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[RUN BTS] [Ep. 146 Bangtan Village Joseon Dynasty 2] [This content was produced with the sponsorship of Korean Folk Village.] [In the previous episode...] [Due to the broken ARMY headstone] [The members came to Joseon Dynasty] [Everyone is being accused of theft] - You're not a spy? - I am not. He found something. [They had to run away from the royal army and try to catch the thief] No! [They have to find the ARMY headstone] [Kim Satto is quietly looking for the headstone] This is the hint. [00 = Roof] [And Secret royal inspector, Hope] [He shows great reactions and he is very agile] Help me! Help me! [Painter Kook is ready to run around everywhere] It's a scarf. [The hint was about Min SUGA] Min SUGA has people who share the same idea with him somewhere in the village? - Isn't it a hint? - Thanks. [The young master gave flowers to everyone] - I see flowers over there. - What's your job? - I collected these flowers for you. - Are you serious? [Jimin knows how many hints the person got] - How many hints? - Three. Someone found all three. You gave me a big hint just now. [SUGA couldn't find anything] I don't see anything. I have no clue... [He collected many things but...] 52, 48, 36. [But he failed to get the ability] Wrong. You're more systematic than I thought. Mr. Producer! Why did you encourage me to try, while knowing all this? The hint is so hard. [He looks perfect with Joseon Dynasty style] When you call me, please say master. Got it? Got it? Master. I'll call you Dolsoe. Pandong. Pandong. Pandong. [V is so immersed in his concept] You want to fight against me? OK. Bring it on! I'll cut you out! [And during the mid review] If you are not a thief, show me the hints you found. Keep your hands off your pockets! [Everyone is saying they are innocent] Wait, whose is this? What's this? [Something fell off from V?] - This is mine. - Why were you hiding it? [V got the exemption for the royal army's punishment] -Exemption for the royal army's punishment? - That's his benefit. - That one... [Why didn't he show this to others?] May I say something very suspicious? something very suspicious? Do you know what my benefit is? It's to lock one member in the prison. [Everyone thinks everything is suspicious] He has the right to avoid it. Dolsoe, let's go. I can't stay here. He's running away. [V is the thief?] Taehyung is the one. What are the hints you found? [Copy and paste] - Stone, water, tree. - Stone, water, tree. He keeps calling out the name, Dolsoe. - Dolsoe? - Dolsoe? - Yes. - Whatever... - Is there Namusoe? What's up with Dolsoe? [What about Mulsoe and Namusoe?] - What about Mulsoe? - Mulsoe and... Who is Dolsoe? Who is Dolsoe? [Asking for Dolsoe] - Please raise your hand if you are Mulsoe and Namusoe. - Check his pocket. - I know. - Check it. We may find something. Dolsoe, let's turn off the camera for a bit. [Isn't it a hint about the headstone location?] Stone, water, tree... Is the hint somewhere near them? Near them, we may find the ARMY headstone? [That's it!] There's a location with stone, water, and tree. [There are so many place like that] But there are so many places with stone, water, and tree. - Back there, there is a stream. - Back there, there's water. Among the hints you found... [Hint] It's dark under xx. - Roof! - It's dark under the roof. I found that one. [Giving out a huge hint] - Sorry. - I think the water under the roof... - That's the hint for the location. - Here. - Water under the roof? - Under the roof? [...Water purifier?] Isn't it water purifier? Let's go. Let's go find water under the roof. Let's go check all the places with water. Now... I can't trust anyone. - OK, got it. - Let's go to the place near from here. [The secret royal inspector, hope is coming] The secret royal inspector is coming. [Walking very fast] I found the well earlier. - Where is my fan? - I searched everywhere. Dolsoe, let's go. [Well? Where you get the water?] The well where you get the water... Where is it? [Here!] - Here? - Yes. - There was a such thing? - The place where you scoop the water. [Is the ARMY headstone here?] There is another one like this. - Under the roof. - Here? It's dark under the roof? That's not a well. - It's spring water. - Really? - This is spring water. - Wait. [Spring water is still water. Stone, water, tree?!] But we have stone, water, and tree here. - Stone, water, tree. Yes. - No? - But it has to be a well, right? [The hint is saying, it's dark under the roof] It's dark under the roof. - Under the roof... - It's dark under the roof. [It's pretty dark] - Isn't it dark? - Under the roof... [The secret royal inspector found something!] - Legend. - Under the roof... - Legend. - Under the roof... [What is this? Award ceremony event?] [What did j-hope find?] - Legend, legend. - Under the roof... - Legend. - Under the roof... [He found a piece of ARMY headstone] j-hope! [It's like a festival here] j-hope, legend. - It's dark under the roof so... - It's a highlight scene. [j-hope is a innocent citizen] j-hope isn't a spy. - I'm not. - j-hope, you're awesome. - I'm not a spy. [So different from earlier] - I'm not. - You're not. - This is... - I will hold onto the hints. - No, no. I'm not a spy so I will hold onto the hints. [What?] - Saying that makes you so suspicious. - What do you mean? - No. - Let's try to put them together. [The piece they found before] But... - Good. - Now... - Wait. "ARMY headstone makes the world a good and peaceful place". "And it makes everything to live in harmony and love and adore each other". - "And it delivers the message about how beautiful the world can be". - j-hope, you rock. He came here and found it. - I know. - Where is Dolsoe? - We found this one. - We have to do this... - Dolsoe. [The physiognomist cares about the CG] - Let's add some "Tadah" CG here. - 1, 2, 3. [Here comes the CG~] [Round 2] [A place to find the undamaged ARMY headstone] The place where we find the real ARMY headstone. [The additional space is open] - The 2nd quest is open. - Really? - That place is open now. [The space is bigger now] Wait, we have to plan now. Do you want to focus on the hints first? - Isn't it better? - I told you that... [SUGA came here earlier] I searched here and nobleman's house earlier. [Jimin thinks they need to search better] But we have to check under - the books too. - We have to check everything. [Places to check] The nobleman's house and government office. - And the southern people's house. - I'll check the government office. They are all there so... No, let's all go together. - 3, 4? 