"Enoch: The Man Who Walked With God" - Pastor Wayne Cordeiro - New Hope Classics

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Aloha I'm Wayne Cordeiro thank you for joining us we hope you've been blessed by this video and others on this channel we'd love to stay connected with you so please leave a comment and click the subscribe and notification button so you won't miss any of our upcoming videos there's a team of people working behind the scenes to produce these resources to help you grow in your walk with Jesus and if any of these videos have blessed you would you consider partnering with us there's a couple ways that you can help us first share this video with those that you know who might need to hear God's Word and second would you please prayerfully consider giving to this ministry so that we can keep these resources free for others your donation makes a difference please click on the link in the description below for more information my prayer is that God will stir your heart today he wants to give you a future and a hope Aloha [Applause] would you take out your notes with me as we continue in our series called key roles of legendary faith we want to get back to something that's so important and you know I guess I'm kind of in a season where I want to edit a few things and kind of get some of the overgrowth and go back to what's most important as we as a church as a congregation continues to grow and add what's that which is most important and you know a lot of times you don't come to grips with that unless there's like a divine encounter you know like there's like maybe a dozen times in life where you have a some kind of divine intervention when you realize all the things I was worried about aren't that important for example you contract cancer and you're you're laying there in the hospital you're on a gurney going into surgery and a 50-50 chance and then you realize all the stuff that used to bother you you don't care anymore it comes down to a couple of things that are incredibly important then one is what we want to talk about and that's your relationship that's genuine vibrant and real with Jesus Christ you see sometimes the Lord will take you through these times and again it's only about 10 or so times in your life where this will happen when you're cruising at 32,000 feet as it were and here's the ground and your life or your plane starts to take a dip and then when you're you're going down you start to realize there's only a couple of things that matters anymore and when the nose of your plane is just barely touching kissing that grass and that dirt the Lord kind of pulls you back up now you'll notice when you're about to die your heart is like super open and that writes very open to whatever God has to say and you're going down and then what he does he pulls it up and then when you're cruising back at 32,000 feet again he says don't forget the lessons that you learned there because that's the only time your heart's gonna be that open but those lessons apply to your whole life and those are priorities those are the things that we want to talk about today in your relationship with Christ and that's got to be so vibrant and so alive that happened to me just a while ago when some of you know I paddled one-man canoes and we usually go out outside of Hawaii kind the wind is blowing towards Waikiki and so we go out about a three-quarters of a mile or a mile out and then we ride the wakes in the middle of the ocean coming back in and at some big wakes and waves out there and but you're in the deep blue and sometimes I like to go out there quite a ways because you'll see you know whales and you encounter dolphins and fish with Colgate smiles swimming around but you know you just that's no problem just swim and I mean they swim and you stay on your boat but you keep right on going now there was one day when the winds were howling about 3540 miles an hour winds and we get excited when that happens because it causes bigger wakes out there and you just find them and ride them and this one man canoe and so we were out there ways and the wind was just howling and we took off there's about six of us and and I dropped into one must have been eight feet or so deep ten feet deep and you just you're cutting down this thing in the middle of the blue and I turned on and I turned to sharply and a rogue wave kind of picked up my ammo or the Outrigger and just flipped me over bang I crashed out in the middle of the ocean and you come up oh wow you're looking around you know you think what is going on my hats off to the side and the thing that though I was worried about most when I came up and I saw floating away were my Maui Jim glasses well because those things like a hundred and some bucks you know way bad so I finally grabbed that now usually you have a leash to your boat well what I didn't know was the leash came off and but I get to get my mouth generous I finally got my Maui Jim my who got my mouth with Jim's and I had my paddle in my other hand whoo and then I looked up and my boat is floating into the ocean that's about 15 20 yards away I thought oh no oh no cuz you're just you can't see me just all blue then just boom you're in the wake so I asked about swimming you ever try to swim with your hands clutch like this I had my paddle and won my Maui Jim sunglasses yeah OOP and I cannot get to it and it's just tumbling away and you're in trouble because that's it and you're just miles out