$1,000,000 House Flip | Before and After Home Renovation

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have you ever tried something and wish you could do it all over again we don't want to live with regret so we are flipping the exact same house for the second time in a row and this time we are going to get it right let's go check it [Music] [Applause] [Music] out hello hey what's up Phil hey Phil hey tell me about this newest flip up in Northwest Hills it's in a great location with a potential 7 figure exit it's a four bedroom three bath built in 1973 it's a 21 82 Square ft house was purchased by your partners Randy and Julian for 650,000 all right amazing I hear it's the same layout as sweet waterer it has a very similar layout to The Sweetwater house there is one wall that is not currently there that wasn't a Sweet Water house but it's very similar there awesome man well we're almost to the house neighborhood is amazing up here so can't wait to see it perfect let me know if youall have any questions all right thanks Bill right here we are wow okay looks familiar looks very familiar yeah you know these Charming old houses once upon a time we're just cookie cutters in the suburbs cookie cutters with terrible color scheme yeah it is pretty bad but the curb Peel's not too bad no it's workable these columns are a little puny I gotta say pun is the right word for them they are disproportionately small for such a big wide facade but these trees though I'm loving the CRP Myrtle and this big old Magnolia you can't just plant a Magnolia and have it look like that overnight this thing's amazing you cannot and this neighborhood is amazing I think with some paint new windows new garage doors maybe freshen this thing up yeah roof's in good shape so I love that hey and the front door's not bad well let's uh let's head inside see what the rest is like okay wow the welcoming committee is just a blank wall right when you walk in the front door although I am loving the tazzo floores tozo is in right now so okay let's get into it if you guys have not seen the video on this house the first time you're going to recognize a lot of this I think this is fun to get to play around with it tweak it do some things differently this is total Deja Vu I'm having a moment this is so bizarre and weird but yeah Second Chances are always a great thing I'm getting flashbacks to my grandparents house where they had The Pink Carpet they had a pink toilet look at this this is bubblegum pink for sure we've got the popcorn ceilings tried it and true you guys will remember from the other flip this is a better layout our last project had a big wall right here yeah and an addition and it was like kind of what do you do with this space this is very clearly your breakfast area although this light fixture is uh wow it's got a lot going on some mixed Metals a rope woven in there it kind of looks like coffee's going to B bubble out of this thing I don't know it kind of is a steampunk-esque Vibe you know but I do love that we got powder room once again right here I think super nice and convenient to have yeah this is a little bit of a smaller footprint than the other house I think there was like a laundry space maybe yeah kind of concerning do we have a laundry space that might be an issue I think this may be a garage laundry okay so let's check out the backyard cuz I'm seeing a few [Music] issues okay wow now I think this is maybe the biggest challenge of this project uh yeah just like that wall greets you when you first walk inside this rock wall greets you when you first walk outside yes and we've got a bit of erosion happening we used to have some railroad ties creating a retaining wall but but they've pretty much been washed out yeah yeah we're going to need to address this for sure as well as this patio the cover it's seemed better to it doesn't add a lot fortunately we are in Northwest Hills so if you're buying up here almost every house is on a hilly lot so I don't think this is in obstacle we can't overcome but we do have to work with it work cut out for us out here let's go check out the kitchen CU that's going to be another big [Music] lift okay let's talk about this kitchen cuz I see some original elements this was one of the biggest challenges in the last time we did this house and I think it's going to be a big challenge again yeah we should do a like Spot the Difference between the First tours of these houses because gone is that weird window so this an upgrade but here to stay is the drop down ceiling and we know from the last project that they are running HVAC and plumbing through here so there's not a ton of room to work with it was really hard to get this ceiling lifted up we had to leave fur Downs on either side but one thing I am really excited about that we have a blessing is there's all new hvc already in this house so we get to reclaim what used to be a closet for the air handler that is a huge upgrade also these appliances are kind of cool man these are the real deal they're kind of small they just must not have been cooking as much people were smaller didn't eat as much well I know that's what happens is you grow the ovens and the people get bigger as a result it's just science but these cabinets definitely seen better days we can replace those I think we can do some interesting things with maybe Eden kitchen going this direction agree I think this needs to feel as connected to this living room eating dining area as possible totally speaking of we do have this formal dining space which I think is nice to have there's not a lot to comment on except for these light fixtures this thing's ornate I know those seahorses monkeys what is happening here yeah it does kind of look like a barrel of monkeys you could just scoop out of there carpet's not blue in this one but maybe a twinge green I think it started green and went gray over time it's ombre okay so then you do have your formal