【FULL】Dance of the Sky Empire EP01 | 天舞纪 | iQIYI

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Dance of the sky Empire Episode 1 Mother! Mother! Though people of our Kunwu clan have divine power, we've never thought of bullying the human clan. Yet, you keep invading our territory. Since you don't want to live at peace with us, our entire clan will fight against you. Elder brother! Qingsheng! Mother! don't leave Xuan'er behind. Elder brother! Elder brother! Mother! Younger sister! Snow Illuminating Trick. As the 19th Saintess of the Kunwu clan, I, Jiu Ling'er, swear to the Heaven at the cost of my life that in ten years, the Dragon Emperor will wake up and the human clan will be wiped out. I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna kill you! Let go of me! Let go of me! I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna kill you! Kill you! Let go of me! Let go of me! Let go of me now! Xuan'er! Save some strength. This is the Dragon Lock. No one but me can unlock it. I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna kill you with my own hands! Xuan'er, shut up! Lord Zi, please feel relieved. If you spare his life, I promise I will keep him under control. What about you? Don't you hate me? Since he was born, we've known that this day will come. Lord Zi! Lord Zi, I swear in the name of my father if he ever causes trouble and harms the human clan in the future, you can take my life. Lord Zi, please show mercy and spare his life. I can let him live, but I have one condition. As long as you can spare his life, I can agree to anything. I'll take him as my apprentice. Father, stop talking to him! That bastard - killed my mother. – Xuan'er! You! I'll kill him at the cost of my life. Lord Zi! No! Let me go! I'm gonna kill you! Mother! Xuan'er. It's the auspicious time. The crowning ceremony for crown prince is about to start. The officials may come in now. Your Highness! There's still an hour ahead. Rise. Thank you, Your Highness! Your Highness, I've transferred all the guards to encircle the city ring upon ring. However powerful Li Xuan is, he won't be able to come in. Li Xuan has many wicked ideas. Do you think you can stop him? Your Highness, you mean… In this way, even if Li Xuan really comes, he won't find me. Your Highness, you're so wise! Your Highness, you're so wise! The first prince suddenly asked us to find some maid garments of large sizes. We've searched through the warehouse only to find a few garments. Right! Right! Luckily, we've found them. Otherwise, we'll all be punished. Right. Stupid as Li Xuan is, he certainly won't know I've come up with such a brilliant idea. Well, he must be searching the four sedan chairs. Which sedan chair is the first prince in? What do you think? Isn't my idea brilliant? Fruits. What a pity! Today I still have to attend the crown ceremony, so I can't witness how frustrated he is with my own eyes. Otherwise, I can really work off my anger, right? Fruits. Actually, it's not so hard to see Li Xuan. What a fool! He wants to witness my frustration, but his idea sucks. Li Xuan! Take him away. Let go of me! What time is it now? Right! Right! The auspicious time is about to pass. Right. Why isn't he here yet? How can this be? Unbelievable! What time is it now? If the ceremony can't be held in time, His Majesty will be furious. Well, is everything all right? What time is it now? Your Majesty, it's the auspicious time, but the first prince hasn't shown up yet. Why don't you send guards to find him? I've already sent guards, but… Report! Report! Your Majesty, His Highness… His Highness… Speak out! How is he? Your Majesty, His Highness is missing. What? Missing? According to the guards on duty, His Highness is probably… …abducted by Nation-protecting Master Li Xuan. Well… Li Shude, what a good son you've raised! Your Majesty, don't worry. I'll definitely bring back the crown prince safely. What a brat! He causes trouble every day. Youlian, we've arrived. Master, is this Qingtian City? It's been ten years. The Dragon Emperor has been trapped inside the Moyun Ancient Academy of Qingtian City for ten years. Youlian, you're the only Saintess of our Kunwu clan. Our hope to save the Dragon Emperor and rejuvenate our clan rests on you. Master, don't worry. I won't let you down. In future, I'll transform into a swift and portable sword to protect you, but keep in mind that when you enter the ancient academy, you must be extra careful. Ziji, the old guy, has set the ward in the ancient academy, so I can't show up and help you. I see. The ten-year period is expired. The human clan must be afraid of the curse cast by the Spiritual Queen back then, so it won't be easy for us to get in. What should we do? Master, how come my ears have changed? What about my eyes? Have they also changed? Yes, they have. Your Saintess mark is also gone. Master, I must have my mark. Without the