson and that was what Paulo Fred actually invented in his goal was to teach liberation theology kind of of the 1960s and 70s and 80s variety uh which has now adopted these other kind of radical politics of identity particularly in uh North America which would be the critical race Theory and which the radical politics of race or Marxist politics of race and then the queer Theory which is sex gender and sexuality and then we can go into the whole Pantheon you know national origin ethnicity fat status body status ability stat the whole thing those things are the pieces that got plugged into the apparatus underneath of what in the literature is formally called a critical constructivist epistemology that informs a critical pedagogy um not that we have to unpack those terms but that's the way that they're thinking about these things so this is explicitly religious education and I think queer Theory and and in the book we're very explicit actually is the doctrine of a sex-based religious cult that targets children and has surprisingly little to do with gay people I said this in church two weekends ago that Marxism neomarxism is a religious movement disguised as a political movement that it's Theology and morality disguised as education disguised as politics and and in many ways disguised in order to keep Christians from speaking about it because we're not supposed to talk about politics just preach the gospel don't worry about all these other theological issues going on in the culture and and you've made that very clear in the things that you've taught especially in the Theology of Marxism conference that we had at the church and Mir simility conference you showed that all of this is actually incredibly religious education yeah I mean it's at the at the bottom is what people have to understand is when you go to the school and you see the flag on the wall you know on the on the corkboard or whatever or you see the pinned up to a teacher's room or BLM flag The Pride Flags the fist whatever it happens to be any of these kind of radical things or you see this you know blah blah blah boilerplate about inclusion and belonging and all these new values and in fact they are talking about values education in kind of a lot of the documentation explicitly that what the values that they're thinking of happened to be are this I'll use the CW again cult religion yes um I don't think it's a valid religion in fact I don't even believe at this point pardon that I came to your church and spread misinformation and disinformation I guess uh I don't even think of it as a theology any longer I think the correct word is a theosophy which is a technical distinction um theology is good enough for a lay audience but theosophy is a very particular view about the spiritual nature of reality and in fact it fundamentally believes that it is up to mankind to seize the means of controlling or produc or producing or directing the uh spiritual evolution of society and Mankind and that is exactly what Marxism offers and downstream from that that's what queer Theory offers as well uh is this idea that there's you know you can secretly know a gnostic position of of belief who you really are outside of the conditioning the social conditioning of society that brainwash washes everybody into thinking oh well I'm a boy so I have to act like a boy and grow to be a man that they think that's brainwashing uh rather than you know actual a fact and B character development and so they they believe that you can have a secret knowledge of who you really are that's apart from all of that and that you can bring that into being and then bring it into being specifically by trying to make other people as as the phrasing goes affirm it or celebrate it or include it or make it belong even when what they're asking to have belong is evil or sin or self-centeredness or entitlement or some other destructive um phenomenon or or uh sometimes it's you know something much worse yeah this is the old Gnostic heresy that was attacked and destroyed by the early church reborn revived and and mixed with the the writings of people that make it sound philosophical make it sound uh incredibly uh esoteric and educated but really at the end of the day it's me it's the same Gnostic heresies from 2,000 years ago and it's actually like is James speculating has he Hoodwinked John are we crazy well it's actually very easy to make the case that in fact no uh we're not speculating as a matter of fact I keep mentioning Paulo Fredy Paulo Fredy was unable to stop writing books he wrote 20s something of them I think and they're all kind of similarly titled they're all extremely tedious and say kind of the same thing over and over again which is usually a Telltale sign you're working with a cult it doesn't have a ton of deep knowledge or or reflection of reality it has a message that it's repeating at nauseum but um more importantly the first thing is in the kind of landmark work that brought Paulo fredy's information to the American audience which is not as magnumopus his magnumopus was called pedagogy of the oppressed it was published in 1970 this book that I'm talking about is called the politics of Education this is the one where he talks about having to go through a personal experiential Easter to die and be reborn on the side of the oppressed and where he makes quite explicit that education and religion are effectively the same project uh in that book he calls what your developing through his educational method and I quote a nosological attitude that's GN O whatever all the other letters are so he's talking about nosis explicitly you say well James that's a little bit of a stretch no theological attitude maybe he's just using a flourish well he's got another book called the politics