[ENG SUB] FULL《非凡医者》第2集:陈辉因不善交际引发矛盾 | Fantastic Doctors EP02 | 张晚意姜珮瑶郑云龙演绎医者仁心 | MangoTV Monsoon

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[Fantastic Doctors] [Episode 2] The train is about to arrive Give up your seat for the pregnant lady She's not pregnant Why isn't she? Look at her tummy She's just overweight Standing helps burn fat Are you crazy? What are you looking at? The new doctor, Dr. Chen He's been popular online recently He performs open-heart surgeries How can he be so handsome? Are you falling for him? Dr. He must be heartbroken Talking about me behind my back again? Can't you praise me in front of me? She's already in love with the new doctor You're outdated You're fickle, aren't you? You can only see Dr. Yuan I don't think so What the hell? Do you think who will Dr. Liu assign the new doctor to? To Dr. Wang Do as you would be done by Dr. Yuan The new doctor will be assigned to Dr. Wang Then you can be transferred I want to join Dr. Bai's team It's already an open secret Dr. Wang knows too Really? Morning, Dr. Wang I just wanna join Dr. Bai's team Good morning, Dr. Wang Good morning, Dr. He Good morning, Dr. Yuan Good morning Impressive Childish Where is he? Who? The new guy He was meditating by the fish tank earlier Then he disappeared I didn't see him Whoever has time should show him around to get familiar with our surgical procedures Director Dr. Chen Hui is arguing with a patient You should go and see Where are they? Over there How can you talk nonsense? Do you know that talking nonsense would scare me? We'll only make things worse if we go over Go and persuade Dr. Bai Be smart Cure me first He's driving me crazy Looks like I won't be discharged Let me tell you Dr. Yuan You see Where did this young doctor come from? I haven't seen him before Is he a fraud? No, he's not a fraud He's our new resident Dr. Chen Hui He just said this Auntie Jiang has cancer Auntie Jiang was scared What happened? She fainted again Cancer Is it your turn to speak? It's cancer In the middle stage It can only be confirmed by the surgeons Who the hell is he? Listen to me What he says doesn't count Yuan Ye, stay and handle the problem Apologize if necessary and console Auntie Jiang You heard it, right? What the doctor said doesn't count Yes It's our mistake Let's go back to the ward and rest Is that okay? It's cancer How dare you talk nonsense? Let me tell you This old lady has four sons They are all filial They can chop you up and treat you like a dish It's nothing serious Chen Hui said something he shouldn't say Yuan Ye will handle it Let's do the rounds If it weren't for difficult cases, he wouldn't be in our department Right? I think Chen Hui lacks social experience, his professional knowledge and ability are quite strong Then be his teacher No, director I didn't mean that Hey, old Wang Don't you always complain that you don't have enough staff No, no, no... I already have Yuan Ye Besides, my dorm hasn't been resolved yet, right? It's too troublesome for me to go back and forth I have a lot of things to do at home Well, I... If you don't take it, I'll tell Dean Pan to let him leave Listen to the leader It's all up to you Director, you're quite healthy Take your time Director I need to schedule surgery I also have administrative duties I'm quite busy too If not, I can take him over It'll exhaust me, but it's fine It's okay. I'll take it I can handle it The Medical Affairs Department sent a congratulatory message The turnover rate in our department is the lowest in the hospital The ambulance turnover rate is high Tell them to let him drive the ambulance Tell them it was my idea If they don't increase the number of beds for surgery, we'll move all the patients to their department Okay Director It's resolved The patient is fine now Chen Hui Come here Why did you tell patient in Bed 19 that she has liver cancer Percutaneous biopsy pathology report What I mean is, What qualifies you to announce the test results to the patient? What qualification? I'm a doctor No, Chen Hui Are you joking with me? No, do you think that I'm joking with you? He can't understand He can't understand According to regulations, rules, emotions, and reason, you shouldn't do this Why shouldn't I? I'm a doctor You just shouldn't If there's another time, just leave Understood? Director Liu I still don't understand what you mean He really can't chat Director Bai You heard that, right? Your student said he didn't understand How did he become my student? Hasn't it been decided yet? Then today, I officially announce that you'll be with Chen Hui from today It's settled. Get out Get out Come on, come out Come out Son, hold on We've arrived at the hospital Abdominal puncture, non-coagulating blood Lower right abdominal injury Mommy is here Blood pressure drop, suspected liver rupture Bedside ultrasound You cannot enter, please calm down You cannot enter, please calm down You're fine You can be discharged in three days -Thank you -Don't worry too much Hello Are you feeling unwell now? No Are you doing rounds? How is the patient's condition? Come right away Rest well Good mentality