Saintess mark, I'm no longer the Saintess. Take it easy. I've just hidden the features indicating your identity as a member of the Kunwu clan temporally. But do keep in mind that the Saintess mark will come out when it meets water, so you must be extra careful when you're with the human. Understand? I see. Good. Let's enter the city. It's too slow. I've got things to attend to. We all are. Right. Who's that? That's Li Xuan. He's the last apprentice of Ziji and the Nation-protecting Master of our Tianqi State. The Nation-protecting Master. Then he must be powerful. It is said that he can handle the Dragon King of the Kunwu clan to protect our human clan, but I don't know whether it's true or not. How can he handle our Dragon King? Now that the guards are searching the city to look for the missing crown prince, let's hurry up and leave. Xuanxuan, good for you. To transfer their attention, you even dare abduct the crown prince! He's probably used to that. I've beaten him up a lot since childhood. Xuanxuan, are you sure your father won't find out that we're leaving the city? If he finds out, we're done. Let me tell you. Whether we can get out successfully or not solely depends on your acting skills. I believe in you. You! Come here for check. OK. Check. Come here. Come here. That's all. You may go. Go. OK. It's done. Go. Let me see. Look, officer… Come here, that one behind. Come here. Open it. Master, have you seen that mirror? Yes. I didn't expect Ziji to set such a barrier. What a cunning fox he is! That mirror is called Xuyu Mirror. It can make the people of the Kunwu clan show their true appearances. Miss, what's wrong? The magical instrument I gave you can only deceive the public, but it can't fool the mirror. You. Come here for check. Master? Maybe you should leave the city first and figure out a way later. No way! Tomorrow is the exam day. If we don't get in today, there's no chance. What're you waiting for? There're so many people lining behind you. Hurry up! I… Can't you understand me? I can. I can. I'm coming. Hurry up! I'm done! I'm done! What to do now? Make way! Make way! It's the plague! Make way! He died from the plague! If you're infected, your hands and feet will rot! Make way! Make way! Stop! Who's on that? My father. What happened? He died from the plague. He's dead? What a silly son! My entire family died yesterday. Your entire family died? Yes. I haven't heard there's a plague in the city. Stop! When did you go over there? Have you looked into the mirror? Yes, I have. I just came from over there. These officers have seen that. I haven't. Go back to the mirror for another check. Haven't you heard me? Officer, something's wrong with him. How can anything go wrong with a dead man? Right! How can anything go wrong with a dead man? In my opinion, something's wrong with you. Officer, you should check her. I just heard you say your father passed away. When? Yesterday. Yesterday? It's so hot. He's been dead for one day and one night. How come the corpse doesn't attract any flies? Right. Right, there aren't any flies. Look, aren't those flies. I can't get rid of them. The corpse must be stinky. Officer, my father was infected with plague. If you don't believe me, you can lift the cover and have a look. Officers over there, please lift the cover and have a look. Officer, please lift the cover and have a look. Hurry up and go! I'll lift the cover. Keep a distance! Keep a distance! Keep a distance! So scary. Is this your father? Adopted father, you died so miserably! Why did you leave me alone? Adopted father, you were the last of your family, but now you're also gone. Adopted father, you died so miserably! He looked like the man in the picture. Adopted father, you died so miserably! Isn't that Mr. Li? Mr. Li? Adopted father, how come the picture looks a bit like you? Adopted father! The corpse moves! The corpse moves! The corpse moves! It's so scary! This… Right. He's not dead. Is he really alive? What's going on? It's so scary! It's a trick. It's not real. What a fool! Let's go! Catch them. Stop! Stop him! Stop! Stop! Mr. Li, stop! - Stop! - Those in front, stop Mr. Li! Hurry up! Mr. Li! Don't let him get out of the city. Finally, I can leave the city. This time, I wonder who can stop me! I'm out! Why? Who is that? Xuanxuan. What a brat! You want to run away again! Stinky old man, I knew it's you. Let go of me! I want to go out. If I let you leave, how embarrassed I will be? Let go of me! I don't care! Let go of me! Stinky old man! Stinky old man, let go of me! As the Nation-protecting Master, I order you to let me go! Please let me go! Look at him! Bian Lingcheng, help! Bian Lingcheng! I'm invisible! Invisible! Invisible! I'm invisible! Invisible! Invisible! Bian Lingcheng, help! I'm invisible! Invisible! I'm invisible! Invisible! Invisible! What? You disloyal bastard! Fine, I won't leave you alone. Master, he's