[ENG SUB]《骊歌行 Court Lady》EP01:盛楚慕对傅柔一见钟情,半夜翻墙偷看傅柔 | 主演:许凯、李一桐、檀健次 | 欢娱影视

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♪Listen to the rain falling♪ ♪Let the rain wash away the bustle of yesterday♪ ♪Looking at the red walls and green tiles♪ ♪The clouds are floating♪ ♪Enjoying the picturesque Chang'an♪ ♪The years are as thin as snowflakes♪ ♪A hero's life is like a sunset glow♪ ♪Thousands of soldiers and horses come and go ♪ ♪In the twinkling of an eye♪ ♪The sound of the zither sings the best of the time♪ ♪If this is a dream, may we never wake up♪ ♪The land is splendid♪ ♪But it cannot be compared to your eyes♪ ♪We shall write a new chapter of our prosperous love♪ ♪I'll stay with you for a lifetime♪ [Court Lady] [Episode 1] Giddy-up! Giddy-up! Giddy-up! Princess Consort. Young Master Chu Mu met Lu Qi at a tavern yesterday. They had a fight. The duke of the state was irritated. Son! Be careful! Husband! Mind your step! Son! Slow down! Stop beating him! Don't you run! Mother! Mother! I, Sheng Xiao Jing, have been in the military for half of my life. [Sheng Xiao Jing][Madam Sheng] My hard works and accomplishments [Sheng Xiao Jing][Madam Sheng] [Sheng Xiao Jing][Madam Sheng] are no less than Lu Yun Ji's. Why do you always get beaten so badly by Lu Yun Ji's son whenever you meet him? [Sheng Chu Mu] [Sheng Chu Mu] Don't you have a knack? Where is your knack? Where is your knack? Stop hitting him! Let's talk things through. I'm useless? I've disappointed you? I may be not good at fighting. But you ask the noble ladies in Chang'an. Among the playboys, I always rank first. Do you mean it? Why aren't you learning good things instead? You! Brat! I... Stop hitting him, dear. Sister! Sister! Daughter! Father. -Enough! -Princess Consort. Why don't you get things straight before hitting him? You! Calm down. Why did you fight with Lu Qi all of a sudden? Lu... Lu Qi wanted to snatch Lian Yan Er, the top courtesan of Yanhui Hall, from me. I was angry. [Princess Consort Han] What a brat! [Princess Consort Han] [Princess Consort Han] Who the hell is Lu Yun Ji? [Princess Consort Han] Princess Consort Han] How dare his son hit my younger brother just for a courtesan? Is the Lu Family looking down at the family of Lord Han? It's fine if he's looking down at the us, the family of the Duke of the State. How dare he look down at Lord Han? Chu Mu is Lord Han's brother-in-law. Stop being partial towards him. Do you know that he's notorious now? He's the No.1 Playboy of Chang'an now! I worked so hard to achieve what we have. But he came to Chang'an to ruin everything! You! Seriously? Look how angry our father is. Sister! Don't believe him! There is unrest at the frontier. His... His Majesty thinks that Father is too old, so he assigned Lu Yun Ji as the general. He needed someone to blame on. That's why he's hitting me. What's good for hitting me? You shall complain to His Majesty instead. Stop it! Even I'm old, giving you, brat, a lesson today is not a hard job for me at all! I... Sister! I... Mu! Run! Run! Father! I... Father! Hurry up! Go! I'll kill him first! I... Go! What's wrong? Chu Mu. Hurry up! -What's wrong? -Hurry up! You... Are you going out for a long trip? My cousin is having a wedding. [Du Ning] My mother asked me to go to Guangzhou City [Du Ning] to congratulate my aunt. [Du Ning] [Du Ning] I wanted to bid farewell to you just now. You don't have to. I'll follow you. To Guangzhou City? Obviously. I guess it's going to take some time for my father to pacify. Just right. Look. I'm bored of the ladies in Chang'an. I shall check out the charm of the beauties in Guangzhou! Duke Lu once fought on the battlefield. Very domineering. Who hasn't heard about Sheng Xiao Jing? How come the only thing you're interested in is flirting and playing? Don't you envy me. Don't be jealous. This is my life! Think about it. My father has been working hard for the kingdom throughout his life. Didn't His Majesty grant the Sheng Family a peerage just to allow me to enjoy my life on behalf of my father? Oh right! Is the bride of your cousin pretty? I don't think I've agreed to go with you. Mr. Du. This kind of thing is not up to you. Jun Hui. Let's get out of the town. Go towards the direction of Guangzhou. Yes, sir. [Yan Zi Fang] Second Lady. You must be the prettiest bride in Guangzhou City. Du Ning! Hurry up! Aunt. You came from Chang'an, right? [Madam Chen] [Madam Chen] Look! You look extravagant! Come! Come on in! Stop crying. You're about to get married. Can't I