England vs Spain: Our Euro Final Predictions | EURO2024

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[Music] hello and welcome to the resty football with me Gary L Alan sheir we're both in Berlin um Mike is heading back to join us later on indeed for a quiet night I hope well I've got to go quiet tonight because it's a big day tomorrow um and that's what we're going to talk about we're going to preview the final between England and Spain what a final firstly you'll be doing co- commentating y u Mike you'll be alongside me Rio and Juan Mata so looking forward to that do you know Juan Mah uh I've played against him multiple times I think the the first time is when he was at Valencia in the pre-season and I'm sure it was him and David Silva in the middle of the park and we were chasing Shadows I think that's the first time I met him so obviously he played against him when he was at Man City all them sort of things so yeah it' be nice to see what he's got to say especially from a Spanish point of view yeah but I interviewed him a few years ago at length and um he was very intelligent uh very warm and he's one of those players isn't he though the kind of a rare breed that despite playing for a big club like Manchester United he's universally Everyone likes he got a lovely personality and he like soft and warm and nice and wonderful player he was yeah um I hope it's um a tough night for him however nice he is well I think the best thing to do is probably start with the team um do you expect him to go the same way do you expect him perhaps to bring Luke Shaw in instead of trippier same system what do you think uh yeah he's got some he's got some big decisions to make my guess is he'll go with the same system but he may bring Luke sha instead of trippier so he changed him at half time at half time give him another 45 minutes or so um to go with the other I don't know what he had in the quarterfinal maybe half an hour or so um just to give us maybe that little bit of better balance but it wouldn't surprise him if he went in with trippy again because we know he's very loyal and trippy has started all six games so yeah other than that I would expect it to be same system but like in other games can be fluid and go to a back four if they want to um and he'll start with his captain I'm absolutely certain Micah I'd pretty much agree with what what Allan said in terms of system I think he'll start with Luke Shaw at Wing back instead of of trippier just for the for the balance of of the team and like Allan said trippy has done it really well considering he's playing on the on on the wrong side of of the pitch in the second half of the of the last game against Netherland he just just made the decision didn't he I I don't think we should be wasting any time I think go with what he thinks he the best and if Luke Shaw needs to come off after 60 70 minutes he can make the change then the only thing that worries me in this system this free for free or it it's multiple systems depending when you're on or off the ball their Wingers that we've talked about Williams and and yal gayi can deal with pace and so can so can Walker but their Wingers can go both ways you see yal likes to come inside onto his left foot and Williams can do the same as well is the area going to be too congested is Saka going to come too deep too early is sure going to come too deep too early then which allows them to dictate play in terms of Ruiz and rodri and if caal making overlaps um karella making overlaps as well I think if we play this system like they have before they they have to be brave and I think it's a big performance needed from the likes of Mayu and rice so when their Wingers do get across they need to get across and help as soon as possible which allows us to leave our wing backs a little bit higher and then Bellingham and foden can drop in a little bit deeper then so tactically it's very interesting game but yeah I would go with that side because that's how we perform the best in our last two games against Switzerland and against uh Netherlands y I think also with this thing it could be a a kind of Battle of the tactics you've got you know two teams playing entirely different systems it's whether you try and address the problems you might have in terms or you concentrate more on the problems that you might give them so the Box in Midfield England will have extra players in Midfield um even if Elmo drops into that and they've got three we'll have four um so do you you you focus on that and how how we can hurt Spain rather than worry about how Spain can hurt England now obviously you have to have to think about that but on both sides of that back three you've you've got real pace and they'll probably have to get out and deal with whoever is attacking on the wing on that side um and because she don't really want to end up playing a back five with sackur at right back and and Shaw or trippier at left back so I think it's going to be very interesting how it pans out who's going to be the most courageous um Spain we've seen in this tournament have been very brave um although they did sit back quite a lot against France when they got ahead um in the second half of their game a bit like England did with um Netherlands in the second half so I think the Tactical battle will be important but both teams have got excellent individuals um in in in positions