Karen tries to make me PROVE that I am BLIND - Reddit Podcast

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and entitled karen refuses to accept the fact that i'm blind despite the fact that i have a service dog things got so bad that security had to separate this entitled karen from me because she would not leave me alone here's what happened so because my parents are more at risk from kovid i've been going shopping alone more often during the pandemic yesterday was one of these cases grocery shopping is a more involved process for a blind person i have to ask staff members to assist me i also have my guide dog by the name of gumbo inside the store with me the dog in itself increases the instances of bad experiences overall now during my shopping i always get a wide array of reactions to my dog but one in particular occurred towards the end of my shopping i heard loud footsteps followed by a loud screech saying that dog is so cute can i pet him it was obviously a small child by the voice so i prepared myself before responding that no my dog cannot be touched due to him being my guide dog surprisingly the child didn't act entitled but seemed surprised and excited about a dog having a job she asked me a few questions and then left i honestly thought nothing of it and continue with my shopping after i finished i decided to stop by the food court on the way out for some lunch so i went and made my way across a supermarket i ordered my food sat down and waited but by some cosmic gracing of bad luck that is the exact moment that this child and their entitled parent decided to walk close by i heard the child tell the mother about what i told her about how my dog is working as a guide dog that i'm blind and use him to get around the mother isn't really saying anything but i can sort of tell by her tone and the few words she does say that she is seeing some issue with what her daughter was told i decided to listen in and after the daughter finished her babbling the mother came up to me now people coming up to me is super common i thought nothing much of it however the first words out of her mouth were her saying the following why did you tell my daughter that you're blind her tone was very harsh very accusatory i immediately knew what was coming but as usual i just put on a smile i responded by saying well that's because i am blind your daughter asked me about my dog so i explained what guide dogs are and why i use them this entitled karen then doubled down by saying you're not blind i couldn't believe what she was saying so i just said excuse me the way she said it completely caught me off guard you're not blind my cousin is blind so i know what a blind person is like you shouldn't lie about that i think you should let my daughter pet your dog she likes dogs i responded by saying well ma'am not all blind people are the same just because you know a single blind person doesn't mean you know how all blind people are and as i already explained your daughter can't pet my dog due to him being a seeing eye dog this entitled karen then started to go off on me saying that i'm lying claiming that there was nothing wrong with my eyes and that i was using a phone she then said don't you dare say you're blind to me if you're gonna show me that you're not at the same time why would you lie about that i told her that i'm not lying i said my eyes looking fine have nothing to do with anything not every blind person's eyes look the same look you're stressing me out and i'd rather if you just left me alone after i said that i was hoping that things would calm down and she would just leave but things only escalated from there my daughter wants to pet your dog she's been well behaved all through today and it's more than reasonable to let her play with your dog i told her no once again and i asked her why she wouldn't accept my answer she responded by saying you said no using that bs excuse you're honestly starting to really upset me i don't know who you think you are but i happen to work for someone at this place and if you don't stop it i'll get security to throw you and your fake guide dog out of here now i'm sure at this point you get the picture this went on for a good five minutes of her progressively getting more and more angry at the fact that i wouldn't let her daughter touch my guide dog the daughter was actually silent through the entire thing i don't even think she really cared that much but this entitled karen however was another story altogether eventually with the argument going nowhere she just screamed out that is it i'm going to get security right now if you're smart you'll be gone by the time i get back or you'll regret it i snorted at her small fit and heard her huff and storm off by that time my food had arrived so i just started eating i didn't really believe she would go get security but with entitled karen's like this you simply cannot be sure what they will or won't do about five minutes or so later she returned i heard her stomping forward in my direction from about 15 feet away and she was raging on to a security guard look that's her you see she's sitting there with a dog she says it's a guide dog but she's not blind you have to kick her out dogs aren't allowed in here i sighed and removed my earbud to prepare for the incoming ordeal a deep male voice sounded from a few feet away in front of me and he sounded like he had just about had enough the security guard said uh miss is this your service dog i said yes it is he is a seeing eye dog i'm allowed to take him in here i have a copy of the appropriate law if you really need it the security guard said no that's fine this woman is saying you aren't disabled though is that true i responded by saying no she's just angry that i didn't let her daughter touch my service dog i honestly don't know why she cares so much the entitled karen jumped in at that moment and called me a liar she said i told you i have a blind cousin don't try to tell me i don't understand blind people because i do i directed my attention to the security guard and i said look i've tried to explain to her that one blind person doesn't represent all blind people but she doesn't seem to get it could you please ask her to leave me alone i just want to eat in peace the security guard then asked me so you are blind and i said yes i am he then says something that absolutely blew my mind he asked me if i could prove that i'm blind in any kind of way i asked him how on earth i could possibly do that and why should i