[ENG] 누나들! 페어플레이합시다👊 Hey, let's play fair👊 (with Kep1er) | THE 윌벤쇼 EP.49

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(They'll be laughing a lot today) (Kid Stars Athletics Championships with Kep1er!) (The Will-Ben Show) So! Let's start with the opening There's never been a show like this in Korea The Will-Ben Show! Hi, I'm show host William I'm Bentley Why are you so shy today? (The reason why Will-Ben are shy today) You're not like this usually What are you supposed to say so that the guests come in? Please, come in~ (Kep1er's Hikaru & Huening Bahiyyih are here!) So cute~ Where're you going~ (They're being shy) Why do you keep on looking at me? The guests are over there You should say hi to your guests Hello~ Hi~ Please, introduce yourselves We'll introduce ourselves Catch your eye! Catch your mind! Hi~ We're Kep1er's Huening Bahiyyih & Hikaru! (It's only been 10 months since they debuted and their album sales already exceeded 1 million!) (Their 3rd mini-album <We Fresh> ranked iTunes' top song charts in 12 countries!) (Kep1er's Hikaru & Huening Bahiyyih) Take a seat~ Thank you~ Get up! Sit down! They're so good at it! Get up, turn around and sit down... Do we sit now? Yes That was funny We'll do whatever you tell us to Before we start, I was very curious I've seen this picture a lot in social media Yes, that's right~ 'The Will-Ben Show' and 'The Return of Superman' I've been watching them since when William was born and when Bentley was born I saw them in 'The Return of Superman' So I really wanted to meet them I'm a big fan Who is it? Me...? What we'll be doing today is... It will be familiar to you guys It's 'Idol Stars Athletics Championships' 'Idol Stars Athletics Championships!' (For Will-Ben is 'Kid Stars Athletics Championships') ('Kid Stars Athletics Championships') (They'll be playing traditional games from all over the world and all of the games will be played individually) (In each event, we'll pick the last place and they'll get a huge penalty...!) Are you ready? Yes! We are! William and Bentley, are you ready? Yes!!! Let's huddle! Stand up Good! 1, 2, 3. Let's go! (First event (1 point)) (Korean game 'Ttangttameokgi') (Korean game 'Ttangttameokgi') (After deciding the order with rock-paper-scissors, each player takes as much sand as he/she wants. The player who knocks down the long stick stuck in the sand castle loses!) Are you ready? Yes!! (William goes first!) Don't take too much! That's original! No, you can't take it all. Take a just a bit. Well done~ (Second to go- Hikaru) She took a lot! Ben, don't take too... I knew it He took a lot! You can tell their personality through this game Some people are greedy~ I'm going to take very little The stick moved! You should be careful from now on (Actually they seemed stable for a while) Be careful! He realized it's dangerous~ There's no much left! I was going to take that! It's mine~ Everyone's doing their best to avoid the last place Try here Here? It's going to fall if I take from here Try it! Why! You should try there, then! Try it~ Be careful~ You guys are so good at this~ Is the stick stuck on the floor? The stick is moving! What should I do! Really? It's moving... (The stick fell in the end) (Disappointed) (First game's loser- Bentley!) (Second game (2 points)) (Japan's game 'Kendama') (Japan's game 'Kendama') (Throw the ball up liike a yo-yo and put it in the dent. The person who does the least in a minute loses!) The next game is a game from Japan I heard they play it a lot in Japan since elementary school That's right! Kendama? Kendama! I've tried it but I'm really bad at it So I'm embarrased to show you, as a Japanese Are you really bad at it? Or are you just faking to be? I'm really bad at it. You'll be surprised. (Then I'll show you how it's played!) You've to do as many as possible during one minute The one who gets the least done, loses I did well a few minutes ago... Can we just start...? Wait... I need to restore pride I did it~ (It's not a screenshot... It's not...) Okay~ I'll start! (Success!!) 30 seconds left I've 30 seconds left! (Succeeded doing 2!) (Succeeded doing 3!) 5,... 4, ... 3,... One last one! Time over! You did 3! (Next player is William) Start! Start~! You can do it! (He's very close...) Your time ended like 30 seconds ago... Do one at least (Turning it around) (The rope is getting shorter) Wait... What happened?! (Next is Huening's turn!) I like pink! Do you like me?! Concentrate! (Succeeded!) (Succeeded doing 2!) Don't do 3... (Will she be able to do 3...?) (Succeeded doing 3!) (Succeeded doing 4!) Are you a pro? Did you practice? 3, ... 2,... 