makes everything better You guys do the rounds. I'll go now Okay, you can go Leave it to me, no problem Got it Director, there's an emergency surgery Do you want to see it? Yes Let's go What are you doing? You scared me I want to see Director Liu's surgery Okay, if you want to see, go ahead You're quite considerate, Dr. Wang Come back quickly after finish watching Do I have a student? Do I? But I actually don't Do you guys also want to go and see? Thank you, Dr. Wang Thank you Are you really going? It's good for young people to be eager to learn The patient is seventeen years old Car accident Severe internal bleeding and low blood pressure O-type blood has been transfused Imaging examination shows it's a traumatic liver rupture The surgery is starting Suction How's the blood pressure? The blood pressure is unstable Administer dopamine Increase the blood pressure Large curve Stay focused Stop the bleeding Scissor The blood pressure has stabilized Seventeen years old, right? Yes What a pity Liver rupture Severe damage to the bile duct Close the abdomen and prepare for artificial liver Notify the family Close the abdomen So fast Traumatic liver rupture Irreparable We must wait for liver transplantation with artificial liver Where are you going? Prepare the artificial liver It's done Transfer to the ICU I'm sorry We're late If only we were earlier Maybe we could have saved her So young He's only seventeen years old We can only wait for the transplantation Director The artificial liver is ready Well done Where is Chen Hui? Why is he still there? You take him everywhere today Don't let him go alone No problem Director If you perform a liver transplant, can I go with you? Let's see This hospital is like the military Rules and discipline are strictly followed You can't be like him Do whatever you want Understood? Yes This child couldn't be saved Chen Hui is getting too involved I can see that He's just like I was before Thinking doctors are omnipotent He's only seventeen So young Now he's in our hands We will do our best He's my only son Please, doctor You'd better think it this way But it won't solve the problem He is O-type blood Currently, there is a very limited supply of O-type donors His father can donate a liver We got divorced After the divorce, he hasn't come to see his son Does his father know about this? I called him many times He didn't listen I also sent him messages And I messaged him on WeChat But he just won't reply to me I'm so worried Jinx Dead weight Don't follow me Mrs Wang, here's the thing This matter is currently the biggest thing in your family Yes So no matter what, you must contact him I know I'll call his dad again Please help me persuade him He'll definitely listen to you, doctor Okay? I'm afraid I can't persuade him If he doesn't see my son, is there any other way? There is no other way A liver transplant must be done Otherwise multiple organ failure will occur What do you mean? Chen Hui, you go out for a while What does he mean? Please calm down, I'm sorry Why do you talk so much? What did he say? Hurry, let's go Let me tell you, from now on, without my permission, you are not allowed to speak Do you hear me? Why? Because I came here a year earlier than you You must listen to me What's the use of talking medical jargon with those patients? It just makes you look capable In this hospital, even the janitors know over a hundred medical terms That's not your job Solving problems is your job If you're really that capable, then find a liver for that child I'm blood type AB, not type O We only have thirty more hours After thirty hours, that boy will be gone Aren't you a genius? Can I borrow your phone? What for? Call Whose call is it? Mr. Wang, husband of Mrs Wang Hello Hello May I ask if you are the father of Luo Chenyu? Hello, may I ask if you are Mr. Luo? Yes Luo Haitao Please save our son He's our only son How's Luo Chenyu now? Please don't worry Luo Chenyu is currently in ICU The situation is extremely critical Is it okay? Please, save my son I have never begged you before Even after the divorce I took our son and left I never caused you any trouble Now, our son needs you to save him There's no any other way Shut up Let me finish Hello, I'm the director of the ICU Director Ma Lan I'm the father of Luo Chenyu Where is my son? Follow me, please I want to go too This way Mr. Luo You can't go in Why? I'm sorry He is still in critical condition You cannot visit up close I'm his father I'm sorry, it's hospital policy It's all my fault Now, only you can save my son Please, I beg you I only got him Calm down, thank you That's enough What do you want me to do now? Do you want money? Let me say one thing All the medical expenses, the surgery, it's all on me I just want to say one thing We've been separated for so long, And you never let me see our son even once No You never let me see him How did you take care of him? Mr. Luo, please don't raise your voice Both of you, please lower your voices Why didn't you save her? Speak up Speak up, say something I told you to speak It has nothing to do with you Please calm down Can we talk outside? What's