3, 4? - Do you want to go altogether? - I think we should divide into two teams. - Let's do that. [Jimin, j-hope, RM to government office?] Me, j-hope, and RM will go to government office. OK, then the rest will... Me, j-hope, and RM will go to government office. OK, the rest will go to the other places. [What?] Including Jung Kook. - What's this weird vibe? - Why? [I don't like how you divided the teams] - You three got the hints and you want to be in a team... - No, no. [If you don't trust me, take it!] - Take this. Take one of them. - I think... - No... - The symbol of trust. - I can't give it to V. - Really? - I will give it to SUGA. - No, wait. [V wants... Jimin, Jin, V, SUGA] I want to go with Jimin. - And you three can be a team. - I... - OK, let's go. [I want to go to the government office...] - Let's go. - Four of us will go including Jimin. - I want to go to government office. [OK! Go ahead!] - You want to go there? Go. - Go. - What's there? [We are opposed to his idea] - Why? Tell us the reason. - What's there? - I only searched the entrance so... - Tell me why you have to go there. I want to search more. [Don't worry!] - It's OK. - I will go there. Let's go. - It's OK. - I will go there. Let's go. - You go. - No, you go ahead. I think there's a reason why you have to go there. [Jimin is dragged to nobleman's house] Let's go. [He looks suspicious] - You're suspicious. - Let's go. [It's like he is under arrest] - Interlock his arms. - Let's go. Before we go... [Jin wants to stop by at the ability station] I got 3 hints, can I stop by and get a hint? - Yes, the hint. - I will stop by. [Go ahead] You can go and check it. We will be searching. Should I go check it too? I can ask that thing. [Jimin can find out who has the hints] I can find out who has the hints. And the location... Should I use it later? Later. Later. - Because... - Should I find out now? - Look, if someone is hiding it... [It's better if you use it at the end] - Yes. - The hints are more important at the end. They need to collect it. - That's right. - We have to wait for it. - OK, OK. [I'm innocent] - I can use that hint with you guys. - OK. Don't worry. Please don't think I'm suspicious. [They are busy going to the nobleman's house] - Let's go search first. - I didn't even know the game rules. - Let's search closely. - OK. [They will look closely] Let's look for something and if you find something say, "I found it". [Share it at the moment when you find it] - Share it. - Yes, share it. - I will go this way. - I will look for it here. [Is it on the cap...?] Is it on the cap? [Yes, found it!] Found it! [How about the one next to it?] Why here? [Nothing] I checked here earlier. You found it? [Nope] Not yet. I found one. It's near the water. We know that fact. [They already found the piece next to spring water] I needed this before we found that piece. I don't think nothing is here. Let's go up. [They checked here earlier...] I searched here earlier... - I checked everywhere. - Me too. - Somewhere random... - Oh! It's here. It's somewhere so random. If you look up, you will find it. [Here?] Something might be here. Since it said, "If you look up, you will find it". [This hint is about the piece they found] Maybe somewhere I can reach? - I looked up... - Maybe. Nothing is there. - I don't know. - Where is V? [So suspicious again] I told you, he's the one. - He kept saying Dolsoe... - I know. [Can't trust him anymore] - I know... - So I... [They are 100% sure] Just pick him later. I know, he's so suspicious. [He was so into his own concept and it makes him so suspicious] He kept... - And when he was in trouble, he pointed at me. - I know. I'm not the one. - He's there. - What is he doing there? Let's check what he's doing. [Observing mode] [Concept mode?] He's sitting down and playing his concept again. [V's theater in Joseon] Hey you. I know everything already. It's not here. [He's inspecting non-stop] Mister. You found it? I found one thing. What's that? The chemistry of names. [V found something right after we walked in to the house...] It scared me! [It's my room] You scared me. [Found a book on this young master's desk] [It says "Name chemistry" on the cover...] Name chemistry? Is it a hint? - Is this it? - Yes. - Are you sure? - Yes. Nothing left? I was looking for it because they said it's here... Look for it. [Found it right away] It's here. - What? - The thief always has something in his hand... - What? - The thief always has something in his hands. [V? What's in your hands?] [I feel betrayed...] You... [Why am I holding this now?] Give it to me then everything is fine. You won't? [Thief!] - You're a thief then. - How can I trust you? Put it down then. [Dropped] You got a ring too. [Can't trust him] Why do you have this on? [I will put it down, it's nothing] [I can do this now!] OK, I will check other members too. - OK. - Are you sure you are not the one? I'm not the one. Really. [It's you!] But you're the only person I can think of. [V thinks it's unfair] But there's nothing I can do. [It's you, right?] - You're the one, huh? - Nope. [Let's see...] [Why are you holding something again?] - You think it's me? - You picked it up again. Give it to me. [No!] No way. I never held anything in my hands... [The young master coming out through the window] Okay. Jimin, I found one more! [I found one more!] Jimin! [I'm coming!] I found one more. [Hint : It's nearby a resting place] I told you earlier that it's nearby a resting place. [What is it?] So, this means... Nearby the water and a resting place? [Water, a resting place] - So, it's here? - It's here. [Here?] A resting place nearby the water. It's here. What can we find here? What did you find? - I found the one about the sky... - Yeah, look at the sky. [Why are you holding it?] [Suspicious] Where is V now? [Pretending] V is over there. He found something. It's about names and fortune telling. [Sharing a hint found by V] There's a book named like that. Names and fortune telling? [I think it's] [100%] - Why, did you find something? - Show him