ENTIRE HOUSE DECLUTTER with Me!! » 💪 Messy to Minimal Mom EXTREME DECLUTTER Motivation 2021

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do you ever have those weeks where it feels like you're just running and running and running around and it's tough to even catch your breath well basically the past three weeks have been like that for us i like to think that life has seasons there's busy seasons calm seasons transitional seasons and for us right now in our life it seems like we're finishing up at the tail end of a busy season and kind of moving into a transitional season and that's why i want to take you along with me today because during this transitional season it's a great time for me to take a look around at my home and think about what i need what i don't so i thought that we could do that together today because today we are doing my entire home i'm going to separate it into seven distinct zones my office the living room the guest bathroom and hallway the kitchen the master bedroom the main bathroom and finally my kids bedroom just a quick note theoretically my husband's office would have been zone 8 but he asked for an exemption because he was very busy and i don't want you to just sit there this is a decluttering motivation video i want you to get up and declutter along with me so before we get started make sure to grab some boxes bags or bins you're going to use those to separate your items into donate sell trash and recycle or re-home as we go at the end of this video i'm going to pile everything up so we can see how much there is so make sure to stick around until the very end okay so now here we are in my office and i know that there's a couple small things that i need to tackle in here the ugly fake bamboo plant in the corner has some surprising creatures living in it and my wall grid on my office and inside my desk my kids have put some things in there that i need to go through and just declutter and then as far as my cabinet there's not a whole lot of stuff inside of it but there's some stuff on top of it so let's go through everything and see what we can find first things first supervisor yorick is going to move over here to keep an eye on things and then i'm going to take this paperwork that was left over from our passport applications and recycle those let's go through the drawers and see what kind of small presents my kids have left inside not only is it a good idea to have bins for getting rid of things but also when you need to take things back to their proper place it's a great idea to have a bin for that so these things need to go back to their original homes [Music] okay guys how cute is this my son made his interpretation of my goals goat that is on my vision board i know a lot of you got a kick out of seeing me add a goat to my 2021 vision board video and somebody commented below to give him the name goals go and i think he's really helping me meet all my goals this year but anyway my vision board has collected a couple extra things beyond what i put on it originally like some small pieces of artwork so now i need to go through and declutter a couple things that my kids have added oh my gosh you guys i'm already sweating no joke it's like 90 degrees outside it's hotter in here the fan over here broke and my husband called them this morning and they're going to send us a new one because we still have it under warranty so i'm just going to go get the back hallway fan really quick so i don't suffocate in here while we're decluttering hold on a second [Music] it can be really easy to make excuses as to why you don't have time to declutter and i am so done with making excuses so i'm too hot is not gonna be my excuse i'm still gonna get this done today let's go declutter motivation make sure to hit that like button and drop a door emoji down in the comments section below if you are on your own decluttering or minimalism journey try to like a few other comments so we can keep each other motivated [Music] i don't know yet [Music] so this wallet is a little bit sentimental for me because it was given to me by my aunt at my undergraduate graduation it was a bittersweet moment because both of my parents had already passed away they weren't there obviously for my graduation but my aunt was so wonderful and she gave me this along with a purse the purse fell apart and i got rid of that a long time ago and obviously this is in really bad condition too so i've been hanging on to it and hanging on to it and not only is it falling apart on the outside but it's also falling apart on the inside i think that what i can salvage out of this is this small piece that's used for my checkbook so i'm going to save this piece out of here because this is still in pretty good condition and i'm going to finally let this go and there's also i'm going to try not to reveal personal information here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 cards and the only ones i need to keep are my bank cards this is old dental old imed old health card the banana republic i haven't shopped there in years costco no costco here blue cross blue shield ulta card oh i'm gonna save my target red card because i'm sure that in the future when i go back to the us i want to go to target again goodwill card so all of these cards i'm going to give to my husband to be shredded in our uh paper shredder because it can actually shred cards so that no identifying information about us gets out these cards need to go in my new wallet [Music] i have bank deposit slips in here from 2016. [Music] as a recovering emotional hoarder i know i tend to get overly sentimentally attached to things so i always try to keep in mind the marie condo quote to have gratitude for the things that you're discarding because the gratitude will help give you closure and so i'm remembering that as i give gratitude to this wallet that has served me so well in my life because this is my office this is where i keep things related to my blog and my youtube channels i got native deodorant to try out maybe i should have opened it today because