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Fully capable Art Crayon for adult artists. Visit Green Funding for purchase details. Hello Shibasaski here. How are you doing? That is good! Thank you for your support... I am doing well everyday. Now.... today's theme is this. Here. It's already know by you all....Art Crayon. Today... i use this crayon to draw that world-wide famous drawing.... Now.... I use this crayon..... ...and what is going to be? Relasx and enjoy! So.... let's get started. Today I am going to use.... is this...Art Crayon by Pentel. Is this cat's package cute? Inside is like this. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8....it's a set of 8 colors. I use these to draw. The first step is to draw this wide sky part. To hold shorted blue crayon.... ...to draw gently. Next one is pink....to draw pink over blue part. Ok... This Art Crayon is very east to spread the colors.... If you use white like this....it's very easy to combine different colors. See? Is it very smooth? The picture I am drawing today.... ....in 1857...... ...is "Des glaneuses".... .... drawn by Jean-François Millet You will know which drawing I indicate when you hear this title "Des glaneuses"? Because it's so famous. The place dipicted in "Des glaneuses" is..... ....called Chailly farm, located on the edge of the Fontainebleau forest, far from Paris It's so wide place. I use blue to express the further place. I guess it's very far and wide. I layer the color by yellow. Here is thing that is looks like the small hill. I am wondreing what it is.... It looks like this. It is actually yellow color. This is actually mounds of crops. So good! Great harvest. Then.....now I am drawing female peasantus naub sybjects of this painting. This is actually the feature of this painting. The key is the composition Usually a painting is composed of a far view, an intermediate view and a near view. But Des glaneuses is only composed of a far view and a near view. Now I am coloring the face of onw of the peasants in brown..... ...as well as yellow. I am using green and red as well. The face is a very dark color. The hood as well. This peasant has high cheekbones right here. I am removing some excess pigment. The face looks sturdy like a man's. Millet, who created this painting, was born in a farmers family himself. So....he might have helped his family as a young farmer. I believe that he was at least familiar with the lives of farmers. Millet, however, decided to become an artist and moved to Paris. He worked to become a portrait artist. While he was working to establish a track record as an artist.... ...like everywhere in Europe back then.... ....it was expremely politically unstable in France.... ....as well as in Paris where he was living and working. It forced him out of Paris. So as I said earlier.... ...he relocated to the village of Barbizon. I am coloring the area around the feet of the female peasants. The peasants gleaning the field in this painting.... ....these people were painted because.... ....there was this custom to share wealth with people in poverty in Europe. That's why. I am coloring the distant view now. There are actually lots of people here. Did you know that? There is alos this hourse or maybe a cow.... pulling a cart fully loaded with wheat. It's not visible, but on the right side of the painting.... ...there is also a wealthy landowner sitting astride a horse. That means.... ....in this painting there are farmers financially gaining from the abundant harvest.... ....as well as these contrasting peasants in the front who own no land to cultivate. These peasants were allowed to glean the field for crops that were left unharvested.... ...or uncollected to use for daily consumption. This was a European culture in those days that had derived from the Old testament.... ....exhorting to share harvest with people in poverty not to take it all for yourself. These peasants are reaching their arms out for the uncollected stalks or wheat. Well.....imagine you are one of them.... How much would it contribute to their lives if they collected stray wheat all day long.....? It doesn't look very comfortable either. But from the peasants painted by Millet's painting..... ....there is no way of knowing how difficult or hard their lives could be. Their facial expressions are hardly painted. Of the three peasants, the one on the right is standing. But she is painted from behind, and her face can't be seen. however....the hoods they are wearing have distinctive colors and charaxteristics. The one on the right is wearing a yellow hood. The one in the middle has a red one. And the one on the left that I am coloring has a blue hood. What they are wearing is black and gray and mostly neutral. The goods are the only garments in bright and vivid colors. It looks like Millet's feelings for them have been represented here. The very few stalks of wheat left on the farm is irreplaceable for the peasants. For the little food left for them..... ...they glean all day long in such an uncomfortable posture. This