I think that Midfield thing will be really important as well obviously they've got the Brilliance of rodri Fabian as as they actually call him in Spain rather than Fabian Ru um Fabian has been really good uh although in the last game he did make two horrendous errors in his own box um and got away with them um so it's going to be tight what do you think tactically I think uh I think there's so many individual battles I mean you've you mentioned the two Wingers when you look at the two midfielders you've also mentioned up Manu and rice and rodri and Ruiz um Carvajal one side karella the other side who's had a had a great tournament by the way karella has looked really really good so there's so many individual battles out on the on the width in the middle I mean allore he'll have a big job to do in in terms of playing in the 10 roll marata I'm sure he's going to be fit so um yeah it's it's so hard to call I mean the one thing I would say is that Spain do give you chances yeah definitely they give you chances I mean even even in that semi-final if you remember the mbappe chance that he that he missed it was a big opportunity wasn't it at a key time of the game so um if england are brave uh and um I hope they are they're going to they'll have to suffer at times with in terms of possession and whatever you they'll have to defend really well but when they've got the chance to attack I hope they attack with with energy and pace and the the're passing into like we like we did in the first half against the Netherlands and if we do that I've no doubt we can score goal or two I I think the way Southgate will play is that I think he'll try and play Brave and high with the wide man but I I do think he'll say right soon as Williams gets the ball on the left car Walker get out to him and I think on the other side it will be exactly the same it will be soon as um yamal gets the ball on the right it will be you get out to him Luke Shaw or trippier whoever it is and and then you just Shuffle across I think that's the way you've got to do it otherwise we'll be forced into playing very deep and obvious we've seen in that in this tournament that doesn't necessarily suit England we're much better when they've been on the front foot so I think that's the way it'll pan out um The more I've thought about this game the more confident I'm but it's about ultimately it's about which team turn up on the day which players perform look and a bit of luck probably like England had in the in the semi-finals like um like Spain had in the quarterfinals with a ceray hand ball that the Germans here are still talking about um so you do need a break absolutely both teams have had their breaks in this tournament um but I think it's made up if if you're a neutral you'd be going C this is a good final wouldn't you yeah it's it's amazing final I think what I would say on that in terms of you know the look and the way they approaching the game as a manager I be just saying please we know what's what Spain are good at they very got good Wingers uh they're electrick rodri runs the game of Midfield Ruiz or Fabian plays really good passing don't let their best players do what they need to do if they score a worldy no problem you can hold up your hands but you know when you're going through the tactics or all week and you're thinking and mistakes happen of course I'm actually doing um some analysis on our box Midfield um which you will see uh a little bit later on and if we play how we did against the Netherlands we won't have any problems whats so whats a all keeping the ball it's just weather where they brave enough to do it against electric Spanish side that's the only thing but I'm with you guys I think we can I I wouldn't say I'm confident but I think the game's 5050 I I think if we turn up we could win it and if they turn up they could win it also so I'm just looking forward to a great game of football yeah it's funny isn't it that our main worry our main concern is about a 16-year-old boy and and a guy in the other Wing who's also you know what 21 um it says something doesn't it um 179 sorry oh yes it's his birthday it's I do beg your pardon and of course it's his birthday we're recording this on the Saturday yeah let's hope he goes out on the Lash tonight that's a big night big celebration with all his teammates I suspect not I think I think he's probably un hope he was like big Meeks in 10 balls of champagne oh sparklers everywhere absolutely leaving at 5:00 in the morning go on your mou yeah he's scored a goal and he's had three assists in this tournament which is more than any other player um I read somewhere also more assists than Ronaldo's had in his um major tournament career which is quite an extraordinary stat um St it really is he's I mean it'd be interesting to see if he can do it in the final but nothing seems to bother him does it he can do it in the final and not necessarily score or assist but in terms of he can have an impact in the game because when I was looking at his his highlights the other day he's not just a a Winger who goes down blind alleys he's actually technically very good he comes inside he plays one twos he knows when to speed it up he knows when to slow it down so yeah let's let's hope he doesn't have a great game but he's Fearless isn't he at that age he's just fearless and sometimes it's hard to control that he's going out there