of Freedom that he published in 2000 and in seven different times in that book he says that the method of Education he recommends and he says it in black and white is and I quote the Gnostic cycle so he's extremely open and explicit that what he's pedaling is is in fact uh a reconfiguration of the old Gnostic heresies I personally this is a little sophisticated I personally call this sociological gnosticism or sometimes social gnosticism my belief is that the philosophers of the uh 18th and 19th centuries who were also esotericists people like um heel very famously but also marks later and we could add shelling and Schiller and several as as Steven hick calls them bad Germans and more bad Germans uh several of these people were not only explicitly theosophical in their approach following people like yakob BMA uh for their inspiration who is an outright occultist but they also talk about the development of the what I think that they achieved is that they talk about the development of spirit as a social phenomenon so rather than the spiritual World being somehow Transcendent or separate from the material world as you know most Christians tend to believe uh and I'm not to get complicated about those details not to be fully dualistic like the old gnostics of yor but they believe that rather than this kind of you know Transcendent spiritual realm there is in what's Transcendent is there social interactions H the social World itself whether again I didn't mention Jan jaac rouso in France it's not just bad Germans there's a bad Frenchman too these guys all believe that Society itself John Jac Russo's most famous remark probably is man is Born Free but everywhere he's in Chains and the chains He was discussing were the social contract the expectations to live up to particular behaviors his goal was to figure out how to live as free as the Savage but with the benefits of the city and so he had this kind of peculiar view that Society itself is constraining us from being who we really are and that's the same concept as the ancient gnostic y but it was before that there's an evil evil demon called the demiurge who's posing as God who has now imprisoned Us in the material world here it's that we can't be our true selves because whatever upper class of society that sets the rules the burgeois as marks had it is now imprisoning us in a society where we don't get to be who we really are because of social uh demands and social constraints put upon our our lives and existence so they were able to take the Gnostic heresy and reformulate it in terms of social control and as Marx phrased it eventually intrinsically class conflict uh between the classes that were constructed by the social relations of his Society or of our society in general and it the heresy is is just there exactly like it would have been when irenaeus was casting down valentinus and Seth and uh the manikian 2,000 almost years ago I guess 1900 years ago or thereabouts it's exactly the same thing but now it's the the the German word for it is the Guist the spirit rather than the holy spirit it's the spirit of society it's a spirit of humanity as a whole in the world the vist the world Spirit that's moving throughout all of us and kind of between us and Among Us and and inspiring us to Great action or constraining us to to not know who we truly are and so it's the same thing it's just it's happening in in with Society in the position of uh the spiritual and so in in my mind as I try to summarize it it's it's the difference between a bottomup mentality that uh that the uh the LIE of the serpent you will be like God bottom up moving your way towards God versus Christianity which is top down which is God comes to us or God rescues us instead of us become trying to become God's God comes to us becomes one of us to rescue us yeah that's exactly right Christianity is exactly the other way it is a uh perfect inversion of this myth um their idea is that it is our objective to realize our True Divine Nature and to awaken that and to manifest that and to effectively Force other people to agree to it in order to make it seem real it's kind of the peculiar way people like Hegel use the word actual uh in in substitute for for reality uh meanwhile like you said the idea with Christianity is that the transformative potential is actually not in man at all it's in God who came as Christ and you all know the story better than I do and that it's still located there it's you deciding as an personal individual it's in fact individualism is intrinsic to Christianity there's no group salvation it is whether you have done the you know made the relationship and accepted what you've accepted or have not and so rather than it being this idea that well we have to get the entire Society right because Society constrains who man is and conditions who man is so we have to force a change in society so that we can all Advance spiritually your spiritual question now is all located in the singular figure of Christ and the singular moment of the resurrection and your individual acceptance or rejection rejection of that particular um belief or fact or truth however we wish to phrase it for the moment and so this is a a complete inversion in both regards it's intrinsically collectivist and it's intrinsically because it has to control the social environment but it's also um us it's in in fact it's not quite right John to say that we are elevating ourselves to become God it's in fact the the belief in in the the Gnostic system all the way through is that we're already God we just are unable to realize it because we've been alienated and estranged from that by the action of say the evil demon Demi urge the serpent in the garden or whatever it happens to be we've been alienated from our