ENDER’S GAME | สงครามพลิกจักรวาล | หนังเต็ม | FULL MOVIE | THAI SUB | หนังแอคชั่นฮอลลีวูด

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fifty years ago an alien force known as the formics attacked earth tens of millions died there was only through the sacrifice of our greatest commander that we avoided total annihilation we've been preparing for them to come back ever since the international fleet decided that the world's smartest children are the planets best hope raised on wargames their decisions are intuitive decisive fearless I am one of those recruits I watched through his eyes listen through his ears I'm not telling you he's the water that's what you said about his brother brother tested out impossible for other reasons nothing to do with his tactical abilities he's gonna professional come on you can't do that we've gotta use what's around here I know I had you all the way through the belts you miscalculated you trajectory relative to the incoming asteroid don't lecture me Wiggin you cheated it was good game Thanks hi play again sorry tomorrow maybe see he's got a talent for strategy yes you know what it could be false part of a strategy to avoid antagonizing an ego-driven opponent which makes me even smarter he may be a genius but we need someone the others will follow a leader he can't win on his own let's see how he handles rejection Andrew Wiggin Andrew Ender Wiggin please report to the infirmary in the Wigan to the infirmary hello and ER huh that nasty monitor is coming out today please lie facedown am i off the program did I do something wrong that's not really for me to say lie down the sooner we get this done the sooner you can move on ready this won't hurt a bit where do you think you're going wicked washed-out huh come on come on G one-on-one for real this time no game it's got to monitor now that's right no one watching you now again one-on-one then why are your boys holding me let's go stay down you might be thinking of ganging up on me but just remember what I do to people who try to hurt me he said I was cheating said that while I was off the program and I kept on kicking him doesn't matter even after he was down he'll never follow you again all I could think was what would Peter do I'm just like him that no no you are nothing like your mentor nothing like who I thought you had a game ran down what's he crying about I'm not crying my monitors gone no I'm just like you I mean the mom and dad spent all that money on a third now is up the program to stop it Peter he made it farther than either of us they drop out remember how to play for Max and astronauts that's it where's mom no don't I'll play with the mask on you can be the bug stay out of this Valentine all right bug you started it you attack first come on come on right back last we got what are you alive you know I could kill you just like this please I should have been chosen the number of enemy ships already deployed is 10 times those we faced during the first invasion the formics are rebuilding and strengthening their future we must conquer or die please job why you'd rather not know what's going on in the world we must never get buried with slaughter of tens of millions of innocent people as we did during the four big invasion I'd rather you talk to yourself survival demands total commitment to the destruction of the enemy if you want to go away so you don't have to be embarrassed enter no-one is embarrassed I'm a third I should never have been boy no we wanted to you ender we just needed permission John please say something it's a tough program in there when they brought me to this country there was less competition and still I didn't make it you have nothing to be ashamed of nothing Colonel Hyrum Graff director of training international fleet this is my colleague major Anderson may William why'd you keep kicking him you'd already won the fight did you enjoy it no and why speak up son knocking him down was the first fight I wanted to win all the next ones too so they'd leave me alone and oh you should have asked a grown-up for help nonsense he can fight his own battles colonel he was obviously being bullied and he defended himself so I'd like to offer you a place in our program but she took away my monitor the final step in our evaluation is always to see what happens when the monitor is removed and he passed he put a child in the hospital it's not what he did it's why he did it it was tactical a strategy to stop future attacks injure you don't have to do this bender and I should have a private conversation absolutely not all respect sir you really can't stop me the formics might have wiped us out the last time you know a brilliant commander is the only thing that saved us he's a Rackham he's a rocker we need Minds like yours tender young people integrate complex data more easily than adults oh the monitor be reinstalled No you're graduating to battle school privacy rights restored if there's a chance that because of you the formics might leave us alone forever then I have to ask you to come with me it's what I was born for right Valentine was too compassionate for battle school my brother Peter washed out because he was too quick to violence Colonel Rath said I need to find a balance between those emotions if I were to succeed join the others you're late out of my control I'm ender under what kind of name is that what's your name name's bean