the book. Where is Jin, by the way? - Wait, let me find Jin. - Where is Jin? [Running away] [Suspecting whoever out of sight] He might be doing something now. This guy(?!) Where is this guy? [He's here] [Checking] [Found a hint] [Hint] The thief is very shy. [Looking for another hint] [Found another hint] An alarm? [What a song from Joseon Dynasty] What does it mean by alarm? [It's getting more difficult] I have no clue. [Jin singing...] [A shrine within the house] [Nothing here] [Nothing underneath] It's hard. [Pity] Please check the ground more carefully. [Is it here] The ground. [He's not checking the ground] [Not suspicious stone] [Staff even giving him a little hint] Are you messing with me, producer? [It's here] Oh, what's this? [Wow~ Jin found a hint] What's this? [Hint] There are many rooms. An alarm. There are many rooms. [What about Kim Satto, the secret royal inspector and Painter Kook?] Let's check here. Let's start from here. Are we starting from here? [Checking a villager's house and a farmer's house on their way to government office] [The secret royal inspector, j-hope found something] [How did he...] Oh my god. I'm killing it today. [Ace j-hope] [Another hint?] [How could he find it?] [His surprising skills to find hints] [Checking from afar] Have I been only checking the ground? [Then here? Nothing] [Here?] It's here! [Nope] It's not. [Here?] Maybe here? [Sighing] Come on. [Hard to live in Joseon Dynasty] It's so hard to find. [Kitchens are alike] I think I've been here before. It's here! [Not again] Nope. [Finally found a hint] Did I miss this? [Hint - Ginga?] Ginga Minga? Minga? (A villager's house) [Yes, he's from Minga (the Min family)] Min? Min Yoongi? [Assured] It's SUGA! - Where's RM?! - I found it! [Hints are more important] - Did you find it? - Yes. What does it say? [Hint - An animal farm] - An animal farm? - Let me see. [An animal farm...?] An animal... - A horse. Isn't it you? - No. [j-hope thinking of the henhouse] You stay there. There's a henhouse. [Worried if someone is out of sight] Where's RM? Why is he not here? - RM! - I don't know. I haven't seen him. Kim Satto~ Kim Satto~ [Kim Satto is busy] Should I really open everything? [Really?] I hope not. Yeah. I don [Kim Satto heading to government's office] I should go to government office. It's V for sure! [So sure] He's a spy for sure. I was a bit confused. [Unrevealed exemption for the royal army's punishment] His exemption, yeah. Considering that exemption, [Reasonable suspicion] it's reasonable suspicion. Here is the government office, right? [Kim Satto going into government office] Government office. Let's see. [Planning to check thoroughly] Let's start from the left end. [Misstep] [Scanning thoroughly] [Too huge to check] It's so huge. [There wasn't...] Certainly, there was nothing when I checked Wanhyang-ru with PD. [If you look carefully, there is!] There's one left. [Hint - The thief's job is to meet many people] I found it. The thief's job is to meet many people. [It's me] It includes me, right? [These jobs are all possible!] A fortune teller, a painter, and a warrior. It's so difficult. [Opening a jar... Found it!] Wow! [Hint - High XX low] High, middle, and low. [Confusing] High, middle, and low. I can see something! What? [Easy to find] They didn't check here thoroughly. It's obvious. [hint] It's behind Hyunggwang, Bal, and Juma. Juma? [Found another hint] It's right here. [Hint - 69, 93, 41] 69, 93, 91, 41. [Will it make sense when he finds more hints?] It's get confusing more and more. [hope & Kook together] - Let's check out villagers' house. - A circle, a triangle and a square. - Aren't you the thief? - No. [Pressure] - Come on, really? - Come on what? I'm not a spy. [Okay, I trust you] I found something huge. [Hint] Beautiful words like marvels. [Hint] A triangle is a tiger. [Roof?] It's a roof tiger. - A roof tiger? - Yes. [What does a tiger mean?] Tigers are... I think a circle, a triangle and a square are related to a tiger somehow. [A triangle = A tiger] What's a circle? [A square and a circle...?] A circle is... - We don't know yet? - No. [They don't know what RM found] - Was it the villager's house where you found the hint? - Yes. This is the villager's house. - Really? - Yes. [Back at the villager's house] - Here? - Yes, it's the villager's house. Is there a tiger here? [A tiger?] Isn't this a tiger? A tiger. [It seems like a tiger] [Looking for a hint again] [Meow] [You again?] [Painter can sound like chicken] [Hurry up] [He was here before] I checked this place already. Already? Every where? [Even inside a mortar...] [Jin's individual mission] It's Jin's eye. [Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, navy, purple] I need to find navy too. [Suddenly whistling] Oh! Oh my god! [j-hope walking out] I think I found everything from the villager's house. [The royal army is looking for them] What does a tiger mean? [Start!] [He got caught] [Why were you surprised this much?] That's why I run away from you. Come on. [Telling Jung Kook] I got caught, Jung Kook. [j-hope gets to play omok] Shall we play omok? [Confident] Let me show you how good I am. [They get more hints after getting punishments from the royal army starting from the 2nd round] I heard I can get a hint if I win this. Do you want to play first or later? [j-hope] - First. - Okay. Let's go. [Confused] I don't think he's good. I have knowhow. [j-hope's knowhow is?] Do you know what that is? I never give you a chance to attack. I remove every chance. [One more observer] Let me shake your mind like this. - Hey! - Yeah. How are you? [As you see...] I got caught. [Politely asking] Please kill him! He's... [Listen to me!] He's the thief! [Such a rude...] Such a rude person. [Suddenly "The Outlaws"] - Do you know who I am? - Be quiet. I'm trying to concentrate. I'm the young master! You're not good... Is it 3 and 3? Well... I won! [Staff can't defend anyway] 3 and 3. It's over! [j-hope won so easily] [Proud] - no one can beat me. - Omok. [Not really] No, omok is my thing. [Hurry] Come here quickly. Let me tell you something important. [Waiting for a hint] Okay! Wait a bit. He's giving me a hint. [j-hope's question?] Tell me whatever you want to know. [Hint - a circle, a triangle and a square] What's a circle? [A circle = middle] Middle! [What?] Middle? What's