ルノワールの美少女画、たった8色のクレヨンで描けるのか?/ おじいちゃん先生の無謀な挑戦!

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Fully capable Art Crayon for adult artists. Visit Green Funding for purchase details. Hello everyone. Shibasaki here. How are you doing? Oh. good. Thank you for your support... I am doing well everyday. The theme of this episode is this. Here. See? I guess you already know it. But this is ArtCrayon that I developed jointly with Pentel. It's a set of 8 colors. I am going to use these crayons.... to take on a challenge to see how close I can get.... ...to a world-class masterpiece that you are familiar with. Relax and enjoy! Let's start then. I am going to use these Art Crayons today. Pentel's product. It's a set of 8 colors. Now....see what's inside. 8 colors. Let's start coloring. I am starting with pink. That's it. The pigment nicely sticks to the paper.... ...even if you hold it gently. Now the brown color. The painting I am reproducing today.... ....you may already know what it is. It's entitled....Portrait d'Irene Cahen d'Anvers. She is a little lady. This is one of the most famous portraits in the world.... ...painted by Pierre-Auguste Renoir. Lady Irene Cahen d'Anvers.... ... was a daughter of a wealthy count of France. I am layering yellow and blue. Well...with these Art Crayons.... ...you can create these soft, sensitive colors... ...by blending extremely thin layers of different colors. I believe these crayons are perfect for creating the unique pale colors.... ...that Renoir used in this portrait. For the ear.... the most important color to be used is.... ...the reddish color that represents blood as I always say. That's it. I have added shady colors around the eye and nose. It's coming along. I hope you can see how gently I am adding colors. By gently blending colors with fingers like this.... ...I can enjoy creating these subtle effects. Now....I am adding white. That's it. Such a little amount of pigment spreads surprisingly well. The color of blood on the cheek. For the hair... you can add dark colors with this intensity. Looking good. With the reddish color...blend green as the complementary color. Layering and blending colors... are not so easy with conventional crayons. Such techniques are very easy with this crayons. While I am talking, Irene's face is gradually coming along. For some small parts.... you may want to use a cotton swab for blending colors. Good. Looking good around the chin. You are also able to spread or remove paint.... ...with a piece of paper. These crayons are so suitable for various ways of expression. I am working on the mouth. It's quite important to understand the facial structure when painting. Take some time to work around a face. Here is the mouth. How do you think? This is a well-known portrait. The fate the painting had after its completion was very strange. It went missing during WWII. After it was found, it was still affected by the wave of history. It is in many ways....a very interesting portrait. The most attractive feature of this portrait of Irene... ...is this striking red hair. This is what makes Renoir how he was as a magician of colors. This is a part of the dress that the girls is wearing. She is wearing a piece of clothing that is made of thin, transparent fabric. Create a grading color with black and white first. Add thin layers of blue and yellow to reproduce the appearance. As I did for the face... use a significantly dark background here. Like this. Art Crayons are also good for blending dark colors.... ...by pressing them hard on the paper. Now... for the hands.... ...se pink , yellow and white. As well as blue. Compared to the face... ....the hands are painted with darker tones of color. This can be reproduced with Art Crayons as well. Just like around the arms... ...this part is covered with white clothes. Back to the hair. It's not just simply red if you look at it carefully. Renoir used deep colors. I have only the 8 colors of ArtCrayons... ....I am trying my best to reproduce the color by combining them. That's it. Look right here. See how thin streaks of hair are covering the arm? This is not so easy to reproduce... ...but I am trying my best. Now the wrinkle of the clothes in the light. Glossy white thin fabric... ....that the skin can be seen through. And it's shining here and there. That's what I am reproducing here. This is another thing that ArtCrayons can do. Light colors can easily be applied over dark colors. These are the techniques nothing but Art Crayons can do. With these reliable Art Crayons... ....add more light colors on top. Yellow is one of these colors. Right here. Add a light color with a touch. That's it. Art Crayons help you represent an object... ...as if you were using oil paint. In the dark background.... ...it looks like nothing is painted. But it is actually the garden of the girl's house. The leaves of the plants in the garden are actually painted. Paint them. This is her front hair. This is another part that Renoir added such details to. Now... back to the dress. Adding light colors to pink and grayish colors.... ...will create the colors Renoir liked to use. Now the eyes. This is pretty difficult. Just added yellow. In such an area where crayons can't be used.... ....like the pupil....a pencil will help. That's it. Some highlight that can't be represented with a crayons... ...can be created by scratching the pigment off with a knife. That's it. Here. I have reproduced impressionist master.... ...Renoir's painting.... ....Portait d'Irene cane d'Anvers. What did you think? It was not simple process. The hair and the surrounding area were especially subtle and tough. Thank you very much for watching until the end. I will see you again soon with a different theme and a different work. Stay well until then. Thank you very much! See you soon. I have painted Renoir. Thank you!
Channel: Watercolor by Shibasaki
Views: 126,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 透明水彩, 水彩画, スケッチ, テクニック, 簡単, 上達, 風景画, 描き方, 柴崎, watercolor, painting technique
Id: kP55cxWj868
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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