and he's enjoying himself he's he's saying to um rabio Checkmate you know he's got no fear lad let's let's hope that none of the players um say anything in the press conference that's a little bit negative towards no they won't do that they won't make this same mistake no that was disrespectful anyway um wasn't it so how do you think it will pan out I think it's going to be an incredibly tight I don't I think it'll be whoever wins it it'll be by a goal I don't see um I don't see the team running away with it uh I just I just want England to to play on the front foot again very much like they did in the first half against the Netherland there's no doubt in the semi-final that was their best 45 minutes of the tournament um that should give them great belief that they can do it against this Spanish team that SP Spain are the best team in the tournament there's no doubt but so with energy so far so far with energy with pace and the and the the passing like it was yeah I think um I think we could we could Nick it yeah yeah then key players Micah for you do you think England wise I think I think deam rice is massive in terms of defensively I think Mayu is massive if he can play like he's played in the previous two games the way he's breaking his lines not with his passing with his running and just giving them a breather I think folden now in the last two games playing in a system in a number 10 he's played a lot better yeah but he's he's not got a goal we need a goal in in a big moment and Bellingham does what he does anyway I think someone like Kane is important in in in this in and I know we've talked about Kane a lot and a lot of people have been talked about he should be dropped I don't think he should be dropped but what we need from him is a captain's performance in terms of working hard pushing up the pitch getting over the ball buying fouls when need and releasing the ball and in this system in this system and I just I was looking at a few Clips where there's times where he can drop deep because Bellingham and foldom were running ahead of him and and and that's fine but when it gets to 60 70 M or 60 minutes if if he's tired Southgate needs to just introduce a Subs as soon as possible don't wait don't even wait for it inject some pace and I think if if we do those things right we can win the game I love your confidence wasn't overly confident um yeah I I I'm the more I think about it the more confident I get but um I'm I'm going to try and avoid too much hope because as we said in I said earlier in the tournament we've we've always had that hope and it's always the hope that kills you and then when you've perhaps not got quite so much hope maybe that will be superstitiously good um none of it makes any difference does it whatsoever I mean this it's this the the 90 minutes for these boys and for G and his stuff are like it's lifechanging it's life changing I mean you you're you're talking about the biggest moment you will probably ever have in your career to do something that no one's done in the men's game since 66 and that trophy I even more than 66 huge it's not even just the men's game either it's it's just any game no English team has ever won a major trophy outside of our own Shores yeah and you know they are on the brink of footballing immortality and if they can do it they'll be heroes forever it is though there there's actually when you when you look at other things um in the game you've got got what's at stake you've got a Golden Boot you've got play of the tournament and I mean obviously the most important thing is winning but there are so many players that can yeah that can do that you know let's start with who might be the player of the tournament and I think it will be very much decided probably by which team wins yeah I think if it's Spain I think it'll either probably be rodri or even the now 17-year-old veteran uh lamin yal won't it and if England win and it could be a number of if if if Bellingham scored a couple of goals even though he's probably not been he best in the last two or three games um because he's had some moments it could be him if if Harry Kane bagged a hattrick or something it could be him um you've got Danny elore in there as well you got rodri yeah um yeah there's so much there's so much that is is riding on I mean a great personal performance that shoots your country to success in the game then that's it you you've also got the chance of being player of the tournament or winning the Golden Boot or whatever it is how how mad is it though that if neither Harry or Danny Elmo scores and unless someone else gets a couple of goals or hatrick whatever but then the Golden Boot is going to be shared by six players and it could you know if some Bellingham scored it he'd be three as well it got be seven wow and then because normally they go to and we've been saying this throughout the tournament we just assumed it would have been like is in previous tournaments where you know they then go to assists don't they and I think if I'm right in saying in 2012 um in Poland Ukraine that um Fernando Torres won it um not just on the goal scored and assist which was he tied with someone else but I think it was minutes played did it go down to that absolutely yeah so I mean they they found a way but this time they're saying it's going to be shared which was the case in my day um when I played if if it