English Conversation 03

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[Music] Oh David help me this box is too heavy just a moment Mary that's okay dad I can help mom thanks Tina hmm I'm so tired I am to Mary but there are a lot more boxes out there to be moved hi my name is Joe Williams and this is my wife soon we live in the next apartment hello Joe hello sue my name is Mary white nice to meet you you must be the new family living in this apartment yes we are would you like to come in Joe and Sue Williams this is my husband David and our daughter Tina hi Joe nice to meet you hi Susan I hate you hello mr. and mrs. Williams it's very nice to meet you so can we help you you have so many boxes you don't mind we don't mind at all we're happy to help our new neighbors Oh [Music] good morning David good morning Joe how are you this morning I'm fine thanks and you oh I am a little bit tired well me too we worked very hard last night yes we did thanks for your help you're welcome David David and Mary I would like you to meet this family this is Bill Smith his wife Kathy and their son Jack I'm David white nice to meet you nice to meet you too David good morning Mary I'm Kathy good morning nice to meet you this is lovely furniture oh thank you it was my mother's yeah would you like to sit down sure mom what should I do this box oh hi I'm Tina hi my name is Jack do you guys live here too yeah I moved in yesterday great great other very next door good because I don't know anybody else here Tina come here I would like you to meet bill and Cathy Smith nice to meet you Mary you have a lovely daughter thank you she's not only lovely she's shy also hello this is the white residence hello may I please speak with Mary this is Mary speaking hi Mary this is sue how are you today oh I'm fine sue how are you I'm fine I'm sorry to bother you are you busy not too busy I'm cleaning the apartment right now Oh listen Mary I was wondering do you want to join Kathi and me today where are you going we both need to buy some food at the supermarket oh great I am so happy you invited me to join you why is that Mary because I do not have any food in the apartment oh I think you really need to go then yes I agree with you I know tonight David and Tina will be very hungry if I don't have any food from the supermarket good so um Cathy and I will go at 12 o'clock is that a good time for you oh I'm sorry I have a hair appointment at 12 o'clock how about I meet you at the supermarket at 1 o'clock sure so Cathy and I will see you at the supermarket at 1 o'clock ok that sounds good sue I'll see you then goodbye goodbye [Music] oh hi Mary hi have you finished moving everything into your apartment yes I've been busy cleaning all day trying to get all of my housework finished I'm so glad to have a new neighbor who's so friendly yes I am so happy we moved here I am so glad to have many friendly neighbors I talked to sue today on the telephone and she asked me to join you and go to the market together oh that's great I'm glad you'll be joining us yes me too I have no food in the apartment so I'll see you at 12 no actually I'll meet you at 1 o'clock there although I forgot to get directions from sue oh ok it's very easy to get to the supermarket I can tell you ok just a moment first you go straight on Main Street for about one mile uh-huh at the 2nd traffic light turn left onto Grayson Avenue after you turn left go straight about four blocks four blocks the supermarket will be on your right-hand side it's very large so you'll see it easily okay let me repeat this to make sure I have the directions correctly alright go straight on Main Street for one mile turn left onto Grayson Avenue after the second traffic light go for blocks and the supermarket is on the right-hand side that's exactly right so I'll see you there okay I'll see you there Cathy but by me oh my that was a funny story just put those over there beside the sink by the sink yes over there Mary what should I do with the salt and pepper you can put that beside the stove and talk about these vegetables those can go in the refrigerator do you want this fruit in the refrigerator also know that can go above the microwave and how about these cans of food these can go above the sink Mary what about this bottle of soap that can go under the sink Wow Mary I think you've got enough stuff here for a whole month yes I think so I don't want to have to go to the supermarket again for a long time caring about the bread where should I put the bread that can go above the microwave behind the fruit okay good you can throw the the bags in the trash can oh thank you so much for asking me to join you to go to the supermarket today you're welcome and I'm sure David and Tina will be very happy to hello germs accounting firm how may I help you may I speak with Sir Williams please this is to speaking may I help you so this is Cathy hi or Cathy hi what's up well I was wondering if you and your family would like to go on vacation with us oh we would love to go and the Wright family is going also great where are you going we're going to Florida oh that's very