ENHYPEN (엔하이픈) 'ENHYPEN&Hi' Season 2 EP.4

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[This show includes virtual advertising and product placement] [An overnight walk down the memory lane that showed ENHYPEN's teamwork] Let's push on a little more! [An overnight walk down the memory lane that showed ENHYPEN's teamwork] Fighting! [An overnight walk down the memory lane that showed ENHYPEN's teamwork] ENHYPEN fighting! [An overnight walk down the memory lane that showed ENHYPEN's teamwork] ENHA ENHA ENHYPEN! [An overnight walk down the memory lane that showed ENHYPEN's teamwork] [The members have been preparing hard for their fan meet] [And finally met ENGENE they've been waiting to meet!] [For ENHYPEN who have been busy] [We prepared a Stay-at-Home Special] Don't play, you lose! Rock-paper-scissors! [ENHYPEN house filled with laughter and fun!] [ENHYPEN house filled with laughter and fun!] [Starting now!] [ENHYPEN's stay-at-home schedule] [Deciding who will cook] Your breakfast depends on this game [First game to decide who will cook!] "It's Okay to Not Know - Common Sense True or False Quiz" True or false quiz?! But... JAY is a good cook so he can... [The cook is already decided as Park Jay?] JAY is a good cook so he can... [ENHYPEN's chef?] JAY plus two more people! [It's always fun to pull pranks on JAY] Should we just pick two people then? JAY... can win by default! [Confused JAY] -Let's do that! -You can't run the kitchen without JAY -That's true -The chef shouldn't leave the kitchen [Sure] [No doubt] I need times like this The first question! [Q. Do snails have teeth?] Oh! One, two, three! [Unanimous answer] Does everyone know this?! Aren't we getting it all wrong? I used to raise snails and they had teeth and chewed on lettuces [Ex-snail owner's plausible reasons] How can snails eat? Can they eat without teeth? They can get an upset stomach if they don't chew -They can just swallow the food whole -They wouldn't be able to eat at all I've raised marsh snails before and they have teeth too [Followed by an ex-marsh snail owner] Oh Do marsh snails have teeth? [Confused JUNGWON] They're similar species The answer is? [What will the answer be?] The answer is? Snails have teeth! [Answer: True] Wow [Answer: "True"] [Snails have teeth!] They have to have it [I knew it] I thought you guys wouldn't know this question It was confusing for a moment [Q. Do mosquitoes die when they're exposed to rain?] Huh? [Q. Do mosquitoes die when they're exposed to rain?] -Oh -Wow, this is a little difficult -I don't know this one -Do we... -Do we have to know this? -Mosquitoes... Ah... [It's an "It's Okay to Not Know" quiz...] Okay One, two, three! [Thinking carefully] -Wow! -What?! [Only JAY answered "True"!] Only JAY answered differently -JAY! -I have a bad feeling?! Please!! The answer is "False" [Answer: False] [Only JAY failed to earn a score!] [Everyone on the] [same page] Congratulation [teasing JAY] [I'm laughing but actually, I'm not] Mosquitoes aren't as weak as you'd think! [I'm laughing but actually, I'm not] You should know this, JAY! Man! [02z provoking their friend] Yeah, true! Man! You guys guessed it too! [You guessed it too!!] -That's a lot of talking! -I already knew the answer?! He realized the bitterness of mosquitoes [Q. Do giraffes sleep standing up in the wild?] -Ah! -Oh?! -Oh -This is a bit easy [What...?] One, two, three One, two, three You answered after seeing the others! [HEESEUNG quickly changes his answer] What! You had it like this then you turned it just now! [The Youngest members never let it slide] -Give me... give me time to think -We have different answers! We have different answers! It's "False"! [Divided] It's "True"! [Opinion] The important thing here is "the wild" You can't help but sleep standing up [The point of the question is "the wild"!] They drink like this even when they drink water As far as I know, they sleep standing up! I saw it on TV [Debating (?) with something they saw] -The giraffes drink water like this -You're saying they sleep standing up? I've heard about this before [Conflicting] No, this is "False" [Opinions] They don't sleep standing up! The answer is... It's "True"! [Answer: True] [Giraffes sleep standing up in the wild!] Giraffes sleep standing up! [Discouraged 02z] What kind of giraffe did you see?! [What did you see? Haha] But I saw giraffes sitting down?! Do they only sleep standing in the wild? [They got the answer wrong but their curiosity explodes, haha] -Do giraffes in a zoo sleep lying down? -I've mistaken it for the zoo! The giraffes in a zoo sleep lying down Really? [Giraffes sleep standing up to stay alert in the wild] That's how it is in the wild Fine!! You guys sleep standing up! -You guys should sleep standing up -We're not giraffes Next question! -Huh, what's this? -It's so hard [Q. Do frogs have belly buttons?] How do we... [Q. Do frogs have belly buttons?] It's