in the ocean and so then you I started to hyperventilate there cuz you're all alone and I thought man if I don't settle down I will drown in about two minutes cuz you just start going under when you're hyperventilating so I just talk to myself slow down cuz I have to figure you got a tread water for an hour at least an hour cuz then someone will see your boat and they'll send help to backtrack so you know and I'm a fine swimmer inch but when you hyperventilate and you go nuts and panic it doesn't matter you just start going down side to talk to myself and then after a while trying to tread water with your fists clutch like this is really hard you know and so I thought oh man I got to start getting rid of some stuff as if I don't if I don't I'm gonna die you know and so I thought that's it man so the first thing I got rid of was my hat so that's man there goes my hand I don't care man so I lost my hat and then I thought man I'm still dying I'm going under so I had Toby's on you know reef Walker so that was the second thing I got to get rid of these things I took those off under the water so I could kick a little bit so I'm kicking a little now oh and I thought man I'm still going under I'm dying I'm gonna die in five sent another ten minutes so I thought finally Maui James I gotta let go of my sunglass I thought oh you would you're just so expensive that I thought man I gotta hang on to these you know it cost me a lot of money but I could see myself like dying and this thing went through my mind I'm laying in the casket you know with my Maui gems but all my friends coming by going holy looks good in his Maui Jim haha what good is that I remember just throwing that thing away and and starting to tread water then I was alright and sure enough because we come with you know we go with five or six of us just so within about five ten minutes there was another boat coming and so I yelled waved my paddle so he could see it and he also saw my boat over there so it came and rescued me and boy about that time I was tired but I thought you know we could have had you know you hang on to this and die that's a dumbest thing you got a prune down to what's most important reminds me of a guy you know as a Hawaiian guy Portagee guy Japanese guy and there at the funeral and the Japanese guy said I mean the Hawaiian guy said what do you want your friends to say about you when you're laying in the casket the Japanese guys - well I'm laying in the casket now when I am dead I wanted my friends to say who he was good person he was a very good person oh really Hawaiian guys - do you know what I like for him to say about me that I was one giving person yeah I gave my love Wow my fish my boy in a kind I gave I was a giving person what about you they turn to report a gay guy what about you would you like a friends will say about you when you're in the casket toda gig I said I like my friends will come by and say move he's moving [Laughter] that doesn't have anything to do with a sermon but sometimes when you're just like get the nose of your plane is brushing the ground you start to learn what's most important in life and one of the most important things is just your relationship with Jesus am i okay with God am i okay with the Lord and I say it this way you know sometimes we don't know that Jesus is all we need until Jesus is all we got well what happens here in Hebrews 11 is there is a man named Enoch that walks with God and their relationship is so vibrant so fresh so pure so honest that the Lord says this is what it's all about if you took away everything else Enoch this is it in fact let's read the top of our notes here the scripture out of Genesis 5 go Enoch walked with God and he was not for God yeah you know what God sees his priority and what pleases in more than anything else would you write a number one a simple and genuine relationship is what pleases God the most a simple genuine healthy relationship no not a formal religion no not not that the Christians struct no not the glazed-over eyeballs that Dennis that I'm a prophet I can talk to you about your future none of that just an honest clean refreshing relationship with Jesus that pleases God more than anything let's read the scripture out of Hebrews 11 as Hebrews 11 talks about Enoch let's read it go it was by faith that Enoch was taken up to heaven without dying suddenly he disappeared because God took him but before he was taken up he was approved as pleasing to God would you underline those last three words he was approved as pleasing to God you know what God was saying he was walking with Enoch and it wasn't a physical walk it was a spiritual relational walk that was just so good you know what God said Enoch I love this this is what it's all about if you took away all of the rest of the accouterments all the religiosity everything this is what pleases me the most and he said you know you know what we're gonna do I love this so much we're just gonna walk into eternity together like this because let's just do this forever let's just do this forever and who Enoch was not for God took him just as he was you know what God was saying that's what it's all that's the most forever the most eternal the most priority relationship that pleases God the most we see that again repeated in the New Testament in Matthew 3 when Jesus comes out of the water and the Lord breaks the heavens open now only three times in the New Testament the father breaks the heavens and speaks