my accomplice. He instigated me! Catch him now! Master! Lord Zi, I'll tie myself up. No need to bother you. Let go of me! Why do you tie me up? Li Xuan, I'm coming for you! My dear brother! I'm coming! Li Xuan, you should at least wait till I changed my clothes to bury me. Li Xuan, come out! I order you to release me now! Otherwise, I'll kill your entire family. Kill… There're bugs! Feng Changqing! There're bugs! There're bugs! Release me now! Your Highness! Your Highness! Your Highness! I'm here! I'm here! Feng Changqing, stop… Hurry up! Hurry up! Feng Changqing! Feng Changqing! Your Highness! Your Highness! Your Highness! Can you still recognize me? What're you looking at! Keep digging! Yes! Hurry up! I'll look for the tools. Hurry up! Where are you going? Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Well, someone should stay by my side. There're really bugs here. How dare you talk back? Look at what you've done! You bastard! You not only abducted the crown prince and ruin the crowning ceremony, but acted recklessly in front of Lord Zi. If Lord Zi gets sick because of what you did, I'll skin you alive. Father, that stinky old man is more energetic than I am. He won't die. Feel relieved. You! How dare you talk back? I can stop talking back. Take me to Bai Xiaosheng. I want to ask him about my mother. Father, what're you thinking? There's only one hit left? Will you hit me or not? Hurry up! I feel so scared seeing you holding the stick! How dare you leave the city? Let me tell you. Don't even think about it! Guards! Lock young master and that young man surnamed Bian into the wood shed. Yes! Watch them carefully. Without my permission, no one can release them. - Yes! - Yes! Lord Zi. I wiped out his memory after the war which happened years ago. I didn't expect that he still remembers the past. What he remembers are fragments of the past. But after all, I owe him. Never mind. It's useless mentioning the past. The annual exam of the ancient academy will be held tomorrow. As the Nation-protecting Master, he shoulders great responsibility, so he must be admitted into the ancient academy. Lord Zi, don't worry. Even if I have to tie him up, I'll get him into the ancient academy. Lord Zi, let's talk inside. We should increase surveillance at the city gate. The ten-year period is about to expire. We must guard against the disaster which is about to come. But over the past ten years, the Kunwu clan has taken no actions. The curses cast by the Saintess of Kunwu all come true. You can't take it lightly. Yes. What're you thinking? I wonder whether my father failed my mother or not. Otherwise, how come he dares not mention her? Stop making assumptions. Maybe your father doesn't want to mention your mother because he doesn't want to remember the pain. Xuan'er, you said you often dream of your mother. Haven't you seen how she died in your dreams? Every time I dreamed of her, she was covered with blood. I clung to her and asked her what on earth had happened. Then she just disappeared. What on earth happened back then? Why did these adults keep silent? I asked my father several times at the risk of being punched. However, he can't explain clearly. Well, am I a loyal friend? Of course. I haven't forgotten what happened at the city gate just now. Well, that girl was to blame for what happened then. Right. How come I didn't think of her? I'll definitely catch her. Now that we're trapped here, how can we catch her? How come Changqing is not here yet? What takes you so long this time? Impressive! They are the guards of your mansion. Can't you be gentle? Spread! Spread your tail! Spread! Spread! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! First-class porcelain. Come and have a look. Come and have a look. First-class porcelain. Porcelain? What's this place? Do you know? This time, the admission exam of Moyun Ancient Academy is the largest among the recent ten years. It is said that many royal and noble descendants will take part in the exam. Right. It is said that anyone ranks first in the exam can become the apprentice of Ziji, thus gaining respect from the world. If I rank first in the exam, I can choose whichever lady I like. Watch me! I'll definitely rank first in the exam. Look! There's actually such an unparalleled beauty in the Qingtian City. Is she also here to take part in the exam? Well, you may not know her. She's Cui Pianran, the eldest daughter of Minister Cui. The lady beside her in plain clothes is Cui Yanran, the second daughter of Minister Cui. Miss, our restaurant is fully occupied. There's really no table left. May you go to another restaurant? What did you just say? You should be honored that our lady wants to eat here. How dare you drive us away? That's not what I mean, but today… Miss Cui, eat with me. Miss Cui! Miss Cui, come and join us. Miss Cui, please do us the honor of joining us. Come to our table. Eat