Engine Starting

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alright go ahead and start the engine [Music] I guess I forgot to tell you it's not like starting a car starting the engine and a Cessna 172 is not as simple as starting your car cars have many automated systems that do all of the hard work for you in a Cessna it's all up to you before starting the engine there are precautions that must be followed to ensure the safety of everyone inside and around the airplane to accomplish this task there are procedures and a checklist to follow once the pre-flight inspection and ramp out procedures have been completed continue with the before start checklist the procedure for the before start checklist begins with announcing before start checklist first the crew and any passengers should be briefed using the outline located on the weight and balance data sheet or in the SOP M next review the airport diagram making sure to find your current location pertinent no Tom's and the location of runway incursion hot spots and complex intersections keep this diagram easily accessible for future use now on to the instrument panel ensure the fuel selector valve is on both which provides fuel to the engine from both tanks then verify the fuel shutoff valve is in the on position this means the red knob is in the full forward position check that the mixture control is in the idle cutoff or full aft position then transition over to the standby battery switch hold the switch in the test position for 10 seconds while you're testing the battery you must ensure the green light stays lit the entire time if you look away you could potentially miss the light dim which would be a failure of the test at the completion of the 10 seconds move the switch up to the armed position and wait for the g1000 to power on once the primary flight display turns on check that all the engine indicators are working which is indicated by the absence of red X's verify the electrical buses are showing the proper loads based on the checklist and verify the standby battery annunciator is shown adjust the panel lights if required and confirm that the beacon light is turned on to fly at night the navigation light should also be turned on make sure that the cabin power is turned off and all the circuit breakers are in finally double-check that the parking brake is set and make sure all occupants have their seatbelts on now that you've run through all the items using the checklist verify that all items are complete then say before start checklist complete now that the airplane is configured the engine start checklist can be initiated announce engine start checklist before beginning first turn the master switch on to allow electrical power to be supplied to the rest of the electrical system then check the engine oil temperature to determine if a hot or cold start procedures should be used if the engine oil temperature is below 120 degrees a cold start should be performed which involves priming the engine first turn on the fuel pump then while pushing the mixture control full forward look at the fuel flow gauge to see a rise and fuel pressure this should take about three to five seconds when this has happened return the mixture to idle by first pressing the button on the mixture control and then pulling the mixture all the way out finally turn the fuel pump off if the engine oil temperature is at or above 120 degrees and the engine has been off for less than thirty minutes no priming should be necessary if it has been longer than thirty minutes a short one or two second Prime's should help the engine start set the throttle in a quarter inch from idle the pilot should ensure the area around the propeller and engine is clear and free of any debris do not start the airplane with the tail pointing into an open hangar parked cars or groups of people the blasts of air from the turning propeller is powerful and could cause injury or damage in addition do not start the aircraft if a fuel truck is in the process of fueling an airplane adjacent to your aircraft visually check the area around for potential hazards and yell clear prop out the window if no response is heard you may start the engine at this point the key should be placed into the ignition turning it three clicks to the right will set the ignition to both one additional click will take it to start however the start position is spring-loaded so you have to hold it there as you would in a car the engine can start immediately or it can take a few rotations of the propeller regardless you need to be ready for it because once it starts you need to smoothly move the mixture control to full forward and release the starter key after that adjust the throttle to 1000 RPM and check that the oil pressure is within the green operating range check the load meter to verify that amps are positive which means the batteries are charging and verify the low volts annunciator has turned off lean the mixture by adjusting the throttle so the tachometer indicates 1200 rpm and turn the mixture control counterclockwise very slowly watching the RPM slowly rise continue until the RPM starts to decrease then turn the mixture knob in the clockwise direction to regain that peak rpm after the engine has leaned to peak rpm adjust the throttle back to 1000 rpm the engine start ECLA still appeal it should announce engine start checklist complete now that the engine is running it's time to get set up to taxi to the runway
Channel: ERAU SpecialVFR
Views: 180,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flying, flight training, aviation, Cessna, pilot, private pilot, embry riddle, erau, airplanes, ground school
Id: bPliABFEL0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2016
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