cry? That's right, Fu Rou. Be considerate towards your mother. [The third madam of the Fu Family] [The third madam of the Fu Family] You're the only daughter of your mother. You're leaving her. How could she not cry? [The second madam of the Fu Family] Luckily, I have given birth to a son and a daughter for His Lordship. [Fu Yin] If Fu Yin gets married, [Fu Yin] I will still have Fu Tao. Anyways... You're already 19 years old. And the son of the Chen Family took a fancy to you. You're so blessed. Third Madam, what's wrong? Nothing. You're finally getting married. I'm happy for you. You've been serving this family for many years. You've worked hard. Why don't I help you put on a flower? So pretty! One flower is enough for my hair. Otherwise, it would be too much. Second Lady. The household ledger... The bride is dressing up now. Why are you asking for the ledger now? You're part of the Chen Family now. Why are you still having the ledgers of the Fu Family? This doesn't look good. Third Sister. Second Sister. His Lordship has said that once Fu Rou gets married, I shall take care of everything of this family. But, the ledger... Zi Yun. Go get the ledger. Lady. Give it to her. My nephew! What's your position at Chang'an? I'm not an official. I am just studying and making some new friends. You don't have to be humble. In Chang'an, you can easily see His Majesty, the prime minister, or the princes descendants and noblemen. They are all over the street. People have said, "Even the doorman of the prime ministers is a Seventh Grade Officer." If you're a friend of theirs, you should be at least a Fifth Grade Officer. No. A Fourth Grade. Your friend is... I'm a doorman of the prime minister's relatives. According to you, I should be a Ninth Grade Officer. You are at a lower grade, but you're an official after all. You don't know. The first madam of my in-laws married to a poor scholar. But he passed the examination and became our county magistrate. The Fu Family is so arrogant now! Today, you shall impress them on behalf of our Chen Family. Congratulations, Aunt. For what? I'm so sad now! Your cousin fell in love with the second lady of the Fu Family at first sight during the last Lantern Festival. Clamoring for marrying her every day. I had no choice and thought, "Alright then. I will propose a marriage. And he will give up once the Fu Family rejects us." But who would know? Who would know? They... They actually agreed to us! Isn't it good? How is it good? You don't know. The Fu Family has rejected many marriage proposals in recent years. Even those officials or rich families. None of them get her eyes. But she agreed on us. They asked for five thousand Kans of betrothal gifts. They're going to empty our pockets. If I refuse to pay, your cousin would cry for it. What an evil! How can she be the Prettiest Lady of Guangzhou? Introduce her to me! She's a vixen! How pretty can she be? Once she steps into our door, I will give her a lesson! Chen Family's bridal sedan chair is already at the entrance of the alley. First Madam. Big Sister. [Fu Jun] Once you're married, [Fu Jun] [Fu Jun] you can't act as you're at home. Tame your temper. Listen to your mother-in-law. Will you remember? Look at Rou. [The first madam of the Fu Family] She's so pretty today. Madam! We're in trouble! Why are you panicking? Look! This was posted on a wall at the back alley. This... Hurry up! Bring me Madam Liu, the matchmaker! -Yes. -Hurry up! [The bride-to-be of the youngest son] The bride-to-be of the youngest son [of the Chen Family is not a girl] The bride-to-be of the youngest son of the Chen Family is not... Is not... Not a girl? Not a girl? The bride isn't a virgin? I knew that girl is a vixen. What marriage have you arranged? Look! What can we do now? Lady, I... This... Second Lady Fu is getting married. Yes. Chen You, that brat, is so lucky. He only eats, plays, visits the prostitutes, and gambles. And he's marrying such a pretty lady. I know right? Second Lady Fu? Madam, the bridal sedan chair is here. Madam. Close the door! Yes. Your aunt is annulling the marriage. Why aren't you convincing her? You're not considering the girl at all. I didn't speak because I'm being considerate towards the girl. Having her marriage annulled is better than being under my aunt's control. Who's blind here? Chen You. The bride is not even here. Why are you already so drunk? Elder Brother! If I'm drunk, I'll be strong... Strong enough in the bridal chamber tonight. Let me tell you. I