bean crew up on the streets it's not worth the bean or three close the bag all right what are you doing Wiggin I think sir something funny I asked you a question launch e sir the way you're floating horizontal I thought that was funny really why because in zero gravity there is no right-side up you may think your vertical and we may be horizontal is that funny yes it is no I you know what he's talking about yes sir no you don't there's only one kid on this launch with any brains at all so far and that's enderwiggin all the rivals the yellow lights to your accommodation the yellow lights all new arrivals follow the yellow lights to your accommodation the yellow lights sir you meet them hate me I told him you are the best we need a Julius Caesar Napoleon we hope that will be you Caesar was assassinated by the people he trusted her Napoleon lost in the end not before he conquered the known world dismissed yes sir he has a complicated response to Authority he wants to please the overbearing father figure represents a lack of reciprocated affection as I solution to never be broken he must never believe anyone will help him oh look it's a smartass Thanks I thought I let's ask to be by the door again don't freeze your balls kid at ease listen up Lord geez my name is sergeant James DAP asked me a legitimate question and I will give you a diet rent answer but if you're looking for a shoulder to cry on use a pillow do I look like I'm joking laughs good you are to work as a team you will all make this bunk room your home you will keep your home clean there are separate showers for both sexes if you are found in an area not designated to your gender I will personally new to you clear closes in five follow the other lights yellow like you're currently cells welcome to battle school a great responsibility rests upon each of you when the enemy first invaded we were not ready millions of innocent lives were lost that must never be allowed to happen again we threw everything we had Raiders and in the midst of that decisive battle a legendary hero emerged we will never forget what the enemy did but we defeated them and we will do so again let the courage of mazer rackham be your inspiration gyg Rajesh I put on your battle room suits that's the padded one with the helmet and the weapon do not attempt to fire the weapon holster it let's move it launches you've got 10 minutes Eddie's this is the battle room in here the floor has been designed to create an earth-like gravitational pull step through that gate and you're in a zero-g environment Wigan get up here what do I do now sir go on in alright now push off nicely done these guys are still trying to stay up the way they came in like you said in the shuttle there is no up or down in space but we'll need some way to orientate you here maybe the enemy's gate is down like it like there a bug to be crushed under our feet exactly what do you think this does let's find out whoa Silas what do you think it does what it adds the suit good question Shoei million we shoot each other same time ready three two one my eggs frozen when - I can't bend my knee shoot me in the chest come on I'm getting away this is amazing that's enough you're flapping around like a bunch of drunken ducks if you expect to compete with the other teams at this school you've got a lot to learn sergeant explain the game yes you will train to compete as a team against other teams you get one point for hit to a limb six for a toss of it which will immobilize you completely but if either side gets one cadet through their enemy's gate unharmed that army will win regardless of points already scored am i clear dear Valentine so if this is battle school everyday hours of training in far more homework than we ever had on earth we train in hand-to-hand combat it keeps us in shape Peter indeed whenever I fight wicked I wish I didn't we've been studying for mcfly patterns for three months now they seem entirely random the truth is we really don't understand our enemy and no one ever adequately explains how mazer rackham actually defeated the entire fleet the colonel said he expects me to lead but how what makes a group leader everyone here is very different so many many things to learn always very little sleep please write back I haven't heard from you how are you is Peter behaving how are you getting my emails Dec evening watches that ease I'm pleased to see that most of you are performing well as you know competition for command school is tough some and the higher ranks have failed to meet our standards and are being sent home so I may have the opportunity to promote some of you look to your left look to your right these are not your friends they are competition keep up the hard work attention sir is our email being blocked it's just that none of us have received any replies from home all communication is being temporarily held back why Sir gucchi is not your place your families will not understand what we're doing here and none of you need the distraction of their replies I thought our privacy rights have been restored sir you have the right to privately think whatever you wish Wiggin but there's too much at stake to allow your unfiltered thoughts to leave this facility yes sir keep it up flan you will never make it to command school thought it was a legitimate question what you said if we had a legitimate questions that I'd give me 20 you think you're