i'm over here sweating like crazy i'm gonna be trying this and letting you guys know if i like it or not and then i also ordered some fabric samples from sustainable and more eco-friendly stores on etsy they're linen this dress is linen you guys compliment me all the time on it and ask me where i got it from honestly it was from h m several years ago i'm in need of new clothing and i got some samples and the colors that they have for their stores are just absolutely gorgeous so i have samples from two different stores and i'm going to set these aside but i can get rid of the envelopes for now i also ordered a new lens for my camera that you've seen in a couple of my videos and i am sure that i like it now so i'm going to get rid of the box and the instructions that come with it and then just go and replace everything back into the cart heading over to the fake bamboo in the corner my little son diti decided to decorate it with some paper caterpillars and so that's what's hanging out in the tree over here so i've got to go through this tree and take out all the paper caterpillars because i'm going to be getting rid of this tree i recently did a q a video with my husband and in it he promised me that he was going to find a nice real plant that could fit into the corner of my office and he would be responsible for it because i am a notorious plant killer so i'm clearing out this bamboo and then i'm going to give it away personally probably on a buy nothing group so i got all of these paper caterpillars and whatnot out of it and now i'm going to head over to the bookshelf on top of the bookshelf we have a few miscellaneous things from my son's kita graduation and then some artwork that didn't come in time for the kitchen decluttering video so i've got to put that to the side for later and then this is from our wedding it was actually given back to us by our in-laws who said that they didn't need it anymore and i asked you guys on instagram if you thought i was going to keep or declutter this and 87 of you voted that i was probably going to keep it which is not the case we are actually going to get rid of it my husband is totally on board with this because we have another better picture that we like more in his office so this is going in the discard pile i think we're pretty well done in here i got everything cleared out of my desk and my ikea rascog cart obviously there's nothing in that corner the bookshelf is already pretty minimalist i just cleaned off the top of it as you can see there's not really much inside that needs to be gotten rid of i don't think oh oh oh wait wait this this i need to go through and take out a few things honestly craft supplies are something that i tended to hoard and i already talked to my sons kita i'm going to give them these watercolor brushes and get rid of a couple of other of these crafting items i think i'm doing pretty well that all of the craft supplies that i have now pretty much fit into this one lunch box that is sentimental in itself by the way but anyway i'm gonna put everything back i'm also gonna put back the linen samples that i got in there so everything fits okay now we're in the living room this is the section that's been driving my husband crazy so we're gonna go through all of this stuff honestly it's just a lot of trash and recycling i'm gonna be getting rid of most of it there's also some stuff inside the tv stand that we need to go through and over here are just some various things that need to be taken back to their proper place [Music] i'm trying to waiting what is this [Applause] some crafts and more pieces of the craft this was given to us by our friends christine and yon from little house on the corner i will link her down below if you guys want to check it out she's got amazing style this needs to go into the bookcase this is our wedding album which we actually keep up here to look at and then also we play chess and there's some other things in here my husband got this because he was interested in finding out about plants for the balcony but he's already done that we've got some beautiful plants so we can get rid of that he likes to keep this here but honestly i don't feel like we need this on the tv stand this is mine and our home is already decorated so i'm gonna try to get rid of this because we don't have any closets i keep the craft and art supplies in the tv stand on the left hand side so i'm just putting some of these things back and then i've got a couple of items that need redistributed to other areas our board games and some of my sentimental photo albums are in the right hand side so i'm just straightening those up we tend to hang out in the living room a lot so our dining room table and the couch are the places that tend to collect the clutter the most in our house i would say so even though it's not super bad you can see that some things have started piling up here and my kids left this stuff out here this morning i guess we'll just talk about this right now because it's a little bit awkward so if you've been following me for a while you know that we live in a 100 year old home here in germany it's basically a condo in the city and so we have neighbors above and below us and previously our upstairs neighbor has only been here during the day mostly because it's like his office but i guess for some reason he moved into the upstairs he is like a crazy night owl and we will hear him walking around at 11 o'clock 12 o'clock one o'clock three o'clock like non-stop all night long and for three weeks my husband wasn't sleeping at all luckily our kids seemed to sleep deep enough that it didn't bother them but it really really bothered my husband so we ended up getting him this fold out sleeper bed and we figure we can use it for him when he can't sleep because the neighbor is walking around and if we ever have guests come over it's something that's easy to pull out the boys really enjoy jumping on it and goofing around on it so i'm still trying to find an ideal location where i can store this thing but for right now it's in