true selves which is that we're already God to get very technical in the kind of transformative sense whether they Hegel imported the Trinity fully the Christian Trinity fully to this it's in fact that we are unknowingly already the third person of the godhead and it's the way that we work together one one to another that creates the equivalent of the holy spirit so our social environment becomes the equivalent of the Holy Spirit and then our goal is to recognize in ourselves not just that we are the third person of the godhead but that through our own sacrifice of our own kind of mortal wishes or whatever or our separation or individualism one from another that we in fact can die to ourselves and be reborn as the second person of the godhead so it's not just that we start the idea is that we start off as the third person of the godhead and we become our own Christ and then that's what the new age Cults refer to as so-called Christ ious and when we attain that then we have the capacity then to take our full step back into the Oneness of being with God and Achieve our actual salvation without the alienation and estrangement so it's not even that we're necessarily elevating ourselves it's we're supposed to realize that we're already that and then there's this process of renouncing uh the expectations of the existing world to fulfill who we already are which is that we're already the deity it's incredible to hear you say that knowing A Book Like 1 John chapter 4 talking about the spirit of the Antichrist already being here the Antichrist being not just a a person in the future as the Bible talks about but a replacement for Christ that's what the preposition means in Greek it's it's not just a an opposition to but replacement of and so to hear um gnosticism described and then pulled in by people like Hegel and Marx and frir like you're talking about I'm putting that all together and realizing like you said it is a complete inversion of Christianity it is it's incredible to hear that knowing what I know about the Bible teaches about what you called it the spirit of the age or the spirit of the world um here you have the Bible going yeah that that is what's going to be happening in the world there's always going to be this inversion of Christianity that's going on well it's very explicit actually in Mark once you kind of have the ability to read through kind of his very angry and coded language he the the theory of Communism is that the there will be an Awakening A we should say a religious or cult Awakening of the proletariat the proletariat will realize that they are a class and in fact what they are though is the Mover of History they are the other piece opposite the the bisi of the class conflict mechanism by which history moves and he says that the goal is to seize the means of production so now you go from Awakening to seizing the means of production of what of not just economics but Society itself in other words you realize yourself to be creative you creative and we could say with a Capital C you realize yourself in fact to be you you you ReDiscover your true nature which for Marks is that we're all what he called a species being or a social being we live for the entire species so you reawaken as a socialist that's your Gnostic Consciousness and you have socialist Consciousness and then you use that to seize the means of production so you become creator of society and man Downstream from society and when you have reached that point and you're creative the point is everybody is supposed to be brought say by the powers of the Soviet state to have the right Soviet or communist belief and when everybody's properly awakened what is the claim in communism it's not that we're going to have this tyrannical Soviet Union forever it's in fact that the state when it reaches its Zenith of power will wither away and will enter into a perfect stateless classless society that sounds very much like the kingdom of God that we've built for ourselves and so the state withering away the state then becomes the Avatar of the will of man who has realized himself to be the third person of the godhead as his own Creator and then the state sacrificed es itself in order that man might be free then we enter back into the as the ancient language would go for the gnostics they enter into the ploma of God we enter into the plenitude which is to say heaven manifested in the universe with us as our own Creator and our own uh vehicle to return us to who we always were which is our own Creator uh so it's very very clear when you understand what the Marxist theory is that it's a reconceptualization of the uh entire Gnostic Enterprise where the burgeois now becomes the demiurge the demon that controls everybody and everything in in the world and imprisons people in their own experience alienates them from who they truly are so they can't know that they're truly already a creative being that is the third person of the Divine Trinity that then incorporates itself seizes power becomes creative uses its power to redeem the world at which point it it uh sacrifices it itself that's the state sacrificing itself incorporating and then sacrificing itself so it's the the the the power of God as people is made flesh in the state and then sacrifices itself so that we might enter into the kingdom and have uh not necessarily everlasting life but perfect life uh and that's literally the Communist dream so it's very easy to connect these things very clearly to see what we're dealing with and I mean the proposition I offered there at your church when I gave I think it was in the Theology of Marxism conference we did uh was explicitly that the reason that we've dealt with the Calamity of Marxism the millions hundreds of millions of of unnecessarily