if you had the same number of goals as all the others you you shared it you didn't share anyone though did do no because I scored one more than else including including Diego maradon [ __ ] if you're going to drop the new you might as well drop the biggest one you know he got he got all the headlines in that tournament but come on do if they get they get a stud each or something do they they share stud each someone gets the tongue someone gets the heel someone gets the soul I have no idea I think they probably get one each I think that's that that's how it used to be but but they have to Splash out on six imagine saying oh I won the Golden Boot in the Euros oh did you yeah yeah yeah with five other people but who's we got yeah we got um you've got Harry Kane and Danny Almo are the ones that could go if either of those two score obviously viously you've got Bellingham just behind but then you've got Cody gakpo Jamal muala Ivan shran and George madzi um all of whom are we going please don't score please nobody score please let it be nil nil and penalties absolutely yeah they will aren't they because we've both been in that situation where we're out the tournament and we've leading in the Golden Boot you in the Euros me in the World Cup yeah and honestly I I remember watching that game I it's I think it's my first ever punditry on television that I BBC brought me in in the final and I sat sat alongside um Jimmy Hill and I think Terry venables um might be wrong about Terry I can't remember but any I sat you know dezl was there and um and I watched that game and all I cared about was that Diego maradon didn't score because he was the only person that could catch me he was on one he was on five and I was on six and I watched the game and he had a free kick and he was like hit the post or something and then then he went there was absolutely nailed on penalty against him and the ref didn't give it and he was obviously their penalty Taker and I thought oh thank God thank God and at the end it was like Wow and uh I remember Jimmy Hill actually Jimmy Hill turned and he went oh well I'd just like to congratulate a young man on the first English player to win a Golden Boot to forgive the impression it wasn't it was that is class though in a World Cup wow yeah and then Allan you had the same in the Euros cuz you were out in semifinal was I think clintsman could yeah kinman if he uh if he if he' scored a couple of goals I think two or three I think but yeah I was s thinking just don't score you can't just at least if going to take something away from the tournament let it be let it be the golden how selfish Strikers are right look how selfish you are that's not against your own team care the rout with the T just want to take something Richards was easy oh he's got you've got a you've got a big one it's a big one you've thrown the [Laughter] B dear M yes who do you think's had the most passes in the tournament Spain or England oh Spain no correct inor England okay okay England if you're going to quiz me where are these passes and in your own half doesn't count well I'll give you a clue here because amongst the top six most passes by players are Jon Stones Dean rice and Mark gayy which proves your point exactly I didn't ask where the passes were I just said who's had the most passes what I mean [ __ ] hell there's no need to get technical what do you want you want your Center back to pass it's like back in the days you go pass pass back back to the goalkeeper he picks it up okay let's go back out to Johnny Stones all right who had the most passes in forward positions o good stats the it's a good qu it's got to be I haven't got the answer I just made it up it's not on my sheet I I would say rodri or Fabian it has to be one of them two has to be maybe um most goals score from set pieces turkey Three Turkey England of um actually it says England three is that right England have scored three from set pieces penalty obviously throw in the throw in that counts I suppose the flick on for this throwing so Austria England and turkey have all scored three because we were saying we were talking about about the fact that when was the last time England score from a corner yeah I mean with uh without Harry MaGuire in there England uh uh haven't looked as dangerous from Corners let's hope that changes though yeah have we got any more stats to be come on here you go most shot attempts conceded by a team how about that one well I'll give you the one that's Miles Ahead that's Georgia with 105 yeah because they played like coun ridiculous didn't they ridiculously open and the the other two teams you know what I I would put Spain up there because of how high they play and I they're a different team now aren't they the Counterattack they leave so much space Spain have got to be in the top five Spain 67 times yes hey come on yeah and then then England behind them on 57 times most clean sheets that's we know that one didn't we because Allan give that stat the other day he said about C Spain um about France cber and um op maanu I remember I remember Alan saying that the other day they had four clean sheets was it yeah that's four clean sheets that's right Portugal and Spain have actually had three most players used o well England won't be up there it's podcast so you can't take too long cuz a deathly silence is not good on a [Laughter] podcast four three