Enneagram Type 7 Compatibility

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Enneagram type seven in intimate relationships type seven is very versatile they have several different patterns of who they tend to match up with when they're dating or getting married type seven can go with any type on the iniya gram but these are some patterns that I've noticed on who they tend to pick as their mate type seven first of all goes with type five type seven and type five are a very common match possibly because they have some similarities but they are very different also which can help a relationship you can grow and learn from differences and learn to grow in the other strength type 5 is more introverted type 7 is going to be the extroverted social fun-loving type that wants to go out all the time type five might be more of a homebody let's sit and just talk or read or stay at home just have a few friends so there are some differences that may come up as challenges but each of these types can help one another 7 could help the 5 get out in life and go meet some people go have some experiences they wouldn't normally have type 7 can learn from type 5 that maybe we don't need to be out all the time maybe we can be a little bit more reserved spend time reflecting spend time examining our lives examining topics so type 5 and type 7 can really teach each other a lot of things in a relationship which is probably why they match up together they also have some similarities though type 5 does go to type 7 when they are in stress and type 7 goes to type 5 when they are incorporating health when they need to be more grounded and stick with something and research it a little bit more so they have some similarities their differences are quite large but I think that they can really help each other learn and grow the next type type 7 tends to match with is if they are 7 with a 6 wing they match with 6 with a 7 wing these come this combination is very natural they have a lot of similarities a lot of differences type seven with a six wing is going to be a little bit more extroverted but type six for the seven wing usually they're pretty outgoing too so they're a little bit more equally matched in their energy level but they definitely have things to contribute to one another that are different where they can grow the next type type seven tends to match up with is seven and type one type one has some similarities to type seven they do need to incorporate seven in their personality so they can lighten up a little bit so they can have more fun in their life and type seven does go to type one when they're and stress and sometimes they need to be a little bit more grounded and strict with what they're doing in their life not just kind of a free-for-all so these two types can teach each other as well type 7 also can end up with type 3 I've seen this dynamic a lot this is a very energetic dynamic type 7 has a lot of energy type 3 has a lot of not necessarily more charismatic energy not necessarily the same type of fun-loving as the 7 so they have a lot of energy matched together they can have a very outgoing dynamic doing things accomplishing things that the key here for type 7 and type 3 is that type 3 tends to be way more goal oriented than the 7 the 7 might think why are you setting all these goals why do we have to just stick to our checklist our tasks why can we just go have fun let's just be spontaneous and the three might think I want you to be a little bit more focused on your goals wanting to accomplish things 7 can help the 3 loosen up a little maybe we don't need to always be accomplishing something maybe you don't need always have a goal in mind we can be spontaneous so these two types can help one another as well the last couple that I see the 7 match with is 7 and type 9 these energies are a little bit different type 7 they are going to be more energetic but if they have a 6 wing they might have some more groundedness to them type 9 it's going to be easy going they might want to go to the parties and have fun and be fun-loving so they both have that fun-loving spirit inside I think the challenge for this dynamic is that both of them might struggle a little bit with their goals in life of what they want to do of who they are of sticking with something that could be a challenge unless the nine is very in touch with their three direction of integration and they do know what they're doing in life and they're getting out there but otherwise this is a very fun type of blend together that probably really enjoys being a couple so these are some combinations I've seen four types seven type seven can go with any type on the inia gram it's about how healthy you are how you're communicating if you're continually growing and learning both people in the relationship then you're going to have a successful relationship these are some of the the matches I've seen haven't side type seven tends to gravitate toward
Channel: Enneagram Julie
Views: 3,490
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Keywords: Enneagram, Enneagram Type 7, Enneagram Type 7 dating, Enneagram relationships, Enneagram dating
Id: p8QsGZaKwyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 27sec (327 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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