middle? - High, middle and low. [Just middle] - Center? - When are you coming? Middle. Middle... A tiger... [A tiger...?] Beom? Joongbeom... You can get a hint when caught? Should I get caught too? [Finally met] Kim Satto is gone. Kim Satto disappeared. [People keep disappearing] Jin also disappeared too. I and SUGA were with him. [Jimin briefing to j-hope] But, I couldn't find Jin. [You know what?] There's something I want to tell you. - What? It's only between you and me. - SUGA is the spy! - Why? The thief is always holding something in his hand! [SUGA always holding a rod] Look at his hand. He's always holding a rod. You're right. [Goosebumps] I got goosebumps. Let me show you. [Nope] You can't see that. [When you look at the sky...?] - Let me... - And, it says there's something if you look at the sky. [Looking at the sky] But, I don't know what that is. [Sharing his hints too] Do you want to know what I found? [Trust +1] See, that's why I don't think you're a spy. See, hey! [Empty hands] I got nothing in my hands! Always! [Beautiful words like marvel = Oh boy] Beautiful words like marvel. [Teacher's word] Oh boy. [A triangle = A tiger] A triangle is a tiger. [It can be applied to another hint] Hey, remember a circle, a triangle and a square? [Is a triangle a square?] Is a triangle a square? - I mean, a triangle is a tiger. - Yes. [Sharing hints might benefit the thief!] I don't think we should share hints. [SUGA looking for hints] [Opening every pot] [Got nothing] [Jung Kook coming back to government office] [Start running] [I will come with you] The royal army is coming. [Thank you] - The royal army? - Yeah, on your right. [They got so much stamina] You can get caught! You go somewhere else! One of us should survive. [The royal army is around the corner] [Running towards a prison inside government office] [Realized while running away] Should we do a mission when caught? [Inside the prison as revealed at 2nd round] Oh my god. [No way...] Both of us might get caught at once. [Oh my god] Oh my god. [Sophisticated mannequins] [Checking outside] [Escaping through sideways] [Teacher left alone] [Surprised] [I heard something] [I think so...] I think I heard something. [Carefully] [Hiding by the wall] [Unexpected thrills] [Cat walking] [Going out slowly...] [Is he still there?] [The royal army spotted SUGA] [SUGA noticed!] Why are they doing this to me? Why? [Running inside the prison] I did nothing. [Checking through the window] [Having scary moments alone] [Looking for places to hide] Why is this open? [Coming into a prison cell] [He can lock himself up] [They're coming for you] I'm one of mannequins. [Why are you looking at me?] [The royal army are leaving] [to catch the painter] I thought Jung Kook is here. [The teacher escaped successfully] Where's Jung Kook? [Looking for him too] He just went this way. [j-hope is curious about the square] - Did anyone find a hint about the square? - Let's find it. [Found Jin!] Jin looks suspicious. Jin! [Where was Jin?] Where were you? - People are disappearing. - Where were you? [Jin was exchanging the individual mission] I went around with a hint. I've been looking for you guys. [Sharing Jin's hint] - "The thief's job is..." - I found it. [Sharing V's book] I found this book, too. [Name and fortune telling] - What's this? - It's called Name and fortune telling. [So difficult!] - There are so many hints inside but we can't solve them. - Let me see. - It's difficult. - Let me see. What is it? [Wow] I know this. You count strokes... [Jimin knows how to solve the quiz] You count strokes of names... Kim, Park, Suk, Ji. [Still, no many cases] For name and fortune telling, you should know who you are. Wow! It's a cat. Hey cat. [Cat at a restaurant] [Coming to a cat] Come here. [Naturally seated] [Korean Folk Village cat recognized V] She's pretty. Pretty. [Hug] [He's like cat's owner] [Seated properly] [Skilled cat master and his cat] [So comfortable] You can get a hint when winning a game against the royal army. I know. I should do that. [Maybe it's good to be caught?] - With the royal army. - It's there. [Looking for] We're looking for the royal army now. Let's do it. - Don't blink for 30 seconds. - Don't blink for 30 seconds? - Don't blink for 30 seconds? - Yes. [Fortune teller] - Are you ready? - Yes. Ready, start! [Get ready to print the screen] I want to blink as camera director blinks. [Suggestion] Can't you do the same? [20 seconds left] 10 seconds have passed. - You just blinked... - I didn't. [He really didn't] - You just blinked... - I didn't. [Why do my eyes hurt?] I didn't blink. [Why am I about to cry...] 25 seconds... [26, 27, 28, 29] 30! [Success] Success! [Sad] Do I really have to do this? [Say it without crying] Do I really have to cry for games? [Get a hint quickly] - Hurry up. I want to do it as well. - Okay. [Got an additional hint] The thief's job is to work with other people. [The thief's job is to work with high profiles?] High profiles... [Confused teacher] See. Go check what he's doing now. [Found V playing with a cat] He's not interested in this game. I don't know about him! [Stop touching] [Still looking pretty] You're trying to bite me. You're trying to bite me. [I'm jealous of that cat] [Jimin's game] Build a 7-story tower with stones [With these stones] within 15 seconds. - Can I start a bit later? - Yes. [What if...] But I can't touch them now, right? [No!] No. Wait. [Simulation] Ready. Get ready, start! [15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10] This is... [9] 8, 7, 6, 5, 4... - 3. - Is it really possible? [Done!] - 2, success. - It worked. [Young master never fails] I didn't think I could make it. [Jimin also got the following hint] I'm curious about the sky hint. "There is something when you look at the sky". [Really?] - Do you really want to know? - Yes. Do you really want the answer for that? - No! - No? Okay. [Somehow] Do you really want the answer for that? [Refusal!] - No! - No? Okay. [About another hint] I don't think it's important but, [This one!] This is important. "The thief is always holding something in his hand." [SUGA's rod] It's either SUGA or [Jin's fan] Jin. [The first time given to them] You should think about what you're given in the beginning. - Then... I'm not the thief. - Jung Kook was holing a brush. - Jung Kook was holding a brush. - Then, I'm not the one.