Entire Pack! | $2 Payout Tripler ~ $50,000 Top Prize

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hey good morning good morning good morning hope you all are doing well saturday morning so uh you know lazy day lazy day at least for some of us i realize not everyone gets saturday off hey trisha what's up greta hey claimer kaden hey randy so i'm doing a whole book of this um oh hey alice someone mentioned they hated this ticket and i thought you know what i love doing two dollar books let me do this one so before we get started let me check what the prize payouts are hey brian what's up tj yo it's the maserati just checking on the website real quick what the payouts are what the prize obviously there's gonna be a two dollar prize a four dollar prize a five dollar prize uh probably a ten dollar prize it's probably a fifty a hundred probably jumps to a thousand after that i'm guessing okay so i was wrong it's it's there's no fifty there's wow there's a two a three a five a six so these are the prize payouts um so two dollars three dollars five dollars six dollars ten dollars fifteen dollars twenty dollars thirty dollars one hundred two hundred four hundred one thousand ten thousand dollars and a fifty thousand dollar prize oh what's up steven yeah i kind of stole your thunder my friend me and sophie we go way back so i just um i'm just in a privileged position where i was able to do that hopefully you didn't take that any type of way i don't think you did oh okay katie cool hey amir welcome hey kevin what's up rosemary hey brian all right y'all let's get started on this bad boy i'm actually not gonna keep track on paper like i normally do it's a two dollar game i'm gonna end up scanning 150 tickets so that's how many tickets are in the book i tore them in sets of two just to make it easier so it starts with ticket triple zero and it ends with ticket 149 book is triple zero eight nine two five dash six this is the game number and these are the ticket numbers all right let's rock and roll baby let's rock and roll i've actually never played this game so let's see what we do what's up og yo jordan oh nice jordan that's awesome so we're looking for matching numbers of course a roll of cash is triple in a sack is double the prize what's up michelle welcome to the stream hey jamie all right let's go 20 and three see if we can get oh first ticket first win baby hype it up first ticket first win we'll take that all day every day and on sundays all right here we go hey nicole what's up white dragon and it's the first win in the book two dollar holla holla we'll take it of course ticket number one let's simple hunt see if we can find the roll of cash or the money bag that would be awesome it's funny that they put the money bag as a double granted it is different than most the money bags but most the money bags in florida are win alls here we go hey randy oh thanks greta you're going to keep total if you can make it through this whole thing 18 and 17 no dice on ticket number one how are you doing i'm doing great steven i'm doing amazing i have zero complaints my life is literally like perfect right now i mean it's relative but yes all right ticket number two here we go thirteen and nine i am thinking about what to get my mom for mother's day um it's on the ninth it's coming up soon um she's not smoking as much and cigarettes would be a terrible gift anyways because i get those for her no matter what eleven and three she has alzheimer's um maybe i'll get her like new new um coloring pencils hey bowler poker's going bad i'm down big time in poker but i'm i'm reading a book now i'm hoping to get better that's true rubber duck i could do that so she um she doesn't play scratcher she has alzheimer's um i know she loves starbucks so i for sure get her some starbucks starbucks is like her favorite 19 and 20. hopefully they'll let me take her out depending on the restrictions she's in a nursing home so they got to keep all the residents safe hey good morning debbie here we go ticket number five 18 and 10. is anyone good at math 18 and 10. 150 tickets the hey nellien the odds are 1 in 4.73 hey mj from perth my mom has low body dementia i'm not sure what that is but i'm sorry to hear that 1 in 4.73 so out of 150 tickets how many wins should we have does anyone know the answer to that all right that's four losers in a row but that's okay it happens i mean you know it's a two dollar ticket guys hey kevin from lowell massachusetts we like to call you a mass hole all right ticket number six 19 and 17. and i know a lot of people up north wear that badge with pride that masshole badge all right no 19 no 17 bowler says there should be 31 win winners esme says 27 foul mouth says i got 10 the other day and they were oh man that sucks i'm sorry foul mouth at least it was only a 20 it could be worse 2 and 17 it could have been 10 20 tickets you know boom look at that folks we have the double we have the double sack that's awesome oh is that not how you say it you don't say lol what do you say oh you can't say it [Laughter] jimmy says there's 35 winners okay and one day how much scratch tickets you can do georgina um i'm very budgeted with my scratch tickets so i don't actually play every day some people do not believe me but whoops sorry about that i do not play scratch tickets every day florida that is so dirty i'm not even going to give him a money sign for that one wow all right we're at four bucks back all right i am expecting to lose half but of course i'm hunting chasing the 50 000 prize how insane would that be if i just happen to buy a book that has one of those in it man that is the goal 50 grand whoo baby oh lol is how you oh i forgot a number you're right i did thank you guys you're right i totally forgot this number two thank you for three bucks [Laughter] lol okay so it's not lowell it's lull ten and six thank you for correcting me uh yeah i got nothing i tripped tens from the flop last card in the river the guy catches his ding flush yeah it happens twice twice i had that uh but kind of kind of similar so i i hit the flush and the card that made my flush made the person their full house both times hey puff thanks for the super chat you're awesome appreciate that all right ticket number ten thanks randy six and eleven it's all gonna come down to did i buy a good book i hope so i know the reality and i stick to my budget oh we have an 11 folks we have an 11 falmouth she's not a fan of the new tickets so i haven't played these yet so i can't complain just yet i i do not like multipliers with a dollar i mean that's like come on all right ticket 11 that's a complaint two bucks there i mean ticket 10 matching number 11. thank you ms greta for keeping track you're awesome we're looking for a 12 a 6 a roll of cash or a money bag all right no dice there we're at seven back so far we got a long way to go oh it's pronounced low ill low ill low low ill okay i'm gonna stop i used to love getting scratch tickets once in a while i don't have the energy for anymore after my husband passed away oh i'm so sorry i'm so sorry georgina dang 20 and 11. all right no dice on ticket 12. what's up peggy welcome to the stream all right take it i give up i give up michelle 20 and 9. i'm not even going to keep trying um no 20 no 9 no symbols rocky says let's go but he said it as lego rocky b rocky b from philadelphia all right 8 and 13. boom we got a 13. and oh we've got a manual win all folks we got a manual win all baby whoop whoop hype it up come on let's get excited