too difficult! -I'm leaving it to luck -Wait... Should we see the answer right away? One, two, three! -They must have one! -They don't [Answers divided as 4:3] When I was a kid... I have experience of stroking a frog's belly once [HEESEUNG sharing his experience] But it didn't have a belly button Oh, and also... I've never seen a belly button when Mr. Bear lifted frogs to roast it [Even bringing up Mr. Bear(?), haha] Oh...! I know! [HEESEUNG thought of a conclusive reason] Belly buttons... They... exist because mammals have umbilical cords! -Right, they don't have umbilical cords -They hatch from eggs The tadpoles could've tied their tails [JUNGWON chose "True"] [Saying random things because he knows he's wrong] -No! Look! -OK, that's enough of your nonsense It's "False"! [Sniffles] The answer is... "False"! -Wow, nice! -No! [Answer: False] [No belly buttons] We'll move onto the next question Oh, I saw this! [Q. Can sharks' teeth grow back?] One, two, three! It's "False"...! [Only SUNOO and JAKE answered "False"!] The answer is "True" See? See? [Sharp contrasts of happiness and sorrow] That's a relief -Huh? Cows are color blind? -Hold on! [Q. Are cows color blind?] One, two, three! [JAKE chose "False" again] But cows have big eyes They might not be color blind! -They might not be color blind! -I think they're not No, they are Cows are color blind! [Answer: True] [Cows are color blind!] -Thank you for the meal, guys -I'm gonna cook breakfast at this rate [JAKE is close to being the chef] -Thanks -I'll get to take a break from the kitchen [Will JAY be able to take a break...?] Oh, I know the answer to this! [Q. Do polar bears have white skin?] I know this! [Confident Leader Yang] I don't know this! [I have no clue] Okay, should we see the answers? One, two, three! [This time, only SUNOO and NI-KI answered "True"] Polar bears have black skin! [Polar bears have black skin? MintChoz can't believe it] -It's transparent! -No, it's black Whatever it is, it's not white [JUNGWON's assertive voice] -I'm not sure but I just think it is -Only their furs are white! -This could be a question with a twist -Isn't the fur the same as the skin color? The answer is "False" [Answer: False] [Polar bears have black skin] [It's okay if you don't get it right...] Now! Show us the scores! The scores! -Who's it going to be? -I have a bad feeling about this Who's it going to be? The person to cook... [Dazed] -I'm having bad feelings -I'll get to take a break from the kitchen I'll announce the results -Wow! -Yes! Who do you think will cook? [Before announcing the results what are the members' guesses?] -Me! -First, SUNOO SUNOO's cooking [SUNOO?] -HEESEUNG and... -NI-KI?! -Do you think it'll be me? -Maybe it could be JAKE?! JAKE! -I have a bad hunch! -It's either JAKE or NI-KI! [Each thinking "It's not gonna be me"!] Wait! Should we limit it to two people? -Let's see the result first -Let's decide afterward [Let's see the results before deciding!] First... [The results are?] -The last place goes to! -The last place goes to! Me [As long as...] [It's not me] The last place goes to... -Wow -Wow [The first member is SUNOO!] [The next member to join SUNOO is?] The member... -Oh, please! -who will join SUNOO is... [Is it JAKE as they expected?] [Or is it HEESEUNG?] [The second member who will be cooking is NI-KI!] JAKE's the last member then -NO! -JK! JK! [Is it JAKE?] -Please! -Is it going to be me? [Who will be the last member?] Congratulations, JAKE! [Congrats] [The last member is JAKE] Oh no! [Sniffles] Thank you for the meal, guys! [Thanks in advance] -We'll cook a nice meal for you guys -Thank you! -Let's go! -Go, go [Let's go to cook!] Please make it delicious! -Thank you for the meal! -Hey! Go cook some meals for us! [ENHYPEN's stay-at-home schedule] [Cooking Time] [JAY, responsible for cooking came to the kitchen worried] Just don't make fire Do you want to eat ramyeon instead? Tens of milliliters -We decided on brunch though -But I don't know where the oil is [Today's menu is brunch-style!] -Me too! -Do we have barbeque sauce? Barbeque sauce?! Oh Oil! Oil! [Total disaster] We'd have to mix it with this Oil! We don't have oil! [Will they be able to cook by the end of the day...?] We don't have oil! -Here -The oil is over there [JAKE found it for him, haha] -I put everything there -Oh, it's over here I'm worried about you guys [Getting a bad feeling...] Heat it up first -Wait -You're going to make toast, right? -Do this first! -You're making toast, right? -I'm going to cook sausages! -Sausages? [JAKE will cook sausages!] Pancake... pancake [NI-KI is in charge of pancakes] I'm going to do it myself! I can do this [SUNOO is in charge of french toast] [Worried JAY is still in the kitchen] You poured the right amount of water, right? But first of all... [It's too runny for a batter] It's... too runny! Let me see [Park JAY to the rescue] [Was this the start?] [When JAY