Endless Water Hummingbird Bird Bath-CHEAP DIY Attracts Birds Solar Powered Water Fountain in Garden

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well hello everybody its Robbie from Southern California and today I'm gonna show you what I'm gonna do with a chip and dip tray a flowerpot or if you want to you can use a bucket so let's do this so there's a bucket it's all set up let me take you in and show you real quick exactly step by step how I put this together it is so easy and you'll see here exactly how this bucket went together in in just a matter of minutes really quick and anybody anybody can do this and it doesn't cost that much so let's go in and see exactly step by step how this DIY was done to make a fun birdbath that's not gonna run out of water by the end of the day so here it is this is a chip bowl it's a chip and dip bowl and it has a little Center oh this is gonna be so fun so what we're gonna do is we're going to quickly and easily make a hole for the tubing and I'll explain that as we go along so I'm just gonna quickly draw something and I could do it out either top or bottom it doesn't really matter make a circle in in the center to give an idea where our hole is gonna be you've probably seen me do a lot of these already these solar fountains but this is a plastic food bowl this is for a chip and dip we need just a bowl here these are so cheap you can get them at Dollar Stores you can get them anywhere really anywhere Bed Bath & Beyond Walmart anywhere you want to go any of your favorite stores just go ahead and see what you will need our tubing tubing that will fit the solar fountain that you want to use now if you want to use an electrical and that's totally up to you I use solar in my yard for everything and the kids come like this with all kinds of gizmos to add to it so that's all you need I've got one here open so we're gonna use an open one here I use my handy dandy soldering iron if you want to use a drill you can use a drill so now all we're gonna do is we're going to make the hole I would prefer if possible to make the hole smaller because you can always make it bigger but you know what if you accidentally make it too big do not worry about it and I do do this outside because it is Smoky with the plastic let's try that and see how this goes see if this works now what I'm going to do is probably use some of the fun things that come with it and it comes with all kinds of stuff every solar fountain I have found that I bought has been slightly different just slightly so it doesn't really matter now we've got the center I think I'm going to put this down on the bottom I do want to make this a little bigger if you made it too big you could just use a plastic bags or a bag or something and kind of Mickey Mouse it a little bit to put it in and don't worry there's all kinds of ways and even if it's too big it will still work let's see if I can get this in now that's it now I'm going to well no I'm not gonna look like my son during iron yet because we're not done now before we get that all set up I want to show you that this is going to fill yes and you'll you've seen it in the art this is gonna fill with water so the main thing is we need to make sure and see I got this one at the thrift store it was half-price sale day so I got this one for a dollar but you know what they only sell for a dollar to new and I thought it was so cute so I bought it now as this fills you want to make sure that the water goes back into your bucket so every bucket is a little different if you're going to use let's say a flower pot and you put this on top you want to make sure that the hole that you're making are going to go back into your bucket so just be sure not to make holes too far out because if you made it too far out it would drip past your bucket so you want to go closer into the center if you wanted to you can make some holes here I am just gonna make the holes around here so let's make a bunch of hold every buckets a little different because you can use a big bucket and then you would do the same thing or you can use a smaller bucket this is a two gallon bucket and you can sit it on top so the main thing is to make sure that the water is going back into the bucket and since you may want to change it around maybe you you're gonna start with the big bucket and change it to a little bun keep the holes closer to the center of your chip and dip and just go all the way around if you made too many holes and the water goes back too quick it's better than it filling and running out so don't worry about that the birds don't want to be in super deep water anyways when they're drinking and taking a bath so if the water runs out they'll just sit on the bottom and splash but I have found that on this particular case more is better so if you made too little and they got blocked up then your water will run out and your bucket will be empty that's probably enough but I could do a couple more if I want because I want to make sure it really pumps a lot of water I want to make sure that the water is gonna go back so now I'm done with my soldering iron I'm gonna unplug it I bring an extension cord outside to use it and that is it now we're going to go back and do the center part right now so with with your property they come with all these things and the main thing here is you're going to have to get your rubber tubing I got this from an aquarium store a fish store and this is really some what some of these come off and some of them don't it really fits on pretty good you know I'm gonna make a nice clean cut because this doesn't have a clean cut on it on the tubing so you may want to bring that little part with you to the fish store so you've got that and this is going to go on your pump now remember the pump is going to be on the bottom of your bucket and that's all there is to it and this just goes tightly on the other side you're going to use the other part which would be this part now you can use this just as it is in the center or you could just bring the tubing up if you chose to and you didn't want to use that part for whatever reason you could just bring this up just like that and it will work the same way I'm going to use this and I'm gonna set it up this way and I'm gonna use one of these now let me tell you also that if the water is coming out too hard and too fast and it's going past your tray it will empty so you could always go back with your soldering iron and I've done it before try not to burn yourself and you can make the holes a little bit bigger by making them a little bit bigger the water will come out more instead of spraying it'll be more of a spray kind of trickle up and because of that you won't shoot as far across so I'm gonna make some of these a little bit bigger see and now it will be more of running a kind of a running situation where it will run up but it won't spray everywhere and now I will have the water coming up this way and I'll snap this on I might even do one more it doesn't matter I just want to make sure that it's not going you know too far past because these do spray really far see how fine the holes are they're super fine so it forces in the pump it has a lot of force to it so if forces the water through and some of these can shoot to three feet so this way I know that it's not