Endurance | Scott Kelly | Talks at Google

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Got this book for Xmas. My family knows me too well.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mossijake 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2017 đź—«︎ replies
[MUSIC PLAYING] SPEAKER 1: Scott, welcome to Google. SCOTT KELLY: Thank you. SPEAKER 1: Thank you for coming in. SCOTT KELLY: Thank you. SPEAKER 1: Perhaps you could tell us what got you interested in space. SCOTT KELLY: Sure. Well, first of all, I'd like to say, it's great to be here. It's great to be anywhere with gravity. Because now, I can sit down. Can't do that in space. So on the Space Station I changed position so many times, you would have thought I was running for president. Maybe I should have. So to those of you in the audience that do not appear to be space aliens, I'd like to say, good afternoon. And to the rest of you, I come in peace. What I'd like to do first, before a talk about what got me interested in becoming an astronaut, I want to read from the book a little bit. Because you can hear it in my own voice. And then you don't have to go out and buy the audio book. I know these are expensive. Let's start at the beginning of the story. It's going to take about five minutes. I'm going to start at the beginning of the story. And it's really, sort of, the end of the story. Because I got home-- and this was about 48 hours after I got back, after being on the Space Station for an entire year. "I'm sitting at the head of my dining room table at home in Houston, finishing dinner with my family, my longtime girlfriend, Amiko"-- now my fiancee, in the back of the room-- "my daughters, Samantha and Charlotte; my twin brother Mark; his wife, Gabby; his daughter, Claudia; our father, Richie; and Amiko's son, Corbin. It's a simple thing, sitting at a table and eating a meal with those you love. And many people do it every day without giving it much thought. For me, it's something I've been dreaming of for almost a year. I contemplated what it would be like to eat this meal so many times, now that I'm finally here, it doesn't seem entirely real. The faces of the people I love that I haven't seen for so long, the chatter of many people talking together, the clink of silverware, the swish of wine in a glass-- these are all unfamiliar. Even the sensation of gravity holding me in my chair feels strange. And every time I put a glass or a fork down on the table, there's a part of my mind that is looking for a dot of Velcro or a strip of duct tape to hold it in place. I've been back on Earth for 48 hours. I push back from the table and struggle to stand up, feeling like an old man getting out of a recliner. Stick a fork in me. I'm done, I announce. Everyone laughs and encourages me to go get some rest. So I go to sleep. Then I wake up, a few hours later, with flu-like symptoms, not feeling very well at all. I struggle to get up-- find the edge of the bed, feet down, sit up, stand up. At every stage, I feel like I'm fighting through quicksand. When I'm finally vertical, the pain in my legs is awful. And on top of that pain, I feel something even more alarming. All the blood in my body is rushing to my legs, like the sensation of the blood rushing to your head when you do a head-stand, but in reverse. I can feel the tissue in my legs swelling. I shuffle my way to the bathroom, moving my weight from one foot to the other with deliberate effort-- left, right, left, right. I make it to the bathroom, flip on the light, and look down at my legs. They are swollen and alien stumps, not legs at all." There are no kids in here, right? No kids? No kids work at Google? Not yet? "Oh shit, I say. Amiko, come look at this. She kneels down and squeezes one ankle. And it squishes like a water balloon. She looks up at me with worried eyes. I can't even feel your ankle bones, she says." There's about 400 pages after that. But anyway, so how did I get interested in becoming an astronaut? SPEAKER 1: Yeah, what was the journey between I want to be in space and there? SCOTT KELLY: Yeah, so I was this atypical person-- kid-- that became an astronaut. Because when I was younger, I was a really bad student. I didn't do well-- not something I'm proud of. I spent more time looking out the window, wondering what was going on outside, or looking at the clock, trying to will it to run faster just so I could get out of the classroom, than I ever did paying attention in school. I managed to graduate from high school in the bottom half of my class. And I went on to college, because I was supposed to go to college, I thought. I actually went to the wrong school. Now, I don't mean I went to this school thinking this one over here was a better fit for me. What I mean is I applied to and got accepted to and showed up here, thinking I was going to this other school. Quite possibly the only person that has ever done this. And I get to my college. And I'm there for a few days. And I'm like, hey, when's the football game? And they're like, we don't have a football team. That's that other school in Maryland. And I was basically doing the same thing I did in high school. It was impossible for me to pay attention. I think, if I was a kid today, I'd be the kid with ADD or ADHD. And maybe I would have gotten a little bit more help, because we know what that is. I couldn't study, wasn't doing well. Eventually, I'm really not even going to class. And one day, I just happen to be walking across the school campus. And I go into the college bookstore to buy, like, gum or something-- not a book. I was not a big reader. I walk into the bookstore. And I happen to see this book on the end of the shelf. It's got this red, white, and blue cover. It's got a really cool title. It made me pick it up-- not this book. It made me pick it up. I looked at the back. Interested enough in what the back said that I looked through it. Took my gum money, purchased the book, went back, and laid on my unmade dorm-room bed for the next three days, and read the stories of the fighter pilots that became the test pilots that became the original Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo astronauts. The book was "The Right Stuff," by Tom Wolfe. And I think a combination between what these guys were doing and how Tom wrote, in this creative nonfiction way, just captured my imagination. And I felt like I had a lot in common with those guys, the early astronauts and test pilots that became astronauts, with one exception. And that is, I was a bad student and I couldn't pay attention. And I thought, if I could fix that one thing, solve that one thing, maybe I could be like them. Maybe I could go and fly airplanes in the Navy, land on an aircraft carrier. Maybe if I did well at that, I could become a test pilot-- later, possibly an astronaut. And I know what you're thinking. 