Energy Monitoring in Home Assistant with not only Shelly EM

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hi and welcome to home assistant how to with bearded thinker today we'll be talking energy and i'll be revisiting some of my old videos we'll start in 10 seconds [Music] as always before we go any further i really would like to thank all the members who have joined my youtube channel thank you for all of your support and also thanks to everybody who watched liked or subscribed to my channel thank you by the way if you do not want to miss a giveaway please subscribe so you get notified on my 10k stream and hopefully it will be handled very soon let's get started with today's video in the version 2021.8 of home assistant there were a lot of changes some of them are currency setting in home assistant gouge card that now has needle sidebar view which is something that is used also in the new energy dashboards long-term statistics which is i would say a core part of the energy dashboard and of course energy management today we will be talking about energy management about a year and a half ago i covered already energy aspect of home assistant with the integration of the shelly em and later video with utility meter and i'm still using them and they're working great with the new energy management tab and if you have followed by shelley em video you should now be ready to embed your shelley energy meter inside home assistant but don't worry there are tons of other options if you do not have or you cannot buy shelley m there are a lot of energy integration inside home assistant some of them are direct integrations with your utility providers either are integration for your solar panels the other ones for example can be integrations to specific equipment that can be used to track the energy meter so there are tons and tons of options if you want to see energy using inside home assistant as i said i am still using shelley m but if you do not want to go with the off-the-shelf device there are additional options one that i would definitely recommend of course if your utility meter does support it is this one from marcel first of all it is diy device and i love it it is also esp device and it's running of the esp home so you get a lot of integration and a lot of stuff from it next in this kit is already included the box for it and if your utility meter is using dsmr version 5 you do not even have to provide power for it but unfortunately there is a backlog of orders for this device let me stop here for a minute as i mentioned previously i am preparing to have 10k stream and it will be held somewhere i guess around mid of september one of the lucky winners will win this device no matter of the back orders currently and i thank marcel for that the other thing that i'll be giving away is a doorbell for him and i'm still waiting to see if i will manage to get a new nfc card reader from andrea dono but we will talk about it later on and in future videos so let's get back to the subject of the energy meters as i mentioned this is one way where you can i would say cheaply get the energy reading inside home assistant but there are some other projects for example this one this one is using clamp to detect the current that is flowing inside the wires the same principle that shelley em is using but let me just mention that all of these devices shelley em shelley em3 this one here that are using clamps can be used for both the energy usage and energy production so if for example you have solar panels and grid and you're using shell em and you're only having one phase in your house you can use one of the clamps to detect the power going from the solar cells and the other clamp can be used to detect the power getting from the grid that way you will have all the data that home assistant can currently detect while we are already on that subject there is something you should also know home assistant developers did mention that in future they hope to add support for not just energy but also water usage and gas usage and that's why in one of my future videos i'll be showing you how you can track the usage of your gas water or energy meter even if it's analog one no need for any cable integration with it but as i said that will be the topic of my next video so let's get back to the energy integration and shell em if you have updated to 2021.8 and you are using internal shell integration then all you have to do is go to the configuration energy select here your shelley em decide if you want to use any of these and let me quickly explain what are the differences for example do not track costs doesn't track any cost this one can be used if you already have some kind of internal system to track your energy usage cost i do have it in my setup but in this setup i didn't have so nothing here use an entity with current price allows you to have a helper field or input number field where you can store the current cost of energy this is something that i'm currently using in my setup because i moved away from the entity tracking the total cost and the last one is to use the static price let's say that price here is 17 or dot 17 so 0 17 kunas or 70 lipas 4 kilowatt hour but we have here euro doesn't matter we will change it let's press save but what happens if you are not using internal shell integration inside home assist let's look at developer tools if you go to developer tools we can see here that we have device class power for this and this will not work with the home assistant in this release this needs to be energy we also need additional fields such as last reset date and we also need to store it as a long-term statistics so we are missing some fields unfortunately at the time of the recording this is no issue for shelley for has but there is a workaround you just need to change this device class from power to energy and add additional two customizations and how can with that let's go to template here i have code that i have copied from the home assistant community forums and what it does it looks for the state sensor if it matches shelly total consumption it will add three attributes last reset which is needed to know when the last reset was made for this sensor device class energy and state class measurement state class measurement is used for long term statistics all you need to do is inside developer tools template paste the code that will be in the description of the video and when you get the result this string here you just copy it and paste it inside your customize dot yaml file like this and for each consumption sensor so we have uh shelley e m one first line shelley em second line shelley plug one shelley plug two shelley plug three here and the last one is shelley1l these all now will have device class energy state class measurement and last reset as i said this is not needed for home assistant internal integration and mqtt as far as i know this is only needed if you are using shelly for has the other option you have is of course to use the user interface for that and how would you do that is go to configuration customizations and for each and every sensor you have here you would add last reset device class or state class and that's it as you can see i have this disabled currently but i will enable it before i restart my home assistant but let's get back to cost as you can see i have euro here and we are not using euros still in croatia so i need to change this to my local currency let's do that quickly let's go to configuration