almost succeeded last time. If only she weren't that fast, I would have... It's better to have her marriage annulled. The bride is here! Please ask the groom to come and fetch the bride. Why aren't they opening the door? Why are they closing the door on such a big day? Mrs. Chen. The bride is here. -Look... -I shall take a look! I shall certainly take a good look. Madam Liu. Do as you said. Yes. What is this? What are they doing? Bride. There are some rumors outside. Your mother-in-law just wanted to examine your body before you enter. Our lady is innocent. Why are you examining her body? You're harming her reputation now! If she's innocent, why wouldn't she dare to be examined? If you're not taking the examination today, don't you dare to step over the door of our Chen Family! Aren't they bullying her now? I... "A servant learns from her master." That servant isn't an easy person. So is her master. We shall see. What a terrible person! It's all for the bride's good. After the examination, everyone will know that she's innocent. She's still innocent even if she's not examined. Zi Yun. I'll take the examination. It's verified. Congratulations, Madam. The bride is a virgin. Are you sure? Absolutely. Alright. Bride, please enter. Let's not delay the ceremony. Bride. Even if you're wronged, it's not the time to lose your temper now. Please enter. [Fu Rou] Calm down. I've never seen such a pretty bride. Yes. She's so pretty. Lady! Rou! Chief, you can't reveal yourself. Lady! Zi Yun. Let's go home. Why... Why is she leaving? What's going on? She's right not to marry him. He doesn't deserve you. [Mansion of Fu] This old man! How could he let that evil Rakshasi manage the accounts? I couldn't even buy one more hairpin. The bad days have finally come to an end. I heard that the second lady's mother-in-law has a bad temper. She deserves it! She was so arrogant at home! Amitabha. Please make Fu Rou suffer her whole life in the Chen Family and never come back. Amitabha. Please bless us, Buddha. Please bless us, Buddha. Mother! Please bless us, Buddha. Second Sister is back. Please calm down, Madam. I'm wronged. Wronged? Before Rou entered the Chen Family, she was asked to take an examination. How embarrassing that was! She almost killed herself for that. How dare you say that you're wronged? I was paid. And only acted as I was asked to. Moreover, it wasn't my idea. Who suggested such an unconscionable idea? Say it! Mother. You've been crying for the whole morning. Why don't you take a rest? You're a bride. You didn't even get to enter your husband's house. Don't you feel anxious? No, I don't. Aren't you worried about the rest of your life? I'm doing just fine now. You... Go to the Chen Family now. And apologize to your mother-in-law. I'm not going. What's wrong with you? Do you want to be a grass widow forever? Grass widow? That might be my fate. I was engaged to Brother Zi Fang before I was born, didn't I fail to be part of the Yan Family as well? Why are you mentioning the Yan Family now? The Yan Family offended General Lu. The whole family was killed. I asked you to annul the engagement for your good. For my good? You did try hard, didn't you? How did the outsiders get my paintings? And that... Where did the title, the Prettiest Lady of Guangzhou, come from? You ignored the Yan Family and took the chance to annul the marriage. You just wanted a high-status official as your son-in-law. You're so picky and keep refusing the proposals. Mother! Do you really think that I know nothing? Do you know how the outsiders talk about me? They say that I'm arrogant and picky. They said that I'm already 19 years old and I still can't marry a man. Thanks to you, I have the reputation now. I just wanted to find you a better family. I don't need them now. I'm not a tool to help you build wealth. Don't you dare to treat me like a thing and push me to a man. I'll live by myself for the rest of my life! Are you thinking of the belle again? Mr. Sheng! How did it go? I got it. Mr. Sheng! I can get close to the belle then. Let Lady Fu go. She isn't a noble lady from Chang'an, who has been through ups and downs. She's also not like those ladies in Yanhui Hall. A lady from a small family can't stand your tricks. I'm just trying to take care of a girl. Since when were you not taking care of a girl? You flirted with Vice Minister Wang's daughter and she almost became a nun because of you. Don't you remember? Where are the gifts? Here. What is this? How can you impress