Ep 10: Conspiracy Theories (feat. Bryce Hall)

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hey larry hey um so turns out i just learned this about my mom it turns out she is related to leif erickson do you know who lee ferris is he's like a viking of course he is yeah and so it turns out there's a lot i didn't know about my mom but with story worth it's an online service that helps you and your loved ones connect through sharing stories and memories and preserves them for years to come no way way wow every week story worth emails your mom a thought-provoking question of your choice from a vast pool of possible questions each unique prompt ask questions you never thought of like what's some of the best advice your mother gave you or if you were to do it all over what would you do differently question mark smiley face all right so make sure you guys give all the moms in your life a meaningful gift you'll both cherish for years story worth right now for a limited time you'll save ten dollars on your first purchase when you go to storyworth.com that's s t o r y w o r t h dot com slash sock to save ten dollars on your first purchase story worth dot com slash sock hey guys what's up it is me larae i'm here with my lovely fellow american boy dream star noah beck hey guys welcome back to put a socket a podcast featuring lorraine obeck and a special guest um that we can't mention yet because he's probably either doing some push-ups um fucking i don't know at dog pound or at a festival or in miami or vegas or a casino casino or a show club at 11 at miami he's everywhere god knows what this bitch is doing every time i see our special guest you guys like this will make sense when i think they already know the bitch walks in every time i see him i feel like i'm in black mirror why is that just because like he's like the epitome of male like if you think of male you think of this guy i can barely see through this glass i know he's like glimpses of him right now yeah i am i'm a fucking him snorting pre-workout before coming in no um amazing great guy 10 out of 10. honestly yeah i wouldn't do that i don't say would i take a bill for him no but i feel like he can literally bounce the bullet back with his chest so he he's got it all under control anyways how are you doing what's new with yeah i'm good you look cozy today i'm very cozy today um yeah i've been good very content um uh not content never content can we you know we can talk about let's talk about our recent comments recent comments on this podcast yeah because i read what have they been like um i read through like literally every single comment on our podcast just for like constructive construction constructive care that's good that's good um and a lot of people say coachable i love that yeah a lot of people say that you look sad with the mini episode sad were you going through anything no i wasn't sad okay i backed through the mud why you were getting dragged from this people that i was making you feel like um what's the word left out they're saying i wasn't giving you attention no i am so sorry to the baxters that i don't know i'm not massaging no no it's nation they've changed their name they're now known as nation they are iconic but they're yeah they're pretty protective but i can tell literally i with anything on the episode i just a lot of the things you guys were talking about i just didn't have literally yeah well not even just relating like i wanted to that's why i was just you know i was being a sponge i was taking all the information y'all were talking about things that were new to me so i felt that you know i didn't want to chime in and just like say things like that but i did feel like i was listening and i was just like yeah you're just you're just living in the moment yeah but if you did for that i'm sorry because i know how it feels literally when your sister and um you guys were here i was a little bit like i was like what do i say but then like i can just see myself just like well i can see how you were just like oh this is interesting i'm just going to sit here and like sit back and watch this yes i mean i know it's a podcast you can't really not talk yeah but there are times when like i feel like i listen best when i'm literally just yeah you're a great listener i will say that thank you noah get gave me love advice the other day you're actually really smart when it comes to love it's kind of weird as you being like you know a man it's like you wouldn't expect a 20 year old man yeah you're just like fucking dr phillip in this bitch but um no noah really does help and listens when i talk so i appreciate that um are we gonna kiss now or something because like that was really fucking sentimental i'm confused you should kiss our guest um i'm okay he's like he breaks the glass are you going to coachella it's this weekend i am going to coachella i am excited to see harry styles i think i'm going to literally protect my vomit and probably like faint a little bit as soon as he's his first note you're just off literally as it was going to play at a 94 minute loop in my head and i'm probably going to either a faint or b literally have to take several shots to see what what are your thoughts on as it was oh so fucking good did you love it at first oh i loved it oh the moment the first five seconds bitch really i was into it it's good vibes it really is it makes me feel like life's okay and i don't want to um hannah baker myself oh like it does yeah yeah yeah and it like secured my depression my little anxiety i had left what's your uh what's your plan for coachella like are you going with a brand are you just going i'm going with youtube and me and i are sleeping on the safari grounds which is literally on coachella site fire yeah so again the full experience i'm getting the full experience it's harry styles i'm going to make sure i get the best of the best experience um and we're sleeping in a trailer on like a campsite apparently these fucking rich ass bitches sleep on like tents they're like three thousand dollars i'm going for free so i don't give a fuck yeah i'm down to sleep on the floor i don't