this might be big and a tripler in the clutch corner come on baby come on i don't use the hype button as much but this one deserves a hype what's up cassie all right florida don't do us dirty we know the prize amounts we know the prize amounts please be at least a hundo baby come on man come on baby whoo oh they're dirty i need to send them to the cleaners man i should have known should have known i don't know why i got excited dirty dogs one two three four five six seven eight nine what that doesn't make any sense what prize is that oh it's 15. there is a that's a one in 94 15 that's such a weird prize amount for a two dollar maybe it's not maybe it is i don't know but it's a one in 94 find all right well it's a decent win i guess two bucks 15 back shouldn't complain shouldn't complain 20 and 10 i'm going to complain though i'm greedy i want more all right what's up jen hey rob thank you guys for coming appreciate you this ticket has very weird prizes you got it well hey this looks like 14 currently has the spotlight of of the show let's see if we can get a bigger one ticket 16 12 and 13. nothing there hello from spain hola buenos dias while it's actually not the morning over there five and seven you're probably about eight hours ahead i would guess probably about eight hours ahead no five no seven folks that is a loser little money leads to big money i hope so brian that's what that's what i'm after i want to convert 300 investment in this book into 50 grand nice nellion smoothie says that would make me stop playing with those types of wins yep i think the um the lottery is just so popular they don't care we have a nine we have a nine whoop we got a match we want a single match single match baby come on and it's a two dollar i'm pretty sure the 50 000 is gonna be under a single match i'm pretty sure you know i would not complain about a thousand bucks on a two dollar ticket that's for sure all right well there's no jackpot on ticket 19. all right jen thanks for stopping by i appreciate it 20 and four 20 and four no dice on 19 but we did win two dollars back on ticket 18. all right 20 and 21 2 and 12 2 and 12. if you all would smash the like button i would really really appreciate it 172 people 50 likes thank you scratcher ex appreciate it thanks chris i try to i try to make it as fun as possible six and one six and one boom okay we got a little double up right there a little double up we'll take that jersey says hello what's up nice mike awesome i'm so glad it arrived um i sent out a whole bunch yesterday and they will mostly arrive by tuesday so if anyone ordered a coin yesterday it's arriving tuesday all those dirty dogs like to find one of those double ups with more than a dollar oh that's funny rob that's funny oh thanks adrian i hope so too man nice mike nice that is so awesome bro that is so great shout out to bowler97s family in windsor jess brenda kylie nash and cody shout out to you all thank you so much for watching my youtube channel marilyn says how is your day going mind mine is going good it is raining so it's not raining here my wife is off getting her hair done or some other spa thing i don't know to be honest um i was supposed to do the breakfast dishes we had blueberry pancakes and bacon for breakfast and they're still sitting in the sink and if she comes back and they're not done well you know i do have a very comfortable couch now i'm just kidding so i slept in i played a home game last night of poker i'm you know it was small stakes 10 20 cent blinds and um i made like i don't know 30 bucks or something 11 or 10 no dice there 10 or 9 no dice there you cannot add them together that would have been sweet all right those two are a bust big trouble says nellien you better do them yeah i know i am due right michelle i am smoothie it's way too early to say that baby it's way too early we got so many tickets left you never know all right two and ten now if there was like 10 tickets left i'd be nervous but honestly when i buy a whole book i'm i'm i'm expecting to lose half that's what i'm expecting to do if i win more i'm happy obviously i really want to find the miracle jackpot 13 and 15 that's why i buy the whole book but i also know that oh we got a little double up i also know the reality of the odds um so the key is just play within your budget bleep buddy bloopers says terry a little a little two dollar holla right there on ticket 25. oh florida what's up jennifer fry full of lockdown pretty much 52 new cases okay all right yeah florida's like almost fully open um we still wear masks uh some counties lifted the mask mandates but in pinellas we still wear masks when we go out um to like restaurants stuff like that but i think for the most part florida is pretty much open nothing there what's up bernadette it's raining here from richland missouri what's up julia hey twice baked uh this boat this pack so the two dollar packs are 300 bucks fourteen and eight so the packs range from three hundred to nine hundred so there's um three hundred dollar books are the one dollar tickets two dollar tickets three dollar tickets five dollar tickets and then um ten dollar tickets 20 tickets are 600 bucks and then the 30 tickets are 900 we did have a 20 ticket the old dinosaur the yellow one that one had more tickets in it than an average 20 book that's an old game nine and twelve no dice that one was a thousand whoo all right let's get on to ticket number 29. 80 degrees at 11 30. yeah 14 and 9. boom triple up folks triple up florida's economy will be ahead of the game because of the fact that they're open yep what are the odds the odds are bad um they're only one in 4.73 florida to the philippines okay i'm liking that two triplers that's awesome two triplers thanks keith i appreciate that here we go six dollar win that's such a again that's such a weird that's such a weird win but it is it is a win it's 1 in 75. all right oh the max i didn't plug it in then max almost dead all right take a 30. hey i'll take it 16 and 8. i'll take it over as no win it's money back it adds up sixteen and eight so far the largest win is 15 bucks but i think we're going to beat that i think for sure there's a bigger win in this book four and 20. just got a feeling you know 4 and 20. no dice there time for an outlier you got it man what's up oscar donna says these tickets are awful when does the fake multiplier end says marcus it probably doesn't um we did the petition we have a 16. as far as i know the petition was submitted i don't know that it had any effect uh you know but if we're going to complain we got to do something we have another 16 it's two matches two matches one dollar one dollar two dollar holla rocky says he's never played beat the bomb unfortunately i do not have any tickets for beat the bomb today but um i promise to have some for tuesday that is a promise nothing there book should have at least a 20 winner and probably a few 10 wins matthew says love your vids man so addicting to watch i think you're going to win big thank you matthew i appreciate that i lose a lot but i try to make it as fun as possible i try to be realistic um about the odds and the budget and all that and i just try to interact with you all and make it as fun as i can 15 and 16. here we go ticket 35 8 and 10. this saturday stream is always way more chill than the tuesday stream the tuesday stream is crazy like the chat is insane i can't keep up i'm new to the lives but not to watching this channel as my top five thanks carmella thank you so much man