[한글자막] 아이브 장원영에게 예쁘다

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(YJ) Ladies and gentlemen this is the greatest show after Leslie Cheung's debut in 1977 You're watching PSICK SHOW! Make some noise! (JH) Wait, wait what? why... why are there so little people today? where's everyone? how come I can't hear a thing? [Sound of cheering] [Sound of cheeringg] (JH) Two people? Did you fire them all again? Did you do that again? (MS) No... We are in the era of AI (JH) My god, not again (MS) We gotta change, you know what I'm sayinggg (JH) I know but, chill tf out (MS) Naw, naw, naw, naw I'm chill Look at NVIDIA and look at the f**king uhhhh you know uh... metaverse! (JH) They're not even related (MS) They're not the same thing? (JH) Er... [Jaehyung doesn't know where to begin] (JH) I mean, whatever [Gives up explaining] (MS) Oh, oh my god WOWOWOWOW WOWOWOWOWOW WOWOWOOWOWOWOWOW WOWOWOWOWOWOWOOW WOWOWOOWOWOWOWWWOW wWOWOWOWOWOWOOWWow (JH, MS) WOW! (MS) Look eh chu! Look at your outfit! (JH) Look at your jacket! [Reverse therapy] (JH) WOWOWOW WWOWOWOWOOWOWOWW WOOOOOOOOOW! [WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW] (YJ) ..... (YJ) ...Yeah hello? hello, there? you good? (MS) How about you? (YJ) Yeah, I'm good, too (MS) Good? you good? (YJ) yeah, I'm good WOWOWOWOW WOWOOWOWOWOWOOW WOWOWOWOWOOWWOWOWOWOWOWOW [Yongju is lost in words] (YJ) you guys look so happy today is it because today's is children's day? (MS) Children's day? (JH) Children's day! WOWOWOWOWOWO WOWOWOWOWOWO WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWO WOWOWOWOWOOWOWOWOWOWOW WOWOWOWOWOOWOWOWOWOWOW WOWOWOWOWOOWOWOWOWOWOW WOWOWOWOWOOWOWOWOWOWOW WOWOWOWOWOOWOWOWOWOWOW WOWOWOWOWOOWOWOWOWOWOW Wow wow .o. [Yongju is getting roasted] (YJ) What's going on? (MS) I'm just a big fan of you (JH) Yeah, we're all a huge fan of you (MS) Your new phrase is saying 'WOWOWOWOW' WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWO (YJ) This episode I will never... say 'wow wow wow' (JH) wowowowowowowow when can we use 'wow wow'? (YJ) I promise (JH) You can use it when you ran out of things to say or in-between questions to avoid any pause in conversation [Example 1] [Example 2] [Example 3] (YJ) So... our episode is brought to you by Gmarket So it's one of the biggest shopping festival called <Big Smile Day> (JH) <Big Spotify Day> (YJ) It will be held from the seventh of May until the 20th for two weeks by Gmarket and Auction (MS) Yes (YJ) Yeap, check it out! (MS) And let's congratulate us we are models of Gmarket! (YJ) Yes, we are (JH) We are the models (YJ) We are hired! (MS) We are models or (JH) Model! (Wowzers) WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWO WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW (MS) Since we became the model for Gmarket you get to have an additional benefits 20% discount daily on Gmarket and Auction you can use brand discount coupons on top of it and even card company discount OHWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWO WOWOWOOWOWOWOWWW (JH) I mean, it was originally there were a lot of benefits on <Big Smile Day> on Gmarket (MS) True, true (JH) Electronics, food, beautify, fashion you can shop so many things on Gmarket don't miss out <Big Smile Day>! WOWOWOWOWOOWOWWOW [Burnt from getting roasted] (JH) eYES! (MS) YES! [Jaehyung and Minsu are finally getting along] (YJ) ...oh kay... thank you Gmarket (MS) Thank you! (YJ) ..... thank you! (JH) Good job holding it back he was supposed to say 'wow' again [Yongju has lost some energy] (YJ) So we need to introduce our special guest tonight (MS) Yes (YJ) I cannot believe we made it you ready guys? (MS) Oh, my god my heart is beating so fast (YJ) This is real guys (JH) I gotta breath, oh my gosh (YJ) Let me introduce our special guest 'Born Idol' [Sound of cheering] 'The God-Gi' 'Natural born center' [Sound of cheering] Blood type 'O' 5' 7" WOW Shoe size '8' WOW Left eye, 0.5 right eye, 1.5! Give it up for! JANG WONYOUNG [Sound of wowing] (YJ) Wow (WY) Hi [The curse isn't broken] (WY) Hello (YJ) Oh, my god it's the real Jang Wonyoung! (WY) Hi, guys! (WY) Nice to meet you! (YJ) Yeah, nice to meet you, too (YJ) You're really tall (WY) Yes, I am! (YJ) Oh, my god! (WY) How tall are you? (YJ) I am 6' 2" sir Did I say sir? [The side effect is showing already] (WY) I am 'sir'? (WY) Okay (YJ) Okay (MS) Have a sit, my lady (WY) Thank you (MS) Oh, my