the security guard then says well it's just that she is saying one thing and you're saying another thing i don't exactly know who to believe but yeah i see how proven your blind doesn't really work he then looked at this entitled karen and said why is it exactly that you think she is lying the entitled karen then says are you serious right now are you thick in the head look at her eyes they're not white or cloudy like blind peoples are she is literally looking at her phone the security guard then looked at me asking for my response to this accusation i told him that maybe her cousin has those eye symptoms but not every blind person does those symptoms are caused by diseases like cataracts which i don't have as for the phone devices have been accessible to blind people for years i find it surprising that she has a cousin who is blind and doesn't know that and after the entitled karen did not take that as a good answer i further explained that i have a basic light perception i can detect light and i can direct my eyes to it out of habit because that's where my hands are occupied i then said look it's not my job to educate you on what you don't know sir please just ask her to leave me alone i don't care if she doesn't believe me you don't need to stand here and mediate a back and forth as if we're going to agree somehow i just like her to stop talking to me and leave me in peace i'm feeling extremely harassed i was hoping this would be the end of it i genuinely did but this security guard still said that he can't know for sure if i'm blind and at this point i was completely dumbfounded he was using the fact that this entitled karen had a cousin who was blind as some kind of evidence against me actually being blind i then told the security guard that if you're not going to get this lady away from me then i guess i'm just gonna have to leave thanks for failing to protect a disabled patron i stood up to leave with my guide dog getting up to guide me i took a few steps and suddenly felt someone grab hold of my harness tightly and pulled me to a stop this entitled karen had actually grabbed my harness and said wait right there i said i wanted you to let my daughter pet the dog then you can leave at this point i was manic i screamed no get off my harness right now now understand grabbing my harness is akin to someone taking away your eyes this entitled karen was taking away my ability to navigate so i panicked this has only happened to me once before and i panicked then too i attempted to pull my harness handle back all the while she was also screaming in my ear but i wasn't listening i was too panicked to listen to what was probably about her stupid daughter the security guard was fumbling around fairly uselessly as you could expect thankfully a second security guard came up and said what is going on i then screamed at the top of my lungs she's taking my guide dog help me she won't let go but this entitled karen denied it all she said no she's supposed to let my daughter pet her dog this guy said so at this point i assumed she was talking to the first security guard and as you could have guessed it the guard didn't respond but the way the conversation went it seemed like he non-verbally indicated that he hadn't said that the second security guard said miss let go of that lady's dog right now or i'll escort you out the entitled karen then jumped into the same act as before no she is not blind this dog isn't a real service dog don't just jump in and assume you know what's going on at this point i had calmed down slightly so i could speak in a more coherent manner please just get off of me i want to leave i don't feel safe leave me alone thankfully the second security guard then finally caught on and that's when i felt the woman's hand being forcefully removed from the harness handle as soon as i was free i immediately commanded gumbo to lead me to the exit we walked quickly away as i heard this entitled karen screaming loudly behind me i was still somewhat panicked but i was able to calm myself down as i hurry towards the exit it was so chaotic that i very nearly forgot my shopping where i left it at customer services i left i called a taxi and i came home it has really stuck with me for the last couple of days but the worst part is that these types of interactions are an almost daily occurrence blind people are the targets of constant harassment in public and this woman just went farther than she should have by physically assaulting me and harassing me i know i could have gotten her rested but honestly i was just so panicked i wanted to get out of that situation as soon as possible so why am i telling this story in short i wanted to spread awareness it's important for people to know more about the blind experience and what blind people have to deal with it's also super important to say if you're ever a witness to a situation like i just described intervene had the second guard not stepped in and intervened the situation would have been a lot worse this story is crazy to me i honestly can't believe that this person had to deal with that the fact that someone would actually act like this towards a blind person as if they already don't have a big disadvantage in life is just disgusting and i am utterly shocked that this original poster didn't have this lady arrested if i were them i would call mall security and try and get that first security guard fired they tried to force this blind person to prove that they were blind how disgusting and toxic is that hopefully this original poster never has to deal with anything like this again because this type of treatment all because you're blind is absolutely unacceptable my boyfriend is actively gaslighting me and honestly i'm getting sick of it and i don't know what to do so i'm a 24 year old female and my boyfriend is 25. we have been together for two years and everything is really good between us i never see anything that's really wrong in our relationship until i dig into it and really start to think about things for me i am an overthinker my last relationship did not end well and even though my boyfriend and i have been together for two years i still have some minor trust issues so months ago when we first started dating my boyfriend was holding his phone and i glanced over and i saw that he had a text message from one of his ex-girlfriends and after seeing this it put me in a very bad mood pretty much for the rest of the night eventually he noticed and asked what was wrong and after some time