18-year-old kid reads a book, decides he's going to become an astronaut. It's kind of science fiction. It's a giant leap. Really, it started with something very, very challenging-- very hard-- which was to teach myself how to pay attention and study. Once I figured that out, it really became a bunch of smaller manageable steps, always with opportunities to fail, but always somehow managing my way back on course. And if you consider that I read that book at 18-- fast forward 18 years later. I was 36. I was flying in space for the very first time, as the first American astronaut in my class of 35 people to fly. That's a pretty remarkable comeback. That, for me, is even hard to believe. SPEAKER 1: Thank you very much. SCOTT KELLY: Yeah. SPEAKER 1: It's very, very cool. The whole book is absolutely fascinating. I wondered if you could talk about-- certainly, I learned a lot about the International Space Station itself. And you spent a long time up there-- SCOTT KELLY: Yeah. SPEAKER 1: --a year, the last time. What's it like, living on the ISS? SCOTT KELLY: Well, there's a few things about it that come to mind. It's fun, for one. You're floating. Which, after you getting over the novelty of it being fun, it makes most things harder to do. There's a few things easier. We always say, say there's two things easier to do in zero gravity-- moving heavy objects and getting in awkward positions, like to hook up the coax cable on your TV. Much easier when you can turn upside down or sideways. Actually, I said this to a kid last night. And he pointed out a third thing. And he said, acrobatics is also easier. Absolutely right. Everything is harder, because you can't put anything down. You'll lose it. Even brushing your teeth is hard. You have the toothpaste, the brush, maybe a cap on the toothpaste. And then you have nothing to do with the toothpaste after you brush your teeth, because there's no sink. You can either spit it out into a tissue, which is uncomfortable in zero gravity, or you can swallow it. And half the people do one thing-- I swallowed my toothpaste for a whole year, which I don't recommend. You also have an incredible view on the Space Station. But it's a hard place to live and work. Maybe it wouldn't be hard for you guys, because you guys spend a lot of time at work. But they make it really nice, so that you want to spend time at work. But when you go to sleep, you're at work. When you wake up, you're at work. You can't go outside. No sun, no wind, no rain, no freedom of choice to do what you want to do, when you want to do it. Challenging-- because you're living in this very risky environment. You always have to be ready for an emergency, even when you're asleep. But it's also this magical place. It's like living in Disney World. The Space Station is very big-- 1 million pounds, size of a football pitch, a internal volume of a really big house. So you never feel closed in. But it's a privilege to have spent, for me, 500 days of my life there. SPEAKER 1: And the last time you went, that year-long study was designed to find out how people cope in space. So if we were to go to Mars, how would humans cope? And what were the lessons that you brought back from that? What was the science that we actually found? SCOTT KELLY: So this year-long mission, the idea behind it-- many of you might be aware, we generally send astronauts up there for about six months. It's usually like four to five and 1/2-- is how the schedule works. But NASA started talking about sending an astronaut and a cosmonaut to the Space Station for a year with the idea of, someday, we're going to go to Mars. To get to Mars, it's going to take 200 days to get there. You'll have to spend a year on the surface. So you're not in zero gravity. But since you're still in space-- Mars doesn't have much of an atmosphere. It's got 1/3 of the gravity of Earth, a lot of radiation. And it's going to take you 200 days to get home. And there are things that happen to us in space, to our physiology, that we need to understand more about-- bone loss, muscle loss, effects on our vision, effects on our immune system. There are radiation effects on us at a genetic level. So we wanted to study this for a longer period of time and study it while we have the Space Station, which is an incredible facility to do science, before we lose that in the next-- I don't know-- six or so years. So the idea behind this year-long mission is to someday go to Mars. And there was also a side component. So it was-- excuse me-- me and this cosmonaut up on the Space Station for a year. There's also this side study with my brother and I. Because he's an identical twin, NASA has had data on him since 1995. He's familiar with how things work. He's spent some time in space as well. He flew four times. He spent 50 days in space. So I would say 50, compared to my 500. Every chance, I show that to my-- SPEAKER 1: Not that there's a competition. SCOTT KELLY: No, no competition at all. Yeah, so the idea behind this genetic study with my brother and I is to see how the space environment, the radiation, stress, the microgravity perhaps, affects us genetically. And they have found some interesting results so far. SPEAKER 1: Great. And that's quite a longitudinal study. I assume that they'll-- SCOTT KELLY: Yes, it will go on for the rest of my life. And the way NASA science works is it's not driven by investments and schedules and trying to get results out, because you're in competition with somebody else. So it generally takes a few years. So generally, from the time you collect the data, it's three to five years to a result. SPEAKER 1: OK, great. So you want to get to the ISS, of course. So talk us through the process of finding out that you're going to be on a mission through to actually arriving-- either the Soyuz or-- there's obviously a lot of training-- SCOTT KELLY: Yeah. SPEAKER 1: --years of training that would lead up to that. SCOTT KELLY: Yeah, so I became an astronaut in 1996, after spending time in the Navy as a fighter pilot, flying the F-14 Tomcat and then as a test pilot in the Navy. And then I went on to NASA. And then, for the next few years, you basically get a PhD in the space shuttle, because it's the most complicated aerospace vehicle ever built-- 2,000 switches and circuit breakers inside, some of which, if you throw a switch or push a button at the wrong time, you blow the thing up-- you or your crew members along with you. And yeah, so I spent most of my time over the next 3 and 1/2 years just-- for this kid who probably had ADD, learning how to fly this most complicated thing was a challenge. And