the smartest kid in the school no sir you will never be a commander I will never select you yes you will surgeon give me plenty more get up you do not speak unless spoken to am i clear even if I have a legitimate question should I go now go to sleep all of you you heard get some sleep we have only three passing scores on the deep space navigation test a lie beam and endin what happened here they're probably achieving your mother cheated that's why you look like plumber snippet you think this is a game no ma'am we are preparing for war yes ma'am now the problem was simple how do you slingshot your forces into an attack position on the blind side of this moon using the gravitational pull from this planet this is basic rocket science people enter get down here and explain man I think being a rule I have a better handle on this than I do all right well I come and explain ma'am waiting to approach the plant in the directions moving that way we benefit from his energy of motion something funny going tonight of course there's a moon we have to pass here and that complicates things because the moon is moving in the opposite direction to us we get a gravitational braking who sent this who said what but not nothing well you can't take it but not don't dish it out yes ma'am welcome to games and recreation cerebral control innate one is poison one is not choose right and you go to Farrell he's from the mind game bite your head off bad luck authorizes access to this I did again warden not every battle can be won Hyrum the way he plays the game reveals his state of mind if you won't let me assess him one-on-one I need some other way to know what he's feeling I don't care how he's feeling I want him to toughen up learn how to lead but before we make him a leader let's see how he deals with frustration come on oh yeah what you doing in a stupid game no matter what I choose I die it's rigged you're back one more time can i watch sure what is poison one is not she's right and you'll go to ferry now but you can choose neither come on Oh you killed him why that's what they want from us follow the rules you lose choose violence he went never said anyone do that perfect he's perfect and a Wigand you're scientist element army commander bozo mother effective immediately orders of Colonel Graff follow the green lights take nothing with you go now what are they doing than promoting you and ER yeah as-salaam alaikum peace to you come on strike two you lost launch e I'm Andrew Wiggin supposed to report two bombs in the dredge see you the replacement and you're winking peps our canyon only girl in the salamander army with more balls than anybody else in this bunker oh I'm a fetcher she talkin Wiggin sir yes sir and over again reassigned I asked for a replacement for Riley and this is what I get are useless skinny untrained snot I'm a quick study I may be clear I intend to trade you ASAP my army is undefeated in the last 21 battles I'm gonna try to make it to command school within six months you can get your training at someone else's expense he's all heart started bit that easy boom so watch your math think here's the deal snot when we go into battle you will not pass through the gates until all my soldiers are through then you will remain just inside the gate with your weapon undrawn and unfired until the game ends so I always drink nothing here to keep out of the way you bunk at the back of the room you know bouncer doesn't like to lose he doesn't want an untrained launching screwing up was perfect maneuvers but the battle room is open 24/7 during free time I could chase the moose ready three two one impressive you're too okay you can't just keep your thumb on the trigger you need half a second to recharge at least you don't have any bad habits I don't know any good ones either I'll give you those rocks farther your target the longer you have to hold the beam fire even longer it's the difference between a tenth and a half second but in battle that's a long time aim fire whole recharging that's it remember your trigger actually fires and ride the edge in three two one go let's see you beat me at five in a row what was the boss you too boss bones oh that's right I'm the boss let's go again we'll make this six ready okay guys doing come on flight yeah what were you practicing in free time you don't practice with her in fact you don't practice at all may I speak to you privately sir wait hey but never turn your back on me if I'm gonna be useful in this tune I have to practice what do what I tell you I will follow all commands you're authorized to give but if you take away my free time I will get you ice threatening mister not know listen I know you want to trade me but no one will save me if I don't know anything let me practice you can get rid of me sooner I already gave you an order I know in front of everybody and you don't want your soldiers to think that you bite down so for tonight you can say that you won this argument and then tomorrow you can tell everybody that you changed your mind you look generous I'll get to Train we both win dealer better watch your back weekend wake up me spend their horse battle with leopard in ten minutes hey Wiggin yes sir I changed my mind maybe by watching my Tunes you'll learn something and I can trade you easier yes sir thank you sir move everybody let's move salamander at ease what's the play Four Winds tune a up be