Entire Before & After House Flip | How we Discovered an Extra Bedroom?!

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hey what is up you guys welcome back to another full before and after video this is the grossest house we have ever slept ever ever ever stay tuned [Music] okay well okay you know what I don't think it's that bad I actually think it's got a little bit of curb appeal some nice lines what do you think I think you've been doing this too long there is a weird creepy situation above the garage with the windows I'm not sure what's going on up there all you can see are two by fours I agree it's not terrible it's not my favorite yeah but it's okay this garage seems very long it is comes out of the house a long way you got a lot of bushes that really need to get trimmed back and got a sassy Red Door oh well that's fun we've got a weird light fixture and uh I do think we've got a little bit of uh look at all this damage and some pests here yeah so a little bit of work to do on the exterior all right let's talk about the numbers on this house this is a two bedroom two bath house built in 1984. it's 1533 square feet and it was purchased by our homemade Partners Susan and Rob for 355 thousand dollars I'm anxious to get inside yeah let's see what's in there okay welcome oh my goodness wow right out of the gate man there's it's sort of cavernous in here it is I don't even know what to comment on first why do people love to do different kinds of flooring next to each other it drives me crazy don't you love the parquet though okay and then fake slate and then I assume this was carpet I don't know I think it was all carpet all the time let's uh Orient ourselves look at here you got the kitchen right off your right off your front door awesome wow I think this kitchen is a lot like this puzzle yeah it's a half done incomplete there's something to work with here you've got this opening through to your living room so something to build on definitely this is a gut job good news is they've already started demo for us sort of I'm not sure if these were ever even part of the kitchen to begin with the old plywood countertops that orange is a special shade as well okay let's keep exploring keep exploring we didn't even talk about this light that doesn't seem safe yeah yeah at least it's low profile not smacking you in the face you know I'm not sure if we're gonna be able to bump these ceilings at all I feel like I wish I could steal some space from these ceilings yeah yes this is like Cathedral this is quite the dichotomy it always feels like in these old houses like nobody cared about the cook no but he did care well have you read American history nobody cared no is there anything kind of crazy in there or do I need to brush up on there's some things this is wild though you can have a whole Second Story above this and it's just shocking how tall these ceilings are so I feel like I'm at a restaurant because you've got this mirror like where did they find a mirror the spec wow the 70s were wild man mirror mirror on the wall also can we talk about this wall because at first glance this looks like a wallpaper but it's it's squishy are you seeing this oh my God it's padded don't touch it I mean look at these drapes they spent some money back in the day they upholstered the wall up to like 20 feet that's not cheap let's see how many couches you could have done with that I've seen this done like in a bar area where someone might be kicking the wall I've seen people upholster it like this as to not is this Blood we got this Decor what is happening with these um towels that are up there and how did they get up there good questions there's so much shelving and it is so high this is like 10 feet up here and I'm guessing they used whatever that is is their launch pad to get up there what is that ah yeah it's like a high dive platform looking thing they're definitely storing grain for winter or some haunted dolls up here I'm not sure which they definitely did us a favor by pre-ripping out this carpet because based on what I'm seeing just in these few little samples yeah let's check out the stairs and we gotta go up there also look at all these spider webs up there yeah it's a lot maybe new plan we don't flip it yeah we hold on to it that's a haunted house yeah next Halloween yeah we charge a mission haunted house that's a given and then I don't know I'm thinking maybe sort of like a CSI practice crime scene we could bring in people to train them up a lot of options make sure you leave a comment we'll see you in October this is the primary suite and I can tell you right now we just got to save this for last because I I can already tell this is ridiculous wipe your feet because we were out sorry yeah I want to keep it clean in here let's head upstairs [Music] oh oh wow okay I don't know if I've ever wanted to throw up in a house before but I do this is truly bizarre I guess this is some sort of studying workout room we've got some weights we used to have these man Dr Seuss art is this target practice Yeah I think I'm hoping these were just like Nerf guns or something there's people's phone numbers Jenny I got your number but I think we should blur these but yeah dude man player's gonna play look you got Ashley Chloe to be confused with another Chloe man this was just bachelor pad up in here man so what's truly bizarre about this house though is this is the perfect spot for a third bedroom you don't have a third bedroom you only have two yeah so close it off I'm thinking you may be adding some value by making this an actual bedroom I think you would have added more value by just like having a whole second floor instead of the world's tallest ceilings in your living room and the shortest in your kitchen but yeah that's just me let's pick our head in this Hall bathroom okay wow speaking of cracks oh yeah toilet toilet's seen a lot of cracks if you know what I mean yeah this is quite the bathroom you got the one dangly pendant light at least the layout is fine and it's not the biggest bathroom if you've got to share it but it's better than nothing I