1! (Huening did 5 in total!) High five~ (Hikaru went down to 2nd place) Bentley, don't be too nervous You can do it! Are you ready? Yes (He's going to practice first) (I can't do it...) Start! Turn it around... He's playing a different game (That was perfect!) (Almost as if we've won the World Cup) (Kendama's youngest genius!) He made it in only 29 seconds! He did one in only 29 seconds!! You still have time left! Don't do it... He said don't! 3, 2, 1. Time over! (Bentley succeeded doing 1!) It's my turn! Was the other one a practice game? (Second game's last place- William!) (Third game (2 points)) (Vietnam's game 'Chuon Chuon') (Vietnam's game 'Chuon Chuon') (They will play 1:1 as a tournament. Kep1er will play with their foot and Will-Ben will play with their fingers!) (Vietnam's game 'Chuon Chuon') (The person who makes it to the halfway point without dropping the Chuon Chuon wins. 3rd and 4th place will match after the finals. The last person to come in loses!) (Rock-paper-scissors to decide who goes first) Rock, paper, scissors! (William won!) Don't come to me~! Me? Okay~ Did you choose her? (Hikaru VS William) Are you ready? Yes~ Start! You're going too slow! William won! William finished? (He's going one more time) I'm closer than you! William, you're too good at it! (Still, Hikaru made it to the finish line like a PRO!) William won! So you're going to play in the finals (Huening Bahiyyih VS Bentley) Are you ready? Yes! Start! (Running as fast as possible!) (Bentley touched it with both hands) (He has to start again from the beginning) (Huening is going fast!) (But she dropped the Chuon Chuon!) Bentley won! Go one more time! Bentley won! Well done~ (The finals to decide 1st and 2nd place) Are you ready? Yes! Start! Be careful! William won! (Going again endlessly) (Stop... The finals aren't that important...) (The 3rd and the 4th place race is the most important!) Who do you want to be the last place? Both of them! Both of us?! Are you ready? Yes! Start! Their speed is very different Pink is doing well! (Hikaru's Chuon Chuon fell!) I'm almost there! (It fell because of Hikaru's foul!) That's a foul! Huening won! ('Kid Stars Athletics Championships' last place- Hikaru) So, Hikaru is the last place So the penalty is... What is it? Indian Bop! (*hitting the back) Indian Bop! I could die! (Here goes the penalty!) Indian Bop~! Only once!! (The closing ceremony with snacks~!) (Snacks from all over the world!) But Hikaru, Are there times in which you don't remember japanese because you've been living in Korea? Since I'm still learning Korean, I need to concentrate a lot when I speak in Korean I've been too concentrated in Korean that suddenly I couldn't speak in japanese Even when I was on the phone with my mom, I couldn't remember some words in japanese Look at this! Actually when we went to an interview in Japan, she spoke in korean instead of japanese So the show host seemed confused Have you ever been surprised at Hikaru's korean? Recently, "dung fly" She learned the word "dung fly" Do you know what a dung fly is? It spills dung if you kill it Really?! Is that why it's called "dung fly"? You're a good teacher~ What do you want to do before this year ends? Award ceremonies? Do you know what the award ceremonies are? You wear pretty clothes It's our first time in an award ceremony. What pose should we do on the red carpet? We'll do it on the red carpet We have to follow him That one's cute! Let's do that! It's cool. Let's do it. It's cool~! No, Ben. It's the other side The other side! I heard you've mentioned William and Bentley many times in some interviews How was meeting them in person? It didn't feel real when I first saw them Now that we've spent the day with them, I can see their characters The characters I saw on TV Really? Yes~ Compared to what you saw on 'The Return of Superman' they're a bit... They're a bit... different Right? How was meeting them in person? They're very very cute. You're more handsome in person, William William, you're pretending like you can't hear on purpose, right? This is an official question What does 'The Will-Ben Show' mean to Kep1er? 'The Will-Ben Show' means... I actually wanted to have 5 kids Wow... really? I think 2 is enough! Thank you for being honest Actually, I didn't want to have kids... But now that I've met them, they're so cute So I'd rather be on my own... Lastly, what should you say? Thank you for coming~ 1, 2, 3! The Will-Ben Show!!! (Adult Sam and two kids next to him!) (We kept the cute moments for you!) (Scream if you're excited!) ('The Will-Ben Show's calendar making will be released!)
Views: 600,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 윌리엄, 벤틀리, 샘해밍턴, 윌리엄해밍턴, 벤틀리해밍턴, 정태오, 정우성, samhammington, Bentleyhammington, Williamhammington, willbengers, 윌벤져스, THE윌벤쇼, THE WILLBEN SHOW, talk show, 햄새밍턴, 윌벤, 슈돌, willben, will ben, 슈돌 윌벤, 슈돌 윌벤져스, the 윌벤쇼, 윌리엄 벤틀리 유튜브, 윌벤져스 유튜브, 실버버튼, 윌벤져스 광고, 케플러, Kep1er, kep1er, 휴닝바히에, 히카루, 최유진, 샤오팅, 마시로, 김채현, 김다연, 서영은, 강예서, we fresh, wa da da, up!, 케플러 윌벤, 휴닝바히에 슈돌, WAKEONE, 스윙엔터테인먼트, 케플러 윌벤쇼
Id: EMIaZUa1hpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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