care right so um it's gonna be it's like i just can't be sure you know huh i said beggars can't be choosers beggar i thought you said becker's i was like okay um but yeah it's going to be insane so yeah no i'm stoked what are you wearing do you know what you're wearing i haven't even packed oh it's i leave tomorrow morning why do you lose early i was told to get there tomorrow morning who are you going with i'm going with just my house we got uh we got a house near the site like within like two miles away so we're just gonna skew marcel vinnie me and marcel vinnie blake and then i think omelee's gonna tag along and then i think it's just like a home base like i just wanted like a home base because then i'm gonna be hopping around like i have to like i've said yes to a few things already so i'm i'm kind of like stressed about it like i'm kind of overwhelmed but your first festival right yeah you're gonna have so much fun i'm excited but i i did say yes to a lot of things and i have like a like i'm going with the brand uh so i'm going with revolve oh sick so i'm going with them and they like they spoiled me which is nice and so i'm excited about that and like that experience but yeah no i'm i'm mainly excited just like waking up and then just like laying out by the pool playing like you're i don't even know how you are and you're gonna have a great time just don't i have no i have i have no expectations for it i did at first and i was like i think i have an idea of what it's going to be like but then i was like just just go and i'm like i don't want to set any expectations yeah but period wait what should i wear um i could you could literally pull out anything you'd like put on your body but it's not like it's more so just like don't wear the same thing that you usually wear i feel like you right you should try something for sure new and go crazy with it but okay so this is where can i dress you for one day mate maybe i would demolish you but at the same time wait promise but at the same time um i heard like coachella like it's not as much about like the crazy outfits anymore it's just like feel like bitches who care about like the people who act like this is in my gala needs fucking therapy and honestly get off of instagram because i want to be cozy i'm gonna be in the sun all day i want to wear something that i could like get some sun exposure like i'm like yeah literally i'm really my outfits are all probably just like they're cozy some of the influencers or my friend my friend mario hangs out with like a bunch of influencers every day so he comes back home and like literally he's like my little like my my mole right so he'll like keep me updated with everything and he was telling me that one of the influences hung out with is like doing like all these like crazy custom outfits that cost them like hundreds of thousands of dollars and like half of them's gonna be like a leather suit or something i'm like bitch you're going to the desert right your fucking ass crack is going to be sweating like why are you doing something about that yeah it doesn't sound fun to me yeah i'm literally in my head right now i'm going for like like basic just like summer spring outfits in terms of like but i'd probably style them differently i'm probably gonna go with like some like short sleeve button ups or even like a long sleeve button up rolled up probably opened up pretty and then like maybe some like fun shorts yeah some like comfy shoes maybe like a bandana tie it on the neck on the head you know sunglasses yeah i see it like i didn't meet like like a month ago when i was like i'm going to go chill i immediately thought like basketball jerseys like snapbacks and just so crazy i could see you looking so fire in like a lakers jersey or like a all very fratty yeah like i'll probably like make it look coolly though right i'll probably got a word did i just make a word in that maybe um i could still see you like a ba i'll probably do some kind of like frat look it's on brand i mean go off king do what you got to do make sure get on in here hey bryce hey how are you i'm here how have you been i'm here that's good nice good dude you were just arizona to miami back to here and i got the gnarliest sunburn of all time i saw that i'm like oh wow that's a third degree bro i'm peeling wow oh my god it's like a snake yeah just a snakey snake my face didn't feel thank god but yeah that's true that's my shoulders are messed up that's the worst when the face gets peeling yeah but um what was that for just just honestly crypto stuff but we uh we incorporated alcohol like a lot so i'm going sober that's nice fully sober now play this before maybe some like we yeah you have that maybe maybe some like you know ganja here and there but no no alcohol for a while taking a full what's your favorite um stem of weed um i like indica i only do it at night when i'm like running about now i got it you still sober or what yeah lame don't shame him i'm not shaming him i'm just saying that's like wait that whole that travel vendor was for crypto how's that going for you well the the arizona one was just like a like a few club appearances gotcha um but then miami it was like yeah we went with ryan cavanaugh so that was pretty sick what's uh what kind of crypto are you into like are you into like ethereum gotcha yeah do you how many i feel like i'm in black mirror oh my god what's up he described me as a black mirror alpha male 1 i like that i'm gonna go it's very accurate and here we are sitting about talking about crypt though would you guys like to like finance bros yeah yeah are you getting to nfts as well yeah i've been in nft if we if we weren't tic talkers we'd actually be working on wall street oh really yeah finance guys yeah so how do you make so much money off of selling like pictures of monkeys with like bandanas and stuff it's an interesting cause that's kind of weird how you don't have one yet i have one but i don't know where it is or how to use it this is the option you actually have it's from no he doesn't have an ape no oh what oh he saved your ass i [Music] no i don't understand the whole