far away will you fly on a plane yes oh I'm sorry I'm afraid we cannot go it would be too expensive for us but we have a very special price for the plane tickets it's really not very expensive well when are you going the last week of June Oh Cathy I'm sorry we're not free the last week of June oh why Jay and I both have to work we don't have enough vacation time can you ask your boss for more vacation time no it is very difficult for us to ask for a vacation time I'm sorry but we really cannot go are you sure you cannot go I'm sure it would be impossible for us to go I really wish you could go sue yes sir - right but it's really not convenient for us to go I'm sorry never mind sue that's okay but I hope you all have a good time in Florida thanks I'm sure we will oh and Cathy yes sue thank you for inviting us to go along I'm really sorry we can't go no problem maybe next year you can go with us okay sure goodbye bye bye [Music] okay does everyone know what they want to do in our trip to Florida well Kathy and I want to go shopping everyday and David and I want to go boating and fishing everyday and Tina and I want to go to the beach every day the zoo in the museum and mom way way I think we have two months to do in one week David is right we should make a schedule of everything that we would like to do each day okay I have a pen and paper I'll write down everything we plan to do okay okay on Sunday we'll go to the airport and fly to Florida we'll arrive at the hotel in the evening okay Sunday airport hotel and on Monday can we all go to the beach together sounds good monday beach Tuesday everyone can go shopping together and we'll buy gifts and souvenirs on Wednesday the men can go boating and fishing the women can go shopping again and the kids can go to the beach again slow down slow down I can't write that fast and Thursday we can go to the zoo Thursday zoo Friday the women and children could go to the amusement park and the men could go boating and fishing again I think Saturday should be a day for everyone to do what they want to do it's the free day and of course on Sunday we go to the airport and we fly home well I think we have a good plan for our trip to Florida yes I've written down our plans for Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and the last Sunday I'm so excited [Music] oh hi Marian Kathy come on in we're sorry to bother you sue we were packing for our trip to Florida and we were hoping that we could borrow some things from you yes I have so many things to pack that I don't have enough suitcases you don't no problem we have many extra suitcases you can borrow one I can oh thanks so that's very nice of you also do you have an extra tennis racquet David and I were hoping to play some tennis while we are in Florida but we only have one racquet no problem you can borrow Joe's racquet she can yes she can oh yeah sure sure yes you can Oh sue I'm so disappointed that you're not going to join us in Florida I hope you're not too bored being at home this week oh we're not staying at home why not no we're not I talked with my mother on the phone this morning you did yes I did she wants us to come and visit her for a few days she does yes she does as a matter of fact we're going tomorrow morning oh so you need to start packing your suitcase right now dear I should yes you should do you have a problem with going to visit my mother oh no not at all I would love to visit your mother you would yeah I guess it will be all right Oh sue I'm so happy that you don't have to stay home all week going to visit your mother is a wonderful idea it is [Music] Joe why do you look so upset I wanted to go to Florida without friends I'm frustrated don't be upset we're going to visit my mother I know we're going to visit your mother that's why I'm upset and why don't you want to go visit my mother because yes because why because I don't know what to pack in my suitcase so you have so many clothes so many nice things I know that's the problem I don't know what to take Oh Joe here I'll help you decide what to take how about these blue pants you can take them when we go shopping with my mother okay and oh I guess this red shirt would look nice with the blue pants yeah yeah that's good and I think you need to take a jacket or a sweater because the evenings will be cool well should I take the large tan jacket or should I take the small green sweater um I think this will be enough you think so okay the small green sweater okay Oh what about what about my swimming suit let's see should you take the black bikini or how about your yellow bathing suit I think the black bikini is better oh I like the yellow bathing suit I think you should take this one I really do alright okay well what shoes are you going to take shoes I don't know should I take the brown shoes or the white shoes um I think the white ones are better okay I think I can finish packing myself now thank you soon anytime especially when we're going to visit my mother oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh what's the matter are you all right what's the matter oh I have a stomach ache oh I don't