【鏡音リン・レン / Kagamine Rin/Len】Sister’s ∞ mercY【オリジナル曲 / Original MV】

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translation by Forgetfulsubs One day, in that poor old village A rather mysterious sister showed up “Come revere and give your praises to the god who loves tea…… Then surely all your wishes will come true” Oh, Mr. farmer over there, troubled over the lack of rain? Come tonight to my tea party, requesting for a “blessing”♪ Jesus!! Pray and pray Believer, if you demand for salvation Oh Yeah!! Then pay up for this sweet sweet Bright Red, now! Cheers!! Pour and pour Amazing!! When you’ve filled your stomach with this bright red, Aa! All your wishes will come true A midnight tea party, “where all your wishes come true” The villagers have all long become firm believers, “I just wanna make money without trying…… I wanna #%^$ that girl…… Oh ,what greed filled human nature” Oh Mr. Village chief/stingy miser, who wants to dig up a gold mine? Come tonight to my tea party, wanting for a “miracle”♪ Jesus!! Pray and pray Believer, if you demand for salvation Oh Yeah!! Then pay up more and more for this Bright Red, now! Cheers!! Pour and pour Amazing!! When you’ve filled your stomach with this bright Red, Aa! All your wishes will come true Even the most fun stories, must one day come to an end, such is life…… I shall go to save a new flock of sheep now… The sister, gradually becoming more and more frugal, heading off on a journey To her final tea party everyone comes to make their demands……“Eternity” Jesus!! Pray and pray Believer, if it is eternity you ask for Oh Yeah!! Then let’s all together, all together Aim for Paradise, come on!! Departure!! Hurry, hurry Arrival!! Once you’ve let go of that bright red of yours, and your very consciousness Then your destination will be right before you!! Jesus!! Pray and pray Believer, if you demand for salvation Oh Yeah!! Then you gotta splatter that bright and red stuff More and more, come on! Cheers!! Pour and pour Delicious!! When you’ve filled your stomach with this bright red, Then, ah, I guess the time is right, Time to open this Blood Tea Party♪ "Amen……" One day, in a broken down ghost town A man, alone, had shed tears Did all of these corpses decaying and scattered die (depart) happily he wonders……
Channel: ひとしずく×やま△ (Hitoshizuku_Yamasankakkei)
Views: 10,333,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VOCALOID, Vocaloid, vocaloid, ボーカロイド, ボカロ, コミケ, コミックマーケット, 冬コミ, 鏡音リンレン 10周年, 鏡音リン・レン 10th Anniversary, オリジナルMV, ひとしずく×やま△, 鈴ノ助, Kagamine Rin/Len, Music (TV Genre), ボカロP, ニコニコ動画, YouTube, 鏡音リン・レン, 鏡音リン, 鏡音レン, リンレン, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, Rin, Len, rin, len, リン, レン, Suzunosuke, shoma1983, samorira9, やましずくの館, とさお, やましずく, teamOS, VILLAINS & HEROES ~Side:H~, Hitoshizuku, Hitoshizuku×Yama, VILLAINS & HEROES ~Side:V~, C93, Sister’s ∞ mercY, 2017.12.27, シスター
Id: 6rlqEcgbbEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 5sec (245 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2017
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