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[About the company] [A deep sense of inclusiveness that is open to all kinds of ingredients] [A place that provides a quick and simple meal] [RNB Co. Ltd. is waiting for you] [RNB Co. Ltd. Now hiring] [Break out of your shell and see the world!] [Application guidelines Be on EN-O'CLOCK] [Responsibilities / ENHYPEN] [Requirements] [Education: Learned anything - OK] [Experience Can use public transportation - OK] [Prefers applicants who can predict numbers after rolling dice] [Guess fart sounds with perfect pitch Learned Taekwondo in the U.S. Can do the triple axel] [Eat three meals a day by fishing Distinguish tteokbokki brands with eyes closed] [Draw Shin-chan Spell "ENGENE" in English] [Last day of RNB Co. Ltd.'s training for new hires] I'm smart and whatever I'm asked to do [Jaeyun_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd] I know I can do well [Came in early to enjoy a cup of JAKE-latey drink] [Waking up his throat with a chocolate drink] Whatever comes my way [SUNGHOON_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd] [2nd to come to work] I don't panic and I always get good results [Still here] [Sees him] Jaeyun, good morning [The new hires have gotten to know each other] [Cheers] -That was random -Hi [Starting a relaxing day] -Ah -Ah I like the coffee here [Sensitive to the taste of coffee] It's like I'm holding a small... cafe in my hand A little sweet [Are you talking about my drink?] -Chocolatey -Chocolatey [JAKE-latey...] [To chase down the awkwardness they gulp down the drinks] You were always my competition I was? [A sudden declaration of war (?) by a coworker] Weren't you? [A sudden declaration of war (?) by a coworker] Out of all the new hires [Showing ambition on the last day of training] there can only be one employee of the month I really want to be chosen -I don't need to be chosen -Really? [Can't bare my soul just yet] You were born in 2002, right? [SUNGHOON_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd] -Yes -Me too Oh! 02 [02 will bring them closer together] -I look forward to working with you -At the office dinner later... Dinner sounds nice [Puts ambition aside for a moment hearing the news about a dinner] -Let's have a drink afterwards -Sounds great Okay [And so the 02z build up their friendship] [A relaxing walk to the office] [1st to come to work] So this is it "SUNGHOON's desk" [Training will take place in the office instead of the education center] [A quirk of fate? The same-age peers are sitting across from each other] As a typical ESTJ [JUNGWON_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd] I'm never late I'm a little late today [Came in a little late than planned] but ESTJs are human too [Serious looking steps] I bought the wrong newspaper [Always has a newspaper in hand] [Dummy Director] Oh, yes! I'm right outside! Yes! [Jongsung_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] Yes, I'm here, I'm here! Yes [Appears] I'm waiting for the elevator [Seems to be busy answering the phone and reading the paper] I'm sorry I'm late [Seems to be busy answering the phone and reading the paper] Yes, sir! Bye! Oh, hello -Hello -Hello [Morning greetings should be energetic] Yes, the subway was delayed... [Jongsung_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] [Didn't he hang up?] -Your weather app is on -Oh, right [Jongseong cares about the weather] -I was talking to the director -The director [Dummy Director] -It's been a week since I started -Yes [Jongsung_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] but I only managed to work half the time [Jongseong only worked half the time due to weather and subway conditions] -Really? -Yes So cool [RNB Co. Ltd. looks so cool every time] [I can't believe I'm a new hire here...] What's going on? Oh, hey [Oh! Looks like I won't have to wait for the elevator] -Hello -Hello ["Hello" can be said in a vocal trio] -Hello -Hello Hello [Awkward] I've seen you around a lot [JUNGWON_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] but Jongsung... [JUNGWON_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] -I didn't see you that much -Oh... [Like we mentioned earlier because of the weather and the subway] Because you were always late -Oh, yeah, I think you're right -We've been here a week, but two hours? I think I've seen you for about two hours in total, including today Well, I'm always working late at night so I tend to be late in the morning [Needs a little