yeah walter you know man you know i i i saved someone and beat the bomb i scratched ten five ten dollar tickets for them and um they all lost so that means the next beat the bombs gonna have some winners all right 18 and five we don't have either 11 and one eleven there we go first scratch first match baby and a little double up right there we'll take it we'll take it of course all right we have the dollar and the 11. what's up billy broski from pasco county all right that's a five dollar halahala we'll take that one after nick's good luck your next only amount of time thanks terry yeah nick man nick is so lucky man my boy my boy over there in orlando all right ticket 38 two and five two and five cool guy always a fun time hanging out with him we've played poker quite a few times the dislikes are for the for the losing tickets 13 and 15. they dislike the losing tickets you can't blame them all right 13 if you publish anything to the internet anything at all even a photo you can't expect everyone to like it ticket 40. it's just it is what it is 20 and nine everyone has an opinion and especially nowadays we are like being socially engineered to be divided instead of loving each other twenty and nine it's time that we all just freaking put aside our differences they do not matter at the end of the day like eight and three eight and three no dice becky says it's blurry oh no um becky try switching to 720 uh view settings what is the biggest win you had until now simerjeet my biggest win ever is a thousand dollars the two dollar gold rush supreme would have been a better book choice probably probably correct rob i could have also entered the losers into second chance but you know what can't go back now i'm in it to win it baby oh thanks keith yeah i mean 7 and 19 none of us like are perfect you know so oh we have a 19 that's good right 219s oh you dirty dog florida you dirty dog hey thanks vanessa thank you thank you teddy for raiding my youtube channel 7 and 14. all right no dice there we did get the 2 holla up there crystal says she's done terrible on the two dollar gold rush hopefully you entered all the losers into second chance six and 12. nothing there what happened i must have missed something he said hi everyone and vanessa says you lied what i'm lost terry says 100 winner in this book or there's a pizza ooh pizza party at terry's place unless we find 100 if we don't find a 100 winner boom we got a double up right there if there's a 50 under there that's 100 holla oh i don't think it is because there's another match what's up scratch world two dollars three dollars yeah derek i don't know i mean kind of felt the same way before but then i did like the math on the odds and everything and it really doesn't affect anything um i'll take another stream before i cross the border i'm confused 11 and 20. no dice 47 no dice on 46. it's okay cause folks i'm chasing it i'm chasing this whole book thanks jose i didn't know you could enter your two dollar losers in a second chance so um naomi you can enter the gold rush tickets so for instance this game any of the tickets that have this theme this gold rush theme this is the 30 version but all the gold rush supreme tickets are all second chance entries tranquil says i can't see the white liners you're correct you can't not on this game three and seventeen all right whoops three and fifteen they were like you know what we're sick of you guys cheating and finding the white line tickets we're gonna print an all-white ticket oh nice t-jack hopefully you get some good tips today i know when i was driving for ubereats people that rode as a passenger didn't tip as much but people that got food like a 95 tip rate so good luck to you hopefully you get a nice tip from someone all right here we go folks those were both losers but um not to fret we're exactly one-third through the book we're on ticket 50. scared money don't make no money says carmilla yep cassie says a big winner is coming oh thanks trisha yes that has been a long journey at one point i did consider declaring bankruptcy and i said you know what i spent the money i'm responsible i'm gonna bite the bullet and pay it off so i think i did the right thing it was it was not easy it was a lot of long nights the white liners use the white liners used to also have a black line on the back that went vertically used to work at a gas station and sold them constantly interesting yeah uber eats is great um you can just like nowadays you just leave the food on the porch it's so there's no it's very simple you take a picture on the app it's really cool um and ubereats like i think it's just the culture here in america like a lot of people tip for food service so i think that's what it is thanks rocky yeah five and four it's crazy like i don't even have a car payment like my car's paid off um of course i'm getting all sorts of offers to buy another one and i'm like nope not happening not happening not buying another one what's up thelma i mean i don't know about honorable crystal but uh but i appreciate the compliment i think it was just me deciding to take responsibility you know boom little double up symbol right there that's nice right nothing on the top one what's up bryson i saw that bryson i actually saw your email i didn't respond i should have let's see is it on this one yep look at that the upside down e retailer with an upside down need y'all see that right there not yet random but i'm going to i'm going to go to derby later today and i'm going to make a thousand bucks tax-free baby all right retailer the e is upside down y'all look at that what do you guys think huh is that weird or what i don't know if you all can see that okay crystal you're right you're right all right what's under the double two dolla holla all the per clerk that's going to scan these for me these are not second chance so i won't be the ones scanning them the store clerk will be four and 11. it's not even just misspelled it's like a funny upside down e all right nothing on the ticket 54 how about taking 55 16 and 15. all right nothing there what's up crazy joe joseph i wasn't the one um so it was bryson bryson emailed me a picture and i was like oh wow what's up carlos a big one is in the pack says naomi i hope so the coin is too high betty email me i'll send you a coin for free eight and six eight and six get rich or die scratching gmail.com if you can't afford the 20 bucks i'll just send you one for free yeah it's on like every ticket let's look at that 30 gold rush i just had open that was a second chance ticket i found in the trash can yep it's on that one too the e is upside down what's up carl from england welcome to the stream all right nothing on the top one super cereal you margarita 9 and 20. boom another little double up symbol that's awesome come on baby have a real prize under there frankie says i want to buy one but i have a block on my card all right frankie no worries there's plenty of them two dollars we'll take it two bucks two dollars better than zero dollars although we would like a big prize under the double sign 16 and 19. all right nothing in the top ticket we're at 50 back on 300 spent we need to we need a big win to catch up 6 and 14. all right nothing there i went from not gambling at all to gambling all the time oh no margarita no no no oh that's not the purpose the purpose of this channel is to show you how bad the odds are not to make you gamble more i mean if it's within your budget thank you crazy joe thanks smoothie thank you i'll take