and this is one of them and let's read what he says when the heavens are broken go and behold a voice out of the heaven said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased Circle that well please and I looked at that and I said God if it is that important for you to break the heavens open and talk to humankind and you say this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased who that's great but what are you well pleased about I mean what caused you to be so pleased that you break open the skies and speak what is it and then I thought wait a minute this is only Matthew three and I look that's I thought Jesus hasn't done anything yet he hasn't healed any lame people he hasn't opened the eyes of any blind people he hasn't written a magazine a book spoken at a conference nothing and God breaks the heavens and says I am pleased I thought what has he done I look back Matthew 1 the genealogies some ones will be got they get and they began t baguette and baguette baguette forgot to be get forgot to be gettin baguette baguette forget baguette baguette be gotten forgotten and then I thought wow it's nothing there and then I looked at Chapter two he's born chapter 3 Paul I'm pleased I thought what has he done now it says this is my beloved son so I know who's talking it's the father and I said Lord the only thing that he's got going for him is the fact that he's related to you and the Lord says that's what pleased me then and that's what pleases me still today when my children have a genuine relationship with me there's nothing that pleases me more than to break the skies open and let you know but that's it cuz you can get caught up in everything else but you see we can be a Christian but not have a good relationship with God you can have a formal relationship we've all seen that and that's not what he's talking about we've seen a marriage where a man and a woman are married but they have no relationship the only thing they have in common is their they have a same address that they live in or you've seen parents that have kids and they're the parents they're the kids but they have no relationship because of some unresolved issues that's not what he's talking about some formal thing he's talking instead about a genuine honest relationship that's vibrant and living and when that happens so much will come through and the world will know but it requires a genuine unabashed relationship not just going to church you see I say this often even the Mafia go to Mass every Sunday but it's a relationship with Jesus that changes the world not some formal Christian stance and when all of it's taken away can I say Jesus and I are doing really good there has to be a genuine relationship with Jesus then he'll he'll funnel the kingdom through he'll open the skies and let humanity know that that's it you know why some time ago I got off the plane and I was gonna go up to my car which is on the fourth level parking structure and a dad with his little boy about three four years old we're also going and and I noticed him put his son in front of the little motion detector that opens the doors you know so he said stand right there go a little one more step and then I was just kind of waiting you know I thought it's cool and watch this and a little boy stepped in and see that yeah now push that button on the elevator and the little boy pushed it and we got in the elevator and I'm just kind of a spectator watching this and he says okay we're on fourth floor now which one is four which one good right there push that and I was on the same floor too so I just rode along and then he pushed for good good and then they walked out and and I could see him handing his son his remote and for the car and he said okay there's a car point it there now can't push that button and you could hear it beep beep and the lights turned on and the doors unlock little kids all excited he said okay get in a little kids just this is cool and I kind of laughed a little bit and then I thought you know what the father didn't need his kid to do all of those things he could have done it himself and probably could have done it faster and better but but I watched their love their their just their relationship was so precious and and you got to hear this why did the father have the boy do that you know why because the father took greater pleasure in fulfilling his will through his child than just doing it himself and the same is true with you and me when there is a healthy relationship with the Lord God takes greater pleasure in doing his will through his children then apart from them in fact you can fill that in it's a near bullet there would you write down God takes more pleasure when his will is done through his children rather than in spite of them because he can do it on his own God doesn't need us I know it's gonna come as a shock to many of you but God doesn't need us he can do what he wants to do and push all the buttons without us isn't that right he can do it better than we could but listen he takes greater pleasure doing it through his children then around him and that's why Enoch was someone pleasing to God Jesus some pleasing because he see that's the whole thing God is saying it's gonna require a genuine healthy vibrant living ongoing relationship with the Lord but when that is there not a religious thing no not theological thing no no when it is a true genuine thing God will say that's it cuz now I can run the kingdom right through