Entrepreneur Gives Million Dollar Tips That Will Change Your Bad Habits

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all right so I'm back with Justin man last time we did a video it was over man two years ago yeah but now I'm here to talk to Justin about what he got going on now oh first of all introduce yourself yeah so Justin P what I specialize in is helping people start or scale their digital or physical product businesses so I've been able and fortunate to skill both sides of those businesses to multiple millions of dollars and now I'm just here to give away as much game as possible for free and help as many people get in the game multiple millions of dollars this man is too I'm gonna check out this girl who is insane and I like how you activate use of all the things so you got to it is these windows you got all your nose on right whenever my brain just gets going I'm just like I gotta you know to get it out so first days first most people who watch the channel that eat a beginner they're intermediate they're selling Advanced cats like what what's the best way someone should start and possibly even a scale from like you know with a minimal amount of hurts yeah minimal funds if you just have starting out the biggest thing that you can do in my opinion is utilize self-awareness bro that's the one big mistake that I made that cost me the most money and the most pain is because I was building a business that I thought was the right thing to do I thought it looked cool I thought it was dope and I had a 8 000 square foot warehouse and 30 employees and all this stuff but you see what I'm good at I'm good at content create content creation brand awareness Etc like that's my thing but I built a business that didn't allow me to be in those strengths at all times so if you're just getting started the biggest move you can make is asking yourself what are your strengths and weaknesses and then look at all the different business models that are there and you got print on demand you got Etsy you got to do it yourself you got you know cut and so drops like you can do a bunch of stuff in this game and make money but you have to be operating in a space that lends itself to your strengths and natural weaknesses that's number one and then number two if you don't gotta you know a ton of cash to get started it's really simple to like the things that you need it's simple you need a website a good website right you can learn how to do that from your page I'm assuming a bunch of free YouTube videos number two some good creative you can get that from viral Ecom ads bands off ads billow.app um b-roll dot IO get a good piece of creative made and then some run ads to it like and if you don't have to run ads to you can make organic content if you really want to so more of the stories three things that you're going to need when you're just getting started is a website a product and creative very simple and there's a few ways that we talked about how you can find each one of those things yeah I love the self-awareness because I think a lot of people also got to be self-aware of the amount of time that they have yeah like I know I put out content that literally goes over everything right but you can't do everything whenever you first start up people think they have 40 hours within the extra two hours they get on a date right so being self-aware what you're good at and like the amount of time that you have available so me having to focus on that and then for you you're saying they should to create content I'm like what about people who struggle and get over your face I want to cause a lot of people is like oh I don't want to record myself how do you overcome that I'm the same way because despite what it may look like now you knew me back when you still know me but you knew me back then I was like I'm a businessman I don't create content like it was out of the norm for me to reach out to you and do content I didn't do it at all so there's a few ways that you can get around that number one utilizing places like I said b-roll Billow you can pay other people to make the content for you then two you can send your products to influencers like tick tockers instagramers Etc and get them to make content for you so you don't have to or just don't show your face in any other content as well well one of my closest friends he's doing like six seven hundred thousand dollars a month and on all of his content it's just like him holding his shoes and his products and his his garments and when it never shows his face so it's just it's a myth thinking that you have to show your face and be able to make money and you don't you just have to know how to make good content without it but you probably can make more money if you do show your face but if you don't you won't not make money you have to know how to do it the right way I see so you know multiple millions of dollars you help people make multiple millions of dollars what do you think like coming to this coaching game what do you think is the biggest issue for most people I finally figured it out bro what the biggest issue is the biggest issue is is people don't have an eye for quality and what I mean by that is people come into the game thinking that their ID is the best idea my logo is great my idea is perfect my product is beautiful right and in reality if it hasn't sold a ton the market is telling you that it's not that good they come into the game thinking that they're the best when in reality they don't understand what a website looks like when it's doing 10 20 30 million dollars a year they don't understand what a product that can produce that much money looks like as well so the way that I look at it now when you're coaching is it's a journey that you have to take people on and I kind of like talk about it like a movie so like if I'm in a movie and I need to save the princess the journey that I'm going on is me saving the princess and then I win but the real journey that the hero goes on is the person that they become as they say the princess and that's the whole real journey that they go on the