[ENG SUB] FULL《非凡医者》第1集:陈辉因救人面试迟到 | Fantastic Doctors EP01 | 张晚意姜珮瑶郑云龙演绎医者仁心 | MangoTV Monsoon

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[Fantastic Doctors] [Episode 1] Did you buy ground meat with 50 yuan? Who would even buy that much ground meat at once? That's our monthly grocery money Dad Are you stupid? Chen Hui, run! Please, Dad Come back! Why didn't you save her? Say something! Say something! I told you to speak! Mr. Bai Is the new doctor a man or a woman? Maybe we need more female doctors Stop fooling around all the time It's said that the new one is a genius Both of you should feel threatened I'm not afraid He Tong should be careful Why should I be careful? Someone needs to be careful Stop fooling around This's the hospital Be serious Is this Chen Hui your relative? Or do you have a special relationship? Well... I already removed him Why did you add him back? Dean Pan told me to do so He asked me to add him back His secretary told you to do so Or did he tell you in person? He told me in person And he was very firm about it He repeatedly emphasized it The train is approaching the station Please be careful of the gap between the train and the platform Here's the thing, Dean Here's a candidate for residency His name is Chen Hui We already removed him from the list Why did you add him back? Chen Hui Any problems with that? I'm afraid if this gets out, it might have a negative impact on you and even on our entire hospital You're always fair and justice Have you carefully reviewed Chen Hui's resume? Yes, this Chen Hui is indeed a rare genius But... This Chen Hui has severe communication barriers He is only suitable for research and not for clinical work Why is he eating on the subway? It's clearly marked that eating is not allowed Eating is not allowed on the subway Young man This communication barrier is a lack of empathy He can't make judgments about others' desires and thoughts Look at him. Why is he holding such a big water bottle? So strange Based on Chen Hui's transcript Is he a medical genius? Yes, he is Indeed he is So We cannot miss him this time I still hold my opinion A doctor with communication barriers will pose a huge risk I suggest we'd better gather all the department heads to conduct an interview with Chen Hui Then vote on it together What do you think, Dean? Alright Put on your backpack, okay? I won't Come back I won't Xiaoke, come back Why are you so disobedient? You'll be late for school Don't run, you might fall Xiaoke, listen to me Xiaoke, come back quickly Don't run, you might fall I won't go to school Come back Xiaoke, listen to me Come back Xiaoke Come and catch me You can't catch me Xiaoke, come back Gotcha The child fell over there Wake up, Xiaoke What's wrong with you? Wake up, come on Look at me Wake up, Xiaoke Xiaoke Xiaoke, wake up. Mommy was wrong Xiaoke, wake up Help me Can someone help me? He's a genius But seems to have some personality issues Which department do you think he will be assigned to? ICU, perhaps? Our department is too small Such a special talent Could Medical Affairs accept him? Maybe... Shouldn't we try more? I heard that he has some connection with Dean Pan No wonder there's such a fuss His academic performance in college has always been the best and even with first-class scholarship four times He has published three papers in the SCI I have never seen such a doctoral student Why isn't he being utilized? Because he has Asperger syndrome So... Excuse me I'm a doctor 120 There's a child injured at the sinking square of Nanhu Got hit by glass I don't know what happened Send someone over quickly! You pressed the wrong spot What did you say? You'll kill him doing that I'm trying to save him, didn't you see? He's bleeding continuously If it were an adult, you'd be right But he's a child You're obstructing his airway Place your hand above the wound On the upper side, by the side Don't press on the airway You're a doctor too I am a doctor Surgeons will have to enter the operating room with a scalpel Having a calm and stable personality is the key point Doesn't writing papers need a calm and stable personality? Doesn't it require self-management skills? The problem is Chen Hui's personality He easily brings more medical disputes to our hospital For example, there's a critically ill patient in urgent need of treatment So, are you ready to choose a doctor who can save his life? Or are you going to choose a doctor who can chat with him? Which one is more important? Oh my God Director Da Mao, Xiao Mao, deputy Deans They're going at it I heard it's because of a new intern named Chen Hui Irregular chest