living space set up a little bit differently from the last house in the stairs are off of here and this is the weirdest room in the whole house to me okay we got to talk about this first of all there's no lights in here none true like true it's just a dungeon what what's going on in here uh not to mention what's happening behind door number one yeah you could banish your wizard nephew in here you know because of the placement of the stairs really and the placement of this doorway you're right it's like a pointless room well we need to give it a purpose and I think we need to make it usable functional we got to show people how you going to use this room totally I stand correctly there's one light and it's just right on the edge of the stairs sa first oh and look at this it says tear the blue protected film off which they never okay well these stairs look treacherous but let's head up them yes let's do that you got your bedrooms upstairs now nice thing about this house is it does have a lot of bedrooms and they're quite nice sized they're pretty big okay you know what I got to say about this house is I really appreciate it's really well-maintained carpet you know is carpet it's going to wear out but other than that they maintained it pretty well they did at least it has I light in here no fan true but good size room I mean window we can replace take down those blinds do a little paint door normal thing it's going to be great easy easy all right let's head over to the back bedrooms uh what happened here oh gosh looks like someone scared a squid gross now this is another good siiz room great size closet for this era of a house yeah to have a walk-in closet off of your spare bedroom and then the size of these spare bedrooms is really nice totally nice this is going to be a selling feature yes you've got got one more spare bedroom before the primary Suite oh the biggest room of all this thing's huge oh yeah you got some shelving in here make this your craft room you know flamboyant curtains no no lighting of course who needs light why would you want to see your giant closet what closet space for days you know it's like it was like they were transitioning into sort of a modern house big closets no lighting okay so let's check out the bathroom that these bedrooms would share o it's kind of cute I like this little light that's sweet okay electric plug underneath the light before like are you supposed to plug your blow dryer in up there you got options yeah you can do the blow dryer you can do your curling IR straightener this countertop is groovy baby you got to love the built-in sink into the countertop and I appreciate they didn't go with the shell which would have been common for this area and I've seen worse layouts for an old bathroom this is pretty nice you got plenty of room a double vanity would have been nice but I think it's enough space that it can service three bedrooms totally and what is happening with this curtain over the glass that's a first What's happen I don't know if it was like compromise one person won a glass one person w a shower curtain sometimes when you compromise you get the worst of Both Worlds and uh speaking of the best of all worlds let's go check out this primary Suite the thing I love about this layout is how enormous the primary sweet is yeah it is massive and you know what I love is old carpet because you get to feel like like a CSI crime Scene detective you know you get to figure out what was here what was there something happened here you know I could have been a detective well there's still time once again no lights in this whole house yes this is such a massive room and I guess they were just getting their Ambiance from lamp yeah I don't know how they were seeing each other in this house this room is awesome not so much talk about the bathroom Okay so there's light in here that's the positive start it's just you know weird weird and for a house of this caliber yeah I'm concerned it's going to be something that gives a buy pause you got a really big bedroom not a lot of bathroom no and awkwardly laid out at that and ooh woof not a lot of primary closet space not in comparison to your secondary bedrooms what would you do with this I think I would try and figure out if we could combine these spaces this is not nearly enough room to call your primary bathroom especially the vanity yeah I think we're going to need to go to the drawing board with the humade team on this one because to match the comps in the area we need a proper primary bathroom 100% while this is almost the exact same layout as the one that we've already done this neighborhood is completely different the buyers are paying more to be in this neighborhood they expect a higher in Finish we got to really think about how we're going to make this thing work yeah let's get to [Music] work today we're back with the homemade team and we're really trying to figure out what is going to be the best layout in this primary bathroom we got limited options so we got to figure out what can actually work in there the way the framing and the trusses are running on the house we are pretty limited on where we can place that toilet and what we're actually able to do in an Ideal World I would love to move this but I really think it's probably going to need to stay where it's at so we decided we could go ahead and Rob some of that vanity space quite frankly it's like an outdated bathroom layout and make that shower nice and big also decideed to move the control panels of the shower for right when you walk in I think that's going to be really nice yeah I'm not going to lie this is this is not my ideal bathroom layout but given the constraints of the house it's really all that we could put in the space you get a double vanity you get a big shower you just get a little bit awkward layout with that toilet with the shower with the vanity so the unique thing about this project is it's quite a bit bigger