know I just know that my stomach hurts I think I should take you to the doctor Joe Williams doctor sit down thank you how do you feel today Joe oh I have a very very bad stomach ache okay you have a stomach ache okay do you have a fever a fever I Oh am i hot no you're not hot you don't have a fever do you have a headache no just just my stomach have you been feeling tired mm-hmm tired well not very much have you been coughing or sneezing coughing or sneeze no I have not been coughing or sneezing doctor do you know what's wrong with Joe well he has a very bad stomachache yeah but he does not have a headache mm-hmm he does not have a fever yeah he has not been feeling tired and he hasn't been coughing or sneezing have you been eating these yes how many of these have you eaten I don't know 20 20 20 look they're very delicious very good now I know why you have a stomachache here take three of these every hour for the next two days you will be feeling better by tomorrow a whole Sioux I'm sorry so really I'm very sorry I don't believe you please please forgive me I can't go to my mother's today what I can't hear you please speak louder I said we couldn't go to my mother's today because you had to go to the doctor I was sick you ate too many chocolate bars I'm really sorry I don't forgive you so please really I'm sorry please forgive me no you shouldn't have eaten so many chocolate bars hey wait a minute you gave me those chocolate bars oh I guess I did give you those chocolate bars yeah Oh Joe I'm sorry I shouldn't have gotten mad at you for eating the chocolate bars I gave you will you forgive me Joe I'm really sorry okay I'll forgive you if you forgive me okay we all forgive each other okay so what do you want to do now hmm well I am quite hungry actually how about we eat some chocolate bars Oh sue no more chocolate oh I'm just kidding Mary Mary wake up it's 10 till 10 we're late that's nice dear not 9:50 oh we are late and we have to leave the house to go to the airport at 15 after 10 oh that means we only have 25 minutes to get ready Oh dad what time is it oh it's 952 that means we only have 23 minutes to get to the airport let's go Mary you know what time it is at no.3 we will have your report at 10:15 can you please take our bags to the car sure sure okay yes what time do we have to be at the airport at half past 11:00 11:30 okay I sure hope so Tina are you did you pack all of your suitcases yeah they're all packed okay are you sure you got everything yes okay you got your toothbrush your toothpaste your hairdryer your makeup yes yes and yes okay so David did you get everything yes I have my shoes my clothes a book to read on the plane and all of our money okay okay so everyone got everything right yes we're sure we have everything okay this is everything let's go all right [Music] attention please flight 747 is now boarding at gate 39 flight 747 is now boarding at gate 39 excuse me yes ma'am can I help you yes we are late for a flight to Florida okay and what is your flight number our flight number is 1250 your flight is it 1250 no no our flight is at 11:30 our flight no there is 1250 okay how many tickets do you need for your flight we have six tickets for our flight to Florida at 11:30 flight 1250 okay you have 12 tickets for flight 11:30 that leaves at a half past six no no we have six tickets at 11:30 for flight number 1250 whoa you need to hurry it's 11 o'clock I know could you hurry as quickly as possible please okay that's six tickets yes and it is flight number 12 [Applause] 50 yes okay and it leaves 11:30 yes yes yes okay I'm sorry ma'am but that flight has been delayed it does not leave for another 1 hour and 45 minutes what you mean we got up very quickly we got ready very quickly we came to the airport very quickly and you are telling me that our flight does not leave for another hour and 45 minutes yeah but that's good how is that good now you're not late [Music] I'm so tired I'm more than tired I'm exhausted I think everybody's tired I'm a little tired but not too much yes me too I think we should cover somewhere tonight how about going out to a movie sorry I thought you'd like to go I got to go see the beach sweetheart you're a little late it's dark outside already I would like to take a shower before we go out yes David is right I think we all need a shower before we go out all right after everyone's had a shower we'll go out need could we eat pizza Tina dear we had pizza last night we need to try something different tonight how about Chinese food like to go get some Chinese food sounds good okay let's take a shower first and then we'll all go out to eat Chinese food mom yes Tina if I don't want Chinese food could i order a pizza [Music] oh hello hi hi hello good evening hi there's six of us ah you want to kick a bus no I said there are six of us oh there are six of you yes is there a table free huh you cannot see no no is there a table free oh yes please come excuse me how much is the soup you are a very large group no I asked you how much is the soup oh it is three dollars and what about the rice it is one dollar a plate okay I think we