you and I'll take greater pleasure in doing that than anything else that's it let's do that forever you understand and Enoch is put as an example of that which is most important now one of the things you gotta know is this would you write the number to the enemies target is to dilute is to dilute our living relationship he's going to dilute him he's not gonna dilute anything else he wants to dilute that because if you are still going to church if you're still doing religious stuff but you don't have a vibrant relationship with the Lord you can still be religious but he's not gonna run the kingdom through you he's not gonna push buttons through you he takes no pleasure because there's a broken relationship unresolved sin or or rejection or rebellion or whatever it might be and when the Lord says when that's cleaned up we have a good relationship I'll run the kingdom through you and take greater pleasure in that that's why the devil wants to destroy that relationship well you still go to church but keep a broken shortcutted cutting corners veneer kind of relationship with God that's thin and shallow because then you can still go to church but the kingdom won't come through you to the surrounding areas even God says you can still learn about God you can just the Pharisees they've memorized most of the Old Testament they knew about God so he's gonna say go learn more or learn more but you can have a great brain about God and know a lot about God but would you right there in that bullet knowing about God is no substitute for a genuine relationship it's no substitute otherwise he'll get us to live this incongruent life where Christians know all there is to know about submission but we don't submit we know all there is to know about honesty but we're not honest we know everything there is to know about forgiveness but don't cross me and what happens is we know more and more and more and more and more but we don't do any of that so we substitute knowledge for obedience knowledge for relationship and the Lord says no it'll be a real deception in fact let's read a scripture above 2nd Corinthians 11:3 let's read that go but I fear that somehow you will be led away from your pure and simple devotion to Christ just as Eve was deceived by the serpent ah you're kidding she was led away from having a pure relationship with Jesus uh-huh you mean if if he can kind of fracture our relationship with God and and kind of dull that like Eve we get more susceptible to temptation mm-hmm yeah yeah in fact you see if that relationship with if God does not fill you you will find that the world starts to become better and better looking and you start to get hungry for other things you see I remember when Anna when we were first dating I mean every thought of my mind was Anna you know and in my wallet I'd have four or five pictures of her on my wall I had pictures and she's everything and on and so some babe would walk by and I'd look at her and because because she was the love of my life my relationship with her was strong it was buoyant it was blossoming and it was wonderful and everything I wasn't hungry for that but watch this you destroy a relationship with that person then everything else becomes really attractive isn't that right but when the Lord is filling you and your relationship with him is strong and vibrant you don't have the susceptibility to the world and its offerings anymore you'll be in the world but it doesn't pull on you because I tell you the world has this vortex to it and it pulls you in and if God's not feeling you you'll eat anything I remember when our dog we have a golden retriever it was about a year old two years old I went down to times market I think it was and bought this beautiful steak bone you know how they cut up steak and they have these nice bones and so I bought one of those and I had it at home I thought oh I'm gonna give you a treat of your life you're gonna get one of these to chew on for like a week you'll be able to gnaw on this thing but at first I took her for a walk so I walked around the block and I was thinking as soon as we get home you're gonna get this tree Lucy you're gonna get this tree well just then she lunges and she goes into the bushes and when I pull her out she's got a dead toad in her mouth and I thought oh let that go you got a great steak bone at home let it go she ain't oh you're gross you're gross what I just bought this thing for you and you're eating this I couldn't believe it I mean I had better in three days but I just but isn't it true if you're hungry you will eat anything and that's why the Bible says let the Lord fill your heart and your soul and when you are filled with the spirits when you have him living vibrant in a relationship but the Lord is on your mind all the rest of the things don't appeal to you as much but you're gonna be in a place in a world that draws you to eat toads if you've got a broken relationship yeah and that's what sin is we're eating toads and the Lord saying no and where's and the Lord says don't don't I can do what I want I think this Christian stuff don't do this don't do that and in the spirit that's what it looks like it's Lord is saying no no don't do that and when our relationship is broken were pulled towards the world because would you write down in your bullet the enemy wants to wear you down he wants to wear down your resistance that's exactly what Daniel 7 verse 25 says when he speaks about the enemy of our souls