Enjoy Watching My Promotion Before You Get Fired, Boss! HR Manager Knows What You Did - r/ProRevenge

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welcome to r slash pro revenge this is a story of someone getting back at someone with pro revenge after being wronged thank you friends for subscribing to the channel and for so many likes the first story is i want the one in the picture d i was talking with another sales dad the other day at a scout cookout swapping toughest customer stories when this guy came up since it has a satisfying ending i thought y'all might enjoy it glossary of jargon spiff arbitrary cash bonuses offered at management discretion pencil preliminary buyer's order used in negotiation it delineates list price discount purchase price trade value and payoff and taxes and fees cpo certified pre-owned if qualified by age mileage ownership it gets a much more thorough inspection and earns an extended warranty for passing this happened about five years ago when i was selling cars on a saturday just before lunch the dealership catered lunch on saturday but i didn't get to eat it i sold a car to my first customer of the day which any car guy will tell you if you can get one out before 11 on a saturday you should almost be mad if you don't get a hat trick three sold in a day typically hat tricks pay out an extra bonus at my store it was 150 i'd already gotten some free money in the morning meeting for a couple of perfect surveys and my sale was the first one of the day for the store which happened to be a spiff that day so i'm riding high having already put 500 in my pocket before noon with the real shot at doubling it before they turned out the lights it's going to be a good day i thought i just finished stocking in my fresh trade and collecting my first sales spiff when the receptionist comes to my desk hey my posting name you're really good with weird angry and weirdly angry customers yeah wonderful me yeah i guess that's me what do we got r that couple over there looks like it's taking too long for the guy at jimmy john's to make their sandwiches i put on my sunny customer service face and greet the couple they're older but not old probably mid-50s they're aloof and condescending as i bring them to an empty desk my desk was on youth side and offer coffee they scoff and decline until they see the big fancy cappuccino machine the wife looks at me expectantly as i sit down inviting her to help herself reassuring her that it's a very intuitive machine with several options but i'll be happy to help if she has any problems hubby cb1 for dialogue hands me a folder inside is a printout from our website i'd like to purchase this truck please at the advertised price he says i say excellent before we discuss rebates let me double check that we still have the vehicle in stock it'll only take a minute cb1 you don't know your own inventory this is very unprofessional hey honey he says he probably doesn't have it in stock looks like we might have come all the way down here for nothing cb2 this would never happen at volvo this is going to be fun i mindlessly apologize and explain that we have 18 salespeople and over 650 cars on the lot at any given time we sell 250 a month so inventory management is literally a full-time job as i check the key track see the key is checked in and politely excuse myself to pull the track around in retrospect i wish i had paid more attention to the listing as it would have saved some pain but i just pulled the stock number verified availability and pulled it around me alright let's take a look they follow me outside and i start my walk around cb1 this is the wrong truck cb2 this is the wrong truck i told you you were asking for trouble trying to buy a domestic cb1 i told you honey a d volvo won't pull the camper this is what we need me what do you mean this is the truck from the listing you gave me cb1 christ no it's not the listing i gave you is for a white long bed king ranch this is a silver xlt i get that reading is hard you'd think that even a domestic car salesman would know his colors me first of all there's no such thing as a thirty thousand dollar king ranch and you clearly know that second i don't appreciate being insulted clearly there's been a mistake let's go back inside and figure it out cb1 you have to honor your advertised price it's the law my wife is a lawyer cb2 i'm a lawyer and will eat you alive me look there's no need to get hostile i don't get paid unless you buy so it's in my best interest to work this out i assume our web developer made a mistake with the pictures but let me investigate and we'll go from there as i suspected every word of text on the listing pointed to an xlt as did the windows sticker link the web guy mixed up the pictures i found the picture truck which had a sticker more than twenty thousand dollars higher with fewer rebates i printed both stickers and the fine print disclaimer at the bottom of every listing and spent 20 plus minutes explaining trying to talk sense and feeling a myriad of threats and insults things have gotten nasty and i was ready to fire them but when i went to grab the stickers the last thing i heard from the desk was don't you dare cut these a-holes loose sell them a truck i take it straight to the gm at this point who comes out takes one look at these people decides it's not worth it and personally delivers a pencil showing a real money six thousand dollar loss with the invoice to back it up we're still like seventeen thousand dollars apart and they're holding ground still threatening litigation despite knowing that they have no leg to stand on and knowing that they were already stealing the truck they wanted at the offered price our store was part of the third largest group in the world at the time so we had lawyers too we happened to have the exact truck they were trying to buy on the used lot one model year older 21 000 ish miles cpo listed at 36 999 i flipped him to that one and we moved to the used side i showed them the truck and hubby is failing miserably at hiding his excitement by the end of the test drive my gm had told me to call him before i presented a pencil so i did to my chagrin he cut the nuts off it and had me present thirty two thousand nine hundred ninety nine dollars about one thousand dollars north of rough trade via neta and two point five thousand south of the next cheapest similar truck within 300 miles plus it was certified which adds about 2 000 value in warranty they're still fixated on 30 000 and here we pick up the conversation cb1 i don't care what the market says i want to know what you paid for it and then we'll negotiate an offset from there me no that's not something you get to know you don't demand a no cost on anything else you buy you could literally go to carmax tomorrow and turn a small profit at our price even if you aren't stealing this truck and you absolutely are my time isn't free i cb2 we don't give an f about you we want a great price and we're not there yet do better me you absolutely are at a great price and given the abuse i've endured you're out of your mind if you think i'm gonna budge one cent off my price i have a baby at home i know this next comment is going to sound embellished but i swear to jebus it's verbatim cb1 i couldn't care less if your baby lives or dies take a thousand off or me holding back rage we're done here cb1 what me you heard me we're done get the f out of my office now cb1 no i'm buying a truck me no you're effing not i've been patient as f and you crossed the line get the f out write