Enraging the most TOXIC server owner ever...

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hacking and admin abuse you know two things that are guaranteed to ruin any online gaming experience but if you combine those two things with underqualified annoying kids trying to run a Minecraft server while then you get the dumpster fire that is the necro smpp a random small Creator Minecraft server that happened to have one of the most corrupt and annoying server owners I've ever come across after living through this experience my friends and I can proudly state that this is the worst Minecraft SMP we've ever been on so sit back relax and get ready for one hell of an adventure our turbulent Journey began when I got randomly recommended a YouTube video promoting this small Creator SMP now some of you might not know but YouTube's recommendation system is a bit broken nowadays and it's not uncommon for people to get recommended super small creators or videos with like 10 views and this video was one of them I clicked on it for the meme the intrusive thoughts one and not knowing what the the hell do expect I got shown this the new upcoming smpp the necro SMP the necro SMP has a plug with eight gems those gems are speed strength wealth Guardian puff Ender health and fire yeah and that was it you're probably just as confused as I was but I was still intrigued so I joined their Discord server to see what the requirements were to join and uh it turns out we had to make a 30second to 2minute application video to see why we were worthy of joining This Server Jesus Christ I wasn't expecting to have to prove myself here but with that I got my homie Carl online and we got to work car let's get it all right so here here are the requirements editing skills storytelling quality of video potential all right since their requirements were a bit vague we decided to scout our fellow applicants to see what we were going up against and let's just say I think we had a chance hello guys it's me God of nothing here first app to the necro SMP I could have reused but I'm not going to lie my app was kind of trash there's is three reason why I doing a nicro SMP first I'm good at comboing I'm a good b and a good she a pretty good pvper um yeah I really think that miss is going to be fun okay okay okay okay so next thing that I say is that okay I'm dying looking at this my God I feel like we know the standard now it seems simple enough just spend 5 minutes on the application say the right things and you get accepted but we soon realized we had a large problem on our hands hold on does this guy have subscriptions public oh my God he does hold on if I see myself in here we might have a little bit of a problem he's subscribed to a lot of my friends I swear he is he subscribed to me [ __ ] I bet that's the first time you've seen a YouTuber getting mad at someone for being subscribed but please don't take it the wrong way you should subscribe but the problem with this guy being subscribed is that they would recognize me and then they'd switch up and create a fake server experience this meant that car and I had to go the extra mile to truly disguise ourselves usually this wouldn't be that big of a deal but since we had to make an application video with our voices yeah that posed a whole another issue because I don't know what it is these days but I get recognized in voice chats all of the time I don't know what you're talking about this Chuck nasty guy I'm not him he's like I'm not the real him as if he doesn't sound literally exactly like him I'm using a voice changer I actually sound like an 8-year-old girl you want me to turn it off wait what so I was nearly positive that someone on This Server would recognize our voices one way or another so we know how to figure out a voice disguise okay how should we do this we don't have voice changers we're not voice actors uh oh my God bro I wish I could change my voice so easily a okay Carl just give me a random Voice come on random voice hello hello my friends we love Minecraft Minecraft is my favorite activity all right we're rolling with that we're rolling with that bro after entirely too much time Carl and I finally figured out what we were going to do for our application video we were going to go undercover as professional Minecraft editors that edited for some of the biggest Minecraft you YouTubers so I then spent the next 30 minutes editing up our application video and then you uh get the uh absolute disaster you were about to see now today we are playing for the necro we've been playing Minecraft for 10 years uh we are pretty good at PVP we are also good Builders we have played on other smps uh we we decided to join necro because of the the abilities we do not have YouTube channel yet but we have edited for pretty big YouTubers including Rec rap zover and biggy I think it's gas bro stop the C on the outside we were confident but in reality we were 99% sure this was going to get laughed out of the damn server there's no way they accepted us I mean come on the accents and the fdy Nutty SMP who is going to believe this and to top it all off the admins on This Server were actually vicious they were tearing apart every application and honestly ly you know it got to the point where it was personal oh my God I actually feel so bad for this guy bro like his application wasn't great but he was proud of his work and then an admin or owner replies with y'all dumb asses going to cry when the wave comes damn these admins are a joy wait look at this guy's bio I'm SL transphobic SL do not take this as a joke LOL Bro what my God if they were that hard on innocent kids just trying