time to get over jet lag] I see I hope this becomes an official employee ID card [SUNOO_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] I know I won't be able to get a loan without it -They're choosing the outstanding employee today -Yeah -So let's try our best -Yeah -Let's do our best -Yes It's here -Let's go -Let's go [The elevator arrives at just the right time] -Let's go -Let's go 14th floor -Oh my... -It's gonna be a long day [Have a great Thursday!] Oh my It's not just the day that's long For me, the night is long too [Even the nights are long for Jongsung due to the time difference] -Let's do this -Fighting, fighting [Fighting for all of us!] -Let's go -Let's go Oh my... [Steps feel so heavy and sluggish] Ah... It's not easy, it's not easy Should we get lunch together today? [Thinking about lunch as soon as they come to work] Sounds good -Hello -Hello [Hard at work] -Hello -Where's my desk? Where's my desk? Oh, this is your desk, Jongsung [Jongsung's desk] -Huh? -Over here Oh, this is my seat What's this? Oh, thanks for the mint chocolate [Keep snacks close and mint chocolate closer] Oh, thanks for the mint chocolate [Lost a snack right in front of him] [Camaraderie where snacks are always shared] Excuse me?? -Oh, here's my seat -Seriously [Timing and speed are crucial at work] Oh, here's my seat [Comes to work with a puffed rice snack] This is so cool Hey Is that all mint chocolate? -Yes, it is -This one isn't [Brightens up] Yes, it is [All mine] [Still managed to get a puffed rice snack] It's mint chocolate, it's mint chocolate [Mint chocolate][It's not] [It's mine][Excuse me...] Can you please be quiet while we're working? I need to focus [Everyone is on edge because today the outstanding employee will be chosen] -I'm sorry -I'm sorry It's my first time so I'm a little excited [SUNOO_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] Are you playing a game right now? Are you playing a game right now? -I'm working -Oh, I see [I'm telling you this is work] Oh, wow [Two seats are still empty?] I'm very diligent in whatever I do [HEESEUNG_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] [Underground parking lot at RNB Co., Ltd] and I'm an awesome intern who always values new possibilities [Awesome intern] [Parks] [Ring, ring, the intern is here] [Time to start the day] My goal is to work as hard as I can [NI-KI_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] until I become the CEO of this company [My watch is working great] [Run into each other so naturally] -Hi, NI-KI -Hello -What are you drinking? -It's a yogurt drink -Oh, can I try some? -You want to try it? -Yes -Oh! [Yogurt is the best in the mornings] -Oh, it's good -Right? It totally wakes you up [Yogurt also wakes up your bowels] -Let's go -Let's go -We're actually late -I know, let's hurry [Hasty footsteps] -It's time -We're seven minutes late Remember the meeting yesterday? [Can't stop talking about work even if we're late] Did you get it done? -I did -Did you get it done? -I'm so tired -We're... Ten minutes late [Time goes by too fast] The door is closing Let's go The director is going to be mad at us [HEESEUNG_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] I'm the director Stop joking [Tried to get promoted with a joke (?)] What should we have for lunch? Oh, lunch What should we have for lunch? [Lunch pushes aside worries about the director] 1st floor -What? -1st floor [Multiverse is thrown into confusion] -Do you drink yogurt often? -The door is opening [Trying to stay in character] 1st floor... Someone's coming [Why did it stop?] We're on the 1st floor Going up The door is closing [Protector of the universe] -Hello -Hello [Real employee gets on totally unplanned] -Hello -Going up The door is closing [What should we do?] [Since we're working too...] [Hides behind yogurt] [Blind spot] -Goodbye -Goodbye [New hires are always polite] Going up The door is closing [Back to the skit, in real life] What should we get for lunch today? -Today? -Ramyeon? I'm not in the mood Korean? [Think about it carefully before lunchtime] -Not really -Then what do you want? Just say the word Let's do it all -Hello -Hello [Finally arrive at the office] Oh, hey -Hello -Hello [Good morning] Hello [9:05 a.m. Everyone is at work] SUNOO, what are you doing? [The type that approaches coworkers first] -Oh, me? -Yes There's this idol group that I'm interested in these days [SUNOO_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] -Oh, you're into