guess better than nothing and right now they didn't have to share it yeah to be fair okay let's see this bedroom okay well man this was uh Express Yourself the theologians room they love God bless well that has some color to it got some color has some personalization carpet is disgusting what is happening right there ah that was a cigar they just put out that carpet is eating itself they had some target practice on this wall I'm not sure this is anger issues if this is target practice oh wow it's a lot it's a lot it's seen some stuff if these walls could talk they would need therapy uh that's the upstairs I'm almost afraid that I feel like the primary Suite is gonna put us over the edge you ready for the grand finale you know what rip that Band-Aid off oh um okay well we've got another one of these things in the corner you just wonder what those were I do like that they took a break from the mirrors for the window yeah this is not the first house we've seen with plenty of mirrors on the positive side you got a lot of room to work with and you know what the room feels twice as big it does creates that illusion yeah I've seen more than enough you've seen twice as much as you probably needed to yep let's move into the bathroom yeah let's let's discuss this so this is one of the more unique primary bath layouts I've seen not quite sure what to make of this [Laughter] is that this also serves as your hall bathroom to the rest of the house that's special you want your guests to see your primary bathroom totally and it's also bizarre because you've got this big old garden tub but it's like tucked back here in the corner with low ceilings again you can hear the Acoustics about here um we should record a podcast in here welcome back to another episode of what happened in this house as our true crime uh house-themed uh murder podcast spin-off smash subscribe this light fixture is just so fitting for this house it's like a medieval torture fixture and then the yellow sink is just special it is something special I'm see I I wanted to do that I just didn't want to talk you don't want to touch it you're scared to touch anything in here creepy in here yeah yeah after walking this house I am grossed out this place gives me the heebie-jeebies yeah so our partners are Susan and Rob on this they're a super fun couple they live here in town this is their first flip ever they were super excited to get started and to learn all about the process so I'm really excited to work with them but the cool thing about homemade is you don't have to be local to Austin like Susan rob you can be from anywhere in the U.S if you're interested in the program go ahead click the link for more information on how it works this is gonna be an exciting one and I'm excited to work with them it's gonna be a little chaotic but we're gonna get it done [Music] all right guys demo is well underway a lot happening out here yeah unfortunately we ran into a few surprises during demo let's get inside we'll show you what we're talking about getting through a little the muck okay so one thing we have demoed is this squishy wall so it's now what you would call deconstructed so you'll notice behind this padding and foam which gave it the puffy feel is just actually drywall and a wall also huge change that we're going to be making over here in the living room that giant mirror is now gone as you can see more to come later in the episode but we have a really fun fireplace planned for this space I think it's going to be a huge dramatic focal point all right now this is the biggest layout change to add value to the house we've reframed Under the Staircase this is going to be our new half bathroom you're gonna have the toilet here on my left vanity right in front of me and now we've got a new entryway into your garage from what used to be a closet this is going to add a ton of value we're not expanding the footprint of the house at all but we're getting a whole half bathroom that's a huge value add some good news that we uncovered from demo we actually can bump up the ceiling height here in the kitchen we put in a bean we started to reframe and now we've got to move that gas line because it was dropped a little bit down so in order to get it all the way over here and get that overhead height we had to move it but unfortunately we also found some not so good things when we demoed the ceiling let me show you so unfortunately once we got into the demo phase of this project we found brats yeah and chewed through a lot of the wires and it was very unsafe in there our original inspection didn't show any wire damage from rats but once we started demo and opened up those walls these Reds didn't just ruin one or two wires every wire throughout this house was ruined so much so that it was cheaper and faster to just rip out all the wiring and replace it all from scratch which was definitely not in our original budget scope this is a total bummer but not all hope is lost the demo giveth an the way so unfortunately we are gonna have to redo all the electrical but we found a little Hidden Treasure of this house we kicked down this wall there's a big just sort of void behind this wall and I think there's a livable space there it's not framed we'd have to beep up that framing but I think we could get almost 200 square feet additional so I'm thinking we could potentially save some of the money we're gonna have to spend on the rewiring by getting additional square footage on the back end we're gonna have to figure this out if it'll work but since we're already redoing a bathroom it might not be that much more to get a little bit more bedroom livable square footage upstairs frankly I can't believe they didn't do this in the first place foreign to show you the design plan for Susan and Rod's house this is going to be a fun one I cannot wait to show it to you okay so right off the bat we've got this really fun space in the powder room so if you remember we are adding that powder room which is going to be a huge upgrade currently any guests that come to the house have to share with the primary and that's just sort of