to apply to their Minecraft servers how hard were they going to be on two white guys trying to do Indian accent saying they played on their fdy nutty smpp yeah this was going to be interesting I sent it okay cool all right all right let's go and while we were waiting for their decision we got our friend biggie online and told him to make an application to the server as well all right biggie you need to make a an application video It's called The the necro smpp and and disguise your voice well I was just thinking like what where's this name come from bro like necro like I only think it means yeah that's what I was I thought I looked it up it just means dead right the dead oh yeah can't wait for season 3 yeah this is season two you make your application set the video bro okay here it was rendering like damn cuz silence in the audience hello my name is poo and I am applying for the n I am super excited to Join This Server and I have a lot of experience playing smps I was once in the nut SMP and that was a really fun one because we got to build whatever we want and we had a lot of cool superpowers such as teleportation in the in Flight even it was like flight for only a certain amount of time and uh I'm really excited for this one because I like how it has like similar stuff and I can't wait to play with you guys put this put that [ __ ] in the application it's a masterpiece it had been nearly three hours since Carl and I sent in our application and we had still received no response same went for biggie but we then realized that all of the admins and owners were preoccupied with some juicy drama apparently two trolls had joined the server and were kind of messing with them and uh they responded as maturely as you might expect yo what is going on this chat has not stopped moving look at this bro wait what what what bro life is so un this dumbass brother joined to hate on us cuz he's Jesus Christ just ban the guy if you're mad and above that he says I was trying to keep it family friendly Carl you know what to do send it yes send our application in the middle of this war zone oh my God they're still fighting I'll come on your mama's face kid oh my God is this a moderator he's he's a Founder I have 8K Subs when this guy's getting cooked OMG wait car we got accepted wait we got accepted bro ah yes yes yes if I don't get in I don't know what is let's go calm down I can't believe they accepted that this is so funny too that kid said he had 8K but his friend just came in and said that he has 50 to 70 so all three of us ended up getting accepted but honestly I have no idea why we were actually excited about this because based off what we had had experienced in the Discord server we should have known that this was going to be an absolute disaster and for those of you wondering this is why we went to Such Great Lengths to disguise our true identities see we wanted the true necro SMP experience and as you'll soon come to find out we got just that it was server launch day everybody was happy the Discord server was popping the birds were singing and Carl was hacking for those of you who don't know Carl has a crippling hacking addiction and now we were probably going to get banned on the first day of this damn server but I couldn't stop him and I just decided to roll with it all right I'm getting close bro oh is that you oh I see you can we x-ray bro yes oh that's an x-ray then y'all ready for some totally legit mining right here Jesus Christ you're mining at light speed bro wait how far do we have to go down bro oh no there's some right here oh blast okay bro we have 10 diamonds but not a single iron ingot oh we look totally legit I'm going to just go up to to to iron level and mine legit time to time to strip mine baby okay this looks way too suspicious I'm a naked with a diamond pickaxe strip mining for for iron what yeah this looks so am I late what's happening get on bro we're x-raying on this B the trio had finally been assembled and we were now under the aliases of Crypt bro Bitcoin bank and floyt this is also when we realized that almost everybody on the server was hacking heck there were even videos on some of these kids' YouTube channels showing them hacking on the server and my only way to stop them was to hack so we instantly realized that if we played legit we were going to be at a massive disadvantage and I joined the dark side I downloaded the hack client that Carl sent me listen not my proudest moment but seriously if everybody else was doing it and they weren't getting banned why would we get banned oh damn do they not have an anti-che no they don't no B oh my God this feels so weird just flying around here but the too [ __ ] to handle it so it just XXX Crypt bro quick question dog I flagged the anti-che you said there was no anti-che what the hell chat disabled due to missing public profile key dude I can't even defend myself in the chat oh oh oh oh oh oh the least amount of hacking and I'm getting what's it called what do I turn off I'm about to get banned I'm dude 5 minutes after installing the hack PL I had flagged the anti-che and was now banned apparently I didn't have the right setup of hacks enabled to avoid the anti-che yeah I'm a bit of an amateur but this is the first taste of the BS that went on on this server not only were multiple other players hacking but one of the co-owners said I should just get a warning because they used to hack but our main man Theos smpp stand one yeah he wasn't Happ having it and I got banned Carl got banned shortly after and at this point we were like fine fair play we broke the rules it said no hacking whatever but what happened an