English for Everyday Use

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hello everyone welcome back to the channel hope you're all doing amazing this video will be the second in the series I promised you in the previous one I asked you to let me know if you'd like me to make a series out of it and a lot of people said yes please so here we go today we're diving into some everyday phrases that will spice up your English and make you sound like a local these aren't your textbook phrases these are the real deal the kind of stuff that makes you sound like a native the Stu that makes conversations fun and authentic ever been in a conversation where everyone's cracking up and you're just smiling not getting the joke or when you try to sound cool but end up sounding like a robot yeah we've all been there but hey no stress we're going to fix this right here right now but remember this isn't a One-Stop solution but more like a stepping stone think of it like planting a seed give it time and before you know it you'll be chatting away like a pro and if you find this video helpful hit that like button and drop a comment below all right first up we have you got me it's a playful way to admit that someone has caught you off guard or figured out something about you it's like saying okay you're right or okay you figured it out picture this you're secretly planning a surprise birthday party for a friend and they confront you asking if you're up to something because they noticed the unusual secretive Behavior and preparations you can respond with you got me how did you figure out I was planning a surprise for you if you're trying to play a prank and someone uncovers it you might say you got me I thought I could fool you with that joke now when you got me is used as a question it typically means that the speaker is admitting that they don't know the answer to a question or are unsure about something it's a colloquial and informal way of saying I don't know you've stumped me or I'm not sure let's imagine two friends are discussing movies and one asks Which movie was it that had that famous line about life being like a box of chocolates the other one unable to recall the specific movie title at the moment responds you got me I can't remember right now our next phrase is catch you later this is a casual way of saying goodbye implying that you'll see each other again soon it's perfect for ending conations on a light note imagine you're leaving a coffee shop after meeting a friend and you say all right catch you later it's friendly and it implies that you're looking forward to your next meet up or after a quick chat with a colleague at work as you return to your desk you might say all right I need to finish this report catch you later or let's say you're leaving a party early you can say to your host thanks for inviting me had a great time catch you later before we move on I'd like to take a moment to thank the sponsor of this video and I'm honestly very excited to talk about and introduce you guys to their new feature which is Elsa AI this app will allow you to have a real conversation with Elsa Ai and when I say real I mean it the app will talk to you and respond just like people do in real life it's very realistic moreover you can practice your speaking and conversational skills without any fear of making mistakes and being judged on top of that you will receive feedback and an in-depth evaluation on your performance after the conversation as you can see you can choose from the given role plays which are very useful for practice or you can create your own scenario or you can choose the surprise me option Elsa AI is completely free for all Elsa users however with some limitations so if you don't have the Elsa app already you can click the link in the video description or in the pinned comment or or you can scan this QR code that you can see on the screen to download Elsa for free and then if you want unlimited usage of Elsa AI you can click the other Link in the video description or in the pinned comment and get an amazing discount off of Elsa premium so in this video which you can watch by clicking the link up here I choose my own scenario and you can see how that went okay I think that I'll go with surprise me you will play a frustrated customer waiting on hold I will be the customer service representative we will communicate over the phone your goal is to express frustration and get your issue resolved do you have any questions or changes before we start let's start hello thank you for calling how can I assist you today hello um yesterday I bought a TV from you and it doesn't work I'm sorry to hear that can you please provide me with your order number so that I can check the details sure no problem it's 1 2 3 4 thank you for providing the order number I can see that the TV was delivered to you yesterday can you please tell me what seems to be the issue with the TV in that case I suggest we arrange for a service technician to come and inspect the TV can you tell me what is your location and when would be a convenient time to schedule the appointment um no I don't want anyone to come over I just want to return it I see I apologize for the inconvenience caused in in that case let me go ahead and process your return we will process your return and the refund will be credited back to your FEA MasterCard within 7 to 10 business days is there anything else I can assist you with no that would be it thank you very much you're welcome thank you for contacting us have a good day roleplay completed well done we are Computing your feedback so as you can see guys you can have a very realistic conversation with Elsa Ai and you can play around with it and talk to it for as long as you want I personally think that it's a great way to practice and improve your English so give it a try and let me know what you think now let's talk about the phrase to beat around the bush this means to avoid getting to the point it is used when someone is not being direct or is avoiding the main topic for instance if someone's hesitating to give you a straight answer you might say come on don't beat around the bush just tell me what happened or when asking for a straightforward opinion on your project you might say please don't beat around the bush I need your honest feedback or if someone's hesitating to give you bad news you could encourage them with don't beat around the bush just tell me what's wrong up next is bite the bullet this means to bravely face a difficult situation or endure something unpleasant without avoiding it say you've been putting off a tough conversation you might tell yourself it's time to bite the bullet and just talk to them or let's imagine you're contemplating a medical procedure you've been anxious about again you might tell yourself it's time to bite the bullet and schedule the surgery or when you've been hesitating to try a new challenging hobby that you've always been interested in but also intimidated by like skydiving or scuba diving and finally decide to sign up for it despite your fears you could say you know what it's time to buy the bullet and go for that first dive or jump I've been putting this off for too long staying on the topic of bullets our next phrase is Dodge the bullet it is used to describe narrowly avoiding a problem danger or undesirable situation imagine you're on your way to an important meeting and you hear a traffic report warning of a massive jam on your usual route deciding to take a less familiar back road instead you arrive on time while your colleagues stuck in traffic are late later recounting your experience you might say I really dodged the Bullet by taking the back road this morning or suppose you've been considering investing in a startup company that seems promising right before you commit your savings a friend in the finance sector warns you about the shaky foundations of the company when a company goes under a few months later you realize your close call and you mention to your friend thanks to your advice I dodged the bullet with that investment it could have been a financial disaster for me and finally we have drop the ball this is used when someone makes a mistake or failed to fulfill a responsibility it's like admitting I messed up for example if you forgot to send an important email you might say I really dropped the ball on that one I'll fix it right away or or if you forget to pay a bill on time you might admit to your partner I dro the ball on the electricity bill I'll handle it first thing tomorrow or in a team project if you miss a deadline you could say you're a team I'm sorry I really dropped the ball on getting that report done I'll make it up and there you have it guys six everyday phrases to help you sound more natural in English conversations give them a try and you'll be amazed at how they can change the game and leave your example sentence using these phrases in the comments thanks for watching and remember if you want more videos like this give us a thumbs up and leave a comment down below take care and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: English Fluency Journey
Views: 58,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to improve my speaking skills, English conversation practice, how to improve my spoken english, how to speak english, English speaking practice, how to improve my English speaking on my own, how to improve speaking skills at home, how to speak like a native speaker, how to speak English fluently, learn to speak English fast, how to become fluent in English, english, how to improve vocabulary in english, increase vocabulary, advanced vocabulary, English vocabulary
Id: a12cdBH-eMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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