awkward so we've got not only this great functional space it's going to be beautiful as well so the thing I'm most excited about for this powder room is the wallpaper we are using this super fun bold wallpaper it's got a Navy background which as you'll notice we're going to sprinkle Navy throughout this house and it's called peacocks who doesn't love peacocks this is so fun I cannot wait to see it installed we are just going to run it on the top half to save money and just to not overwhelm somebody because it's a pretty bold selection on the bottom of that wallpaper we're doing just a nice white wainscoting I think it will look fresh and clean we've got white cabinets quartz countertops we are doing brass accents and fixtures in this bathroom and actually throughout the house so really cute Hardware it's this acrylic with brass accents it's just really fun and I think gives it a little modern touch so let's move over to the living room because the is a two-story a vaulted ceiling I really want to highlight that and so we're going to do is we're going to run this fireplace all the way to the ceiling and just really put an emphasis on how tall these ceilings are and how Grand this space is I'm going to do a nice bow marble surround to really just make it feel nice and classy so let's move on upstairs because there's a lot of changes up there this is where we had a lot of structural changes in this house if you'll remember this space over here was open to the living room we actually ran a wall to make it a proper bedroom it already had a closet so that was great that was something that we had originally planned to do but we had not planned to do originally was all of this space over here if you'll remember we discovered that after demo rats had chewed up the entire Electric System which required a 14 000 upgrade people we were super freaked out because that was going to eat into our bottom line but we found this entire room over here this was unclaimed unused space above the primary Suite it does leave us with a little bit of a funky situation in that you have to walk through a room to get to the other room that's why we're going to leave this space as more of a flex space could be an office could be a workout room could be a nursery a playroom or what have you I think it will be valuable space to the Future buyer no matter what but let's check out the bathroom upstairs so this will be a shared bathroom between those two bedrooms and I'm super excited about it we're going with just a clean vertical stacked tile again we're going to use brass accents throughout keep it just nice fresh and clean all right now let's go check out the primary Suite downstairs okay so this bedroom is really a nice size so I'm super excited about it moving over to the primary bathroom this is where we had to do some changes in finesses to the layout but I really like what we came up with straight away you'll notice that this is where the vanities are currently I think by moving the vanities over here and really making this a nice closet space that's going to go a long way to our resale value in the primary bathroom itself riggin keeping it nice fresh clean with the white Shaker cabinets white quartz countertops and the brass accents we are going to mix it up a little bit in the shower this shower is huge you guys we're gonna go with this really fun navy blue tile again we're going to run it vertical stack which is super on Trend and if you'll notice it sort of brings us back to the blue and the wallpaper so everything has a nice fresh feel and you're using this bathroom for yourself you're not sharing it with nobody if you don't want to which is always a part and then throughout the house we are going to go with this matte black Hardware on the doors this has a nice solid feel I'm super excited to get started on this one we got a lot of work ahead of us thank you rat but I think it's going to turn out great stay tuned [Music] so a lot has changed since the last time we're here let me show you if you'll recall this was all attic space previously we went ahead and busted in framed it out got all new electrical new flooring some brand new gorgeous Windows this is going to be a great bedroom and more importantly it's square footage that we can add to the listing on resale okay so down in the primary Suite you can see the new framing above us for that additional bonus space upstairs and in here we actually enlarged this window now typically we wouldn't have done this because the juice really isn't worth a squeeze but because we're already framing for the new space and we're replacing siding it made sense we could go ahead and enlarge the space without a whole lot more effort than if we were just doing this as a standalone project really brightens up the space it's going to make it a lot more energy efficient too and speaking of the siding that's what the guy's working on today so let's go take you outside and get an update there okay so as you can see signing has gone up now we actually had to take down two times the side underneath that vinyl siding we actually found this wood board siding that was all of holes and a lot of damage so we had to go ahead and replace that it's looking a lot better so far yep there's always surprises on these projects speaking of which we have this window here that was just sort of awkward you could see into the unfinished attic so we decided to remove that window and just cover it with a vents I think it works so much more curb appeal that was just a weird awkward window we got a wrap siding we got moisture barrier down we just got to get the rest of this hearty siding up and then it's going to be on to paint yeah it's flying from here foreign [Music] taking place inside as you can see we have drywall going up there texturing today to get ready for paint kitchen is looking a lot different we have a lot more Headroom in here we did raise the ceiling up in here and we did lower this bar between the kitchen and the dining space so that we're going to run some countertops across here and it's going to feel a lot more open than it did