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[Laughter] is terrible right it's a long-ass staircase i looked at that and i was like god damn that's when liam neeson fence climbing that is right there [Music] everyone do you enjoy double toasted then put it on your body check out our teapublic.com merch store where you'll find all these wonderful designs that look great on high quality t-shirts with more designs coming soon or check out other high quality items such as mugs pillows tote bags and more once again that is t public dot com t-e-e public dot com or click the link in the description below your boy arnold was on a roll man he had so many so many movies coming out and he knew that all of them were gonna be a hit he was out there promoting them hard too like for this movie about to talk about this man arnold schwarzenegger went on to the wwe was beating the hell out of people yeah i think he did that [ __ ] for real though damn he packs his backslashes that made contact right there see my movie in the days coming out december he was he was on a roll at the time promoting these movies back in 1999. and he said this one is going to be the biggest one out of all of them this would be the movie to end all movies or his career for a little bit which it didn't but it put a definitely put a dapper on that movie right all day his career right here this movie that we're talking about end of days this was the movie that was coming out in 1999 that was trying to ride off of that panic that everybody had about y2k oh you know the end of the millennium in the millennium satan's coming he's going everything god's gonna flip the switch every you know everything was going down at that time and this hey you know hollywood is not one to miss to not take advantage to not take advantage of anything they'll make money they made money off of pure panic or at least they thought they were at the time and he unlocks the gate of hell she's like shut up she read the script that sounds stupid shout out and it is stupid y'all oh listen so you could tell that they just wrote this quick because they had to get take advantage of 1999 while it lasts y2k why the hell did you do this movie is what people want to know so what this is is that so there are many things that people said were going to happen during 1999 to destroy the world the internet was going to collapse technology was going to go down the rapture was coming and people said oh and satan's going to come back to earth and have one hell of a party all because of the number one because yeah because it was 1990 because in 1999 he been waiting all these satan said prince had it right i'm going to party like 1999 up in here satan played by gabriel byrne here or at least saying in the body of gabriel byrne yeah he's the culprit here he's come back to earth and he said you know what i had no [ __ ] [Laughter] in thousands of years he said you know i am not allowed to have no sex the prophecy says i can't get no ass i can't have no sex until 1999. everything i can think of but i can't do that but i can't have no sex i can't get no ass until 1999. normally i'd be like man why are you going to be so crass when you joke about this but that is the premise of this movie not at exaggerating even a little bit no and the reason why they said well because first of all you can't use no condoms or not you know and when you go in you know they ain't no pulling out here this is we're waiting this long for you and you for you to build this up because once you do find that chick that right one at the time and you do go in and do your thing with her and you are going to give birth to the antichrist who's going to usher in a new reign of hell on earth apparently all done with this baby right here yeah it's like why couldn't you do this yourself why couldn't you just do this yeah and you're satan who's who's delivering this prophecy that's what i'm saying who who is we you know we say we gotta wait who is that like who is the people telling them what to do yeah yo god that the bible nobody knows but all we know is that sane can't do [ __ ] but his sperm that'll get the job done so he has to find the right woman who is said once a certain comet passes over the earth that is the sign that the woman is born who will be who will bear satan's child and usher in this new reign of demonic hell uh of course the only one to stop him is uh schwarzenegger of course of course okay nobody ain't nobody else out of all the the the the religious people the vatican the popes out of all the people who out all the exorcists that we have in the world can none of them do [ __ ] but schwarzenegger give him a gun yep an ex-new york city cop of course in a leather jacket a leather dragon a gritty new york city street cop extra cop street nah he's actually still a cop he's doing is he i thought he was like was he retiring yeah he was retired he's being a bodyguard now oh is that what it is yeah okay yeah things didn't things didn't go well for him and then he finds out i'm guarding the devil and that's what he says oh no no i got to do something about this now everything could have been cool but you pulled all arnie up in here man now i got now i gotta save the millennium sure [Laughter] this is truly a terrible movie but any movie with arnold in it and arnold schwarzenegger has his fun moments and now before we get to those fun moments like this is this is a movie where they they they tried to have they tried to be serious with arnold for a little bit i know yeah they you know they they tried to take on to some dark places with this movie right here so in this movie when it opens