like nft thing um okay here's this super dummy down version you see you're the 30th person in l.a that tried to explain what nft is to me okay and i and i get the concept i get the concept but the dumbed-down version is rich people are just bored and are just like buying i mean pictures online to an extent it's kind of yeah wait for the risk to get rich and it's kind of like the easiest way to make money you can do it from your home i mean okay yeah it is it is a really i'm super anal about it like i'm not afraid to like look into it it just like doesn't make sense to me it's like oh well that's the scariest part that's why so many people don't supreme that's why so many people don't do it and it's because it's like kind of scary and like it's new and it's like this whole thing you do it i mean yeah i'm into nfc's unit nfc yeah how many nfts you got i keep it on the dl i i mostly keep on the do i got like two or three but like nothing monkey huh get the monkey it's a name it's an ape it's a name it's a name wait is that like is it like they're weird so there's a ton of like brand offs like people saw the the board ape doing well and people tried to make like you can't get one of those pictures like like you like to say uh for under 300 000 yeah that's like the floor price who's gonna buy that elon he probably has a few people actually probably elon probably's got a few well like kudos to you guys like that's it okay have you ever heard this description of that do you know like you play fortnite now you've played fortnite yeah do you know like when you get the battle pass and you get like new skins and stuff like that it's kind of like a fun thing yeah you collect like these things these skins to play as your character and it's just kind of like you why why do you get them like why do you get four nights because you get to play with the skin exactly and you get to like show your friends and it's like hey like i got yeah yeah 100 basically what nfts are and like people are trying to make incorporate like fun ways to like with your nfts like they're making like arcade games out of it so there's a movie like there's so many different board apes yeah nice go off to the board eight rise and planet of the board apes yeah that'd be sick how do i audition for that role honestly i don't i don't know like who they definitely are using like some a-list celeb voice actors yeah they gotta do something like that i mean it's the board apes you can't go like half cent on that yeah well i mean so many people like it became like a trend to get them and so i feel like so many a-list celebrities just have should we buy one live on on podcast right one right now how much do they go for like what's the um we said yeah 300k no like oh the board i'm talking like the most basic nft it's like how much would that go for oh you could get enough for like a couple dollars but you want you want the big boys oh okay sick the screenshot it's a very interesting yeah i could still screenshot it you can screenshot all you want but it's worth nothing if you screenshot it because you're it it's literally it's literally why nfc's it's um like with like coinbase and all this stuff like it tracks every single transaction you've ever done every single transaction on the blockchain so it's an app that okay now i got there there's so many screenshots it's basically copyrighted through an app and um the app's called coinbase well you can literally you can literally look up like if there's a board ap coin basis is cryptocurrencies yeah investments open c is like the main main thing where you get nfds but you use cryptocurrency to purchase these that yeah pictures sick i feel like i'm in like i'm a teacher yeah we're crash coursing right now okay anyways on to more interesting stuff yes that's everyone's love life i heard you talking about like advice or whatever what happened how was your lovely my love life is complicated obviously um because i'm a very emotional person so i love to just be like if i don't get the certain attention of love that i'm looking for i like start to think over i overthink everything and so um that results to me asking noah like hey like your girlfriend's a fire sign why do they react this way and he always like gives me the validation that i'm looking for yeah so that's where it comes yeah no i uh how's your love life i'm probably the worst person to ask for advice i'm aware so really yeah about love yeah i think i i mean like i'm i'm somewhat good no you're not a horrible boyfriend yeah i'm not saying that i feel like you're i just can't give advice to other people yeah you're like take a shot pussy yeah that's a solution to some things yeah you just can't say it to noah no for example you can say it's a larae for sure oh for sure larae would down some tequila right right right right and that's the solution to your problems some problems yes understandable i swear i'm not an alcoholic yeah so with uh so uh you bought a house in in vegas why'd you do that tell the people what you did because i um i i love gambling like i love it wait no no no no no the other reason no that's it no like it's just gambling oh okay it's like strictly a gambling house so you know how many people want to go to vegas have fun yeah so i'm going to join them it wasn't my tax benefits or anything oh no i didn't i didn't even know that was a thing yeah is that a thing is it better for i didn't even know that but shit i guess i got lucky right yeah i guess uh nevada's a pretty good state when it comes to like taxes so yeah okay um would you get a house okay so you recently just bought this house yeah i'm probably gonna buy another one okay we're at either miami or another one in vegas do we do another one in vegas yeah why one i can just rent out the other is mine okay this is crazy what like i'm on xanax what's going on i don't know if like i'm in euphoria or some shit y'all bitches are fucking crazy well we're talking we're talking about fucking no i've never seen bros talk like this it's crazy keep going i'm interested okay yeah listen up what are you buying your first house that's the best investment you