before let me show you a few other cool spaces that we just framed up so immediately across from the kitchen we've added this new powder bath if you'll remember before this was just blank space under the stairs totally unused we're gonna have a really cute powder room in here we've got wallpaper selected it's going to be super fun and another cool space that I'm super excited for is this laundry room we've totally put oh hey there okay you're doing a little laundry yeah check this space out we're bringing the laundry indoors from what was inside the garage and as you know we have those rats chewing up all of our electricals so we've got a brand new electrical panel which is actually a really nice upgrade on this place still tons to do we need to do floors we need to do paint cabinets counters that sounds like a lot of work I'm thinking just we just roll it into a montage see what happens go for it all right man this thing is a wrap we we gotta get you into it and reveal this bad boy this is one of those where you look back where it started and you can't believe how far you've come in three two one [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] look at this place what a difference man this thing had an exterior glow up I'm loving the facade now yeah looking great love the new siding love the color we went with and I love that we replace these awkward windows with this nice clean bench they were just like two by fours looking through Windows it was so bizarre so weird but you know what's not weird what this front door I'm loving this bright fun blue we got some matte black accents nice new windows painted The Brick new Landscaping she's looking fresh it's fresh you got these nice little rocks sprucing it up I'm not feeling fresh it is hot out here you can hear the cicadas we gotta get inside to that AC and see what's updated inside let's do it thank you [Music] oh my goodness oh look at it so so good the first thing I am noticing is yeah we had to keep this little drop down here but now I've got more Headroom as soon as I walk in yeah makes such a difference this is very important I'm 6'1 this was like I was worried I was gonna knock my head right there and find every reason to tell people you're 6'1 sounds like a not a crazy height it's for reference yes so the people can tell right how much more comfortable with the ceiling raised up raise the roof we raise the roof right out of the gate off to our left is our kitchen but we can't start there we got to start to our right we got to start with this beautiful powder bath I love how this turned out so cute I love the blue bold wallpaper corresponds with the blue in the door oh I see what you did there you're peacocking a little we've got the faux marble floors we've got the nice bright white wainscoting we got these really fun acrylic and Gold Hardware on the cabinets this was just a pass-through into your primary bathroom so bizarre you had to share that now you have a proper powder room that can serve your guests and they don't have to know what medications you take at night when they go to the bathroom at your house this took some doing but I think it's going to pay off in the end big lift big value ad speaking of hot let's go check out this new fresh kitchen this kitchen is fire loving it not a ton of layout changes here we kept it pretty much as if we did add some nice storage over here which was previously that orange wall I don't remember I do remember who to forget but the big upgrade in my mind we really opened up this sort of picture window into your living space it makes it feel so much less compressed in here raise the roof in here as well you've got your bar stools right here it serves as basically you're in kitchen dining yeah you can have a tall cook in here let me come backslash turned out loving the vertical stack with different size tile oh and let me show you one other neat little feature right here look you got the pop-up plug right so wheat work from home blend from the kitchen anything you want to do you got it right there GFCI protected no big deal and inset microwave because we classy like that yeah I think this is so much more functional now and a little gold accents it's nice very nice speaking of knife let's go check out the focal feature of the house yes yeah so this fireplace was always a feature there were a lot of features and not in a good way in this living this is memorable in a very not great way previously okay before we touch I know the fireplace I gotta touch this wall is it squishy there's no squishy all right the squishy is gone so is all the fabric all the fabric is gone we went with Classic Drywall with a nice neutral paint yes always a winner yeah we neutralize the whole thing and I feel like it feels taller this way your eye is drawn all the way up to the ceiling rather than wherever that diving perch I'm six one and you can tell this is at least 30 feet okay speaking of let's talk about this fireplace so one way that we were real set how tall the ceilings are was to respire place all the way to the top this is one of my favorite pieces that we've done in here because it looks classy AF right but it's pretty cheap right because this is just trim paint a little bit of plywood and instead of having to pay for tile or marble or some sort of more expensive material to run all the way up it looks just as good but fraction of the cost love that also love that we added in the nice faux marble tile surrounds really helps make the fireplace feel elevated love it speaking of elevated I can peek my eyes into that primary bedroom not yet not yet Gotta Have you stick around for something people let's head upstairs first this space that we're about to see is newly converted into a bedroom space okay now I don't know if you remember what was here but there was a lot happening in this man cave a lot going on first of all this was all exposed to the living space this was like more open like a hangout area and they were doing some hanging outs yeah oh yeah he was exposed to the ladies over here I don't even remember he had the Rolodex on the wall major