killed and tortured people and the destitution and the devastation that it causes is because we are not identifying it for what it is which is a cult religion as opposed to it's literally a cult and we're trying to dance around it like it's some kind of a social theory an economic program when it's absolutely not that and this is not a a tangent or a side issue because this is the issue in queer Theory this is what's happening this is what they're trying to awaken in a person who is buying into queer Theory correct yeah well if you re you give you know you you have your dead name the name that your parents gave you you have your old life you die to that you're reborn as a perhaps a transperson or a non-binary or in some way a queer activist and I'll go through the definition of queer momentarily because it's very it's it's there's no such thing as a queer person there are only queer activists it's very important to understand that uh and so you you have this awakened Consciousness where you are now literally self-creative and that's to be made real by you getting other people to buy into the story and affirm the lie that you're now living and uh it is very explicitly very visibly a death and rebirth program that then tries to move the entire spirit Spirit of the age so that we uh die to the idea of anybody actually being normal normal is the antithesis of of queer and so how do we get this the definition of queer was given by um David Halperin it's a he wrote a book called St Fuko trying to U not just lionize but sanctify or canonize um Michelle Fuko the postmodern philosopher who it stands to to mention here was also a pedophile this is not me being salacious it's just true and also quite a kinky sex guy uh this guy is the father of queer theory is unambiguous and David Halpin tries to canonize him in this book St Fuko toward a gay hagiography and in the um which by the way just tangentially is still recommended on the Gospel Coalition website which is kind of funny if you know where to look uh it's not funny if you know the Gospel Coalition it's part for course sadly I don't recommend the book I mean you should know your your what we're dealing with I was going to say your enemy but you you should know what we're dealing with so you should read it in that capacity but I wouldn't recommend it as like further learning um at any rate in David Halper in the middle of this book defines the word Queer as it's used in queer Theory and he says in the paragraph it begins with unlike gay identity those are the first three words they're in gigantic bold print to start the paragraph just by the chance formatting so it's definitely not the same as being gay he says being gay is rooted in the positive fact of homosexual object choice that is a exact quote positive fact means it doesn't mean we know why we just know that it is true it is a fact about the world a positive fact that some people are gay whatever the reasons happen to be fine and then he says un this paragraph that was unlike gay identity which is rooted in a the positive fact of homosexual object Choice there is nothing to which queer identity necessarily refers in fact says that it relies on no positive facts and no stable reality as as a matter of fact and he says that it is defined instead by its position which is to say its political stance against the normal and the legitimate and he says that in fact queer is defined as whatever is opposed to the normal and the legitimate and so you have this same Gnostic architecture you have certain people who have defined themselves to be normal they defined the boundaries of society this is normal not to wear your leather out to the street in front of children it's normal not to try to be a pervert at work it's normal not to be a pedophile you know these kinds of things and they have set boundaries strict boundaries within society that exclude the abnormal or the queer yes who are then politically awakened so they aren't actually queer they're just abnormal or deviant these are all words that halin uses deviant perverse and and so on they're not queer until they're awakened to be opposed to the idea of normaly and legitimacy themselves in other words the normal assigned themselves normaly use normaly to alienate the abnormal from themselves and from Full participation in the aspects of society but our true inner nature is that we in fact nobody's normal everything is is all Queer everybody can be uh however they want to be there is no normaly whatsoever that's an oppressive fiction that's meant to constrain people and if we seize the means of production of normaly and overthrow that then we can move into what they always describe as a queer Horizon where we don't have any more expectations about how people are going to be and we're going to be liberated from such expectations especially with regard to sex gender sexuality but also health status mental health status and so on are all covered kind of under the broader um queer Theory uh discussion so it's the same gnosticism but what they're doing now is using the vehicle of individuals who are going to go through a personal death and rebirth transformation with their old dead name and their new identity entirely and they're going to use those as a uh as as kind of living Saints and you hear that all the time you know that they trans people are sacred is one of the things that they they kind of Bandy on about quite a lot you see them referred to as Divine beings because what they are actually doing is they are living in a way that disrupts the concept of normal itself so that normal can no longer be grasped onto and eventually we can enter into a new uh kingdom of God which is beyond the queer Horizon that this is their language This Is How They