the living room we'll see if after this entire house declutter if we can come up with a better solution [Music] [Music] now we're heading into day two of decluttering and first we're going to hit the hallway and i've got some trash up here that just kind of collect including broken sunglasses and then as far as the masks that we have up here there's some extra ones because my son lost his at school and the secretariat gave him new ones they don't fit really so i'm going to donate those let's talk about these tennis balls for a second over christmas we had gotten our children some toy cars to play inside and i told my husband it was a bad idea it was gonna be bad for the floors but we went ahead and did it and guess what we got big scuffs in all of our wood floors so now we can't use the toy cars inside we got these tennis balls because i had heard that there's a hack that they can take scuffs out of our floor but it didn't work so i'm going to donate these and if you have any tips on how to get scuff marks from wheels out of hardwood floors i would love to hear it [Music] i always make it a habit to try to check with my kids before i declutter anything but kids are not always the most reliable resource when it comes to knowing what to keep and what to get rid of as you're going to see later uh didi made a small mistake with his shoes but now that i've gone through the inside pieces i'm going to put these things back these no longer fit so i'm going to get rid of those and there's a couple squirt guns that broke so i bought new ones i'm replacing them and putting them back inside this grocery shopping cart that i use for additional storage in our front entryway so because it's now summer instead of winter what i did is i moved the scarves up higher to the top up there and then i moved up my purses and then i put the hats and other stuff lower so that the boys can get it if they need of course jackets because the weather here is super unpredictable it was like a hundred degrees a couple days ago and now it's in the 60s and raining so you never know what's gonna happen in berlin [Music] now we're in my front hallway bathroom which is probably echoing horribly i don't think you guys have ever been here so i'm going to show you a little bit my tripod over there in the corner obviously a mirror we're gonna go through this here and then also there's some stuff that i want to go over and go through in that corner but let me just point out this lovely thing right here so the guy came to check our water for the very first time and he said that when the people built this this was supposed to be removable so that they could check the water they didn't make it removable so his solution was to simply rip it out of the wall he just basically came into our house and put a big hole in the wall and left like peace out no big deal [Music] we've been on and off again and again i don't know which way we're going no control you push me then you pull me back in don't know if i can decipher how your mind works yeah you leave me wondering what it's like to fill your skin i will keep on trying to okay so in the front bathroom this is all the stuff that i've identified for me to get rid of and then now over here just cleared out and combined a little bit of cleaning stuff so it's a bit tidier and yeah super simple okay we are moving right along and now we are going to head into the kitchen my friends let's do this okay guys i'm gonna totally call out my husband here because he is notorious for getting recommendations from his family and going and buy things that we never use before it was an egg steamer and then it was this thermos that his parents have a similar one from they brought it here from china especially for him and we only used it once so we're actually going to give this to them so that they have a spare because theirs gets a lot of use we just don't use ours i just want to let you know i could go for this no more tricks we could take things slower say you think about it too when the lights go out and there's no doubt that i should be with the i should be we've been on and off again and again i don't this small heart vase was given to me by dt for mother's day and i have used it several times i used it for lily of the valley after mother's day which is my favorite flower and it's not very practical because pieces keep falling off of it if it gets wet it gets ruined and a little bit soggy but i took some videos i took some nice pictures and so this little vase is going to live on in my memory but i'm going to go ahead and let it go we are on a roll folks and that means now we are in the master bedroom and i'm going to go through my wardrobe and see if there's any pieces that i need to get rid of all right so let's just talk about what we've got going on over here so between yesterday and today this is all the stuff that i'm getting rid of and then i wonder if you guys recognize this dress this is the dress from my previous wardrobe decluttering video which you guys voted for me to save and i want to turn it into a skirt the only problem with that is everything has been closed for the lockdown so there's been a seamstress that i've been eyeing to try to get a quote on what it would take to turn that dress into a skirt but i think they're just now reopening i will hopefully be able to do a minimalist wardrobe update soon and see if we can save that dress i feel like we need to talk about this skirt because this is something that i saved in a previous video and i don't think i was being honest with myself when i kept this skirt and what i've realized is if given the choice i don't reach for this skirt i always reach for the loose fitting linen skirt i just feel so much more comfortable in this it's breathable it's relaxed it's easy it fits my body better and i realized that this skirt is like a fantasy self item for me which if you're not sure what a fantasy self item is i would recommend you go watch this video items that we hold onto because they represent an idealized image and the image that this conjures