would you read with me Daniel 7:25 go he will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the highest one would you circle the words wear down because you're going to be in a world where you're gonna see people who were once vibrant Christians worn down and then they'll actually defect and now they're actually selling the wares of the enemy of our souls I think one of the more provocative temptress kinds of young ladies in the past had used innocence as attempt and a temptation for immorality was Britney Spears in the way that she would dress and the way that she would move and like this innocent and come and get me baby and kind of thing and and she used the innocence actually for the wrong thing and then now recently Jessica Simpson and if you saw her on a trailer or the movie and Dukes of Hazzard I just saw trailer of it and I thought good night what is going through you know why thoughts that way because both of them were leaders in their church youth groups and Jessica Sam Simpsons father is a pastor and I look at that and I think you know what did the devil do to get you to defect so royally you see he's got all kinds of flavors of temptations now in each one is a big old stainless steel hook that he puts into your soul but he'll say how can I get this in your guts oh no no praise the Lord I'm gonna stay with the Lord okay what do you want what can I give you to sell out your soul how's about money million to five ten don't matter how much because I got it all okay ten million okay fifteen million okay here it is here it is I just want peanut what cut flavor do you want green God green well I want prestige oh okay I got that one too let's take that one out yeah well notoriety oh yeah I got that one too what color one really all kinds of diamond glitter on it yeah see he's got different flavors what flavor do you want but on the inside it's the same hook what if flavor you like to sell your soul cuz that's where this is gonna go then how many just like fish going after that bit you yanks and then could see the devil takes greater Glee in causing one of God's children to defect from their relationship with God and then sell the devil's wares then to get someone who's never known God in a relationship to sell his wares I mean that's nice but this I get much more Glee the devil would say and what he wants to do is pull you away from just like second Corinthians 11:3 says I'm afraid that as a devil deceived Eve that you too would be led astray from the purity and simplicity of your devotion to Christ because the devil knows that if he can get you to fracture your relationship Oh keep your religious trappings but don't have a vibrant relationship with Jesus's honest and clear good if he can get you to just kind of cut some corners then the father will not work the kingdom through you because it requires a healthy and vibrant relationship and then he'll push buttons and he'll do things and he'll go through you but you watch them we're all around us is a world that's just pulling us that way and if you don't have him on your mind you will lead anything and that's why it's so important for us as we come here it's not just to learn more but actually to allow God to fill us afresh with his spirit so that when we walk out of here we love Jesus so much more and that's my goal and desire for every single one of us otherwise you'll go home and you'll watch TV and the things that used to be abnormal are now normal stuff that used to be like gross are now everyday the stuff that used to be immoral it's like everybody's doing it isn't that right it used to be see something on TV and it's like wow and they show just a little bit of you know a sex act or some things like oh man that's terrible close your eyes son close your eyes in the movie you know and then now it's like yeah see that yeah pretty cool huh and then after about another five or six times you know I'd like to do something like that it's just it just gets you and pulls you that way I was in the record store the other week and you know there's some CDs that are have a X rating on it you got to be a certain age to buy it because they use F words and stuff on it I thought whoa I mean you put it on these guys or F in this and I thought what no way sure enough it's happening I was going down waikiki and i heard this stuff going on I thought who's swearing it was a CD on the guy's boombox and I thought that does that and you watch rappers today rappers come on they have oh we'll all of these the worst stuff and then their hands go down they start grabbing stuff they shouldn't be grabbing on stage never notice that they're just kind of hanging on I thought what are they doing that for I looked at that I thought maybe it helps them remember the words I don't know I looked at that light but the guys keep me continues to do that like half the song he's down there and I thought what and then I realized I got it fungus he's got but isn't that true after at first it's like what and then now it's like they always do that and what happens is the devil wants to wear you down so that that vortex of the world just kind of pulls you that way and you think huh dead toads aren't that bad they're not that no I'm not bad tasting and then pretty soon we find ourselves selling the enemy's wares we thought what in the world happened you see sometimes we're hanging on to stuff and the Lord is saying there's something much better you need to let those Maui gems