could do i'm buying my four house my first house this year your lease is almost up no september what's your plan how do you know i don't know you look crazy we were talking about it um but yeah i kind of want to buy my first house and kind of like far away though it'll be irvine actually why i was i lived out there i've literally lived in places that were in la and i had the time in my life because if i want to be here i can just literally drive here or i can get a hotel for you how far is that i don't even know it's like 45 minutes that hour it's not that bad yeah that's like where the hype house is no it stops away yeah same distance though yeah exactly yeah like the you can get a better price for your for your buck i'm assuming irvine's cheaper mm-hmm well you could a million dollars there versus a million dollars way more expensive which is really really weird yeah is it well because the houses are nice and like it's really like just so why don't you why don't you use your money and go to a different state that's close to california like where and rent out here like rare um vegas that's a 45-minute flight scary arizona um that's a that's a 45-minute flight that's true but i don't think i'd like vegas what about arizona i don't think i like arizona either why washington tell you personally why oh i forgot i mean this is great arizona is beautiful i love arizona like i love shout outs i love you i love the people in arizona i love arizona i guess you had a great time oh i had the best time in my life really yeah that's good yeah it's awesome the clubs out there go crazy too yeah i don't even know there were clubs in arizona obviously come on well i was growing up i was i left arizona when i was 15. that's like the party school asu's like well asu's like that tempi air is the tempe area is like 40 minutes from my place oh i was like in the peoria area yeah like the lame area yes not many clubs in peoria yeah i don't think well in asu shout out asu you guys party yes he's wild i love it yeah is the college you went to no it's a college about my house but arizona state university is like the like one of the party schools in the country i think it is number one what is the craziest memory you have at bryce of bryce craziest memory i i know a few off the top of the dome um i have one come on you know share it i'm thinking of like no you know he knows there are a few there are you know what's so crazy so stupid what do you know me and you both used to live with him at one point yeah do people know that yeah is that like a public thing not really a numb thing no it was it was uh 2000 they used to live together 2017 it was like me mikey our manager at the time and then larae wow i was literally fresh out of high school same didn't have money they took me in and it was the sweetest thing ever but yeah i used to i used to film with larae before he was laurae it was crazy you made him yeah i may actually wow yeah made me wanted to die but um he actually like he was actually the nicest one in the house like he actually like put me in videos and stuff which is really sweet um and then when you weren't in the videos you were recording them remember that he was filming cool videographer oh my gosh i know now it's like hey he's actually loyal oh my god um motherfucker that's like very i got in i got into um i'm sorry i got into an altercation with um two guys back in the day oh my god and i remember that video if you have that video insert the video no do not enter the video answer the video i've seen the video it's pretty dude yeah handled himself loki it was just you know sometimes you gotta fight your demons and then that thing is crazy you're going off like low-key yeah like two two versus one just beating ass you know me and then what i mean he just like tweeted it and like was like being really like he was like i'm gonna beat these kids ask if i ever see you the fuck is wrong with you amy being gay i'm like slay me i like hands on my like after after they already got their ass beat i was like all right i'll do it too yeah yeah beautiful moment yeah ah those were the times man speaking of fighting um any any news on that coming are you gonna dude get back in the ring the um the island the island boys okay talk to their manager while we were in miami okay low-key so i walked into louie um and i was like looking at this foosball table like a louis vuitton like foosball table i was like yo i'll probably get this thing it tells me it's 70 grand i was like all right nevermind i don't want this thing and i noticed like a like an older guy and he like kind of it looked like a fan out moment like where he was like and i was like hey what's up man nice to meet you and he goes i managed the island boys and i was like wow what are the odds yeah what are they all and this is like a random they because they live there right yeah but like nowhere near where i was okay and i like meet him and he's like he's like we're gonna set this up i know they're being dumb we know that you're gonna kick their ass but we're gonna set this up because this would be numbers and i was like yeah just because i want to do it so bad why do you want to do it so bad because it's an easy w honestly like i'm i'm i'm doing the route of cherry-picking so that's why i'm like i'll take the island boys all right alex wasabi um fousey um and then like after a few of those deji dude jarvis jarvis like wanted to fight me but he's like 120 pounds yeah he didn't he fight michael lee yeah and i was like dude i can cut weight i'm 190 pounds right now like i'm i'm the heaviest i've been yeah as i say you've been trying to get up to that yeah i've been trying to get like mass the last thing i want to do right now is sign a contract and cut 40 pounds again like last time i had to do that i was 180 187 and i had to cut down to 165 in two months and i was like fuck but we're looking at july fight wow yeah okay i was just about to ask like so when are we gonna see you in there yeah we're looking at july have you have you continued training um i literally am training with the vargas brothers if you know who they are father world