left C right D down you Wiggin you hang back near the gate bone so my tuna be a man short without he knows nothing about our formation stink you'll only get in the way you come out last hang back and observe we don't need you step aside we gotta break them up fly you lock with me your pension rights chariot ready ready in three two gee Judy Petra wicked what are you two looking stay back Oh you okay what are you doing your bones will kill you can't go back now well they get the game we're losing they've got half their to back near their gate put your feet to my reader anything play dead don't draw your weapon till you know you have a shot three two one smart move Holden Wiggin deck where'd you learn all this I had a brother head yeah come on let's go again could use your arms not your hips officer on deck Ted I thought I told you not to train with her I thought we agreed that free time was free sir at ease yeah what do you want me to do Valentine how can you be my game well done so you're a killer now nightmares launch e Cubans yourself use that the game would reveal his state of mind not screw with it how did his psycho brother end up in the game he's obviously feeling some psychological properties feeling pressure Anderson this is a boot camp for kids who are gonna have to face a real enemy the game is a thought relationship between the child and the computer together they create stories then change the story the stories reflect the child's emotional reality I can't change that I don't know how these images got into the game erase the game doing well there in a while top test scores in class highest battle room ratings but you have a habit of upsetting your commander I find it hard to respect someone just because they don't rank me sir puts you in a difficult position doesn't yes sir you don't like taking words from Bonzo no sir perhaps you'd prefer to give them yourself sir how'd you like to lead your own army dragon army sir I've never heard of a dragon army we just continued the name four years ago no dragon army ever won a battle then why not a new name sir because we already have the uniforms and who will be in this army sir misfits like you oddballs who might just be brilliant with the right commander no new quarters your soldiers are being notified now you will address them in 15 minutes do you think they'll follow me okay i officer on deck at ease welcome to Dragon army bunking will be arranged with youngest at the front and veterans at the back and ER every other commander has our seniors closer to the door well I don't intend to be like every other commander what am I doing here ender you don't even like I didn't select this army Bernard but I intend to make it the best in this school I think you can help make that happen am I wrong no sir you'll respect one another if anybody has an idea they think is better than mine I want to hear I can't be expected to do all the thinking in this army can I be no sir then let's get suited up training starts now it's pushing them hard why did we make something a bernard command schools pressing for a decision tell them we need more time we're on a time lieutenant tomorrow's game will commence at zero three hundred yes sir wake up wake up battle with salamander and leopard in five two armies at once the colonel is changing the rule the battle with the formics there will be no rules oh hey twisted my ankle how bad good ding get him to the infirmary the rest of you let's move come on we're late come on I already opened the gate Petra Chu armies burn enough they'd to block your view - what are you doing here Kyle said you needed a sub gets it that yards 4-0 with me on the other team I'm so agree to this Colonel graphs orders you'll have a choice thank you what I have an idea Neal three one 12 down 20 to go it could be right behind these forward stars or all the way back at their game ready ready don't blows up a bunch of stars around their date like a giant donut they're just hanging behind him no one closer no nice let's see how they handle the formation we've never done a formation then they won't expect what we still outnumber him we should storm him and crush him yeah we hold our positions he has to come to us we can't lose Oh Row 2 plus Row 1 Mackenzie direction 30 degrees in 3 2 1 hey hold on oh okay yeah oh yeah they're here almost I still think he's not ready what's handy with you you know your father would be proud come to fight a boy in the shower with your buddies go watch the door go look you can say you won I'll say you taught me unless non-covered raise your fists come on fight come on come on I could break your arm oh ho ho wait over here everybody knows he started and I am so sorry major we should never have allowed you to be alone not now major leave us leave now you too cadet he's gonna die isn't No quizzed on water we're gonna send him home back to earth so we can get better don't go with him can't let you go you've come so far and I want to talk to my sister the fleet owns you ender Strategos would never allow it send me home colonel however I will resign don't threaten anymore I'm not the enemy I'm not so sure I won't play this game anymore I quit what are you gonna do waste millions on a loser you wanted to see me you can't resign you have an obligation to stay here and convince him to do his duty my father trained horses I've raised yearlings since I was five years