길거리토스트에 깜놀한 영국아저씨!!??

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That looked fun and tasty.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 15 2017 🗫︎ replies
we then went to price and toast and a place called Isaac toasting people probably quite surprised that we're taking you here it's sort of a common thing in Korea but the first time that Ollie ever came to visit me in Korea who and I proposal and he absolutely loved it I was told we were going out for toasts and I thought that was a bit strange because in England you don't go out for toasts so I knew this was gonna be different but I didn't quite know probably excite about gland Isaac Thurston is objectively the greatest budget breakfast in the world wow that is definitely paying fealty then Josh said all he really loved this toast and that was a bit strange as well because I was unaware that Olly was a big fan of toast I don't want to get your expectations up too much but all he clearly absolutely loves it all right let's do that when we got there I realized that this was toast of a difference it was actually much more exciting than what I've anticipated it was fun to watch the staff making it and it was good to chat to the staff as they made it so it's like a toasted sandwich I love toast it's areas not more than their faces okay it's quite a tank so he's making a little omelet in the shape of a piece of toast you know the toast is a different kind of bread as well sort of eggy bread yet and once you put on the toaster it's a surface fantastic whoever the cheese a square egg I think I'm going to agreeing with ollie on this I think this could seriously be a fantastic food yeah we should get every day there were a lot of other people are in the restaurant as evidence that people go out for toast there was even a couple who were out on a date so maybe it's a place for romance so there's a romantic couple at the next table yeah so obviously somewhere you can bring someone for a date probably not what I would choose to bring happy but definitely an option yeah when I first brought Izzie yeah I a ticket to Isis this isn't something that Koreans would consider they're the pride of Korean food oh oh oh it's happening it's look it's funny it's buzzing really this is really exciting is it I'm lovin it ah that's for us this is right you go this looks great all right let's do it shall we holy come on can I come and join you so I I'm just gonna say it right now I do like my sisters do it's simple it's a good break versus it'll do as lunch I wouldn't necessarily think I need to introduce this to people who come to Korea but all he probably feels a bit more strong how you think you're wrong I think you're gonna have you got a tribe all right let's do it that actually ocula Wow it's possibly because it's slightly more a western-type food more familiar to me than the Korean foods but I loved it if I lived in Korea I have this at least once a day they definitely need to open a branch in public might not be as big right whenever you make a fried egg and bacon sandwich the egg always be offered never fits in the bread they draw that problem and they smash the hair they do yeah I kind of like that but either way so we have to go diapers again yes the best this cabbage yeah because it's a it's actually really nice and sweet hmm so having the the egg and the faith and and the sweetness of the cavity together you just went to really nice using the packaging Isaac wanted grain and had a good harvest that's a meal the Lord blessed I just wanted the grain and then they made this to the Bible the biblical Isaac they'd like discover this hidden recipe from thousands of years ago that's a secret but they stole it from the realizing I feel so happy that I've introduced you to this because we're kind of kidding but we're also not kidding but I seriously I'm not joking I love amber doesn't mean Isaac Tosi if you want to give us a sponsor an episode but it really is tasty hmm I'm really happy like that thank you it really does sound like an advert I'm not like hope they have another one of them that's it slight downside that's the mitigating factor it's a McDonald's do you have it you're still just as Fanta right you're slightly bloated you hit the spot lovely man she's so nice thank you lil okay if you have any foreign friends that comes to Korea I had too much of Korean food I can't handle respite anymore bring my six times have I had toast like that before I've had eggy bread which is a little bit similar but not made like that and I thought it's really good I have no idea why we don't have it over here the fear of the gods Wow okay of the one true cat we took you out to a Korean oh yes what of that like not [Music] [Music] it's most peculiar [Music] you [Music]
Channel: 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Views: 8,819,685
Rating: 4.9042144 out of 5
Keywords: 이삭 토스트, 토스트, 영국남자, Korean Englishman, 올리 아빠, ollies dad, english gentleman, 영국 신사, isaac toast, 외국인, 반응, 먹방, mukbang, toast, korean food, street food, fast food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2017
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