Enhanced Input Triggers - Brief Overview UE5.1.1 Tutorial

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hey everyone I've had this asked several times regarding enhanced input triggers and how to use them so for this video I'll briefly go over each one so first I'll set up my example of a jump that requires shift key to trigger I'm going to go ahead and create an input action for jump and another one I'll just call it jump chord so both of those we have to add to the input mapping context so jump I'll make space and for the chord I will make it shift so in in the jump action here do chorded action and then open this up and the chord of action is Jump cord then all I you have to do is put the jump event not jump cord jump event in the character and all a jump okay so I'm hitting space and nothing is happening hit shift nothing is happening but I hit both there you go so that's pretty straightforward now what about combo uh I'll change this from corded action to combo so what combo does is it blocks off the default key and instead you select two or more actions to be pressed in sequence so you can basically make it in any order of any action except itself don't do that so in order to jump I will I'll just do jump chord twice and jump chord is set to shift so we got two jump cords I'm just going to rename it to shift so we've got two shifts and shift is bound to shift so yeah that's uh pretty straightforward I'm just going to create a bunch of them so let's go shift Alt uh and I don't know t we'll just set all those up as they are named alt is Alt and T will be t in order to jump I'm gonna have to do a crazy combo shift Alt t shift alt t there you go shift alt t and then we have hold trigger fires once input has remained actuated for hold time so we're back to space holding down space now and it jumps now jumps that's about half a second you can hear it that works as it should hold and release trigger fires when input is released after having been actuated for at least whole time threshold so only once it's released it should be mostly the same though so as long as I hold it nothing happens but when I release should be jumping and it's not um [Music] now the issue was hold time and actuation threshold both have to be to be safe I would just set them to the same thing because I'm not entirely sure how they interact with each other but that's good I can see that being useful so there you go cool next so down is the default if you uh delete it if you have no triggers down is the default that's what it's using when it's empty so I'm not going to go over that pulse is interesting though so trigger on start sure interval so every one second it will jump let's do two trigger limit I don't want a trigger limit actuation threshold irrelevant hopefully again straightforward every two seconds it's it's a triggering so there you go so tap you have to release it within a certain time frame let's do half a second actuation threshold will be the same we'll see oh yeah see that so if I hold it for half a second which is based on the tap release time threshold now it should stop at one okay so this one I like so it must be released within a second in my case for it to fire okay that is all of them so again pressed and released seem to be redundant or or not even functioning pressed and released a redundant go with hold and hold and released that being said corded action combo hold hold and release pulse tap all work you don't need to worry about pressed released or down because down is default down is nothing all right well I think that pretty much covers it now if I'm wrong on pressed and released definitely let me know what seems to be happening now is a lot of these become viewers suggested which is an enormous help so keep dropping the comments and thank you I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Peanut Games
Views: 4,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ue, ue4, ue5, unreal engine 4, unreal engine 5, game development, tutorial, trigger, enhanced input, chorded action, combo, down, hold, hold and release, tap, ue5.1.1, how to, axis mappings, action mappings, deprecated, input, movement, key binding, axis, action, mapping
Id: kXaI3qblpMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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