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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story my boyfriend wants us to get an energetic dog that won't fit with our lifestyle so to get to the point my boyfriend and i have been living together for a year we live pretty lazy relaxed lives both being moderately successful artists that work from home when we aren't creating or spending time together we do our thing he plays games pretty much all day and i usually work out or watch my favorite shows and run errands pretty much a boring lazy couple so my boyfriend has been wanting a corgi since like forever i get they're cute but i'm sure he as many people wants a corgi because they're super popular and cute and are featured in a few anime they even get a special beach day like that's cool it's like a corgi owner club but i know corgis can be pretty energetic every person i know with a corgi has mentioned just how much of a handful they can be without exercise or proper training my boyfriend has never trained a dog in his life and besides the fact that most likely we'd have to spend a pretty penny on getting one which i'm not keen on also growing up he had a dog it was mostly his mom's but they never brushed its teeth so it had tooth problems i wouldn't want him to think that's okay to do with a two thousand dollars dog he is very sure he'd play with the dog all the time but honestly i think he'd get overwhelmed i suggested a bulldog cause they can be pretty lazy edit i also suggested a greyhound and a frenchie i basically went down a list of apartment-friendly lazy dog breeds it just so happens that there are a lot of bulldogs up for adoption in my area also i have experience with bulldogs frenchies and greyhounds i did mention fostering first but he's dead set on purchasing a corgi we even have friends that have corgis and they agreed that corgis are a handful for less active people i've also expressed all this to him but he basically thinks i'm being super mean and stepping on his dreams i told him he needs to be more realistic and not get one just cause they're popular and cute and actually think about how much work they need to be raised properly i also told him that he's a pretty lazy person and doesn't even know how to train a dog he is being really cocky that his dog won't be like other dogs and he will have all the patience and energy to raise his dog perfectly i told him to stop being unrealistic and he basically decided to give me the silent treatment and his sulking next story my parents are mad at me for wanting to marry a guy with a different faith from ours background i am female 29 live in a country where people still live in closed unit societies mary as per their parents wish and take care of their parents for a lifetime my parents have brought me up with all the love and affection given me the kind of education i needed even though it was difficult for them given the resources now i am working and living on my own for the last six years i want to marry a guy 30 who is of a different faith we have a nine-year-old relationship he is a kind and caring person well-settled and well-educated we both respect each other's faith and also aren't very religious we have similar life values which we hold more important than religion i had to keep my relationship secret for all these years however now they know my mother is an emotional person hearing this she got so stressed and panicky she developed serious neurological problems she has now been diagnosed with parkinson's i told her a year back before telling my father my father also knows about it now and he is all furious he had verbally abused me and had asked to cut all ties he has said he would disown me probably he keeps sending me texts on how i have betrayed my family for so long and have brought such unimaginable sorrows for my mother he tells me if something happens to any of them it would be because of me my brother tells me that i shouldn't do what i am doing just for the sake of our parents health he tells me how i am being such a selfish jerk the problem is when i hear my mom and dad cry on the phone every day and the fact that they are so old in late 60s and physically unwell the fact that what they believe is something they can't change and the societal pressure they would go through is something real i have been so very stressed lately with everything that is happening my boyfriend consoles me often but i am just not able to get over this guilt of putting my parents through all this but then i also can't do what they want me to do that way i feel i would lose myself my whole existence next story i hid my scholarship money from my entitled parents i'm an upperclassman 20 female in university i applied recently for extra scholarship money about 500 to cover food and other expenses for this semester i'm at home with my parents currently but i'll be moving to an apartment in my college town in about a month i found out today that i was rewarded this extra money and it's supposed to be mailed to me in a few weeks the problem is my parents are terrible with money they make nearly 120 to 130 k combined to provide for five people altogether in a small town but we live paycheck to paycheck and are usually scraping by at the end of every month money is usually wasted by them buying things a ton of things we can't really afford don't need kitchenware clothes random things from amazon this means that whenever i get any extra scholarship money or have money coming in from summer jobs i usually end up being asked to loan it to them they never really keep up with how much they take out of my account so i'm left to keep up with it there's been several times where they haven't believed the amounts that i've written down in my notes anywhere from 50 to 75 of the time i never get the full amount back it's put a lot of stress on me at times having no money left to get textbooks groceries etc while i'm at school this has been going on since i started college even