(???) I'm not the thief. [Why are you laughing?] You're laughing at me now. [Painter's brush] - A brush of Jung Kook. - Jung Kook. [Kim Satto's fan] RM, SUGA, Jin and j-hope got nothing. [V's sword] - V used to have a sword. - Yes. [j-hope got nothing] j-hope got nothing. Okay, j-hope! [He's my side] I got j-hope only. [j-hope is at government office] Kim Satto. [Welcome] Welcome. Come here. [It's been a while] It's so hard to find you. - Where were you? Why are you alone... - I found so many things. - What? - I found so many. - Really? [Got a problem] - Let me see. - But, we got a problem. [Hint] "Many people want or are jealous of ARMY tombstone." [3 thieves?] I think it means we have 3 thieves. [Kim Satto alone at a prison] I found it. [A hint] "Many people want or are jealous" "of ARMY tombstone." [Hint] "The thief's job is to meet many people." [3 thieves' jobs are to meet many people?] I think whoever has such jobs are thieves. That includes me. [But not you] - Yeah. - But, you are not. Because, you're the secret royal inspector. [Undercover] - You're undercover. - Right. So, jobs that meet many people [Guessing based on occupations] are what's in common between thieves. That's why I'm revealing this to you. Because, you're the secret royal inspector. [Suspect list] A fortune teller. [Satto] - It includes me. - Yeah. [Not me?] But not me. And a teacher. He meets a lot of people. [Let me share something too] - It's not the young master. - I heard something from Jimin that the thief is always holding something in his hand. [SUGA's rod] - SUGA is always holding this. - Then, [What about V?] What about V? [I haven't seen anything] He's not holding anything in his hand now. - Really? - Where's yours? - I lost it. I think V lost it. [Kim Satto lost his fan] I forgot where I put it. [Jung Kook also lost his brush] I also forgot. [What about this?] Please hold it. [I know what a circle means] - I know what a circle means. - It's middle. - Right. Because, it's high, middle and low. [You knew it?] - He already knew it. - Hey. [Obvious] - There are high and low. So it's obvious. - This is... Sorry. I should look for the square. - Why? - I found what a triangle means. It's a tiger. [Circle, triangle and square][Joongbeom?] - It's a tiger. Beom. - Then, earlier, - it's circle, triangle and square, right? - Yes. - The triangle... - If you match a letter, a tiger is beom. Joongbeom. - Joongboem. - Joongboem-joe (Felony). [Oh!] [The young master enters the gov't office] [Calling j-hope, the no.1 person Jimin can trust] j-hope. j-hope, come here. Why is everyone looking for me? [Come with me] [Sharing important information] - I got important information after winning the mission. - What is it? [Trusting 100%] We're definitely not a thief. We received something before we start the game. [Jimin believes that the personal belongings tell who the thieves are] You received a medal. Another member received a brush. [A close bond between two members who didn't receive any] Those who received, belongings which they can hold with their hands are thieves. - Yes. - So, you and I are obviously not the thieves. [Painter Kook is still searching the kitchen] Did you find anything, Jung Kook? - I am searching for it. - What? I am searching. You couldn't find any mission? [Pressing] - You found nothing, Jung Kook? - Jung Kook, you found nothing? [I gave it to the district magistrate] I gave everything I found to RM. [Mistrust] You are suspicious. [district magistrate, please come here] RM. Come here. [What do you want, physiognomist?] Why? [I've got something to say] - Just now, V... - No, no. [Sharing the information that V found a book] He found a book named the chemistry of names. [But...] - The chemistry of names? - Yes. [Became a cat servant] Since then, he stopped doing anything. [Jin witnessed it] V's not doing anything? So, he must be the thief. [No wonder everyone is watching him] [Jin shares his hint too] Look. I received a hint. [Hint] "The thief's job is to work with familiar people". I asked, "Please be more detail". [=The thief works with high-level people] It means that he works with high-level people. [The district magistrate's brain starts to work] High-level people? [Warrior who works with high-level people?] - Working with familiar people. - That's why, I was avoiding you and the secret royal inspector. [Warrior was a high-level officer in Joseon Dynasty?] But V is a warrior. - For warrior... - In the past, the warrior's level was higher. [Secret royal inspector is after district magistrate?] And the secret royal inspector is after you. Let me give you more information. I think there are 3 thieves. [RM shares his hint] - Look, it looks like three, right? - "Many people"] [A vague phrase, "many people"] [It's more than 2 people] - It's not 2 people. - Yeah. [Meeting many people] "The thief's job is to meet many people". [=Works as a team] It's a person who works as a team. [The secret royal inspector who meets new people all the time?] Secret royal inspector always meet people. - They meet people. It's not that they hide. - But... - Well... - They live just like ordinary people. - Exactly. They meet the peasants. [Confused] - And they inspect the village. - They live just like ordinary people. And all the time, [Knocks down?] - the people who knock down... - If that's the case, [There's no job that works alone] - there's no job that works alone. - Right. [High-level] - But the thief works with high-level people. - High-level. That's why I avoided you. [Vague hints] The hints are too vague. [In the early Joseon Dynasty, the warriors took the political power] In the early stages of Joseon Dynasty, - warriors took political power. - Right. [District magistrate has a headache] And V is doing nothing right now. - He is not doing anything. He found the name book and he's playing with the cat. - He... [But that often happens to V] But V often does that. So, I'm confused. [Looking for hint in a lively mood] Can you give me a hint too? [Give me hint too] Go! [Do you have a hint?] Do you have any hints? [I do have a book] Among these, [V should memorize traditional three-verse Korean poem] Pick one and memorize it. - Memorize it? - Yes. Memorize and tell us. - This is what you picked. - It's too long. [V chooses verse 