movement Pneumothorax What is it? Is it serious? He'll die What do we do now? Scalpel Alcohol We're short-staffed We don't want anyone unexperienced This is a half-way What do you mean by half-way? How dare you say that? You know nothing I might really have to go Bai... Take everyone for rounds Okay You haven't paid yet Da Zhuang, knife He took my knife What do we do now? Did you pay and run away? I need to go save someone I need to go save I need to go save someone I'm saving people I'm saving people Let go of him, he's a doctor He's going to save someone You all can go to hell! Can't you see that? Someone is going to die! Let go! Someone is going to die! We're waiting for you. Hurry up and sit Chen Hui will join the Surgery department The opinion of the Surgery department is crucial I don't know the situation yet Let me listen more Director Liu, can you just be serious? This is for you to hire people I don't mean to rush you, but... Don't mention it You and Dean Pan matter I'm just a nobody Ma Lan Liu Zhenwei admitted that he is a nobody Should he go to the male department? Cure yourself first before talk Chen Hui should be here soon We've waited for half a day Make way What should we do? His breathing is getting weaker Yes, I called the ambulance It should be here soon, right? Everyone, say something Looks fine I think he's good If other departments don't want him, let him come to Orthopedics Saving lives is a race against death He's even late to be interviewed Do you still expect him to save lives? Are you gonna do the surgery here? No, no, no Can you think of another way? It will take another 15minutes that the ambulance to arrive He has only two minutes Gas released Lung expansion Correct diagnosis of pneumothorax You saved him Thank you Thank you so much Xiaoke That's great Xiaoke I'm going to refill the water Give it to me Why does Dean Jiang strongly oppose it? He's not against Chen Hui at all He's against you He's picking a fight forcing you to step down It's not that complicated Hey Hello, former leader Why did you call me? Hey, don't worry As long as the majority of the hospital disagrees, I won't insist Don't worry Don't worry Young man This is yours Hey, you... Which hospital are you going to? We're going to Puyun Hospital I'm a doctor at Puyun Hospital Come on Eight-year-old boy injured by falling glass from a height Open wounds in neck and chest On-site doctors diagnosed the patient with pneumothorax Closed thoracic drainage has been performed Currently blood pressure is stable We're on the way to the hospital There's a problem with the ECG Heart rate is 88 beats per minute It's okay But it changed Just now it was 88 beats And now it's still 88 beats What does that mean? Does it mean it got worse? Low amplitude, low voltage Low amplitude means low voltage An eight-year-old boy was stabbed by broken glass Multiple stab wounds in the abdomen Echocardiogram The family needs to pay quickly Echocardiogram You cannot go in Echocardiogram You cannot go in Leave it to us Could you please leave? We will save him He needs an ultrasound He needs an ultrasound Echocardiogram Echocardiogram Step aside. Don't block the way Hurry up Hey, why did you come in again? Come here quickly -Echocardiogram -You can't go in Don't disturb our work He'll die without an echocardiogram Leave quickly, security He'll die without an echocardiogram How did you come in? Get out Echocardiogram Get out He needs an echocardiogram Get out Echocardiogram Can you hear me? Get out Get out When will the genius arrive? I still have a lot of work There must be rules and regulations We can't let one late applicant delay our precious time Stop Are you not done yet? Get out I'm warning you Don't cause trouble Well then Let's vote Dean Jiang What? So, let's vote Since Dean Pan has already expressed his position. Let's vote That's it then Those who agree to let Chen Hui join Puyun Hospital Please raise your hand Dean Pan Director Ma Six, seven, eight With eight votes agree Those who disagree, please raise your hand Dean Jiang Director Dai Five, six, seven I also object Eight votes against Director Liu Director Liu Are you abstaining with your vote? Did I say that? Where did we leave off? Now it's a tie So your vote is crucial Hello We need a surgeon for an emergency I need to go quickly Finish voting first You go ahead We can put Chen Hui's matter on hold Okay, I'll be right there Finish voting first There's an emergency You can't rush things Echocardiogram Where are you going? Operating room 5th floor. I've already pressed the button What's wrong? You can't go in Echocardiogram There's