I worked really hard at it. Happened to get assigned to my first flight-- not in the traditional way. You would think you would come into a large room and somebody would announce that, hey, you've been assigned to this mission. Congratulations. The way I found out is the commander of the upcoming mission I was going to be on, this Hubble Space Telescope repair mission-- he said, hey, come in this office. I need to talk to you. And I'd never really talked to this guy before. He was this space shuttle commander-- kind of had a little bit of a reputation. And he pokes me in the chest. And he goes, you better have your shit together, because we're flying in space in six months. I was like, yes, sir. I'll get my shit together right away. And then we trained. We wound up flying nine months later, because of some delays. But pretty soon, you've made terms with your situation. You consider the risks. After this last accident we had, you have a 1/70 chance of dying on this flight. It's kind of like if I took a deck of cards and left the jokers and all the extra cards in it. I threw it out in the audience, a couple decks of cards. Everyone that got the Ace of Spades didn't go home tonight. That's how risky it is-- demonstrated risk. And so you think about that leading up to you first mission, and even subsequent missions. Every flight, I always wrote letters to my family. I would give them to my brother. And then, when I came back, he would throw them in the garbage. The idea was, if I didn't come back, he would hand them out. And I did the same thing for him when he flew. And pretty soon, you're heading up to the launch pad on your first flight. Mine was on the space shuttle Discovery. And the launch pad is completely abandoned. Because the shuttle's a giant bomb on the top of this hill-- fully fueled, 5 million pounds of liquid oxygen, liquid hydrogen, two solid rocket motors. Place is abandoned, with the exception of you and your six crewmates and a few people that are going to help you get strapped in. And you get in the space shuttle about 3 and 1/2 hours prior to launch. You get strapped in tight. You're lying on your back in your orange pressure suit. The guys and girls that get you strapped in, they tell you they bold the hatch closed and take off and get about five miles away. The clock starts counting down towards 0. And you're getting all these systems ready for launch-- the auxiliary power unit that powers the hydraulics, the electrical system, all the different engines, the main engines that use for lift-off, environmental control system-- which is the life support system-- the computers. They all have to be perfect. Clock gets to 9 minutes and it stops. That's to give you time to catch up, if you happen to be behind in what you're doing. It's also the time you think, man, this is really stupid. Flying into space for the first time-- it's not something you really expect to ever think you'd do for real, at least for me, this kid that couldn't do his homework. But you can't get away, you're strapped in and hatch is bolted closed. Plus, you wouldn't want to be the first astronaut ever running away from the rocket. SPEAKER 1: That wouldn't look good on the CV. SCOTT KELLY: No, it'd be a bad thing. Yeah, that would not be good on your resume-- ran away from space launch-- first ever. Clock picks up, gets to 1 minute and 30 seconds. At 30 seconds, the space shuttle computers take over the launch. 6 seconds, the main engines light-- 1 million pounds of thrust. But you don't go anywhere, because you're bolted to the launch pad by these eight giant bolts. And the clock goes, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Those bolts are exploded open. Simultaneously, the solid rocket motors are lit. And it feels like the hand of God has just picked you up off the launch pad and is throwing you out into outer space. You feel every pound of that 7 million pounds of thrust. And I know, if you've watched the shuttle launch on TV or been there in person, it looks like it's lifting off slowly. When you're inside, there is nothing slow about this. You get the feeling you're going somewhere. You're not sure where you're going. But you know you're not coming back to Florida. And after 8 and 1/2 minutes, you're flying around the Earth at 17,500 miles-an-hour, floating around the Earth in 0 G. Now, to contrast this with the Soyuz launch-- the Shuttle and the Soyuz. I flew twice on the Shuttle and then twice on the Russian Soyuz. SPEAKER 1: And the shuttle was disbanded in-- SCOTT KELLY: 2011 was the last flight. SPEAKER 1: So the only way for a manned launch to the ISS is now the Soyuz. SCOTT KELLY: Yes, so now our access to space for-- China has the ability to launch people. They don't do it very often. But the access to space for the rest of the world, with people, is through Russia. And the Soyuz and the Shuttle are similar in that they both launch people into space. And that's where the similarity stops. My first Soyuz launch was in 2010. And then I flew my last Soyuz launch-- I launched in March of 2015 for this year-in-space mission, landed a year later practically. And just the contrast-- I'll tell you a little bit about the Soyuz launch. The Soyuz is smaller than the Shuttle, also a bomb on the top of a hill, fully fueled with liquid oxygen and liquid kerosene-- is the fuel they use instead of hydrogen. And you get in a similar-- you get in a bus and head up to the launch pad with your crewmates. Soyuz is a bomb on a launch pad on the top of this hill, just like the Shuttle. But you get up there and the place is not abandoned. There's, like, 100 people up there, milling around the base of this fully-fueled rocket, all this vapor coming off the thing. And the Russians-- and I tell a few jokes about the Russians. But I have a lot of respect for the cosmonauts and the people I've worked in the space program with. Just, different cultures look at things different ways. And what's very important to a Russian is, if your friends are going on a long trip, you're going to be there to say goodbye, even if it's at the base of a fully-fueled rocket. So there are hundreds people up there. And you're just trying to get through them to get to the launch pad. Some of them are smoking cigarettes. I swear to god. You're like, that guy's smoking. So you want to get in that rocket as fast as you can, because there's an emergency escape system up on top. They actually had a rocket blow up on the launch pad and killed, like, over 100 people. SPEAKER 1: Wow SCOTT KELLY: And they still allow smoking up there. So you get in. And it's cramped. It's loud. It's hot. Your visor's fogging up. You're all strapped in tight a few hours before launch. There's no countdown clock in the