think and it's the exact same program where rather than economic means of production in the bisi for Marks Capital now you have uh normaly which is a form of cultural property created by people who decided to find themselves is normal and exclude everybody else from the benefits and I've I've learned from you that the issue is never the issue so the issue is never queer or race or gender or education the issue is always Marxism it always comes back to that it's always to overthrow the existing Society so that's why you saw a huge wave of critical race Theory which didn't go away but it largely died out uh in in terms of how much energy is behind it it's still there it's still happening but it was a big wave and then the next big wave was the queer Theory thing with the drag queens in front of the children and the whole thing we did for the last two years and then that's kind of lost Steam and so while for any given individual that might be the issue that they care about that they're latched on to because they've wrapped their their sense of self into this uh and their sense of Salvation from an oppressive world into this um they've now largely moved on to the immigration is issue and so now national origin and ethnicity are going to be vastly more interesting and that's where the energy is going to go because for the people who get caught up in this each issue might relevantly be the issue for the people who are actually committed to what's happening to try to transform or tear apart our society these are just tools critical race Theory I used to say was the lockpick to open the door to our civilization and they did and then queer theory was going to come behind it and it was going to disrupt everything I should have predicted that the immigration issue would be the next big wave I did not successfully predict that uh but that's going to be the big push that we're dealing with now and eventually that will lose Steam and they'll replace it with another one it because the issue itself is merely a means to an end and the end is to destroy our society and destroy the people in it so that we enter into a state of dependency and accept their program it'll be something like climate or yeah climate is the is the gold uh that they're trying to get to and it could be Health in the in between I will point out speaking of uh speaking of that um that idea that uh well I've lost my train of thought so I'm trying to remember what I was going to say because there's something very very pertinent there but I started think about climate change um they will I'll just leave it if it comes back it comes back but for the moment I'll just say that yes indeed uh the issue is not actually the issue the issue is to open Society and transform it into something oh I was going to talk about dependency into something that they control with queer Theory the dependency is extremely clear and this is I think people have missed the point um people like Matt Walsh did an excellent job of raising awareness of the what is a woman question that the uh queer marxists are unable to articulate what a woman is in a satisfactory way we saw Marsha Blackburn catch katangi Brown Jackson and her confirmation hearing uh for Supreme Court with you know can you define woman and she couldn't and a lot of people have missed the key Point here uh cuz we're talking about adults usually but think about this with children so katoni Brown Jackson says I can't answer that question because I'm not a biologist which is to say everybody laughs blah blah blah we can get into the whole nitty-gritties of it but that's irrelevant what she said is I need an expert to answer a very basic question about reality and that means I am dependent upon some expert to tell me about very basic facts about reality so now imagine a six-year-old oh yes some boys are girls and some girls are boys and this and that and everything's up for grabs and some people are neither and some people are both and then there's lots of other things it's all very confusing and you know so and so says that she's trans and so we have to celebrate her but so and so says that he's trans and uh he doesn't act like it so we're going to you know not celebrate that yet you know this whole thing they know who's really trans they know who's not really trans they know when it counts they know when it's this they know what that creates in these children is a sense of dependency they have to go ask not an adult but a so-called trusted adult which is to not their parents necessarily but they have to go ask somebody who is a relevant expert they have to ask their teacher not they're not learning to discern reality for themselves and articulate what they discern in reality and understand it on various levels of abstraction versus concrete and come to understand it and and have a depth of thinking they're learning instead that I need a qualified expert to tell me the right answer to extremely basic questions including of of fundamental identity uh and that's a dependency State well if everybody is in a grotesquely dependent state where they can't discern reality for themselves that means the totalitarian state that might want to fill that void uh can take care of people um and make sure that that they have the right answers to all their behavioral questions but also that they behave exactly the way that they should in all circumstances there's no Independence there's no individual um and as I said before just from a Christian perspective since you're at the church I'll bring it up uh if there's no individual there's no creating that relationship uh with the Savior so it's it's really fundamentally a problem yeah it creates a a substitute savior it creates an antichrist that says I will save you while creating