Endless Legend: 5 advanced tips for new players

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to W world today I would like to give you five Advanced tips for Endless Legends so I made this previous video with five tips for new players and it was very well received and I got a a lot of good feedback so I thought I would make another video containing five a bit more advanced tips that you can use to improve your play so let's get started tip number one you can exploit the fact that each Army can only attack once per turn um when you are sieging a fortress so when I have my unit here I'll bring it here and now I'm going to split it up so I'm going to put a uh let's see a necr drone here a forager right there bir decky here and now I'm going to Siege the town Siege and as you can see they are losing 34 for uh fortification uh per turn now the fun thing is if they want to attack me and they only have one army they have to choose who to attack of course I get to choose who will be reinforcements but if I don't click anyone they basically need to attack four turns in order to get rid of my Army so if I just ENT turn now they only have 66 fortification left here there's an army probably ready to attack there we go now they want to attack me with the marine and militia of course this example is a bit stupid because I have overwhelming force uh but if you have a lot of cheap throwaway units um that could never beat the enemy Force you can really wear them out like this because now I can just declick these or unclick and now they have to fight only the necr Drone I'll do it on automatic actually I managed to kill a marine as well so that's nice and now I can just click and turn again and they'll lose more fortification and I still have three armies here there we go we fight again I could now for example just take the forager of course I can easily beat them now but just to show there we go and then there would be only one left there we go so this is really really nice if you have a lot of throwaway units like for example the cultist have you can use all the armies that you recruited and you just surround the city and you just keep sieging it you just keep sieging it they can't produce anything they have to attack you one by one and you can really really wear them out like that so that's a nice way of basically harassing the enemy to the max tip number two it's very useful to equip your settlers with some movement enhance in accessories so if you go to this screen and edit your settler you can actually give it accessories for example this one here gives me improve movement three so if I give it to that I actually get a speed of seven because it gives me uh three movement uh on the map so if I do that and retrofit this one yes then my settler is way faster and then it can reach uh foreign lands much quicker than it normally could so that can be useful of course it costs you a little bit extra so you have to decide for yourself how far it is and if it's useful but that's a very good way of making your settlers more efficient tip number three if you've played this game for any length of time you will know that settlers are very very vulnerable and they will be attacked if you leave them alone uh so sometimes it's good to send the army with them but you can actually make them fairly robust by using salty Earth so let's say I want to settle let's say here for the production or here here for the money then I can actually bring my settler that way but it can't move so quick but now it's stuck there for a turn and it could be attacked what you can do is to make a new city here there which is done now and then you can immediately salt the Earth so if you salt the Earth then basically next turn it will destroy the city and it will turn into a settler again but now it has two militia in order to defend it from Attack now we are a settler again and we can continue and then we can make our town so that's a really efficient way of of basically helping your settlers arrive at a destination because of course when you make a town you will get a fortification bonus you will get militia especially if you research some you will get more fortification bonus so yeah it's a very efficient way of basically getting where you want without being attacked tip number four retrofitting is cheaper than buying out units uh of course buying out units you won't be doing very often unless you have plenty of dust so it defers a bit Perfection as well but it's good to know that retrofitting is a bit cheaper now let's say I have a settler again and I have one settler with um the accessory I showed in a previous tip um here with this um Talisman and if I buil that if I want to buy it out it cost me 134 well if I build it without a Talisman like this one here it cost me 1,7 so that's basically 300 credits less however if I want to retrofit it to having a Talisman it will cost me uh 117 gold so basically I saved 180 gold so 300 minus 120 is about 180 gold uh by retrofitting instead of buying out the fully equipped unit of course as I said this is very situational and you won't be buying out units very often but what it does mean is that it's often good to wait with editing your units and building new ones until you know where the war is going to be you can build some cheap units and spread them out over your map and once once you know that there will be a war on a certain Frontier then you can retrofit them to um to the equipment you want to have of course again that means that now we're just talking purely about money if I just build it without buying out it only cost me production and it doesn't cost me any money but purely uh money based then uh retrofitting is cheaper than buying out and lastly tip number five you don't have to fill up your cues if you don't want to um basically all your leftover production as well as research is buffered into the next turn so let's say I just um research cultivation and I would have had some science left that science is not wasted now if I this turn take another thing to research um for example this one here then that science that I didn't use on cultivation will immediately be pumped into uh my open pit mine and the same happens with your construction queue if my Founders Memorial would be finished in two turns the production I would have left over that I didn't need for Founders Memorial I can use it that same turn to build something else and it will be immediately funneled over to that so you don't have to have two things in your queue all the time you don't need to worry about that those were my five Advanced tips for Endless Legend before I put it to a close I would like to acknowledge a steam user called fedus sub Mundi who made a very nice uh guide for Endless Legend from which I have many of these tips um so it's very very useful read it really really improved my play and I thought I would make a video about it to pass on the knowledge so thank you very much and hope you find the video useful and see you next time
Channel: Waervyn's World
Views: 77,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorials, tips, Endless Legend, EL, 4x, strategy, turn based, turn-based strategy, tbs, guide, tricks
Id: 8dhYoKmZty0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2016
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