started to cook...] I have to put eggs too, right? You should put the eggs as you go I'll do it [NI-KI wants to do it, haha] Try mixing it for a sec JAY, please cook this! That was smooth Telling me as if it's my job [Strange... I'm sure I won the game...] But you were doing it from the start [He accepted in the end, haha] I used to eat lots of bacon [Glance] [JAY's radar caught the bacon] [JAY to the rescue, again] [Versatile Park Jay] When did I start doing this? Okay! Let's do this! [Batter is ready!] [NI-KI starts to cook pancakes] [It kind of looks like egg jidan...] [Worried look] Imma put some... Imma put some... Gotta be careful of the edges [Ended up taking the flipper] [Huddled together] You're supposed to flip it when you see bubbles Right It's too thin [The batter is too watery and the pancake is too thin] It's like an egg mari [No matter how he tries] [No matter how he tries] It's a bit difficult [It's hard to flip the thin pancake] You need to make it a little thick and it should be in the center The heat is too high right now Right, the heat is too high [Is this pancake going to be fine...?] But this oven's gas flame is too high [The pancake trickles down due to high heat and thin layer] See? The backside is all burnt [Flustered] -The heat is too high -You should've done with low heat [NI-KI just finds this situation funny] It's too hot! You need to cook it on low heat! -You need to cook in extremely low heat -It is low heat?! It turned into scrambled eggs This one's a failure. Do it again [The birth of inedible pancake] The heat was too high If you fail on the first try you succeed on the second try [This time, you'll succeed] [What are the other members doing?] [We're hungry] [And bored...] It's taking time A customer is waiting for the food It's already been over five minutes [Actually, it hasn't been that long, haha] Do you guys wanna play card games? Card game? -Want to play, SUNGHOON? -Aren't you playing? [Those left behind started to play cards] I'll play! Ready, go! [They are playing games...] [But it's not fun] [Their waiting starts again...] I'm tired of waiting The customers are going to leave OK, sir [Reset the camera] I'm tired of waiting It's taking so long... I was hungry, but I'm not sure if I'm still hungry anymore [It's past the hungry state] Please, I'm hungry [Meanwhile, back in the kitchen] [JAKE's Flip the Pancake Show] -Ah, now it's working -Oh my This is basically a jjijim [Giggle] [Kitchen filled with laughter] A jjijim What is this [Even burnt pancakes make them laugh] It's cold -Should I taste it? -You try it I don't think we can eat this anyway [NI-KI volunteering as a taster?] Isn't this a jeon? [The ENHYPEN children find the pancake so funny] I think we should eat this with curry Isn't this jeon? It's too thin [It looks either like a jeon or naan...] Oh?! But it tastes good! [JAKE and NI-KI are excited while JAY is in a stew] It's good If it's like this, we can't make bungeoppang, can we? Huh? That's possible Wait, we can make bungeoppang with this [NI-KI's definitely a bungeoppang lover] I know! -We don't have red beans and stuff -Right, we don't have anything [Making... bungeoppang... right now...?] -We don't have red beans! We can't do it! -Ah, please! [Members stopping the youngest member] -Guys... please -Chocolate! Guys...? -You got it? -Guys, please -NI-KI, do you have leftover batter? -Yup! -We can make more -No, but we don't have that [Ta-da!] -We don't have the pancake mix -Yeah, we do We do have the mix [Gave up] Hold on... -We have time. We have lots to do -From the start! [Our youngest member is just excited] Wow, it's my first time! [NI-Ki's first bungeoppang making] -I'm a little scared! -Is it really possible, though? Fine, do everything you want to do [Do everything you want to do, NI-KI] -I told you I'm good at this -I'm not going to take part in cleaning up -What's this?! -Here goes! [Meanwhile, SUNGHOON came to take a look] Here goes! [First bungeoppang making!] It looks okay, though [Not bad!] It's too much. You put too much batter [Too much batter] -No, no -That's how you do it [VS That's how you do it] -It's too much -It's too much -No! -You have to close it now! [All eyes focused] -No! -You have to close it right now! -Close it!! -Close it, NI-KI! What are you doing?! [Back into the bowl] -NI-KI!! -Hey, what are you doing? [NI-KI, what are you doing right now!!] Hey, what are you doing? [Devastated] -This won't work -It's not gonna work Oh no, we're in trouble [It's just funny for NI-KI] I'll do it again -Hey, what are you doing? -I put in too much batter What are you doing, seriously? Seriously! -NI-KI -How are we going to clean this up? [Disastrous] Why did you do it like that? [Stamping feet] Is that how you do it? [Hard to use as it's his first time] You're supposed to put this in first Guys, we're not experimenting right now I know, I told you we have to eat I