Entitled Lady KIDNAPS My 7Yr Old At The Supermarket! Gets Mad When Cashier Calls 911 Entitled People

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welcome to r entitled people where we share stories from your lives about people who think the rules don't apply to them and they should get what they want thank you friends for subscribing to the channel and for so many likes and today we have three great stories so subscribe hit the like button and let's begin the first story crazy lady tried to kidnap her child but she's unlucky that the child knows self-defense techniques the second story a groomer i used to work for would breed one of her dogs like no tomorrow eventually she abandons the dog when she won't have any more litters the third story the girl got angry about the properly cooked food the first story is entitled crazy lady attempts to kidnap me because my mom was buying my brother's clothes and not me this happened to me when i was around seven so it was a while ago so i don't remember everything i'll be paraphrasing most of the dialogue backstory the supermarket we were in has a little playpen type area for parents to dump their children while they go shopping and since the area usually doesn't have much parents there since they're all doing their shopping so the kids are mostly not being watched all this much around this time i was also doing karate classes that are school taught our teacher had his own dojo so i'm assuming he still does karate lessons i don't do them anymore though i live in a different town now one day during this class our teacher had taught us some ways to stop people we didn't know from dragging us and trying to take us places one of the methods for some reason made you look like you were throwing a huge temper tantrum at first glance cl crazy kidnapper lady me melted eggy m my mother b my brother c cashier one day i was by myself at my shopping center's playpen my mom and brother were both looking for clothes for him since he needed new ones i'd been in there for about half an hour when our ep arrived watching over all of us which most of the kids were ignoring soon enough i had started sitting down and that's when she walked into the pen and up to me this is what i can remember the conversation ciel hi sweetie where's your mummy me she's with my brother getting him clothes cl and she's not getting any for you i remember her tone being really suspicious like she thought my mom hadn't bought me clothes since i was born me no cl let out a shock gasp and looked around a small bit before she asked me if i wanted some new clothes too i shook my head no and went back to playing until she took my hand and started walking me towards the very clothing store my mum and brother happened to be in at first i thought she was taking me to my mom so i walked with her but soon she ended up turning and walking towards the exit which confused me so i pulled my hand away from her causing her to grab my wrists and start dragging me she told me with a weird tone it's okay sweetie we're going to go to a better clothing store for you at this point i was seeing the red flags my little seven-year-old brain could remember so i tried one of the things my teacher had taught me to stop someone from dragging me which wasn't the temper tantrum method instead twisted myself around so her own wrists would hopefully twist and make her let go when that method didn't work and she kept dragging me i decided to try out the temper tantrum method i dropped to the floor and into a sitting position and began leaning backwards cl turned to pull me up and that's when i started to let out a screech so loud that i'm pretty sure i was about to turn into a dog whistle this caused ciel to panic and try to cover my mouth and pull me up which only for me to start screeching louder cl saw that people were staring at us and loudly started to blurt some generic sounding no we can't get this and that to get people to stop looking at the situation in response i screeched at the top of my lungs that she wasn't my mom and that my real mother was in fact in the clothing store we were at the entrance for soon a cashier ended up running over to help calm me down and pulled me away from the co while i was still shrieking cl was standing there like she was waiting for c to hand me back to her when i eventually stopped screaming c asked me if cl was actually my mother when cl yelled cl yes she's my child see is she your mummy me no mommy's in the store cl i am your mother c ma'am what is your child's name cl uh delilah c to me is delilah your name sweetie me no my name is melted eggy at that statement c turned to cl holding my hand and told her to leave the shopping center or she will call the police ciel started a rant about me being her child and that i was just being a brat that she needed to take me back home cl ended up grabbing my arm and yanking me away starting to power walk when i started screeching again and doing the whole tantrum method for the second time while c was trying to pull me away from cl yelling for another cashier to call the police little did ciel know while she was yelling my mom and brother were heading to the checkout when they saw cl trying to drag me away my mom physically stopped and screamed out my name causing both me c and ciel to turn in her direction cl started to run when m started chasing after her bags in hand with my brother soon em got to cl and tracked her to the floor holding her down since back when i was little em was a bit overweight she was heavy causing cl to not be able to get up c took me over to my brother me and him both were crying while c.l kept screaming that i was a child m ended up punching cl in the jaw and telling her that i was actually her child and to expect the police the police arrived and cl was arrested i don't know much about the trial since i was fairly young and didn't really know why i was there at the time i just remember telling a judge about what ciel had said and my side of things i was actually told my aunt a few years later that cl had broken out a sob story about how em was actually the kidnapper and that i just missed my dad since they had gotten divorced and that m was my dad's new wife and that she wanted to sue my mom for assaulting her she also made a comment that she was a better mom than em was and that she was only saving a neglected child because my mom was buying my supposed stepbrother clothes and not me he isn't my stepbrother ciel ended up getting sent to jail for attempted kidnapping and her attempts to sue my mom for assaulting an innocent mother didn't go anywhere after all of that i went to therapy for the incident for the next few years and my mom ended up thanking my karate teacher profusely for the lesson where he taught us how to defend ourselves from strangers i started paying more attention in his class and i ended up getting up to my purple belt before i moved away the playpen at that shopping center got a security guard looking over the children since then so no crazier people think they have the right to take someone's child and now that i'm older whenever i see a child having a tantrum i always check to see if the child is okay you never know if they might have a crazy entitled lady trying to kidnap them the second story is entitled groomer abandons her dog when she won't breed anymore okay so i lived and grew up on a hoity-toity rich folk town and i hated it my family moved there before it became like that as a result there are a lot of posh bougier places here and the entitled f's to go with it