Soyuz. They didn't see the need to put a countdown clock in there. This was going to be one of the rockets that launched nuclear missiles during the Cold War. After a while, you're like, hey, what time are we leaving? It's, like, 10:10, right? Is that Moscow time or Baikonur time? Eventually, someone comes up on the radio and says, ignition. And I can just picture that guy smoking just running out there with his lighter. SPEAKER 1: Yeah, asking the same question. What time do we launch? SCOTT KELLY: Yeah, yeah. And then you do lift off slowly in the Soyuz, because there's no solid rocket motors. But still, within 9 minutes, you're flying around the Earth at 25 times the speed of sound. SPEAKER 1: I quite liked-- you talked about the rituals as you launch. And the Russians have so many. And it seemed to be, well, it worked the first time. And no one's dead. So let's keep doing-- perhaps you could talk to a couple of the stranger ones. SCOTT KELLY: Yeah, the Russians are a little bit more superstitious than Americans, I think, by culture. But we also have superstitions in the US Space Program. As an example, after you get suited up in your orange space suit, you play a card game, low-ball poker. It's got a specific name. I forget the name of it. I think I may have mentioned it in the book. But the commander of the mission has to lose, or you can't leave the building. And if he is doing really well, people start to get nervous. Because you're looking at this clock. And you have to be walking out at a certain time, because you have this schedule to keep. And if the guy keeps winning-- eventually, what you do is you kick people out of the game until it's just one-on-one. But I've seen people keep winning. And-- SPEAKER 1: And that's so his bad luck is-- SCOTT KELLY: His bad luck is used up. SPEAKER 1: --dumped there, SCOTT KELLY: Yeah, he has to lose, so he uses up his bad luck before you go to the launch pad. And then-- SPEAKER 1: They do know that you're also on the launch pad, right? So your bad luck just doesn't matter. SCOTT KELLY: Oh, but yeah. The commander represents the whole crew. SPEAKER 1: OK, [INAUDIBLE]. SCOTT KELLY: So yeah, it's just about him. I don't think it really matters if he wins or loses, to be honest with you. But it's tradition. In the Russian space program, there's also traditions. We always watch the same movie, "The White Sun of the Desert" or something. It's a comedy. Because they had an accident in the Soyuz. And the next crew watched that movie. And they never had another accident. So they'll be watching that movie all the way until they have another accident-- hopefully not. We also stop the bus on the way to the launch pad in the same exact spot. Yuri Gagarin stopped the bus, because he had to pee. So we get out of the bus. We undo our pressure suit that's just been extensively pressure checked. We break the seal. And we pee on the bus tire, in the same spot Yuri Gagarin peed. SPEAKER 1: And the female astronauts bring a small bottle with them as well. Is-- SCOTT KELLY: Yeah, they bring a bottle. I've heard they spray their water or, in some cases, urine. If they're really superstitious, they brought some of their own urine with them, so they don't have to completely get out of the suit. It's funny though. People are like, wow, you do that pressure check. You spend all that time to make sure the suit works and is sealed. And then you just go undo the whole thing and get into the Soyuz? They say, I can't believe the Russians do that. And I go, we do the same thing in the US. We just have a bathroom on the launch pad-- the last toilet on earth. And if you're leaving Earth, you're damn well going to use that last toilet. So you do the same thing. You get out of your suit. You pee. You put it all back on, get in the shuttle, and go. SPEAKER 1: That's great. SCOTT KELLY: I mean, launch-- [INAUDIBLE] SPEAKER 1: That's great. I'm still interested with your year in space. How did you cope with the isolation? There's a period in the book where you talk about, you were the only person in the US section. SCOTT KELLY: Yeah. SPEAKER 1: Did it start off as a, phew! I've got the area to myself, a bit more space. Is isolation training something that you get taught? SCOTT KELLY: It's not something they teach you. They definitely make sure you're not, like, claustrophobic. When you do the astronaut selection, they'll actually hook you up with a heart monitor, put you in a small rubber bag-- thick, rubber bag, zip it up, and push you into a dark closet, and leave you there, not telling you how long you're going to be in it. And there's no way you could fake not being claustrophobic in that environment. But they do check that. I was-- SPEAKER 1: You had a nap, you say. SCOTT KELLY: Yeah, I fell asleep. SPEAKER 1: Smart-- smart. SCOTT KELLY: Yeah, but I was fortunate in that I flew for six months before I flew for a year, which is good training for a year in space. Because I knew what I was getting into. I actually like being on the US side of the Space Station by myself. Not that I don't like the people I'm there with. But it's just easier in a lot of ways. It's very quiet. It's peaceful. When you put something somewhere, you know it's going to be there when you come back. You can have it very orderly. So actually, on this last flight, I was alone basically on the US side of the Space Station for about six weeks. SPEAKER 1: OK. SCOTT KELLY: Yeah, it wasn't bad. I liked it. SPEAKER 1: And-- SCOTT KELLY: But to answer your full question-- SPEAKER 1: Yeah, yeah, yeah. How SCOTT KELLY: --how do you deal with the isolation? You have good connectivity with Earth. You can make phone calls. You have email. You have video conferencing capability. People are amazed at the ability we have to communicate with the ground, which I find fascinating that people are shocked. You can have email in space? I'm like, yeah-- you know-- satellite communication-- satellite? SPEAKER 1: And with the internet, I guess social media plays an increasing part in an astronaut's-- SCOTT KELLY: Yeah. SPEAKER 1: --that public perception thing. Did you The social media on the-- SCOTT KELLY: Yeah, I did. Before I launched, President Obama invited me to the State of the Union address. And during the address, he challenged me to Instagram the experience. So of course, I tried to do that as best I could. It actually felt like engaging with the public with the social media was kind of a responsibility. The public pays for this program. And to keep them involved is important. It was also good for Amiko and I and our relationship for us to have something-- it was like a personal project to do that had daily feedback in how well you were doing at it with lights and-- SPEAKER 1: Because