the 30 ticket you got stashed in your drawer i don't got a 30 ticket in my drawer i ain't got one in here i got no tickets in my drawer that's actually not true i do have one unscratched ticket in my drawer but it's the blowout the original blowout i was gonna save it for when i hit 100 000 subs what's up glenn welcome to the stream no six no four what's up teddy i'd like to have a free coin can somebody buy me one betty i i you have one on me baby you have one on me you email me get richard i scratching gmail.com just email me your address and i will ship you out one on monday no 13 no three guys that is a losing ticket all right awesome margarita what's up matt what's a boston scratcher all right it's ticket 62 and 63 i apologize for all the bumping i keep hitting the uh the stand here 10 and 18. we have a 10 that's awesome boom and a little triple up roll of cash two and five dolla holla what's up gabe thank you here we go ticket 63 nine and three no dice whompity whomp tickets 64 and 65. three and two nothing there i don't think nick is lucky he knows how to pick man maybe you're right whatever it is he gets a lot of big wins man which is great you know four and eight it's good to see it's good to see it gives me hope that one day when i move to orlando you know i'm getting four and eight i can find one as well puffers you have to go watch i forgot i had a garage stash of four tickets says teddy a grodd stash 20 and 10. am i like the stash scratcher now i thought i was the get rich or die scratching scratcher so like the past two months i've been putting little bits of money into my um stock account oh we have a 12. we have a one oh okay guys that's a manual win all baby no no no it's not no it's not false alarm that is so funny just the top row ju anyways what i was going to say is i've been putting these little amounts like 50 bucks 100 bucks and now um over a few months i have over three grand in there just and then the dividends like it's just um slowly growing you know it's a five dollar win folks it's like your small actions add up over time you just have to be patient look at that a five dollar win the entire top row how bizarre huh grads i tried to rig a winner for mother's day but apparently she watches youtube she said don't mail me a big winner so i scratched the hundo on a two dollar ticket nice teddy that's awesome bro 298 people 118 likes could you guys please like the video i would appreciate it jason says bom boom boom boom boom boom bom jones says hello hello happy saturday hello joan welcome to the stream we're trying to win 50 000 that is the goal if we don't we don't but that's what we're going for five and thirteen no five no thirteen what stocks have you invested in uh so far um first of all let me disclaimer i am not in any way a financial advisor i have zero education on it i just so what what i've put money in so far were stocks that paid dividends so a dividend is when the company shares profits with the stockholders so i bought companies that in my opinion aren't gonna go anywhere so i bought um two utility companies one in ohio one in new york i bought um coca-cola i bought uh real estate a realty income i bought um disney bank of america american water all um i bought 18t verizon four and three what's up ricky four and three no dice there all right folks these two are these two are losers so all of these um are i have a little bit of bitcoin i have a little bit of dodgy coin a little bit of erytheum um yeah so i'm i'd say i'm a little diverse but obviously i only have three grand it's not like it's not like a lot of money yet you know but it's gonna grow i'm getting uh ten dollars in dividends next month from some of the shares i own which is awesome that's just great all right no 7 no 14 what's up susan you start small but you end big you know 3 and 17. if you just keep at it and don't give up that's my opinion but again i'm not a financial advisor don't don't do anything yeah i've heard about that space moon man that's like um what's up lorraine or miss delson i can't actually pronounce your first name hello from wisconsin love your videos this is the first one i caught live nice that's awesome what's up mike welcome to the stream we're looking for a 3 or a 17 and we are talking about stocks because someone asked me about it the odds are pretty bad man oh wow tree city that's amazing the odds are and four point seven three it's right here one and four point seven three pretty terrible odds what's up rach from ireland hey tracy what's funny about like coke and pepsi is they make they do a lot more than just the soft drinks people don't realize um pepsi actually owns frito-lay um so they make a lot more like as an example right okay ticket 72 so like companies like you if you start digging into what companies actually produce and make you'll be surprised i own some general electric proctor and gamble um six and twenty no six no twenty so these are all companies that i think are just like staples of society that just aren't gonna go oh we have a six there again i'm not giving you any advice do not do anything based on what you're hearing from me today doesn't mean anything when i start to get a more significant some saved up i'll probably start getting some actual advice from someone who knows what they're doing all right that's two bucks that's uh that's a win what do you do for a living i am an energy uh brokerage firm sales manager gotta hop on those cruise liners garage says benjamin yeah what's up loco yo man yeah pepsi is massive right thank you shanti barbecue yeah i just buy a little bit of bitcoin here and there i don't sell it i just buy it on the dips on the highs on the lows like you just in my opinion bitcoin has the huge advantage because it's the first one and there's a limited quantity two and three i also buy uh physical silver and gold how do you feel about digital money well first of all i think money is already digital for instance the only reason i ever have cash is for poker and scratch tickets other than that everything i go to work 40 hours a week at my job i wake up on fridays and in my bank account are more numbers i then spend those numbers with a credit card 16 we have a 16 folks so money is already digital um and i think like like for instance if i go out to eat with my wife and let's say we go out to eat and we have dinner and we spend 60 bucks no one's physically taking 60 out of my bank account they're just changing the number in the bank account it's all digital already it's kind of confusing what would you buy with the 50 000 so i would first pay the taxes off then i would literally invest all of it because i just i just um paid off all my debt so now i'm in the investment stage i'm buying i'm saving up six months of expenses and investing five and 16 we have the 16. three bucks all right we'll take it we'll take it reputable source to buy gold and silver so there's a few places there's provident metals there's app mechs there's um jm bullion you can also find a local place to go and buy some like a physical store you don't have to order them online when you order them online you do pay a small premium for the fees they always charge a little bit more of course because they're in it to make profit um but that's just transferring wealth to a a non-fiat currency that the united states dollar is aaron says what's your biggest win one thousand dollars well actually on a scratch ticket was 500 i won a thousand on um second chance walter says just my opinion and i'm