idols? -Oh, really? [Suddenly revealing his bias] Who do you like? -Have you heard of ENHYPEN? -Oh, those guys [Look them up right now] -Have you heard of ENHYPEN? -Oh! [A new hire with some great taste] There's a guy named SUNGHOON in ENHYPEN [SUNGHOON_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] He's really famous [SUNGHOON_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] There's a guy named SUNGHOON in ENHYPEN He's really famous -ENHYPEN's JAY... -I had no idea Was even on a magazine cover all on his own He's so handsome [My favorite is JAY] [Turns out the new hires are ENGENE] He's so hot Looks like they did a lot of touch-ups He's perfect like a sculpture [Appreciating his handsome features] Is he your son? Yes, he's my son [Jongsung is bragging about his son (?)] -He must be your son -I think he is Quiet down, quiet down [Quiet down = ENHYPEN is HEESEUNG] We're here to work! Quiet! -Sorry -Sorry I had a teacher named Jeongsuk once [Suddenly remembers his school days] That's so funny What's this? [Working] That's older than my dad What's "soft and squishy acid rain"? [HEESEUNG_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] "Soft and squishy acid..." What is this? [You're supposed to slack off (?) a little as soon as you get to work...] -Is mine the only one on? -Oh, hey! RNB RNB Co. Ltd I think we should have some free time before we start [SUNGHOON_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] Then I'm gonna watch a fancam [Free time = Recommends watching fancams] HEESEUNG, wanna play soccer online with me? [Liberal use of free time, go go?] Soccer sounds good [Enter][Okay!] I'm downloading it right now -Soccer sounds good -I'm downloading it right now [Dark shadow looms at the news of soccer] Hello Oh my -Hello -Oh my -Hello -Hello I'm Lee Yuseop and I'll be in charge of [Yuseop_In charge of training new hires at RNB Co., Ltd.] your training today [Yuseop_In charge of training new hires at RNB Co., Ltd.] [Lee Yuseob / The director's successor Not the director, works for HR] Today is already the last day of your training We'll be having a ceremony to complete your training and the most outstanding employee will also be chosen today so please keep that in mind for today's schedule [Means there's a lot on today's schedule] Then to warm up, let's loosen up our fingers [9:30 a.m. Loosen up hands to warm up] Are you all ready? -Yes -Yes, we're ready [New hires are full of enthusiasm] Then let's begin -What's this? -Yes Ready, start [Time to warm up hands] I'm so nervous [Hand warm-up = Typing game] I can only type with two fingers... You can still be fast [Focused] I'm good at typing in English but Korean [Jaeyun_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] is hard [Quite fast] But isn't HEESEUNG... Isn't he really good at this? Game players usually type really fast [Learned to type through various content] [Easy peasy] -Oh, I got through level one -Me too [02z are as quick as their clock-in time] What's your score? Me? 3,331 I got 3,600 [Mine is higher ♡] [Shy but ambitious employee] This would help me get better at typing [Positive thinking] No! No! [About to get wet in acid rain] No! This is so hard [About to get rained on too] [The office has fallen silent] [Office ASMR] I'm so not used to laptops Don't you use a laptop? [Always] But I... I use a different keyboard [Haven't set up my own stuff yet] Level three is so hard [Two-fingered typist has run into some trouble] This is as far as two-fingered typists like me can go Oh no A bug Ah, I'm out [Got a bug] Oh, I kept typing "hang" as "hung" [Nothing is ever easy in this world] This is too hard It's too hard? [Time for a short interview] Yes What level are you on? I'm on level four [Got to level four] [I'm bored] [JUNGWON is moving suspiciously] JUNGWON [Hobby: Drawing] How do you save this? [Doesn't know how to save] I drew Doraemon How do you save this? I drew Doraemon [My drawing of Doraemon] [Moves in] [An unusual scene where the instructor saves it for him] -Oh! -I'm done Type in a title and save [Yuseop_In charge of training new hires at RNB Co., Ltd.] Can you tell me your current scores? [Time to grade / Writes down their scores for the hand warm-up game] -I got 24,166 -Oh! It was so hard You got 30,000? [Wary?] -24,000 -How much did you get? -25,000 -Whoa! I got up to level four and scored 22,467 I got 15,425 -2,367 -I should've practiced typing I'm so bad at this [I did my best] This is hard I got 18,452 Where's the score? [SUNGHOON can't