a surgery going on now Wait here for a moment Echocardiogram Please keep quiet He needs an Echocardiogram He's performing a surgery. Be quiet Stop making noise Please leave for now Director Take a look at this emergency device It's a one-way valve, right? Quite interesting Who made it? I heard it was made by a passerby Very creative Complete blood tests and routine checks Everything looks normal Do an Echocardiogram on him Echocardiogram He'll die without the Echocardiogram You can't come in. How did you get in? Echocardiogram Director Do you think we should do another Echocardiogram? Why? It's nothing What was the heart rate five minutes ago? Eighty-eight Are you sure? Yes, I'm sure Get ready for an exploratory laparotomy Gauze How's the blood pressure? Blood pressure is normal Pulse is normal Where is Dean Pan? He's in the conference room Who are you? Chen Hui Why are you late? Saving lives Did you forget why you came here today? Echocardiogram Who are you saving? Echocardiogram Saving lives Put your own matters aside for now Come here Saving lives Don't be nervous I need to save lives Take a deep breath And calm down Everyone This is Chen Hui Now, first of all, apologize to everyone Then, introduce yourself That child is in critical condition Blood pressure dropped Yuan Ye Yes Why did you ask me just now if we should do an echocardiogram? The strange person who brought him here kept insisting that we do an echocardiogram for the patient Who is that person? The one who was carrying a backpack with a large water bottle He seems to be a colleague, but he's strange I just saw him earlier He was banging on the operating room door It startled me I saw him in the administration building too Go find him and bring him here Now? Right now Okay Increase the blood pressure Do the echocardiogram Do you know where you are right now? This is the interview site Do you know what time it is? You've made all these experts and scholars wait for you for so long Do you know that? Time is life Do you know that? That child is in critical condition You said which child is in critical condition? It's just... The injured child If he doesn't have an echocardiogram he will die Who got injured and where is he? Right here This not even a proper sentence... Speak clearly Okay? A doctor even without basic communication skills I don't think there's a need to vote again No, I think Dean Pan, Dean Jiang Why are you here? I'm looking for him Why do the echocardiogram? This... Look at this I can't see anything I'm asking you why you insist on the echocardiogram I want to know why What happened exactly? Just now, there came an 8-year-old patient He performed first aid at the scene Now the patient's blood pressure has inexplicably dropped We need to find out the cause Hurry and take Chen Hui to the operating room Go now Come with me Dean Jiang Why don't you come and take a look together? Do the echocardiogram again Please do the echocardiogram again, thank you Start over Do it again Lower it a bit Nothing Start over One more time What's wrong? We've checked and everything is fine Here Concave deformity Even if what you said is correct Blood pressure couldn't drop like that Pericardial effusion If there's broken glass It could pierce the pericardium How could this happen? If glass falls from a high place the impact force would be significant Broken glass could potentially pierce the chest wall muscles, pleura and pericardium Bleeding occurs behind the heart resulting in pericardial effusion But the probability of this situation can be considered negligible But it's not absolute Get an X-ray immediately Search for glass fragments right away It's too late Now, a person is more effective than a machine Scalpel Electrocautery Gauze Spread it open Suction Hemostatic forceps Scissors Gauze We found it Right here Success Are you okay, Chen Hui? Low blood sugar Dr. Yuan Go get glucose for him Okay Well done Dean Jiang What do you think? Let's hear everyone's opinions Suture it I'll do it Take a break. We'll handle it He has some skills He's really a genius Suturing completed He really has something Yes This kid is really something Wow, impressive He's daring, meticulous, and skillful Amazing Hundreds of thousands of likes in just a few minutes Vice Dean Jiang values him more Using new media and the advantages of the internet to empower our hospital He's really responsible with a solid foundation ICU needs him Director Ma Let him be for our department Your department isn't suitable It's suitable Think about it again Of course, our... Yeah, you in gynecology Dean Pan is back Everyone, please sit