her with this? Capture a girl's heart by satisfying her appetite first! This is a pastry from the capital. Even princesses and consorts like it. The lady will surely like it, too. But... You brought quite a lot of things for this trip. But you've eaten all of them on our way. This is the last box left in our baggage. One box? One box is not enough. Bring the jewelry, pearls, and the premium white fox fur that we've gotten yesterday along with us. Those were gifts for Princess Consort Han that were granted by the magistrate of Guangzhou, Mr. Sheng. Who cares? The belle is more important than my sister. Huh? Who posted the notes on the wall? It was me. Taking a body examination outside the door. Who suggested this idea to Madam Liu? It was me, too. You... What's wrong with you? You're a girl. How could you ruin your own reputation like this? I was... Big Sister. Do you know what they say about girls? They said, "A girl is like a peach. Everyone likes a freshly plucked one. It won't be fresh after a long time. Hence, if no man is buying it, it will be rotten." I'm already 19 years old. To my parents, I'm just a rotting peach. They try to force me to marry someone every day. Regardless if it's a cat or dog. But think about it, Big Sister. How can I treat myself as a rotten peach and just marry any buyer? They're forcing me? Alright then. I offer to marry this time. And resolve this once and for all. I shall see how can they force me next time. Instead of agreeing to the marriage and letting a man who I dislike spoil my life, I would rather ruin my own reputation. Second Sister. You've achieved your goal. But how can you explain to the Chen Family? Chen You deserves this! When I was praying at the temple, he tried to... He is a scumbag. I only asked for 5,000 Kans. I'm already being nice to him! You... You really have a bad temper. It's not that I have a bad temper. It's a lack of money. Lack of money? The Mansion of the General has been asking for more military tax every year. Our embroidery workshop and dyehouse are barely making ends meet. And Fu Tao... What's wrong with Fu Tao? [To Second Sister] Big Sister, have a look by yourself. [To Second Sister] Isn't our younger brother learning martial arts at Mount Lingyang? How could he kill someone out there? They asked for 5,000 Kans. Else, they will take Fu Tao's life. You should have told me this earlier. I can ask your brother-in-law for help. How much is brother-in-law's salary? Can he pay 5,000 Kans? This... Big Sister. Things just turned out just fine. Where is the daughter-in-law of the Chen Family? Bring her out! What's wrong? What do you think? You can't enter. Move aside! You can't enter! You can't enter! Move aside! [Mansion of Fu] Second Sister. You didn't forget Yan Zi Fang for the past few years, right? Yes. I can't forget the time I spent with Brother Zi Fang like siblings. I can't forget how close our families were. I can't forget that they were exterminated because Uncle Yan offended Lu Yun Ji. Brother Zi Fang ran to our house but got kicked out ruthlessly. Be careful. Be careful. Climb higher! You will see the eagles in the sky if you climb higher. My father is the best at training falconry. He even owns an Eagle King. Brother Zi Fang, I can see the eagle now! Yan Zi Fang. Didn't he fall into the river and drowned when he was chased by the subordinates of the Mansion of the General? We grew up together since we were kids. He was like a real brother to me. If I forget him, I'm afraid that no one in this world would remember him. Madam Chen. That isn't the case. Please let me explain. What a good daughter of you! The bridal sedan chair was already in front of her husband's house, but she left without a word. Is this how you do things in the Fu Family? What do you the Chen Family is? Mrs. Chen, Fu Rou was wronged. How could she be wronged? I was kind enough to give her a chance to prove her innocence. Yes. You didn't thank us -but blamed us? -Don't go. You even complained about the Chen Family. Amitabha. Only such fierce mother-in-law can control the evil Rakshasi. How can a daughter-in-law return to her home without permission? Do you even obey the law? Forget it! For my son's sake, I'll spare her this time! Rou, come on! Mother. Let's go. Where to? Of course the Chen Family's house. I'm not going. How dare you? I'm a virgin but I got examined in front of people. It was an insult. I can return to my home if such a thing happens. Who said that? His Majesty. His Majesty? Yes. It's