didn't eat breakfast today so I'm starving right now [Hungry HEESEUNG] -Should we just cook ramyeon? -I understand NI-KI loves bungeoppang [Giving up on the brunch?] but first... -Close the lid, it'll work -You have to grease the top part, too [ENHYPEN all gathered in the kitchen] Just do it first, close the lid -You have to grease it! -It needs to be greased [Divided opinion] [Grease it VS Don't] Just do it, we don't have time for that [Divided opinion] [Grease it vs. Don't] -It feels like an expedition -You have to close it quickly! [Greasing the pan] Use this to kind of... [How will the batter-only bungeoppang turn out?] Oh! Something is happening! JUNGWON, let's go back to the living room -It's hopeless -You need to turn it! [Quiet but strong comment] -I'll try to handle it -End game! It's been about a day... [Self-cam Show of customers who got tired of waiting] since I changed my hair color Is it two? It's been two days! [They just got fresh new hairstyles] -I don't know if I changed it or not -I'm not used to it yet I got dark hair [HEESEUNG changed to dark hair] It took the longest time for me to dye my hair! But there's no difference If you do it like this and shake your head the color changes [Like this] [Like this] It does show subtly Aren't these colors the classy ones? [Making Thunghoon feel better] Right [Making Thunghoon feel better] Mackerel hairstyle [Teasing SUNGHOON] Fish with blue skin (?) Fish with blue skin Omega 3 -It's bluefish -Bluefish! Bluefish [Embarrassed] [Awkward] JAY hurry and come here! Wow [Breakfast that took forever to be cooked] -Wow -It took one hour [Breakfast that took forever to be cooked] -The toast -Wow [SUNOO's french toast completed with JAY's help] [Sausage, scrambled eggs, and bacon that can't be left out from brunch] [As well as hand-made (?) fruit yogurt] [Pancakes that look like buchimgae with cherry tomatoes] [Today's main menu] [NI-KI's ambitious bungeoppang!] I worked hard making it. Help yourselves [Help yourselves] -I'm going to enjoy the meal -Thank you Thank you for the meal! This looks so pretty [Bungeoppang suited SUNGHOON's taste] The presentation is half of the experience Mmm...! Bungeoppang saved our brunch [Bungeoppang saved today's breakfast] [Bungeoppang lover is also satisfied] [JAKE who worked hard takes a bite] [JAY worked the hardest though he didn't have to cook] [JUNGWON is also enjoying the meal] [SUNOO is starting with the toast he made] We ate something really good after the fan meeting I think what we're eating now is better Right? [I agree] Because-- I already know what he's about to say [Q. Guess what SUNGHOON will say next (100 points)] -Me too -Because... You were going to say "Because our members made it," right? [Answer] Yep Bingo I'm full even at the thought of our members' love "I'm full even at the thought of our members' love" [Master at teasing SUNGHOON] [Hilarious] -It's so funny -I think I have an upset stomach We're getting nowhere at this rate! How long did we prepare for our fan meet? Like over a month? -We spent over a month -We spent a month! [Spent over a month for the fan meet] We also practiced for a couple of days straight -Right -Right I was so nervous when we performed "10 Months" when the curtains went up -At the beginning! -Oh, right! [The opening stage was the most nervous] I didn't know where to look -Four minutes to change makeup and outfit! -Ah, right [Nervous outfit changing time!] It was so busy As soon as the lights turned off [JAY on stage] [JAY after the lights turned off] I really did this! [Scary outfit changing time] There was this feeling only NI-KI, JAKE and I could feel When we're staying like this I can't look to the front I have to look at the floor [Telling episodes from the fan meet] But I can see a bit of this side [Listening carefully] I can see JAKE's feet and I was like, "Please, please" And when his feet fall to the front I go, "Ah" [Relief] [It's so funny] Third time! Third time! This is my third time listening to this story! What's up with you today [Teasing JAY is the most fun] Ah, but I love this story [Suited JAKE's taste] The losing team is doing the dishes too, right? -No! -No! -We have to play another game -That's not okay! [That's not okay] That's not okay! -But you guys created a mess -It even tasted bad But seriously, you can't make me do it -You can't do that -No way [That's not okay either] What are you talking about? I clearly told you guys not to make a mess [Innocent JAY] [How's the kitchen looking right now?] [Messy over here, messy over there] Oh no [Kitchen calls for despair] We sighed at the same time Should we choose one person? No, it's too much for one person [It's too much work for one person] -How about three? -Two! -Three! -Two sounds just right! -Two! -OK [Decided on two!] -Two people! -I think I'm going to be the one [Face-palm] -As long as it's not me -I had a bad feeling today [Today's