old I know a thoroughbred when I see one we can't lose him my god you really don't see them as children do you there used to be a war crime they recruit anyone under the age of 15 when the war is over we can have the luxury of debating the morality of what we do when it's over what will be left of the boy what does it matter if there's nothing left at all by using these children to win the war and if they come home it's my job to put them back together again thanks for what you've done where's ender hello God why are you here did something happen they won't let me see him I need you to take a ride with me he's gonna be happy to see you come on you're just one with a realist I don't want him to save lives his life I've been saving my bozos bed waiting for him to we go may never wake up better he attacked first and I fought back just like Peter taught me I've had a lot of fights Val I've won because I've always understood the way my enemy thinks when I truly understand what I think it's impossible to truly understand someone not love them the way they love themselves but in that moment you beat them I destroy them I'll make it impossible for them to ever hurt me again after they want me to talk you into going back I told them I won't cooperate I don't think you're hiding here just because you care about Bonzo we think you're hiding because you're afraid afraid you don't know your enemy right you might lose but look what appears the next meets our backup can't fight you forever but you stay here you don't try and we will all be lost Oh miss you I need to know that you will not block my emails again attention prepare for transporter docking operation initiating final approach I thought we were going back to battle school or not where are we going much further dear balance on it I must now travel to our advanced command base near the formics home planet where I'll begin final training if successful I'll command the entire invasion fleet I wish there was another way but war seems inevitable stay safe well not very hospitable is it he took it from the formics 27 years after Rackham's victory flushed him out of these tunnels like rats from a sewer throw them all the way back to their home planet how long did they live here we're not sure this was a forward staging post for their invasion of Earth they built our base here to be closer to their home planet to allow instantaneous communication by ansible with our attacks later they're on their home planet do we have them contained for now if we have them boxed in why go to war for the same reason that you kept kicking that bully before I recruited you the purpose of this war is to prevent all future Wars your training begins first thing tomorrow morning sergeant DAP will show you to your quarters yes sir we're still receding the atmosphere is breathable but thin in the event of an evacuation two breaths every minute from one of these will compensate the lower levels of surface oxygen lights out in five who are you well this may be amusing to you but they'll come looking for me ah you want to fight me is that the test to see if Alltech an old man well it won't I'll just sit this one out okay you win since when do you tell the enemy when he is one I surprised you once what did you destroy me immediately after I thought you're a teacher there is no teacher but the enemy and he will tell you where you are weak but he is strong now on I am your enemy got it yes good during training I will devise the strategy of your enemy remember he is stronger than you from now on you're always about to lose sir do you have a name Mizar ekam what you thought I was dead sir I've been building models of your plane since I was six years old I have a question sir on the vids they always cut out right after you destroy the one carrier why get dressed sir I've already seen this I want to know what happened to after just watch after the explosion cleared everything was incredibly still their ships just stopped shooting then they started falling out of the sky let's go back please so just after you lost your wing net there playback please he took cover in the cloud you couldn't see anything so you must have been using your HUD there stop you saw something what did you see in your hood did you find a pattern very good end up thermal imaging from a satellite the enemies in red what pattern do you say it seems random but it's not there's an epicenter right there meaning you took out that one particular ship and the rest just gave up why - what animals the formics most often compared yes which have a queen who directs the worker ants what she thinks they do without her they can't think for themselves oh my god you destroyed the Queen's [ __ ] I must have used she can't be certain I saw their g'morning insisted we could be classified that's why they never showed the rest of the battle on my face to the world I'm good colonel your face you mean mozz it marked fathers are Mary lost him in the war Tom oh cool he's a waiter connected to my past - Martin Erskine his wife for me to speak for the dead sir have you ever seen a queen no not his but if the four legs have rebuilt their fleet there must be more than one Queen yes of course on that home planet what happened when you attacked here did you find one now why did they come water officer on deck baby hole commander Petra we thought you were iced we were gonna have to have ding