trials and tribulations how they get through it and whatnot so the way I look at it in the coaching space is this person thinks their goal is to go from zero to 5K a month 0 to 10K a month but the real goal for them is to gain all of the skills that it takes to actually be able to produce that and they don't understand that because they don't see it and it's partially because people Market you know just saying hey I'll teach you how to make 10K in two minutes then they don't actually share the real you know what it really takes so I think that's the biggest side of the look it's not about that I was relating myself back to as a kid like when I was playing the very first Super Mario yeah that's a way you can skip the first stage and get to the last stage but you gotta be a little bit more skilled to understand how the game works to beat that last stage yup but if you play from first stage all the way to the last day and you know you get a little bit better so you're more prepared when it comes to the princess exactly so I love that man all right so I see this in the comments a lot I know I get a lot of comments you probably get it in yours as well I think it's like a little bit of a self-doubt yeah it's like there's like there's no way this cat's doing what's up x a lot of dollars a week there's there's no way this person is making this much a month like how do you feel about that how do you get that out of there yeah so the thing is is that it's fair right because when I grew up I didn't think that I never saw nobody doing that right I didn't think that was possible so I kind of operate with empathy when I see that and it's like all right you just haven't seen it yet my mentor always told me this is like you can only aspire to the level that you're exposed to so what I just try to do is just continue to expose people to what I'm doing show them the back end show them everything that's realistically going on so that they can now see oh it is possible and then they can now aspire to actually want to do it so you know you always gonna have your trolls here and there we treat them with empathy because they're going through something so bad that they want to come somewhere positive and spread negativity I feel bad for you and then for those that are looking to be you know Aspire or looking to be we just exposed them so that they can aspire to what they haven't seen before absolutely all right what about the next step up we got someone who believes it and then they keep hitting this brick wall while this brick wall and then they're starting to get more and more discouraged they're coming back down the ladder and then like they're starting to lose hope like like where do you go from there do you think it's the information do you think it's the mentality what do you think it is it's it's really it's the information number one and I'm glad that you said that because Mentor told me this he was like you know if you feel hopeless or you feel sad it's not because you're a bad person it's because you lack a piece of information which is now a lot making you lack options because you aren't able to create a million dollars let's say so now you're sad but there is information that is attached to you being able to make a million dollars you just don't know it so you feel like you don't have options which is making you hopeless which is making you sad but if you instead of looking at it like oh I'm sad I'm depressed I'm upset and you look at it as I do not have the information that is allowing me to be able to create this outcome you can actually change that so I think that if someone is in a place where they feel like they're sad they're upset they're hitting a brick wall or whatever don't be upset don't be sad about it realize that you're feeling that way because you don't have a piece of information and that's something that you can change if you go seek out the information or find someone that has it themselves and then you apply it so right so so going back to the beginning here and then being realistic is like I was saying a lot of people only have a few amount of hours every day so like go one balance do you think someone should focus on and information or like execute because you know I think you and I both see how many people just get trapped into information yeah so I always say that it's like one thing you want to avoid is you don't want to be addicted to information and allergic to execution so what I put in place for myself something I call the one-to-one ratio so if I spend an hour learning I spend an hour executing or if I spend three hours studying I spend three hours executing so I just do a one to one so I'm never overloading on information I'm never you know overloaded on execution as well so yeah I mean that's the way that I kind of get around it as I study I execute you execute so as soon as someone hops up this video they should be putting something to work what do you think is actionable for someone um no matter where they are in this business after this I think actionable is first things first especially if they're beginner sit with yourself and be like what type of entrepreneur am I where do I see myself going and what skills do I have and then what business model fits those skills and then now that you have those skills are you now that you know what business model you want to do you go watch the rest of all of your videos and I know that you've explained all of the ways to do print on demand and Drop Shipping or whatever it is everything and then they just go and learn from that specific topic because people keep this is what they do bro they they stay in what I call like the liability Loop right like you go and learn something you get excited about it you try it out for three months you don't get any results you get sad you go and learn something else you get excited about it you don't try so it just keeps going like that because they never stay focused enough long enough on one thing so the actionable thing here is realize that step back pick one business model find someone who has gotten the results that you want