Learn REAL English - part 1 (full 1-hour class)

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unit 1 the interview introduction hi my name is Jane I'm only 24 years old and today is my first day at my new job I'm very excited I've just graduated from university I can't wait to start working and meet new friends hmm I don't know what to wear today shall I wear this one or this one I choose this one my new job is wonderful do you want to know how I got it it all started with an interview hi my name is Jane I'm only 24 years old and today is my first day at my new job I've just graduated from University I'm here for the interview yes yes thank you goodbye hello I'm here for the interview hi what's your name my name is Jane hi Jane and who are you saying mr. Smith the sales and marketing manager okay just take a lift to the fifth floor thank you very much you're welcome thank you good luck hello I'm here for the interview hi Jane and who are you saying mr. Smith the sales and marketing manager educational experience have you been waiting long no I just arrived here well it's nice to meet you thank you I'm very glad for this opportunity when did you graduate from University I graduated six months ago what faculty were you in I was in the Faculty of secretarial studies did you enjoy studying I did enjoy studying but I wanted to start work as soon as possible that's good I'm very glad for this opportunity when did you graduate from University I graduated six months ago what faculty were you in I was in the Faculty of secretarial studies work experience would you like to see my resume yes please here's my resume thank you could you tell me where was your last job certainly I was working in the Asia finance bank and why did you leave that job because I was looking for more of a challenge any other reasons also at the spot from now well I am looking for a new secretary if you give me this job I will work very hard would you like to see my resume yes please could you tell me where was your last job certainly I was working at the Asia finance bank and why did you leave that job because I was looking for more of a challenge Unit two my job description so as you can see I was very excited after that we talked about my job description your skills what were your favorite topics at university my favorite topics were letter writing dictation and filing studies what do you think are your strengths I have good patience and English language skills are you computer literate yes I can use Windows and Excel can you type yes 50 words per minute hmm are you familiar with the Internet yes I am familiar with the Internet I like surfing in my free time what is your favourite website my favourite website is www.miamikettlebell.com can you work with larger groups of people yes I enjoy working a large team do you mind working on weekends no I don't mind working on weekends well you look like the person I need thank you I would really like this job okay I'll give you a job as my secretary that's brilliant thank you very much when would you like to start working as soon as possible next Monday at 9:00 a.m. next Monday sounds fine okay so we'll see you next Monday at 9:00 a.m. congratulations thank you very much for this opportunity I will not disappoint you good because I like hard-working people then I am your girl I certainly hope so I should get ready now otherwise I'll be late it would be really bad if I was late for my first day of work can you work with larger groups of people yes I enjoy working in a large team do you mind working on weekends when would you like to start working as soon as possible thank you very much for this opportunity I will not disappoint you unit 3 arriving at my new office greetings ah good morning are you Jane yes I'm Jane ah you're just on time can I go up yes mr. Smith is waiting for you on the fifth floor thank you come in hello Jane how are you today fine thanks are you ready to start work yes I am I'm a little busy now so my assistant Anna will take care of you wait and I'll call her for you okay Anna could you come next door and show Jane around please thank you hi good morning are you Jane yes I'm Jane are you ready to start work yes I am in the new office and this is your new office it's nice and bright Oh in my room it's right next door is there a telephone intercom system yeah burn and is it easy to use yeah it was very easy to you how many people are working in the marketing and sales department they're about 20 people who work in the department and am I the youngest employee yes you are this is your job description and contract I'll need you to review them and sign them I think I need some time to organize myself that's fine I'll be back in about 30 minutes that's plenty of time thank you is there a telephone intercom system how many people are working in the marketing and sales department I think I need some time to organize myself unit for talking with my new boss getting ready to work Jane are you free now yes I am will you come to my office now please yes David I'll be there in a moment so Jane how are you settling in everything seems to be fine have you got everything you need no not yet I need to go to the stationery department okay I'll ask inna to show you later well she also showed me around the office yes of course you will it looks like a big place if you have any problems or questions you can always ask Anna so Jane how are you settling in everything seems to be fine have you got