8 of "Toegye Dosan's 12 poems"] "Thunder and Mountain breaks the mountain", "but the deaf cannot hear". [As if he is cramming for his exam] "Thunder and Mountain breaks the mountain", "but the deaf cannot hear". [Actually, a sculptor is reading a poem] "The sun glows down" "but the blind cannot see". [Thanks to V, our eyes and ears are opened] "With our eyes and ears", "we shall hear and see all the truth". [Master in cramming] "Thunder and Mountain breaks the mountain", "but the deaf cannot hear". [How can he memorize so quickly?] "The sun glows down but the blind cannot see". [Is there something that he cannot do?] "With our eyes and ears, we shall hear and see all the truth". [V memorized it in 1 minute and he is ready] Are you ready? "Thunder and Mountain climbs the mountain", [Again!] "Thunder and Mountain breaks the mountain", "but the deaf cannot hear". "The sun glows down but the blind cannot see". "With our eyes and ears, we shall become people who hear and see all the truth". - See...? - "See the sun". - Instead of people... - "We shall hear and see all the truth". [V passed with his amazing memorizing skills] Correct. [Ask anything] What hint do you want? [Asking about the book, The chemistry of names] - Do you want me to explain how to use this book? - Yes. Have you ever tried "Testing the chemistry with names?" [Like this?] - Like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6? - Yes. Using each strokes. [Testing the chemistry through names] [Alternately write each letter of names of two people] [AR BO MY RA YA HAE] [Count the strokes of each letter] [3 6 5 7 4 6] [Add the two numbers (If the number equals two digits, right the one digit (last digit) only] [9 1 2 1 0] [0 3 3 1] [3 6 4] [Check the last 2 digits] [90%] Write the name of the thief here. [Use the names of the thieves and combine the numbers] And test the chemistry with their names. [Then, you will get the number specified on the 1st page] Then, you will get a matching result. [Ok. Got it] [It could be a good hint if he can narrow down the candidates] It will be a key hint, in the end. [Looking satisfied] [High-five with Dolsoe] [Passing the members] What? [V reading the poem] "Thunder and Mountain breaks the mountain", "but the deaf cannot hear". [I'm so cool] "The sun glows down but the blind cannot see". [Confused] "but the blind cannot see". [Is there something that he cannot do?] "With our eyes and ears, we shall hear and see all the truth". Memorize this. [Not interested] - What was that? - I don't know. - It will help you if you memorize it. [Dolsoe, let's go!] Go! [V arrives at the government's office] Your majesty! [The young master in pillory] Your majesty! [BTS loves role-playing] I'm so honored... [Ungenerous reaction to Jimin's passionate acting] j-hope! j-hope! j-hope! RM is calling you. V, can you give me your diary just for a second? Wait. Do you have a pen? [There was no pen in Joseon Dynasty] People didn't use pens in Joseon Dynasty. Even the staff is serious about the concept] [The warrior misses the high-end technology] I should ask for a smartphone for just a second. [Please] Can you please lend me your pen? [Let me experience the tool of the future] Can I please borrow the future tool, pen? [Nope] I can't? [Joseon style] Should I play a fair game? [It's important to find the specific number in a table full of numbers] Up and... [Playing the game without a pen] To the side... [V's brain is fully functioning] 1, 2. Am I right? To the side... [I'm good, aren't I?] 7! It's 7. [Asking a question to the empty sky] Am I right? [V's name chemistry test turned out to be 79%] It's 79. [Whose names did he test to get the number 79?] 79. 79... [Does it mean friend? (similar pronunciation)] [79] Friend. [RM and j-hope who are real friends?] RM and j-hope. [V is quite there now] I should solve this now. 79. I think, [V's assumption: SUGA and Jin] it's SUGA and Jin. [Excluding Jin?] Maybe Jin is not the thief. It's SUGA and who else? [The young master?] Is it Jimin? [Running without knowing that V thinks that he might be the thief] Were you here before? [j-hope and Jimin came to the jail] - Here? It's my first time. - Have you come here before? It's my first time too. [The area that was opened after round 2] Oh, this room is opened. [Surprise] Oh my. [j-hope is scared] I was surprised. I thought they were real people. [Surprised by the mannequins] Oh my. You know I hate mannequins. [Don't be scared] I'm so scared of these things. - Felony? Felony. - Misdemeanor, felony. [A jail for malicious crime (felony)] - Wait. Felony. - Why, why? [Circle, triangle, square = felony (?)] A triangle is Joong. - Beom for tiger! - So... [Circle, triangle, square] - Beom. - Circle for Joong, triangle for beom. Felony. So, it's here. [Is this where they get the hint?] - 3 people. - Wait. [There are 3 mannequins in the felony jail] 3 people. There are 3 thieves. [Are they the ones who stole the ARMY headstones?] 3 people. There are 3 thieves. [Right, right] - There are 3 thieves. - Awesome. [Thrilled] - You are... I got goosebumps. - Seriously... [j-hope wants to do high-fives with the camera] j-hope. [Jimin wants high-five] - j-hope. - I am so surprised. [We did it] j-hope, it's amazing. I got goosebumps. [Let's tell the good news to the district magistrate] We should tell it to RM. - We should meet RM, the district magistrate. - The district magistrate. [An amazing guess] - By the way, j-hope. - Quick. - That was amazing. You are quite smart. District magistrate! [Running to find the district magistrate] If RM... [If the district magistrate is the thief, the game is over] If RM is the thief, this game is helpless. District magistrate. [Jung Kook haven't found the navy scarf] First, I need to find the navy scarf. [It's so hard to find the navy scarf] There's no navy scarf. [It's not easy to find 7 scarves] I can't find the navy scarf. [Re-checking the places he visited] Navy, please. Navy. Come on. [Colorful scarves around Jung Kook's waist] [As if casting a spell] Find a navy scarf. [ARMY: I want to find it and give it to him on his hand] Come on. Navy. [Spots something] [Red] - Give me navy. - There's no navy scarf? [Scarf collector, Painter Kook] What are all these scarves on your waist? I need to find the scarf. [It looks beautiful because the scarves are