champion they sound familiar they're they're big they're like 4-0 all of them are undefeated fighters pro which is going to be awesome i start training literally tomorrow sick okay just to be ready yeah okay fine like fine i'll get ready get loose again um have you have you talked to the island boys since like are they dude we did a live stream um like a week ago really or like a week and a half ago how'd this go same like them yelling me just like all right dude like do you guys have unlocked them [Music] completely just silent and they were just going on and on like about like appearance like oh you're broke like you couldn't even afford me and i'm like bro i don't know who the fuck you think you guys are but i would i even offered personally 500 000 of my own cash to like fight me if they win 500 thousand of my own cash if they win and it's like it's like so in their favor it's two versus one yeah that's so that's never been done yeah like imagine fighting for them at the same time yeah that would be so funny dude that would be the biggest thing i should be here it's never happened and everyone wants to see those kids get dropped that is true a lot a lot of people do want to see that anyways fuck you island boys let's take an ad break i'm down you want to take a nap have to poop too so this is perfect all right we're going to take a little break for multiple reasons and uh we'll be back soon hey larry hey um so turns out i just learned this about my mom it turns out she is related to leif erikson do you know who lee ferrickson is he's like a viking of course he is yeah and so turns out there's a lot i didn't know about my mom but with story worth it's an online service that helps you and your loved ones connect through sharing stories and memories and preserves them for years to come no way way wow every week story worth emails your mom a thought-provoking question of your choice for my vast pool of possible questions each unique prompt ask questions you never thought of like what's some of the best advice your mother gave you or if you were to do it all over what would you do differently question mark smiley face all right so make sure you guys give all the moms in your life a meaningful gift you'll both cherish for years story worth right now for a limited time you'll save ten dollars on your first purchase when you go to storyworth.com that's s-t-o-r-y-w-o-r-t-h dot com sock to save ten dollars on your first purchase storyworth.com and we're back and we're back all right they made their money we're back i can tell you pooped bitch it smells like a border body that's your bottom lip anyways um yeah let's do some fucking i love a good would you rather i can start first would you rather would you rather lick bryce hall's feet okay i'm talking imagine yes or flavor would you rather oh would you rather sleep in the same bed as james charlotte for a week this is controversial this is well i think it's a pretty easy decision i think you can say i'm licking the like i'm stepping in dog shit and licking my foot i didn't mean that in the shade well like i'm licking it like that's an easy due to my relationship status i i think i mean like as bros you don't have to like yeah i think due to my relationships i don't know if dixie would be happy with that yeah so i'm avoid sleeping with anyone and i'm going to wow you wouldn't spend the night with me in my bed i mean maybe after licking your foot i don't know we'll see where my channel is um so you're gonna lick my foot no i'm not gonna lick your foot brace that's fucking bullshit that was exciting why did i come on this cast over my dead body that wasn't that wasn't the would you wrap yeah that wasn't like that was that was your turn could go off so what else go well you didn't answer no i would lick your foot oh you're liking my foot i would lick your foot so you're gonna lick my foot i feel like you have like this foot he has i don't i'm a boy still jesus fair enough doesn't give you a pass to be gross you're licking his all right so you're gonna ask us now uh would you rather oh wait no you have to ask me oh yeah um would you rather i don't like that laugh i don't like that what is it what do you see what's going on bryce hall so our lovely friend noah back here the thickest boy in l.a yeah thickest thick with two c's and you know when he's working out that swamp ass is crucial oh my god yeah um let's say hypothetically he just did four hours of training and that shit is dripping like fucking water drips into a glass it's a good workout it's a lot of water asphalt why are you so vivid would you rather drink noah's ass juice right dude god damn i have to spice things up guys that's not spicy that's just disgusting i mean shit you wait for the second choice sw ass sweat and i'm in a in a cup some bitches out there would love to drink this bitches they'll pay thousands um or cash at me three million dollars i'm gonna have to drink the water yeah would you would you not it's literally the question would you drink ass sweat that's for three million dollars yeah don't you you're not paying three million you know there's no way you're giving away three million i'm going to chug this shit sorry gargle is one yeah these are trick questions just to see y'all's answer and i'm starting to think y'all are fucking i'm not here no i'm asking you first no blessing all right i'm asking you first would you rather three million dollars is not that much to have i like this cash would you rather bang your ex or noah bitch that's like asking how to breathe air what type of question uh hey you asked me if i would rather drink his ass sweat or paypal you in 30 minutes like that was my people for questions all right noah would you rather move in with dixie and her family or yeah or reunite sway wait that's actually a good one um i don't know it's family like it's not that bad i know i love him to death like don't get me wrong and i've been on vacation with him and i wouldn't mind living with him but it's just i feel like he would have fun i feel like i would too but i think you'd had fun with sweet too i didn't think i would have some fun