hour later shocked us wait wait if you were banned you're unbanned now sorry never mind it yes after letting biggie X-ray on their server for over an hour they decided to just unban everyone I don't know why and honestly it was pretty hilarious because it had just become Crystal Clear what the server truly was one giant free-for-all with incompetent admins so yeah this was about to get a whole lot more interesting all right big I'm heading over to where you're at okay what ad Nina she seems hot what is going on with his owner yo biggie Carl get your ass over here already I'm coming I'm coming there you are thank God I have four diamonds we should just beat the Ender Dragon before this I yeah literally uh bam one in chat or banned what the hell dude what is wrong with the server bro this is the weirdest server owner I've ever seen hold up like actually 5 years old oh my God what happened to the no spamming rule guys wait guys wait guys wait guys wait guys um other let me use my Fire Gem what was that biggy biggy you head ass all right let's go what did you have some C4 in your hand and who is that turn turn on it turn on item turn oh well it didn't take us long to screw something up if you remember way back in the initial promo video they mentioned eight abilities that were given by gems and uh yeah biggie used one of the gems and it backfired horribly now apparently this plug-in was like state-ofthe-art and made this server 100% unique but in reality it's a publicly available plugin that was actually ripped off from this SMP and to top that all off there were absolutely no instructions on how how to use these damn things speed gem wait what does this [Music] do who did that I got it I didn't know the speed gem did that bro oh my God what is This Server dude as you can see there was a bit of a learning curve that we had not yet met and the server wasn't much help either because when we asked for some help on what the hell these things did we got ghosted well looks like we got to figure this out on our own boys are you coming back biggie I'm trying I couldn't fly this time yeah look Yu look Yu is cheating now bro like damn everyone's on this thing is cheating bro okay speed gem I'm so confused on what this like back I didn't click anything what the [ __ ] I think I'm so confused I think I might have clicked it oh my God I didn't touch anything on my keyboard and then I blow up bro this game okay let's make bets and then we can experience with that more okay okay yes that's a good idea wait okay set your spawn I set it bro I opened the chest what the hell I opened the chest while holding it dog wait wait what what gem what gem what gem was that the Fire Gem bro okay that makes sense cuz this is broken okay look this is what happens with the speed gem bro what the [ __ ] powers are broken it'll it'll strike nearby players with lightning if there are nearby players if there are no nearby players you just get speed yes that's exactly what happened over here okay okay okay everyone has full diamond armor we're stacked wait did you just turn on your crappy mic all right okay you know what we're going to do oh my God you did you guys know what we're going to do what what we are going to leave find a village and then D dink rink okay what your behind you watch out Krypto blue Krypt blue our next objective was to find a village to set up our base of operations and as you can probably tell Carl was also neck deep in this Alter Ego a Bitcoin Bank okay let's go bro We've been wasting too much time turn on step very very good not cheat oh my God stop we're not in a voice chat yet bro save it for that biggie move your ass bro you're getting dropped oh I find a village let's go oh yo this is a good Village okay biggy biggy you mine work on Fletcher and I I I work on librarian okay okay okay cies cies cies cies my friend everything was going kind of well except for the fact that I accidentally turned a villager into a witch oops oh it's hitting the Villager it turned into a witch you electri dirty ho and Biggie kind of died why did it not set my spawn bro oh my God but besides those two things things were going perfectly although we were falling a bit behind we noticed that the rest of the server was getting kind of stacked and they actually knew how to use the gems unlike us and uh we were kind of busy screwing around bro take my raw meat eat it oh pause I need to get my St spawn point oh yeah run bro hurry up why you want them around for the love of God did you set the spawn can you sprint all right now you can why are you laughing Focus yes focus stay on task my friend I still don't know why Carl remained in his disguised character for so long but then we noticed someone sitting alone in a VC and all three of us wanted to join it because we wanted to potentially secure them as a teammate but we were still paranoid that we'd get recognized so Biggy and I came up with fake voices on the Fly and it was really easy for Carl since uh he's obviously been in character and we join the voice chat hello hello my friend hello oh hello hello hello how are you how are you are you okay are you doing good what you are you are you good good good how are you are you okay are you good oh nice what how do you pronounce your name zum zium what is that an STD um zoram or whatever do you want to team yeah sure all right B brother why is your keyboard so loud mechanic it's a mechanical keyboard brother I have mechanical keyboard it is even though this kid said he wanted to team with us all three of us didn't really trust him and so we gave him some fake coordinates to meet up but before we could do that things went