god... (WY) My gosh, I'm so happy to be here [The camera man has stuttering hands] (YJ) Before we start the show can you say hello to our global fans into that camera? (WY) Hi, guys I'm Jang Wonyoung I'm so happy to be here on this world's number one show and get ready to fall in love with my charm [The shout is particularly loud today] (MS) YAH! (YJ) Actually we've met before (WY) Yes, of course (YJ) At <Golden Disc> (WY) Yeah, at <Golden Disc> (YJ) Yes, yes (WY) Yes, and you guys were amazing (YJ) Yes, yes (WY) The energy the big, big, energy (MS) Thank you (YJ) We wanted to ask you how were our first impressions? (WY) To be honest, (All) To be honest (WY) Before that day I have never seen your videos (YJ) Oh, okay, okay (WY) But that day, seeing your big, big, energy and so starting from that day I started binge-watching your videos (MS) What a good news! (YJ) Alright (WY) And also, you guys were in the this show was on the airplane, too cause we did US tour recently and during the US tour and in that airplane you guys were in there all of your videos were there, too [Minsu is proud] (WY) I was so proud of you guys! (MS) Oh, my goddd [Sound of clapping of Wonyoung] (YJ) And this episode might be on that airplane again (WY) Oh, really? (MS) Yeah, yeah, yeah (WY) Let's get right into it! [The studio is heated] (YJ) Actually you speak fluent English (WY) Oh, really? That's so good to hear cause I was kind of little bit nervous today (YJ) Nervous? (MS) Nervous? No worries (MS) Okay, okay Let's wrap it up (YJ) Why? (MS) Because she's nervous [Wonyoung is touched] (JH) Let's just mumble (WY) What? (YJ) So where did you learn your English? Did you live abroad? (WY) Uh... I didn't study abroad (MS) Really? (WY) But I went to the state several times with my family and I also went to English Kindergarten (YJ) Oh, E.K? (WY) Yes, E.K (YJ) Oh, you went to E.K (WY) Instead of Korean Kindergarten I went to E.K (YJ) Do you then have English name? (WY) Yes, of course (YJ) What is it? What is it? (WY) My name is Vicky! (YJ, MS) Vicky! (WY) Yes, Vicky! (All) Vicky! (MS) That's a good name (WY) What's your English name? (YJ) I'm Daniel (WY) Daniel, you? (MS) I'm Kemath! (WY) HWAT? (MS) Okay, okay eeegh (WY) Huh? (MS) ENEEES (WY) ENNNESS? (YJ) and you have the perfect pronunciation (WY) Oh, really? (YJ) Yeah, yeah (YJ) How did you learn it? (WY) Mmm, maybe in E.K? (MS) Which E.K did you go to? What a great education that they have (WY) I think it was in Daechi (MS) Oh, Daechi! (YJ) Daechi E.K (MS) No wonder (WY) I think it was Bangbae or Daechi it was either or (MS) Either or, I see (YJ) Which kindergarten did you go to? (MS) Comedy Kindergarten (YJ) Okay, you? (JH) Computer Science Kindergarten (YJ) I went to YMCA (JH) Oh, that's a good place (YJ) YMCA, YMCA (JH) Isn't YMCA E.K, too? (MS) Oh, YMCA? (YJ) No, I was just in swimming team (WY) Oh, it suits you Swimming (YJ) Swimming? Really? (WY) Cause you're tall and wide (JH) Yeah, like Ian Thorpe (YJ) Yeah, I'm a living dolphin (JH) He's from Australia (YJ) No, I'm from Busan, my guy (WY) You're from Busan? (YJ) Yeah, girl, wink, wink (WY) Oh, you can speak the dialect? (YJ) Of co- Yeahhh Of course, girl (WY) I like dialect (All) Oh, you do?!?!?!? (The most excited) Oh, you are? (WY) [In dialect] Did you eat? (MS) Oh, you're good Yeah, you're doing good (WY) [In dialect] Am I doing okay? (MS) Yeah, you're doing great (WY) [In dialect] Am I speaking good English? (YJ) Oh, you good (MS) You are really good (YJ) You're do you want to go to infinity and beyond? (WY) Let's go beyond! (YJ) Let's talk about one of your nicknames the one that's called 'God-gi' (WY) Oh, yeah 'God-gi' (YJ) What is the meaning of that? (WY) I think it's a sum of two words 'God' from Goddess and 'Gi' from Aegi *Meaning baby in Korean so that makes God's baby or a baby that's like God [God-gi] (MS) I agree (WY) I debuted when I was fourteen or fifteen, so people called me 'Aegi' then and that's how the 'God-gi' came around (JH) Cause you're a baby but you already got everything (WY) Maybe? (YJ) It means like 'perfect baby' (JH) Wait then Yongju is the real 'God-gi' (YJ) Why? (JH) Cause he was born 10 pounds [The one who had it all] (WY) Oh, my god totally 'God-gi' (YJ) And you're also very tall (WY) Yes (YJ) 5 ft 7? (WY) Yes, that's right (MS) 5 ft 7? (YJ) That's taller than you? (WY) Oh... oh, my god (YJ) You're 