moral] As long as it's not me -Rock-paper-scissors! -Let's do rock-paper-scissors! [Decide with rock-paper-scissors!] I'm serious. As long as it's not me You don't play, you lose! Rock-paper-scissors! [Surprise attack] You don't play, you lose! Rock-paper-scissors! -Wait!!!! -You don't play, you lose! Rock-paper-scissors! -Wait! -You didn't play! [Chaotic] I did play! There's no "wait" in rock-paper-scissors! You don't play, you lose! Rock-paper-scissors! [Guys... chill...] Wait, wait! Not yet! We didn't agree to play yet! "No, no" Are we really deciding with rock-paper-scissors? -Yeah, let's do rock-paper-scissors -Are we really doing it? [Deciding with rock-paper-scissors!] Let's decide with rock-paper-scissors You don't play, you lose! Rock-paper-scissors! [Luckily, it's a tie] Wait, wait -I don't want to play rock-paper-scissors -Let's gather around [Why so serious about cleaning up...] You don't play, you lose! Rock-paper-scissors! [NI-KI and JAKE again...?] [Sadness] [Happiness] Nice! Nice! [Everyone is so excited] Nice! [The clean up duo lie on the floor] Good luck! -No, wait! It was three people! -It was two! [NI-KI suddenly backpedaling, haha] [Nope, it was two!] Nice! [JAKE in despair, haha] -Hey, I played rock! -That was a practice game! [NI-KI and JAKE being sore losers] -What do you mean, a practice game? -The practice game is over! -NI-KI, how about one person? -Just one? NI-KI, are you in? One person? [Are you sure one person can handle it?] -Okay! -Fine! You guys can't handle it! I'm serious Do you want to do it together or choose one person? -Do it together -Let's make it one -You guys should do it together -Let them decide [Thinking while preparing to play] Rock-paper-scissors! [Usually, the person who brings it up loses...] [In despair] [Perfect example of the "As long as it's not me" situation] I won! -Let's do it together! -No, I don't want to! [Everyone except JAKE is laughing] [ENHYPEN's stay-at-home schedule] [Warm-up game] [Members' first time playing the Rhythm Hive game!] Whoa, this is awesome The cards are really important [Members' performance cards are important] I'm grade "C"?! -I'm also grade "C"! -We're probably all grade "C" [To be fair, members got the same cards] Oh, really? Mine's "XR" [NI-KI is grade "XR"?] No! Change it to "C"! OK! Let's go! One match, all or nothing! -One match! -Okay, one match! Let's go! -A practice game! -There's no practice! I've never played this before! It's too difficult. Hold on [Starting the game with "Given-Taken"] It's so hard! [Super fast 4x speed!] I've never played this before Whoa, what's this!! Wow, it's my part! [Performance cards change according to each members' part] Argh, I got it wrong! There's nothing special for my part It's too easy [It's so easy for Thunghoon] [What about SUNOO's part?] Why is my part so difficult? [Rhythm game that instantly reminds their dances] This is so well-made Whoa, this! Who am I? [You're HEESEUNG...!] I got it wrong! [The faster the song, the faster the game] It's so easy?! [Master of the game] Ah, I made a mistake [It becomes more difficult as it reaches the chorus part!!] -It's so hard! -This is so hard! What is this? It's too hard! Why is it so hard? [Focus intensifies] [The type who focuses with his mouth closed] [The type who focuses with his eyes wide open] [The type who focuses calmly] Ah, I got it wrong! [You can make mistakes...!] What! oh! [The game suddenly speeds up] Wow, it's really hard [It's hard for NI-KI too] -It's over -Finished I did so bad! [Leader Yang finished the game feeling disappointed] It's so hard It's so hard! [NI-KI finished his game too!] -What's your score? -I don't know What?! Is this over? But isn't this a little... [It feels like it ended too quickly because they were too absorbed] Isn't the sliding part too difficult? It was hard for me [Complaining] -It's easy when you play with music -But it's a little different The slide on the right follows the song [The right follows the melody] -And the left goes, tap tap! -Right, it follows the beat [Right follows melody, left follows beat] It's hard to follow the snare beat, and vocal at the same time [It's hard to multitask] -They're all played at the same time -It's confusing as I sing along [More confusing since they know the song] -Right -Now, let's see the scores! I think I'm the last My Best Performer is SUNGHOON! [NI-KI got SUNGHOON as Best Performer!] -I got SUNOO -I GOT NI-KI [JAY gets SUNOO as Best Performer] -I got NI-KI! -I got NI-KI too [POWER NI-KI] NI-KI is the best What're your scores? Mine is... Hundred, thousand ten thousand, hundred thousand... [The members' scores are?] I have 7,021,724 [JUNGWON: 7,021,724] OK, I beat JUNGWON! -I think I'm the last -I beat JUNGWON! [Thunghoon also beat JUNGWON!] 