Engine Module & Alternator Have Been Replaced But It Still Has Problems (Jeep Wrangler)

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all right guys today we got a unusual one we just did the alternator uh video the other day and now we've got one that's a perfect followup to that so we've got a 2006 Jeep Wrangler with a 2.4 l in it and it's got an alternator issue let's get into it so here's what we got we've gotten a little bit into this one we wanted to stop so we want to have a video on it we don't know the answer to this one yet yet at all uh you see some equipment hooked up to it but we not even hear the answer yet we'll see um this vehicle came into us it's got a new well it's got a new engine control module on it or new to the vehicle that is so uh it's got what looks like a new battery in it and it's got a new alternator on it so when it came in battery was stoned dead so what we've done to it so far is we've charged the battery up overnight night and then we brought it in this morning we started it up thinking you know maybe something straightforward do some testing like we did in the other video we'll be good to go well it was very interesting what happened um so what we're going to do is we're going to get this thing fired up and I'm going to need to get somebody over here fired up and started up and we'll run through some stuff I want to I want you guys to see the voltages I'm going to show you the things that we've done so far and then uh and then we'll get you some more info so nacha can you get in this one start it okay so first I'm going to do is I'm just going to use my meter all right I've got the meter hooked up to the battery positive and the battery negative okay and we're sitting at you know battery voltage now go ahead nacho so right now we've got no no charging voltage we can see that uh so initially when it came in it was was sitting around it would do this it would do like 12 and then it would jump up to 13 and 1 12 and then it would go back down like okay something's intermittent but but it wasn't so hang on let's move this so I'm taking my leaving my negative on my battery and the and the complaint with this was uh battery keeps going it it won't charge so all I'm doing now just taking my meter coming over here to the alternator and putting it on the alternator and we see it went O Okay so let's check the range here that alternator right now is putting out 65 volts dropping moving around a little bit and it'll sit there and do that we'll let it uh kind of do its thing so if we right now there it is 50 got to stabilizes out 50 volts that this alternator is putting out which is incredible we don't really know how it's even doing that to be quite honest with you but we know that's not right obviously so I went in and looked at the wiring diagram on this it's a Chrysler product so we know that it's a computer controlled alternator uh it's got a wire coming from the engine control module to the alternator it's also got a obviously we have our battery wire coming from the battery and then we have our um with the plug we've got in the in the small plugin we've got the wire from the module and we also have a ground so we didn't get into all that yet before we did that we were looking and going okay let's check this wire the battery cable wire we want to see let me show you what we found we came over here and if you look here so you can see that the wire is broken it wasn't like this now I did pull it had some uh tape over it and it looked like it was barely touching um when it first came in in maybe one strand was like touching that might have been where we were getting our voltage every once in a while was every once in a while maybe one of these strands you know was just making contact enough when I touched this it broke it completely and I had to pull the tape off and everything so that's as far as we got and then we stopped so now you know what we know we know this wire is broken um we know what the alternator is doing and I did look up a wiring diagram to see what what I'm up against so now what I want to do is uh first thing I want to do is I want to know uh uh if what's the computer doing at the computer and I don't want to hook this wire back up because that wire burnt because we're putting out so many so many volts and I guarantee it's putting out amps too so I'm not even going to go that route because we're going to burn something up doing that so I want to see what the uh computer's doing at the alternator and I want to see if that ground at the alternator is good uh and the reason I'm going to do that is it's a it's a new to the vehicle PCM I I don't know who makes that who knows I see the brand on the alternator okay but I'm not just going to sit here and throw Parts at it uh I want to know what's happen I want to know you know could it just be a wiring issue so uh I want to check that ground so here's what I've done I've grabbed my little load box and I know this thing has been through uh been through the world a few times we can see where it's you know the wires are broken on and everything but basically this is 2 and 1/2 amps this bulb is going to draw I'm going to go in right now and first thing I want do is check this ground so I'm going to unplug the alternator and we're going to see what the ground wire on here looks like and while I do that I'm going to see what that voltage over on the meter looks does okay so immediately it starts dropping we see that okay oh I just dumped it off that wasn't there we go so it's dropping so now I'm going to uh get into these wires I'm going to see what one is what so uh I think I you can barely see the wire colors here I think I got it but you know what I'm just going to back probe one of them and look on the scope and just see what I've got so let me just grab any lead here I'm going to up I'm going to get it back [Applause] prob all right I'm just touching I'm not I'm not uh not spreading the wire apart or anything I'm going back probe it because I want to all right so right now I'm connected you see see that I'm connected because that that is turned not red I'm on the green Channel I've got the yellow Channel over on the battery positive we can see the battery positive is sitting at you know 12 volts right and we can see that this green one is sitting at ground or the green ter the green lead is sitting at Ground so now what I want to do is I'm just going to unhook this cuz I want to know can this ground carrier load so I'm just going to go going put that there and I'm going to go right here and let's see if that light and look it there double