Germany two no Spain SP don't forget they won their first two match they' already won the group therefore they played a complete correct correct yeah England um England England have actually used 21 so what's that with the squad of 26 that's five players that have not been seen or played at all obviously two goalkeepers Gomez Adam Warton Gomez dun dun and and and LS dunk yeah um be nice if engam a four up and they all got a little go I think that's that is that wishing too much I couldn't care less if I didn't play Give me give me that medal I'm a hero for Life imagine that miky you're my hero for Life anyway so so don't worry about that at all team that's hit the woodwork the most times oh that England have got to be up there because I remember Phil folden has is it the PO to cou uh Harry Kane hit the PO did he um you're right it is England with four how do you think it's going to pan out then that's the final question I think we have to be realistic and say Spain have played better football throughout the competition so far and I believe that they can adapt to to any game they can sit deep if they need to they can press if they need to they can go forward with numbers and at PACE if they need to I think if I was to give the odds I'd say Spain are just slight favorit but I do believe we have more players in our Squad not just start 11 that can make an impact and the way England have been playing this tournament it's been down to moment so Spain are favorites but England have more players who could change a game so we could be going extra time and and England on penalties I'm going to go Allan yeah I mean without doubt have to step up a level again um because of the opposition uh but we can I think England might Nick it in extra time because of the quality that they've got to come off the bench again so I'm going to go on England win after extra time let's be honest none of us are going to go against England are we CU you know whatever whatever we think on that I rodri doesn't lose many football matches but I think the last one he lost um would have been the FA Cup Final when Mayu bossed it um so I'm hoping for the same thing there and um that England I think England will outnumber them in Midfield and if they are brave enough um then I think I think they'll um they'll come through this but I'm a little bit like Micah I've got a feeling it's going to be an awfully long night with a lot of with a lot of tension and a lot of nervous moments and a lot of exasperation and hopefully ended with the most joyous scenes that we will have ever experienced in a football match um and I'm I'm not going to how can you go against England and I I'm with you m I've got a feeling it might go to penalties and if it goes to penalties I fancy is quite strongly I'd much prefer it to be like three nil that's football's football's not like that is it it's just it's just never like that um but we're looking forward to it and um we're looking forward for TV as well aren't we because it's it's a fantastic thing to have the opportunity to be at the ground yeah we're very Lu and a broadcast that you know my ambition has always been when I was a player was to win a major tournament with England didn't quite happen my ambition as a broadcaster has always been to utter the words that England have won the World Cup or England have won the European Championship been close a few times it's never happened the only time happened in my lifetime I was 5 years old I have no memory of it whatsoever and it would be truly truly Beyond joyous um if I could utter those words to the nation at well obviously you're a lot older than we are me and M so uh we weren't even born so um that would be extremely nice so come on do you do you guys just lastly have anything written down if england were to win or do you just go with the feeling at the time well I was co- commentating so you'll have to go I'll give that a thought later on quiet night tonight and I'll give that a little thought later on and then uh yeah I think you've also got to feel what's going on in the game and and and then sort of work out what you can say then but um I'll have a couple of words ready I'm sure just in case I I've I've got a few things in mind I've been you know planning the last couple of days writing a few things down I'm going to spend the day now with um with Richard Hughes our our editor and we'll go through the script and try and work and i' I'll have Alternatives possible closing lines um and also Poss you know opening lines as well but we're on an hour and a half before we're on at um 6:30 uh English time um make sure uh you join us on on bbc1 for hopefully an historic night uh for English football but we know it's going to be painfully tough along the way uh that's it for today's episode of the rest is football on our next episode I hope to be saying that England or European Champions uh we shall see uh we'll be back uh tomorrow reviewing the final goodbye for me goodbye for me goodbye from me come on England [Music]
Channel: The Rest Is Football
Views: 154,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: football, garylineker, micahrichards, alanshearer, therestisfootball, euro2024, england, spain, southgate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 55sec (1855 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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