take over that was never gonna happen it's la malai Salam commander nari good to see you sir at ease well you've been skinny-dipping and the Colonel's been flogging us to death on the simulate all right take your seats in a matter of weeks we may be called on to fight a real battle let's bring your commander up to speed our latest probe images will give you an idea of what's happening on the enemy planet like us they appear to have a population growth rate that's unsustainable for now they're contained on their planet time is not on our side where are they high surface temperatures limit their above-ground activity to just a few hours a day what's most alarming is the rate at which their military power is expanding but I am moved against us no but they need to colonize another planet before they breed themselves into extinction our orders are to defeat them before they pose an irreversible threat a threat is that clear commander clear sir good carry on colonel we will begin with photo-real simulations the best approximate real battles he will command overall strategy your tune leaders will each command a battle group you will issue orders to them they will issue orders to their squadrons of drone pilots finally your entire fleet must support protect your most important vessel seventy billion dollars of pure destruction md 500 petra is trained to fire judy molecular detachment device we call fire the little doctor particle beams accelerate from her twin barrels at the focus point they reach critical effective mass chain reaction spreads outwards shattering molecular bonds lose nothing standing that's the beauty of the little doctor no need to identify specific ship for the Queen the chain reaction takes out entire swarm but I'll only get one shot once the formics Yoshi works they won't come together again you will have to win this war one battle at a time once our battle fleet is detected and treated the formic solar system we will have no alternative but to engage a trusted we have chosen our commander Bell was great in the cinema sir I know killer instinct too absolutely let's hope he's all you came him to be we'd be with you soon good night night sir do your Valentine so this is command school I'm finally here being a third I've always been so afraid I might fail then I might not measure up they made me a leader and I promise you that I'll do everything I can to win this war I know if anything ever happened to you I would never forgive myself what are they doing harvesting butter if you're going to use me I need to be closer to risky let's not reveal our best weapon which should be an easy attack Ally bean your dreads peel away track them from below the ice and mirror their path they see us deploy drones give me four eyeballing formations with 90 degree offset on my car fired directly up into the ice is the way as our training progresses simulations are becoming more more complex and real the pressure to win day after day month after month is intense we get very little sleep some days it's hard to keep up I got the bike away great work team squad route 43 through 57 Swift squadron Foxtrot 3089 - right slate we need backup ribbon or I see it but not you flag that I'll be that using chapter 18 alive feel right to compensate for the full of planet g8 and go full throttle beam up up and take to Sierra Colina do Sierra now you know watch your feet dings you're closing too fast you said full throttle you can't absorb these kind of losses war is in the game where you get to reboot and start over sir I can't win if I don't take any risks nobody's saying not to take risks just don't try and control everything let being improvised in the mop ups you focus on the big picture delegate more to your teams my teams are burned out how can they be effective if they don't get any sleep sleep deprivation is part of your training about with the for miss could last for days if I'd been smarter I could have annihilated Petra's as a doctor while you mark a managing pain that don't happen understand yes sir do you cuz I've trained others each one so hopeful each one ultimately a failure alright he understands so I'm not the first no but you will be the last there's no time to Train anyone else so tomorrow Colonel Rackham will run your final simulation if I win tomorrow what happens you'll be ready to face the real enemy and you'll be the finest commander we've ever trained one more simulation and I may have to go to war what happens when it's no longer a game real war is different I still know nothing about my enemy but if they could talk to us they can't dissections show no vocal parts there are other ways to communicate under this is not a conversation we should be having at 1:00 a.m. what if they could sink to one another what if we could think to them we need to sleep we have a graduation battle tomorrow right we're gonna get crushed I'll be crushed we have you know go to sleep can i bed right under you still think he's the one we're committee boy has the empathy to think like a for max I understand them anticipate it's not ready you're never ready you know when you're ready enough easy sir it's graduation day look attention at ease sir we have audience commander Wiggin the Strategos is here today to witness your final simulation if you are successful he will endorse your promotion to battle commander of the entire fleet yes sir this simulation is