go it don't matter because your life with me is what's most important and Enoch and I took it right into eternity because I want to do that forever and then I listened to the questions young people will ask me and I know if their relationship is fractured with the Lord and it's more religious than anything else I mean they'll come to me and say you know wait I mean like is such-and-such wrong you know I was frenching wrong is this wrong and then they'll say how far can I go with my girlfriend like sexually how far can we go and like not cross the line you know I mean I'm gonna cross the line so I know what like when you do it you know that's crossing the line so how far can we like get near to not cross the line and I look at them and I think what yeah you know how far can we go without frosting a line I look back at him and I say something like this do you know I'm married to Anna yeah I know hey you know how far can I go with my neighbor she's got my neighbours friend he's got a beautiful wife how far can I like go sexually with her and still not cross the line with and the kid goes what yeah yeah how far can I go with her and like go for it and still not cross the line and the kid will go that's strange and I look at him and say so are you if I am even asking that question you know something's weird with my relationship with Ana and then this is what they'll say yeah but you're married I'm single I know you're married if you're a Christian you're married no no I'm single no I'm married no I mean the other way around I said you're married no I'm single no let's read second Corinthians 11:2 go I promised you as a pure bride to one husband Christ yeah if you're part of the church you are called the bride of your betrothed to him it's like a commitment and if I move into lust or immorality and just think I just won't cross the line something's funny with your relationship you see the devil is saying it's okay so long as you don't cross the line so he knows that if he can fracture your relationship the kingdom won't come through you because it requires a genuine relationship now you can do that stuff but I tell you the devil's got you hogtied because you don't understand what's pleasing in the father's sight that he said to Enoch this is it it is so precious that I just want us to keep this forever and boom they were in eternity he said but Wayne there's so many choices everywhere I mean there's like options yeah there are well should we just kind of get rid of all the options no no no it's gonna require you to make a choice in fact would you write in your last bullet love is not really love unless it includes our choice love is not love less include includes choice when I married Anna it wasn't like a nuclear blast hit the world and like she was the only female living so I had to like marry her and start the race again no there are many options but I chose her you're gonna have a fight on the inside Paul the Apostle did let's read what it says here go for I what I am doing I do not understand for I am NOT practicing what I would like to do but I am doing the very thing I hate yeah he said there's a war going on inside of me but let me tell you the greatest most powerful love in the universe the Greeks have four words for love English as one the words love and Greek three of them have to do with feeling or being prompted to love for example the first word is eros where we get the word erotic from its a the word that means a romantic love a feeling love and affectionate love a love of emotion well I love you because I feel like loving you you appeal to my senses alright that's eros there's another one called phileo where we get the word philadelphia from it's friendship love it's like I love to be with my buddies because we all play basketball together we have a similar affinity so like I love being with my friends well that's good you're compelled impelled that way because of a you like a certain thing together the third love is a love called storge it's a love that a mother has for a child the father has for a child and it's my kid you know it's from me it's my kid so that's great nothing wrong with that but there's one love that is not a love of feeling it's a love of choice and that's the love that God has for humankind and that is a love of choices called agape for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son why did his son come to be sacrificed because God had no other choice no he had tons of choices but he chose to love us he chose to put his love unto us and the Bible says when you learn to make choices a core the gods way you are now developing the strongest most powerful love in the universe and the reason why the devil doesn't want you to develop that kind of love just go with the feelings do what your heart says kind of thing because he knows that when you start developing a love of choice that's the kind of love that destroyed him on Calvary and changed the world it was a love of choice not a feeling and so sometimes you're gonna have to make a choice 50 times in a day to put your mind back on the Lord I go home to be with my wife sometimes why because I feel like it's sometimes I do but sometimes I don't things aren't going that well but I make a choice and God says that's good because you are developing you see that agape love is developed nurtured and nourished built it's not just found or given it's developed it's built it's nourished it's nurtured and when I make those