not a financial advisor either but you may be too diversified if you want to play the dividend game i would consolidate to less stock that pay the higher dividends i agree walter i am very diversified i have like way too many but i'm also so new in it um so i'm just kind of like getting my foot in the water and splashing around and seeing what happens and then from there i'm going to be doing that for sure 15 or 19 no 15 no 19 up here we needed an 8 or 19 no dice thank you bryson thank you so much man yeah it's been a journey it's been a lot of uh a lot of extra work but you know what i i'm the one that spent the money so you know i had to take responsibility for it five and seven all right nothing there nice sarah not sure what that is but if you're making a great return that's what's important how much have you saved for retirement um so far i'm i have um about 4 500 saved so far oh my my laptop just died i hope so boston i hope so now i'm i'm a little bit i still think gme will recover lots of losers on this ticket says florida scra florida claimers ted he changed his name rob i do not have a 401k if i did i would be taking full advantage of the match ticket 79 8 and 4. i have a very i work at a very small company at its peak we had 22 employees now we're down because of covid we're down way less my company does not have a 401k all right that's two losers guys we have not won since ticket number 75 and we're on ticket 80. i can't get an ira um but i was doing like the math on it we got a 20 guys um i was doing the math on it based on my age we have two twenties so i'm 37 right if i can only contribute about 5 500 a year even though it's a tax advantage i don't see that it it makes a lot of sense to put it in an ira for me personally too because i think the growth is too slow like the limit you can put in is too too little do you play other lottery games like powerball i do not scratch your ex keep up the great retirement bloomers and come that uses current data and news to invest okay cool 11 and 4. nothing on 81. thank you greta for keeping track we have a long haul man we got a big win coming though because we're gonna get at least 150 back for sure four and eight i think we are anyways there's no guarantee it is the florida lottery there are no guarantees no four no eight yep rob you got it so um i've read some books like the richest man in babylon in this concept of paying your oh we have a six that's good the concept of paying yourself first is such an important concept and i don't i don't know why it's not taught in schools like we pay the irs we pay our bills but we don't pay ourselves like it's so important to pay ourselves so that's what i'm doing now andre if a person wanted a ticket that you scratch for them could you give them could you what could they give it to you no bowler uh i'm definitely not investing for anybody they i would send them the money and they can invest it themselves ooh nice 10 win folks that's a nice little bump right there we'll take that of course sweet jj says my problem with the 401k is if you hit 59 and a half you can withdraw it all and bet 50 to 1 on horses if you're 59 in one third you can't remove even 1 000 wow coin dealer ripped me off here in melbourne give him coins and he gave me the check the check bounce oh yeah definitely never take a check do you like turtles i used to like turtles when i was a child i had a fun fact so i've lived in florida almost my entire life my dad took me to a space launch uh at kennedy space center we went there we rented an rv we camped out overnight and then there was a it got delayed and i was so upset so my dad bought me a turtle as a consolation 5 and 20. 5 and 20. no dice um so i had a baby turtle for a long time 20 and 10 when i was a child boom little double up right there that's awesome see what it is hopefully it's big 20 and 10. all right just a doubler six bucks we'll take it all day every day what do you think about dodgy coin i do have some dodgy coin i bought it at 5.3 cents um and then when it uh got really high i sold my original investment in it so anything i have in it now is a hundred percent profit um church first than you i have a 401k and i like the five percent match nice that is awesome that is awesome how much is the whole pack you bought the whole pack is 300 bucks if you guys could smash the like button that would be super awesome nice ray yeah i feel like pac is heating up now you got it ever uber to cape canaveral i have not i've been to cape canaveral numerous times twelve and one i've um been to spen kentness bennetty spanidy kiss spanity case center kennedy space center quite a few times i actually should go back it's been a while all right no 11 all right no 12 and no one all right ticket 87 8 and 1. i tell you what if i hit big on one of these tickets there's gonna be a big boost in next week's beat to bomb and in my uh savings eight and eleven all right no dice there i bought dodgy at 40 cents no don't sell rocky don't sell hang on hang on oh no you sold already didn't you last month i found a retailer still selling the dinosaurs nice man lc so i keep i keep some tickets that i really like want to keep so i have this one because this is a 100x symbol on this ticket and then i have a few others just for like nostalgia purposes so this is a one dollar ticket that i hit 100 on 100 on a one dollar ticket that was pretty awesome and then this is a five dollar ticket i don't remember the amount i think it was like 300 or something it was a big win or maybe it was 250 i don't remember what it was but you can see all the matches except for the 50 000 and the 10 000 were were winners so 20 40 60 80 100 160 210 2 i think that's 250 on a 5 game and this was a manual win all on this uh fastest road to poverty every every number matched and we had the bonus down here that was a 500 winner and then when i did my 30 for 30 this was the biggest win i had on ticket 10 it was uh 200 bucks and then of course the dinosaur ticket this one's scratched i revealed the clutch corner this was in a video and then actually i have one unscratched who knows this might have a jackpot on it ticket 29 and then of course the ticket that got my channel off the ground the original blowout ticket ticket number seven this i'm gonna scratch when we hit a hundred thousand subscribers um until then it's not gonna get scratched i don't know when i will scratch this one so we'll see i'm just hanging on to these because they're cool you know they're just fun tickets and big wins that i had on different tickets where the retailer was willing to give it back to me they don't always give it back to you but if the person's really cool they realize it's getting trashed anyways the no one cares about a hundred dollars two hundred dollars five hundred dollars this this one the reason it's not in that pack is it's too long all right terry says it's a claimer someone hit 50 500 000 on the new oh my gosh israel that's crazy caleb says i'm coming to florida soon what store can i go and buy four different books on pretty much any retailer that is willing to sell tickets will sell you a full pack i'm sitting on yes tickets do expire three and 20. the five the the the blowout ticket if it is a winner which i doubt it is because tickets that's ticket seven ticket six was a win so the likelihood of that ticket being a winner is very slim and honestly if it is a winner i'm only pissing away 500 100 or 50 bucks which yeah it is money but i don't know i just think it's kind