with us. Miss Cui, sit with us. Sit with us. Sit with us. Miss Cui, sit here. Do us the honor of joining us. We've also got places here. Miss Cui! Miss Cui! Miss Cui! Miss Cui, please join us! Join us! Miss Cui. I'll sit here. You! Go away! Yanran, sit here. Well, I haven't finished eating yet. You actually asked me to go away. That's not right. Juan'er. What're you doing? Elder sister, there're so many people here. Let's go and eat at home. I want to eat here today. Step aside. What about this? I'll finish eating as soon as possible. Then I'll leave my table to you. Is that OK? What a nerd! How come you're so talkative? Juan'er. Here's the money. Eat somewhere else. Fuck off now! Don't stay here to ruin our lady's mood. How can you abuse your power and bully me? So what? So what? We bullied you. So what? So what? Why do you hurt me? Who's so unreasonable? The Cuis are so impressive! In the broad daylight, you actually let out vicious dogs to bite others. It seems that the family tradition of the Cuis is not so admirable. Who the hell are you? Judged from the way she dressed, she appears to be the princess of the State of Sha. I heard she's also here to take part in the admission exam of the Moyun Ancient Academy. Your father is just a minister. How dare you use his power to bully others? What a joke! Oh, my God! There're also performers here. Make way! Thank you! Awesome! How skilled and powerful! Miss. Miss. Are you OK. Come on. Get up. Miss, you two are awesome! How dare you mock me? I should tip you, right? Who should I tip? What do you mean? Do you think I am a beggar? I don't. I thought you're performers. Your Highness, thank you for helping me. Please accept my heartfelt thanks. No need. No, I should thank you. According to the books, the kindness of dripping water should be reciprocated by a gushing spring. Your Highness, I'll definitely repay your kindness today. I said no need. Just leave. Your Highness, you're really kind. If everyone in the world is as open-minded and tolerant as you are, the world is bound to be peaceful and prosperous. Are you done? I've got one more sentence to say to you. You want to repay my kindness, right? Fine. Now promise me one thing. Let alone one thing, as long as I can do it, I'll go through fire and water for you. Then listen to me carefully now. From now on, I want you to stay five zhang away from me and never talk with me. Are you clear? This… Well, don't you want to repay my kindness? Yes, I do. I'll follow your requirement. See you. Five zhang. Where's my spiritual instrument? I see. You stole my spiritual instrument, so I lost. Elder sister, stealing spiritual instrument is a big deal. I don't think she's a thief. Thief or not, we'll know after we search her. Juan'er, search her. What? What're you doing? Make way! Make way! The Nation-protecting Master is here! The Nation-protecting Master is here. Li Xuan, you're here. Isn't this Miss Cui who claims to be the No.1 beauty of the Qingtian City? I heard you want to search her, right? Yes. She stole my spiritual instrument, so I was utterly defeated. What? Really?! As the Nation-protecting Master, I'll definitely do you justice. You're the Nation-protecting Master? Of course. Terrific! Then everything will be easier later. What do you want? In the broad daylight, you actually dared steal things in front of me, the Nation-protecting Master! Unbelievable! I didn't steal from her. Stop quibbling about it. I really didn't! Stop! I told you I really didn't steal from her. Changqing, help her remember. Yes. Elder sister, how can you leave that girl to Li Xuan? He's the No.1 young ruffian in the Qingtian City! She pissed me off first. Where are you going? I'm going back to them. You don't even know where they are. How can you find them? Let's go. I… Go! Help! What's going on? You! Help! Li Xuan, the Nation-protecting Master and the most handsome man in the Qingtian City is abducting an innocent girl. Help, please! Bastard! He can't even spare a little girl. Thank God you're not a woman. If you're a woman, I'm afraid your young master would have long… I'm just kidding! Don't take it seriously. Why do you tie me up? Why? To search you of course. I really didn't steal from her. Whether you stole from her or not, I'll know after I search you. Don't come near me! Let me tell you. I'm gonna search every inch of your body.
Channel: iQIYI 爱奇艺 - Get the iQIYI APP
Views: 4,673,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dance of the Sky Empire, 李俊辰, iQIYI, xukai, 周骏超, Xu-Kai, xu kai, 哈妮克孜, 许凯, tianwuji, Wu Jia Yi, 于歆童, 情动的光, Su You Lian, Chinese TV Drama, DanceoftheSkyEmpire eng sub, Dance of the Sky Empire full, Dance of the Sky Empire 2020, 吴佳怡
Id: jz1IgOG1lZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 6sec (2646 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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