Amiko worked in PR for NASA. SCOTT KELLY: Yeah, she worked at the NASA public affairs. Although, they made her do this outside of her work hours, which is hard to believe that that was the case. But yeah, so I tried to engage the public. I often would, in my free time, do some tweet chats and things. One day, actually, I'm answering questions on a Saturday on Twitter. And President Obama asks a question. He says, hey, Scott, do you ever look out the window and just freak out? And I'm like, no, Mr. President. I don't really freak out about anything except getting a Twitter question from you. Within seconds, Buzz Aldrin jumps into the conversation. And he says, Mr. President, he's only in low-Earth orbit. I went all the way to the moon. SPEAKER 1: So that-- SCOTT KELLY: So I got trolled, while I was in space, by the second man on the moon. It's like the greatest thing that's ever happened in my life. SPEAKER 1: What's your next big challenge? I'm interested-- you're not going back into space. Presumably, that part of your life is finished now. You're still heavily involved in NASA though. You're on the board to decide, who is in the next program. SCOTT KELLY: I call my next big challenge Tomorrow. SPEAKER 1: OK. SCOTT KELLY: [INAUDIBLE] it's just been going one day after another. Especially, writing this book-- we've been on this book tour since October 16, with one day off on the weekends. It's challenging coming back after a year in space. You don't feel well. It's hard to adjust back to life without this very stringent schedule. I went from being a government employee for nearly 30 years to, basically, an employee-- I forget, I don't even know what the right term is-- a small business owner. SPEAKER 1: Freelance. SCOTT KELLY: Yeah, like a consultant-- and had to establish, very quickly, to high-end keynote speeches. I wrote this book, which took 18 months. I wrote a kid's book. I did the audio book, signed 27,000 [INAUDIBLE] for this thing. All these things-- it's just been one after another after another. So come January, I'll start to think harder about, what do I really want to do for the next 5 to 10 years? SPEAKER 1: Yeah, well, I'd love to take some questions from the audience. SCOTT KELLY: Maybe I'll work for Google. SPEAKER 1: There you go. I'm sure we would love to have you. So have a think about some questions. And we'll pass the mic around. I've got one more. You're talking about-- SCOTT KELLY: Let me-- SPEAKER 1: Yeah, no, go on. SCOTT KELLY: --say something first. SPEAKER 1: Yeah, yeah, yeah. SCOTT KELLY: This made me think of this. So speaking of Google-- so I'm in Russia and the head of the NASA office in Star City. And I was, like, the lead NASA guy there. And the guy who was, like, the safety engineer, he says to me one day-- he goes, hey, I want to show you something. And he opens up his computer. And he says, see this? There was a little rectangular window. And it said Google underneath. He said, see this, you should invest all your money in this right now. And I'm looking at it. And I'm like, nah, I don't get it. How wrong I was. SPEAKER 1: Yeah. You talk about being in the astronaut office and being surrounded by these great astronauts of history, of which one was Senator Glenn. SCOTT KELLY: Yeah. SPEAKER 1: Have you ever thought about going into politics? Is that something you'd be interested in? SCOTT KELLY: I think I would have a lot to contribute. The problem I have is-- well, there are a few problems. One is that I'm neither a Democrat nor a Republican. In the US, I'm not a registered Independent. But I voted for Republicans. I voted for Democrats. I'm kind of in the middle. On some issues, I look like a Republican. On others, I look like a Democrat. But the bigger problem is, in the United States-- and you guys might not even understand this. Because this is, perhaps, a uniquely US thing. But we have two things that prevent moderates from winning elections. One is called gerrymandering. Gerrymandering is when you create a political district that includes all the people of one party. And what you do is, if you're that party, you sue the government to say, I'm going to take this swath. And it's going to be mostly Democrats or mostly Republicans. And the people in the United States that run in the primaries are the hard core people in the party. They're the extreme right or the extreme left. And if you're running in one of these gerrymandered districts-- so if you're a Democrat and you're running in a gerrymandered Democrat district, you have to be on the left side of the party-- the extreme left. Likewise, the extreme right for a Republican. So you can't even get on the ticket unless you're an extremist. And the key-- you either have to be an extremist or you have to be a very clever liar. You have to make believe you're on the extreme and then, somehow, pivot to the center. Very, very hard to do. So it doesn't make the situation acceptable or workable for people that are moderates. We have an Independent party in the United States. But it's not one that's ever been very successful, because of things like this thing called Citizens United. Citizens United was a lawsuit. But it allows corporations to give unlimited amounts of money to political action committees that support candidates. So basically, you become beholden to these donors that are giving you tons of money. And if you don't want to be somebody's-- working for some corporation, when you're really supposed to be representing the people, it's hard to win. SPEAKER 1: But you did vote from space. SCOTT KELLY: I voted, yeah. SPEAKER 1: Yeah, how was that? Quite an easy process? SCOTT KELLY: Yeah. SPEAKER 1: Yeah? SCOTT KELLY: Pretty easy. I didn't have to wait in line. SPEAKER 1: Pop the ballot-- yeah, it was good. Questions-- there must be good questions. Yeah, there's a microphone on your left. AUDIENCE: Hi. Thank you so much for coming to visit us. I really appreciate that. A question about the Hubble telescope-- how was it? How was it to work on? What's it like? SCOTT KELLY: So, yeah, my first flight was to Hubble. And it's really big. It's like the size of a school bus, maybe bigger. One side of it that you rarely see is-- I don't know why you rarely see this side. But the one side always faces the sun. It's kind of burnt, like burnt to a crisp almost. But it's amazing to see an instrument that's been out in space for so long that has shown us-- at least the general public-- more about the universe than anything else ever. So I really enjoyed working on it. I didn't do any of the spacewalks. Because I was the pilot of the mission. We actually launched right before Y2K on this flight, in December. And NASA had us land early, because they were worried that the computers