EOS R Video Settings For LESS NOISE

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today we're talking about setting up the canon eos  are for shooting c log footage and what settings   i use to get it close to matching footage from  the canon C 200 I'm Rafael and welcome to the   channel C log has been in Canon cinema cameras  from the very beginning it enables up to 12 stops   of dynamic range reduces heavy shadows and blown  out highlights and even provides a better source   from which to perform extensive color grading in  post-production internal recordings for C log are   8 bit and 10 bit is available for external but in  4k only today we're only going to be talking about   8-bit internal recording on my C 200 I actually  shoot C log over C log 3 to easily match the two   cameras better in post if I choose to use a lot  they're very similar right out the gate and I   found this to be the closest match if you're  not comfortable color correcting log footage   you have two options really learn it and it's  not really that hard to color correct or don't   shoot C log you can use the standard picture  profile and just reduce the sharpening I would   recommend the neutral picture profile and set the  sharpness to zero and add a bit of sharpness later   in the editor of choice or set it to two if you  want something Pleasant right out of the camera   without that crunchy video look in a future video  I'll show you how to color correct C log footage   with outlets and also show you which lets I do use  that I feel work the best so give this video a big   thumbs up if you want to see that also near the  end of the video I'll show you why it's always   better to slightly over expose your USR footage  it'll help reduce noise and consistently get you   usable footage okay let's go over all the settings  I use to shoot C log so we're gonna go over to the   camera on page number four and go right into  Canon log settings go to Canon log 8-bit ten   bit is available but it's only available through  the HDMI out and only in 4k so you're gonna get   a cropped image on the EOS R in its current state  click OK go to view assist I keep view assist on   because it adds a lot of rec.709 to the viewfinder  into the screen so your footage doesn't look flat   and it helps you see what it's actually going  to look like so keep that on go to color matrix   I have this set to the cinema EOS original  because it closely matches the c200 footage   so I leave that there and the characteristics  I don't touch anything here I try to have the   sharpness down to zero as I like to add sharpness  later in post-production again saturation and hue   you want to leave that at zero you want to have  the flattest footage you can okay go back to menu   for the movie record quality I shoot everything  in Full HD twenty three nine eight all I and if   I want slow-motion I shoot Full HD in 60 frames  a second all I I pee B and all I are essentially   different methods of compressing movie files all  I was designed for higher end cameras to capture   the highest quality possible-- so individual  frames are much higher quality than ipb overall   files are much larger about three times larger  than ipb compression ultimately shooting with   all I you'll see cleaner footage unless you're  running out of space on your card and you don't   have time to clear it you need to keep shooting  perhaps this is an instance where you can drop   it down to IBP to get more footage the too many  advantages to all I is that the image quality is   better and it takes less computer processing  power which results in better playback for   faster editing so I recommend shooting with all  I always alright alright so mostly I shoot Full   HD over 4k I just find that the image quality  is really good and I like being able to use the   full field of view of all the lenses I have movie  cropping is essentially if you have lenses that   don't cover the full sensor this will allow you  to crop in just the center portion of the sensor   and use those lenses for sound recording I have  it set to manual and I made a video about why I   set it to that go check it out I like the image  stabilization that the USR offers so I have that   enabled for lens aberration correction I have  these set to both off it tries to correct any   distortion or chromatic flaws that happen within  the lenses I tend to leave this off because I like   the natural feel of those and so for white balance  I always make sure that I'm hot that I'm set to   the exact white balance that I need for the shot  I try to stay away from using auto white balance   and I use the LUMO power to to get the proper  color temperature in any scenario it's a handy   little - I recommend you checking it out for white  balance correction I leave it at zero but if you   want to add a little bit of blue to tone down the  Canon orange on the skin tones you can definitely   do that and for high ISO speed noise reduction I  Lee this off because I don't want the camera doing   any kind of noise reduction when I can do that  in post especially if there's no noise I don't   want it to soften the image unnecessarily those  are the C log settings I use for the Canon EOS   R but now let's talk about why should slightly  over expose your footage to get an even cleaner   image for the cleanest footage on the EOS r the  native ISO is 400 anything below or above that   will add a bit of noise and the further you push  it the more noticeable the noise will get pushing   the exposure one or two stops over are easier  to recover than one or two stops below even   three stops can still produce a usable image when  corrected in post-production whereas under exposed   footage will only reveal more noise when you try  to correct it in post this all runs counter to   taking photos where we're all taught to expose  for the sky in outdoor scenes and bring back the   shadows in Lightroom think of it this way if there  is noise in the image you want to bring down the   shadows to reduce the visibility of that noise not  to boost the brightness which will only introduce   more noise so if you don't have a light meter in  this case the histogram is your best friend you   always want the light Mountain to be in the middle  and fall off nicely neither side nothing too dark   and nothing too light if it's pushed to the left  the images will be too dark if it's pushed to the   right the images will be too bright so keep it  like Goldilocks and have it just right in the   middle that's it the beauty of shooting C log is  it allows for more image forgiveness and creative   choices later and overexposing will reduce the  noise in your footage the best is to experiment   a little do your own camera test and see what  works best for you let me know if you found any   tips for cleaner footage I'd love to hear them  as always thanks for watching if you like these   types of videos hit the like button to let YouTube  know to share it subscribe I'll talk to you soon you
Channel: Rafael Ludwig
Views: 63,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clog, canon eos r, canon eos r5, eos r6, c-log, color grade c-log, all-i vs ipb eos r, all-i vs ipb which is better, canon eos r noise reduction, clean footage, noise reduction, EOS R video settings, EOS R camera settings for video, how to set up the canon EOS R, best video settings for canon eos r, c log, canon eos r video settings, canon eos r best video settings, canon r5, canon r6, canon eos r cinematic video settings, eos r video quality, eos r video setup
Id: pM_q66KVNaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 19sec (379 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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