7,492,311 [HEESEUNG: 7,492,311] -So close! -Why are you so good at this? 7,447,081 [SUNGHOON: 7,447,081] -You played well! -Yeah, I did! [Higher score than expected...?] I'm 7,473,065 [SUNOO: 7,473,065] You're kidding! Are you serious? [Unbelievably high scores, haha] I have the highest score?! It's really fun [Thunghoon fell in love with Rhythm Hive] It matched the key point of our moves [It's more fun because it matched the key point of their moves] The part that goes "dundundun dundun" This is so much fun! -It was fun -It's interesting that it plays our songs [The game is based on ENHYPEN's song] -I know, it's interesting -It's fun [The game created with ENHYPEN's song] I seriously can't... [Warmed up the fingers with Rhythm Hive] [Now it's time to check flexibility?] -My legs are not that flexible -It feels like it's going to snap I think I'll be good at this [Stretch] I'm kind of flexible -SUNOO! -SUNOO's really flexible [So flexible...!] JAY's also kind of flexible! -Oh, JAY! -JAY's pretty flexible SUNOO's a bit more flexible [Everyone acknowledges SUNOO's flexibility] Let's become the King of Flexibility [Suddenly starting to find the Flexibility Master] I just need to win rock-paper-scissors My legs look this short Oh Oh, what!? [Is that possible?] What?! [Seriously, what...!?] It's okay, I just have to win rock-paper-scissors! [Haha] My knees hurt [The result is kind of obvious...] -That was... -I have weak joints [The result is kind of obvious...] Rock-paper-scissors! [GAME START] Take a step back Rock-paper-scissors! Scissors! Scissors! [SUNOO lost this time!] Rock-paper-scissors! Scissors! It's already my limit...?! Rock-paper-scissors! Thrums up! [It's suddenly a thumbs up? Haha] Rock-paper... Rock-paper-scissors [JAKE loses again!] Why are you so bad at playing rock-paper-scissors? Why are you so bad at rock-paper-scissors? [I have no clue...] I think it's over Rock-paper-scissors OK! To the back! Yeah! [Finally, JAKE won!] Do I have to go back like this? -Wow -What?! -Wow -What?! [Unbelievably flexible] -Rock-paper-scissors! -What! Are you a ballerino? [Meanwhile, JAKE lost again, haha] I have to go with my leading foot, right? [He's about to risk everything on this leg split] -It won't work, just give up! -Walk a little to the front! Huh?! It might work! [...?] His rear leg is moving! [He did the splits] -He dragged the other leg! -You did it [This worked!!!] Now try to maintain the focus like a compass and do it like this Hurry!!! Rock-paper-scissors!! [Lost again!!] It's okay, I just have to win rock-paper-scissors! [This was not... my original plan...] Hurry!! Rock-paper-scissors! [Why is he so bad at rock-paper-scissors...?] [Gives up] Ah, it's so hard Why are you so flexible, SUNOO? [SUNOO the Flexibility Master easily won the game!] I don't know SUNOO's almost like a rhythmic gymnast [SUNOO the rhythmic gymnast] [Next, Oldest-Youngest members' flexibility match] It's so hard [Chummy] [Chummy] -Just until now-- -Rock-paper-scissors! [HEESEUNG wins first] -Leading foot! -Rock-paper-scissors! [HEESEUNG, I'm going!] Rock-paper-scissors! [Going again] Rock-paper-scissors! [Excited because he keeps winning] NI-KI, don't move your back leg! [Finally, NI-KI wins!] Oh? Like that, behind your back foot! Hurry, hurry Rock-paper-scissors [HEESEUNG lost again] Put that foot to the back! You have to get close [Wiggly toes, haha] You can put your hands on the floor Rock-paper-scissors! [What's happening?] [Losing consecutively] It's over [Should I keep playing...?] You can put your hands on the floor [Give up!!!!] Yes, I won! [The Oldest-Youngest members' match pleased the viewers] The winner is NI-KI! SUNOO is so flexible! He can split in a straight line?! [SUNOO's flexibility is amazing] I think ENHYPEN's Master of Flexibility -is SUNOO! -It's SUNOO [Flexibility Master, Kim SUNOO] I've never seen a person so flexible as him! Why don't JAKE and I... [Next match is arm wrestling] -We haven't played in a long time -OK, let's go JAKE! [Arm wrestle match: JAKE VS SUNGHOON] They're pretty similar Ah, I think I'm going to lose [JAKE is not confident?] Do you remember that time from I-LAND? No, it's not this [02z conducting psychological warfare even before the game] Look, here! Right over here... No! [People who do this usually can't play...] Just play already! -Why are you holding it so tight? Wait! -What [Ouch] You pinched my hand! [Is this really the start?!] Ah, this won't work?! [Nope!] You sneakily tried to start again -Hurry up -This is how you play [Tired of waiting] -Guys, I get it -Is it that important? [Arm wrestle finally starts!] -Ready -Oh, like this?! Wait, hold on! Can somebody do that? Ready, start! Start! Oh!? [Neck and neck] -Oh, they're shaking -What?! [Unexpected close match] -Oh, it's shaking -What?! -Wow -Hold on [It's going down] -Wow -Hold on [Going down further...] Oh, what!? [And JAKE won!] -Oh -Oh, what?! We have to do this again! -I did it wrong like this -Why play again? [Haha] No, it's because I did this It's too slanted [SUNGHOON