stays around the enemy's home planet good luck commander thank you sir stay calm huge drain here we go they're waiting maybe they think we come in peace I don't think Mazur intends for us to find a diplomatic solution what's he waiting for just get my and ER what do we do under the enemy's gate is doubt and for Europe they're stretchy why for a chain reaction she's right just letting father was in states all battle groups deploy drones protect your carriers alive your squadron 5 engage this is suicide oh crap they're swarming plumps enough you now petrol once I fire I need time to recharge understood it go for the center by now she did it give me false color but we are soaked no we're not charged Petra now I need two minutes all fighters fall back and surround Petra's ship how long brings within rings layers upon layer we have Edgar you're gonna leave our transporters defenseless we're gonna win this battle tink it's all or nothing now when the how the lair has hit the records we continue to drift with us like a shield do it now he's abandoning his entire fleet he's in command there's no stopping him now 90 seconds in err nope I'm losing my inner ears I don't care about thank Petra like people protected alive only fought falling so I hope you know what you're doing ready Petra in 60 seconds what am i aiming for the planet what if we destroy the planet we destroy the queen's game over and derp my targeting sensor needs a clear line of sight we will clear a path all fighters maintain a clockwise rotation focus all fire power forest and ER we're entering the slowdown atmosphere drones are our heat shield keep falling let gravity do the work whatever we don't need forever I still don't have a clear shot Roberto Yaffe on my count accelerator fighters from the notes of the formation in a continuous stream yes like bullet from a rifle your clear visual for Petra we will drill a hole through the swarm Petri Oh Lana get a second that's all I need three two one now be to the deputies at 5% you I effects we're out of time we did it how about that game over to say restoring spoken what is this why are we watching these images under thank you brilliant absolutely brilliant thank God freeze why are these images in the program you want what do you mean we won I beat him he runs the simulations he said it was a game it was them or ascender there was no other way with this victory you've won all future battles you destroyed them from all of us stand up please Oh make away and stay away from me you lied son we were afraid if we told you you mom refused to play I've killed an entire species would have done the same does know they waited what were they waiting for who cares we lost a thousand men on the transporters you abandon I abandoned them in order to win yes and they died proudly for us they might not have died at all if I'd known it was real I would have would call for a dialogue they can't even speak watched them what were they thinking were they building an army for a second invasion or or simply preparing to defend themselves from us they came to earth to establish a colony we chased them away and in 50 years they never returned to makes no difference now I will bear the shame of this genocide forever no you will be remembered as a hero I won't be remembered as a killer it was us are there are you sure we've killed every last one of them I saw their own planet destroy how do you know there was another colony or another queen rise - we won that's all that matters no the way we win matters don't hurt it go on we need to let him rest they stay with him she so he's not alone please yes of course the rest what if they could talk to us what were they thinking Valentine what if we could think to them bedtime and your weight what are you doing injure I know what she wants we're leaving an oxygen balanced fire breathe just breathe and my game I saw this place what are you talking about the formics access the game to me their thoughts my dreams all mixed together they were trying to communicate what are you doing go back No please I have to do this dear Valentine I now know my dreams were never my own they came from her she was always trying to communicate with me I know the formics better than any living soul I stole their future from them now I must find a way to make amends is it a queen oh my new home I promise I miss you Valentine you won't be hearing from me for a while I need to find out if I'm as gifted at peace as I am at war they've awarded me the rank of Admiral and left me to my own devices which suits me fine I'll travel the universe and carry with me a precious cargo because I have a promise to keep you you you you
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Keywords: สงครามพลิกจักรวาล, สงครามพลิกจักรวาล เต็มเรื่อง พากย์ไทย, สงครามพลิกจักรวาล 2, สงครามพลิกจักรวาล ภาค 1, สงครามพลิกจักรวาล ภาค 2, สงครามพลิกจักรวาล สปอย, สงครามพลิกจักรวาล 3, เอนเดอร์เกม สงครามพลิกจักรวาล, หนัง สงครามพลิกจักรวาล, หนัง, หนังใหม่2020เต็มเรื่อง พากย์ไทยชนโรง, หนังตลก, หนังผี, หนังสือเล่มเก่า, หนังจีนใหม่2019เต็มเรื่อง พากย์ไทยชนโรง, หนังใหม่2020, หนังหน้าโรง reaction, หนังจีนกําลังภายใน พากย์ไทย, หนังการ์ตูน, หนังสือเสียง, หนังจีนใหม่2020เต็มเรื่อง พากย์ไทยชนโรง, หนังสั้น
Id: WXys9euKY5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 49sec (6829 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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