than we normally tackle especially with our homemade clients we're typically more in the $400,000 range and the purchase on this price is in the sevens so it's going to take a lot more Capital to take this one down but luckily we had two partner clients that were both interested in the project and both didn't have quite enough Capital to take it all on themselves so we paired them up we're calling it a fractional flip we introduced them together they worked really well together they hit it off amazingly and I can't wait to see them work together to flip this project with us we're now house flippers and [Music] matchmakers okay demo has started over here as evidence by our outdoor tub we're on such a steep hill we can't fit a dumpster in our driveway yeah man you get a little little snow on this driveway you're looking at a black diamond out here this thing is steep they don't go at Northwest HS for no reason yeah man we can't really change the Topography of this thing so I hope our buyers have an SUV we're having to get creative with where we store all the trash a lot of it's in the garage when it's all good and ready we're going to load up a dumpster haul it off so you know you just make it work here yep let's go check out the progress inside okay okay so this was a surprise pulling up The Pink Carpet finding this lenol underneath Lum man and this is a pain to get up we had a few interior Foundation peers that we had to adjust so we've got those already sealed up and plumbers are here today you can hear them at work up there I wanted to talk to you about something in the dining room I don't know if you remember the DIY house Spider-Man house who could forget remember how we painted the stealing room in the dining room there black I was thinking because this is its own separate space and we've got the walls it really has a defined end to the ceiling M what do you think about doing that again I yeah sure I guess it really worked in that house I really loved the way it turned out so yeah love to see how it looks you going to render that going to render that up so you can visualize it I got to see it trust your vision but yeah it sounds great you want to peek your head upstairs I think the plumbers are here we're doing rough plumbing today so I want to see how they're coming along hey how's it hey how's it Going's going how you coming coming good man just doing your shower valve got the tub in get the valves in love it oh yeah let's peek in that primary bath cuz remember we were talking through layout issues over there yes let's talk hey how are you hey how's it going pretty good y all getting valves in know sir looking good yeah I think this is going to work a lot better for this space we framed out here yeah so now we can actually put some Plumbing into this new wall and you're just going to have a single doorway here instead of this entire space being open up yep I think that's way better use of space and adding this closet over here I'm stoked for that yeah so what's crazy is because we had flipped this exact layout before we knew there was a hidden closet lurking Behind the Walls in that primary suite and we only had that one one small closet so we could actually steal some of that space from the other bedroom and we wouldn't have known that if we hadn't done the other project yeah I mean it's really nice to be able to do something again a do over second time's a charm and also if you've been liking the content so far we would love for you to support us by subscribing to the channel yeah I love it I think having a just a little bit more storage in here is going to make all the difference in the world cuz this Suite is massive in here well I'm glad to see Ruff Plumbing is going in I'm tweaking the design plan as we speak about to show that to the partners this week so excited demo is done now it's time for the fun and pretty stuff cannot wait to get this one rendered and guess what you're coming countertop shopping with me let's [Music] go so today we're at at Legacy granite in North Austin they're one of our go-to vendors for countertops I want to find something really fun and special for this project so today I'm meeting with Antonio the owner he's going to show me some of the new stuff they have in stock hi Antonio nice to see you thanks so much for having us awesome I love your place this is great thank you so the first thing we looked at are the white quarts and specifically the Bianca Carreras he had a few different versions that had really nice veining in them like a light gray veining Cara we have several types like with little veins bigger vein because it's so popular that we have like different type of caras I think it's a really nice and classic look I'm just not convinced totally the look for this project want to kind of see what else is out there though we do a lot of this and I think it'd be fun to mix it up on this project I'm going to show you one here okay oh that's beautiful Pato very nice right yes I like that in this project we're using white Shaker cabinets and so I'm looking for something that's going to have a little more pop a little more high contrast so ventured over to the other part of their yard where they got some more colorful options okay so let me show you this slab over here I love this look this is actually a granite a lot of people think about Granite as like that 90s Granite that's not the one we're talking about I love this sort of deep black and sometimes even Brown undertones of this slab it's leathered meaning it's not polished and it's got kind of a flat matte look one other one I've got my eye on is over here this would be a a different look alog together this is called Victoria Falls and I really like this one because it's got so much veining and so much gray it almost sort of looks like a waterfall we' actually used this in the house before and it turned out great I really love it I'm just a little torn as to which