and follow them and do what they say for at least six to twelve months and bare minimum the only difference between me and anyone else that's you know not successful is I've been doing the same thing for 12 years straight one thing 12 years it would be very unrealistic for anybody to go apply this information for 10 years straight and then not be successful not to see it very unrealistic I think this also relates back to because I remember seeing a lot of comments the first always spoke and there was one thing we were talking about is that a lot of people they they go on the internet and they're seeking answers for things they don't even have the questions for you yeah and you you should be putting into work starting off and then it's like oh how do I find out this product then you got the question was supposed to look right instead of just soaking the information yeah that's why the execution is so important they find the information they never execute on it and that's where analysis paralysis comes in and you're just like oh I don't know what to do and this is what I thought that's why I say even finding a mentor I don't care who it is I don't care if it's me you someone for free around I don't care just find somebody that has been where you want to go right and then lock in with them because this is what's gonna happen you're gonna start getting information from YouTube Tick Tock Facebook Instagram this person's saying something that person's saying something different that dude's saying that this dude's a liar who do you trust and then you're like all right now I'm confused because there's so much different information and then now I'm overwhelmed because there's so much information coming from so many places so what does a confused mind do they do absolutely nothing so you end up feeling hopeless because you have so much information so what I did when I first got started was I stood back and I said I was on YouTube for free I said bro who on here has done what I want to do and has recent results student testimonials and has gotten the result that I personally want for myself recently I found one person his name is King Kong he actually passed away a few years ago and I said I'm gonna watch what he does and I'm not gonna listen to anyone else and I'm gonna watch his videos and immediately apply it right after I did that and I made a couple thousand dollars then I took a couple thousand dollars and he had a hundred dollar coaching call I gave him a hundred dollars for a coaching call and I was able to learn Facebook ads from him that quadrupled my revenue and I was like all right cool now I can go and buy a thousand dollar course here thousand dollar course there twenty five thousand dollar courses now of what I've been able to do so when people start to ask like oh what does it cost for the mentorship what does it cost for the program what does it cost for the course what does it cost to watch all these videos my time whatever I'm like bro ask yourself a better question what does it cost you not to do it because if you watch this video and you do nothing about it and then in a year from now you're still in the same place it costs you too damn much right so that's why I think like you know I don't care who it is but find a mentor because they're coming back with the package information that you can go and just buy back all of their like their mistakes right and then immediately go past them so yeah I don't think a lot of people don't understand the power of like mentorship or coaching because like one thing just one word alone pretty much changes everything for me is accountability like a lot of people come on here they get the information but they don't have someone tell you like the same way you go to the jail like everyone's been to the jail they slack off they fall off and they're like maybe I need a coach and then the coach is going to check in on you everything single day making sure you're eating the right thing just making sure you're doing the right things same thing happens when it comes to business like if no one's checking in on you to making sure you're doing these things and you're probably not going to see the right results yeah that's the fact and the the crazy thing that I I heard about I don't know where I heard this from it was like a week or two ago and people don't realize like they don't realize how bad they need a coach or a need system guidance or even a friend group I don't care what it is but it's like this your mouth is directly under your nose but if your breath stinks you don't really know that right you and it's it's far away from your nose so you can be operating doing the wrong thing your whole life and be right there from the identifying it but you needed someone else to be able to identify and be like hey bro your breath stink fam go ahead get that fixed so that's why coaching mentorship Etc is so important too because it's like you can be doing something blatantly wrong and not even know it and you literally just needed somebody outside of you just to be like bro that's wrong right that's been somewhere that you want to go and I always say like this too is like it's very difficult to read the label when you're inside the bottle you're so busy operating inside of your life you can't see everything that's going on on the outside and you need someone that's been there to identify it for you yeah this is this just reminds me because threads is a new thing yeah the new app the first thing I posted on there was if you're the smartest person in the room you're probably in the wrong room a lot of these cats got the information everything that they need for their raw the wrong group of friends they're not they're not there to tell them this is the wrong piece of information this is the wrong thing that you're doing yeah so you gotta just man you gotta hold yourself down but go to places where like yeah I feel dumb myself that should be the goal because the funny thing about it is that it never stops being that that's what entrepreneurship is you become the smallest fish in the in the bigger Pond