[한글자막] 전소미에게 I am 신뢰냐고 묻다

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(YJ) Ladies and gentlemen! This is the greatest show after! the release of <Amokk> techno single in 1998 YOU'RE WATCHING! PSICK SHOW, MAKE SOME NOISE! [Sound of cheering] (MS) Last episode was so fun so hilarious (YJ) Yes, yes... (JH) You mean the one with Post Malone? (MS) Yeah, that was so funny (YJ) No, it was not funny... (JH) Wai,t you didn't tell him yet? [Minsu is surprised] (YJ) Oh, Post Malone? (YJ) The boring one? (MS) What...? (YJ) Episode with Post Malone was too boring so we deleted it [Deleted] (MS) ...What? (JH) It's gone (MS) You d... deleted it? (JH) Yeah (YJ) Yes! (JH) It wasn't funny (MS) Oh, okay, okay... That's fine... Anyway I mean we have the Daniel Craig so... (YJ) You mean Daniel 'Lame' Craig? We deleted that one, too [Minsu is panicking] (JH) I mean it should make people laugh (YJ) If we don't find it funny, then we'll delete everything! Alright?! (MS) Wh... what... what should we do in December? (YJ) iono... (MS) All the december episodes... we got nothing left What do we do? (YJ) It's okay Don't worry about it (MS) Oh, okay (JH) We got director Bong [Producer Bong Joonho rescheduling] (YJ) Today this episode is brought to you by SOCAR! [Everyone cheering] (MS) ♪ I'm SOCAR! ♪ ♪ I'm so pretty! ♪ ♪ I'm! ♪ ♪ So! ♪ ♪ CAR! ♪ (JH) SOCAR, MOCHA MECHICKA BOOLA (YJ) Not bad, not bad Yes, yes Now you can book both accommodations and transportation at the same time! [Sound of cheering] (MS) You know, I knew it already the weather was so amazing yesterday (JH) Oh, yes, yes (MS) So I booked hotel and drove around with SOCAR! (JH) Oh, really? (MS) Yeah! (MS) Which was! So! Everyone? (All) Neat and Clean-uh! (YJ) So who did you go with this time? [Minsu refuses to say] (MS) Let's keep it on the low! (YJ) Alright, so [Professional isn't curious] (YJ) SOCAR gaurantees the lowest price and also they gve it away 24hrs coupon [Jaehyung is surprised] Do you have to plan a trip? Ride with SOCAR! [Sound of cheering] (JH) Okay, so from pension to hotels the price is the same? (MS) Woof! Woof! Woof! (YJ) No worries! Ride with SOCAR, everybody! (JH) SOCAR Special! [The real user guarantees] (YJ) Let me introduce! our special guest today! (MS) Yes! (YJ) She's a queen of THE BLACK LABEL! The hottest techtonic warrior! Oh, my god Fourth degree Taekwondo player! Give it up for! Ennik Somi Douma Jeon Somi! [Hosts are welcoming] [Members doing 'Fast Forward' dance] (YJ) Sister, sister (SOMI) What's up (YJ) Oh, my god! [Jaehyung is in awe] (YJ) It's really good to see you on our show (SOMI) I'm so honored to finally be here this is the final destination I wanted to get to (JH) We've met (YJ) Oh, you guys are nine-face? (JH) Sure [Somi is impressed] (MS) Oh, you guys are nine-face? *Pronounced 'Gu-myeon', meaning 'acquaintance' (SOMI) Yeah, we are acquaintance (YJ) And we are Candle Face (SOMI) Candle... *Pronounced 'Chomyeon' meaning 'First time' Yeah... (YJ) What was that? (SOMI) Are we going to do this all day today, right? (YJ) Yes (MS) Yeah, yeah, yeah (JH) You need to catch up fast (YJ) You better wake up (SOMI) Okay... I will, I will (YJ) Okay, first of all, can you say hello to our global fans into that camera? (SOMI) Hi, global fans! I'm Somi And you're watching PSICK Show [Everyone cheering] (MS) Oh, my god You have super beautiful eyes (SOMI) Thank you (MS) Are they yellow or green? (SOMI) Contacts [Failed flirting] (YJ) I like your hair color (SOMI) Thank you, I did this for PSICK Show (YJ) Did you dye recently? (SOMI) I did it by myself actually (YJ) Really? (JH) At home? with beer? [Born in 1980s] (SOMI) With beer? (YJ) It looks so good