way to go the Victoria Falls is a little shiny her but that veining is just so cool and I love the gray undertones it's going to be a really hard decision so I wanted some help on determining which countertop we should choose and I had Jacob come out he's our project coordinator at homemade he has a great eye and I showed him all the choices I was thinking and I think I have all the information I need now to make a decision okay lots of good selections out here Legacy did not make this easy on me but I think I know which direction I'm leaning stay tuned to find [Music] out okay exterior is looking cute yeah love these painted shutters we've got a new garage door on the face it's coming together out here yeah love the high contrast and new windows oo moving inside we got some texture going on on the walls I love the smell of fresh texture in the morning it really starts to feel like a house once the texture is on the drywall we have paint on here in no time love it yep already got paint on this fireplace you can kind of see it behind the wrap we're trying to keep it nice and clean let's take a peek in the backyard because it's much brighter already From Here let there be sunlight wow oh my gosh now you can really see how dramatic this Cliff is yeah I actually weirdly like this I actually feel like it's kind of more private back here with the wall it's a little smaller but I I think it's nice and now with the cover off it's like you can really see how tall these trees are we had to level out a bit to make sure we had the right topography because you're going to have a lot of erosion we want to make sure the drainage is rerouting water around the sides of the house and not just pulling up here at the back door yeah so grading is basically just adjusting the slope of the lot so that the runoff of the water flows around the outside of the house instead of pulling up at the back very important you don't want to flood your own house every time it rains enough of the boring stuff let's go back inside oh we've got more boring stuff inside Lauren some electrical work has happened in the house we've added some can lights in this front formal living if you remember before there was like no light fixture and it was very dark I love these new like th LED cans they take up so much less space they're way easier to install and they're more energy efficient so totally awesome total upgrade in the space so let's check out the primary bedroom because we do have some drywall additions yeah we framed in so that we can fit a full double vanity on the other side of this wall and then what I think is really a value ad that we had in the last project that we didn't have here is this closet there's not a lot of closet space to begin with so next up cabinets and vanities and it's going to start flying from there [Music] m okay so I know you're on the edge of your seat which countertops still we pick drum roll please so we went with Victoria Falls it's that gray quartzite it is so beautiful and I just know it is going to make this space now what we're trying to do is go for an elevated traditional look this is a very traditional house traditional layout and we want it to feel traditional yet modern at the same time so we're doing a few key Design Elements throughout the house that I think are really going to give it that extra touch so first things first that fireplace in the living room I really wanted it to feel Cozier than it did so we're going to go ahead and paint it nice white to match the exterior and then we have found this really awesome wood mantle that we're going to put there which I think will just make it feel very warm and cozy moving over the kitchen we've got those great countertops that we picked we're going to do a really nice handmade tile for the backsplash here um these are really pretty especially when they're install they get kind of a shimmery look and I think it's going to be really nice clean space also running just very traditional white Shaker cabinets throughout the house and some matte black Hardware which I think will be great warm wood floors throughout the home these are have kind of a honey tone which is again a very traditional look super excited for the dining room in this house originally I wanted to run a wallpaper on the ceiling but the budget did not allow for that so we are going to actually paint it black now I've done this on a previous project and it turned out fabulous especially on rooms where it's a contained ceiling it really makes a lot of sense it adds a lot of pop and design feature and it's really inexpensive to do so I'm excited to see how that turns out moving upstairs in the bathroom and wet spaces we are going to run just this nice gray tile it's got a concrete look to it it's just nice and clean we'll run this on both bathroom floors as well as again that zage tile for the surround and kind of a gray muted tones when put together the color variation really stands out and helps give it an elevated feel in the primary shower I'm super excited to install this flooring I think it is really fun it's got kind of the x's and the Stars pattern and I think it's going to really Elevate the space and I'm excited to see how it turns out lots of fun design elements on this one if you're into Home Design follow us on Instagram I'm posting mood boards and kind of behind the scenes looks at our projects you don't want to miss it so when we opened up the ceilings in the kitchen we found that the plumbing was a little bit different than the last time we done this project unlike the last house the plan for this kitchen was to avoid having to keep a fur down above the cabinets we are able to push this ceiling up all the way to the walls because the previous owners already moved the HVAC up into the attic instead of in this Pantry we don't have duct work that we got to work with here which means we can open it up all the way we thought that the plumbing had