4' 5 (WY) How tall are you guys? (JH) He's 4 ft 5 I'm 5 and he is 7 ft [Still growing at this moment] (YJ) Shut up! (WY) Wait, you're 4 ft 5? (MS) Yeah(?) Oh, no, no, no (WY) Oh, no? Oh, you're 5 ft 5! (MS) 5 ft... No, no, no [Scratched] (JH) He might look like it with his unique portion (WY) You're taller than 5 ft 5? No way (MS) I am taller (WY) Oh, okay I see Okay, then (MS) Of course I'm taller than that (WY) Oh, okay, okay (MS) Yeah, I'm actually 5 ft 8 (WY) Ohhh Oh? (MS) 'Oh?' Trust me (YJ) Could you please stand up? (JH) Yeah, stand beside her (WY) But I'm wearing a bit of heels today a little bit of heels (MS) No, look, I'm already I'm already looking down (WY) No way you're 5 ft 8 (MS) Come on! (JH) Hurry up, go stand beside her (MS) Hey, hey (WY) Are you sure? (MS) Hey, Wonyoung Why don't you trust me [Quite vivid contrast] (JH) You guys are the same (WY) Oh, okay, you're you are 5 ft 7! (MS) Oh, my god (MS) I'm 5 ft 8, people (WY) Okay, whatever you say (MS) So I have a question about your height (WY) Yes (MS) How many times did you dream of falling when you sleep? (WY) Soooo many (All) Oh, really? (WY) I'll need my toes if i want to count them (MS) Really? (WY) Yeah (MS) Everyday you were like (WY) But really (JH) Yeah, it feels like this Heghhh (WY) But everyday, when I was like, in middle school? everyday I was like heghhh! like this (JH) I was like that when I was in high school (WY) Yeah, but seriously, every night (JH) I used to be 4 but I grew 2 ft in like two years (MS) Really? How many times did you fall? (YJ) I'm still dreaming? [The growth didn't stop] (JH) Oh, you're still growing at this very moment (YJ) I had that dream just yesterday (WY) Oh, it's sill happening! (YJ) Yeah, yeah, yeah (YJ) Wow wow Wow... okay Did I just do it again? [Finally recognizing himself] (WY) What about 'wow'? (JH) Cause he says it all the time (YJ) Yeah (WY) Wow You got wow disease? (MS, JH) Yeah, yeah, yeah (YJ) But I'm not gonna say wow today (WY) Wow, okay (YJ) I promise you (WY) Okay (YJ) Let's go! Okay, so it says you're MBTI has not been exposed? (WY) Yes, totally secret (MS) Why? (WY) Cause if I say it I don't think I'll like how people just view me as that type only like 'Oh, it's cause she's INTP' 'Oh, she's ENTJ, that's why' I don't want to be defined as just one type of person cause I have variety of colors (YJ) Okay (WY) because of this reason I just don't... like take the test not I tell it to people (YJ) Okay, let's protect her don't ask her about her MBTI (WY) But I know if I'm E or I (YJ) Okay? (WY) I'm 'E' (MS) Oh, you're 'E'? (WY) Yes (MS) Oh, okay (YJ) So don't ask her MBTI We'll ask you another question (YJ) So were you were you famous in high school? (WY) In high school? Uh... (YJ) Wwere you popular? (WY) Yes, cause in high school I was already an idol and in middle school... Kind of? (YJ) That's... [Yongju is writing something down] (WY) So you're doing something, right? (MS) No, no, no, no, no (WY) You guys are on to something! (MS) Just, just (YJ) We're just asking some simple questions as you requested! (WY) I'm not gonna tell you my MBTI in here (WY) Okay? okay (YJ) Okay (YJ) Just simple questions What do you think about what do you think of when you see an apple? (WY) oh, okay I think it's like finding out if I'm T or F, huh? (YJ) No, no, no (WY) You guys are doing that, right? (YJ) What do you think when you see an apple? (WY) Apple? It's just very red (YJ) Red... (WY) And I wanna eat it (YJ) O-KAY (WY) You got that (YJ) Are you good at math? (WY) Okay... Yes, I am, kind of (YJ) So you're good at math [The investigation continues] (YJ) Is your room clean? (WY) Yes, my room is clean (YJ) Okay, so we got the result (WY) Oh, my gosh! Oh, my god! you got me You got me! (MS) For the first time in forever (WY) You guys are such players (YJ) Let me reveal her MBTI Jang Wonyoung's MBTI is (ESTJ) Oh, my god! (JH) Yeah, official, official! (YJ) PSICK OFFICIAL (WY) PSICK Official I never told this and nobody, no one but you guys got it (All) Yes! [The accuracy is unknown] (WY) So I am ESTJ? PSICK ONLY (All) Oh, okay (WY) You guys watch PSICK! (WY) Woahhh Such players [Happy] (WY) You guys are such players (MS) Can I ask you a little favor, though? (WY) Okay, sure, come on (MS) Could you just... stare at the camera for thirty seconds? (WY) Thirty seconds? Just staring? (MS) It's for the shorts (MS) Please just stare (WY) Okay (MS) There's our money Yongju, Yup This is my present for you What is it? Come on This is just a normal broom Okay This is my real surprise present Open it You're kidding me, right? Oh, my god... Oh, my god... Robot cleaner... - Oh, thank you - You're welcome Where did you get him? <Big Smile Day>... Easy, easy Come here, boy (WY) You're from Busan, too ? (MS) Oh, no, no, I'm from arson (WY) Arson? (MS) Olsen (WY) Orphan? (MS) U... U... Ulsan... (WY) Ulsan~ [Great hearing ability] (MS) You like dialect, right? (WY) I do (JH) what's wrong, what's wrong? (YJ) Nothing was funny about it (JH) What's wrong with you (YJ) Nothing was that funny just now [Loving his job right now] (JH) She didn't mean she like YOU She said she likes the dialect (WY) Why are you laughing! (YJ) Yeah, why are you laughing? (JH) Wake up! [Somewhat understandable though] (JH) Wait, wait... Do you like fruits? (WY) I do LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO (JH) WOWOWOWOW (WY) So funny (WY) So funny I think I'm gonna become such a huge fan of you guys (JH) Us, too But seriously, you are really funny (MS) I think she's the funniest (WY) That's such a relief (YJ) You know what? I think you are too perfect perfect for idol (WY) No, no (YJ) I cannot see any flaws in you (WY) Nooo (YJ) Do you have any flaws? (WY) I get bored of things easily when I'm asked to do something for too long (MS) That's not a flaw (WY) But if you have to go on then it becomes a problem a little (MS) No (YJ) Why is that not a flaw? (WY) Yeah, tell me why it's not a flaw (MS) It could be if you were born decades ago [Wonyoung is touched] (MS) People said that we should just dig one hole but that's not the case anymore (WY) Oh, really? (MS) These days If you just do everything you like you'll make it (WY) Oh, is that so? (MS) No worries! (WY) I like that, I like that (MS) Yeah, yeah you're the best (WY) Thank you, yeah (YJ) I cannot see any flaws right now so I'm actually a little suspicious like whether you're a real human or not so we prepared some test (WY) Oh, okay (YJ) to see if you are a human or not Jaehyung's gonna help you (WY) He's so human (JH) Yeah thanks... [Very human] (JH) First question Never have I ever went to bed without removing make up (WY) No! (All) No?! (WY) No Never, never (YJ) Oh, my god that's... (WY) For me, having my make-up on is so much more uncomfortable (Wowzer) Wow, okay (JH) She is not a human (WY) It I can't sleep with it It's so uncomfortable (All) Oh, really? (WY) I can't sleep with these things... (YJ) You know what? This is his pajama (WY) Oh, my god so you just walked out of bed I guess? (JH) I could go back to home and sleep again like this (YJ) Next question (JH) Never have I ever spent three hours watching shorts before bed (WY) Oh, that's YES [Sound of cheering] (WY) But I blame you guys for it (YJ) Yes (WY) Them shorts (MS) Yeah? (WY) You guys made me sleep less [Minsu is in heaven] (YJ) I'm sorry (JH) Sorry, sorry (WY) You guys should apologize to all of them people behind the camera are all guilty it's all you guys [Thank you] (JH) We are deeply sorry (MS) You're so sweet (WY) Nooo (JH) Never have I ever drank water out of a bottle (WY) Like the big one? (All) Yeah (WY) Like the ones that looks like everyone's drinking? (MS) Yes (WY) No, never (MS) Never? (YJ) Oh, you always use cup then? (WY) I use cup (JH) Even when no one's watching? (WY) Yes, never (MS) You have to break the rules (WY) You guys are doing it? (All) Yeah (WY) Even if other people are drinking? (JH) Everyday (WY) Oh, my god (JH) Every night (WY) Oh, my god... (MS) He drinks water from the purifier like this [Members are stubborn] (WY) I will never drink this today (YJ) No, no not this water (WY) Oh, not this one? Oh, okay, okay (JH) Okay, next Never have I ever stolen money from my parents wallet (WY) No (All) No? (WY) Cause if I ask them, they'd give it to me Why would I steal it? (YJ) So whenever you asked your parents for money they gave you money? I wanna change my parents (MS) HWAT? (YJ) That's free money! My parents didn't give me money whenever I asked them (WY) this is TMI but I've never had certain amount given (WY) When I was child cause if I want something, or want to get something, I'd just ask them and they'd just give me so I never really had the concept of allowance like this much per week (MS) Oh, really? (WY) I didn't have that So I think that's why (MS) I understand your parents If I have a daughter like you, I can give away everything! I can give everything! (JH) You would inherit your asset when she becomes three (WY) Papa, give me your house (MS) Yeah, of course Right now? Okay Call my lawyer Right now (JH) Never have I ever postponed things thinking 'I'll start at o'clock' (WY) That, yes you know that, you know that (YJ) That's not a big deal Everyone does it (JH) It's 12:54 now I start at 1 sharp (WY) And then it becomes 1:10 and then another ten minutes goes by so when I get picked up for work I tend to late a little bit because I have so much to get ready (YJ) That's not a big deal (WY) Like I gotta brush my hair and I gotta pack all of my stuff (YJ) She is a little human now (JH) This is my last question for you never have I ever listed the restaurant 'by lowest delivery fee' (WY) No (JH) Darn it... (WY) Sorry...? (YJ, MS) Why are you mad? (WY) Why are you mad at me? but I have an excuse (YJ) Okay (WY) Most of days, I'm working so I ask my managers for it so they do the delivery order for me so I've never check the fee ever (JH) But you're missing out you gotta order it with your own ID for the extra coupons [The reason never thought of] (WY) That's true and the funny thing is I don't even have the app on my phone (JH) See? (MS) Oh, really? (JH) So for your food, no coupon, no points no level up, no nothing (WY) Yeah, it all goes to my managers I'm pretty sure they are all VVIPs (JH) They ran away (YJ) What's your favorite delivery food? (WY) Mmm... I order ocffee the most (MS) Coffee... (YJ) Coffee? (MS) That's all? (WY) And steak? (YJ) Steak? (WY) I order steak (MS) Not pork intestine? (WY) Noooo I don't like intestine (MS) Oh, really? (WY) No (JH) Huh? you like steak? (WY) Yes, my favorite food (JH) I can grill it super well (WY) Oh, really? You're a cook? (JH) Yes (WY) Ohhh Okay [Good for you] (MS) I can feel that you were very loved by your parents growing up (WY) But that's true (MS) Yeah, I can feel it (WY) Yeah, you saw right through me (MS) Yeah, you have this overflowing energy of love (WY) Oh, really? Thank you So I like to give back them my love, too (MS) Yes Cause they gave me so much I'd love to give it back and to all of them (JH) So what was the most unforgettable moment that you felt loved by your parents? [Smooth talk show] (YJ) Hey, excuse me Excuse me, did y- (JH) Why? Why? Did you never... were you never loved by your parents? (YJ) Did you? (WY) Did you? (JH) What? Of course I was loved (WY) Oh, okay, okay (YJ) We know, we know (JH) Why'd you assume that I wasn't? (YJ) I just wanted to check (JH) Do you think they spanked me throughout my childhood? (JH) Even if they did! I'm sure they did that for love! (MS) Yeah, of course (JH) I'm sure they loved me (WY) We know, we know (MS) How are your parents? (WY) Like always they're always supportive whoever I do whenever, wherever I am my mom often called me 'my love, my baby, my cutie' (MS) What? (WY) 'my love, my baby, my cutie' that's how she saved me as on her phone (YJ) Oh, 'my love, my baby, my cutie' (WY) Yeah, so long like if your caller ID is too long, it goes over, you know? it's hella long never ends 'my love, my baby, my cutie, my love, my baby, my cutie' (YJ) So your mother still saved you as that? 'my love, my baby, my cutie'? (WY) Yes (JH) Oh, me too (YJ) What's yours? (JH) 'My money, my future my bank' (WY) Why 'bank'? (JH) Because I give her money (JH) 'My money, my future, my bank, my gold' (WY) Wow, you're a good son (YJ) What about your mom? Mrs. Kim? (MS) My mom? (JH) How'd she saved you as? (MS) I don't remember but her profile picture is always me (WY) That's sweet (MS) Yeah, let me show you (YJ) Mrs. Kim's profile picture Pripil... Pro... Prof... Profa... Profile pic (MS) He changed it yesterday No, she changed it [Getting better at English every time] (WY) Let me see [Picture of Minsu] (JH) That's recent! (YJ) So... I saw your stage at Golden Disc and we were so touched because your stage was very very cool and great (WY) Oh, thank you so much and you looked stunning on stage (WY) Thank you so much (YJ) Yeah, your stage was full of skills So could you teach us some skills like how to look good on stage? (MS) Please (YJ) Or how to look at the camera (WY) Is it for on stage or when you say hello? (JH) Oh, there