on you (SOMI) Thank you for saying that (YJ) Like, Milla Jovovich (JH) <The Fifth Element> (YJ) We heard that you have three citizenships? (SOMI) Three passports nationalities (YJ) Really? Which ones do you have? (SOMI) Canada Korea and Netherlands (JH) Oh, so you're triple nationality? (SOMI) Yeah (JH) Where do you pay your tax to? (SOMI) Only in Korea... [Hosts are surprised] (MS) Really? (YJ) Not in Canada and Netherlands? (SOMI) No, because I live here (JH) How much did you pay in June this year? [Naturally crossing the line] (YJ) That's too personal (MS) How did you end up with triple citizenships? (SOMI) So my dad is Dutch Canadian My mom is Korean So I got all three (YJ) If you get married in the future and have a baby would they have quadruple nationality? (SOMI) I'm very curious, too If I marry a guy with different nationality (YJ) Someone multi racial (SOMI) Yeah, who has multiple... nationalities, then like does my kid have four or five nationalities? (MS) So the 72nd generation of your kids will have all the nationalities in the world (YJ) Korea, Netherlands, Canada, America, Africa (JH) Mexico, Argentina (YJ) China, Japan They'd have this much of passports (SOMI) Exactly (The 72nd generation) I'm sorry, excuse me [The descendants looking for the right passport] (SOMI) For me, too, right now when I go to Europe 'I'm like...' my dutch passport When I go to America, Canadian passport (MS) Wow... (YJ) I heard someone asked for your number on the street recently? (SOMI) That's actually just down there (MS) Oh, really? (SOMI) At this Tanghulu place (YJ) So a stranger asked your number? (MS) What happened? (SOMI) It was Christmas day I was with my family but my sister wanted to eat Tanghulu? so I was like, 'Okay, I'll get it' So I went to Hongdae and I was just standing... you can't see my face like there's nothing showing mask, hat and a hoodie and but I was cute but anyways, [???????] I was standing in line and this guy comes up to me and he's like 'Hey, uh...' 'I've been checking you out I think you're really my style' 'I like the way you dressed' 'Can I ask you for your number?' (JH) Typical Typical, typical (SOMI) It was my first time getting asked by someone I don't know So like, I had butterflies I was like pretty excited I'm sorry No... and then I turned around and he was like 'I think I'll regret it if I don't ask you again' 'because when will I see you again? Can I have your number?' And I thought What if he noticed me What if? Then I thought it'd be funny for both of us So I kind of went like, 'No' (YJ) Like a shell? [Opening the top lid] (SOMI) No, I'm sorry and then he said... he did not know who I was He was like, 'Oh!' 'You're very exotic' [Her fame didn't work] 'I'm sorry' and then I turned around (MS) What if he said it differently? Do you think you would've gave him your number? (SOMI) NOOOOOO!!! (JH) Never? (MS) Under what circumstances? (YJ) What was his hairstyle like? (SOMI) Hairstyle was... Like this! [Caught] (YJ) It was you! (SOMI) It was exactly like him (YJ) You little shekki! (JH) You'r exotic [Somi is getting chills] (SOMI) Oh, but you do look similar to him! [Jung Jaehyung going around asking for numbers] (JH) I'm here because I couldn't get it last time [Second attempt] (SOMI) You have... the same vibe (JH) You're saying you wouldn't give your number to a guy like me? (SOMI) No! [The guy is sad] (YJ) Was it a bad memory or like... (SOMI) It was... a very fun Christmas memory (JH) Whewww, SUCH a relief to hear that [????????] (MS) I have a question what is your type? (SOMI) My type? [The guy is anticipating] (SOMI) Very manly (YJ) Ah, manly? (SOMI) Like, Thor (YJ) Chris