the problem that put them in the place to begin with exactly they create the problem they create the solution they create the dependence it's the same thing with the gender affirming care quote unquote every single word in there should be the opposite but um it's that same idea you by by taking them through all of the surgeries all of the medication doing all of that they're creating a dependent class of people another dependent class of people dependent on the government dep and they they've alienated them from everybody so nobody's going to want to be connected to them in any kind of emotional relational way because they've destroyed their entire body so now they're totally alienated if they don't kill themselves they become absolutely dependent on the state that caused and allowed all of this to happen right and a state that enforces rules so if you or I decide that we're going to stick with the truth and not affirm uh you know a gender delusion or whatever well they want the power of the state and we see this with censorship rules kind of all over on social media but it's law in many countries we see it that parents have to affirm these these things in many states California of course being most visible but I think there's 14 of them already uh that have taken this up where you have to affirm and they want the power of the state to force the affirmation of the delusion and so you have no capacity to resist because it's not just that they want dependency they want the state to enforce that state of dependency but this is exactly like I mentioned with Marx it's that you have now awakened to who you think you really are and you are incorporating that in the state which is going to enforce uh it's going to force everybody to participate in the story the religious story that you're telling about yourself and who you really are and your relationship to the world and then when the idea is when everybody is forced enough to where they've been remade through social reproduction into this queer then no longer will you need the state and the state can sacrifice itself and we actually live in a perfectly liberated world where nobody's forced to affirm we all just do it because it's just what we do uh and it's the same exact model but they they want dependency and then they want to use that dependency as a excuse to cause the state to enforce their beliefs on everybody so we have talked about a wide ranging um set of issues and topics is is there anything we haven't touched on or or things that you've thought at the end of other interviews that you've done like I wish they would have brought this up anything that that that is still left unsaid that needs to be said when it comes to these issues I want to make it very clear that it's deliberate um I'm not necessarily saying that there's been this grand overarching plan that you know was written down in 1951 and then you know they checked off a box here and ah we've got this so now we go to I don't I don't think that I think there's a lot of opportunism with taking advantage of how things have rolled out that's come in with with all of it but the implementation is deliberate it's not just about the document I spoke about earlier of navigating parental resistance that proves that I mentioned this fellow K Kevin kumashiro in the paper against repetition and this is I think to be honest with you of all the things that's in uh that are in uh queering of the American child I think it's the most important and shocking and in a sense provocative and it's quoting from kamishiro who explicitly says uh that the purpose of a of a critical pedagogy or a queer education more specifically is to lead the children into a sense of personal crisis he says that the purpose of education is to lead children into crisis and then to structure the environment around them so they resolve the crisis productively and so the this is very deliberate that is in fact brainwashing those are brainwashing techniques that you create a sense of Crisis that can only be resolved by structuring this environment around them to get the desired resolution this is what they did in Ma's prisons in China in the 1950s this is what the struggle sessions did in the cultural revolution in 19 in the 1960s in China it's very concerning uh and that's reflected also in a UNESCO document that we also discussed there's a a document published by UNESCO a few years ago that's called seal for sdgs and social emotional learning for the sustainable development goals and it says that asking children to become activists with self-contradictory demands in the activism causes a lot of anxiety and stress and in particular cognitive dissonance it's very difficult for the children to resolve this anxiety and stress in other words they enter into a personal crisis but that the tool of social emotional learning is ideal for bringing them through that crisis and into the correct values on the other side of the crisis that will allow them to continue to support the achievement of the sustainable development goals so this is extraordinarily deliberate and that's that's kind of the big point this isn't Just Happening it is being made to happen by activists who have infiltrated at every level from entities at the scale of UNESCO to the Department of Education to the schools themselves I'm not saying that it's everybody it's actually probably proportionally a relatively small number of people at each level in each entity um but this agenda is very deliberate and it it knows what it's doing or thinks at least that it has some uh you know Noble purpose or even divine right to do things that are otherwise easily recognized as harmful like intentionally leading children into personal crisis I understand as a math educator that math