ENGSUB【FULL】武林有侠气 Wulin Heroes EP01 | 医仙李宏毅和妖女黄日莹直球甜恋💞 | 李宏毅/黄日莹/朱赞锦 | 武侠爱情 | 优酷宠爱频道 YOUKU ROMANCE

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♪Just out of the mountain♪ ♪I'm not clear-minded yet♪ ♪As the Ginseng Fairy♪ ♪I have excellent skills♪ ♪And come to the mortal world alone♪ ♪I believe in destiny♪ ♪I look everywhere but no one responds♪ ♪Here I come again♪ ♪Longing for love♪ ♪Who is exactly my destiny♪ ♪Look Love is always waiting for me♪ ♪Look Love always awaits me♪ ♪Look♪ ♪I'm frank and free♪ ♪And I never doubt love♪ ♪Even if♪ ♪I make trouble everywhere♪ ♪I come to the world for love only♪ ♪How can I find my destiny♪ ♪ Right or wrong I'm too proud ♪ ♪No need to worry too much♪ ♪I just know♪ ♪Wherever I go♪ ♪You'll go with me♪ [Wulin Heroes] [Episode 1] Fenghua Valley locates on the top of Changliu Mount in Jin Region. Bai Yue, lord of Fenghua Valley, is a famous young doctor. He has great swordsmanship and unsurpassed medical skills. But few people have seen his face. Years of drug testing have left him with an uncured illness. He can't live unless he keeps eating ginseng. Today is the big day that I, Ye Xi, became the Ginseng Fairy. After cultivating on Changliu Mount for a thousand years, I can finally come out. I wonder if there is anywhere interesting nearby. Only Fenghua Valley is around. I'll get in and check. ♪Just out of the mountain♪ ♪I'm not clear-minded yet♪ ♪As the Ginseng Fairy♪ Luckily, I can be invisible. ♪And come to the mortal world alone♪ ♪I believe in destiny♪ ♪I look everywhere but no one responds♪ ♪Here I come again♪ ♪Longing for love♪ ♪Who is exactly my destiny♪ ♪See how many people♪ ♪Want to get ranked♪ ♪Someone's crazy about love♪ ♪Look♪ ♪I'm frank and free♪ ♪And I never doubt love♪ ♪Even if♪ ♪I make trouble everywhere♪ ♪I come to the world for love only♪ ♪How can I find my destiny♪ ♪ Right or wrong I'm too proud ♪ ♪No need to worry too much♪ ♪I just know♪ ♪Wherever I go♪ ♪You'll go with me♪ ♪You're the great doctor♪ ♪Who cures my disease♪ ♪And protects my life♪ ♪But you talk so coldly♪ ♪And never try to be nice♪ ♪You have many flaws♪ ♪But actually you keep me warm♪ [Ginseng] ♪Don't bother about the result♪ Gin... ginseng? No, no. ♪Look♪ ♪I'm frank and free♪ ♪And I never doubt love♪ You can't see me. ♪I make trouble everywhere♪ ♪I come to the world for love only♪ ♪How can I find my destiny♪ ♪ Right or wrong I'm too proud ♪ ♪No need to worry too much♪ ♪I just know♪ ♪Wherever I go♪ ♪You'll go with me♪ At last, I can walk around freely. Let me see what we have here. [Frost Swordsmanship] Frost Swordsmanship? Is it the swordsmanship he practiced in the day? Fallen-leaf Palm? How about I try it? I guess it'll be okay if I borrow his sword. I don't think he can see me. He must have found me. I have to hide. Uphill grow trees where boughs grow. My heart goes to you, yet you don't know. Go! Gentleman? Gentleman, wake up. Are you all right? Gentleman. Why is he so seriously poisoned? No way. Looks like I have to give him some of my tassels. So, if I give him half of my tassels, my hair is short by half, too. Gentleman. Wake up, please. Go get Uncle Hui. Lord is in trouble. - Aye. - Aye. Bai Yue! Bai Yue! Bai Yue. Bai Yue, are you all right? Uncle Hui. What are you doing here? Did you see a girl in red? There's no girl in red. You're so badly wounded. Let's get out of here. Come on. This must be my tassel. Still ginseng? No way. You have my tassel already. More ginseng will be bad for you. Let me put it away. You're finally awake. You're so badly wounded this time. Come on. You're recovering very quickly. But you still need recuperation. Someone came in, right? The assistant, I guess. Now that you ate the ginseng, drink the decoction, too. This is the last ginseng. Throughout Changliu Mount, no more ginseng can be found. Fine. Take some rest. Wait, Uncle Hui. Just now, there was a girl in red. You saw that wrong. No one was in red. I'm serious. It was her in the Underground Palace, too. No way. No one can break in here. Since you fell sick, our valley has been heavily guarded. The Underground Palace is closed. Listen. If you break into the forbidden area again, I'll severely punish you. All right. Have a good rest. Who's there? Show yourself. You're the girl in the Underground Palace. Who are you? I'm Ye Xi, the Ginseng Fairy. I'll help you. Bai Yue, you turn out to be such a kind man. Thank you for saving my life. Sleep. After some good sleep, everything will be