find his score] Where's the score? [Maybe I'll see it if I go closer...] It's at the top It's at the top [Sees it now] 9,041 This one? 9,041 This one? [6. SUNGHOON 9,041] [Everyone is happy by the modest score] 6,041 [9,041] [A time when the smallest things make them laugh] [Not done yet] Wow, HEESEUNG is so fast Oh! [Working hard] It even sounds different Wow, he's at 47,000 already [So this is why people play games...] Must be because of all the games he played No, I used to use Excel a lot too [Speed that comes from Excel, not games] Since everyone did so well [Yuseop_In charge of training new hires at RNB Co., Ltd.] let's end the game with your current scores Okay [In a trance] -HEESEUNG, you can stop now -Oh, right This is fun Good job, everyone The next step is to develop your computer skills [Main training] and your creativity [Dumpling is scared] -Oh! -Wow! [Pretty confident about creativity] [10:00 a.m. Create a chart for your answers to the questions and make a presentation] -30 minutes? That's a lot -30 minutes? That's too short [30 minutes can feel long or short] Oh no Where do I write it? We have to use Excel or something? [How should I make it?] The employee whose aesthetic sensibilities and originality stand out will be receiving bonus points [Bonus points will give an edge to being chosen as an outstanding employee] -Tell me what to do -I don't know either [Cheating in front of everyone] -What is that for? -I only know how to use PowerPoint -Me too, PowerPoint -Can we do it on the memo pad? You can do whatever you like [The format is up to them 100%] Oh, here it is, nice [Nice to see you PP] Here it is [Don't just do it yourself Tell me how to use it] Tell me, tell me, tell me This is really hard to explain [NI-KI... This is a field that's impossible to explain] What does RNB stand for again? [Thinking about the company's identity (?) first] -Ramyeon and rice -Ramyeon and rice Can I google stuff? [HEESEUNG_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] -Yes, of course -Okay -Can I use pictures too? -Sure [Brimming with ideas and creativity] Do you know what to do about this color? [JUNGWON's screen] Mine is green I think you made it green [HEESEUNG_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] It was green when I started [Doesn't have that ability] Just change the color I'll just turn it off and try again It's green [Sits back after helping a coworker] That's hilarious [Meanwhile, NI-Ki has found some peace] [...Never mind] Which department did you say you wanted to go? [Loves asking questions] I haven't... Which department should I choose? [Thinking about his career path] [Carefully types one letter at a time] If you have any questions -feel free to ask -Okay Guys, I think we need to focus [HEESEUNG_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] Did you say "gimjang"? [Do you know "gimjang"?] Gimjang kimchi is really good [We love kimchi] Yeah [Common jokes at the office (?)] [What was the next question?] [Can't see] [Students in the back can't see the board] I can't see [Students in the back can't see the board] [Heads stick out] [Motivated] It's so hard to see Describe two [Suddenly a memorization test] I don't think I have anything good to say [A time when there's a lot to think about] [Preparing to show some outstanding originality] [1. Types the questions] [→ Saves as an image?] [Questions become wallpaper?] [And sticky notes?] [Oh... Answers are written on the sticky notes] [The ultimate king of creativity ☆] It would be legendary if we forgot to save [HEESEUNG_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] [No need to save] [Good posture] This is so easy I'm done already [All done ☆] I'm done [SUNGHOON finished his quietly] I'm done too [Gotta look at what the person next to you did after completing your assignment] Let me see [Checking?] I said steak too [Jaeyun is concentrating intensely] [The calm type] [Looking extremely focused] Wow, I'm working so hard at this [Raising expectations with spoilers (?)] Wow I've never worked so hard in my whole life [Looking for an image to use for his presentation] [♪ Come back to me ♪] Who turned on "Come Back to Me"? [Suddenly a work song is playing] [Never-ending ENGENE moment] Who turned on "Come Back to Me"? Who turned on "Come Back to Me"? [Watching it for real!] [Reading the room] [Air typing] Could you please use earphones? [SUNOO_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] Ah... The person next to me is so loud