a little South what are you doing sex with Children what the uh uh what the hell the hell was that I'm going to go pissed now oh yes yes take a big fat piss oh my I want themselves oh my God what and that is why Discord adding soundboards was a bad idea I don't know if he want to team with you because of that soundboard thing are you racist my brother no why do you play that soundboard that was my brother oh yeah I'm sure it was your brother he came into my room he fired and then he played the soundboard shut your ass up all right let's just say we did not expect it to take that turn but it got way worse from here because then the owner joined the Discord call and uh yeah this happened hello my friend hello hello hello hello hello oh my God no bro server muted us I've legit just been muted trying to watch my video and keep on jording going you RAC this what is my man on about want to see a magic trick nah I'm good I got pissed so bad he's probably just just going to kick me and be like oh my God gotcha what did I say a fck monkey could have seen that coming by now this owner was actually pissing us off and we decided to just leave the VC because what we were going to do just sit in there server muted so all three of us went back to the base and we started to make some decent progress but if the servers taught us anything it's that there's always more problems to deal with you went on such a power trip I know for real bro kicking me for no reason oh my God and then the kid was like yeah bro they're in me they're like joining my VC like while I'm trying to watch a video what you mean just leave I do stay at our base wait who wait wait who CH wa how'd he get here we gave him cordin 3,000 blocks the wrong direction and he has nothing uh he admin abused his way over to us probably he probably flew bro really thinks he could just roll up unannounced nah no no no no come here buddy bro get out of here I was just here to talk bro oh so that's why you were hiding up high in the trees hoping we didn't notice you these kids are so bad at lying it's it's actually hilarious I found it yeah sure bro on Gap gap on Gap all right so you mean to tell me that the kid that just complained about all three of us to the owner and verbally agreed to teaming up with him you should uh you should definitely let me on your team now just randomly stumbles across our base with absolutely nothing in his inventory yeah you couldn't even make it more obvious that they were ad and abusing and just to add insult to injury Carl had tracers on so we saw exactly when my man flew over to our base hey so wait what's his Tracer what Tracer is he it's the green one the blue is friend right so then he's there and then I look over I love how we're using hacks to bust another hacker like he F wait what was that I died what wait how he just killed us he tpd bro he literally tpd he tpd out while I was AFK the owner tpd over this kid to kill me and then TP out I cannot name a more wussy ass way to kill somebody but then they wanted more he's back he's back he's back he's back he back he's in he's in armor he's in armor oh look who it is he just magically appeared near us bro I'm not going to be able to do anything help I'm coming whoop his ass no what he just two shot you in full diamond armor oh my God oh my God that's crazy what is he doing bro no hacking L these guys are such clowns he's literally back he's literally back bro oh my god when will it end look at him bro what is he doing bro how's this even fun for him he's just killing nakeds bro we can't do anything this is just a joke literally bro oh my God you're so bad you're so bad okay bro all right all right I love how hyped up they're getting over killing nakeds with admin permissions things had now devolved into a complete circus and without biggie online we were a man down so there was no way in hell we were going to survive at our current base so Carl and I made one last ditch effort to move our belongings to an undisclosed location but yeah these hopes didn't last for that long well we need to be in the wait what are they talking about us oh my God they are how are We R rist cuz you're white you know why he's Banning us because we left because we left this stupid spot I guarantee you that that guy's over there now and like they left oh yeah ban me ban me yeah nice racist low oh my what is the definition of racist like actually changing the kid we were in the chat with played a soundboard bit that said I hate Edwards like bro what are we doing and that concludes our necr smpp server experience and boy am I glad it's over I really thought we would get banned for our blatant hacking but no we got banned for racism and I do want to point out one thing all three of us randomly came up with these voices on the Fly our intent was not to make fun of Indian people or Indian culture i' also want to say to the owner F if you truly had a problem with it you did not have to accept our applications and to the viewers watching this video do not go after anyone in this video seriously just because they can't run a Minecraft server properly does not mean that there are bad people in real life just take this video as a video to watch thanks for watching to the end subscribe become a channel member if you want and I'll see you next [Music] time
Channel: Chuck Nasty
Views: 1,526,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, chuck nasty, how we survived the end of the world, chuck minecraft, nasty minecraft, sipover, I clicked on every minecraft ad I saw
Id: GbZw4crfhxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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