with sweat and sweat it was fun very fun black who's going to scratch your back late at night bryce any of the sway boys come on you're dead i know but it's like it's just such an uncomfortable thing because i love both groups to death but i don't know if i'd want to live with either of them wow dude that's fucked up well i asked so you so you're not going to answer this wow guys look at look at noah just trying to avoid every headline ever wait that's too deep i don't want to do that one it was if you could change one thing about yourself what would it be that's not a bad question i don't think it is either but i mean it depends how you take it i would probably change no i honestly i think i would change i'll stop being so like accessible like i feel like if someone called me and be like let's hang out stop what you're doing everybody okay yeah that's really the only thing i'll change about myself says my nose my forehead my lips and my like stomach i think i would change not giving people such a hard time i i am i like make fun of people too much but like only people that deserve it so actually no fuck that i'm keeping that uh i'm gonna change my nail biting habit there you go yeah cause he's making fun of my nubs i mean this is i think this could be a question all of us could answer because it all kind of relates to us like what's your favorite and least favorite part of being a content creator you'd even answer the last question what would you what would i change um i would change come on what would you change about me i'm not hey i didn't ask you you know what i would change the value wow i would change no your no not like you know what you need to fix it you know you buy too many clothes yeah you do you have weight that's a problem like your bank account is looking bad right now she's all right um you got to stop getting somebody you're a hoarder you are i've seen your closet in your youtube videos like dude that's way too many clothes like lend me something like i i wear maybe i like i recycle it's a lot but it's my job and like honestly it's your job to buy clothes fashion deal no no all right favorite and least favorite part of being a content creator um all right like favorite like what's your favorite part about being in this business favorite um i get to do what i love and make money from it like i actually genuinely enjoy being in front of a camera and creating content um least favorite uh the amount of fucking internet warriors i like to just talk shit on everything that you've built up and accomplished and they're just sitting at home just like fuck you your shoes are ugly it's like no they're dude these are sbs they're fucking fire sometimes i just want to like i wish there was a feature where you just like slap a comment you know not delete it not block them just like a slap yeah like a little discipline hey i just i just gave every single social media app a genius idea slap flap a comment slap a comment not pin a comment not block them bryce holds it you're gonna slap him it's the most disrespectful thing you can do to somebody somebody spit on someone's comment yeah or a spit feature a spit or a slap feature would would save social medias uh social media creators mental state a lot i feel like [Music] you single-handedly literally ending all hate comments exactly thank you and they get and they get like a notification you know how it's like creator has liked this comment and it's like creator has slapped you bryce always spit on your comments um one thing i like about social media or hate or being a content creator like creating content editing and stuff um i think that's like the fun part about it so stole my answer yeah no i mean your answer was i like to crack on specific money i like to create content because no i said i like doing what i love and on top of that but what do you do yeah thank you for defending me noah no okay period that's fucked up oh see there that's where it gets tricky i don't think i was defending either of you i think i was just middle ground you were i was mediating me i think i think you were kind of on his side right there that's kind of fucked up we lived together longer we did we've never lived together but soon it feels like we have okay what does it have to do i'll bri i'll break the news they're moving in together guys um one thing i don't like is i feel like nowadays everyone wants to do it for the wrong reason so it's just like oversaturated like everybody wants to be a tech talker because they know that technology is big money but it's just like the people that actually are big nowadays don't actually do it because they want to create content or something they just kind of like do it because they want to get like rich and famous no offense bryce i have never done it for that i've been doing this shit for eight years i'm just that was i've been through for eight years just like you know just like you eight years if i hated mine was seven years if i wanted to if i wanted it just for money i would have i would have quit a while ago bryce saw how much money do you have your bank account should we all show our bank accounts can you go first we'll all go at the same time um can i hold the phone no can i hold your phone how about we show our crypto too bitch what is it oh my god oh my god oh my god girl i was touching grass yesterday i don't know crypto is all right we're going to live show our bank accounts everybody no come on um all right i guess not what's it called uh one of the things i took away from living with bryce is that he loves conspiracy theories he loved a late night conversation about some conspiracy theories you know some of your favorites i think i think these are so fun to talk about i i think uh one of my favorite conspiracy theories is that noah beck was a implant like he was here he signed a contract sold a soul and now he's famous because of that and that's actually one of the biggest theories that myself and the sway boys talk about on on a daily basis he's an industry plant um an industry plant this guy sold a soul yeah did you no i didn't sell my soul all right come on this is noah it