on the space shuttle were going to divide by 0 and we were going to go through some wormhole-- end up on the other side of the galaxy. We'll have to wait another 1,000 years to see if that would have happened. SPEAKER 1: You did get to see the outside of the Space Station quite a lot. And you talk about how that was-- you could see the tiny asteroids with pock marks. SCOTT KELLY: Yeah, I had the opportunity on this flight to do three spacewalks. I'd never done a spacewalk before because, as the pilot or commander of the space shuttle, you just don't do them. Because it's risky and you're critical to landing the spacecraft safely. The mission specialists are more expendable. But yeah, going outside for the first time is pretty crazy. Neither of us had done a spacewalk before. So I was the more experienced guy. So I got to go out first and open the hatch. And you open the hatch. And Earth is 250 miles below you. And you're going 17,500 miles-an-hour. And for one, it's hard to get out. Because the suit and the hole that is the hatch are almost the exact same size. And it's square. The suit's kind of square. But the hatch is round. It's like putting a square peg in a round hole. It has to be perfect to get out. And it feels like, at first, you're climbing down with your head down towards the Earth. Although, you don't have gravity. So you don't physically feel like you're upside down. But visually, you feel like you're upside down. And it was interesting. When I got halfway out, all of a sudden, my orientation, my reference frame, shifted. So now, all of a sudden, I felt like I was climbing out of the sunroof of a car. And there was this alien planet over my head, like in a science fiction movie, like right there. And I felt like I was on Earth. And there was this alien planet. And it looked like it was just going to come crashing down upon me. SPEAKER 1: Wow. SCOTT KELLY: But I had to really focus so I didn't like lose anything or-- very distracting, that kind of situation. SPEAKER 1: I think you talk about, if you lost focus and were no longer tethered to the ISS, you're done for. And if you're a mile or an inch away, it's the same. SCOTT KELLY: Yeah, well, in the US suit, we do have a jet pack that has a little bit of fuel, that you could potentially fly yourself back if you became detached. It's challenging to use. Often, when you're practicing this in a VR situation, you miss the station altogether. And in those cases, if you're an inch away and you can't reach, you might as well be a mile away. The results are still the same. SPEAKER 1: Wow. Who's got the microphone? Yeah. AUDIENCE: So I'm interested to hear what the experiences were like, once you returned to Earth after you were in space. And was it harder to readjust from a mental or physical perspective? SCOTT KELLY: Yeah, so there's, I think, two general adjustments. There's the physical and the psychological part. Physically, at first, you're nauseous. Although, I didn't throw up this time. I threw up after six months. Surprisingly, I didn't throw up after a year. I wish I could have. But I couldn't. I would have felt a lot better if I could have just puked my guts up. I don't know if some of you ever saw pictures of me coming out of the Soyuz. I don't know if there's one-- SPEAKER 1: I'll find one. SCOTT KELLY: Yeah, but anyway-- it's interesting. The UK book has different pictures. But I had this big smile on my face when I landed. And it was not because I was feeling well, because I wasn't. I was just trying to look better than the two guys I was with. I was actually hoping to get an Academy Award. But I understand they sometimes make mistakes. So maybe next time I fly in space for a year. SPEAKER 1: You talked about that they [INAUDIBLE] you to chairs for the Russian doctors. Whereas-- SCOTT KELLY: Yeah. SPEAKER 1: --actually you wanted to walk out. SCOTT KELLY: You could walk if you had to. You wouldn't walk well. The first time I started walking, I make a comment. There's actually this PBS special that just came out. And they actually show the video of me in the tent, doing some post-flight tests right after I got back. And I say something like-- I'm walking. And I'm going like this. I'm walking like Jar Jar Binks. I felt like Jar Jar Binks. But for the first few days, you're sore. Your joints, your muscles, are stiff. I was nauseous for a week. Anywhere my skin touched anything, I had rashes and hives for a couple of weeks. Like I said, when I was reading, when I stood up, my legs would swell. I could actually see them swelling-- no kidding-- just like this. Feeling all the blood just infusing in the bottom of my legs-- it was like, this is not good. SPEAKER 1: And how long does that take to get over? SCOTT KELLY: I would say, the physical stuff-- completely-- a couple of months. The mental part of it-- probably more like eight months. Because you live in this very controlled environment, where you have a schedule that you are following every five minutes. Now sometimes, the blocks of time that are dedicated to your activity are 10 hours, if it's a spacewalk. Other times, if it's, throw this switch, it's five minutes. But you are following that, all the time, for a year. And then when you get home, you don't have that anymore. And both times, after my long flights, I would find myself just sitting on the couch with all this stuff to do. But because no one was telling me when to do it or what I had to do, I just sat there. And it took a while to re-adapt to living on Earth. There are actually some good physical things about being in space for a long time. And that is, when you don't use your feet, all the calluses, they fall off. It takes a few months. It's kind of disgusting, when you take your socks off and you get this-- "psh!"