wrong? I'm begging you, it's all my fault It's all my fault He's my only son Please, save him Your son is underage and not very heavy So, the required amount shouldn't be that much Does it have to be my liver? Luo Chenyu is seventeen And he should be high on the donor list But to match the right liver type, he has to wait A month or two is possible His condition is critical It's unlikely he can wait Is the surgery risky? All surgeries have risks We need to do a check-up beforehand No need I have fatty liver Fatty liver? Then you can't donate Then we'll just have to wait But your son has only less than thirty hours left What does that mean? What we're giving him now is an artificial liver An artificial liver can only last up to thirty hours Once multiple organ failure occurs He will pass away Can I have a word with you? You guys talk I'll offer 500,000 One million Or you can add some more I'll give it a try Let's see if I'm a match with your son Mr. Luo I'm not a father But I can understand how you feel I think you may have misunderstood This is a hospital We don't sell organs Sorry, I can't help you He won't donate without fatty liver He's just lying He just doesn't want to donate I'll try again Mr. Luo Mr. Luo Can I take you first for a check-up? What check-up? What if you change your mind? Let me think about it Luo Chenyu is your biological son He doesn't have much time left I said I need to think about it Can I have some time to think? Chen Hui was right He just doesn't want to donate Why do you think Chen Hui is so certain that Luo Haitao won't donate his liver? Any problems? Did bed 19 sign the papers this afternoon? They'll sign today after talking to the family Xiaozhu, come here The medicine for Bed 20 Why haven't you gone to exchange it? Are you planning to wait until the patient falls asleep and secretly change it? Sterile Three times for important matters Can you do me a favor? My wife needs a prenatal check-up today But she hasn't been scheduled yet Go to the Obstetrics and Gynecology department and find that Director Wu I finally have time to work on my thesis Handsome Bed 21's case She must be admitted today When is the CT scan for Bed 21? It's scheduled for tomorrow No, it has to be today But it's already been arranged Okay, thank you There's a boy who needs a liver transplant But his father refuses to donate Oh... Are you sure that's his biological father? Yes He came up with all sorts of excuses But I think he just doesn't want to donate You want to help that boy Yes What are you planning to do? I don't know Whether it's a serious or mild case As long as they come to the hospital to seek help from doctors Every patient in their hearts more or less, they all have fear They need doctors Or even... anyone else to help them Open a crack in the darkness They want to see a glimmer of light Even Just a ray of hope Sister is here. Don't be afraid If I were you, I would first try to understand that father Try to help him first Got it Who is it? Sorry Are you okay? Why have you been following me? Why have you been following me? Hey You got it wrong He came with me This is the obstetrics department Why are you here? Does it have anything to do with you? Where did you go? I was only gone for a moment And you missed me already He moved just now Really? He moved again, feel it Feel it, here Did you feel it? Did you feel it? Let me ask How many days has this pregnant woman been here? She has been here for three days Then... Who was that man who went in just now? Who else could it be? Only direct relatives are allowed in Let me check for you It's her husband Her husband Is sister Wenjuan still here? Director Ma took her away, what's wrong? I just saw Luo Haitao at the obstetrics department with Chen Hui Obstetrics department? What is he doing there? His current wife is pregnant And she's about to give birth Her due date is in a few days Now Luo Haitao definitely won't donate his liver What's wrong with you? Director Wu said that you not only have acute gastroenteritis but also pregnancy-induced hypertension So they recommend that you stay in the hospital Why are you fake smiling? Is there something else that you haven't told me? My son was in a car accident and his liver got damaged His mother called me She hopes I can donate my liver to him No, you can't go What if something goes wrong during your surgery? Calm down He is my son We can think of a solution We can try to use our connections Husband I've tried I've tried all possible connections Who called you? Wang Wenjuan Give me the phone. I'll go find her I'll go find her Calm down No, you're my husband Why does she force you to do so? Luo Chenyu is my son Who else should she go to if not me? It's been so long since you divorced When did she let you see your son? On Chinese New Year's Eve You flew over to see them She made you stand in the snow for three hours Have you forgotten? She was angry right after the divorce I can understand What if something happens to you? What will happen to our child? What will I do? What will happen to our home, husband? Hello The subscriber you dialed is