has his reasons] -With the opposite hand? -One more match! Using the other hand [SUNGHOON's pride depends on this revenge match] [Could...] [SUNGHOON regain his pride?] Three, two, one, go! Wait, wait!! Do the thing, please -Seriously!! -Hurry, hurry [JAKE's elbows are going to wear out] Wait, it's not at the center [It's not at the center] Okay, relax -Relax -I did relax [This time is for real] This is the correct center to start [The center is adjusted...!] -Oh, this? -Yes Three... Three, two, one, start! [An actual start!] Three, two, one, start! [Is SUNGHOON going to win?] Three, two, one, start! [Shaking] [Will SUNGHOON...] [be able to restore his pride...?] It's already going down!! [SUNGHOON succeeded in restoring his pride!!] -Aargh! My arm hurts -Isn't it 1:1? [It was so close] It's 1:1 -Want to try with left hands? -Left hands [A tie] [Last match with left hands?] OK -Look, this... -What if my bone breaks? [If your bone breaks...?] You need to go to the hospital then!! If it breaks I can't work for our next album [JAKE's arms are special] It won't break [JAKE, it's not going to break...] The first position is important [Park Sunghoon: "The first position is always important"] -Just play! -Just play already It's not like there's a prize! [Please just play...!] -My wrist! -What's wrong with your wrist? [Can't play arm wrestling halfheartedly] OK, let's go -I start slanted like this -Ah, okay [ISTJs get along well, haha] Ah, wait! You're doing it like this! -You can't lean your body like this, OK -Yeah, you have to keep your body straight -Ready, start -No, if you do this, I'll-- [That wasn't the end of discussion] -Ah, okay -Come on, hurry up! Ready, start [Now it's just fun to watch them] -It's taking too long -Ready, start! Three, two... [Please start the game...] Please be the referee -Ready, start -This is kind of... [It looks like they're having fun] -It's that pride -Okay, three, two... [So I'm happy with that...] -Ready, start! -You have to relax your arms Three, two, one, start! Three, two, one, start! [Now it's a real start!] Hey, don't hold it like that! Wait! [Their arms are leaning towards JAKE's side as soon as the game starts!] [Shaking] [Interested] [Gave up] [Funny] [The result of this arm wrestling...?] [JAKE won!] Okay, JAKE! [I did it!!!] [Bummer] You look like a puppy Then, how about JAY and JUNGWON? I can't beat him [Next match: JAKE VS HEESEUNG] HEESEUNG is like the final match! [Confident HEESEUNG] Which member is the strongest? [Before starting arm wrestling] -Probably JAKE? -Isn't it HEESEUNG? [All members guessed HEESEUNG] I'm the best in arm wrestling HEESEUNG has the strongest arms I'm the strongest! [I'm going to win HEESEUNG!] -You? -Yes! It's definitely HEESEUNG! [All members guessed HEESEUNG as the possible winner] I'll be satisfied with winning SUNGHOON! Hey, let's play it again! Let's play again after this! Why are you holding it so tight!? [Psychological warfare started with the grasping] -I didn't hold it too tight! -Okay, let's go -Oh, man -Okay, okay -Ready -Please do the thing! [Please be the referee before starting the game] -You need to relax -Okay [Referee NI-KI] Relax Relax [JAKE's nervous] [On the other hand HEESEUNG is confident] Three... Relax, HEESEUNG [The result of this match is?] Three, two, one! Oh?! JAKE?! [JAKE can play] [Oh! They're neck-on-neck!] [JAKE squeezing out power] [Grin] HEESEUNG is smiling [HEESEUNG was going easy on JAKE] -Wow -He's really strong! [HEESEUNG was going easy on JAKE] HEESEUNG is smiling [Easy] Wow He's so strong! [Why is he so strong...?] -Why is he so strong?! -He's so strong! [Unbelievably strong] -Ow, my arm! -Wow -Seriously, why is he so strong? -JAKE is out of strength right now Wow, he's so strong [Strong man HEESEUNG] -Now, who's playing next? -I think I could play all six of you?! [Overflowing confidence] -OK, then let's play -Are we all playing then? [6 members VS HEESEUNG?! A relay match!] -Should we try playing with all of us? -Okay, let's play all one by one He's trying to get a start on him [Second player: JAY] -You have to relax -But... Why is your hand chubby? Three... What? All of a sudden? [Lee Heeseung (ENHYPEN's oldest member) /Thick hands] Okay, I'll start. Three, two, one, start! [NEW challenger JAY VS HEESEUNG challenging for a two-time win] [Mind-blowing power fight] Wow JAY, let's go! Oh, they're shaking! -JAY, let's go! -Oh, it's shaking! [I am] -JAY, let's go! -Oh, it's shaking! [Serious right now] -JAY!! -What?! [Even the people watching are nervous] -JAY! -What?! -JAY! -What?! [Absorbing] What!? [JAY wins!] Wow, what?! JAY won! [The game ends in the second match of the 6:1 challenge] -What?! -I guess I relaxed too much I don't know How did I win? [Embarrassed] -How did I win? -Really, how? JAY won, everyone! -How did I win? -Oh, JAY [They both have strong arms for sure!] [ENHYPEN's stay-at-home schedule] [Friendship