MASTER English Pronunciation | The 8 Diphthong Vowel Sounds

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Hello! and welcome back to Easy English  with James! Today we're going to look at   diphthongs. Diphthongs. What are they?  How do they work? and why are they so   important if you want to sound more natural when  you speak English? If you want to know the answer   watch the rest of this lesson okay  let's go okay a diphthong what is it   in english vowel sounds can be divided into  monophthongs that's single vowel sounds like a If you want to learn them check out my video here  that i made previously to help you master those   sounds okay monothongs single sounds diphthongs  they are double sounds double vowels okay imagine   taking two vowels like a and uh and combining  them together what do you get you get a diphthong   okay where one sound moves into the  other sound okay what this means is that   when you're saying a word with a diphthong you're  actually only pronouncing one syllable for example   in the word ear ear that is a one syllable a  monosyllabic word okay but it contains a diphthong   where there are an e uh okay it's not two  separate vowels it's one vowel sound it's not it's and the mouth moves from the first  vowel position e to the second vowel position   uh naturally like so okay diphthong comes from the greek  word diphthong which literally means   two sounds two sounds combined together to make  one english vowel sound okay in the word boy we   have two different vowel letters o and i but  we combine it into one sound one diphthong okay same with toy and many others okay  so our first diphthong sound is the sound okay you'll find this in words like beer beer  or near near or even here here perhaps fear   fear listen closely fear fear hear pier near  okay it glides from one vowel into the other ear if you want to master this vowel sound this  diphthong try this! "I fear the beer hall is not   near here". "I fear the beer hall is not near  here" Lots of that sound in this sentence, "I   fear the beer hall is not near here". Now,  listen at full speed, "I fear the beer   hall is not near here". How natural does that  sound! "I fear the beer hall is not near here".   okay, practice practice practice! "fear"  "here" "near" Our next sound is uh uh this   is not very common okay it's quite rare  it's only really heard in very posh   rp accents like the one the queen has when she  speaks okay you'll find this uh in words like okay, again, i think that most english speakers  don't use this very often and in fact normally   they "substitute", that means they change this  sound to a simple or a long vowel sound tour   and poor okay but people who speak RP  (received pronunciation) often use this so if you want to sound really "posh" try that  too for an example sentence of this one try this   i didn't do the tour because i was too poor  i i didn't do the tour because i was too poor   okay just remember that when you use that  you do sound a little bit posh okay well done   the next one is a really common sound air air air  now already you probably guessed this is found in   words like air that thing that's all around us  air but you'll also see this in words like pear   fair hair there over there or over there okay air  it starts off with an air and it goes into an air   air okay air fair hair you'll also hear this in  where where okay where where and there where there   try again air air notice that the mouth  starts quite open air and closes air air   for an example sentence with this one try this  the bear was in his lair and the girl's hair   was very fair fair means light like blonde  hair okay the bear was in his lair larry is   like a place where they live a monster lives is a  lair the bear was in his lair and the girl's hair   was very fair fair again means light so you can  say someone has fair skin she has fair skin okay   fair lair the bear was in his lair and the girl's  hair was very fair okay practice that one over and   over again because it's really common the next one  is the a a this one is probably the most common   diphthong in the english language it's found all  over the places in lots of different words a a a   okay you'll know this from the letter okay when  you're reading the alphabet a b c the letter   actually has this diphthong as its sound a a okay  you'll find this in words like day say pay lay   stay okay lots and lots of different  words okay any time you hear the sound a   even when somebody says hey hey that's how  common this sound is a watch closely though a   a a it's not a like that it goes a a a it's  a rounded sound kind of goes a okay stay   pay lay bay okay all of these sounds  include that difficult diphthong a   for an example sentence with this one try  this that day i didn't pay to stay in the bay   that day i didn't pay to stay in the bay  that day i didn't pay to stay in the bay a-a-a-a-a-a-a okay a a the next sound is the oi   this one has a lot of movement there's a  lot of movement in the jaw and the mouth you'll find this in words like boy or  toy or koi or soy or even the common oy   okay when you're shouting at someone  oi that's the sound you're making that's the diphthong boy  toy oy soy koi watch closely and try to copy my mouth  movement exactly as you practice for an example sentence with this one try  this oy boy pass me the toy don't be so coy   oy boy pass me the toy don't be so coy oy boy pass  me the toy don't be so coy oy boy pass me the toy   don't be so coy the