-- big cloud of foot dandruff. You never want to take your socks off in the vicinity of one of your crewmates. But then, after a few months, you have these baby feet. And after my first long flight, when no one knew who I was and that I was up there, like, two days after I got home, I went to get a massage at one of these commercial massage places. You know, at the end of the massage, they rub your feet. The lady's rubbing my feet. And she says, you have the softest feet I have ever felt in my entire life. All I said to her was, thank you. I'm very proud of them. And then I left. Shes probably still talking about that bald guy with the soft feet. SPEAKER 1: Let's take a question over here. AUDIENCE: You have a unique experience working with the Russians. And I would like to ask you about, how would you like to see-- SCOTT KELLY: [RUSSIAN]? AUDIENCE: Da, [RUSSIAN]---- the future of collaboration with Russia in the manned flight. SCOTT KELLY: Yeah, I think our space cooperation with Russia is a great example of how two countries that, at times were enemies, sometimes not friends, often conflict-- but how we can work together in this international program for something that we both believe in, feel strongly about, and do it as a team. And in space-- even on the ground, working, preparing for spaceflight-- any kind of conflict that we ever had, our government's ever had, does not affect our working relationship. We are friends. We are colleagues. What is more important to us is supporting one another. Our personal safety-- we have to rely on each other, sometimes for our lives. That any issues between our countries-- we never really even discuss much. Sometimes, you do. Like, when I was on the Space Station, it was when Russia moved into Syria. And there was real concern that, pretty soon, due to some kind of an accident, the US and the Russian military would get into some kind of skirmishes. Fortunately, that never happened. We talked about that on the Space Station. But we were talking about it, kind of, in an abstract way. Like, we were talking about, not the United States and Russia but, like, China and Germany. And then we just realized, hey, this is on Earth. And we're in space. And those issues don't really translate up here. Misha Kornienko-- Mikhail Kornienko, my Russian brother from another mother that I spent a year in space with. A few times during the year, he says, you know, if our country's ever want to solve the issues we have with one another, all we need to do is put our two presidents in space for a year together. Although, those two guys might like it too much. SPEAKER 1: All right, let's take one from the back. AUDIENCE: Hello. Very nice work. Congratulations. So we are computer science, right? So whenever we watch a movie and there's a computer guy doing stuff, we look at that, say, yeah, that's never going to happen. That's not like that. How do you feel when you watch films like "Interstellar" and "The Martian," "Gravity," all these kind of movies from space that, from our point-of-view-- oh, that looks amazing. Might be like that. How do you feel about it? SCOTT KELLY: Well, I watched all of those movies in space. SPEAKER 1: I think you mentioned "Gravity" in the book. SCOTT KELLY: Yeah-- maybe no "Interstellar," but I definitely watch "The Martian" and "Gravity" in space. Actually, they sent us "The Martian" a couple of days before it came out. We watched, like, a preview. I actually talked to Matt Damon on the phone, a couple of days before it came out. And he was interested in what we were doing. It seems like he knew about as much about space as, maybe, George Clooney does. But "The Martian" was pretty accurate, I think. There are always things that are wrong with these movies. Like, that storm they had on Mars-- there's like no atmosphere on Mars. You wouldn't have something like 800 mile-an-hour-- you might have an 800 mile-an-hour wind. But it's not going to knock anything over, because there's no air. The other thing that was weird with "The Martian" is they always called the female commander on the rescue ship-- they would call her "Commander." We're on a first-name basis. And then "Gravity"-- "Gravity" has got all kinds of technical problems with it. But it's an exciting movie. I think it's good that they took that license to make it really dramatic. We watched it on the Space Station. They had this screen set up in the node 1 of the space station which-- the US laboratory module is in the back. And it's kind of like watching a movie of your house burning down-- SPEAKER 1: Whilst you're in there. SCOTT KELLY: --while you're inside of it. But the biggest regret of my whole year in space was, we're watching that movie. And Sandra Bullock in this scene, with her short dark hair, is floating through the lab module in her underwear. And Samantha Cristoforetti, this Italian astronaut woman, with her short dark hair comes floating by in her, like, Spandex gym shorts she ran in and a t-shirt, looking exactly like her. And I'm thinking, I've got to get a picture of this. And then I didn't, because I felt weird about it. Because, you know, she was in her gym clothes. And Sandra Bullock was in her underwear. But it would have been the biggest tweet ever from space. SPEAKER 1: Actually, I think you talk about-- SCOTT KELLY: Yeah, I talk about that in the book. SPEAKER 1: And you were compared with Mark Watney, unfavorably, when you let some flowers-- SCOTT KELLY: Yeah. SPEAKER 1: Well, you didn't let the flowers-- the system let some flowers down. SCOTT KELLY: Yeah, I was just following NASA's rules on taking care of-- we grew some vegetables-- lettuce-- in space. Then, we grew some zinnias-- flowers, which apparently you can eat. But you don't eat them. The idea being, if you can grow a flower, you can grow, maybe, something like a tomato. And I was growing these flowers and just following the directions. Water them. Don't water them. Water them. There was so much time-delay in the NASA system of looking at the photos about the condition of the flowers, when they would tell me to water them, they would be almost dead. When they would tell me to stop watering them, they would be wet and covered in mold. And I was fine with that. Because it's not my experiment. I was just doing what I was told. And then, one day, I post a picture of the flowers. And some guy comes up. And he says, you are no Mark Watney. Fight was on then, right? And then I told NASA-- I said, OK. If you want these flowers to live, you're going to have to just let me decide when to water them, because there's too much time-delay in the system. So I started touching them and brought them back to life and got them really nice. Occasionally, I'd take them down to the Russian segment and put them on the duct tape on their table, as a little centerpiece when we're having dinner. And they got a lot of attention. And people liked the flowers. One day, Sergey Volkov-- Russian guy-- he says to me-- he goes, Scott, why are you growing these flowers? And I say, Sergey, we're growing these so, if we can grow these flowers, maybe we can grow something that's more nutritious that we can eat, to supplement our nutrition on the Space Station, especially if we're going to Mars. I go, the plan is, we grow these flowers. Then, we can grow tomatoes that we can eat. He goes, why would you want to grow tomatoes? And I go, so we can eat them. He goes, you should grow potatoes. He goes, you can live on potatoes. You can't live on tomatoes. And you can make vodka. He's a great guy. SPEAKER 1: Well, one more question. Yeah? AUDIENCE: Hi, thank you very much for your talk-- very inspiring. SCOTT KELLY: Mm-hm. AUDIENCE: Can you share some thoughts