seems a little fake it does seem like there's no way that you have a mask like he can't be like that he can't be this nice this bland so x consciously not even an x controversy just not controversial it's almost as if he's just there yeah but somehow he's getting really famous you're right noah what's going on who sent you here noah who who who was the contract you sold your soul to i don't know i'm asking for a friend that's the pr rat it's hard to like all the people in there just like it's hard to actually disappear that was a joke guys if you guys can sense the sarcasm um no but my my actual favorite conspiracy theory is like the selling your soul contract like the the pen on paper okay now you're gonna get famous is that real is it not yes it is using it it is yeah i don't think it's actually selling your soul no i think it's how do you think it works i think it's do you know how it works i don't know but i think this is how my personal theory is i think you signed this contract this this label or this management in exchange for you to become really famous is they take all the money from you so you're actually in reality broke you get an advance if you run out of that you're fucked and they just make you famous and then they'll give you like stuff like oh here's a car to look even more famous here's a here's like a chain or seven can anyone sign this i think so how do you go about signing this like who do you contact for this like i just that's that's where that's where it's like a blurred line this is just a theory obviously it's crazy do you do you happen to know anyone that is that you're a little i think i think being in hollywood everyone's met like like somebody that you definitely that definitely is in like a higher power [Music] and i would love to join so what's up what are some other conspiracies that you like uh life being a simulation or the manifest the manifestation law elaborate i think manifestation's real which kind of which kind of makes you it kind of ties into simulation like you're playing your own video game and if if you manifest something you're kind of conquering or finding a cheat code in your your virtual reality it's it's i think that one's real really yeah because i've i for sure have manifested everything that i had yeah same in what way like do you write it out literally just tell yourself what's crazy you tell yourself you're looking in the mirror you're like i'm going to do this i'm going to do this i'm going to do this i'm going to become very very financially sad i'm going to be rich it's like and it happens yeah it's almost as if like your phone's listening to you that's also a huge conspiracy too you don't think it's like you don't think you owe it to like your hard work as a content creator that you i think there's a ton of uh content creators out there that work 50 x 100 x harder than me like they they deserve to be in the in the spot that i am but wow they never will which is which is the the sad reality yeah it's because they're putting in all the hours they're doing like the actual hard work but they didn't get lucky or they haven't told themselves in the mirror yet yeah go tell yourself in the mirror like a hundred times i was doing it for years though really yeah interesting what is your what is your just in the bathroom bryce like you're gonna be fucking celebrity you are gonna be famous as fuck boy what's up what's your way of manifestation because you um i do it literally like on my whiteboard or in my notes and i'll like make it my home screen as it is today what was the last one that you said huh what was the other one that you said life's a simulation no the we were talking about the iphone listening to you yeah sometimes i'll be thinking it which is even weirder but like i'll say something out loud in the next thing you know on my explore page i'll get like an ad for something i just said i'm like right isn't that fucking weird that is weird and then sometimes i'll be on uh instagram and i'll look up like a certain person and then i go over to tick tock that person's on my 4u page i'm like whoa yeah that is very weird then sometimes it's even incorporated into the porn i watch okay in what way like sometimes it's like some some like porn stars that i'll look up on on pornhub and i'll be like doing my thing and then all of a sudden whoa it's one thing i'm jerking off okay i'm busting a nut and then i go over to go over to a different app and they're just on it and i'm like yo i hate when that happens does it scare you no like honestly i'm like hey thanks for making everything easy it's like convenient no like i think there's another way to look at it like some people are like scared by it it's like or it's just a small million dollar deal a million dollar deal a million dollar deal it could work tell yourself in the mirror while doing that you definitely believe in aliens right uh yeah yeah what about ghosts have you ever had a ghost encounter um i have really i've had like very like a lot of paranormal experiences jesus yeah especially when i go to like those those haunted areas that are like rumored to be haunted oh yeah that'll do it i feel like yeah those those are fully asking to find those yeah like what what have some of those been like um some some like to the point where it's like you see something in your peripheral vision and then you look and there's nothing there or even have you ever been in a room where you feel like you're being watched and you feel a presence in there and then you like look around and it's like what the f why do i feel like this yeah like that's like the the type of paranormal experiences that i feel that's scary or it could be just an anxiety attack i don't know one of the things we're just about yeah what are you any conspiracies that intrigue you the mandela effect oh that's that's a good one i like the mandela effect there's just so many times explain to people what that is because i know what it's like but i don't know like what's like like why is that like a conspiracy like for example you like let's say well can i hear you should start with how it started the mandela