been raised up high enough in order to do this but upon closer inspection the way the pipes have been configured to have the right amount of slope still lay flat across the ceiling had compromised the joist supporting the second floor so this meant that we did have to include the fur down after all the biggest the biggest area I'm need the fur down is going to be between here and about here you're going to have a lot of Plumbing in this specific area but if it's going to be a fur on there doesn't matter it's going get covered up that's going to be the better option I think okay yeah so if we come down and put it at like 9 in does that leave you enough no that would leave us plenty room yeah in order to get those pipes to the exterior wall we had to reinforce the floor joist that meant we had to bring in an engineer to help reinforce this and make sure everything was sturdy and structurally sound pretty much what we're going to be doing is just pulling out all these joists that have been cut into and are no longer structually sound we need to remove pretty much everything all the plumbing all the electricity everything on our end for like framing we're going to have to remove these four joists here and replace them with an LVL and then we'll go through it again but it has to follow these specs on here reworking our plumbing that comes down over into this fur down that we'll create here um and then it'll run in the fur down over to our y um and that's our main sewer line it did delay our timeline on the project just a little bit but we were able to work around it and get some things done ahead of [Music] schedule my name's Randy and my name is Lori we are based out of Seattle Washington once we got started in the partner program we had our first project come along which was a Sweet Water Trail the process worked really really well and we were really happy with the interaction with Lincoln and Lauren with Joe and and the team and so wanted to build on that and and move forward we're now on our second project yeah super excited to have our client Randy in town he is in town with his wife Lori he is one half of the partnership that owns this house we actually paired him up with another homemade client of ours Julian and his brother Steven and so this has been our first foray in fractional flipping Randy and Lori are on their way here with Joe our homemade co-founder um and I cannot wait for them to see the house well it's good to have you guys back uh back in your second home for a second time I I was really excited that we were able to get this to come together you know when you when you brought it it was just a little too much project at once for where we were at the time and you know I kept looking at it and thinking oh should I stretch oh no I can't stretch that much oh I should stretch and so to be able to uh bring in another partner where we could get together and and help each other make it happen was was pretty fun shall we yep all righty let's go unfortunately their partner Julian couldn't make it into town with them but that's okay because we've been getting him project updates virtually hi guys hey how are you what's up good to see you again I know I feel like deja vu last time yall were in town the weather was cold and we were looking at a house very similar to this oh yeah you just listed the house up a little bit and redid it how are you when I came up to the curb and started entering the house it just looked very welcoming since it is the same basic house that we did the last time we worked together I'm really curious to see y'all's thoughts and get your perspective on this one coming in the front door it was you know very much Deja Vu having been so similar to Sweetwater the layout was obviously already familiar and as we came in really it was a lot of comparisons does this kitchen match up with the other kitchen how's the size the main thing I wanted to show them is the floor joist that we had to rework in the kitchen we've secured it all up there and reinforced it so now it's all structurally secure I really wanted to make sure that they could see that and get a good explanation in person we'll get that effect feeling really tall and open like we did in the last project just a little bit more complicated framing on this one and then headed upstairs to show them sort of the reworking of that primary bathroom the fact that they've been able to create a second walk-in closet for you know his and hers it's a a great idea and I like the fact that in the bathroom is right off of the bedroom and it's really nice and big you know it's going to be very functional I think it's going to look great the other back bedroom that window out being able to see with kind of the big rock wall off the backyard is I find it really appealing I actually kind of like the rock being there it's a decent size really it's very private there's enough space to have good Outdoor Living I I really like that yeah something a little bit different on this is that you have a partner on this project yeah kind of curious how that how that experience has been it's been good I you know um I think we've worked well we've connected it's been a real a real nice situation good good GL I would do that again in a heartbeat that's awesome Okay cool so it's always a relief when the partner comes to see the house and they like it uh because everything's been virtual up to this point it's a little nerve-wracking so I'm relieved to hear not only do they like the house but they're very happy with the fractional flip product we designed that sort of around them and I think it's going to be a great opportunity for future homemade clients so if you're interested in fractional flipping and think it might be a good fit for you go ahead and click the link in our description okay so still a long ways to go we got to do cabinets we got to do tile work so we'll keep you a breast of the project online with pictures