Ah... The person next to me is so loud That was one sentence... -I'm done -This is pretty good [Everyone is done except for JUNGWON and HEESEUNG] [KItty is spying on his neighbor] [Actually, trying to read the questions] What, what? Merits of the coworker sitting next to you -On my right? -Your right HEESEUNG -HEESEUNG's... -What? -It's the right? -Merits, yes -I did left -You did? [Complimented each other] It's okay It's nice that we wrote it for each other -Then can you write about me? -Yeah? [Wants a little praise from a coworker] -I'm kidding, I'm kidding -Okay HEESEUNG, how do you type in the text? How do you write? How do you type in the text on this? [Doesn't know how to use the text] -Oh, that -Yes Go in here [A society that helps each other out] Okay [Work song] [Next one] [Has a lot of energy] I thought of something funny [Stops what he has been painstakingly working on] ♪ I like you so much ♪ Hold on Hold on [A guy who looks like SUNOO] -Hang on -♪ Oh my, oh my ♪ ♪ You are so pretty ♪ [Squabbling again today] -♪ You are so pretty ♪ -♪ You are so pretty ♪ [An addictive melody] -♪ Oh my, oh my ♪ -You just wait -You just wait -♪ Come on a date with me♪ [The video clip gave a lot of inspiration] ♪ What do you think ♪ [Highlight ☆] [The emotions of that day] Oh my! Quiet down! What are you watching during work hours? Can you all please be quiet? [This is my chance] What are you doing? [This is my chance] It's my hobby [This is what you call work-life balance] [I have one too...] [Someone who resembles SUNGHOON] Oh, come on! [Reacts immediately] What are you doing? Let's not watch [The only mediator] any videos that get in the way of our work -All right -All right [Two obedient ENGENE] Are you all done? [Yuseop_In charge of training new hires at RNB Co., Ltd.] Yes Who finished first? [Training only ends after the presentation] [Who finished first?] Who was it? Who was it? [Me (Came in to work first too)] I think it's me Then you can give your presentation first Oh, hold on [Suddenly gets busy at the news of a presentation] Whoa! Whoa! That's really good Whoa! Whoa! That's really good RNB It looks hip [Wow, hip] I was going for a simple design [Explaining the design] And I wanted people's attentive to be on the title [Small name] I mean, attention I wanted people's attentive to be on the title [Strategy to highlight RNB] I mean, attention [Whoosh] Oh! You did a nice job Shim Jaeyun English name is JAKE [A coherent strategy] And I also rewrote the questions again [Nice of him to rewrite the questions] The department I want to go to is the department that earns the most money [Spoiler alert] [Spoiler alert] Earns the most money... [He's going to make it big] And I think JUNGWON's merits are that he does good work and he is always on time Oh, thanks And samgyeopsal [Q. What would you like to eat for the office dinner today?] [Very nice to the end] And this Can't leave this out -E.O.D. End of document -Can't leave this out Thank you for your time -That was good -I'm impressed Next, JUNGWON [Next up is JUNGWON who just heard nice things about himself] Me? [Next up is JUNGWON who just heard nice things about himself] As you can see, I also wrote RNB I used black to make it simple I started with black and then I changed the detail to white [JUNGWON_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] It's not because I didn't know how [I couldn't bring myself to restart it again] ♪ I didn't know ♪ [Has a lot of energy 22] And to people who can't even pick up a perilla leaf Oh! A picture of perilla leaves Perilla leaves that aren't stuck together [A touch of detail by showing a picture of separated perilla leaves] But those aren't seasoned -Yes, that's the point -Oh, really? [Perilla leaf controversy stirs up again] -Yes -Okay, okay And HEESEUNG's merits! [JUNGWON_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] Yes And HEESEUNG's merits! [He works really hard He's handsome ← Merits] Yes And HEESEUNG's merits! Yes -You wrote it really small -Not really [Nice but can't see] [Not because he doesn't know how to adjust font size] -He's really good at his job -Yes -And he's really handsome -Thank you [So handsome LEE HEESEUNG] Yes -That's all for me -Is it my turn now? [The end] Towards you... [Appealing to the instructor?] -Or the employees? -Show it to the employees -I'm going to begin -I can't see [We want to see too] -Oh! -Oh! It's snowing! -Oh! -Oh! It's snowing! What is that? [The image even moves] I'm Lee Heeseung who applied