English Vowel Pronunciation - IMPORTANT!!!

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welcome to mad English TV this lesson is going to be extremely important if you want to learn how to pronounce vowels in English okay so let's take a look at this face so here we have the top teeth okay top teeth bottom teeth and tongue tongue now the position of our tongue is really important when making bowel sounds okay now I want you to imagine the middle of your tongue not the front of your tongue not the back of your tongue just the middle of your tongue okay right there the middle of your tongue now the middle of the tongue moves forward and backward up and down when we make these vowel sounds okay take a look at this so here are all the vowels in my accent okay so if you want to learn how to speak English like me you only need to learn these vowels there's 12 vowels right here okay so here's the middle of our tongue okay our tongue can move forward backward up and down okay there you see high low front and back now this thing is inside our mouth okay so here it is here's the middle of our tongue if we want to make the e sound that we have to move that the middle of the tongue goes up and forward II II but if we want to make the ooh sound it goes back here and if we want to make the ah sound goes down here ah ah ah okay now the second thing we're gonna practice all the sounds so be patient but the second thing I want to mention is the shape of our lips okay that's also very important so some vowel sounds have rounded lips hmm oh oh okay the lips stick out you know some sounds have spread lips II and some sounds the lips don't really do anything they're just lazy like uh the lips that's not very important in that sound okay so let's take a look at all these sounds here I'm gonna go I'm going to tell you the sound of each one and then we're going to warm up our voices a little bit okay II have my teachers stick here II a ah ah yeah well now this sound it's not really a real vowel sound it can't be by itself it's always in words and it takes the place of another vowel in a word in an unstressed syllable okay like the word banana okay banana the stress is on the second syllable the banana so the first vowel but listen then banana then it's not bad Nana it's banana so the first a sort of just disappears it goes into this sound here the schwa okay we'll learn more about this later okay so this sound here is ah ah and ah here we have oh oh ah ah okay so let's let's warm up our voices a little bit I want you to do this with me let's go from E to ah okay now when a lot of people try to make this sound take like this II know mmm bringing the tongue up and forward remember not the front of the tongue we don't we're not talking about the front of they were talking about the middle of the tongue okay the middle of the tongue goes up and forward II and spread the lips make it a very sharp sound yeah okay now let's go this way front to back [Music] we now remember both of these are high so the tongue is staying high in the mouth it's just moving forward and backward and with ooh the lips are rounding okay let's go from ooh - ah now you might be wondering why this line here is slanted look this one is straight and these two are slanted okay that's because when the tongue moves down the mouth opens up a little bit and when the mouth opens up the tongue naturally moves back a little bit okay so look yeah yeah yeah yeah my tongue moves down my mouth opens up a little bit and it it just naturally moves back a little bit okay let's take a look at some real words here beet beet that's a red vegetable that grows underground okay a beet beet bait bait now bait means the thing you put on the hook when you go fishing when you try to catch a fish or any other animal okay let's say you go fishing on the end of your hook is going to be bait it could be like a worm or a frog or something like that and then the fish is going to see the bait and bite the hook and then you're going to reel in your fish you're gonna reel it in okay so that's what bait means and bet bet bet bat vet bat a beat bait bet bat so the tongue is moving down a little bit in each of those sounds okay beat bait bet bat okay let's take a look at some back vowel sounds okay rude rude Road Road rod rod okay rude Road rod now the reason I made this circle a little bit smaller here is the lips aren't as rounded as up here right look at my lips oh ah ah they're still rounded a little bit but not as much okay so let's take a look at the middle sounds here like I said this is called the schwa sound and we're gonna look at this sound more in future lessons but for now just remember it's like the first vowel in the word banana okay banana but it's this one here banana banana banana okay this one here is a bun bun or umbrella it's raining I need an umbrella umbrella okay this one here is aa banana banana panda the panda bear ate the banana Panda banana okay now let's take a look at these two yeah and oh these are really really tricky to pronounce for a lot of English learners okay look at where they are so this one the tongue is is pretty high and pretty far forward but not not as far forward as those it it oh oh oh okay this one is a little bit further down and a little bit further forward oh you try to try to make that sound okay let's look at some words winter kill sin grim put book good bull okay I'm gonna make a lot more lessons on vowels and all the other sounds in the English language so if you want to learn more about pronunciation if you want to get this kind of practice then make sure you subscribe to my channel but I want to know for now which vowel is the most difficult for you to make which one is the hardest for you is it it well let me know in the comments right down there and I'll see you over in the next episode of mad English TV take care
Channel: Mad English TV
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Keywords: pronounce english vowels, how to pronounce english vowels, how to pronounce vowels in english, vowel sounds in english, how to say english vowels, english pronunciation, english vowel pronunciation, mad english tv, english vowel sounds, english pronunciation practice, practice english vowels, english vowel speaking practice, english vowel sounds chart, english vowel sounds explanation, english vowel sounds video, english vowel sounds with audio, english vowel sounds youtube
Id: j-27eVle65A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2017
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