of a cool thing to have what's up rebecca nice jj that's awesome all right i don't see a 15 i don't see a three i don't see a three up there or a 20. we're at 83 back thank you greta for keeping track you're amazing all right ticket number 90 i'm so sorry that you had to remind me about the birthday that was terrible nine and five boom tripler tripler the money roll we also have a five folks nine oh it's gonna be ten ten bucks we'll take it we'll take it back-to-back green blowouts we're usually 50s 50s the most you lose is 50. thanks teddy i appreciate your knowledge your experience 18 and 11. the laptop's battery died so forgive me on the chat i'm not going to be as good just the 10 bucks upstairs these tickets could go from extremely frustrating to calm again you got it man the unscratched dinosaur is gonna be a 1k winner says terry that would be insane what's up rosario all right six and seven boom another tripler no six no seven boom baby let's go there we go now we're talking now we're talking all right that was a little nice little boost 30 holla 20 and 12. hopefully there's an even bigger win in the pack no 20 no 12. until then the biggest win was 15. so that just doubled it that just doubled it right there ticket 92 coming through garage you need sandpaper to scratch that yellow dock yeah you know it right hey what's up uli all right ticket 94 2 and 15. i hope you got my other email uli 2 and 15. all right no dice there there's a 400 winner in here man that would be insane 7 and 19. no seven no nineteen one but it won't pop one all right cool cool what's up melinda good afternoon to you all right here we go ticket 96 and 97 caleb says get rich i know you're getting there very soon before ending of this year you're going to win oh man that would be insane thank you what's up nellie and what's the highest multiplier you've seen on a two dollar ticket oh that's a good question i think uh 10x is probably invest in lottery stock yeah oh man if the florida lottery went out of public stock 12 and 8 and shared their profits with us dude that would be sick twelve and eight all right no dice there yep hunting the jackpot ticket you know it 17 and 18. no 17 no 18 thanks 84 i appreciate it what's up dazzling diva kurt says tuesday i won 500 on a one dollar nice man that is so awesome the most i've hit on a on a one dollar ticket is a hundred five and twelve what's even more amazing about that was i didn't buy a whole book i just bought like i don't remember i think twenty five and 12. so that was a great what's up naomi thanks for coming i just bought a 300 book of the 10 jumbo books nice robert that is awesome bro wow that is great you picked a great book my friend for a book without a claim her prophet is just what's up baby lambie thank you what's up eric um nareza yes i i do have coins so this coin i'm selling include shipping for 20 bucks obviously this is the this is the uh well used version the clean version is this so it's sparkly it's clutch corner it's metal obviously this is like my beat up abused seen one too many battles tickets there's a link uh in the about section of my channel all right ticket 100 7 and 17. i'm gonna have to tip the store clerk that scans these but their scanner is so much faster than ours man how many in-grouds we trust i have no none of those left teddy none of those left bust out a wipe yeah good point greta good point um none of those those are all gone that was the limited edition all right nothing there folks the picture is pickled says elizabeth try changing the settings to 720 p what if they retire the ticket jennifer if they retire the ticket then too bad to me right terry exactly publix the thing is is they they don't accept tips but yeah they can scan so fast compared to us like it's not even funny man it's almost i almost like it's it's a conspiracy like the little scanner machine there how slow it is i think it's on purpose andre do you ship to ireland you got it i will cover the shipping you just order on the link make sure you put in the correct address and i will pay the shipping do not worry about it we have a two folks we have a match all right nothing upstairs we have the two what's up scratch king kingroy813 [Laughter] here we go two bucks two on two all right tickets 104 and 105. terry knows it man you go to that machine and it's brutal it's so slow no one no five nineteen and eleven no and dice won't womp tickets 106 107. what's up jose awesome rage thank you i appreciate that nice caitlyn that's awesome man the powerball oh baby fun fact if you hit a a million on the powerball in florida they don't they don't charge you an upfront payment we have a 13 folks we have a 13. they don't charge you an up upfront payment charge whereas if you hit a million on a scratch ticket they do all right three bucks there that's awesome we'll take him all right deonte hey man that's more than i've hit bro 10 and 15. all right nothing there we got the three dollars up top tickets 108 and 109. teddy says lottery rep pulled my last blow out tickets from the last door monday oh no thanks ddg appreciate it two and 11. channel is literally nothing without you all viewing so it's really all up to you guys hello from west palm beach florida thanks rafa 17 and 5. all right nothing there two losers folks two losers ticket 110 and one eleven see how see how smooth this coin scratches it's like a hot knife through butter all right do we have a 10 or a 19 no 10 no 19. are you the channel doing the bling bags or grabs uh no not sure what that is two and eight the game that i play with the viewers is called beat the bomb um i used to do blackjack if you want a million and they take the taxes out right away later on do you have to pay taxes yes sunny thanks mike i appreciate it 17-4 yeah so i'm not a tax person but from what i understand they hold back tax money up front but again each person's tax situation is significantly different so although they hold taxes up front they couldn't oh we have a two folks they couldn't possibly know your exact tax situation so they don't necessarily hold the correct amount so i would always put a little bit extra aside just in case and get an accountant use an accountant for sure nice rapha thank you five dollar win we'll take it what state don't you have to pay taxes uh smoothie there's no taxes in florida oh on the lottery i don't know there's no state income tax in florida but we got all sorts of taxes we've got property tax sales tax income tax from the irs i mean i don't think anywhere where you live you're you're going to get away from taxes 16 and 12 you'll just pay a little less all right nothing there ticket 15 115 i mean yeah well what extremely wealthy people do is they just don't collect any pay they have businesses and stuff and everything is a business expense they just don't i'm not a tax accountant so i don't really know how it fully works but they have tax accountants who are like legal masters and they know all the way to uh they know all the ways to legally avoid paying taxes and the people in the government do the same thing i mean they're the ones that approve the tax laws so like the people in congress trust me they know all the loopholes and they use them 15 and 16. nothing there ticket 117 12 and 11. so the key is getting a good accountant boom triple up obviously like you have to make enough for it to matter i think in my opinion all right we have the tripler three bucks dang i was hoping it was more of course canada's tax-free wins thanks tranquil