are differences? (MS) Oh, it's different! (WY) So when you say hi, Hi, guys, I'm Minsu (YJ) Oh, the shoulder (WY) Yeah, shoulder is important (WY) Oh, it's my first time Your eyes [Shocking encounter] (MS) Are you shocked? (WY) Yeah, they are shining (MS) Yeah, shining (JH) Like movie <Shining> (WY) So when you say hello you need to use your shoulder like this (MS) Hi This is Kenneth Minsu Kim Click (YJ) Go! (WY) Go! (JH) Hello, I'm Jaehyung Clack! (WY) Oh, my god Like, it's like you look like you have cramps but okay it's fine [Cramping] (WY) Oh, that's so real (WY) No, just do once You can't do that (JH) Hello (WY) That is just cramp though (Cramp) Get it off of me (WY) Does it feel better, though? (JH) Yeah, I feel better (WY) Is it gone now? (JH) Yeah, it's all gone now (WY) Oh, okay, okay (YJ) Let's move on to- (WY) Yeah, this is a bad example just do once like this (MS) Just once (WY) .... okay... (YJ) What about some skills for the stage? (WY) Stage? as you guys all know, we gotta keep moving on stage So you guys have to use hands a lot fingers, like this think of it as you're seducing someone cause it's very short time and you have to grab their attention in a split second so wink like this like 'follow me' (YJ) 'Follow me' My part is over but follow me (YJ) like this? (WY) But... (YJ) Come on in, love dive (WY) Yes... like that (Viewers) I don't want tp... I don't want to see you do it (YJ) Why? You try it (JH) How can he win that? (MS) You just nailed it (JH) We can't top that (WY) Yeah, you're the best (JH) You're really the best (YJ) I know (WY) WOAH! (YJ) That was so fake (WY) Yes Smile The most important thing in the world Smile Smile Smile Why do we smile? Extra benefit of Shinsegae Universe club Shinsegae Universe Club (MS) I also watched you saying bye to your fans (WY) Oh, yes (MS) So you're really good at fan service you are very friendly to them (MS) You're always asking how they are? (Did you eat dinner?) (WY) Cause I really love them (YJ) And that video (YJ) How to say 'no' for the signature (WY) Cause I was too sorry that I couldn't give them signature (JH) Cause you had to leave (WY) No, it was like a rule So I had no choice They were sad so I gave them a magic signature (JH) Oh, magic signature (MS) You're so sweet (WY) So they got my signature that way at least (MS) Could you tell me how to interact with your fans (Yongju is annoyed by his lack of intelligence) (MS) What should I do? (WY) Okay, this is really simple First, You should love you fans if you have that in your mind it will come out naturally (WY) How do you call your fans? (YJ) PSICK FAM (WY) PSICK FAM? (WY) If you really love them it'll be very natural to show them love and secondly because we only given a very short period of. ime I'd give them a blow kiss or something (YJ) Oh, kiss [Blow kiss for nobody] (WY) Oh... (YJ) Can you be the first example? (YJ) Excuse me, calm down Can you show us the example first? like how you do for your fans? (WY) Bye~ (YJ) Oh, okay I'd give them a blow kiss (YJ) Okay, Jaehyung Love your fans (WY) WAHHHH Oh, my god Guys, turn it off (JH) Oh, then at fan meet-up you usually talk to them one on one, right? (WY) Yes I actually have no idea what to say when I'm one on one with them (MS) Like small talk (YJ) We also want to have good small talk with them but it's hard (JH) Could you think of us as fans? (YJ) Let's role-play! (JH) Hello (WY) Oh, wow (JH) You're so pretty, this is my present for you (WY) Oh, thank you so much Thank you so much Have a sit, first Oh, yeah! (WY) Where are you coming from? (JH) Oh, I'm from Seoul (WY) Oh, that's good it's not that far at least (JH) Oh, my gosh you are so pretty (WY) Oh, thank you so much Did you eat dinner yet? I haven't actually could you come with me? (WY) No, I can't unfortunately but I can give you some recommendation (JH) Oh... (WY) You should have Uhm... Kimchi fried rice for dinner! (JH) Oh, Kimchi fried... Uh... I had Korean food yesterday [Avery sensitive matter for Jaehyung] (WY) Oh... (MS) Oh, you're serious right now (YJ) Real recommendation for his real dinner (WY) Hmm... okay then... Uh... Mmm... Udon? (JH) Udon? Darn it, I had that for lunch! (WY) Ohhh... (WY) Manag... (JH) Something a bit lighter maybe? (WY) Manager (YJ) Manager... (WY) Manager! (YJ) Next! (JH) ILYSM! (WY) ILY TOO! (YJ) Next, Minsu The second fan is here [I want