and photos and updates um and then yeah it'll be done before great to see you guys in [Music] person hey it's wallpaper install day yay yay hey jelle how are you hey how good to see you yeah cool so y'all are prepping the walls right now yes yes we are it takes a lot of time sometimes but we always like to make sure that it gets perfect because you never know who's going to buy the house so we just want to make sure that install is great all the little imperfections in the wall are going to be done we're going to Prime and then we're going to install cool and installation is key when it comes to wallpaper Bad wallpaper install is worse than no wallpaper in my opinion exactly especially for these kind of things we love to bring in specialty trades like the style Mason they're experts on this how do you get the wall so smooth so that it sticks on there perfectly we use variations of sandpaper so the finer the Sandpaper the smoother the Finish that's probably the biggest key you know and then we also like to do a wet sand so we try to sand it before it gets dry leaves like less dust okay so I know we haven't installed it yet but can we get a sneak peek of the paper this is the paper uh it's by Milton and King so cool we're going to put some cranes up yes I love the dark background look at the bird action it's going to be so pretty it kind of matches our accent color for the paint yeah y back door I mean it's on purpose oh you playing that wow amazing cool well I can't wait to see it installed I'm so glad to have you guys on site today and our pleasure all right enough is enough we got to reveal this thing are you guys ready in 3 2 [Music] [Applause] 1 [Music] [Music] hey fresh up really nice it looks great I got to say I love the high contrast with these shutters and the columns they're very stately yeah this place had carb appeal before we just freshened it up with fresh paint fresh Landscaping it's standing proud on this hill now overlooking its Kingdom I I do like being at the top of the hill you got some shrubberies even they're looking great we got new windows throughout new garage doors a little facelift goes a long way these colums really bothered me before but now I don't even notice them yeah well you've really come around let's get inside and check this thing [Music] out all right we worked with what we had on this entryway the layout really greets you with a wall right in the face when you walk in here yeah so we tried to turn this into an asset by adding some Bard and Baton I think you could add some PS you know be able to make it functional luckily you're going to be coming in through the garage 90% of the time your guests will have something to look at when they come into your house speaking of have your guests check out this living space and this is the perfect Gathering area you could host you could host up in this room right here gathered around by the fire L Christmas morning action right here she turned out really nice painted it added this wood mantle which I think is just gorgeous feels nice and welcoming homie throw a fake Orchid up there man love it some candlesticks you're set and moving from your living room you got this little breakfast nook yeah I think you know there is a formal dining room in this house we'll get to that in a minute but I do think this is probably where you're eating 99% of your meals yeah that's what I'm saying you're eating your cash meals here but I do think this is nice space especially off the kitchen which we will get to in a minute but first we have got to check out my favorite room in the house oh this powder room is popping you know me yeah anytime I see a PW room I'm throwing wallpaper on it and I went a little bold on this one but I if I can say so myself I'm digging it cranes whooping cranes I love that they were set against this black background we've got beautiful full countertops that are in like this gray color really offset it some concrete looking tile on the floor so this is just like modern powder room if I say so myself okay we got to see this kitchen but first let's poke our heads outside let's do it ah yes the Walled Garden this is so much more open now that we got rid of that big canopy that was really closing in and already sort of closed in space with this big wall back here yeah and I think you know this is a feature and it's just sort of one of those trade-offs if you want to live in this neighborhood the Topography is hilly and put in a little bit of nice fresh grass I think you've got plenty of space the kids can still roam around out here and yeah maybe they get a rock climbing scholarship what's the Worst That Could Happen yeah I think you got plenty of usable space still you can fit a playscape you can fit a trampoline you can get a pelaton there's a lot of things that could go out here so many options okay enough about the kids in the backyard we got to see this kitchen we shined it up pretty good if I do so say so myself I think so we worked with what the layout was giving us added some really nice finishes this Victoria Falls Quartzsite countertops are beautiful we did keep the traditional Vibe by pairing the backsplash with this fun Square Tile this is the zage it's handmade so it has a little variation to each of them and it feels like feels like it was here always in a good way it's a small kitchen we made the most of it that we could we ran the cabinets to the ceiling where we could we had to run some Plumbing in this exterior wall so we got a fur down there I think it Works you've got the most possible storage that you could get for a kitchen this size I think this is as good as it gets for this configuration this layout I'm proud of us I mean if we do it a third time maybe we'll figure out a different way but I agree raising the ceilings really helped and speaking of ceilings oh yeah got a surprise in the dining room this is a special ceiling so once I saw that this dining room