Hemsworth? (SOMI) Chris, yes, but like Thor Like... (Thor) Asgarddddd! My peopleeeee! (MS) Oh, so you see his body, right? (SOMI) Body? I don't know but my dad is always in shape so maybe... (JH) Cause it's either that or the thunder [?????????] aaAAAHHHHhhHHHH!!! This is what you like (YJ) Somi's type is ability to make thunder (SOMI) It's like... [Electricity flows between Jaehyung and Somi] Like this? (JH) With me? (SOMI) Oh N... no [Somi taking his hopes away] (JH) ..... [Attempts failing continuously] (SOMI) I mean... (YJ) You're so good (JH) You're so mean You can't do that even if it's just a show (SOMI) I'm sorry (JH) Let's move on... No Worries SOCAR Special (YJ) You have a Canadian dad and Korean mom So how did they meet? (SOMI) My dad used to live in Sinchon and back in the time they had rock cafe my dad used to live in the rooftop his friend in the same building he used to run the rock cafe so everytime my dad would go to the rock cafe and say 'Hi, bro' and then go upstairs but that night my mom and her friends were there but I think the friend of my dad liked someone in my mom's group so he was like 'Matthew, come here' cause he's good looking cause then it'd work [The one who wouldn't work] (MS) So it worked, right? (Matthew's friend) Matthew, your face, let's go "I like someone there, like push me in their group' So my dad was like 'Okay' My dad had a long hair (MS) Oh, like Thor (SOMI) Yeah, so my mom says he was always like this My dad "Oh, hi, my name is Matthew" "And this is my friend, let's chill" and then he was like, my mom and dad (JH) Oh, he had that Thor tingle [How to make a girlfriend 101 : Become a Thor] (MS) Then they went to the rooftop? [Too fast] My dad wanted to know more about my mom but my mom used to work in a hotel at the front desk So she spoke a little bit of English so my dad was like he already knew Korea well 'Oh, I don't know Korea' [How to make a girlfriend 201 : Blackout] 'I haven't got any friends' 'You take me around' So that's how they met (JH) He was an expert (YJ) That was like Dog-soojak (SOMI) Oh, true (YJ) Yeah, dog-soojak *Meaning 'Cheap move' (SOMI) Funny thing is, my dad is one year younger than my mom back in the day, that wasn't really normal guys were always older and my dad was like, cause he knows 'How old are you?' and my mom was like, 'I was born in 1973' and my dad's like 'Oh, I'm a year older' [How to make a girlfriend 301 : Lie about your age] (JH) So your mom kept calling him 'oppa'? (SOMI) For a whole year (SOMI) But then like thing were kind of getting serious now, you know? so my dad kind of got nervous he was like 'When do I tell her that I'm one year younger'? So he was like 'Sunny, uh... I have to tell you something' 'I am actually one year youner than you' and so my mom was like, 'Oh, forget about all the oppa thing' 'we cool' and so they started to date and they had me (MS) So that's the day they went to the rooftop? (SOMI) Not, not that day (MS) So when did they go to the rooftop? (JH) Just tell us about that day (SOMI) Should I tell you where I was made? (YJ) No... That's too much (SOMI) I was made in Canada but in a trailer [Studio is in silence] (JH) He was like Eminem? (SOMI) In a trailer (JH) Outside 8 miles? [Eminem stars in a movie <8 miles>] (YJ) He was Eminem (Sominem) Yeah, I am (MS) Yeah (YJ) Slim Shady! (SOMI) I think it's my first time saying this actually, though (MS) You know what? Jaehyung's parents have more romantic story (SOMI) Really? (YJ) You can't hear this with tears (SOMI) Why? (JH) My mom and dad met on a blind date (SOMI) Uh-huh (JH) and their fifth date was at their wedding [Studio is in silence] [Nodding] (SOMI) Happily evr after? (JH) Who