down Let's finish the meeting we just started Director Liu Zhenwei Do you have any more questions? Chen Hui You performed open-chest surgery in the street without a sterile environment Have you considered the consequences if infection occurs? Chen Hui What? Dean Liu Zhenwei just asked you you performed an open-chest surgery on the street without a sterile environment What if there's an infection? Because of sister Can you speak up, please? I absolutely cannot let anyone die in front of me I'm asking you to speak up Tell everyone what you're thinking Sister Sister Sister Sister Sister is dead Your sister died This is not according to the operating manual Chen Hui I swear, I won't let anyone die in front of me again I will never let anyone die in front of me Chen Hui Chen Hui, you're not a child anymore You will soon be Dr. Chen Hui Express your thoughts loudly to everyone Health is at stake Lives are entrusted As I step into the sacred medical institution, I solemnly swear to dedicate myself to medicine, to love my country, Chen Hui What are you doing? Why are you reciting an oath here? This's hospital, not the school Chief Zhang Can you let him finish speaking? We're having a meeting here Yet he's reciting poetry It's been a long time since I heard this medical oath Can we hear it again? Health is at stake Lives are entrusted As I step into the sacred medical institution, I solemnly swear to dedicate myself to medicine, to love my country, to be loyal to the people, to uphold medical ethics, to respect teachers and follow their teachings, to study diligently, to be tireless in pursuit, to strive for excellence, to develop comprehensively, I am determined to do my best to alleviate human suffering and promote perfect health To uphold the sanctity and honor of medicine, to save lives and heal the wounded, to work tirelessly, to pursue with dedication, for the development of the healthcare industry in our country and for the physical and mental health of mankind, I will strive for a lifetime I volunteer to dedicate myself to medicine, to love my country, to be loyal to the people, to uphold medical ethics Follow the rules Study hard Persist tirelessly Strive for excellence I am determined to do my best to alleviate human suffering to promote perfect health Uphold the sanctity and honor of medical skills Save lives and heal the wounded Never shy away from difficulties Pursue relentlessly For the motherland For the development of medical and health care And for the well-being of mankind Strive for a lifetime Medical Oath demands every physician that no matter the circumstances never refuse to save a life As the dean I believe this is a requirement for the hiring standards in Puyun Hospital Chen Hui He Tong, a year ahead of you Hmm Hmm How did you discover that remaining fragment? Look What are you looking at? Help me, brother Tong The colon cancer patient is being discharged The director will look for you later Wait here By the way, my name is Yuan Ye You did a great job today Thank you for accepting him No need to thank me As I knew you wanted me to accept him So I did Why would I want to accept him? Don't you think he's good? He's really good You finally told the truth Can't I tell the truth? Of course Then I'll tell you the truth Chen Hui is undeniably talented He's a genius But his communication skills and empathy could be his Achilles' heel One day in the future when I return him to you Don't be angry with me Congratulations Dr. Chen Hui Have you settled into your new place? Yes If you need anything in the future Be sure to come find me Okay Do you want me to drive you home after work? I'll start officially tomorrow I need to go home and prepare Please, save my sister Don't be afraid Don't be afraid Dean Pan Dean Jiang This is the first time you're really protective of someone I'm just eager to nurture talent What is your relationship with Chen Hui? It doesn't matter Thank you Just a friendly reminder You must keep an eye on Chen Hui Otherwise, sooner or later he'll cause us big trouble Life is always troublesome But everyone wants to live Isn't that right?
Channel: 芒果TV季风频道 MangoTV Monsoon
Views: 979,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 非凡医者, Fantastic doctors, 芒果TV, 湖南卫视, 电视剧, cdrama, 良医, the good doctor, 美剧 良医, 张晚意, 姜珮瑶, 王耀庆, 杨皓宇, 刘孜, 宋芳园, 马苏, 郑云龙, 吕晓霖, 柳小海, 王志飞, 冯雷, Chinese drama, 医疗剧, kdrama, eng sub, 非凡良医 全集, 非凡良医 完整版, fei fan liang yi, 芒果TV季风, 芒果季风
Id: 2SAbRzIxrr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 29sec (2909 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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