occasionally leads children into personal crisis but the goal isn't to lead them into personal crisis with algebra the goal is to help them try to achieve the capacity to understand how to manipulate the symbols to solve the algebraic equations and and arrive at those Solutions and understand what they mean it's Not to cause the math crisis so the fact that they see education as a deliberate program of pushing people into crisis to structure their their the res resolution of that crisis is alarming it's in fact definitive proof that it's called brainwashing and in fact there's a lady or a pair of people actually I don't know if they're ladies that wrote a book that we also cite in queering of the American child who say that we too often sh they're to to paraphrase them they say that we too often shy away from the accusation that uh that we're indoctrinating students and they say enough of this it's time for us to own it that's exactly what we do so there's not only is it deliberate there's also at least within some of the activists in education a very self-aware uh state that they are doing indoctrination in brainwashing and that they feel like they have a right to do it and I just urge parents to understand that it is happening on purpose but it's happening on purpose because the people pushing it have a religious disposition I think it's a cult disposition to spread the cult to more people and that they feel fully entitled to do that so you're not going to go have a simple conversation with them or go to the State House and get a simple law passed that prevents them from attempting to do this and so what that means is for parents is you're going to have to be very proactive with your kids you asked me if I had my hypothetical IAL 8-year-old what I would be doing the crucial aspect is to have the tightest relationship with your children you can possibly imagine you should be having dinner regularly at the table with no devices getting to know each other asking every day what happened at school what' you learn did they talk about this did they talk about that and you have to navigate that as your as a parent so which topics you want to bring up and not bring up and if it comes to it you have to figure out how to protect them if that means taking them out of the school putting them in an alternative some different school or what ever it happens to be or homeschooling even uh to protect them from these things because the we're dealing with very young and impressionable minds and the people that are have architected these programs of Education or miseducation know that and they're taking advantage of it but those are literally your children and your grandchildren and it's it's very very serious uh and um in my opinion frankly I think it's criminal absolutely no I agree and there were right there at the end you gave some advice on what to do anything else I mean it seems like it's a it's a Goliath and it's not like there's David's there's ants trying to throw dust at Goliath like it just seems like it is so big and so formative or so formidable um but are there ways that you've seen or are seeing where there is hope to be able to attack this yeah I mean it's kind of happening all over the place some states are doing better than others Florida for example is taking steps every day um it's having some measure of success you have to realize you'll burn out if you don't understand that this is going to be a generational project for us to recover the schools which is not I mean that's very cold comfort if your children are 9 years old right now yes we are not fixing the schools let's just level with you before your children graduate um so that's something you're going to have to No One ask for these times no 's happy about these times but that's something you're going to have to navigate because of those are the the realities of the times that we have but there are steps you can take speaking up and not being silent um I frequently say very biblically that you have to love the truth with all your mind and all your heart all your soul and all your strength and the reason I say it is because and you have to tell the neighbor Your Truth as you would want your neighbor to tell you the truth and the reason that you have to do that is because if you don't love the truth the second it gets hard you'll fold you'll say well my kid or I don't want to lose my my job or I have I won't get invited to the Christmas party or whatever and you'll cave in but if you love the truth you'll stand up for the truth you'll look for the truth you'll get engaged you'll proclaim the truth you'll go out and uh evangelize in a sense for the truth but you'll also stand up for other people that telling the truth uh you'll help them tell the truth you'll help them if they're under Fire you'll stand with them and it turns out that you can picture ants throwing dust at Goliath but I pictured Goliath stepping into a hill of fire ants and it not particularly going well for him and you know an alternative David figure taking advantage of that moment to plunk him in the head and so uh it's you know the ant probably shouldn't underestimate what they can do you also have the tool that is the most powerful tool against what they're trying to do which is that you as parents actually have your children and you can nourish like I already gave that advice about nourishing the relationship one of the things I recently saw and I know people may have a have a you know fit of Joy or or rage for me saying this one of the things I recently saw is that whether you're particularly religious or not finding a good healthy Church which is very important and going to church as a family every Sunday um has a variety even from a secular perspective a variety