knows [The after is unknown] (SOMI) And then they had you? (JH) Yes (SOMI) That's good! (YJ) Yeah, that's good (JH) But I really think that's so romantic getting married on their fifth date (MS) Yeah, yeah (JH) It's like Kardashian (YJ) Okay... Okay, that's enough (YJ) So you were raised by Canadian dad (SOMI) Yeah (YJ) What's his parenting style like? Is he care-free? (SOMI) Care-free... (MS) Care-free? Or (SOMI) My dad is very care-free almost like wildlife (YJ) Oh, really? (SOMI) And my mom is Cheap-everything-nine (YJ) Okay... (MS) What? (SOMI) 'Slap' 'In-the-face' (YJ) Slap-in-the-face (SOMI) Slap-in-the-face! (SOMI) She is fire So I think I had yin and yang growing up the perfect balance (JH) Fire and water (SOMI) Oh, yeah (MS) What is your style? (SOMI) I like my mom's style (JH) You're saying you'd raise your kid like how your mom raised you? (SOMI) Oh, hell yeah (JH) But then, as a kid who did you prefer? (SOMI) I think I liked my mom more (MS) Oh, really? Why? You're Neo-Confucianism? (SOMI) My dad is romantic and nice but he's bit... a little cringe? (JH) Oh... (SOMI) He's such a daughter's dad So he's like 'Somi...' 'Did mom did this to you?' 'I can't believe this, talk to me, tell me' 'Tell me everything' and I'm like, 'I'm already over it' 'I don't wanna tell you the story again and again' 'Dad, I'm okay' (Dad) No, you have to let it out Somi, talk to me 'Conversation is key' (YJ) What if you tell your dad 'Dad, I want to get tattos' What do you think he's gonna say? (SOMI) I already asked and they're both fine with it cause they both have tattoos (YJ) Oh, okay (YJ) How about when you came home late? Like really late? What would your dad say? (SOMI) My mom never liked it She was like, 'You young little spirit...' All the time (MS) This little girl (SOMI) Do you think you know more than I do cause you're working already? She was always like that but dad's like 'You have your own opinion' 'You're independent' sort of like that (YJ) Do you want to experience what it's like to have a typical Korean dad? This guy here is Korean of Korean of Korean of Korean of Korean! Ulsan dad! (SOMI) CLEAN-UH! (JH) Indirect experience (SOMI) I am not so sure but let's go (YJ) Say anything, like the tattoo (MS) Cover your damn belly button Who do you think you are and where do you think you are! (SOMI) Dad, can I get some tattoos? (MS) S-sorry? (SOMI) Just a tiny one with my friends (MS) You... you mean... you mean... you want to get ink on your body? (SOMI) Yeah, I do Just a tiny one [The dad is buffering] (MS) On your hand... [The rage is filling up] (YJ) Okay, good, good (MS) Okay Okay, okay, okay... It's okay... Uh... Are you- are you preparing to become a gang member? Are you? (SOMI) No, no, no (MS) You... you... you're not a gangster (SOMI) No, it's just (MS) Why do you... Why do you want a tattoo? I don't understand (SOMI) Just for fun (MS) Fun? (SOMI) Yeah (MS) Fun?!! [The button is triggered] What's so funny about this?! (SOMI) Just for fun (MS) Doodling on your skin permanently is fun to you? That's supposed to be funny? (SOMI) Dad- (MS) You'll never get married if you have that thing [Boiling love of the dad] You can't do that! Not even over my dead body Go ahead, try me! Try me! (YJ) How would you like that? (MS) Which one do you prefer? (SOMI) I like my dad [An obvious result] (JH) How was he like compare to your mom? (SOMI) Oh, my mom, she spits fire You're not even on her level (MS) Oh, really? (SOMI) Oh, yeah (JH) Can you show us a little? Think of him as your son (MS) Yeah, I'm I'm Somme (Somme) Mother... May I get some tattoo on my hand. my mother? (SOMI) Tattoo... ha... (MS) Or on my face (SOMI) On your