up for me is someone who was 15 years younger when she was wearing this had a very skinny waist and this is just not something that i feel comfortable or fabulous in anymore it's not doing me any good just hanging in my closet if i don't wear it i'm going to let this go so what do we have left in this section we have these clothes i had removed one skirt my son's costumes are up there and then in the bottom are some memory items if you guys are interested in talking about sentimental clutter and how to make a memory box my kids have actually been asking me to start a memory box for them so if a memory box is something that you'd like to talk about drop me a comment below and let me know we have to keep our off-season blankets and toilet paper in the wardrobe because we just don't have space for anywhere else so we've switched from winter blankets to summer blankets so they're in here right now but i have a couple things to get rid of so we have this that my mother-in-law lent us for my husband when he needs that fold-out bed but now we have these nicer jersey ones so we're going to give this back to my mother-in-law this is something that i got ages ago from banana republic and it was like a hundred and twenty-five dollar giant wool uh scarf and i got it for like 75 off i was like score but we've never used it i tried to put it out on the couch as a decoration but my husband said it's just an annoyance it slips around and it doesn't even look that great so i'm probably gonna hold on to that until the months get a little bit colder and try to sell it actually i think that's my first sell item since we started this whole thing this is a rain jacket that we never ever use i can probably sell that too i'm actually going to make this into the textile recycling bin and i can take it to h m to get a discount later because some of these things are just so worn they're not good for donation and then this is a memory my friend knitted this for my baby son do you want to save your baby blanket or do you want to get rid of it save it you want to save it do you want to put it in a memory box yeah with some of your other precious things okay can you put that in the box over there with your shoes [Music] right away diving into the rest of my wardrobe in the lower drawer i knew that i didn't want these red faux leather pants anymore because when we were moving our christmas tree i learned just how sweaty these things can get one great tip that i've gotten from you wonderful followers is that holy socks make great dusting rags so that's always an [Music] option [Music] okay so here we have several pieces that are going for textile recycling or gaining repurposed for cleaning and then these are in good enough condition to be [Music] donated i wonder if i could fit that sleeper sofa in here somewhere oh my gosh i forgot about this stuff i'm going to be talking about these in future videos but this before hold this so these are fabric samples that i saved after a project that i did when my son was a baby and i've been saving them for eight years and i've never done anything with them i think it's time to get rid of these no matter how cute they were i got this fabric from a website called spoonflower oh my gosh they do such cute things but i just i don't think i'm gonna use this i thought i'd just mention about the green pants that i'm getting rid of they are really really tight in the calves i've gained a little bit of weight my body has changed and i find them uncomfortable to wear they ride up and then get stuck so i'm going to let these go and then let's compare a very similar color and fabric with something that i like which is this green jumper so you can tell i'm much happier and more comfortable in this item [Music] do so at the end of day two this is how much stuff i have decluttered in total between all the zones that we've gone through tomorrow we're gonna hit two more so today is day three of my entire house declutter dee dee was home from school yesterday but today he's back which should help me a lot so today on day three we are going to be doing the bathroom and then ending up here in my kids bedroom the bathroom is going to be super easy guys so let's see if there's anything in here oh i think we're good except what's this my husband said he was going to use this and he still hasn't how long ago was that video i think we need to do a declutter with my husband video not sure if he'll agree i already got out the things that i don't want anymore so these didn't work for me unfortunately and i will be getting rid of those let's see if there's anything down here gotta have stuff to wax your mustache guys should have done it for this video that's it we're done in the bathroom i realized yesterday that i had my wool socks hiding from winter unfortunately they have gotten ginormous holes in them big enough to stick my entire hand because our hardwood floors are so old and rough they just literally tear up like my socks like nothing else so we're gonna be saying goodbye and thank you for the service to these socks [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] i realized that i've been using some of the boys containers for sorting in the other room so i need to recover these so that i can sort the toys a lot easier and put them back as i go my original idea was only to sort through things and put them back right as i go and not make a huge mess but i got in the zone and i dumped everything out and immediately just asked myself why did i do that eyes we let go of disguise [Music] restoring everything within [Music] easy on our tiptoes hand in hand building castles out of sand reaching for the grand we lose really not that much to get rid of i'm gonna put these things over here back and these things are for trash and recycling so you might recognize this beanbag chair as being the same one that's in my husband's office my father-in-law saw them in bag chair and he requested that my husband get him one exactly like it because he liked it so much but my father-in-law just turned 81 years old and