(English Cover) Vampire’s ∞ pathoS 【Ying】

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] on the moon a wild instinct breaking free will come into stage tonight on chicken again by tragedy waiting side length the end oh it's cute through centuries man reads the whole world has known that were the darkness of night false were the monsters of Russia her hand we start the show and in the cold be open with the curtain still closed walk together hopeless cow to a quick the fantasy a call it science junior god what a single shot the clear way to claim any a world beacon in the end this is it all pretend [Music] do you believe that I'll tradition is just paint off Western memory it's my shoe thing to like the night we often see is that beast is making its rising town out of the place so please through centuries memories whole world has holes in the volodine nurse and you'll never know it's let me right behind you laughing in the shut up waiter better go on Riedel savers in your main believe from what you think it's lying take it right in that sneer world there was an eye God began your life really with the ballpit Edwards I forgot again aside of a double helix iconic darkness tonight will be another piece of tree that can't be beat we'll meet there [Music] whose entries memories before world has the shadows of heroes they're people some now enters the lead for [Music] in the
Channel: Ying - 莺
Views: 595,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vocaloid, ひとしずく×やま△, ひとしずく, やま△, Hitoshizuku, Yamasankakkei, yama△, kagamine, len, rin, rinlen, vampire, vampire's pathos, Vampire’s ∞ pathoS, english, english cover, translyrics, translation, translated, lyrics, english lyrics, kagamine rin, kagamine len, Hitoshizuku_Yamasankakkei
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 41sec (221 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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