face? (MS) Like a tear drop Tear mark cause I have a lot of tears (SOMI) Why would you do that on your face? you want to become uglier than this? [Somme is shocked] I'm sorry! I'm- I'm... sorry (Somme) I won't I won't get tattoos [Recovery seems impossible] Forget about it Forget it, forget it That hurt me (YJ) Wow (SOMI) I channeled with my mom I was too into her character I'm sorry (YJ) Yeah, I wanna I wanna meet your mom (JH) I don't think she's ever told you ugly though (SOMI) No The day I was born, my dad wanted to put me back in (JH) Are you serious? (SOMI) Cause I was too ugly (JH) My parents always told me I was a pretty boy (SOMI) Yeah, it's a good thing, they love you (Jaehyung's mother) You are the most handsome man in my eyes Jaehyung You are the most handsome don't worry about what your friends say at school Jaehyung... Maybe think about JUST doing your nose and eyes? [Boiling love of the mother] This is a true story When I became twenty, she told me that (MS) You do the Somme At school your friends keep telling you you're ugly (JH) That's so easy to imagine (YJ) True story Based on true story (MS) And you're his mother (Somme) Mom! (SOMI) Hmm? (SOMI) Why'd you make my face like this? (SOMI) Lose some weight at least [The attack is personal] (SOMI) I try but I can't (SOMI) You looked like you could roll around instead of walking [Somme is holding back his tears] (Somme) I'm not your real son, am I? (SOMI) Mayhaps? (Somme) I'm gonna leave this house! (SOMI) Get out~ [Mom is invincible] Just come back by dinner [Yongju is impressed] (Somme) What the... (SOMI) This is my mom's style (YJ) Shout out to Somi's mom (SOMI) My mom! (YJ) We have about three hundred writers (SOMI) Oh (YJ) They have been investigating hard for few months about you and we found out that you are ENFP [Somi is getting chills] (SOMI) Whatttt? Is that a big news? (MS) Yeah, yeah (YJ) Is it true that you are ENFP? (SOMI) Yeah... [The writers are finally feeling rewarded after months of hardwork] (YJ) Good one guys! (JH) Time to get paid (YJ) We made a history! (JH) What a surprising information (MS) Yeah (YJ) You are a total F and so you are very good at empathizing (SOMI) Yeah, yeah (JH) But it didn't feel like it just before though (SOMI) Just before? (JH) When you talked to me like your mom (SOMI) I was empathizing with my mom (JH) Oh, you were empathizing with your mom, I see (MS) Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah (YJ) So do you cry easily when you listen to sad stories? (SOMI) No (YJ) You don't cry easily? (SOMI) Yeahh, I don't really... cry when listening to a sad story (YJ) Really? (MS) But you are F (SOMI) So it's weird (JH) Maybe you've never heard of a real sad story (YJ) You have never heard the real sad story (SOMI) Do you have something for me? (YJ) Yes (MS) And this is not a comedy This is a real sad story (YJ) We found this story on reddit and was written in 2007 (SOMI) Okay... (YJ) That's a... really really sad story... Can I have the piano, please? Woman : Do you want to make a bet? Man : What kind of bet? Woman : Uhm... Woman : Maybe we don't talk to each other for just one day? Man : What, that's so easy Woman : Don't you call me in an hour Woman : If you win, I'll make one of your wish come true Man : You'r serious, right? Man : Okay, sure Man was impatient all day long but as he made a bet with his girlfriend he didn't send her a text for a whole day Of course the man didn't know the woman only had 24 hours to live because of her lung cancer... he didn't know and the next day the man thought he won the bet and got excited went straight to her house first thing in the morning Man : See? This was too