everything you need no not yet I need to go to the stationery department about the contact have you read and signed your contract yet yes I have here it is do you understand the terms and conditions yes I think so if you have any questions you can ask me anytime okay how long does the probation period last the probation period lasts for three months and then what happens what happens is that I will review your performance can you tell me what parts of my performance you will look at yes I will look at your punctuality work performance and your relations with me what happens if I do not pass my probation if you do not pass then you will need to find another job do I get a second chance here no I'm sorry you do not get a second chance here have you read and signed your contract yet do you understand the terms and conditions how long does the probation period last the probation period lasts for three months can you tell me what parts of my performance you will look at yes I will look at your punctuality work performance and your relations with me questions about office policy and what is the yearly evaluation every year I will evaluate your performance and then what then I would decide whether or not you deserve a pay raise does the company also provide medical insurance yes we do what kind of insurance is it is fully comprehensive do I get automatic cover yes you do get automatic cover how much holiday time am I allowed you are allowed two weeks every year can I take it any time yes you can take it any time I think this is a fair company yes we are a fair company and what is the yearly evaluation every year I will evaluate your performance then I would decide whether or not you deserve a pay raise does the company also provide medical insurance how much holiday time am I allowed you are allowed two weeks every year unit five the office tour meeting new colleagues so Jane are you ready to go on an office tour oh yes I can't wait okay animal take you okay these people all work on marketing oh I see and this is Joe hello Joe nice to meet ya meet Jane this is David's new secretary oh hi nice to meet you what do you do Joe I'm a delivery manager oh and this is Mary hello nice to meet you so you're the new secretary yes I am well I hope you last longer than the last one the last what the last secretary what happened to her nothing happened don't worry they're only joking oh I see so Jane are you ready to go on an office tour oh yes I can't wait hello nice to meet you oh hi nice to meet you what do you do Joe I'm a delivery manager unit six answering the telephone and transferring a call holding the line hello this is the multiplex company hello stop the sales and marketing department yes it is how can I help you I'd like to speak with mr. Smith please today I ask who is calling please yes my name is Michelle Anderson okay miss Anderson would you mind holding a line a moment thank you mr. Smith you have a miss Anderson on line one oh no I don't want to talk to her shall I tell her that you're busy and we'll call her back later yes tell her that okay how can I help you I'd like to speak with mr. Smith please could I ask who is calling please okay miss Anderson would you mind holding the line a moment taking a message I'm afraid mr. Smith is too busy right now to take your call I see can you ask him to call me back please certainly can I have your number yes it's 4 4 4 1 2 3 4 thank you goodbye bye here you go oh did she say what she wanted no she just wants you to call her back anything else no okay thanks I'm afraid mr. Smith is too busy right now to take your call I see can you ask him to call me back please certainly can I have your number yes it's 4 1 2 3 4 leaving messages hello mr. Smith's office can I speak to mr. Smith please I'm sorry mr. Smith is in a meeting right now oh I see this is an important call though could I ask who is calling please yes I'm calling from mr. Johnson's office to whom am i speaking my name is Jane I'm mr. Smith's new secretary nice to meet you Jane could you please have mr. Smith call mr. Johnson today what is it about mr. Johnson would like to talk about the prices of your products ok I'll tell him as soon as he finishes his meeting ok thank you goodbye goodbye could I ask who is calling please yes I'm calling from mr. Johnson's office mr. Johnson would like to talk about the prices of your products ok I'll tell him as soon as he finishes his meeting unit 7 making an appointment asking for information good okay I will thank you goodbye would you call mr. Johnson for me please certainly I will straight away would you like me to schedule a meeting with him yes what day next Monday what time 10:00 a.m. where our office are there's I think there's would be better what should I tell him the meeting is about it is about our new pricing strategy hello could I have the office of mr. Johnson please certainly who is calling please I am calling from the office of mr. Smith hold the line please thank you would you call mr. Johnson for me please certainly I will straight away would you like me to schedule a meeting with him what shall I tell him the meeting is about it is about our new pricing strategy hello could I have the office of mr. Johnson please scheduling a meeting hello how can I help you hello I'm calling for mr. Johnson oh yes I was expecting your call I'm mr. Johnson's secretary I'm sorry I didn't get your name my name is Lisa and you're Jane right yes you have a good memory well Lisa