written in the Tang Code. If a girl is abused in her husband's house, she can return to her home. Since it's written in the Tang Code, it must be approved by His Majesty. Alright. You've returned to your home. I'm here to fetch you back personally. Quickly follow me back. Sorry for bothering you, mother-in-law. Once I don't feel wronged, I'll eventually go back. Are you following me back? No. Alright. Don't you dare to step into the Chen Family's house ever again! I'm renouncing you as my daughter-in-law! You can't. I can't? Why can't I? I have been through necessary ceremonies and have been carried in a bridal sedan chair to the entrance of your house. How can you renounce? Alright! I'll go back and ask You to write a divorce letter. I can't renounce, but can't I ask for a divorce? You're asking me to divorce for...? I... You disrespect your mother-in-law. I didn't even get to step into the Chen's Family's house. When did I disrespect you? Asking for a divorce without a reason is an offense as well. You... Alright! You're not following me back? Then give me the betrothal presents back! Jun Hui! Pick the prettiest flower for me! Mr. Sheng, this is the prettiest one. Let's go! I got married already. Everyone said, "It's not easy for a parent to raise a child." I've never heard of anyone asking for betrothal presents back after getting married. You're ripping me off five thousand Kans. Alright. I paid you the money. That means that I've bought you. Don't you dare to marry someone else in your life! Don't you dare to act against my wish! Else... I'll... I'll cage you up and make you drown! Mrs. Chen, please don't be angry... Mother. She wants to be a widow. She shall be one then! I'll go back now! I'll find a gentle and kindhearted wife for my son. She'll be much better than you, vixen! Chen You can't marry a mistress! That's none of your business! I still have my bridal sedan chair. As long as I don't go back, our wedding ceremony is deemed incomplete. It's written in the Tang Code. The commoners shall obey the rules. Within a month after he marries his wife, he can't marry a mistress. If Chen You is marrying a mistress, I'll wear my wedding gown and sit in my bridal sedan chair. Marrying a mistress on his wedding day with his wife. We shall see the official together. I will sue him for marrying multiple girls at a time. He will be imprisoned for a year. A grass widow? Alright! I shall be a grass widow together with him. You... Mother, be careful. Don't let anger ruin your health. If you don't believe me, you can ask my brother-in-law, who's the county magistrate now. He's very familiar with the Tang Code. How dare she bully our second lady? She deserves this! Mr. Sheng is here to pay a visit. These are the gifts that Mr. Sheng has prepared. Please get someone to move them in. Greetings, Mr. Sheng. Welcome in. Mr. Sheng. This evil Rakshasi is really something. Even her mother-in-law can do nothing about her. Amitabha. Amitabha. Third Madam. Why are you so panicked? There's... There's a guest. Who? The first son of Duke Lu is here. The first son of Duke Lu? My wet nurse, Lin, was like my real mother. None of her relatives was at her side before she died. She kept reminding me. "Even if I could only find a person has the same surname as her, which could be a family of hers." I will commemorate her during every festival. I heard that the surname of the third madam in your mansion is also Lin. [His Lordship of the Fu Family] Mr. Sheng wants to find a family for his wet nurse. Of course! I didn't expect that my surname would be this valuable! May I know the name of your wet nurse? Her nickname was Yan Zhi. [* Lit.: Yan Zhi means rouge] Oh right! My uncle had a long-lost daughter. Her name is Yan Zhi. That's my cousin! My poor cousin. There's finally some news of you. My uncle was still thinking of you when he died. Third Madam, please don't cry. Since you said my cousin was just like your real mother, don't be shy then. I think... You can call me Third Aunt. Third Aunt. Then... What can I call you? You can... You can call me Chu Mu, Third Aunt. Alright. Oh right. Chu Mu. Where are you staying now? I'm struggling to find a place, Third Aunt. There are some empty rooms in our house. If you don't mind... I don't mind! And your brother... Fu Tao went to Mount Lingyang to learn martial arts. There are only some clumsy girls at home. If you don't mind... I don't mind! I absolutely don't mind! That's great! I'll bring her here now. She