i told him what i saw we talked it out i started crying and he reassured me and calmly talked about it and he said that they are just on friendly terms no big deal i told him just to tell me about it that i promise i will be more upset if he didn't tell me and i suspected something than for him to just straight up tell me he then said that he shouldn't have to report to me about everyone he talks to i agreed and told him that's not what i meant but to just be open about this situation so months go by and everything is okay again but then a couple of months ago almost the same thing happened and we were out drinking with friends and someone calls him and it's like 11 o'clock at night he says it's just a spam phone call well after we woke up the next morning he tells me his other ex texted him and wanted me and him to go out the night before and go drinking with her friends but he didn't respond until that day i had no bad reaction to him telling me this but a couple of days later i put two and two together and realized it was her who called him at eleven o'clock so weeks go by and we started drinking and i bravely just jokingly brought this up and i said i know you didn't want to tell me because it would have ruined my night but why couldn't you just tell me that it was her instead of lying to me or say it's no one instead of just saying that it's spam after that we got into a fight which involved both of us yelling and me crying once again he tells me i'm gaslighting him and that since i had a bad reaction before he isn't going to tell me these things i told him i will never bring it up again i keep telling this man that it will bother me more when he doesn't tell me things so here we are today and nothing is wrong but yesterday he said the same thing randomly i can't even remember what we were talking about neither of us were upset and it was something random that we said as we were walking around the house he said that he won't tell me something if he thinks i'll have a bad reaction to it my problem is i feel like we are partners we talk about being together for a long time including starting a family and living our own life together this has now led me to the idea as well as the question of what else is he hiding from me can he be talking to random girls or even girls that he knows and he won't even tell me when is enough enough how do i tell him again and again that i need him to talk to me and that i won't get upset i know that i won't get upset because he is being honest and coming to me and talking to me about it it is all so confusing and i'm just not sure what to do it seems like the op is trying to manifest that their boyfriend is cheating on them when i don't think there's any evidence to really suggest that it seems like you're trying to control things to an extent that you have zero control over and from the sounds of it it doesn't really sound like he's gaslighting you to be honest i feel like you're kind of overreacting just a little bit in my opinion i can understand that there's some kind of insecurity between you and your boyfriend and obviously you don't want him to leave you but it seems like you're starting to toe the line between being actually worried about something that's actually going wrong as opposed to just being suspicious of something going wrong i think if anything maybe read the messages themselves or at least request to see what he's texting about to at least absolve some of the anxiety you have towards the situation i mean honestly just because he's texting his ex does not mean he's gonna try and get with them so unless there's any kind of signs that he might be going behind your back or doing things that are nefarious i just don't think it would be healthy to try and jump on this train of oh no he's definitely cheating on me because that's not healthy and that's not gonna help anybody my neighbor rings my doorbell at least twice a day and it's starting to drive me nuts i'm at my wit's end and i simply don't know what to do so just a little bit of context it's just me and my girlfriend living in this house that we bought about four months ago we have a neighbor who's very friendly and came to introduce himself and his wife and at the time i thought nothing of it i honestly thought it was just a friendly gesture but pretty soon he started coming over every single day then eventually he came by twice a day then he started to ring my doorbell a total of four times a day at this point it has now been like this for months where he frantically rings my doorbell about four to five times in a row and he does this about two to three times a day i will even catch him sometimes peeking in my window to see if i'm in the living room sometimes he'll also sit on my porch and just talk about nonsense that doesn't need to be discussed i don't even respond to half of the things that he says sometimes and i just give him a casual lazy response of saying i don't want to be bothered by this garbage something subtle enough that anyone with a clear mind would be able to pick up on but this guy just doesn't seem to get it i don't even answer the door sometimes and i try to make up excuses explaining to him whether in the moment or later that maybe i was cleaning or something like that but he literally doesn't get the clue that i'm busy or i want to be left alone i should also note that he suffered a terrible car accident that ruined some of his mental abilities to some degree as he repeats himself a lot in a conversation and i wonder sometimes if it affects his short-term memory and he forgets he even came over to visit me but his wife lets him do this without any issue and doesn't even say anything to him like do you not realize how invasive this behavior is but to his credit he has been very kind in some ways like bringing over some fresh fruits and some vegetables from his garden he has also referred me to an excellent local doctor and hooked me up with a landscaper to help me take care of my garden but it seems to me that he only does this as some premise for his own personal entertainment and at this point i simply can't take it anymore i just want my privacy back i'm at the point where i'm actually fantasizing about how i want to absolutely explode my built up frustration on this guy the next time he comes to my house to disturb me but i also don't want to make an enemy of someone who's across the street and clearly mentally unstable and at this point i'm unsure exactly of what to say because he just seems so