easy! Man cried uncontrollably and he didn't wipe his tears and he read a letter that his girlfriend wrote infront of her grave he read it again and again "You did great!" "You can do this again, right?' "I love you" (YJ) Oh, my god [Somi is getting emotional] (JH) This is... really sad though (SOMI) Yeah... Wait, is this true story? (YJ) It doesn't matter (JH) That's not what it matters (SOMI) Cause I'm confused how did she get into the grave in just one day [The procedure is doubtful] (SOMI) And what about the letter, how did she put that on... (MS) Oh, my god, you're super T (JH) But for real this time (YJ) Yeah, let me read it (MS) Focus, focus (SOMI) Okay, I'll try... (YJ) Listen carefully this is a very very sad story (MS) What's the title? (YJ) 'Sad story of sadness' (MS) Ugh... (YJ) Can I have the piano in Jo Sungmo style? There was a couple who loved each other They were eighteen and were riding a bike along the shore But there was only one helmet and the boy was wearing it Girl : Wow, this is so nice! Boy : Do you like it? Boy : It makes me so happy to see you happy Girl : But aren't you going a little too fast? Speed down, a little Boy : Why? I like it this way Girl : Speed down, this is too fast Boy : Then... will you do me a favor? Girl : What is it? Boy : Will you... wear this helmet instead of me? Girl : No, that's too scary, how do I- Boy : Then I'm gonna go faster Girl : Okay... So she put his helmet on her head and the boy asked the girl Girl : You happy now? Speed down now Boy : Tell me you love me Girl : What? Boy : Tell me you love me! Girl : I love you! Boy : Louder! Girl : I-LOVE-YOU! Boy : Okay... Krrr-BAM! And then... they crashed into the tree infront of them [Somi is sobbing] Doctor : The girl is okay because of the helmet she only got bruises but the boy is... Girl : What about him?! Girl : What happend to Seunghwan? Doctor : The boy is... he didn't make it Girl : How... Girl : Why was he speeding though? Doctor : The brake was... broken in the first place [Jaehyung forgot the lesson of Sakura] Girl : Seunghwan... Is that why you made me wear the helmet? Girl : Why! WHHYYYYYYYYYY :( Girl : Come back... Girl : Seunghwan... [Sonund of motorcycle] [Sad story of sadness] (SOMI) R.I.P Seunghwan (YJ) Did you cry? No? (SOMI) No... (SOMI) R.I.P Seunghwan? (SOMI) R.I.P Seunghwan [Jaehyung is moaning] Hey, it's Daniel Yongju Lee And Kenneth Minsu Kim And you're watching "Daily Korean" If you want to be responsible for something we say, "I'm out" How do you say it in Korean? *Who wants to be the manager? Once again? *Who wants to be the manager? It's 'Jo-jang-ha-sil-boon' Let's put it to use *Who wants to be the manager? *Who wants to be the manager? *Who wants to be the manager? *Who wants to be the manager? See you next ham... See you next time (YJ) Congratulations on your successful album ♪ Fast Forward ♪ [Jaehyung doing the Fast Forward dance] (SOMI) Thank you so much (MS) Yeah, I love the song (JH) They were dancing to the song all day long ♪ Du-ru-ru ♪ (SOMI) Yeah? (YJ) We really appreciate your song because Tecktonik was our thing (SOMI) Exactly (MS) Yes [♪ Mondotek - Alive ♪] [Professional is showing off] (JH) But watching you dance I had this thought but I think your Tecktonik is too good (MS) Oh, yeah, yeah and I think this is the problem of this 'MZ' generation They're too good so they only do good things [Cliché of music professor] (MS) What are you talking about (SOMI) Ah... (MS) What's that mean? (JH) I mean they can spread their wings Tecktonik is all about freedom (SOMI) True No, but I had a really hard time at first because if I wanted to dance pretty Tecktonik I would just go [Pretty