mr. Smith would like to schedule a meeting with mr. Johnson okay when and where next Monday at your office now what time would he be free 10:00 a.m. all right let me check mr. Johnson's diary first okay 10:00 a.m. would be fine thank you see you next Monday okay see you next Monday is everything set up yes everything is set up were there any problems no there weren't any problems good I need you to take notes at the meeting okay no problem I enjoy note-taking hello I'm calling for mr. Johnson oh yes I was expecting your call I'm mr. Johnson's secretary I'm sorry I didn't get your name well Lisa mr. Smith would like to schedule a meeting with mr. Johnson and what time would he be free is everything set up good I need you to take notes at the meeting okay unit 8 meeting with a customer greeting a client yes thank you goodbye mr. Smith is here to meet mr. Johnson do you have an appointment yes 10 a.m. oh well mr. Johnson is waiting for you which floor please take the lift to the fourth floor Thanks you're welcome David good to see you hello John it's good to see you too how have you been I've been busy this is Jane my new secretary nice to finally meet you mr. Johnson you as well this is my secretary Lisa yes we spoke on the phone before yes nice to finally meet you Lisa can I offer anyone some coffee or tea I would like some tea please Coffee please for you mr. Johnson coffee please okay I'll be right back so David should we get down to business yes let's get to work mr. Smith is here to meet mr. Johnson do you have an appointment David good to see you hello John it's good to see you too how have you been I've been busy so David should make it down to business yes let's get to work eunuch nine in the meeting discussing prices so John what did you want to talk about well it's about the new prices that you charge what about my crisis is there a problem well yes they are far too high no they're not Lisa can you show mr. Smith the competitor analysis that we did here it is mr. Smith oh I see that our prices are higher than these brands that you've researched you understand me now yes I do understand but I can explain well I'm willing to listen so John what did you want to talk about well it's about the new prices that you charge what about my crisis is there a problem Lisa can you show mr. Smith the competitor analysis that we did oh I see that our prices are higher than these brands that you've researched giving explanations there are three reasons why we cost more than our competitors okay firstly we use plastic and not paper to make our products so plastic is stronger and more durable okay I see secondly we have a 24-hour service hotline should there be any problem yes I have used this before were they helpful yes I suppose they were and thirdly we have a 30 day return and refund policy okay none of your competitors offer this yes I know there are three reasons why we cost more than our competitors firstly we use plastic and not paper to make our products secondly we have a 24-hour service hotline should there be any problems and thirdly we have a 30 day return and refund policy bargaining but I still think you're too expensive but we're the best but I can no longer afford it this is a difficult situation look I have to lower my expenditure how long have we done business together 15 years and I have been a good customer okay I can give you a 7% discount okay look David can you give me a 10% discount no I'm sorry I can't okay I will take the 7% discount great I hope that's helpful well okay at least I don't have to change suppliers now good I'll send the new contracts over tomorrow I'll look forward to receiving them but I still think you're too expensive but we're the best but I can no longer afford it look I have to lower my expenditure okay I can give you a 7% discount well okay at least I don't have to change suppliers now unit ten handling a complaint answering the phone hello mr. Smith's office Jane speaking yes is this the multi plus company yes it is may I please speak to mr. Smith I'm sorry sir mr. Smith is busy right now oh well is this the sales and marketing department yes it is what is the nature of your call I wish to make a complaint okay sir you can tell me a complaint will you pass it on to mr. Smith for me yes sir I will pass it on to him what is the nature of your call I wish to make a complaint okay sir you can tell me a complaint holding on the phone could you just hold the line a moment whilst I get my pen and paper ready certainly no problem okay I'm ready now can I have your name please my name is Edward brown BR o WN and what is your company name I'm calling from the brown sugar company have you been using our products for a long time yes I have I've been a customer for five years now could you just hold the line a moment whilst I get my pen and paper ready certainly no problem okay I'm ready now could I have your name please and what is your company name have you been using our products for a long time receiving a complaint could you tell me what is the problem recently the problem has been damaged product packaging could you be more specific please yes when you send me the product the packaging around it is damaged is it also damaged inside yes it is sometimes is this the first time you have called to complain yes it is are there any other problems yes occasionally the delivery arrives a day late does this happen often yes it has happen often could you tell me what is the problem recently the