colorful] Please let me see just 1 navy scarf. [Scarf should turn up by now] Then, I will ask immediately. [Painter Kook in nobleman's house again] Good to see you again. [What's in this room?] Is it this? [Finally, he found a navy scarf in the sewing kit] I found it. [Finally, he collected all 7 scarves] I found it. Who should I ask for the hint? What? It was here too! [He found another navy scarf] Great. [Hehe] Great, great. [He can get 2 hints about a specific person] I can get 2 hints. - What? - I can get 2 hints. - You dropped something. - Where is the district magistrate? Did you see him? - You dropped it. [Jung Kook dropped the scarf he was looking for so long] Let's go. [Come on] [Wants to go straight to the ability station] Where is it? Is it there? It's there. [Runs as fast as he can] [Are you going the right way...?] It's here, right? Is it not? [The other way!] This is the restaurant! - The Satto is here? - You can't change your ability at once anyways. You... [Leaving more stuff behind than Hansel & Gretel] - I can. - You're dropping stuff again! [Has no power to go back] Stop leaving stuff behind, you dropped something! [Freewheeling Joseon Dynasty] They're not thinking of the game, neither is V. [The older members are dramatic] Let's just say he's the criminal. [Jung Kook is here!] [Jung Kook brought 2 bundles] - 2. - Hi. [Hands over the well-tied bundles to the staff] 2 of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, navy, and purple. [Who's hint does Jung Kook want?] First of all, [Jin] - Jin. - Jin. [Get's extra information on Jin] Huh...? [Jung Kook is more confused because of the hint?] This isn't good. What is this? [Going to share with Kim Satto] I should show this first to RM. [Should I have received information about the young master...?] Should I have asked about Jimin? [Current location] [Restaurant: RM, Jimin, Jin, SUGA, j-hope, V] [Ability station: Jung Kook] [Must find a sound ARMY headstone first] We should find the ARMY headstone first. - The ARMY headstone... - Okay, we should find the headstone first. [Kim Satto is trying to gather hints of the location] Do we have more? More hints? [Hint] It is located where people live. - Where people live... - The houses. [Hint] - It is someone's house. - Someone's house, that also points to where the houses are. [Hint house = workplace] - But what about the house being a workplace? - That's not it. - The house equals the workplace. [Working at home...?] - The house equals workplace. - It says that it's someone's house. [Government office... Rather than the houses?] If it's not the houses and it's where one works, then it must be the government office. [NO NO] - No, no. It could be the schoolhouse. - No? [A schoolhouse is a place where you can work home] Then it must be the schoolhouse or the government office. [Hint] - "There are many rooms". - The schoolhouse. [The hints point to the houses or the schoolhouse] It keeps pointing to the houses or the schoolhouse. [But the schoolhouse... Is not in the designated area!] - The schoolhouse... Isn't in here. - It's not? - Yeah, exactly. [Then it must be the houses...] Then it must be the central houses. [There was nothing there though?] I looked all over, and there was nothing. Let's go back again. [Goes to look altogether] Let's go. Let's move together from now on. I think it's going to be in the central houses. [Everyone gather, let no one be left behind] Let's go altogether. [No chatting allowed] - Don't chat. - Let's go to the central houses together. - Ah, this guy! The central houses. [Doesn't trust each other even if they're not talking] - I'm suspicious of j-hope. - I'm suspicious of j-hope. [Doesn't believe each other] - What are you so suspicious of? - I can't trust you the most right now. [Sighing because he's flustered? Or because it's absurd?] Ah, I have nothing to say. - It's here. Or it must be out of these two. - Here, here, here. [House, schoolhouse (not part of the set)] - This is the schoolhouse. - I've seen this chicken coop so many times. [j-hope has been looking a lot near the chicken coop] - But here... - Before, I, I found the hint about you here, RM! [Everyone found important hints in the houses?] The stone is here? [The ARMY headstone is here...?] - The ARMY, the headstone... - I'm not joking, [Is it in the chicken coop...?] what if it's in the chicken coop? - Let's check. - No way. [Hint] "Animal farm", "beautiful like a marble", what does "beautiful words like a marble" even mean? [They laid eggs here = marbles?] - They laid eggs. - Marbles? The eggs are marbles? [Hint] "Behind the fluorescent, feet, and running horse". [Cluck! Cluck~!] - What is fluorescent, feet, and running horse? - Okay. [First tries to soothe them] Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. [House? Workplace?] It's says that it's someone's house, but, [House = workplace?] to someone it's a workplace, and the two are together. [The president's Blue House] Our president lives in the Blue House. [The king's castle] The king used to live in the castle. [Satto's government office?] - The Satto lives in the government office. - The government office? - Yeah. [Sounds about right?] - That's why I mentioned the government office... - It must be the government office. [Ginga?] But what about "ginga"? What's that? [Minga!] - Minga? - Minga! - Exactly. - Right? [Also a lot of hints that directs to the houses] - Oh? - Yeah. - You're right. - What about the animal farm... - This is so difficult. [Head hurts] - This is so confusing. - Seriously! I'll tell you the explanation. The ARMY headstone, is placed so that you can't get it right away. [You must open something?] - Yeah, you have to open something? - Exactly. [Looking for ??] You must find something, [Must find and open with a key!] - and open it. - It must be a key! The government office, [The jail in the government office was locked] - that place was locked, wasn't it? - Is it there? [The investigation gets more interesting as they get closer] I'm actually having fun! - You are? I'm having fun too. - I like how the pieces are getting into place. Let's sit and talk a bit. [The young master is disappointed in himself] I thought I could do something, but I couldn't. [No thought] [Disappointed] [Daydreams] [Braiding] I only looked for the Satto and you. [They