Tecktonik] But I was freeling the concept so I opened my toes I go, I went like this and this is not pretty and I'm not used to dancing like this so I really didn't wanna do it at first but later on I got to know and understand that I needed to do the open toes (JH) I mean open toes are the real deal but there's also and this you can kick side ways ['So do you think you can Tecktonik'] [Jaehyung almost fell] (SOMI) Whoa, whoa, whoa (JH) This was a part of the dance [The spirit is on point] (JH) This is included in the dance (MS) That is called 'freedom' (JH) I can do this swirling thing You swirl and then you can come back like this [Prof. Jung Jaehyung is explaining the laws of motion] (JH) So I thought you could I mean you must be traveling around the world, right? I hope you could do a little more freely (SOMI) Yeah, roger that (YJ) And you should collaborate with 'Hwang Bo' *Korean celebrity (SOMI) Oh, yeah, yeah (YJ) And DJ KOO [ ♪ Hwangbo - Getting hot, Choreography by DJ KOO(2008) ♪ ] (SOMI) The legends I know (JH) So what I could do for you is teaching you a few moves (YJ) Okay Okay, Mr. Tecktonik (JH) First of all, Cyka (SOMI) Psycho? (JH) It's this move called 'Cyka' (MS) Cyka (SOMI) Cyka, Cyka (JH) I taught this to Jay, too and he's been overusing it since To the camera throw it exactly and also the other hand you throw Cyka Cyka Cyka Cyka (YJ) And you have to say something (JH) Oh, absolutely You have to say the word together I Love you Forever I will do this dance for you Cyka [The 80s are back indeed] (JH) Yes, yes (SOMI) You're so nice, though (YJ) You are the future Cyworld discoverers (SOMI) Cyworld? (YJ) In the 2000s (SOMI) Yes, yes (YJ) You should dig deeper (SOMI) Should I? (YJ) Yeah, yeah (SOMI) Is there more stuff (The millenials) OF COURSE (SOMI) That! [?????????] (MS) Wh... what is that? (MS) Jazz fingers? [Charades with Somi] (SOMI) What was that...? (SOMI) In-ear dance? What... (MS) Earwax removal? [Unheard of In-ear dance] (MS) What is that (SOMI) Ah, nevermind (JH) You mean, the Ing-yuh dance? (SOMI) YEAH! [Ing-yuh dance -> In-ear dance] (YJ) Oh, Ing-yuh Ing... In... (JH) Ing-yuh Not 'In-ear' (SOMI) Ah, it was not in-ear? (YJ) Ing-yuh, Ing-yuh (SOMI) Ing-yuh? For all my life, I though it was called in-ear dance (JH) But that's a little oldie now It's the later generation of Cyworld (SOMI) Oh That's was at the end of Cyworld era And what was hot in the earlier era was the dance that led the renaissance era of Cyworld was 'Pointy dance' (YJ) Yes, have you heard of 'Pointy dance'? made by Kim Suro *Korean actor Not the King but the actor (SOMI) I know (YJ) The actor Kim Suro 'Vampire Nadoyul' *Movie in 2006 (YJ) 'Vampire Nadoyul' (SOMI) I know, I know(?) I know but I don't remember (JH) Vampire Nadoyul is... (JH) That ain't easy... (YJ) Nadoyul! [Minsu can't stop laughing] (JH) But he does have the certificate (SOMI) Really? (YJ) We had to do this on every Worldcup (JH) You can put this in your next album and it'd be still fire (SOMI) I am serious, though I'm really looking for ideas (YJ) You have to go outside and you have to stand in pyramid (JH) Yes (SOMI) Okay (YJ) And you have to be at the tip (SOMI) Okay (YJ) Like Caesar (SOMI) Like Producer 101! [Somi was already an expert] (SOMI) Ay, I was at the tip (YJ) Produce 101! (JH) She knows it all (YJ) Produce 101 copied off of the pointy dance *Lee Yongju's personal opinion I'm telling the truth! (JH) Imitation, imitation (YJ) Vampire Nadoyul! [Pulling out the cheatsheet] (JH) You're even dressed like a vampire today (YJ) Yeah The dance was really easy ♪ Oh, Pilsung Korea ♪ ♪ Oh, Pilsung Korea ♪ ♪ Oh, Pilsung Korea ♪ ♪ Oh-ore-ore ♪ ♪ Ore! Ore! Ore! ♪ ♪ Oh, Pilsung Korea ♪ Nadoyul [Nadoyul is ending it strong] (YJ) Do you have anything to teach to Somi? Because I'm really tired right now... (MS) No, you have to do it all (YJ) No... (MS) Line dance Because you were in that generation (SOMI) What's line dance? [Nadoyul is getting up] Have you heard of Cupid shuffle? (JH) Cupid Shuffle (YJ) You're cupid! (SOMI) No [ ♪ Cupid - Cupid Shuffle ♪ ] (MS) Do it as Nadoyul [Yongju is bearing the weight of Nadoyul] (YJ) Vamp- Vampire Nadoyul [Kim Minsu is happy] (MS) Can you please do 'Oh, Pilsung Nadoyul'? (YJ) Nadoyul~ [Customer satisfaction at 100%] (SOMI) They're all the same, though (MS) Doobidu~ I want you, I want you~ (SOMI) Doobidu? What's Doobidu, Siri? [Siri is exhausted] (MS) Please do it, do the doobidu (SOMI) Let's go! (YJ) When you when you go to clubs (MS) Yeah, yeah, yeah (YJ) We don't dance Tecktonik we do doobidu (SOMI) Doobidu? (YJ) It's very cute (YJ) So you go like this in the club you find a girl you like Doobidu~ (SOMI) Really? (MS) Yeah (YJ) Doobidu~ And if she likes you back she's gonna do the same [Jaehyung and Yongju doobidu-ing] (SOMI) And then it's rooftop time? (YJ) Actually we ran out of all questions we prepared (SOMI) What? (MS) But it was so fun (YJ) Yeah, it was so fun (SOMI) You guys were dancing all of a sudden (Nadoyul) Yeah, yeah (SOMI) and tell me the show is over? No NO (YJ) Are you still nervous? (SOMI) No, I was just like now I'm trying to chill (JH) That's our thing we wrap up just after you're relaxed [Selfish genes] (JH) That's the exact moment when you say 'That's a wrap!' (SOMI) I want to do more... (JH) Because we don't want to show our limits Oh, wait didn't you prepare any questions for us? [Refreshing] (YJ) That's... (SOMI) Now I started to live alone (JH) Oh, you're living alone now (SOMI) And I did the interior and bought furnitures but I have no plants at home (MS) Oh, plants?! He's the expert (YJ) One of the expensive plants Look at it (SOMI) It looks... (YJ) Isn't it beautiful? (JH) No, no, give me it, give me it her hair color is... (MS) What is that? (SOMI) You look very professional (JH) Real quick, real quick This will fit right in This is it (YJ) What the... What is (JH) What about this? Orange tree (SOMI) Huh? What am I supposed to look at? The girl or the? (JH) This is something out of Thousand Sunny ship from One Piece and your hair is orange so I thought the plant could be orange, too It will be with you on your orange journey The oranges will protect you (YJ) Stop with the One Piece Just live your life... (JH) Huh...? (MS) Hey... AchoooOOO! (YJ) He's gonna die He's gonna die soon (MS) I'm sorry... (JH) Do you ...wanna bet? (YJ) Saddest story ever... It was really fun, how was our show today? (SOMI) It was fun, a dream come true (JH) I mean you went to a lot of YouTube channels compare to the channels you already went on how much energy did you use? (SOMI) I think I spent 70% in the waiting room (JH) In the waiting room? (SOMI) Haha... When do I... When do they call me? I used about 70% my energy on that and then thirty (YJ) Thirty percent? (SOMI) Thirty, forty (YJ) Yeah, yeah, yeah (MS) Good, good (MS) We used about (YJ) 255% energy... (MS) You did a great job (SOMI) Yeah, you did the vampire thing (YJ) Yeah, yeah, that was about 150% of my energy (SOMI) No, that was amazing (MS) aCHOOOooOOOO!!! aAaaaCHOOOOO! (SOMI) Someone book him a hospital (JH) Let's not... text for a day... Can you do it? (MS) Yeah... (YJ) YES EVERYONE! THIS WAS JEON SOMI! Translation: CEA(www.cea.kr)
Channel: 피식대학Psick Univ
Views: 1,858,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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