going to shoot that far and the spray won't be that strong so that's all there is to it now we're gonna have to snap this on I'm going to make sure this is clean they are really tight I mean you snap these things on they are so tight okay now you set this part up in here and then you're going to cut the hose to the length of your bucket so every single one will be different and with this generally these fit in really good you have to work them a little bit if yours is really tight and it doesn't fit into the center then go ahead and dip this in boiling water it'll get real soft and put it in that way if it's too big I've taken the soldering iron and I've run it inside a little bit if I have to go on the outside there's different ways you can do it think about it and see which way works for you but again you don't want to cut these two shorts you want to make sure that this goes to the very bottom and the bucket and then your tray will sit on top of your bucket and that's all there is to it the hardest part is just getting this set up and you saw this wasn't hard at all now it's just matter setting it out in yard hooking up your fountain to it and finding a place for your solar panel in the Sun and you know what this thing is running and I'm in the shade it's amazing how these things work they're so powerful I'm in the shade and it's buzzing so now that's all there is to it it's so fun so cheap and you could pick out these and they come in all different colors or they come in plain another one I picked up it's a thrust or a Half Price this was like 50 Cent's and see it's just a snack this one's called snack and dip tray and this one was called a chip and dip now it's just a matter of setting up this part we're gonna make sure this is nice and snug which it is and we're gonna cut it so it goes to the bottom now we've got this hooked up we could make a notch on the side of the bucket for the wire and you can make a notch and let's let's go ahead and see how this works perfect this fills it with water birds can sit here and now it's slowly filling up here and this gives them a nice shallow place to take a bath okay let's go back to the garden well now we're outside and the buckets all done and we're gonna wait and see what happens the Sun is just starting to come up in my eyes so I got it all together and hasn't been out here yet it's been out here an hour I don't even think an hour I'm watching all the birds all over here there's there's hundreds per tick want me to leave so they can come take their baths and come eat their food but here's the birdbath with this type of birdbath in a bucket like this it doesn't matter if you're working all day it's not going to run out of water the water's gonna go back in the bucket you can clean it whenever you think it's dirty and dump it out every few days if it looks really dirty if you've got it in the shade and it's constantly running it looks clean do it once a week whatever you want but the water's gonna go back inside the bucket so you're not losing water so when you've got five gallons let's say you fill it up three gallons it's gonna last your motors not gonna go out your motors on the very bottom of the bucket you've got that pipe you can pick up that in any aquarium store bring the park with you bring the motor with you so you can check it out to make sure it fits well but it's just starting the Sun is just coming out I got it set up I put it on the stick I made that holds my solar panels now and I'll have the video up for that too to show you how that's made it's free doesn't cost me anything the only thing that costs me is the stick which are the tomato steaks that I get for so cheap but you can use a stick any type of stick you want so let's step back and let's see what birds come to it now I do understand that when you've got fountains like I do that are you know regulars and they're comfortable with it they're not gonna run to something new right away but I might get surprised so let's see it's just starting the bubble so let's see what happens let's leave so that's it I couldn't believe it within minutes I had a sparrow uh-uh-uh-uh-uh house finch come and the first birds that checked it out we're hummingbirds the hummingbirds came and they dive down and they checked it out it was so cool so well you'll see it on my garden tours I'm sure I'll be putting that up a lot I'm gonna be putting a whole bunch I've got a little when I'm working on here those chip and dip trays are so cheap you can get them anywhere and they're so fun and you can use any container you want you can use a bucket I use the five gallon bucket that I picked up at Walmart and it's got a five so it's basically food grade because a lot of your foods from the grocery store come in the little triangle five so those are safe don't use anything with a three I would say a two a four or five but that's a five some of them if they're not marked if you go to the dollar stores and they don't have a marking on them I wouldn't use them because you don't know what kind of plastic they use but there it is you can use an aluminum big bowl if you've got you can use anything you want you could sit it on top of a punch bowl anything you want to set up right now that one's on a bucket so I am so excited and I'm gonna be making a whole bunch more because these things these chip and dip trays are just too fun the way the reservoir fills up and then it overflows right back and particles don't get in so see there's even like seeds and stuff they've thrown in there it doesn't get in so it basically keeps the water fairly clean as clean this could be and it's running which is always really good so with that I hope I gave you some ideas think out of the box you'll probably come up with something even better than I did have a great day and don't forget to eat what you grow but my everybody here I added some rocks so birds have someplace to land on that's all and look how nice that is so they can come here and feel safe but they've got a rock or even put a perch buy it if you want especially in the beginning so they can see they have some place to come and some place to land to check out the water and remember especially in the beginning with new bird baths it's really important on placement and you have a video on that so I'll make sure I put the link to that one do you know where to place the birdbath so they feel safe and secure they come in and use it and here think it just duck into the color then into the sprouting broccoli and into the Deathwing blue kale and they can just dive down and use the birdbath and feel so safe
Channel: Robbie and Gary Gardening Easy
Views: 1,384,434
Rating: 4.8692312 out of 5
Keywords: permaculture, zone10a, gardening, growing, plants, planting, garden, gardener, farm, food, health, compost, composting, soil, back to eden, growing your greens, food forest, california gardening, wood chips, hummingbirds, compost in place, easy compost, the garden channel, different, best, hummingbird pool party, solar power, how to build, recycle, feeding hummingbirds, solar fountain, wild birds, yorkie, water bowl, dog, song birds, yorkshire terrier, nature, solar panel, diy, how to, chip tray
Id: pV0WjuAHebM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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