found out about the "felony" by matching many hints] - Remember we found out about the felony? - Yes. [The ARMY headstone must be in the jail for felons!] The ARMY headstone must be there. Somewhere around the jails. - Yeah, it must be behind it. - Yeah, it must be around there somewhere. [The ARMY headstone would be in the jails!] The headstone must be there. - It's right behind. - It's there? If we just find the headstone... [They need the key to unlock the jail] Yeah, but if we're to find the headstone, - we also need to find the key. - Exactly. [So many hints] Wait, so what's for the key and... We'll give you the explanations for just 3 hints. [What should we ask first?] - Let's ask first. - What should we ask first? - Let me see too. - What's the square? [Excludes the one's they already know] Someone's house, there's one saying that it's someone's house. The one that says 69. [Hint 69 93 41] - Satto 69, 40, we have to know that. - Yeah, we need to know about that. [The numbers don't seem to have a pattern] - That one... - The 69, 93, 41 one, I have no idea what that means. [Hint] I don't get the "behind the fluorescent, feet, and running horse". [Something fluorescent in the past...?] - Something that they used in the past that is related to that. - Yeah, yeah. ["Running horse" reminds them] - It'd be stuck on something. - They say life flashes before one's eyes. - Let's ask the other two and take them out... - Okay, 69. [Asks the hardest, "69 93 41"] What does 69, 93, 41 mean? - Was anyone born in 1993? - Him! - Me. - SUGA. [What is the animal symbol for the year 1993? Chicken] - What's your zodiac animal symbol? - The chicken. [There were chickens near the houses] - There's chickens over here. - Chickens. [What about 1969? Also chickens] - What's the zodiac animal symbol for 1969? - The same, chicken. - Chicken. - Chicken. - Chicken, chicken, chicken. [You're right, chicken] Then is it the same for 1941? [1941...] - Wait. - If you deduct from 69, it's 28, how can they have the same zodiac animal? [2041 would be the year of the chickens!] 2041. Oh, then it's all chicken. [There must be something where the chickens are!] It's a hint that there is something, - where the chickens are. - The houses. - There must be something here. [Probably the key?] - There must be something here. - The key must be here. [What's the "fluorescent, feet, running horse"?] Next, the fluorescent, feet, and running horse. [Behind the fluorescent, feet, and running horse] - The words can all be related to "deung". - Behind the feet and running horse? - Fluorescent lamp. - It must be near the lamp. [A hint to tell "deung"] - Wait, so... - Isn't this a lamp? Isn't this a lamp? [There's a lamp here?] - That's a lamp. Look around all lamps. - That's a lamp. [Rummaging] This must be it. [A person's back is also "deung"!] - It could also mean a person's back. - A person's back. [Looking at j-hope's back] A fluorescent lamp can also be a "deung". [Maybe it's just in the chicken coop?] What if it's just simply in the chicken coop? - Chicken... - Jung Kook, this is when we need your strength. [Why me...] - What do you mean? - This is when you should go inside the chicken coop. - Are you ready? - No. That can't be it. [Examining how the chicken's look like?] Wait, I think we need to search the hen house. [The chickens in the coop are quite big] Jung Kook! [Asking to ride Jung Kook's shoulders] - Should we try riding your shoulders? - The lamp... [Checking the roof of the chicken coop] Let's check the top of the roof. [Up] Let's go. [A broader perspective] Is there anything? - I found something! What is this? - What? He found something. [You found something?] What? What? [Next episode] [Distrust in one's background...] Maybe it's not the young master of this village. [Feeling betrayed for that] You're suddenly raising your guards on me? [Suspicions turn into convictions] Just go now. [Becomes emotional] Hey! Hey! [Starts to go against each other...] To be honest, everything was pointing at j-hope. [Trust is broken] - And what was that... - Think again. [Can't get over the smallest details] Why is Jin wearing glasses? Why would you wear glasses during the Joseon dynasty? I'm sure of Jin, let's kill him. [No one is safe] - Isn't it Jung Kook? It's Jung Kook. - Jung Kook. [You mustn't show any weaknesses!] It's not me! [It's not over till it's over] You want to do that again? [How can everybody be so suspicious?] Is it V? - It's just wrong if it's V. - It's not! [Think of all the time we spent together!] We've lived together this long, and you still don't know me? [We do know!] That's why we chose you. [We can't skip anyone] We should also think of the Satto, and why we haven't been investigating him. Seriously, it's not me. [Would there be a big plot twist?] He says that, and if it's him... - You'll deserve an elbow. - I... [The members are getting closer to the truth?] I'll tell you 2 things I'm sure of. [Maybe not...] - Isn't it possible? - Yeah. [The shocking(?) truth is revealed one by one] My heart, my heart! [Even if you deny...] - I'm not the thief. I'm not the thief. - You are. [No one listens to you] I'm not the mafia, - why do you keep saying I am? - You're the mafia! - No, I'm not, for real! - You're going this time, I'm not joking. [This is wrong!] I'm not! [Can the members return from the Joseon dynasty?] It's not Jin, why do you keep saying it's Jin... [Who's the real thief?] How long do we have to do this game! [RUN BTS] [Ep. 146 Bangtan Village Joseon Dynasty 2] [This content was produced with the sponsorship of Korean Folk Village.]
Channel: Ukin
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Keywords: run bts, run bts ep 146 eng sub full episode, run bts ep 146, run bts 146 eng sub, bts run ep 146 eng sub, run bts eng sub, bts run ep 146, run bts eng sub 146, run bts ep 137 eng sub, run bts 145 eng sub, run bts 146, run bts ep 146 full, run bts ep 146 eng sub, eng sub run bts ep 146, eng sub ep 146 run bts, bts, run bts 2021 ep 146 eng sub, run bts ep 146 full eng sub, run bts ep 141, run bts ep. 146 eng sub, eng sub run bts ep 145, run bts ep 147 eng sub
Id: eweFL7e5fHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 49sec (2869 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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