every single time and my mentor always told me he was like you know if you're the smartest person in your circle you're not in a circle you're in a cage as because you just caged to that level of thinking because you think that you're the greatest and you need to think actively to be in higher rooms and bigger places where people are much smarter than you because you're forced to become good it's a crazy analogy that I didn't realize until a little while ago it's like when you're a baby you crawl around and whatnot right and then when you walk this is what most people do it's funny they new entrepreneurs they're like babies in business right they get up and they walk a little bit and then they fall and then they like bro this is not for me so imagine if a baby was walking and it was like nah bro I'm cool on this walking stuff I fell one time I'm good and they stopped it wouldn't make any sense but the reason why babies keep continuing to walk is because they see adults around them that are walking and they start to model the behavior that they see around them and people that are further along in life than them so it's the same thing with new entrepreneurs you've got to get around people that are adults and in business are walking and striding and running in business so you can at least just model because the thing is that adult will not not let a baby route walk they won't let you not walk so that's really important and another thing important that's important that you said was accountability too and when you were growing up did you want to brush your teeth no I didn't right your mom made you brush your teeth though right right now that you're an adult you brush your teeth every day right yeah well that's what accountability is having you do something that you don't want to do that you we know is going to be good for you to make it a habit so when you go through life doing it your life is much better than if you didn't do it and if you don't have that then you'll most of the time you just go back to the ways that you're used to so then all right so I believe what it is how does one get into the right circle like they've been so used to being in the wrong places all the time they're from a small City but they had the point where it's like I don't know the next step I don't know how does how does one get to that right group yeah luckily we got the internet thank God so any forums any I go to conferences all the time get out of your comfort zone go to a conference get into a forum a group chat a thread or whatever of people that are doing something that you want to do start your own if you have to get into a book club do anything anything that you can that's I didn't know anybody like when I first started legitimately the way that I did this was I saw a influencer post on his story and it was a book and I said bro if people like him are reading books I might just need to read a book then I picked up that book I bought it for nine dollars and then I read it and then from there I started to reach out to people on Twitter and Instagram of like active be talking about oh they read or oh they want to be a CEO or they want to be whatever and I just made those people my friends and then I'm literally moved my environment I was in Houston Texas where things were not going really well for me and a lot of people especially these newer people are like that you are a good scene but you're in bad soil you're a rose but you're in the desert with the people that you're around and if you just simply took that seed and then put it one other place and then planted it you'll grow exponentially basically the answer to that question is take yourself out of the place that you are if you need to and then put yourself in a better environment a digital environment what you're reading consuming things of that nature and also your physical environment too because they both shape who you become love it man yeah sounds like I need to join the book me like I might be Asian but I mean I wouldn't know you make money though so you good yeah and it's so hard for me to read bro I can like do one paragraph I'm like God what did I just your audiobooks you good bro audiobooks that's right the only time I read a book too so audiobooks I'm a joining book club I'm Gonna Change and the thing about changing your surroundings too is see a lot of people don't know this but like I'm growing a YouTube channel like growing my personal brand but I'm like the most introvert person yeah you can ever meet like I have social anxiety there's some videos where my voice is shaking because it's a new collaboration bro and then the more you get uncomfortable you'll probably never ever like getting used to it but like it's easier for you to take that one step literally a mentor told me this changed my life he said to enter the land of the phenomenal you have to leave the land of the familiar and everybody wants to stay familiar all these I'm with my people that I know I'm literally you never get to phenomenal being familiar so you gotta constantly put yourself in that uncomfortable position where can people follow you at just Justin t on Instagram Ecom Justin p on Tick Tock that's that well appreciate y'all for watching make sure y'all comment down below what y'all learned from this video and then give Justin a follow and then over here there's some videos that me and Justin probably made in the back Classics classic all right
Channel: Hustle Ninjas
Views: 22,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneurship, millionaire, finance, personal finance, make money online, online business, millionaires, entrepreneur, iman gadzhi, wealthy, wealth, how to make money online, success, ecommerce, entrepreneurs, how to build wealth, shopify dropshipping, investing, millionaire mindset, ecom, financial literacy, financial education, patrick bet david, charlie chang, jordan welch dropshipping, how to start a business, how to start dropshipping, business, tedxtalks
Id: Pr_uGn3Zq2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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