fine with you. Do we have to reset the mechanisms? Quite troublesome. Such a big thing happened down there. It's necessary to set new mechanisms. Since Bai Yue was wounded, he's been dizzy and dull. He doesn't remember what happened and even has an illusion that a stranger broke in. It must be an illusion. No one has ever broken into our valley. We should be careful, anyway. Get to work and stop complaining. Fine. Let's go. Don't worry. He'll be all right, soon. But I'm really exhausted. I'll go back for some sleep. Maybe I can't recover until my hair gets longer. After I experience more, I'll come and see you again. [Half a year later] Congratulations, My Lord. You've fully recovered. I've checked out the girl you asked for. [Focus on Benevolence] She's Ye Xi. Fooled by Young Master Tang Yang of Tang Clan, she thought the Rainstorm Needle belonged to Tang Clan, but was forcibly taken by Mo Clan. So, she went to Mo Clan to get back the Rainstorm Needle. [Mo Clan] Tang Yang claimed to avenge Mo Clan, but actually, he massacred Mo Clan. Then he cajoled Mo Rou, the only survivor, to finger Ye Xi and arouse public indignation. Now, Ye Xi is hunted by all clans. Stop running! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop running! Ye Xi, give us the Rainstorm Needle! Believe it or not, I have nothing to do with Tang Clan. Mo Rou of Mo Clan claimed to the Chief that you stole the Rainstorm Needle and massacred Mo Clan! Tang Clan also gave evidence that you failed to seduce Mr. Tang Yang and then stole the secret manuals of all clans. You are such a wicked woman. We must administer justice for the martial world. Dudes, let's kill her and get rid of her. I've never killed a single person. Do martial artists like you have such discrimination? Bring it on, then! I swear not killing is far harder than killing. Too hard for me. Xi, here I am. Go home with me. Are you here to kill me, too? Xi, you surprise me all the time. You have great martial arts. I guess no other martial artist can defeat you. So? It makes me a common enemy, huh? It's all because of you. They said I seduced you. How did I? Didn't you say you loved me for my braveness? I shouldn't have thought you were an upright man. Xi, I like you, of course. You look gorgeous and you have great martial arts. But I have to marry Mo Rou because her clan has the Rainstorm Needle I want. Unexpectedly, they treat me like an outsider. So, I have to kill them all. Your intrigue has nothing to do with me! I didn't mean to hurt you. But we can't be together until the next life! The needles are coated with Lovesick Poison we just invented. Actually, love is the best poison. Bury me at least. I didn't want to kill you. But Mo Rou is more useful. She has something I want. I have to trade your life for it. For Tang Clan, I'm having a hard time, too! Don't blame me. We will never see each other again. Farewell. Ye Xi, as soon as I knew where you were, I rushed here. Sorry, but I'm still late. I knew you saved my life in the Underground Palace. I didn't know you would die here and I couldn't repay you anymore. Most martial artists claim to be chivalrous. But few of them will save others with their own lives. A kind girl like you was humiliated like this and even killed. Luckily, you're the Ginseng Fairy. Ginseng grows in the soil. I looked up ancient books. Now I'll bury you. Hope you'll wake up someday. But maybe you'll forget everything. As long as you can wake up, I'll find you again. ♪I'll wait for you all my life♪ [Five years later] Where am I? Why am I here? Is this the Unmarked Graveyard in storybooks? Ah... Guys, did you hear some noise? No. Anyone there? Give me a hand. Help! The Gate of Hell is open! Anybody there? Wang... Wang... Wang Daniu, come back! Miss. Miss. Miss? Miss, wake up. Are you all right? Thank goodness. She isn't scared to death. Or I would be in big trouble. Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. But aren't you way too timid? Very well. Under such circumstances, it was easy for them to think I was a ghost. But how come I'm here? I'd better take a bath somewhere. Miss, lie here for a while. I'll send someone to you later. Why would a beautiful girl like me wake up in the Unmarked Graveyard? Let me think about the reason in storybooks. Oh, I know. I was the most beautiful girl and the Chief loved me at first sight. Leaders and young masters of all clans loved me as well. So, they disputed and startled the government. Even the emperor and aristocrats were infatuated with me too. They fought for me and caused chaos. In the end, I had to sacrifice myself for a stable nation and a peaceful world. Miss Ye! Wait for me! - Miss Ye! - Miss Ye! - Miss Ye! - Wait for me! Miss Ye! Sweetheart! Miss Ye! Pretty! Miss Ye! Miss Ye! Don't jump! Don't jump! No! Pretty! No! No, no, no. This wasn't the story. They didn't jump to save my life for some reason, I guess. But I'm sure they had a deep love for me. After I died, they no longer wanted to live and then died, too. A beautiful girl like me suffered such a harsh life. Stories are made up. Villagers just told me there was a ghost in the Unmarked Graveyard. I thought there was something fun. It turns out to be you. How could there be such a handsome man? You're indeed alive. When a normal man sees a girl bathing, shouldn't he leave? Instead of leaving, you stare at me even without blinking. However, why are you so calm? Am I not beautiful enough? It can't be. I get it. I must have rejected you so that you hate me. Please understand. It's hard to pursue a gorgeous girl like me. Why is she so narcissistic after she comes back to life? Maybe she's evading because she was fooled in her previous life. Say it again. I don't remember you at all. But you're so cold to me. All I can think of is the love-hate thing. Are you the murderer who buried me here? You lost your memories as I predicted. Do you know me? What's my name? I can't remember it. Well, it's quite cold now. How about I get out of the water first? What's gone is gone. Now that we meet again, could you lend me something to wear? By the way, what's your name? How about I call you sweetheart? Sweetheart, please. Sweetheart. Sweetheart, don't go! Sweetheart! Sweetheart, wait! Wait! Too much negative energy here. She has to spit out extravasated blood. Or she may have a health problem. Thank you, sweetheart. Don't call me that. Who taught you that? Aren't you ashamed? Fine, fine. I'll stop calling you that. Well, could you tell me...? Yes. Your name is Wang Tieshuan. Impossible. I'm so beautiful. How could I have such an awful name? Oh, really? I'm handsome, too. But you still don't remember me. Wang Village is the nearest village. An abject name is good for a baby. So, isn't it normal that you have this name? This explanation sounds reasonable. But this name doesn't match me. What matches you, then? The Unmarked Graveyard? Martial artists and aristocrats all had a deep love for you. But they left you in the Unmarked Graveyard. And no one even buried you. I wonder what storybook can have such a lame story. How could you eavesdrop? You talked too loudly. She seems to be very weak. I must get her to town for recovery. Could you not be so harsh? You even made me spit out blood. Never mind. You have so many enemies, anyway. You can't live long. So many enemies? What does that mean? Go to town with me and I'll tell you. I won't go with you. Just tell me why I have so many enemies. I can't tell you now. If you want to know, follow me. Make your choice. Why must you take me to town? Can you be a freak human trader who wants to sell me to a brothel in town? No, no. Calm down! Calm down! I'll go with you. But I can't be dressed like this. I'll go find a dress first. ♪Happy stories go on in the human world♪ ♪But in light clothes I was forgotten in heaven♪ ♪I returned to the hometown to find you♪ ♪We promised to keep each other accompany♪ ♪The melodious flute music♪ ♪Is playing our past♪ ♪Wish not fulfilled, how could we part♪ ♪Destiny brought me back to the town♪ ♪To find the warmth you lost there♪ ♪I dreamed of my floating life♪ ♪Along the road was all dust♪ ♪I'll laugh it off and be silent♪ ♪How could anyone wait without hatred and pain♪ ♪Water under the bridge, my old friend♪ ♪Plants have no hearts, but infatuation♪ ♪My true love♪ ♪I'll wait for you all my life♪
Channel: YOUKU ROMANCE-Get APP now
Views: 699,486
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Keywords: 优酷, youku, 优酷宠爱剧场, 优酷电视剧, 甜宠剧, 武林有侠气, wulin heroes, 李宏毅, 朱赞锦, 黄日莹, 漆培鑫, 电视剧2022, chinese drama 2021, chinese drama 2022, chinese drama, cdrama, Li Hongyi, Huang Riying, Zhu Zanjin, Qi Peixing, 电视剧, 武侠片, 仙侠爱情片, 爱情, 古装剧, 小说改编, 古装剧情剧, 大陆仙侠剧, 大陆古装剧, Wulin has pride, Wulin has squeamish
Id: vl9XgWf2rm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 17sec (2297 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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