had an enclosed space all the way around it I knew I wanted to do a bold ceiling just because it's a defined stopping point I thought it would look really fun and be visually interesting I think it looks good good totally a budget friendly option to add a little bit of Interest a little bit of intrigue and the chandelier popping too yeah paired it with this awesome chandelier I love this one this is like a go-to it is expensive looking and it's not expensive moving on to your additional living space this could be a lot of things this could be kids kind of area I'm going to tell you all about the options you got this could be kids area this could be like a little officy Type Thing music room if for the music a parlor of sorts need I go on I don't think so could be a lot of things you do have an awesome little storage closet right there and we can see in here we added these canned lights little extra light beautiful stairs which we upgraded by running the engineered Hardwoods throughout this house including on the stairs in the bedrooms upstairs a little bit of an upgrade they're so inviting I think we should go up them let's check it [Music] out so one of the things that I love about the layout of this house both times we did it is it's got such great bedroom space you've got three really good siiz bedrooms rooms in addition to your primary yeah they're really decently sized now they are sharing a single bathroom but I think that's okay and keep in mind they don't all have to be bedrooms this one for example is cosplaying as an office ooh a petite office it's a petite office probably a actually it's a big office it's a petite desk and this back one we didn't stage but it's the biggest of all this could even be like a play room a else could this be gosh a playroom a pon let's poke our heads in that Hall bathroom and see what you're going to be sharing with your siblings if you live here again kept a very similar palette in this bathroom we do have the concrete looking tile floors again we ran the beautiful countertops throughout this house and I think they really Elevate the house and I'm in a zage phase what can I say we went with these zage tile these are extra long I don't know if you can tell and kind of a taupey color I'm also into taupe right now yeah so I thought this was great we did run it in sort of a traditional bricklay pattern but because they're elongated it feels modern it feels fresh that's a fresh take on taupe all right let's go check out the primary [Music] Suite again not short on space in these bedrooms this is massive it's massive massive massive you're not going to get into nearly as many bites with your spouse in here I know this is a king-size bed and look how much room you still have on the sides and now you finally got his and hers closets because we sto a little bit of closet space from the additional bedroom and I think much better suited over here reason we need to add a closet is cuz this is a very nice part of town this is a very expensive house you need storage that's true now let's see this primary bathroom because it has a controversial layout I know you guys are going to have comments yeah it's a little tight okay let's look on the bright side first of all the materials in here gorgeous the shower tile and floor I love it I think it all really works double vanity you do have this beautiful shower move the the controls so you can let the water warm up before you ever have to get sprayed it's great nice closet yeah big siiz closet I think you got plenty of storage there now the drawbacks of course because of the way the trusses lay underneath the flooring if we got the double vanity and wanted a toilet and wanted a shower in here we had to leave the toilet where it was right there I don't love it there but I think it still works you've still got enough functional space that you can use the countertops you got a little bit of room and to your point we use the controls on the side so that your not walking through water to get yourself all cold and wet to get that shower heated up yeah on these old houses you get a lot of great things you get a great location you get great trees you get interesting houses that are different from the cookie cutters of today but you do have to make compromises sometimes you can't squeeze them on an house out of a house that was built 40 years ago it's just not possible and if you want to live in Northwest Hills you're probably buying a house that was built 40 years ago so we got to get this thing on the market and we got to see who wants to live in Northwest Hills and who wants this house let's get her listed all right let's talk about the numbers on the house it was purchased by our clients Randy and Julian for $650,000 the renovation on the house was $200,000 their financing and holding costs were $8,300 bringing their all-in investment to $930,000 we listed the property for $1.13 million after $56,500 in closing costs that would net proceeds of $173,500 leaving a gross profit of $143,200 if you guys want to go behind the scenes on this project go check out this video on the Austin flipsters podcast where we break down all the nitty-gritty details for you guys
Channel: Austin Flipsters
Views: 109,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: house flipper, house flipping, complete house flip, complete home flip, how to flip a house, home renovation, home remodeling, fixer upper, home makeover, home design, real estate investing, real estate, house transformation, first time flipper, flipping austin, austin house flip, before and after flip, home improvement, home diy, cost effective, diy, house makeover, before and after, home decor, living room, investor, realtor, investment, contractor, real estate investor
Id: 1BEYW1OdxJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 39sec (2259 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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