the f now before i lose my effing sh cb2 typical me now they stood up and i half herded half shove them out of my regular office and out of the building i immediately got lit up by the desk managers and i let them speak their piece then i told them what was said and suddenly we were a united front i was shaking i was so angry so i was given a shot of desk whiskey and told to remain in the tower until the whiskey worked and i'd calm down i was hot so it took a good while i was still there when cb1 called about 20 minutes later to be about how he was treated and he caught an earful for my manager he still wanted the truck and my manager still wanted to sell it so he put the guy on hold and asked me i've got to sell the truck what do you want me to do i'll do the paperwork if you want but you're still going to have to deliver me nah that's all right just tell him this price expired when he got himself tossed and there will be no negotiations when he comes back if he wants the truck he'll pay what we asked don't tell him the price and mark it up 2 500 he laughed nodded and set it up i got the deal jacket ready brushed off his faned apology and made him fill out the credit app in silence before i showed him the buyer's order cb1 this is way higher than it was before me yes sir it is sign here cb1 why me a-hole tax sign or go home he glared at me i stared into his eyes and didn't say a word for a good 30 seconds then he picked up the pin and signed i remained cold but professional through the delivery and managed to treat him like any other customer i didn't particularly like with my sold follow-up he remained an a-hole every time i spoke with him but he ended up inadvertently being my biggest source of referrals evidently he told everyone he knew about me charging him an a-hole tax and he was such a notorious a-hole that it made his circle wanna buy for me over the next year i sold seven cars to people he knew if anyone is interested i did make my hat trick that day but it didn't come until shortly after close the second story is act like a jerk and try to get me fired enjoy watching my promotion before you get fired background i work for a communications company we primarily sell internet-based all-in-one communication solutions for businesses i'm in the software development department working as a software tester currently i've been with the company a long time have worked my way up from phone support and have a ton of knowledge about the company including policy and culture i also have a relative who has worked in hr for many years the story i had been working as a software tester for about two years doing manual testing our team was fairly unsupervised as we didn't really have a manager but the company was expanding quickly so they hired us a manager enter jay the a-hole at first things were fine he was just learning the company however it was odd he never asked anyone for any information he just said he'd do his own research and spent the first month online reading stuff not sure what that taught him about our company specifically though after the first month he hit the ground running he immediately started creating automation tests adding to the existing testing code and creating stupid rules that made no sense he broke tons of sh and took credit for work that wasn't his everyone hated him and we all referred to him as effing j for the most part we all ignored him as of this point no one has specifically said he was out manager he was just here to help provide direction fast forward a few months and everyone on the team wants to quit no one can stand him he and i butt heads more so than others because i know he's wrong and i make my decisions based on the best interest of the customer he hated that i never get in trouble but i was hand selected for the position by our cio he knows how hard i work well jay keeps trying to get me in trouble he finally succeeds i get a write-up from him that's my final warning i've never been written up before i talk to my hr family member review the company handbook and then i go to hr with my write-up i fight and i win i get a warning instead jay is livid he gives me the stink eye for months to follow fast forward again and he's still after me but i have a family emergency come up i have to move out of town i apply to work from home and my request is granted jay can't stand it he tries to fight it and convince the company not to let me however he's not high enough up the chain to override my approval from a c-level manager he's running out of time to get me fired i'm in the office working late daily planning for my move and finishing up some work to allow me time off from the move one of the company policies for our department is that everyone gets to work from home one day a week you pick as long as it isn't monday or friday people often use this to work from home when sick well i have a medical condition that sometimes requires i take medicine that means i can't drive a car i emailed the office and let them know i was going to work from home due to being sick i work for about 30 minutes then jay sends me a message he tells me that employees are not allowed to pick when they work from home and i need to take the day off and use pto i inform him that i've already worked part of the day and can't take pto he insists that i stop working immediately so i do i then contact hr because i know he's coming after me i confirm that as a salaried employee if i work at all in a day i cannot be required to take pto hr confirms i forward the email to jay once again i've won the game and he is so peeved i can see steam coming out of his ears every time he looks at me the next day i'm back to work jay sends me an email with a final write-up with a recommendation for termination because i took an unauthorized day off what the f i immediately forward his email to hr with proof he told me to take the day a screenshot of all the conversation i had with him about it and proof i forwarded the previous hr decision to him in the email i also included that i was filing a formal complaint against him for a hostile workplace targeting bullying retaliating and a violation of my ada rights the response is swift sweet and awesome i am immediately notified by jay's boss that moving forward i report directly to him my write-up had been torn up and i can start working from home immediately prior to my move jay is demoted from being the manager of the team he super peeved within two weeks they demoted him from being the manager of his other team and then let him go within the month prior to his being fired i got promoted up a level i made sure to mention it often in our group chat channels after i showed his true colors to management he began treating everyone else worse as i was now off limits complaints rolled in so much they had to let him go serves him right the a-hole thank you for watching the video to the end have a good day
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 94,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, petty revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, nuclear revenge, r/nuclearrevenge, revenge stories, nuclear revenge stories, nuclear stories, reddit nuclear revenge, r/NuclearRevenge, r/prorevenge boss, prorevenge, Pro Revenge, r/Prorevenge HR, fired, r/prorevenge HR manager, HR, r/NuclearRevenge boss, r/Prorevenge fired, fire, HR manager, ex boss, Employee, Fired Instantly, Promotion
Id: j2tW2wF7Ooc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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