effect most people on this planet actually believed that nelson mandela died in 19 in the 1990s but come to find out that he is he still alive nelson mandela yeah i don't believe if he's dead my apologies but he's he's still alive to this day but most people remember that this person died nelson mandela died like in the 90s so that was the first recorded like giant effect nelson i mean mandela effect so then that's what that it was named after and now it's it's like people like noticing more and more yeah like thinking something was this yeah but when it's actually multiple people remember this exact thing weird yeah it's like an alternate reality so most people think in like 2012 that we shifted i heard about that i saw something with that like you know like 2012 like the everyone the calendar ends yeah the mayan the mayan calendar just ended and people thought like we just died and just shifted over to this other reality yeah so some people have the same consciousness as um before the shift post yeah so now people like have like this new one what the fuck you talking about like berenstain bears barnes and bears uh looney tunes like even like the the one that comes to mind is like the monopoly guy yeah the the monocle monocle but he doesn't actually have a monocle yeah uh curious george with the tail yeah i feel like but it also could just be people just not being very attentive and like not being like okay so why so many people though exactly ah it's weird there was one there there was one there was one that i freaking i forget yeah conspiracies are wild i i think um i think conspiracies have some some truth to them though definitely i i feel like what about the denver airport i'm very open-minded that one the denver airport you don't know about the denver airport no how it how it um it's like one of the most expensive airports um and then there's like tunnels i heard about that and then all all around it it's like these demonic entities like uh like statue of of the horse from from like the demon i don't know anything about jesus yeah it's really weird though it's like all it's all demonic symbols all around the airport like even nazi symbols it's crazy like swastikas yeah remind me not to fly into denver never going to denver no i kind of just want to go to see the airport you play you play with fire i love it yeah but i want to see it i just want it like i've never been there interesting so what's next for you doing a movie dude are you actually yeah sick yeah how'd this come about um i was like fuck it yeah so what's uh the details behind it so it's the the writers and the directors no i no writers and producers of saul right so sick yeah and then um produced by or did i already say that directed by directed by ryan cavanaugh i forget what i said but yeah yeah it's it's it's pretty legitimate it's going to be honestly awesome that's sick when you start filming uh is that you have a script late june no we don't uh well the script is three fourths done but it's like the writers of saul it's gonna be yeah yeah i'm the first i'm the first influencer to do like a legitimate like fuck with your mind movie yeah that's dope it's basically like that's exciting it's based around the sway house and the hype house and it's uh it's like a competition to see who can get the most followers and how far you'll go to get those followers um you're gonna kill somebody we'll see is someone am i gonna like is someone gonna be captured as me so the characters are based off of like who's going to play me some some fucking like innocent pretty boy i guess not literally but uh jacobs yeah that's innocent well like and then and then uh the the only person that has the same name which is hilarious is keo so there's like a person in in the in the movie that's named keo but it's like k-e-o okay so it's like it's almost like a spin-off spoof like it's always like yeah but also very serious that's so interesting that's exciting yeah that's gonna be a fun to film like that's gonna be really fun to film i play myself that's sick so is it gonna be high passes like that is thomas playing thomas no there's i'm the only influencer oh sick oh my god that's dope that's that's really exciting crazy if you look up the producers the directors and like everything about them they wouldn't let out shit yeah yeah like the credibility behind it the credibility behind it they would not let this be terrible yeah it's gonna be fire i just can't wait to do it and then watch it yeah it's like a youtube video but long form and you're like waiting for that edit back and then you watch it you're like damn that's fire yeah now it's like a full movie it's going to be safe it's going to be in the theaters you think uh they're it's for sure it's it's going to be it's going to be a pretty big deal that's sick and i'm actually super excited for it i'm excited for you that's really dope i see you're doing a movie though i am you're like the the love interest right yep of course i wouldn't see it any other way yeah i'm the bad boy quarterback bad boy i'm bad boy in it wow i have a good flow i have a full arm sleeve i uh so you're sure you're acting like me basically sorry if you need lessons i got you i'm perfect i'll go to bathroom school bryce hall what the fuck are you doing if we're doing movies i'm doing a movie too okay then we're all movie stars hell yeah oh my god and that is it for this episode of the soccer hit with featuring bryce hall and larae noah back make sure you guys go check out bryce hall on all of his platforms it's bryce hall and everything um and then make sure you guys follow larry and i follow the podcast put a socket pod on all socials and make sure you give it a big thumbs up comment subscribe turn on the post notifications and we'll see you guys next time bye peace all right guys selfie you
Channel: Put A Sock In It Podcast
Views: 274,706
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Id: Pf7yFho9CzY
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Length: 54min 6sec (3246 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2022
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