to Ramyeon and Rice What is that? [Nervous] I'll begin now [Expected to be an amazing presentation] -Oh! -Look at the details I'll begin now [Even changed the wallpaper!] -Oh! -Look at the details -Wow! -My goal is to [My goal - Marketing division] -Wow! -work in the marketing division What? [Getting parched at the sight of a truly skilled employee] -Whoa! -What is that? The reason why I want to apply to the marketing division is because... Firstly, I have excellent future-oriented decision making skills Secondly, I'm exceptionally skilled at promoting products -Thirdly, my clean-cut looks make me likeable to others -Oh! Likeable to others -Oh! -Oh! [Likeable, likeable, likeable] Wait [HEESEUNG isn't done yet] NI-KI is really good at drawing Doraemon [NI-KI's merits with one spoonful of sensibility] -What? -That's so funny I think he'll also be good at drawing Bonobono too [Maybe Bonobono too?] [Okay] Oh! [Gives his presentation while getting the most attention since entering company] Oh! [Gives his presentation while getting the most attention since entering company] And I'd like to eat... Oh! [What is his answer to the last question?] [Fancy effects] Ramyeon and rice [Look at that! He tore it up!] [Likeable indeed] That was good [Next presenters are nervous] -That was good -That's hard to beat That was awesome [A perfect presentation that was flawless] -It was perfect -That was so awesome That presentation had a lot of impact [Presentation that had the most impact since the foundation of the company] Thank you It had impact, it had impact [Made a deep impression... With lingering effect] It was so legit... NI-KI is up next [NI-KI has to go up after this] Okay, NI-Ki, let's go I didn't... do very well... How do you do this? [I want to put it up on a big screen too] How do you connect it to this? Just use the slide show Press F5 for the slide show F5 -F5? -F5 F5? Oh, like this? Oh! [Managed to turn on the big monitor!] -Now I know -Got it -Everyone, look -Seriously? [Boldly wrote on the memo pad] You chose the management team? Ny name is Cheolsu and my English name is NI-KI I'd like to be on the management team I want to help the artists [Focused on the presentation that comes with a twist] so that's why I chose it -Oh! -Oh! Nice! [Why didn't I think of that?] Nice The two merits of the coworker sitting next to me [A helpful hand] He's so good at acting cute and good at cute concepts on the video app What I'd like to eat for today's office dinner is steak, pasta, salad, bread, and dessert Oh! Very detailed [Lunch calls for a full course meal] Oh! [That was impressive] -SUNOO, you're up next -Yes [High hopes for SUNOO] I can't wait to see yours -Oh, it's working, it's working -Oh! [It's moving?] It's working, it's working I can't see [HEESEUNG_New employee at RNB Co., Ltd.] [Laptop for people in the back] I'm SUNOO [Wave] It's wobbling [Computers can give you motion sickness] If I could choose the department to work in, I'd choose... It's too long, move on [Long sentences can make you sick] The reason is... [Grumble][Grumble][Grumble][Grumble] Why did you write so much? I'd like to work in [Keeps on going] the tourism department where I can talk a lot and relax The tourism department! The tourism department! [TMI on the side] Like my dad If I go to this department [Wrote the answer in full sentences] I will be more diligent and hardworking than anyone and be an employee who constantly endeavors so I would appreciate it if you would consider me Two merits of the coworker sitting next to me [Please keep listening until the end] My first impression of SUNGHOON [Talking about SUNGHOON's merits] was that he seemed really sensitive And I saw him stealing my snacks earlier so it seems like he really likes food And for some reason, I get the feeling that he likes protein Anyway, that's it -As for the menu for the office dinner today... -Wow! Wow! [Chills] I'd like to eat spicy clam kalguksu That sounds good There's a great place near Gimpo [Recommendation of good restaurant that everyone's response drew] You always know the best places to eat [Totally acknowledge] It's something you want to eat in the winter [Full sentences here too] And it's been a little chilly lately so when I was thinking about what could warm us up I thought that kalguksu would be perfect And I thought that clam kalguksu would be especially good so I'd like to eat clam kalguksu [Ends up making everyone's mouth water] -Oh! -I'm craving clam kalguksu Wow, clam kalguksu [Clam kalguksu from start to finish] Is it my turn now? [Attention, please] -You're so handsome -You're so handsome [Starts by getting cheered] My name is Park Sunghoon SUNGHOON And I'd like to work in the conten... concer.. Concert The concert production team? [Knows all the departments here] The concert production department -Concent? -Consent? Consent [What does the consent department do?] The concert production studio [Q1. SUNGHOON, Q2. Concert Production because I can see other artists perform] Yes [Q1. SUNGHOON, Q2. Concert Production because I can see other artists perform] And the merits of the person next to me [Becomes shy just in time for compliment time] He's good at going overboard [Has good reactions] I agree He's very neat and tidy [2. Extremely neat and tidy] Also, what I'd like to eat for dinner is [SUNGHOON's team dinner menu recommendation] tomahawk steak Good job We have one more employee left whom I'm looking forward to the most -The most -Hold on a sec Do I turn it this way? Show it to us What? [Director, I love you (Heart, heart)] [Combination of digital + analog] "Director, I love you" What kind of idea is that? [Feels extremely unfamiliar] Is it a poetry book? Is it a poetry book? What are you doing? [Instructor is so nice But he's not the director] [Doesn't forget to grade in the meantime] This will totally [Aiming for a promotion just one week into his job] put me in line for a promotion in Korea [More like the comedian in our department] Do you see this? It's the promotion line Do you see this? It's the promotion line [Stops laughing] What? That was so not funny [Inner voice] My name is Park Jongsung, or JAY [Time for the presentation] If I could choose my department I'd like to be the chairman [Gotta dream big] As for perilla leaves... -You want to be a chair? -The chairman -The chairman? -Yes And the merits of [Power OFF] the person next to me And the merits of the person next to me [We knew he was made for entertainment Even the power helps him (?)] What happened? [A presentation that knows the power of performance] Blooper, blooper The director laughed [Hi there] You were playing a game? [Playing a soccer game] [Has been playing a soccer game since morning] Mad caught, dude I can't believe that was on That's hilarious [Jongsung spent his free time well] He was playing the soccer game So funny [Scratch] Let me just pause that, quiet down [So clever - puts the game on pause instead of turning it off] What I'd like to eat for the office dinner is whatever the director likes -Oh! -Oh! [Keeps sending hearts to the director until the very end] [This clip is for all the directors across the country] Good job, everyone [And so the morning training session comes to an end] -Good job -Good job -Good job, everyone -Good job [Good job, everyone] Good job I'll gather up your reports and deliver them to the HR team [The reports by the new hires will be delivered to the HR team] -The HR team? -The insider team? To the HR team -The HR team? -The insider team? The HR team [They never just let things go] The insider team -Greet people politely -Insider? I'm on the outsider team [JAY's dad jokes never miss a beat] I prefer the outsider team too People who say they're insiders never really are They're usually outsiders But they think they're insiders [Yes... We'll make sure these get to the HR team] Change it to outsider team in brackets [Evaluation of new employees at RNB Co. Ltd.] [HEESEUNG- Skilled with computers Shows outstanding originality Bonus points +10] [Next week] This is your chance to show us [The new hires get into a fight over their rank?] Jongsung is actually quite ambitious [I love you, Director] Oh! [In just half a day they are no longer the newest hires] Aye! [In just half a day they are no longer the newest hires] Yellow card I didn't know... I have no idea [I didn't know... I have no idea what this situation is...] -Doesn't it go like this? -Like this? [We think we might know] NI-KI, let's go Cheolsu Your very existence makes me care [Time for NI-KI's potential to shine] That's so cute That's a fail This is hard How do you do this? [You are invited to the training session of RNB Co. Ltd's newest talents]
Channel: ENHYPEN
Views: 1,124,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BELIFTLAB, ENHYPEN, 엔하이픈
Id: hP5ETtYSM4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 6sec (1686 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2022
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