about the potential of building a colony on Mars? The necessity, feasibility, and maybe even timeline? SCOTT KELLY: Hm. SPEAKER 1: What about the journey to Mars-- SCOTT KELLY: Yeah. SPEAKER 1: --and then a colony to Mars. SCOTT KELLY: I was asked a question, when I was on the Space Station, by a reporter. And the question was, now that NASA has determined that there is liquid water on Mars sometime during the year, will that help us get there any sooner? Eh, I said, I don't know. Maybe. Now, if we found money on Mars, that would help us get there real quick. Because that's what we need, is money. My brother often says, going to Mars is not about rocket science. It's about the political science. I think we know a lot of what we need to know to get the crew to Mars, to support them on the surface. It's just going to be really expensive. And to do that, you need representatives in government that are science-minded people, that believe in science. We don't have enough of that in the United States. So I think, us getting to Mars is doable. I think it's doable today. But I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon. Because at least, in the US government-- my concern is less about going to Mars than it is about members of Congress not believing that 97% of the experts, scientists, are correct when they say, we are in some ways responsible for climate change. That's a bigger concern of mine. When you have people that don't come from a technical background and can say, I disagree with all these experts. That's arrogance to an amazing degree-- that we have to get past that before we can do anything, like going to Mars someday. SPEAKER 1: So I have one more question on commercial space travel. SCOTT KELLY: Mm-hm. SPEAKER 1: So with Virgin Galactic and SpaceX, the space tourism seems to be inching ever closer. Do you think that we'll ever reduce the risk enough that that will happen? You talk about the 1/70 odds. Do you think that's where the risk lies? SCOTT KELLY: Absolutely. I think we are on a cusp of technological advances that-- whether it's in space flight or self-driving vehicles, self-piloted cars-- I think we're getting into a revolution. Certainly, with spaceflight, it's going to be risky. People will die, just like in the early days of aviation. But hopefully, within our lifetimes, you're going be able to hop on a rocket-powered airplane or whatever you want to call it and be in New York in 30 minutes. It's going to be really cool. SPEAKER 1: Would you be first in line for that? SCOTT KELLY: It depends on how much they paid me. SPEAKER 1: OK, that's fair enough. SCOTT KELLY: Yeah. SPEAKER 1: All right, let's take one more question [INAUDIBLE].. SCOTT KELLY: One more question. Then I want to just-- SPEAKER 1: Yeah. SCOTT KELLY: --leave you with a final thought. SPEAKER 1: Great. Man at the back-- AUDIENCE: Thank you. So my question is, thinking about your entire career, from first day at school to first time flying on your own, first time in space, doing a spacewalk-- what was the biggest jump in scariness? And did the previous jumps help you with that? SCOTT KELLY: Definitely-- AUDIENCE: Entire career. SCOTT KELLY: Yeah, definitely building block-- I would say, the scariest thing I've ever done is landing on an aircraft carrier at night. Half the time, it's terrifying. The other half, it's just scary. The most holy-shit moment though would be the first time you fly in space and those solid rocket motors light. And you feel every pound of that 7 million pound of thrust. And that's more than a holy-shit moment. That's like a holy-- something else moment, where it is so shocking and so surprising and so unexpected that, I flew my first flight three years before my brother ever flew into space. So I had three years to explain to him what that was going to be like. And he was a combat pilot, flew the A6 in the Gulf War, a test pilot, same astronaut class-- basically, same DNA as me. I tried to explain that to him. When he landed and the hatch opened and he came out of the shuttle, the first thing he said to me-- I was waiting right there-- he said, I had no idea what that was going to be like-- none. That is how amazing-- absolutely amazing-- it is. Thank you. So before we leave-- SPEAKER 1: Yeah, final thought. SCOTT KELLY: --I'd just like to leave you all with one final thought on my experience in space. And that is, when I was leaving the Space Station-- this is a space station I spent 500 days of my life on over three flights. When I flew my first flight to Hubble, it was a weak. Second flight was two weeks. Third flight-- 159 days. Fourth flight was 340. Some smart guy told me that's a second order polynomial if you graph it. If I fly in space again, I don't really come back. It goes asymptotic almost. Maybe it's like a 5 and 1/2 year mission. But I'm leaving the Space Station. I'm looking at this thing out the window-- what I can see from the little window. And I'm thinking, we built this thing-- 1 million pounds, the size of a football field or football pitch, while flying around the Earth at 17,500 miles-an-hour, in a vacuum, in extremes of temperatures of plus and minus 270 degrees-- built with this international partnership of 15 different countries, different cultures, different languages, different technical ways of doing things-- put together by astronauts and cosmonauts in space, in these difficult to work space suits, connecting these modules, some of which had never touched each other before on Earth. First time they ever met was in space. This is the hardest thing we've ever done-- absolutely convinced of it. Harder than going to the moon. And if we can do this, we can do anything. If we want to go to Mars, we can go to Mars. If we want to cure cancer and put the resources behind it, we can cure cancer. If we want to fix our problems with the environment-- Challenges in my country, in the United States, which there are many, I think they are all solvable. Challenges you guys have in your industry, in your country here, or wherever you may come from-- I was absolutely inspired, after spending a year in space that, if we can dream it, we can do it. Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you. SPEAKER 1: Scott Kelly. [APPLAUSE] SCOTT KELLY: Thank you. [APPLAUSE]
Channel: Talks at Google
Views: 30,949
Rating: 4.8864355 out of 5
Keywords: talks at google, ted talks, inspirational talks, educational talks, Endurance, Scott Kelly, scott kelly return to earth, scott kelly in space, scott kelly documentary, international space station
Id: Wzqc72K462w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 28sec (3448 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2017
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