unaware of anything even surrounding him please how can i go about addressing this what should i do having a bad neighbor is literally a nightmare so i empathize with this person completely and worst of all they're invading your privacy and looking through your windows i think i would lose my mind if someone was doing that to me it sounds like this guy just simply doesn't get it but maybe his wife will if i were in your shoes i would go talk to the wife i would say hey i appreciate you coming by but you're starting to cause problems in my life this might be a good way for her to step in and say okay we need to leave them alone because this behavior is not appropriate it's not okay for someone to come up to your house and ring your doorbell multiple times throughout the day just to get your attention it's really disturbing and honestly it's a little bit creepy another idea that i had is possibly building a fence or some kind of barrier between you and your neighbor you could make it very clear in a passive-aggressive way that no i don't want visitors and no i don't want you at my house i think ultimately though you do need to have this conversation with them you need to make it very clear that hey this is inappropriate and i don't like this maybe you're right maybe this guy just isn't completely there or worst of all he might not care altogether which is not fair for you regardless you need to put your foot down and say no more please get off of my property and stop coming over every single day you have tried to be subtle you've tried to be nice but now it's time to be mean because this is your privacy we're talking about and these neighbors are clearly violating that and in my opinion you should not have to deal with that but what do you think leave a comment down below have you ever had a neighbor like this that was so obnoxious that you just didn't know what to do let us know down below my girlfriend gives me the silent treatment after a fight and then yells at me if i try to break that silence and now i honestly don't know what to do my girlfriend used to do this quite a bit in fact every time we fought and eventually i asked her to stop because that stonewalling behavior gave me anxiety and made me question my self-worth she stopped and for a few months we would solve problems in a different way we would do things together and not against each other she usually needs some time to cool down after an argument but now she's back to doing what she used to do before we fought last night about something stupid and the entire day she's been ignoring me and avoiding me ever since this morning and it is now 8 o'clock p.m for example if i go to one room she moves to the other and this just continues to repeat over and over again and the few times that i've tried talking to her and asking her to talk to me and stop because she was getting back to that behavior that made me anxious and really hurt my feelings she would end up yelling at me to leave her alone telling me that she doesn't care if this is harmful for the relationship she also said she's leaving today because she doesn't want to be here and doesn't want to see me as a side note she doesn't technically live with me but was spending time with me until wednesday at my house the way she spoke to me felt completely humiliating and demeaning i honestly thought we left this in the past and that we moved on from this type of behavior but now she has me questioning everything we even agreed months ago that if she was upset about something she would approach me about the subject in a calm manner and we would discuss it i just don't understand why she's drastically come back to doing this really rude and painful behavior this is all so confusing and i honestly don't know what to do this is really toxic behavior if my significant other treated me like that especially after explaining to her in detail why this behavior hurts my feelings so much it makes you feel anxious it questions your self-worth as a human being it does not feel good but in this instance it's really important to note that she's choosing to do it anyways your significant other is doing the one thing that she knows will hurt you the most and she's doing it repeatedly like she even said she doesn't care if this damages the relationship that is super toxic and very immature if that happened to me that would make me question if she even cared about me i can understand if this is someone's like automatic response when it comes to dealing with confrontation or anything along those lines but to obviously and very clearly choose to do it still even after your partner said hey this really hurts my feelings is unbelievably toxic and is not something that's going to lead to a healthy relationship it is incredibly immature and she's just trying to hurt you which is really not fair for you i think the one benefit here is that she doesn't live with you because otherwise this would be every waking moment it's bad enough that it seems like she holds grudges over the dumbest things and any kind of argument leads to her stonewalling you out of her life but maybe with her leaving wednesday this can give you some time to reflect on what happened and try and make amends and make up to her in some way i think regardless of what you do a conversation needs to be had about this you need to re-explain to her that this is really hurtful behavior and it is not cohesive to a healthy relationship because otherwise this is just gonna repeat in the future and you're just gonna feel like garbage all over again and you definitely do not deserve that thanks for watching when you subscribe make sure to hit the bell to turn on notifications to finish listening to all the stories use the playlist at the top of the description and the next time you live stream use the cream of the crop music search cream of the stream on spotify or whatever platform you use for copyright free music to use for your next stream
Channel: Am I the Jerk?
Views: 1,416,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subreddit, reddit top posts, funny reddit, funny reddit posts, reddit, reddit storytime, r/confession, r/confessions, r/tifu, r/maliciouscompliance, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, r/IDOWorkherelady, r/Idontworkherelady, r/AmITheA**hole, r/AITA, finance, real estate, podcast, funny, am i the jerk, i am the jerk, im the jerk
Id: gAzKD1KL35U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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