check myself let me check my bulb let me check my bowl I haven't used this thing in in a while oh all right guys see this what happen when you I know that a lot of times we get comments on the videos it's tough doing videos and working at the same time especially when you're you're literally diagnosing this thing at the same time obviously I put the ground to ground and I'm checking it the ground so that's not going to work so I'm going to put this on the positive battery terminal like I should have to begin with I know leave a comment who is this guy what is he doing all right now let's go to ground see if it'll light that bolt there we go go all right so that's good good bulb we got that thing lit up that's a good ground right there I don't have a problem with that whatsoever we could come in with our uh with our lead I want to try to keep the same colors for you guys uh I'm I'm halfhazard sometimes with this stuff I'll jump all over the place here we go green we'll go right here and we still got so I'm on the green now and I can still see we're not jumping off the ground we got a good ground right all right so no voltage drop on the ground that ground is good we're okay now I want to see what the engine module is trying to accomplish here okay so we're in the wire from the PCM engine control module to the alternator okay so that it's disconnected and on the scope we can see we're hooked up so we got a circuit and we're at can't hardly see it but we're at 12 volts we're at battery voltage right now I'm going to make it easier to see I'm going to come right here I just got the meter hooked up to the negative battery terminal I'm going to touch it and we can see we got we got battery voltage okay so we got full battery voltage on that wire um I'm going to have to look up and see how this thing controls this alternator I don't know that off the top of my head but I feel like full battery voltage would probably not be the way to go with it let me go ahead I want to we know the ground is good I'm going to hook this back up and I'm thinking this thing is going to start charging again like crazy let's see what it does so right now oh that wire yeah let's see there it goes now we're going up up up up up 33 let me see if I can't get this hang on a second guys let me do this let me go right here and let's get that and let's turn off everything but the green there's our green let's turn well we're going to need the leave that at 100 because this thing's going crazy so let's leave that at 100 and there's our there's our voltage sitting at 33 right now coming out of this alternator okay so with it hooked up so now I'm going to get into that wire again from the engine control module and we still have basically battery volts is 11 volts going to that I feel like that should be something that should be cycling some type of pulse with I'm going to have to look that up to see but I feel like that's not correct so let me do a little bit of research I'm going to come right back and we're going to figure out what that's supposed to be all right give me a minute all right guys interrupting the video to show you what we're giving away at 50k subscribers this is it right here Snap-on cooler uh brand new uh it's been was given to me by snapon and got a little bit of grease down here in the bottom we'll get it cleaned up we'll ship it anywhere in the uh us so subscribe hit that like button and uh we appreciate everybody we really do we've grown the channel really long you guys have grown the channel in a really fast way and uh we really do appreciate everything you know we appreciate the comments and we appreciate the subscribers so hit that button we're going to send this thing out to somebody so get back to the video so I did some research on this system and in the description and operation it says says that the PCM is going to supply 12 volts to that alternator on the on the wire that we're on that has has 12 volts on it and then it's going to uh cycle that voltage depending on how much it wants the alternator put out so it's going to pulsewidth modulate that that voltage um which this was not doing this is sitting at 12 volts now it also made reference to a battery temperature sensor um I went and got a scanner and I got the key off now okay can you turn the key on for me um so I went and got the scanner to see what the battery temperature sensor reading was here I'm looking for something somebody's already put an alternator on this thing somebody's already put an in module in this thing we don't want to keep doing that so what's happening I want to see what's going on with this thing so uh I went in and looked at looked for that pit and I could see that we have a battery temperature voltage of zero but we have a battery temperature of 82° so I said okay that doesn't make sense Chrysler is notorious for substituting values as a lot of Manufacturers are so I went and looked for the battery temperature sensor there's not one on this car so it's just coming up with that number that's just a fake number that it's coming up with um the I looked at the battery voltage and it was reading what it was reading what it was actually doing and so and we have a desired there so I got to thinking about this thing and looking at this and going okay you know let me not over complicate let me stop let me back up let me not over complicate this thing's overcharging and I I was afraid to hook up the battery uh cable from the alternator to the battery because clearly it burnt something up there and it's supposed to be a fusible Link in there so it burnt the fusible link up um so what I I did was I went and got I had some 10 gauge fusible link wire um so I went and got the 10 gauge fusable link wire and guys listen I get it this isn't the way I'm going to hook this thing up I'm just trying to figure out I don't want to go down the wrong wrong road here so when you see this it's going to be not hooked up correctly all right but here's what I did I just went in and just Twisted that onto that one and twisted in on to this one yeah I know it's as janky as you can get I get it but it is what it is I just wanted to get a connection there cuz I wanted to see what would happen with the alternator but I wanted to be able to protect that wire I don't want that thing to melt right so we did this Clayton can you come start this up for me so I want to show youall what happened so initially this thing was sitting this is our our battery voltage at our a green line is our battery voltage at our alternator from the PCM all right so this is our control line into the alterer controlling the