of very beneficial purposes to building that family uh Dynamic it's an hour without devices where everybody will assume will be real we know that some people are very enthusiastic about church but people have other things they could have been playing golf Sunday morning they could have you know been doing family vacation they could have slept in so you're making yourself do something together as a family that's generally if you found a good church it's nourishing it's Community it's uh delivering a positive moral and ethical message it's reminding you of who you are and what your your your life is supposed to be about and it's supposed to be very even from a like I said from a completely secular perspective there are tremendous benefit benefits to going to church as a family so if you have children I encourage you to find a good church and take your kids every Sunday as well I know a good church in in Gilbert there uh that I have attended Services of and and rather enjoyed so I would encourage that but um you having your relationships with your children is the biggest it seems small it's one kid or maybe you have two or three kids it's just a couple kids right well it turns out that it all starts there it all starts with you and your relationship with your kids and your neighbors modeling that relationship and the next thing you know you can actually get an entire generation that's got the the necessary character to resist what's going on in the next turn of the of the dynamic and so maybe maybe it's too much to say we're going to go show up and ban whatever and get it to all stop but we can protect our kids in the in the short term we can help take steps to start reforming or uh Reinventing education so that this isn't a continuing problem we can identify more clearly how these Dynamics work so that politicians and uh parents and teachers themselves can stand up to it and start making those reformations happen but if everybody sits on the couch and says I'm just an ant like nothing's ever going to happen no I agree we need we need a hundred we need tens of thousands of Davids who are going to say I'm not going to let this happen not on my watch I'm going to do something about it and so thank you for doing that in many ways you are leading the uh anti-marxist culture uh war and um I'm very grateful for the way you've done that the way you've read all of these books and synthesize the information for the rest of us it is an incredible blessing not just to uh this the society at large but to Christians who really care about truth and really care about the things that they're seeing and so I cannot thank you enough for doing that well I I appreciate that and I just like you know again maybe it's a bit funny for me to do this but you know people see this as a daunting fearful thing you know how in the world is David going to take down goath or how in the world are we going to stop this maybe Behemoth uh is this the Antichrist and you know what you know it's very daunting it's very easy to get very overwhelmed and think there's nothing I can do and just kind of wash out but I mean frankly to be a little bit blunt I feel like that's a very faithless position and if you um you I think you should have faith I think that that Jesus is right when he speaks in the gospels that Faith you know the size of a grain of mustard um can move a mountain and and you know I as many people know I'm not religious and I had my whole angry atheist phase I used to laugh at that verse and thought it was very silly I actually think about it quite a lot now and I think it's rather profound uh having seen people who I consider to have lost faith that this is a thing that we can set to right uh and become very frustrated with with many of them and it's you know people ask me all the time how do you keep going and the answer at the end of the day truly is because I believe that if we if we keep going then we can make a difference which turns out to be the Hebrews definition of Faith yeah absolutely well thank you so much for your time Dr Lindsay it is always a blessing to interact with you and today no different this was incredibly helpful information that I think a lot of parents will be helped and blessed by and so thank you for making time to be on the redeeming truth podcast today well it's a privilege to have that opportunity thanks John thank you my friend thank you for joining us we'll see you next time for redeeming truth hey don't leave yet if you're part of the 75% of people that watch our content but haven't subscribed this is your time go down and find that little subscribe button and click it that way you will know every time we come out with more content here from Redeemer Bible Church also if you would like to give to this ministry this is the only way that this ministry can happen make sure to click the link down below to the give button and you can give to the ministry here at Redeemer and then finally if you want to know more about what's going on check out this podcast right here
Channel: Redeemer Bible Church AZ
Views: 7,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Redeemer Bible Church, Bible Church, Sound Doctrine, Gilbert Arizona, local church, biblical preaching, gospel centered, redeemeraz, mesa arizona, church in phoenix, bible church in phoenix, expository preaching, james lindsay, jon benzinger, american education system, parental problems, critical race theory vs christianity, american education system crisis, american education system explained, christian podcasts to listen to, christian podcast for men
Id: OwyWslu407k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 19sec (4939 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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