choices for the King because I know of his love for me and what he's done for me I want that to happen here I choose to do the same why cuz I have to know let me finish with a story that I've told long ago about a friend of mine name is Jean over in Hilo he's an elder in the church and and every Tuesday he would buy me lunch and so I was a young pastor as poor you know and and so I would go and have lunch with him and he'd pay in the bill I was really happy I was pleased so I you know I'd let him do it because it was his ministry like 70 80 times I just let him just pay for my lunch but you know after a while like a year or so I was thinking you know I got a reciprocate I need to pay so I said Jean let me pay for lunch next week so no no no I'm gonna pay I said you've been paying for like two years he said it's alright it's my ministry I want to do that I said come on let me pay next week nope nope so I'm sitting at home thinking man I got to start paying for something right I got to do this how am I gonna do this so I get to the restaurant the next week a little early and I go to the waitress and I said today please bring me the bill okay could you do that she said you know Jeanne said you might say that so I I said what she said yeah so I sat down I said gene come on man you've been paying let me I really want to pay and I got paid and I got some box and I got a little raise III can want I want to pay he said no no doesn't matter how much you have I'm gonna pay no way so next week I came in early I took my credit card out and I said to the waitress take my credit card run it before we actually eat she said Jeanne said you might do that so here's his card she takes out of it so I slide into the booth and I said gene come on man let me pay he said no I said no no no I want to pay he said no no I want to pay no I said you know what I'm starting to dream about paying for lunch he said no I'm gonna pay I said gene please I want to I yearned to I desire to I must pay for lunch he said no I'm gonna pay oh no way my heart is hurting to pay for lunch and you know I thought after well you know what that's just like the Bible my heart at first was like ooh pay for me and then now it's like no I want to be a part of this cuz see first John says this we love because He first loved us we are compelled to love because our relationship with him is to a point where I know how much he loves me and what happens after a while his love doesn't just come to me it changes my heart and now because of my relationship it comes what through me I want to forgive because I have to no other option no no because I know how much he's forgiven me and the least I can do is let it run through me I want to love why cuz it's a Christian thing I want to give why cuz they say he's supposed to give in church no because I know how much he's laid down his life and has given to me how many has he paid for my lunch the least I can do is give it an offering and by the way I want to encourage you to do that because that's one little way of his kingdom coming through us our program our television program the radio program is in the mainland is being shown in in a Philippines and Japan and India we get letters from people in Asia saying that their lives are being touched and changed and the gospel is free but the means by which it is extended costs and so as we give it's not because well that's a Christian thing no no we give because we're saying Lord run a little bit of the kingdom through us to those we may never meet until we see in heaven one day and when you understand relationship you give because you have to know because he's given so much for me I want to love because he loved I want to give grace cuz he's giving grace to me I want to lay down my life and serve why because New Hope is recruiting more servants know he's laid down his life for me and served me so many times man the least I can do is this well what's happening well because of my relationship with him not religious just cuz a genuine vibrant relationship I know what he's done for me I am now compelled to do the same and then the Lord says that's it that's what a knock at that's what it's all about if you removed everything else that's the life of the church my bride so that I'll run the kingdom through her to a needy world and when you when you understand that you begin understand why these men and women were in Hebrews 11 and God called it a Hall of faith it's not that ithi reial not that out there it is very practical and real and the Lord wants that for each of us will you say yes to that let's say yes thanks for watching if you haven't yet please click on the subscribe button to this channel and share this video with a friend for more resources or to join us for our weekend online service visit us at e new hope org again thanks for watching and God bless you
Channel: NewHopeOahu
Views: 2,683
Rating: 4.9354839 out of 5
Keywords: new hope, new hope oahu, new hope christian fellowship, christian, hawaii, honolulu, wayne cordeiro, pastor wayne, church, sermon, life journal, life resources, enoch, sermons on enoch, the man who walked with god, walking with god, pastor wayne cordeiro, new hope classics, classic sermons, classic messages, sermons on walking with god, how to walk with god
Id: _8Hj-9x6YrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 45sec (2685 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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