shall meet her new brother! Yes, Third Aunt. I'm telling you I have been praying for eight lifetimes and finally met this relative. This is good. I'm telling you you'd better make me proud. If he's into you and make you the young lady of the Mansion of the Duke of the State, we will be rich then! This is nice! You're so pretty! The third madam has just claimed someone as her relative. He's the... Son of the Duke of the State. She's serving him now. Son of the Duke of the State? Why is he visiting such a normal family? I don't know. Shall I go and ask him? Never mind. Just mind our own business. Once Fu Tao is back, tell him to come see me right away. Yes. It's your first time meeting your Sister Fu Yin. Don't be shy. Where is Rou? She said that she doesn't feel like eating and will not join us. Mr. Sheng. Please. Please. Why don't you propose a toast to your Brother Chu Mu? Again? Yes! Brother Chu Mu. Please. Chu Mu. What do you think of Fu Yin? Not... Not bad. Fu Yin is known to be smart, kindhearted, filial, and obedient. You're right. Of course. She likes to practice calligraphy as well. You must have good handwriting. Can you teach her? This... Mother. You shall ask Second Sister first. We always practice calligraphy together. She doesn't like to be with a stranger. It's fine. Teaching calligraphy is my favourite. Look. What a kind person. Thank you. You're welcome. Come. Let's drink! Lady! Mr. Fu Tao is back. Let him in. Second Sister, I'm back! What are you sewing? Pass me that. [Fu Tao] [Fu Tao] Second Sister, let me explain myself. Give it to me. You learned martial arts and know lots of things now. You dare to get involved in a fight and even kill someone. How dare you kill someone? Fu Tao! -It hurts! -You have knacks now, huh? You have knacks now, huh? -Second Sister! -You trouble maker! Don't you run! Fu Tao! The thugs were abusing a girl, who sold herself to bury her father. I couldn't hold back. Fu Tao! Stand there! Stand there! Explain yourself! -Stop! -Explain yourself! Stop! Say it. I just couldn't put up with it and did justice to her. Then they came to hit me. I could only fight back. Do you mean it? But you killed someone. We had to compensate 5,000 Kans. What excuse can you make? I didn't expect this. [Mansion of Fu] We've cleaned the room. Mr. Sheng, please. Thank you. Please. Jun Hui. We shall take a rest. Did you find out? Yes! The courtyard of the belle is at the northeast. Let's go! Mr. Sheng, I don't think it's a good idea to peek at a lady's room on your first day here. What's wrong with this? I've even peeked at Princess Xin Nan's bedroom. Let's go! Hurry up! Let's go! Mr. Sheng, be careful. It rained today. The branches are slippery. Rou! I'm coming! Be careful, Mr. Sheng. She only uses a feather duster. Can't she change to something else? What the hell is that? The Eagle Flute? Brother Zi Fang. Is it you? You liked to play the Eagle Flute when you were a kid. If it's really your spirit, please answer me. Do you remember the owl? You caught it for me. They said... "You've fallen into the river." It must be very cold in the river, right? The only thing I can do is to burn clothes for you every year. Many many clothes... It's been so many years. But you never appear in my dream. Why do you suddenly think of me today? Is it because of my marriage? Don't worry. I'm not that silly. I'll not be controlled like a puppet. I will definitely cherish myself. I'll treat myself well. Even if I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life. I'll never just make do with it. You shall wait for me then. It hurts! [Court Lady] ♪Who would pity those salad days♪ ♪It's youth that warmed up the room♪ ♪Dwelling on the frustrations naively♪ ♪The pain made me forget about the sweetness♪ ♪I can't stop thinking of you even when breathing♪ ♪You're in my dreams, in my heart♪ ♪I blamed our encounter and I blame myself♪ ♪The pain of parting is a deep wound in my heart♪ ♪The pain of parting is a deep wound in my heart♪ ♪I missed someone when I was young♪ ♪I was the one to blame, not her♪
Channel: 欢娱影视官方频道 China Huanyu Ent. Official Channel
Views: 2,533,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 欢娱影视官方频道, 骊歌行, 大唐女儿行, 驯夫记, 盛唐攻略, 驯夫记之大唐女儿行, 许凯, 李一桐, 檀健次, 吴佳怡, 李泽锋, 洪尧, 何奉天, 王一哲, 古装, 爱情, 轻喜剧, 欢娱影视, 于正, Court Lady, 中剧, 中国电视剧, ligexing, 甜宠
Id: 2koGyQlAks4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 7sec (2767 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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