general settings and here i have currency selector i can start typing hr and then select hrk for creation kuna but what if these settings here are disabled yes you can customize this even through the yaml file for this let's go back to visual studio code and under home assistant part of the configuration file where we have name longitude latitude elevation etc we have to add one line currency hrk please be careful just to use letters here i don't think that at the time of the recording of this video the new fix has been released that allows you to use symbols so if you're using us dollars you have to type usd for euro it's eur etc and by adding this currency line here the next time i restart my home assistant the value here will change from euro to croatian kuna we now covered this part i myself unfortunately cannot set this up because i live in apartment building and my neighbors wouldn't be that happy if i would use or abuse our roof to put solar panels there or maybe they would notice okay let's forget it but if you have solar panels then here you can select for example shelley em2 as something that is producing power and that way you will have much nicer graphs if you are worried about carbon footprint i really do hope that you've seen already my video about the co2 signal because home assistant now uses this data not just to provide you itself sensor inside home assistant but also it can be used inside energy management dashboard to show you your carbon footprint the process itself is very simple go to web page enter your email address and you will receive the api code then use this api code you don't need to use yable anymore you can do it through the user interface and activate the integration and that's it as i mentioned i don't have any solar panels so i cannot do anything here but we can add individual devices let me add devices that i have so these are four devices that i already have that can provide data or information or statistics for home assistant one is shelley1l this is my bathroom ventilator and the other three are my dishwasher washing machine and my marvelous ender 3 pro printer and this is all you need to enter here to have nice graphs let's go to energy tab as you can see i have here information so this one is my dishwasher this one is my bathroom vent and here you can see the graph of energy usage inside my apartment let me switch to my production system i don't know if you notice the difference but i have here two different colors or brightnesses of this color one is up to the six am and the other one starts at seven am if we go back in the past you can see this one lighter this one darker and this one lighter so what is this this is the other video that i previously mentioned and it's called utility meter utility meter was used before energy dashboard was added to home assistant to track the usage of water gas or electricity but also to be able to divide it into different tariffs so for example i have peak and off peak electricity cost peak is between 7 am and i think 9 pm and this is this darker color off peak well cheaper electricity is after 9 pm and goes to 6 am in the morning it changes between the summer and the winter this allows me to use more electricity in the off peak hours and to offload the grid in the peak hours unfortunately we as a family really didn't manage to move our energy cost or energy usage from peak to off peak but at least now i know what are the differences and if you've seen my previous videos about my home setup this is something that i already had previously even without the energy dashboard so yes you can do this on your own and this is the graph that i used previously to track the consumption between the night and day so so far we covered on how you can configure your energy dashboard or energy monitoring dashboard inside home assistant with the shelley em i showed you what you need to do in order to fix your shelly forecast integration until there is official fix also i showed you how to change currency we did mention co2 signal integration i did talk about the solar panels unfortunately i cannot show them because i do not have them and we did mention and devices such as shelley plugs or shelley one else amps tools whatevers that can be used to track the usage of the power for a specific device light or group of devices and yeah don't forget that i also mentioned that in future this energy tab will be used to track not just electricity but also gas and water metering and i did mention that in the future i'll be releasing video showing you how you can do and track analog water gas electricity meters so stay tuned for that the last thing that i want to add before we wrap up this video is what you can do if you already have some kind of energy monitoring but it's not monitoring in kilowatt hours instead it's monitoring current power usage so instead of kwh you only have w there is a fix for it a link to this is in the description of the video but this integration is called integration rayman sum integral and if we scroll down we can see that there is a energy heading what it allows you it allows you to automatically convert the watts to kilowatt hours and the only thing you need is create new sensor and copy or reuse this data platform integration source this is your current sensor name this is the future name of the sensor or sensor that will hold kilowatt hours and round and unit prefix and restart your home assistant and voila you just created a new sensor that will allow you to use it inside the energy management dashboards and that's it i know that this video was a lot of everything and i didn't go into much of the details but i think that in the last three weeks since the release was released and i was enjoying my vacation a lot of this was already covered i did want to touch some of the things that i mentioned previously or some recurrence that i think that you should know and i really do hope that you did enjoy this video and find it useful if of course you have any kind of a comment or question you can always find me on the discord server the link to discord server is in the description video but feel free to leave comment down in the comment section below if you still haven't subscribed please subscribe and hit the bell button because i don't think that you want to miss my 10k stream as i mentioned i think it will be around the mid of september where i will be making a giveaway and this giveaway will be with a lot of fun stuff that either i myself bought just for that giveaway and thanks marcel once again for allowing me to cut the line and jump into your back orders but also some of the stuff that i received recently from banggood for the reviews so subscribe and watch the stream and this is it for this video i hope that you did enjoyed it and i'll see you next time until then bye bye and have fun
Channel: BeardedTinker
Views: 13,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home assistant energy, home assistant energy monitor, home assistant whole home power, diy power monitoring, shellyem alternative, home assistant energy management, home assistant utility meter, home assistant shelly em, shelly em home assistant, home assistant energy monitor dashboard, home assistant energy monitor clamp, home assistant energy monitor plug, home assistant energy monitor shelly, home assistant energy configuration, home assistant energy meter
Id: brOxhWktz9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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