i also had the misfortune of working retail in a high-end dog bakery and boutique for about six years they also did dog grooming there and i worked as a bather and whatever else they needed me to do i've got a ton of stories and here's just one of them so with this story at this high-end dog bakery and boutique we had dog grooming and dog rumors but we went through dog groomers like candy because the owner was a bee to work for i was pretty much the only constant worked for about nine groomers in the six years i worked there this one groomer let's call her samantha was there perhaps the longest of them about 18 months she was very popular with our clients especially the sh entitled ones and i was one of the few bathers that stuck with her apparently every place she worked at and every bather that worked under her would end up quitting because she was such a bee to work for she'd degrade you verbally set impossible standards have you do things not at all part of your job like buying her lunch and doing her laundry make you stay late unpaid because she couldn't be effed and be her scapegoat for all the things the woman basically behaved like she never had someone tell her no in her life and she expected everything to be done when she asked if she wanted the moon you get her the moon she was a total brat even she was surprised that i stayed with her as long as she was there i even outlasted her because i lasted the longest she ended up actually respecting me and not treating me as hardly also one of her five dogs really loved me so that helped she was still an entitled pos honestly the reason i was able to put up with her as easily as i was was because my mom is worse than her i guess i'm just used to the abuse but i digress anyway samantha had five dogs one standard schnauzer a border collie mix she absolutely loved me a toy poodle a boxer and a bichon fries the bichon let's call her angelica was a pure breed with papers and all samantha since she had five dogs and a pos boyfriend who didn't work would make extra money by studying her mail the standard schnauzer and breeding angelica she always brought all five dogs to grooming with her and she'd always be about how aggressive and misbehaved angelica was how she'd bite everyone how she snapped at other dogs etc also while she'd occasionally bathe her dogs at the store she never did with angelica her coat was always long and kind of matted she said it was because she couldn't touch her i had to bathe her sometimes she wasn't any nippier than the other dogs we get at the time i didn't know about angelica being bred like no tomorrow the poor girl had eight litters apparently it's only safe to have up to four after a while angelica couldn't get pregnant and couldn't behave so pos samantha left her with me after she left early for the day taking the other four with her i tried to tell her that she was forgetting angelica but she said and i quote i don't need her anymore she can't make me any more money eventually i got her to take her dog but the next day she came without angelica and she told me that she put her outside in the street the other night i told my manager who called the owner and while the owner is also an entitled pos when it comes to people she absolutely loves animals and she was effing livid the owner drove around where samantha lived for two hours before she found angelica hiding in an overturned trash can she then drove to the store came to the grooming section told me to leave and then proceeded to yell at samantha at the top of her lungs in front of everyone customer and employee alike samantha quit right there though i'm sure the owner fired her too took her dogs and left the store in the middle of a busy day leaving a half-cut standard poodle on the table we had to cancel the other appointments for that day once the owner told them why even the sh ones were understanding evidently samantha stole a lot of our clients when she left and opened her own mobile grooming service the owner got angelica a new home with one of her friends and she did a whole 180. she was a totally different dog once she was rehomed and spayed she became sociable happy well groomed she was a whole new dog her new mom loves her and she gets along great with her pup siblings as far as i've heard samantha is still a real entitled brat her boyfriend got deported for dog fighting and she was forced to give up her dogs as a result and the last story is girl had a meltdown because the food came out exactly how she ordered it so i work at a mediterranean restaurant hookah lounge we have all the mediterranean classics as well as some other foods tacos burritos chicken tenders etc the restaurant is really close to a college campus so we end up with a lot of students anytime we have issues it's with these students so this group of regulars come in order their food and sit down they got two chicken shawarmas pretty standard well the order comes up i check the ticket to make sure it's right and take it up to them it's two stories so i have to take the stairs when i set it on the table everyone recoiled knowing they were about to complain i waited we'll call the two girls g1 and g2 g1 this is supposed to come in a tortilla me uh no shawarma's coming to pita g2 no it always comes in a tortilla me okay well that's not how it comes so i'm not sure how you got it in a tortilla but i'll see what i can do so i take it back down to the kitchen and ask if there's anything we can do the owner tells me that we're almost out of tortillas and since it came out as ordered we can't change or refund it great i take the food back upstairs to this table who also didn't tip funny enough and set it down before i can finish explaining that we don't have tortillas and it has to be ordered properly g2 snatches the food and runs down the stairs and over to the kitchen and starts hysterically yelling at the owner g2 this isn't right put it in a tortilla owner i'm not putting it in a tortilla it came out as ordered and i don't have extra tortillas g2 what if i pay for it oh no we don't have extras so g2 takes the plate off the counter and just tosses it on the ground and storms out but stands right outside to keep poking her head in to call o a b her friend comes downstairs to apologize to us and try and calm g2 down as she's still having a temper tantrum i clean up the food and go back to work the friend then comes up to the register apologizes tells me the friend didn't mean to yell she's just northern and that's how they talk and then politely informs them that i don't need to refund the rap i don't need to refund a wrap that was prepared literally the way it was ordered i hate students please note that i had no control over the situation i was just doing as i was told i'm not the a-hole here just peeved off i hope you enjoyed the video hit the like button and don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 44,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gets Mad When I Call 911, Mom KIDNAPS My 2Yr Old, r/EntitledPeople Mom KIDNAPS My 2Yr Old, reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, reddit funny stories, entitled people reddit, rslash entitled people, entitled people top posts, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, reddit top post, r/ProRevenge Cashier, slash start, r/EntitledPeople Cashier, r/EntitledPeople Supermarket, r/EntitledPeople Kidnaps, r/ProRevenge Supermarket, Supermarket, Cashier, darkfluff
Id: UAF8yKS-Y0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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