to unsee what I saw -translator] (WY) Wow, WOAH You are so cute (MS) Am I? (WY) Oh... You talk in dialect? where are you from? (MS) Oh, I'm from Busan (WY) Oh, you're from WY (MS) Yeah, yeah (WY) Can you teach me one? (MS) Speaking dialect? Oh, sure, sure [In dialect] Did you eat! (WY) [In dialect] Did you eat! (MS) Oh, you good, you good (WY) But for real, did you eat? (MS) Huh? I... I did eat (WY) What did you eat? (MS) I had Kimchi fried rice (WY) Ohhh I was going to recommend you that but JINX! (MS) Oh, JINX? Love is an open door! (WY) We finish each other's sindwiches! Okay, I'll see you next time! (MS) Oh, time's already up? (WY) YES (JH) It's very short (YJ) Okay, now that we have learned how to greet fans we can now do some small talks with our fans, right? Are you ready? (MS) I'm ready (YJ) Can you do Can you be our fans? (WY) Okay, I'd love to (YJ) This is our fan meeting (WY) Okay (JH) Hello (WY) I've been such a huge fan of you since forever! (JH) Oh, really? hehehe (YJ) SIRRR!!! What was that fake laugh for? (WY) Yeah, why are you fake laughing? that was so fake just now (JH) Oh, you could tell? (WY) You should love your fans wholeheartedly (JH) No I have some procedures [The one who always doubts] I don't know how dangerous she is?! (MS) Ah, oh, oh (JH) I don't want to give her my heart away so easily (WY) Oh, you're playing games with me? You wanna do that? (JH) Yeah, thank you (WY) I... I want you to pick my nickname What do I look like? can you give me a nickname? (JH) Really? A nickname? (WY) Hurry! (JH) What is your name? (WY) My name is Wonyoung (JH) Oh, Wonyoung (WY) Give me something pretty (JH) Something pretty? Oh, since your wonyoung what about 'We're Young' (WY) That was whack... [WHACK] (YJ) You're out (JH) Darn it how do you make pretty girls laugh? (MS) Are you kidding me? 'We're Young'? (YJ) Minsu, Show 'em (WY) Minsu I am such... woah... [Breathes in deeply] I'm lost in words (MS) Why? Please concentrate (JH) Remember, you're a celebrity (WY) Oh, but I love that you took of your sunglasses it makes me feel like your focus is really on me (MS) Is that so? [The smile cannot be hidden] (WY) But why'd you become so arrogant all of a sudden? (MS) Oh, am I? You're not into this kind of stuff? (WY) hate it (MS) Okay, what do you like? (WY) What I like? (WY) Can you just not be this? you're too cheesy right now (MS) Am I cheesy? What, do you want my signature? (WY) Yeah, here (WY) Oh, magic signature? that's a thing these days (MS) Yes (WY) Thank you I'll carry this with me (MS) Do you have any questions for me? (WY) I actually don't have any questions [Truth] (MS) She's not being a fan of me (JH) You're not being a good fan right now (WY) No, but this is hard (JH) You look like you're here to sell the signature e-bay (WY) One more signature to sell, yeee! (YJ) Do you wanna do this? Or do you want to skip it? Can you do it? (MS) I will try (YJ) You will? You will try? [Get ready for something big] (MS) Can I ask you a favor? (WY) Okay (MS) Uh... Can you do a role play? (WY) Okay... (MS) I beg of you (WY) Sure (MS) Let's say you love me [The crisis] (MS) What was that? (JH) Remember, we're comedy show (WY) Okay, it's PSICK Show I can do it Oh, wait a minute ooofffff [Finding quite hard to focus] Concentrate (MS) You love me you followed me around for like eight years but I don't love you back wow, that's a hard one (JH) It'll be your worst experience Hardest moment of your life (WY) Yeah, I'll give my best (MS) Just let it go and do it you know what I'm saying? (MS) And I will even dump you (WY) WOWOWOWOW but you have to persuade me into loving you back [Sky is the limit] (MS) You want me so bad (WY) Okay, fine, okay (MS) Okay (YJ) Whenever you're ready! (MS) I'm ready! (YJ) Fight (MS) What do you mean 'fight'? [The situation is nothing more than a fight] this is a romance right now It's like <notebook> (WY) But it's almost a fight you're right (MS) Ahhh Come onnnn Go away!!! Wonyoung I specifically am allergic to a girl like you (WY) How could you say that to me... what about those four years [Minsu isn't even trying at this point] you said I'm your favorite (MS) I know but I do like you (WY) You gave me all these, too you bought these for me (MS) I mean, I like you but (WY) and these, too! what are you gonna do with these! (WY) If we're really over, then you take this away from me I'm giving