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we're just coming in nice and eye level here to this spot we want to make sure that as we're coming in for landing here we're favoring the right-hand side just in case anything were to go wrong we have a bail out to the right if we run out of power isn't it sort of like an engine failure or anything like that all right so this is looking really nice this coming in for landing and Oh boom all right shoot okay that was Chrissy whoa so Mayday Mayday Mayday uniform echo tango uniform echo tango air from echo tango okay I thought we're gonna be okay I've got control here uh you're flying with me so we're coming it down I see the state river down there we're gonna come down and land on the stave River there this controlling our rpm speeds pretty good what I'm actually doing at Haiti knots right now so I'm glide stretching a little bit okay so I'm just gonna make sure that we're stretching as far as we can here cuz I want to have time when we get down into this valley it's a good thing we got a river valley down here yeah it could be system yeah I think that I'm already starting to see some beaches okay all right we're coming through 5,000 feet all right there's some beaches exposing themselves over there so let's just keep an eye on those guys those are gonna be the ones now we want to pick a target where we're gonna go to nice and early so that we can try and arrange very to that target okay so I still have 80 knots it looks like we're gonna make the spot so what I'm gonna do now is I'm just gonna start gently slowing down for the autorotation we want 50 knots and so I'm just gently bringing it down to 50 knots or controlling rotor rpm and all right I've got a spot in mind there something that we need to be really thinking about this is really really critical something we need to be thinking about is we can't we can't land on those rocks like if we slide onto those rocks we're gonna flip over right so what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to scout a spot already from up here where maybe it's more sand than it is rocks like you see all these big rocks here yeah that's not gonna end very well for us so I think our only shot is on the left side of that beach right there so agree you see in the corner that looks like there's more sand there yeah absolutely okay we'll keep assessing it on the way down and make sure that that's okay but we've only got one shot at this I mean I pushed to $8,500 if anyone could do it that's uh let's hope if something's gonna work out here so so I'm setting up and I'm just gonna keep talking it through it's better to talk it through and you have an emergency so we're holding 50 knots here to keep me rpms in the green we're facing right at our spot right now and I'm just checking if there's any other hazards on the way down here and it looks like we're all nice and clear okay and it looks like we're gonna be a little bit short so what I'm doing I'm glide stretching a little bit so I'm getting a little bit of that speed back again blower RPMs okay and we're coming in alright this is gonna work just perfectly right here oh yeah we're gonna do it we're gonna do it gonna be okay [Music] that's crazy [Music] yeah live to die another day right alright guys so that was quite obviously I think just a demonstration we did have engine on the whole time we didn't roll the throttle off and we're at the peak there because we're too high of altitude it would be unsafe to roll the throttle off there but I did roll the throttle off once we got through about three thousand feet so the bottom portion the whole thing was a real autorotation if the engine actually quits in a helicopter you can actually glide the helicopter safely down to the ground and and you can land it as you saw on something like a beach like this without an engine okay so the what we just simulated was basically exactly the same thing as if we didn't have an engine so what I did just from a safety point of view for our saw our side of things that we made sure that we didn't make any mistakes is I brought my engine back on when we were in the flare so we flared at the bottom slowed the helicopter down I brought the engine back on and then I did it with power on but the landing would look exactly the same it would be no difference if we didn't have an engine okay we can range hurray the helicopter on the way down we can pick a target this is the target we were aiming for and and I think this is probably the best spot we could have gone for as you saw we were right short final on onto that mountainside we had to dive it off to get air speed right away and we managed to get down here so pretty exciting very exciting good with acting too good acting you're a good actor yeah I should hire you for acting hahaha hope you guys like this one if you did give it a thumbs up we're gonna talk to you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Pilot Yellow
Views: 1,017,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mischa gelb, pilot yellow, yellow pilot, bc helicopters, engine failure, engine quits on approach, helicopter emergency, cabri g2, autorotation, helicopters, flight training
Id: KayzJetqnrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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