would like six bowls of soup six plates of rice and one large duck [Music] hi honey I'm home where have you been you've been gone for a long time well I went to the doctor to the doctor sue are you sick why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well I could go to the doctor with you Joe dear I'm not sick you're not sick no Willa if you're not sick why did you go to the doctor darling we're going to have a baby yeah we're going to have a baby oh oh I'm so happy I know I'm excited too I'm going to call all of our friends on the telephone okay I'm going to tell them the good news okay hello Kathy yes this is Joe sue is going to have a baby a baby oh so this is great congratulations thanks captain I'm so happy for you and Joe this is terrific news we must have a congratulations party we can invite everyone oh that is a terrific idea we could invite your family and we can invite the white family also yes this is fantastic congratulations Joe congratulations sue thank you [Music] oh boy or Mary this is so beautiful thank you very much [Music] [Music] happy thank you for the lovely baby clothes they're perfect and Jack it's so nice of you to give your ball for the baby to play with thank you so much and David I can't thank you enough to the lovely toy you made are you sure it wasn't too difficult for you no problem think nothing of it I want you all to know we appreciate these gifts so much they are really lovely thank you sure we are really so lucky to have such good friends god bless you all thank you I want to thank everyone also when our family moved into this apartment we didn't know anyone but now we have many new friends I agree you're all very special to me Tina you know how you can be a good friend to me in the future how you can help me take care of the baby in your free time you know I'm so glad you have moved into our apartment building I think we've become very good friends yes we have and I think we will all be friends for a very long time which remember CH which vegetables vegetables vegetables do you usually eat which vegetables do you usually eat I usually eat cucumbers potatoes and cabbages okay I usually eat cucumbers potatoes and cabbages number two do you like eating lettuce do you like eating lettuce yes I do I love lettuce or not really ear not really not really I this is a rally that means I sometimes okay I rarely eat lettuce I rarely eat lettuce yes I do a lot lettuce or not really I rarely eat lettuce number three how do you like to eat terrace how do you like to eat terrace that means that how do you want me to make the lettuce like you can eat them raw or you can eat the boiled or steamed or stir-fried or something like that okay how do you like to eat Paris I like to eat them raw I like to eat them boiled I like to eat them stir-fried I like to eat them fried I like to eat them Groot or baked anything like that okay so I like to eat them roar roar that means with that without cooked okay without cooking do you eat asparagus yes I do it's delicious no I don't sorry no I don't eat asparagus there are some vegetables that for some people they they don't like it but they don't really hate it but they just don't eat it they just don't want to eat okay do you eat asparagus yes I do it's delicious no I don't oh sorry no I do read asparagus no I to eat asparagus numbers number five which vegetables which vegetables this one's carrot of Koha which vegetables which vegetables which vegetables are there in the fridge fridge that mean refrigerator ok fridge there are green beans it plants their green beans and eggplants they aren't any vegetables in the fridge if there are some vegetables you can say there are in them vegetables and if they aren't anything you just say there aren't any vegetables in the fridge that means there is not there is no vegetables in the fridge okay can you go to the supermarket there can you go to the supermarket to buy some sweet potatoes for me that means like and now in the house or in the apartment we don't have sweet potatoes and then you go to the supermarket to buy the other sweet potatoes for me because I want to cook right now okay can you go to the supermarket to buy some sweet potatoes for me sure no problem if you if you agree sure no problem or if you disagree you want to refuse you can say sorry I can I'm busy now sorry I can't I'm busy now
Channel: English Conversation
Views: 1,443,733
Rating: 4.8657298 out of 5
Keywords: learn english, speak english, practice english, everyday english, daily english, english communication, best conversation, comedy english, funny english, easy english, improve english, listen english, talk english, study english, english for beginner, english subtitle, aprende inglés, aprender inglês, Imparare l'inglese, apprendre l'anglais, Изучать английский язык, تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية, अंग्रेजी सीखना, 學英語, 学英语, tieng anh giao tiep, tieng anh hang ngay
Id: 5xMMgxgAgLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 52sec (2512 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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