you another chance here (MS) No, Wonyoung, (WY) I want to start again If you don't want to break up don't take these away from me (MS) No Wonyoung, I- What the heck, leave me alone!!! Just wait!!! but Wonyoung I'm kind of sick of you you know? you're kind of needy and let me be honest with you there are so many girls that wants to be with me (WY) but I like you the most among them (JH) This mf!!! (WY) He's so enjoying this! (JH) You're just here to meet your needs! using our show for your ownself Leave our Wonyoung alone! Stop making her go through s**t! This mf..... [So handsome] (WY) For your own good haha (YJ) WOWOWOWOWOWOWOOW (MS) I can die now I'm so happy... (YJ) Yeah, that was really tough (WY) Yeah, it was really tough you guys should know it! (YJ) That acting you were better than Meryl Streep (MS) Okay, second situation [Being greedy] (MS) Let's ay I cheated on her (WY) There's more? (YJ) Oh, you cheated? (MS) sigh... What do I do? I heard this from my friend Yeti the other day (MS) Yeah? what? (WY) I heard that you were with Minji that day? (WY) I heard that you two had coffee together you told me you went to see your friend (MS) When... when is this? (WY) Be honest with me you cheated on me, right? (MS) I mean she's my friend, too (WY) How could you drink coffee with my friend? that's cheating you make your decision right now right now you call Minji right now and tell her that you love me and to just give up on you call her right now (JH) Dude what's with this oil on your face (WY) so oily (YJ) Now you're satisfied? (MS) Yes, I am satisfied (JH) Last roleplay You're the doctor and I'm here to cure my cramps (YJ) Let's talk about IVE Congratulations on your two year anniversary [Hip hip Hooray!] (WY) Thank you so much! (MS) I love it (YJ) And I heard that your new song is coming out (WY) Yes (YJ) Tell me about it (YJ) Tell me about it Can you spoil it for us a little bit? (WY) Okay our title song is called 'HEYA' (All) HEYA (MS) HEYYYYYYY the sun is rising (WY) but that's right (MS) Huh? The theme of story is like 'Sun' and 'Moon' It's like the tiger that loved the sun it's about that old Korean fairy tale So please check it out! (MS) Can you teach me the key choreography? (WY) Oh, of course So HEYA means 'Hey, Sun' we make the sun with our hands 'Heya, heya, heya' my outfit a bit wrong for the choreography today but but you gotta swirl it like this and above your head (JH) The the song goes like 'Heya, heya' (WY) Heya, heya (WY) No, this is not zombie don't do that (MS) It's single? (WY) We have another title song it's called 'Accendio' (All) 'Accendio'? (WY) It's like a spell (YJ) Oh, like, Abracadabra? (WY) Yeah, yeah, exactly (YJ) Wingardium leviosa! (JH) Abracadabra (WY) Yeah, like that Accendio (All) Accendio (YJ) So when is it gonna be released? (WY) April 29th April 29th (YJ) It must be already out check out IVE's new album! (WY) New album! [Sound of clapping] (YJ) We had a blast today (WY) Me too it was really really fun literally fun time with you guys (MS) You're amazing (WY) You guys are more amazing thanks for having me (YJ) You're pretty and you're beautiful and you're also hilarious (WY) Oh, really? (WY) Thank you, thank you (YJ) So how was today? (WY) It was so perfect it was so nice meeting you guys and once again I realized once more that you guys are so amazing so keep doing your things and please support me as well (YJ) Yeap and thank you so much guys! (JH) And our last present (YJ) This is a little gift for you something we prepared for you (WY) Really? (YJ) Thirty seconds from now on it's purely your time so with that camera say anything you want (JH) things you couldn't say on air (MS) Promotion or whatever (WY) Oh, okay (YJ) Ready, set, go! (WY) Okay I know there are so many fans of PSICK here I hope you guys like IVE's new album and me I was so happy to be here today I hope you got to know me a little more please love our guys, PSICK University! I love you all Stay healthy, stay happy Thank you so much! two, one, bye!!! (YJ) And this was Jang Wonyoung! Translation: Lily (people@cea.kr)
Channel: 피식대학Psick Univ
Views: 5,749,766
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Id: tCCtZ6J5vs8
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Length: 40min 20sec (2420 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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