D.I.Y.] Okay, let's go [The last schedule of stay-at-home is Friendship D.I.Y] How do you make this? -There's an instruction -It's right here -I'll make one nicely -What's this? Looks fun! [Making the present as they think of each other] This is how you do it, like this [Making presents thinking of each other] It's also got sandpaper?! [who have worked hard together so far] -You put it through at the ends? -Oh Does everyone have experience of making D.I.Y like this? I've never done it before but I always wanted to try [Never done it before, but wanted to try] I used to like doing this I've got one as a present [Received it as a present but never tried making it] Me too. I've received one made by someone I didn't know it required detailed work in making a ring, seriously [It's more detailed work as they do it] That's what friendship items are Who are you making it for? JAKE, who are you making it for? I'm making JUNGWON's -HEESEUNG, are you making JAKE's? -Yeah I'm making yours I'm making HEESEUNG's [ENHYPEN can read each other's minds] [HEESEUNG stands up to take a break] I'm gonna do this HEESEUNG, give me your wrist, while you're here! It's so sweet! Oh, nice! [Bracelet with HEESEUNG's "H" initial] I think I could make it as a necklace! I'll probably wear necklaces more often [I love necklaces] -A necklace? -Yeah -Kind of like a choker -I want a necklace too! I want mine to be a necklace! [Customizing] I want it all smiley and colorful Add some gold too Who's making mine? [Got curious as he says it] Nobody [Ah, man!] I have a good idea! I'll give this necklace for the 02z [Shared necklace for the 02z] Oh, yeah? [I'd like that] Why do we have to share it? [Shared necklace, haha] -I think I'm smart -Is it like a bundle product? Do you really want it? I like necklaces I can wear it every day! OK [OK, order received] [ENHYPEN focuses on making again] [Being careful] I think I'm really good at this [Self-compliment, haha] Wow, I'm like a master craftsman [Master craftsman Park SUNGHOON] I proud seeing you guys working very hard! [Even if they're all thumbs] I made a mistake! [Even if they're all thumbs] I did an "E"... [Even if they're all thumbs] [As they think of each other] I'll make it bling-bling [As they think of each other] [They make presents] I'm supposed to do it like this This 15... [They make presents] [They make presents with all their hearts] [ENHYPEN's first friendship items are done] [02z-shared necklace made by JUNGWON] [ENHYPEN is creating] [Another memory] I made it for 02z -Oh -A 02z necklace! [A 02z-exclusive necklace] If you see here, you can find "02z" in the center, and SUNGHOON [JUNGWON included initials too] JAY and JAKE We can take turns wearing it every day! Wow [Touched] [02z delegate] [JUNGWON puts the necklace around SUNGHOON's neck] Wow [Satisfied] Now, this ring is... for SUNOO [SUNGHOON made a ring for SUNOO] Oh I carved SUNOO here [Also included the initial!] I made a bracelet for HEESEUNG, my friend of 5 years [JAY made a bracelet for HEESEUNG] -Nice work! -It does look nice [JAY made a bracelet for HEESEUNG] -Please wear it -Thank you [JAY made a bracelet for HEESEUNG] -You could wear it every day -It really is pretty [And did the Gift-giving ceremony] [HEESEUNG also gave the ring for JAY] -It's heartwarming -Should we... [All seven members have a friendship ring] wear this ring all the time? I'll wear it when we perform on music shows [I'll wear it during promotions] Our friendship ring! I'll wear this for our MV too [Friendship item they want to show even in the daily lives] I think I'll wear it often When we do this [Like this?!] Oh When we do the "My white fangs" pose [Dance move that shows the ring] It's our first hand-made friendship item [ENHYPEN's first friendship item] -Oh -Right It's kind of... like that, isn't it?! When I say... "Assemble!" and then... [Like this!!!] [Struck by ENHYPEN's energy] -What's he doing? -What are you doing? [Struck by ENHYPEN's energy] Isn't it like this? I'm always grateful for our ENHYPEN members I felt like many good memories were made I really enjoyed it I could feel what real teamwork is It was tiring but it will be a fun memory We finished filming "ENHYPEN&HI Season 2" [Q. Anything to say to the members?] Great work everyone! Let's keep up the work for our next album We should make a big hit! [For ENHYPEN who will shine brighter] Let's work hard for our next album! We're coming back soon [Q. Anything to say to the fans?] so if you hang in there just a bit we'll be right there! Coming soon! ENHA ENHA ENHA ENHYPEN [ENHYPEN took themselves to the next level] ENHYPEN! [Let's meet soon ENHYPEN]
Views: 1,556,877
Rating: 4.9828911 out of 5
Keywords: BIGHIT, 빅히트, 방탄소년단, BTS, BANGTAN, 방탄
Id: 8809Tn5gG8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 29sec (1949 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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