output the field output I'm ready all right I know we'll get comments well now what what doing right now that took a little while for this to start doing this okay but clearly that is now pulsing that control for that alternator to control the output of the alternator uh if I discon this wire this fusable link Wire by disconnect that then our battery voltage at our alternator starts going right back up into those crazy numbers 30 something volts whatever it was 30 to 50 volts and then if you hook it back up it starts coming back down we start getting control and we can see that's clearly control there so I'm thinking that the only thing that's wrong with this vehicle at this point is the fusable link per I'm thinking that somebody I don't know what the original problem was maybe it had a bad alternator in it and it burnt the fusable link up I don't know I don't know what happened then I know right now that that alternator is being able to be controlled by that PCM and it's charging at the proper voltage I've got the yellow lead on the battery and we are at 14.4 volts so this thing is working fine right now um there's our battery Vol yell so if we go over here go there's our there's our charging Vol right there okay so and this red one is on our alternator lug this was the one that was sitting at 30 something vaults earlier and if I just connect this L wire it's going to go right back to it so what I want want to do now is I want to get a permanent fix I want to find out exactly what gauge this fuseable link is supposed to be I want to permanently install a fusable link wire on this then I want to run this thing and make sure that it's a control and nothing gets gets you know goes out of Source on this thing uh unfortunately while we're sitting here running it we've got a massive uh tuning system Le is right and right there it is dripping fluid right there so go ahead and shut it off so we're going to have to let them know that this thing is um leaking coolant we're going to need to get a proper fusible link repair on that um on that battery cable and then we'll come back to it we'll run it we'll make sure the amperage we're going to look at the amperage then um you know once I get that repaired permanently I want to look at the ampage I want to be sure cuz right now we got a voltage drop across that fusable link 100% I just got those things touching together so we got got voltage drops going on there I'm not going to I'm not going to sit there and make a judgment call on an alternator and ability to charge with the amperage and stuff with that like that so once we get that fixed um we can run it for a little bit with this just to be sure it's okay but we won't be able to test drive or anything with the coolant leak but um I think we've got the answer here I think that somebody I don't know I don't know what the original problem was like I say but I think somebody probably fixed it maybe with the alternator um and then they went down a rabbit hole just like we talked about in our previous video so checking that battery cable I mean come on we got in here this thing's putting out 33 volts you know 50 to 33 volts somewhere in that range there up to 60 volts that's crazy I mean everybody in this building was like what the heck is going on here we look over there that that Cable's busted you know and we're still thinking is that going to cause it I'm afraid to hook the cable up cuz I don't want to burn something up in the car um so now we see that it needs that basically this alterator needs that load and then the PCM can start controlling it looks like it puts it into the range of supposed to be in so um again this is part of the things we talked about previously doing some basic testing voltage drops grounds poers things like that so uh we're going to get that fixed we're going to you know then we'll come back when it's all done we got it all fixed we get come back we'll finish the video up with showing you what the results were okay got the fusible Link in it actually it was a 10 gauge fusible link uh that was the wire that was actually the size that we had so I've got it I've got it uh crimp in I've got a heat trunk I'm going to get some uh tape put around it I wanted to show everybody though what we did here so it's permanently mounted um we'll get some electrical tape we'll wrap that up real good let me show you what we got for on our all our different aspects here so I've got the yellow lead on the yellow leads on the battery we're at 143 144 okay we've got desired at 142 all right we've got our battery voltage is saying 144 jumping around a little bit totally normal okay our battery temperature you see really it's got a little warmer car has been running but all right we've got our meter on the alternator post 145 146 right so we're good there and then we've got our control voltage going to or our control pulse width modulation going to the alternator doing what it's supposed to do and if we look here the percentage is 14% so basically what that's saying is that's the that's the uh pulsewidth modulation percentage and we look on here and I could do some quick we could put the math channels up here and we could do it but no sense in doing it I can see that it's good so uh yeah what was there wrong with this car originally I don't know alternator engine module who knows um but what what's wrong with it coming in here is that fusable link we'll let them know about the coolant leak and uh I think we're going to be good on this vehicle so uh one of those deals will we say test don't guess uh you know this could have been something maybe saved a bunch of money on a on an engine module for all we know who knows so right now it's fixed we're good and uh any questions comments did you see I did something that you would have done different love to hear about them I you know we read them so U leave us some comments hit that thumbs up subscribe uh subscribe to the channel we're almost at 50 we got that giveaway when we hit 50 so 50,000 we're going to get that giveaway uh AC um AC uh I know everybody's asking about the AC system uh part two it's coming we we we're trying to get stuff out of there guys it's been a little we've been a little short-handed and we're trying to pump these videos out as much as we can when we have time to do them so we'll get it coming to you I promise so all right we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Royalty Auto Service
Views: 17,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tXub7KFMWt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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