i appreciate that yeah i try to make it fun all right ticket 118. we need a 20 and a 16. no 20 no 16. no symbols three and four no dice those two tickets are busts started watching you six months ago right after i hit the missouri five dollar green 20x ticket i hit it for 20 x one oh my gosh dude james that is insane congrats man wow that's awesome ticket 120. we're getting close to the end of the book see if we can pull off a big win here get this to the halfway mark or maybe the elusive 50 000 bucks which is what i'm after of course 15 and 20. no dice wompany womp womp womp can we get two more likes and we get the likes to 200 that would be awesome thank you ticket 122. eight and seven boom triple up oh my buddies thanks james oh boom baby let's go we did it again we did it again 30 holla teddy says they need to fix withholding tax from the long standing stupid 599 to 1000. yeah i don't know how that works teddy i know when i got a thousand i was given a form i was given a thousand dollars the check was worth like was for a thousand but one day i'm going to find out the pain of paying taxes on a million plus all right y'all we got the 30 bucks upstairs ticket 123 was a bust we'll take that 30 all day on a two dollar holla holla next up ticket 124 10 and 16. no 10 no 16 take 125 13 and 14. sorry 13 and 4 no dice there tickets 126 and 127 10 and 8. we have a 10 two bucks ticket 127 10 and 14. all right nothing there we got the two bucks upstairs that goes in the winter pile what's up scratching wind teddy says nexter will feel the pain soon i don't think he's feeling any pain my friend i don't think he's feeling any pain i'd sleep pretty good with that kind of a win boom another tripler no 14 no 20. ah it's a three dollar hollow ticket 129 19 and 9. all right no dice what's up jay bolan all right we're over the halfway mark that's good right 130. it's it's it's it's completely a matter of point of view people go what it's good that you lost half your money like yeah it's good i didn't lose more than half no 6 no 20. i don't understand why live streams keep going offline i'm not sure smoothie i'm going i'm going good oh my gosh scratch and win that would be insane bro that would be insane woof one and 17. no dice ddg d ddg says profit session i hope so we need a miracle for that though we need like a hundred dollar win or bigger which it could happen it could happen florida lottery you never know man the florida lottery is like so unpredictable there's no minimum returns there's no like obviously there's a maximum return but you just don't know man it is crazy four and ten no four no ten let's go downstairs these scratch channels remind me of my dad i called him the mad scratcher he played every day i hear you david i hear you three and 16. i think the most important thing is like stick to a budget boom a little double up in the clutch corner come on baby show us some love florida 10 bucks we'll take it we'll take it not too shabby could have been a dollar tickets 135 134 and 135. i've done just i've just done a dance for the 50 000 man that would be insane hey garage do you know the odds of hitting three times ten dollars um i think it's no oh my macbook's dead i can't i can't check the the the mac the laptop is dead i didn't plug it in because you know professional streamer youtuber here doesn't plug in his own equipment node 2 no 13. if you go to the florida lottery website it will have the odds for that prize two and four no two no four grads hit it twice right teddy my dad used to scratch every day until mom got him the flea and tick collar oh my gosh too much my friend elsie says end of june to redeem the dinosaur thank you lawrence thank you so much for that super chat man you're awesome that's awesome bro thank you use that for beat the bomb all right ticket 136. what is your favorite ticket right now says jason my favorite ticket is the 20 gold rush um that has been the best 20 ticket for me we have a 15 folks we have a 15. so on tuesday doing a book of those already purchased it still here in the plastic you can see they took the card out so the plastic is ripped this still has a few top prizes left a few million dollar prizes like there's still some juicy prizes out there on that one so two oh thanks dan um the 20 regular gold rush what is my least favorite ticket hey dj what's up scratch queen 407 my least favorite um i have like a love-hate relationship with ooh triple up with the fastest road to poverty i love that we hit 500 on it on that giveaway ticket and the guy was super kind to split it with me um you know what's funny about that ticket that i hate i hate how the margins are like you can't make any mistakes in scratching like because the numbers are so tight but that that nick it hit that that nick that ticket has beaten me up oh nice 15 bucks guys those tripler symbols coming through right now that ticket has has done has done me dirty has done me so dirty that's the one kentucky that's the one that's beating me up big time what's up dan um i can't paste the link but if you go to the about section of my channel it's 20 bucks includes the shipping this is obviously like the used beaten up version this is the clean smooth uh brand new one that you would get in the mail we are up to 198 okay we're only down 102 bucks we got a chance folks we got a chance it is possible there we just need a miracle we have two four six eight ten twelve tickets left twelve tickets left yes the fastest road to poverty you know it man yes thank you um yeah buying the coin really helps uh support my youtube channel i appreciate you so much you get a cool uh channel merch as they say thanks dan i appreciate it it's got my stupid face and cartoon on it all right ticket 138 i actually do wear those glasses every day [Laughter] oh baby loco that would be amazing come on man seven and four all right nothing there 139 six and eight even if i don't win on a single ticket oh which we got one right here um this has been a decent book and by decent i mean over half back here we go double up double up one dollar holla the tripler symbol's done a lot better than the double symbol you know teddy i used to do like a crossword stream every saturday i i stopped i probably should go back my wife loves your coins she loves using it to scratch her tickets oh thanks pablo 19 and 30. i was really nervous when i ordered it that it would have not a good that it wouldn't scratch good but it scratches so well i'm really happy with how it turned out people like i don't want to see you staring at me i go you don't you just put your thumb on it and you squeeze my stupid face you don't have to see me staring at you scratch all right no 19 no 13. all right ticket 141 touch your autograph no oh yeah jacob i got tons of coins definitely my autograph is worth nothing nine and six no nine no six so someone asked me like why did you increase i used to sell them for 10 bucks and when i sold them for 10 bucks i basically pretty much lost money on every sale so i was like i need to make a little bit of money so i i increased it to 20 bucks i was like ah 20 bucks you know so now each time i sell a coin i make a little bit of profit all right here we go ticket 142 [Laughter] right israel i have noticed that two dollar books return more on average than five dollar books can i just mail you 20 to of course yeah od yeah sure of course absolutely never put your address in a live chat or on a youtube comment you you mail me 20 bucks to my po box i will mail you back a coin