he found that in practice although it looked cool and he enjoyed sitting in it he had a hard time getting up out of the beanbag chair so he gave us the beanbag chair back and what we've also come to realize is that these beanbag chairs that were gifted to us by my sister-in-law just are not very comfortable to sit in they lose their shape it's just basically like a beanbag pancake so i do think that beanbag chairs make a great gift for kids but i would suggest that you look for bean bag chairs that have a better firmer shape versus these kind that just like lose their shape so we're getting rid of both of these bean bag chairs we've already talked to our kids about it and not only that dd's kita just underwent a complete renovation and they have new beautiful floors and my husband asked them would they like these beanbag chairs for their new like recreation area and they were like yeah please so no worries these are going to a good cause after doing the toys now it's time to work on the kids clothing and my kids are very rough on their pants so they tend to get a lot of holes in them so basically what i'm going to do is i'm going to look through starting with dd and see if i can find anything that has holes or it's too stained or it's completely outgrown i've already done an entire video on how to declutter kids clothing if you want to check that video out after this one it's really helpful because it's going to go through all the steps because there's a more efficient way to do it for sure as i move through the different categories of clothing i'm trying to put them back as i go so i am putting back the shirts after i'm done moving on to the pants then putting the pants back that way i can declutter with less mess and less stress my kids are pretty similar in size so there wasn't much for good to pass down to dd only this one dinosaur shirt although i did find a sweatshirt in gugu's side so i'm going to put these now into this side [Music] i watch you as you drive do you know i'm looking and i can't help but smile do you know how much i love you you put my favorite song on i put my feet up it looks a lot more organized in here now and if you swing around you can see i've actually gotten rid of quite a bit of stuff some things that just need to be recycled some things that are in good enough shape to donate this is basically two bags or two baskets worth of stuff that was just taking up space that's just more time and more space i get back to myself and my boys get back in their room i know that you guys have suggested to me that i could get some baskets to put in here i have two problems with that the depth of these it's actually not very deep and then also this hardware i don't know if you can see it but it sticks out quite a bit so it just i'm not quite sure that i would be able to fit baskets in here but for right now it works pretty well just stacking it up vertically like this let me show you both sides tada so much more empty now and still have plenty of clothing options to choose from let's see if there's anything up here that needs gotten rid of this is where they hide their pajamas during the day i'm not fussy about it we just shove them in there these are the socks we have some unmatched socks they're probably in the laundry right now and then underwear on this side i don't think there's anything that needs to be gotten rid of up here so yay it's been a really long time since i've made a big pile to see how much stuff i'm getting rid of so i'm interested to see how much it really is let's go do that [Music] our eyes [Music] shimmer on our skin [Music] so that i actually got my shoes mixed up and this one still fits and this one is does not fit so we're getting rid of this one instead of this one one of the first things to go is this rose gold fan which i'm happy to say we received the replacement for on the final day of this video so my husband fixed that up right away so that we were no longer suffocating and i didn't have to keep moving the other fan back and forth but let's get to piling everything else up and see how much we have [Music] a lot of people think that once you become a minimalist you'll never have clutter again and that's just not the case especially as a minimalist family kids grow and need new clothes papers flow into the home things get old and break and that's just a normal part of life we do try to consume less and be thoughtful about how we get rid of clutter and what we bring into our home so a small declutter here and there is all we need to keep our home tidy and happy all right i'm going to return this to my pants for you okay they gave us back the bean bag chair we give them back the ingredients and the canister all right thanks thank you so much for following along with me as we decluttered my entire minimalist house together even as a minimalist when you are extra careful there are still things that you acquire over time that you will need to get rid of and if you haven't already subscribed to my channel make sure that you do because i'm going to be talking about how to decide what to donate versus what to sell because that's a question that i get from you guys all of the time hit that like button if you haven't already and i will see you next week take care bye bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: A to Zen Life
Views: 399,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entire house declutter, decluttering my entire house, decluttering your entire house, decluttering, declutter, declutter with me, decluttering my house, decluttering my home, declutter my home, how to declutter, minimalism decluttering, decluttering and organizing, minimalism, minimalist, decluttering minimalism, decluttering motivation, declutter minimalist, minimal mom, messy to minimal, natalie bennett, extreme declutter, marissa zen, whole house declutter, the minimal mom
Id: 98DAHFO9l9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 55sec (2395 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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