Endocrine | Parathyroid - Hyperparathyroidism vs Hypo for NCLEX

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hey guys nurse Blake here and welcome Mike get out get out of my shot so welcome to simple nursing calm before we start today's video please remember to access your free quiz and preview our new study guides not on YouTube click the link right up here any time during this video all right let's get to it Maria is a 74 year old female presenting with complaints of diarrhea three times a day muscle spasms and tingling of the lips and fingers she has a history of thyroidectomy and osteoporosis upon reviewing her labs the nurse finds serum calcium level of seven point two potassium of two point nine and a sodium level of a hundred and twenty five oh snap what could this be and what are we going to prioritize as a nurse what's up guys I'm nurse Blake and today we're wrapping up both hyper and hypo parathyroid ism they are those little round button looking glands that sit on the back of the thyroid near the neck these little dudes can cause so many problems with calcium but we'll cover that in our patho section so let's break down the terms hyper means high and hypo means low para means a long side and then thyroid means well tyroid so hyper anything always means overactive like a hyper person and hypo is the exact opposite under active like a super boring person the parathyroid glands are almost exclusively responsible for the regulation of blood calcium so think PC like a computer pee is her parathyroid and C is her calcium and the levels are typically nine point zero to ten point five however some books will say eight point five to ten point zero so be sure to know what your textbook says the main point is the calcium guys if the parathyroid hormone is high that means calcium is high and when the parathyroid is low what is a calcium yes low so hyper parathyroid means hypercalcemia and hypo parathyroid hyperplasia that's why I remember PTH the parathyroid hormone as an acronym pth puts the calcium high think of a thermostat or a light switch this is called our negative feedback loop when calcium's high PTH shuts off and then when calcium's low PTH turns on but remember PTH puts the calcium high in the blood now how does it do this calcium is increased in the blood by three ways so remember the acronym rib r ib r is for renals which reabsorbs calcium so it's not lost in the potty I is for intestines they help to increase blood calcium by absorbing it from food in the help of vitamin D activation this is a big tip right here guys so please write this down both calcium and magnesium love vitamin D and they all work together so you'll often see calcium magnesium and vitamin D all in the same multivitamin and B is for bone since our hard bones are made up mostly of calcium and when your body needs more calcium it usually drains the bones to get it so with too much PTH in hyperparathyroidism there is too much calcium in the blood it's like every organ is being squeezed for their calcium like PTH is the bully taking all their lunch money remember PTH puts the calcium high so blood calcium goes up right so we have stones moans and groans stones in the kidneys moans from broken bones and groans from rock-hard bowels so PTH makes bones weak by taking calcium from their storages this makes them brittle meaning big risk for fractures okay so the kidneys the washer machines of the blood have to filter out all that excess calcium from the body and into the potty but they get overloaded and we get kidney stones aka renal calculi from all that overload of calcium and lastly our GI mr. GI Joe our intestinal tract gets overloaded with calcium causing rock-hard bowels a common sign and symptom of hypercalcemia too much calcium okay so remember the top three signs of hypercalcemia are usually stones for kidney stones moans for fractured bones and groans for constipation so guys again for Piper parathyroid remember hypercalcemia everything is swollen and slow with high high calcium and for hypoparathyroidism eeeh remember Baja California from low low calcium and as you can see we used our electrolyte emoji mr. cocky calcium from our electrolyte course now the signs and symptoms are so easy right because hyperparathyroidism groans so let's review the top three most tested signs and symptoms let's play it here and up next we have cocky calcium from Muscle Beach California because calcium CA kind of looks like California CA calcium's main function is to keep the three be strong bones blood and beats blood for clotting factors and beats for heart beats so hypercalcemia everything is gonna be so swollen and slow with moans groans and stones so constipation from a swollen and slow GI bone pain because calcium is leaving the bones and going into the bloodstream will also have kidney stones called renal calculi as well as deep tendon reflexes will be swollen and slow so decrease DTRS and severe muscle weakness okay now next is hypocalcemia now this one's a little bit fun because cocky calcium goes to Mexico Baja California so he learns to new dance moves so write this down Travis EA's which is basically that arm to work with a blood pressure cuff on and also Shabaks sign basically the smile when you're stroking the cheek guys those are the two biggest ones for your next test so write those down he'll also have diarrhea so just think he had bad burritos in Mexico and lastly circum aural tingling basically tingling around the mouth okay so now what are the causes for Hyper parathyroid hyperplasia absorption again the body thinks crap we have low calcium better go into hyperdrive and get more calcium into the blood and this happens because of low oral take of calcium low vitamin D intake because remember vitamin D helps calcium absorb another cause is malabsorption and this happens when we don't absorb calcium because of GI issues like GI surgery or a small bowel obstruction that can make it hard for the body to absorb calcium lastly diuretics can cause calcium loss by dumping them out of the body and into the potty so the body releases more PTH which puts more calcium in the blood because remember PTH puts the calcium high next is our for renal failure which means low absorption of calcium from urine which causes low blood calcium mainly due to low vitamin D in high phosphorus level so the body has to release more and more PTH to put the calcium higher and lastly is T for tumor and write this down this is a big NCLEX tip non cancerous equals adenoma in cancerous equals malignant tumor so let's switch over to hypoparathyroidism iam in the blood let's use the acronym hater because you know haters gonna hate H is for hypo mag low mag remember calcium and magnesium are best friends so when one is low the other is low 2a for autoimmune the body attacks of parathyroids t4 thyroidectomy another NCLEX tip this is what happens when we cut out the thyroid entirely and our little parathyroid buttons go with it and lastly ours for radiation which could damage the parathyroids okay and now for the treatments again another simple fix here guys we're primarily treating the calcium issues first then we're gonna treat the causes so what makes hyperparathyroidism different than hypo is that it's the only one that can have surgery as a treatment this is where we're gonna cut the tumor out or just take out the whole parathyroid called parathyroidectomy on the other hand you have hypoparathyroidism ER but most times we just have to treat the low calcium disorder alright guys that wraps it up thanks so much for watching thanks for watching for our full video a new quiz Bank flick up right here to access your free trial and please consider subscribing to our YouTube channel last but not least a big thanks to our team of experts for helping us make these great videos see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Simple Nursing
Views: 110,277
Rating: 4.9317408 out of 5
Keywords: Parathyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, hypoparathyroid, hypoparathyroidism, hypercalcemia, endocrine, Thyroidectomy, Registered nurse RN, RN, Osmosis, Pharmacology, NCLEX, ATI exit, HESI exit, Kaplan, student nurse, nursing student, simplenursing, simple nursing
Id: tLzYQQKr4vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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