power off No No It's okay Wait, I'll go call the nurse Nurse What are you doing? You've been following me all day Nurse She doesn't have acute gastroenteritis What? What's wrong? Don't argue Take a look My wife is vomiting Did you let the patient eat something cold secretly again? She didn't eat anything cold Why are you coming in? Who the hell are you? I'm a doctor Are your eyes blurry? She needs a consultation with an ophthalmologist And she has pre-eclampsia It's not acute gastroenteritis She needs surgery Otherwise, her life is in danger Director This is the person Bai Chun Bai Chun What's wrong? Chen Hui went to the obstetrics department to cause trouble I'll go there right away Let's go together I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it I've been the head of the obstetrics department for over ten years How dare you talk to me? Director Wu, I'm sorry And you're a surgeon What are you doing here? Her vomiting is projectile High blood pressure She has eclampsia Not acute gastroenteritis You... If we don't treat her, she will die Say less No one treats you like a mute Director Wu What's the situation with my wife? Is she really eclamptic? Get up Apologize to Director Wu Apologize I'm sorry Get out Dr. Bai, take Mr. Luo out Mr. Luo The test results just came out We haven't had a chance to tell them You're here giving orders No rules or social skills Don't argue with him Director Wu Here's your new report from obstetrics department Signs of compression in the retinal arteries Deformation of the retinal blood vessels This calls for terminating the pregnancy Oh, isn't this the newly released result? This is eclampsia, right? Alright, stop being angry Hurry up and make the call Arrange the surgery Mr. Luo We're preparing for surgery Come sign the form quickly Wait a moment What's the situation with my wife? Why does she need surgery? She has eclampsia. Immediate surgery is needed That's what he just said Then why did he apologize to Director Wu? What did Director Wu do? You You really have something You should be in the obstetrics department Why are you meddling in surgery? Come with me Where? Here Where is your post today? ICU Everyone in ICU is so busy Why are you wandering around here? Director Wu is such an expert How can he miss any problems? Do you need to teach him? Why are you laughing? You should share your cleverness with him I can't teach him Let's go Stop drifting Although you were right It's taboo to do that You shouldn't do it What taboo? To put it broadly You're disrupting the unity of the department To put it simply You're just being immature But she's just in the early stage of eclampsia Mengmeng Listen to me They've now diagnosed you with eclampsia So now we need to do cesarean section operation I won't do it Why? Tell me the truth Are you thinking of donating your liver? No, I'm not Honey This is a matter of life and death You drink and stay up late every day Can your body handle it? I won't donate I won't do it Are you being serious? Of course it's true I've told them already Didn't you lie to me? When have I ever lied to you? Give me a high five Don't lie to me We're here I can't go in Just wait for me here I'll keep watch for you Good luck Mr. Luo I want to see my son Okay Can you ask Wenjuan to leave? I don't want to see her I know I've already asked her to leave How is he now? Don't worry He can't feel any pain at the moment But his coagulation mechanism is starting to show abnormalities Gastric varices With the support of the artificial liver he can still survive for more than twenty hours The artificial liver can sustain for a period of time but in his case multiple organ failure can occur at any time which will lead to death Buzzer Beater My son Dad Is the risk of this surgery high? The success rate of the surgery is 90% With a 70% chance of surviving for five years He's still young and in good health Your liver can give him more than ten years of life I'm asking about my own risk Don't you have fatty liver? Then you can't donate It's gone I used to run when I was preparing for pregnancy It's gone Mr. Luo So what are you thinking now? I have only one request What is it? Don't let my wife know Wenjuan My current wife Mengmeng She just went into the operating room I don't want her to be too devastated Don't worry Is it true? Director Dr. Ma is on the phone He said the child in ICU Luo Chenyu His father agreed to donate his liver That's great Go and tell... Luo Haitao Tell Luo Haitao to go for a medical examination What a model couple So in sync Director Ma has already made arrangements Alright Mr. Luo Thank you
Channel: 芒果TV季风频道 MangoTV Monsoon
Views: 440,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 非凡医者, Fantastic doctors, 芒果TV, 湖南卫视, 电视剧, cdrama, 良医, the good doctor, 美剧 良医, 张晚意, 姜珮瑶, 王耀庆, 杨皓宇, 刘孜, 宋芳园, 马苏, 郑云龙, 吕晓霖, 柳小海, 王志飞, 冯雷, Chinese drama, 医疗剧, kdrama, eng sub, 非凡良医 全集, 非凡良医 完整版, fei fan liang yi, 芒果TV季风, 芒果季风
Id: EHMdwVM7Tcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 56sec (2816 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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