and if you're in florida i'll add you a ticket for you 20 and seven no problem at all all right no 20 no 7 ticket 143 5 and 9. no five no nine oh thanks rach yeah the time like so the the time was really an un undisclosed cost on the packing and stuff and i will never do numbered coins again that was a that was a really stupid idea george hey sandra from germany guten uh guten morgen now but it's not morning so i don't know all right take it 145. oh nice it's real nice man yeah and they just increased the postage costs i i i ship it with um tracking because i don't want to ever have a coin get lost and i put it in a little padded envelope all right 10 and 3 no dice there oh my gosh eric if they made hundred dollar tickets that would be insane thanks deante yeah uh you i'll get it sent to you out on monday have you ever had a profit session on any of the books yes smoothie very very few times but i have had profit not boom triple up i've had profit like i want to say maybe six times out of like boom two triples how many books have i done that's a good question um i do about one a week on average so and i've been doing them for about a year so i've done i've probably done like 70 books total the odds are really bad on scratch tickets you just have to realize that all right we got the two triplers two triplers oh it's a six dollar holla holla florida florida's claimer's ted says it's a hundo here oh dj that's crazy what's up cnc what's up oh wow all right here we go ticket 147 nine and four let's see if we can eke out one more win we're at 206 dang that's that's pretty good in my opinion which part of the book do you feel is best i don't know david i've seen it all sorts of ways i've had 10 losers in a row i've had four winners in a row um so i really to me it's completely random i don't have a favorite number to me it's just right place right time so far on tickets i've been very unlucky on youtube i've had amazing luck i could not be more happy with my channel and the support it's gotten did you catch the claim oh we did not cnc we have to check that out do you want to trade a michigan book for a florida book maybe in the future king um i was scammed recently so i'm a little bit hesitant to send out a whole book to someone eighteen and six uh it's it's nothing personal against you it's just we're on the internet we don't actually know each other and what was sad about it was it was like only 120 bucks like dude if you're gonna scam me for 120 bucks like i don't know scammy for something bigger all right folks the last ticket in the book here we go come on baby we need an 11 or a 16. all right clutch corner last spot in the ticket for 10 take that all day every day and twice on saturdays jason they were like oh let's ch let's exchange tickets i sent them tickets they even they even scratched the tickets posted the video to youtube and then never mailed them back to cash ah it's a loser guys it's a loser [Laughter] oh man that's how they got me jason i trusted them to mail me tickets and mail me back the tickets i mailed them they didn't lesson learned you know but i've also mailed tickets to like so many other youtube channels and they've always mailed them back so i had no reason to distrust the person and then now that put me i mean at the end of the day was 120 bucks like you know definitely lost more than that on on a video before so but to me it was like if you're gonna scam someone like you're gonna you're gonna i don't know it just seems crazy like why would you not do it for more money but whatever 36 winning tickets thank you greta for keeping track for 206 dollars back okay well hey i didn't find the 50 000. so pizza party at terry's um but overall losing you know 94 dollars could have been worse could have been a lot worse uh so not that bad [Laughter] i know florida disclaimer said i know that's the whole point is like i didn't even know how much i won back and then they even emailed me like it was just it was so weird it's just so weird i don't have any tickets to play with i only have a book here of 20 gold rush which is my tuesday live stream i'm definitely not opening that before tuesday um the only other ticket i have that's unscratched is oh that's not true i have two i have the lucky dinosaur which i'm not giving away and i have the blowout but i don't have any tickets for any games today guys i'm sorry if someone wants to play blackjack we can play blackjack but other than that i got no more tickets to scratch man i love your i love your enthusiasm uli you're so awesome do you think people actually win the mega yes it's over it definitely has happened yeah rach he was so do he was so do bryson wants to play blackjack all right bryson you got it here we go bryson good luck to you my friend good luck to you i took out the um thank you melinda you too i took out the two jokers resumed all the way out burn one so this is bryson dealer bryson wow bryson dealer uh bryson what are you gonna do you got it rach you could play as well i only have my phone so my chat is a little bit harder to see all right bowler i got you i think bryson's gonna stay oh dealers at eight eighteen dealer loses thanks train quill thanks all right who was next we got rach and bowler so rach bowler dealer rach bowler dealer all right rach you're at 16. would you like to hit or stay the dealer is showing a jack for a 10. this is rach this is bowler this is the dealer welcome crystal have a great day what's up rebecca welcome frankie wants to play all right frankie i got you next see you deante have a good weekend man rach would you like to hit or stay you're on 16. yes carmela tuesday night at 7 p.m live on this youtube channel rage are you there hello i need a hit or a stay she says hit that's a bust reach i didn't realize that was a soft 18 um george i didn't know what the ace was there um bryson i mean you can email me all right bowler you're up next hit or stay all right rosario i got you i owe rosario and frankie next thanks daniela thank you you got it ricky let's go let's go we're so dude bro we're so due i should say you're so do ugh i think bowler left um bowler left bowler's not not responding so i'm just going to hit form 17 ooh that's tight gonna stay 13 17. oh it's a push it's a push all right next up is frankie and um it was frankie and who was the other one frankie and rosario all right frankie rosario dealer frankie rosario dealer all right frankie you're up next do you want to hit or stay you're at four oh nice dj frankie says hit frankie's now at 12. you got it dan you got it this channel is nuts frankie says hit oh frankie 20 20 buddy frankie stay bro stay don't do it unless you know this is an ace unless you know this is an ace somehow i'm going to peak i'm going to peak frankie's going to stay all right rosario hit or stay hit or stay rosario's going to stay all right dealers at 15 dealer busts congrats you guys you win all right y'all i'm going to end the stream here thank you guys so much for coming um i didn't hit the 50 000 but we tried we tried or i should say i tried love all your faces i'll catch you guys around peace
Channel: Get Rich or Die Scratching
Views: 13,746
Rating: 4.8995814 out of 5
Keywords: Florida Lottery, Lottery, winning the lottery, scratch off tickets, lotto, Florida, scratch, tickets, get rich or die scratching
Id: Je_xMwMuE7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 54sec (5394 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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