when i was studying abroad and extremely anxious about running out of money that being said i'm not perfect with saving my money either i spent a decent amount on things like books and food but i like to be able to monitor what i have and save the rest my parents see no point in saving money and regularly pull out of their retirement or push back their student loans to make small unnecessary purchases i'm getting to the age where i'm noticing and it really concerns me with this check coming i'm seriously considering never mentioning and trying to sneak it into another bank account so i can put it aside for food for the rest of the semester my mom does check all my mail that comes through so this is entirely dependent on the chance that she doesn't open it first i do still live at home for free when i'm away at school but they've never spent anything for me to go to college i get that they might need it for times to get food so i never say no but i honestly have no idea what they spend it on most of the time next story our neighbors think our walkway is a play place i know we're in a pandemic and it's really got to be difficult to have young kids cooped up in an apartment but i had to draw a line today i 27 female live with my mother and sister in a downstairs apartment of a four-unit building two downstairs and two upstairs there is a cement walkway that runs from a side gate to the back parking lot with access to three-quarters units right in the middle the two upstairs via a set of stairs and my unit has a door right under those stairs both downstairs units have a window right at this walkway one of the upstairs neighbors has young children i think two or three in total but they moved in about a year ago and i try not to interact since the pandemic this family likes to use the walkway as a playground of sorts with the kids using bikes and scooters in the area it's just slightly wider than a normal sidewalk and not big enough to be a parking spot normally i just put up with the noise or turn up my music tv i have once before asked the kids to quiet down as i had a migraine and they were literally screaming frozen lyrics trying to outdo each other outside my bedroom window today i started hearing a lot of voices and some weird tapping outside my window i have my window blocked since it's on the main walkway and went to my door to see what was going on and opened it to a ton of unmasked people gathering outside my door and generally throughout the walkway i shut the door immediately a few minutes later the noise was highly irritating and they'd begun hitting something i later saw was a pinata i went out with a mask to ask them to be quiet and tell them this wasn't a party area i would have had to walk through this crowd and needed them to stop their pinata beating to safely pass if i had needed to access my car during this time the man of the couple agreed and could be heard trying to remind the kids to quiet down during the rest of their festivities but the mom seemed to have a lot of attitude about it my own mom thinks i'm being unnecessarily grumpy about it and shouldn't have said anything parks are open in my area and we are at below 8 intensive care unit availability next story i've been fighting with my dad over my tax returns if i file as an independent all get four thousand dollars plus any additional stimulus check and if my dad claims me he'll get two thousand seven hundred dollars i graduated from college in may i got a job starting august 2nd as a software developer and have been completely independent since september this includes auto ins health ins renters ins etc the one way i would be eligible to file as an independent as if i paid for more than 50 of my living expenses and i'm right on the 50 line depending on what i count as a living expense i'll be over it or under it personally i think i've paid more but it's too close to tell my dad demands that i file as a dependent so he can get the two thousand seven hundred dollars every time i tell him not to he calls me ungrateful for all he's done for me i've even offered to pay him back the 2200 college tax credit once i get my return if he lets me file as an independent i sort of see his point since he paid for the vast majority of my school but he refuses my payment idea personally i'm doing great financially and i don't need the money but it pisses me off that he feels entitled to my money because he paid for my college like i owe him for helping me i am grateful he helped me but paying for my school was more like a gift than alone i wouldn't be angry if he'd needed the money but he doesn't he makes more than double what i make and has a huge nest egg he only wants my tax return so bad because he's low on cash for buying a brand new 2021 f-150 and he feels entitled to it since he paid for most of my school am i the jerk for insisting to be claimed as an independent because i've definitely insisted more than a couple of times and he always gets pissed and calls me ungrateful and how he's paid way more than 2 200 over my life and then i just walk away from that conversation next story my entitled mom wants to know everything about me and my boyfriend's life throw away because my siblings use reddit quick background i'm not close with my parents at all they're not exactly abusive but they're extremely controlling if my parents knew about my account they'd try to force me to download it so they could check it multiple times a day i'm 23 and not living with them they also treat me as if i'm about 15 with a curfew when i visit them in lectures when i do something like get a new tattoo or wear too much eyeliner because of all this i rarely visit and i grey rock them constantly the problem is i just moved in with my boyfriend 22. my parents didn't take it well at all but they do like him so they eventually came around last week my mom called me while my boyfriend was still at work we made small talk for a few minutes and then she started asking questions about our private