English Vocabulary TEST - 10 prefixes

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hi i'm lisa i'd like to give you an english vocabulary test this test deals with prefixes a lot of my students make mistakes on these prefixes let's see how you do on this test you probably know what a prefix is it's something that goes in front of a word the most common prefix is un on is a prefix to mean not or to express a negative or to express the opposite so we say happy unhappy fair unfair but prefixes are not always that simple we have 10 different prefixes to express the meaning of not or something negative you can often use the word not to express something negative but sometimes it's much more common to actually use the word with the prefix for example regular irregular people are more likely to say irregular than to say not regular and be careful about false friends what are false friends these are words that are similar in english and your native language for example for the word satisfied in english the prefix is unsatisfied but for spanish it's in in satisfaction or in satisfaction it's not always the same prefix if your native language is a romance language spanish italian french portuguese or romanian be careful about that so for the test you will see a word on the screen and you will need to decide which negative prefix goes with that word you have 10 different prefixes to choose from your 10 choices are a ab dis all of these prefixes mean not they create the opposite meaning of the word all right let's get started with the first one accurate what is the correct prefix for accurate to mean something is not accurate or something is not correct something is wrong the correct answer is inaccurate inaccurate did you get that one right and by the way take notes and keep score there are 20 questions let's see how many you get right repeat after me i apologize for giving you inaccurate information the next one is aware what is a negative prefix unaware unaware repeat after me i was unaware of the situation until you told me about it the next one is a verb to behave what is the prefix to misbehave this word is usually used for children when they're not behaving well when they're not listening to their parents or to their teachers the children misbehave you can say if you misbehave in class the teacher will call your parents the next word is caring what is the prefix of caring and by the way a caring person is a nice person a kind person someone who thinks of other people and does kind things for them what is the prefix uncaring and that means unkind not showing any concern or any sympathy for others and we can say i was shocked by his uncaring and selfish attitude and what is the prefix of this word fortune fortune is a noun and the prefix is misfortune misfortune means bad luck an unfortunate situation or event i heard that they lost everything in the fire what a terrible misfortune or you can say he has suffered great misfortune in his life a lot of bad things happen to him he's had a lot of bad luck and by the way we have the word fortunately and for that word the prefix is unfortunately but for fortune which is a noun we say misfortune for the opposite meaning and how about the next word it's a verb to judge the prefix is to misjudge to have a wrong or unfair opinion of someone or it can also mean to guess an amount or distance wrongly you can use the verb misjudge this way i thought he was a nice person it's now clear that i completely misjudged him the pilot misjudged the elevation of the runway and how about the next verb to manage to manage if you don't manage something well if you manage it badly what do we say what is the prefix we say to mismanage once again we use the prefix miss the business went bankrupt because the new ceo mismanaged it the state's finances have been badly mismanaged the next one is an adjective normal if something is not normal what do we say it's abnormal this warm weather is abnormal for december and we can use the noun form abnormality and we can use it like this in a sentence the x-ray didn't show any abnormalities the next one is the verb to prove what is the opposite once again we will use the prefix dis to disprove to show something is not true to show that something is wrong that's still a scientific mystery the theory can be neither proved nor disproved you cannot disprove the existence of god how about the next one it's an adjective reasonable an we use an unreasonable not fair not sensible you're being completely unreasonable it's unreasonable of your boss to expect you to work on sundays the next one is reliable what's the prefix unreliable you can't rely on something or someone or you can't depend on them the employee got fired because he was unreliable how about the next one repairable what is the prefix this one is a little tricky the prefix is ir ear but we change the pronunciation of the word we don't say irreparable we say it like this irreparable irreparable and let's say both of those words again repairable irreparable if something is impossible to repair or rectify it's irreparable very often we use it like this irreparable damage irreparable harm the earthquake caused irreparable damage to those houses or we can say the scandal caused irreparable harm to the whole corporation how about the next one respect that's a noun what's the prefix disrespect i'm sorry i didn't intend to disrespect you or we can use the adjective form disrespectful that was a very disrespectful thing to say how about the next word satisfied that's an adjective and what is the prefix we have two different possible prefixes we have dissatisfied and unsatisfied and they have slightly different meanings if you're dissatisfied you're not happy you're not pleased with the situation you can say his boss is dissatisfied with his work or you can say if you're dissatisfied with the product please return it within 30 days but we also have unsatisfied and that means unfulfilled i felt unsatisfied by the meal i'm still hungry or you can use unsatisfied this way one of his remaining unsatisfied ambitions is to get a pilot's license the next word is smoker and that's a noun that's a person who smokes and what do we call a person who doesn't smoke a non-smoker this section is for non-smokers only the next one is a verb to spell and if you don't spell something correctly which verb do we use what's the prefix to misspell i'm sorry i misspelled your name we can also use misspell as a noun misspelling there were many misspellings in his email the next word is symptomatic symptomatic when you have symptoms and the opposite is what what's the prefix asymptomatic don't say ah it's a asymptomatic if someone doesn't have any symptoms they're asymptomatic he tested positive for the virus but he's asymptomatic he feels okay how about the next one it's an adjective toxic and toxic means poisonous or harmful to your health what's the opposite non-toxic i'd like to buy non-toxic organic paint how about the next one to understand what is the prefix to misunderstand when you interpret something differently from the way it was intended you misunderstand it you can say choose your words carefully to avoid any misunderstandings and you can say i feel very misunderstood if you feel misunderstood you feel that people judge you in an unfair way that they don't really understand your intentions you're misunderstood and the final one is to plug to connect something to electricity is to plug and what is the prefix when we disconnect it what do we say to unplug to disconnect something electrical to fix your internet router try unplugging it and then plugging it back in how did you do on the test how many mistakes did you make if you only made one or two mistakes congratulations that's fantastic you're pretty advanced your vocabulary is very good and remember having an advanced vocabulary is so important for fluent english to be truly fluent and to feel comfortable in all sorts of situations when you're using english especially at the workplace i recommend that you learn as many words as possible and make those words active rather than passive what does that mean active knowledge means you're able to use them you don't just know the meaning but you can use them when you're talking to native speakers and i want to remind you of my new course 400 advanced english words you must know for fluent english if you go to my website accurateenglish.com you can learn more about the course and how it's organized it has seven hours of video instruction and seven hours of audio that you can download i teach you the meaning of the words i make sure you know how to pronounce them correctly and then we say them in natural sounding sentences and you repeat after me so that you can practice saying them naturally in addition there are downloadable pdf files so you can study on your own in a text format and there are quizzes to check your progress i chose these 400 specific words because i think they are the words that you need to know to be fluent in english they're advanced words that are used regularly by native speakers and you can take my 28 day challenge where you learn the 200 words in only 28 days i have the whole curriculum planned for you what you should be doing each day so that in 28 days you're guaranteed to master 200 of those words and that's the new course the new course has 200 words and the previous course the original course also has 200 words so it's 400 total 400 advanced words that will take your english to the next level thanks for watching and keep practicing your english
Channel: AccurateEnglish
Views: 192,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english vocabulary, prefix, prefixes, common prefixes, advanced vocabulary, fluent english, advanced english, english vocabulary test, Lisa Mojsin, accurate English, Mastering the American Accent, ielts, toefl, improve vocabulary, how to improve vocabulary, speak fluent english, common english mistakes, false friends, american accent, english for professionals
Id: TVTm5PhG37o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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