problem has been damaged product packaging could you be more specific please this is the first time you have called to complain are there any other problems yes occasionally the delivery arrives a day late apologizing thank you for alerting us to these problems well I hope you can fix them for me yes I am very sorry to hear that you've had these difficulties that's okay but I expect to see an improvement soon yes sir I will pass on your complaint straight away okay thank you goodbye goodbye thank you for alerting us to these problems well I hope you can fix them for me yes I am very sorry to hear that you've had these difficulties that's okay but I expect to see an improvement soon unit 11 joining a marketing meeting in the meeting thank you make sure you join the office marketing meeting today at three o'clock okay I will it will be a good opportunity for you to meet everybody excellent and you can share any ideas you might have with the team sounds like it could be interesting yes these meetings normally are interesting hello everybody is this your first meeting with us yes it is have you met Kevin yet no I don't think so it's a pleasure to meet you I'm the product director Jane it's nice to meet you too is this your first meeting with us have you met Kevin yet no I don't think so it's a pleasure to meet you I'm the product director the meeting agenda so what's the agenda for today usually we'll discuss customer complaints and then possible solutions and then to finish we'll talk about ways to improve office organization so it does anybody have any complaints to report none for me Jane do you have any well I did get a call from the upset customer What did he say he complained that the packages were sometimes down anything else well he said that the deliveries were sometimes late as well ting could you give me the customers information please yes mr. brown and the brown sugar company I'll look into the packaging problem thanks Anna so what's the agenda for today usually we'll discuss customer complaints and then possible solutions so does anybody have any complaints to report well I did get a call from the upset customer could you give me the customers information please contributing ideas Jane do you have any ideas about how we can improve the office don't be shy we want to hear your ideas well maybe we could move the filing cabinets hmm yeah and by sometime and what a great idea okay I think we're out of time for this week Jane do you have any ideas about how we can improve the office well maybe we could move the filing cabinets unit 12 performance appraisal asking about a pay raise yes Jane are you ready for your performance review yes I think so okay please come to my office after lunch okay I'm a little nervous don't worry okay I'll try not to be I see that you're always here on time in the morning yes I don't like to be late and you've managed to handle all the new work I do like a challenge would you like more responsibility I could handle more responsibility really why because I work really hard hmm and what have you learned in your time here I've learned how to handle difficult customers would you like a better salary yes I would okay I'll review your salary at our next meeting thank you yes Jeanne are you ready for your performance review I see that you're always here on time in the morning yes I don't like to be late and you've managed to handle all the new work I do like a challenge would you like more responsibility I could handle more responsibility asking about holiday time I would like to apply for some holiday time okay how long have you been working here for six months that means you can have 10 days holiday can I take it next month maybe first you need to fill out an application form okay when will I know when I can go on holiday hand the form back to me today and you should know within two days I want to go visit my brother in Scotland oh that sounds nice I would like to apply for some holiday time okay how long have you been working here for that means you can have 10 days holiday can I take it next month maybe first you need to fill out an application form unit 13 planning a business trip organizing the trip Jane I have to go away on business next week where to Japan and what do you need me to do I need you to organize my trip okay but I'm going to need some information from you first I have some time now so let's get started what date do you want to leave next Friday the 13th and which city are you visiting Osaka and for how many days will you be there seven days is there a budget fear flight and accommodation yes call our travel agents they will fix everything Jane I have to go away on business next week I need you to organize my trip okay but I'm going to need some information from you first what date do you want to leave and which city are you visiting and for how many days will you be there calling the travel agent hello is that star travel yes it is yes I'm calling from the multiplex company how can I help you I need to make a booking for mr. Smith can you give me the trip details please yes he would like to go to Osaka Japan for one week leaving next Friday the 13th okay thank you I'll fax the booking confirmation details to you this afternoon is that it yes don't worry we always book mr. Smith's overseas trips for him okay thank you good bye good bye how can I help you I need to make a booking for mr. Smith can you give me the trip details please yes he would like to go to Osaka