player the gym in this corner yep now we have made it suitable for sleeping this is now a proper bedroom space it does have a closet and veterans are always valuable on a listing the more the better I feel like normally I hate changing around layouts if we don't have to but this house just was begging for it would not work without that powder bath down here without making this a bedroom without this converted space that we're about to see I feel like the layout is so much better and that's a gift let's go check out the second bathroom loving how this bathroom turned out it is classy elegant beautiful Timeless neutral what else can I say this is one of my favorites we've done I love that subtle pop of color in the gray tile the Gold Hardware it's just really nice and I can't put my finger on exactly what I love about this but I really love this bathroom I love the vertical stack I am in the vertical stack right now and you got a little Papa Penny tile right there in your soap Niche this little pop of Penny pop of that let's move on and see this brand new space foreign this was the former Chapel of the old house the sanctuary they loved God in here and now this is a nice little Flex space yeah when we've discovered all that new space which we're about to see thank you to the rats thanks rats we have a little bit of a tiny bit of an awkward layout in what to do with this space but I think this works perfect as a bonus space could be an office could be a playroom could be a workout room could be a nursery it's a lot of things this could be and I think it splits the two bedrooms so it's a nice kind of common area if you've got kids or you got to work up here I love this space I do too let's go check out the brand news face because she's looking good love that we ran our hardwood floors throughout the house including in the bedrooms it's just always classy when you do that I love this big picture window over here that's in a lot of natural light it's not every day that the house is just giving you gifts free unused space I mean this was literally the perfect size if it had been any smaller you couldn't really make a bedroom out of it if it had a weird slope in the ceiling there were just so many things that could have gone wrong and made this not a convertible space but it all worked out instead of this being a bedroom this was just a rat apartment apartment where they could hang out Feast on wiring and whatever else rats eat I love this room I'd move right in but it's not even the best bedroom in the house okay well let me go see the primary Suite I might change my mind [Music] I might change my mind I don't know you might be right can you see yourself in this bedroom instead of all the mirrors we've got natural light which is just nicer yes and got big fake plants we added this nice big picture window which was normally an upgrade we wouldn't have done but because we're replacing all the siding on the exterior then it made a lot of sense that's a win totally loving this room I think this is great but what I love even more is what we have done if the closet and bathroom yes and I think we worked miracles with this layout passing through on the way to your bathroom you have this amazing closet which I feel like frankly is just the right size this is a Goldilocks situation here this is my side that's your side okay well I'm six foot one so I can handle the double rack can you reach up there no you can I reach up there with a hanger yeah you can oh wow taller than I thought this is a little bit weirder layout than you know than you normally see but I think this makes more sense as a full closet than before you had like a vanity here it didn't work either way yeah and so we did have to move the plumbing from here to here for your nice fresh vanity I'm loving this space lots of good light in here this primary bath is a showstopper we beefed up this shower massively this thing is like a car wash this is enormous yeah man you could really go to town bring your dog get in there a couple dogs one thing we did do we ran the tile vertically not only because it's in style but it really visually makes the room feel taller than it is yeah and I love tying the Navy theme throughout this bathroom the front door the powder bath it's that nice little thread through it love the round mirrors they're turned out totally cute we've got the globe lighting throughout the house and then of course our brass accents and faucets I'm loving how this house turned out super proud of it yeah I think this is one of my favorites of all time whoa yeah our partners have left the country but they did get to see it before they left and they're loving it which is big relief that's the biggest thing if you guys stuck around to the end smash the Subscribe button because I know you love this kind of thing it's before and after and stick around because we've got to talk about the final numbers on this project so Susan and Rob purchased the house for 355 thousand dollars they spent 165 000 on the renovation and they're holding and financing costs were sixty thousand dollars bringing their total investment in the project to 580 000 they closed and sold the property for six hundred thousand dollars netting them a profit of twenty thousand dollars hey if you guys like the video make sure you check out some more of our full before and after renovations
Channel: Austin Flipsters
Views: 171,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: house flipper, house flipping, complete house flip, complete home flip, how to flip a house, home renovation, home remodeling, fixer upper, home makeover, home design, real estate investing, real estate, house transformation, first time flipper, flipping austin, austin house flip, before and after flip, home improvement, home diy, cost effective, diy, house makeover, before and after, home decor, living room, living room design, living room makeover, floorplan
Id: AjTaDlu2vkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 42sec (1662 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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