peasant wears a white jacket. It's very different from what the peasant bext to her is wearing. Here too you can see their personalities. This way Millet completed this paintng of Des glaneuses. Then this work was presented at Salon de penture et de sculpture..... ...the center of the art world of the time. It was poorly received there, however. Living the modern world, you may wonder why such a beautiful painting was severely criticized. The peasant in the middle is wearing arm covers in red just like her hood. This is another great point of Millet's composition. Against most of her clothing in neutral colors.... ...the good and arm colors are noticeably bright. Back to what I was discussing..... ....one of the reasons why this painting was poorly evaluated was..... ...that most of the members of the Salon de Paris were from upper-or middle-class families. From their view.... ....it was hgar to understand why Millet bohered to pick lower-class people as a subject..... ....and painted largely in the middle of a painting. Also...the painting is 84x112cm and relatively large in size. In those days, canvases were pretty expensives.... ....and those in this size were used mostly for religious paintings. So the painting of peasants on the canvas large enough for a religious painting was hardly acceptable. Another critics....mocked the peasants in the painting as Three Fates of Poverty. Three Fates of Poverty are the Moirai from Greek mythology. The word Moirai means to assign, and they are goddesses who assign the length of life. So they spin, measure and cut off a fatal thread. For the critic, the three peasants looked starngely like the Moirai. They complained that these peasants should not be painted like gods on such a large scale. Millet did not ignore these peasants who visited the farm of Chailly-en-Biere for gleaming..... ....and could not felp selecting them as the subject of his painting. All the more so because he himself came from a farmer's family. This poor peasant is holding the stalks of wheat she's found tightly in her left hand. Right here. She is holding her findings in her arm. Millet represented the crop shining like a piece of gold. For the peasants, the stalks of wheat must be as important and valuable as gold. Here there is somethin glike a large bag. I am wondering what it is. For collecting piece of wheat? Harshly criticized.... ...the painting also received opposite opinions. This is the hand of another peasant. It's a big hand. The fingers are not slender at all. It's a strong hand with thick fingers. I am from farmer's family as well. My mother, though she was a woman, had hands like this. Millet painted such features of farmers thoroughtly. You may think Millet painted the lives of farmers lyrially......but not true. Just because he had lived among them, he naturally painted them as is. His painting are realistic paintings. I found evidence of it while I was coloring this part of the field in the front view. The field was painted in these dark colors....like red and black. I don't know if Millet used black, but because I only have 8 colors..... ...I used black along with red and green. It's that dark. In that field right here....there are pebbles. Millet took time to paint pebbles. It lookd like the evidence for me that Millet wanted to represent the scenery as realistically as possible. I believe this village of Barbizon was a lot richer than other distant rural areas in France. Still pebbles were found like this in the farmland. Millet realistically painted the lives of oeasants in those days. Here too. They are the edges of the stalks. But he observed them very carefully to paint them. He also cast light on them like they are shining. This shows how valuable the stalks were for the peasants. This is s swath of the crops. This painting of Millet wasn't positively accepted.... ...but there were quite a number of people who highly supported it. That was the voices of the representatives of the lower class who had overturned the old government and won new power. The progressive critics supported by these voices found the painting reflected the real lives of peasants. We will never know if that was the intention of Millet. I am about to finish Des glaneuses. With the edges of the stalks beautifullu drawn.... ....this is it. I am done....here. It's pretty big.... Did you see it? Again.... here. Well.... it is Des glaneuses by Millet. Did you enjoy? Art Crayon that I used for this painting.... ...for purchasing..... .....it will be ended on Feb 26th. If you didnt order yet...... .....please check the Link in this movie. So.....today I painted Des glaneuses by Millet. I will see you in a different work and a different theme. Stay well till then. Thank you very much....it's Millet.
Channel: Watercolor by Shibasaki
Views: 133,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 透明水彩, 水彩画, スケッチ, テクニック, 簡単, 上達, 風景画, 描き方, 柴崎, watercolor, painting technique
Id: yYcE6wwqnYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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