life i refuse to answer because i don't believe that's any of her business she pressed the issue saying she has a right as my mother to know what i'm doing with who i refused to talk about it again and she started going off on me i hung up on her and have ignored her calls texts since of which there were many normally that'd be that but i guess she's taking out her lack of control over me on my two sisters who both still live at home and can't move out because of a current global situation to the point one of them begged me to just answer her so she lets up i'm still refusing because i'm not comfortable having any kind of deep conversation with her at all and because she's still texting me and leaving voicemails all along the lines of i'm your mother you can't treat me this way you have no right to not answer my questions i tend to assume the worst of her and my sister doesn't think it's a big deal next story a line cook has literally zero initiative i'm a restaurant manager for context we have a line cook let's call him carl that apparently has learning issues though that's never been proven he's friendly enough though can be a bit much at times he's about 20 years old and has been on the job for about six months as for the problem i don't think it has anything to do with learning issues he just doesn't do the obvious thing for example we had a table waiting 20 minutes for mac and cheese we were a little busy so i gave carl the benefit of the doubt i asked him how it was going and he hadn't started it yet i asked him why and his response was i don't have any clean bowls he hadn't said a single word to anyone as to why he hadn't started it and he had no intention of saying anything until asked he didn't speak to the person running the dish to get him bowls he never attempted to get himself bulls he needed a bowl saw he did not have one and simply went on to the next ticket c he learns recipes just fine he knows how to use all of our equipment and systems i thought maybe these issues are social at first but nope he cuts up and has a great time with all of the workers he just never does what he knows he needs to do and it causes a lot of problems customers wait for forever and get angry work doesn't get done he'll leave without checking out sometimes it causes more work for the rest of the staff not to mention the countless times he's been late i am of the single mind to fire him but it's not just my decision i need the approval of another manager on my team but they seem to be afraid of the backlash for firing him because of his issues if you're wondering why i'm saying issues instead of an official medical term it's because i don't have one to use the only thing he's ever said is issues next story my girlfriend is mad at me for leaving her off the deed to my house i male 34 have been seeing my girlfriend female 26 for approximately three years dating exclusively for two we're pretty serious we've been living together for a year but we haven't seriously discussed marriage or taking steps in that direction last year i decided that it was time for me to buy a house i talked it over with my girlfriend i told her that i absolutely wanted her with me in the new place but i wasn't expecting her to put any of her own money down for the house nor was i expecting her to pay rent i told her it was more important to me that she pay down her student loans her only contribution would be continuing our existing 50-50 split on utilities groceries and other shared expenses as i was paying for the house alone this would legally be my house not our house fast forward to last friday i'm closing on a house between my savings and my parents exceptional generosity i'm paying 65 cash and i secured a friendly loan in my name to cover the rest when it's time to sign papers my girlfriend and i meet with the agent the agent asks who will be signing today to which i answer just me after i've signed a few documents my girlfriend asks to speak with me the moment we're out of earshot she starts expressing her anger at being left off the paperwork after letting her say her piece for 15 minutes we decide to reschedule our appointment and leave since then we've been having the same argument every day like a broken record my girlfriend believes she should be on the deed because she is an equal partner in our relationship and yet literally all the financial burden is mine adding both our names to the deed would add unnecessary legal complications if we ever split up therefore i believe only my name should be on the deed to the house for now i've told her that if we get married then we can add her name to the deed then but we're not married now and i want to keep the business with the house as simple as possible i feel like that's pretty reasonable my girlfriend's friends have apparently been misinformed because they feel justified sending texts telling me to do right by their friend and or calling me a misogynist who is using her this suggests my girlfriend herself misunderstood essential details about the plan i surmise that my girlfriend just assumed that we were going to be co-owners and now she's upset because she convinced herself she was getting one thing but is actually getting something else she never offered to contribute when she thought she was already co-owner and now she's holding it against me for not asking if she wanted to be to be clear i would never agree to co-own property with someone who wasn't my spouse or my parents especially someone who isn't paying this is the hill my girlfriend has chosen to die on i thought i was being fairly generous by offering to let my girlfriend live rent-free in the new house i'm paying for alone but apparently i'm a misogynist jerk for not putting her on the deed too and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 14,587
Rating: 4.8808513 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: m-R6gfGGrGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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