Japan for one week leaving next Friday the 13th okay thank you I'll fax the booking confirmation details to you this afternoon making arrangements mr. Smith is going on a trip next week is there anything else I need to arrange maybe did you call the travel agent yet yes done that okay good um did you book the airport limousine no not yet did you arrange the foreign currency for him yet no do you even know what to do no don't worry the limousine is easy but you will need to change a thousand US dollars into the traveler's checks where do I get the cash well um you'll need to fill out a memo and I will issue you the money hey can you give me some money too haha are you going on a trip as well no okay so I'll write up the memo and I'll send it to you as soon as possible good mr. Smith is going on a trip next week is there anything else I need to arrange um did you book the airport limousine did you arrange the foreign currency for him yet well don't worry the limousine is easy but you will need to change a thousand US dollars into the traveler's checks unit fourteen working in the office office routine Jane can you cancel my meetings today please okay and also book meet dinner at the Hilton tonight what time and for how many people 7 o'clock for two people please anything else yes if anyone calls I'm not here okay and please do all the filing as well all right then Jane can you cancel my meetings today please and also book me dinner at the Hilton tonight what time and for how many people 7 o'clock for two people please making a reservation hello Hilton terrace restaurant hello I'd like to book a table for dinner tonight please yes madam what time would you like 7 o'clock for two people please oh I'm afraid we're full until 7:45 hmm okay I'll take a 7:45 table okay and what is the name please oh it's mr. Schmidt okay we have your booking thank you thank you goodbye bye bye hello I'd like to book a table for dinner tonight please yes ma'am what time would you like oh I'm afraid we're full until 7:45 hmm okay I'll take a 7:45 table confirming the reservation mr. Smith the restaurant have a table at 7:45 they don't have one at 7 o clock no I'm sorry they're already fully booked okay I'll take 7:45 then okay have you done that filing yet no not yet okay please get on with it and bring me coffee as well which would you like first the coffee or the filing the coffee please all right mr. Smith the restaurant have a table at 7:45 they don't have one at 7 o clock no I'm sorry they're already fully booked unit 15 talking with my colleagues general information so Jane do you enjoy working here yes I do enjoy working here but what do you like about the place I think the people here are really nice that is a smart answer I know hey-oh we all still going up for dinner tonight yes I think so good hey Jane are you going with us as well I have a lot of work to finish first what do you have to do I have a lot of filing to do and I have to send some faxes hmm give me those faxes and I'll send them for you Thanks no problem so Jane do you enjoy working here but what do you like about the place I think the people here are really nice I have a lot of work to finish first what do you have to do I have a lot of filing to do and I have to send some faxes talking about my previous job so Jane where did you work before I used to work the Asia finance bank what was it like there the people were nice but I didn't really like the job is it true they pay high wages yes they pay very well there I would have stayed for the money I wanted more job satisfaction that's the right attitude to have what was the name of the recruiting manager there I think it was Dan do you still have the number yes if you'd help me with the filing I'll give you the number that's a good deal so Jane or did you work before what was it like there so people were nice but I didn't really like the job is it true they pay high wages yes they pay very well they're getting along with my colleagues what time is everyone going for dinner tonight we usually leave the office around 7:30 hopefully we'll be done by then you mean some good friends here do you think I fit in well if you're very popular in the office hopefully I'll get a promotion soon I better watch out why because maybe you'll take my job you've made some good friends here do you think I fit in well you're very popular in the office hopefully I'll get a promotion soon conclusion I really enjoyed working for this company this job has been really good for me and I've met some really nice people and best of all I've learned some valuable skills if I keep working hard maybe I'll get a promotion or pay raise you see if you work hard anything is possible oh yeah I'll be right there
Channel: Learn English Speaking
Views: 5,682,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, ESL, Learn English conversation, LearnEx, Let's Talk Institute, Let's Talk, IELTS, TOEFL, grammar, vocabulary, speaking, phrasal verbs, fluency, native speaker, accent, improve accent, American accent, تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية, Изучать английский язык, Học tiếng Anh, เรียนภาษาอังกฤษ, İngilizce öğrenin, Cursos de inglés, Aprender inglês, Nauka angielskiego, Imparare l'inglese, Belajar bahasa Inggris, अंग्रेजी सीखना, Apprendre l'anglais
Id: KaO8C0LE0Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 44sec (3464 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2015
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