next one is also quite  common it is i i you'll notice that in a lot   of these diphthong sounds the mouth closes at the  end it starts open and then begins to close in oi this one i you'll find in words like  sky or the question word why why sky hi   my okay you'll find this in lots and lots of  different words in english i watch closely i again starts open i i for an example senses of  this try this the sky blue tie was hard to buy   the sky blue tie was hard to buy the sky blue  tie was hard to buy now you'll also hear this   a lot when someone's really angry maybe in a  movie or when somebody's playing an online game   and they want to kill the enemy because they'll  say die die die die die die die is that sound   i die okay die die die so if you want to practice  this one don't go around shouting at everybody   saying die die die die die okay but it's a good  way to practice i i okay the next sound is the o o   o o just like a this one is represented by its  letter in the alphabet when you say the letter   or you're reading the alphabet a b c d e and you  get to this letter you say o o the diphthong is   the sound that represents this letter o o o  no o no oh no snow oh no it's snowing oh no   it's snowing watch closely because this one's a  bit tricky you have to really position your jaw oh kind of feels like you're going like this  oh oh oh no there's some snow you'll find this   really often in english in words like boat or  coat or of course no show even in words that   are really common like go i go oh so this one  is super important to master oh no snow i go   boat and coat try this example sentence the  boat was a no show so we couldn't go unless   we had to row the boat was a no-show so we  couldn't go unless we had to row row the boat okay   the popular nursery rhyme also row row row the  boat gently down the stream has this sound row go   boat coat okay practice that one a lot the  final sound for today is my favorite it is you'll know this from when someone  hurts you and you go ow okay you'll find this in words like mouth or   now or even when an animal makes a sound  we say growl foul foul now how okay ow watch closely the time is now okay the time is now for  you to learn excellent english pronunciation   so make sure if you're enjoying this video to  hit that like and subscribe button so you can   see all of my future videos okay let's try  an example sentence with this one the owl   flew south so my mouth let out a growl the  owl flew south so my mouth let out a growl   the owl flew south so my mouth let out  a growl how growl foul mouth okay ow ow well done that's all the diphthong sounds  now what we're going to do is have a little   test okay what is the diphthong sound in this  word loud loud which diphthong is that loud   loud you'd be correct if you said the owl sound  well done what diphthong sound is in the word pain   pain you might hear a really common expression  in english no pain no gain which means without   difficulty you can't get anything good no pain  no gain what diphthong sound is in that sentence   ain't pain gain you will be correct if you  say a a that one that looks like the letter a   pay pain pain okay what is the  diphthong sound in the word light light   light okay you will be correct again  if you say the i lie light light light   what is the diphthong sound in the word fear  fear fear you will be correct if you say the ear sound what is the  diphthong sound in the word   where where or fair what sound can you hear  you would be correct if you said the air air okay now let's try something much harder okay  in the next sentence you're going to hear   a couple of words and within them words  there are five diphthongs five diphthongs   can you guess which diphthongs are  in that word okay pause the video   and practice and then see if you can guess  the right diphthongs okay listen closely   no highway cowboy no highway cowboy no  highway cowboy okay think about that no   hi way cowboy no highway cowboy what are  the five diphthong sounds in that sentence Ok, you would be correct if you said,  these ones! You've got the 'o' in 'no'   you've got the 'i' in 'high' you've got the 'a' in  'way'. "no highway" and then you've got two more,   'cow' the 'ow' sound and 'boy'. Remember this, the  mouth moves a lot to make diphthong sounds so when   you see me say, "no highway cowboy" you can see  the mouth is kind of crazy okay they're not common   sentences but no highway cowboy no highway cowboy  okay it's a really good sentence for practicing   five of those diphthong sounds so practice that  one as much as you can no highway cowboy no   highway cowboy okay thank you very very much for  joining me today in this lesson if you watch it   again and again i promise you your pronunciation  will become more natural and improve so much okay   remember if you like this video to hit  that like button and subscribe so you   can see all of my future videos good luck and  i'll see you again for the next video bye you
Channel: Easy ENGLISH with James
Views: 63,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english vowels, english vowel sounds, pronunciation practice, IELTS, diphthongs, monophthongs and diphthongs sounds, monophthongs, speak english confidently, received, received pronunciation, received pronunciation accent, british accent, british english, english pronunciation, british accent training
Id: lI3xTvwYsa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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