up he's sitting at home in the dark ain't paid his bills electricity apparently don't work or at least the lights don't and he's sitting in this room doing his uh doing his uh his mel gibson yeah leave the weapon thing [Music] [Music] [Laughter] now i say that that that was some good editing right there and some of this editing is terrible harmless movie but that [ __ ] got me i thought was [ __ ] maybe that's how he goes to see satan he wants to he wants to kill himself because again just like mel gibson uh his wife and his daughter are dead apparently there was a crime that happened at the house a break-in or he messed with the wrong people and they went in and took vengeance out on his wife and his daughter so he's feeling pretty bad right now uh are it could be just the most nasty ass smoothies that he makes all day this food makes [ __ ] that's why he wants to kill himself he makes pepto-bismol and pizza smoothies right and even with the pizza he was like well i think the smoothie is together oh some pizza i dropped waste not one night right he did he dropped that [ __ ] on the floor and said [ __ ] that's flavor yeah it's like he was too lazy to put it back in the fridge you know i haven't vomited in 36 hours but he put a pizza some pepto-bismol some leftover eggs a ground beef or something don't you ever talk about my smoothies again no i know you know what i thought that exact thing when i was watching this part i like i gotta leave cory a little bit yeah they always do that they'll piss me off in movies they always have somebody action star eating heart you know blending [ __ ] up terribly and they're just jacked you know and it's like getting that kind of shape [ __ ] like this no no that doesn't work for me yeah sorry no and they even try they even try to show us the the the sensitive side of arnold over here as he as he sits there looking at his daughter's old music box trying to try hard to squeeze some tears out [Music] i just can't do it so we got the suicidal ex-cop who's mourning the loss of his wife and daughter what else goes on that list something i gotta ask you yeah what is it you still drinking no you that's a yeah you're like [ __ ] you know even if you weren't talking to him you could look over here like you've been drinking not currently not at this moment i'm not yeah bro don't don't even answer that's a yes you still drinking no you yeah yeah if you don't answer hey you can't say no immediately right yeah and you look like somebody you know like somebody said someone pulled their dick out like why would you even ask me something like that leave me alone you're drinking that's that's i'm trying to think of an answer right it's not alive oh he looked like some kids that got in trouble uh-huh did you eat that cookie when i told you not to oh no mama the suicidal ex-cop who's mourning the loss of his wife and daughter put on that list alcoholic because all that data yeah no no no you got to check all the boxes all that that box is on there yep it's a six-pack by the way um but man but listen once when he came once they see that he's about to catch a hernia trying to squeeze some tears out right there movie just says it man that's like this ain't macbeth [ __ ] it's what's the [ __ ] yeah schwarzenegger fighting the devil just just give us a script wait just give us what you got yeah we'll work with it you know they ain't trying to get why are we trying to get deep but this way trying to make this man cry yeah we there's a schwarzenegger movie let's get to the dumb [ __ ] it is so like man you don't care no you don't care what yeah no no no one gave up all right dudes you don't have to do this just cut to it so now so they like yeah man just get to the crazy [ __ ] let's stick with that yeah and pretty so after all that after all that that dark setup after all that sensitivity right there these bodies it don't take 15 minutes for schwarzenegger to start chasing homeless people with a helicopter [Applause] out of nowhere [Applause] chasing bigfoot a homeless dude in a helicopter man uh now i'll tell you the reason why there is a reason because this guy he's a he's a he's a shooter like he do found a rifle and turns out he was just not some some regular homeless dude out there he's uh he's actually a priest that knows something about the end of day [Music] yeah so he just went destitute tried to get to the bottom of his [ __ ] so he tried trying to chase down satan and wayne but satan to show up to get some mass just drove his he drove him crazy he's been in his room doing diagrams and notes and scratches and [ __ ] so you know uh um so when you find and he finds out because after arnold schwarzenegger chases him down to the subway he lets him know man you don't know what you you don't know what you're dealing with baby thousand years have ended you don't know what you've done yeah nobody want to hear this [ __ ] a story for his ass thousand years has ended you don't know what you've done all right i don't want to hear that [ __ ] his editing was awful i meant boy no i know i would say when i say let me let me show you something while i'm thinking about it the editing in this movie is so bad because i i forgot to probably pull up the clip but let me please that was just noticeable please tell me i [Laughter] that editing is terrible right yeah this is a long-ass staircase i looked at that and i was like god damn that's when liam neeson fence climbing that is right there this is a schwarzenegger movie but i'm gonna tell you something i had a ball with this movie man it's terrible it's bad but one of the main reasons why is because sure this is arnold's movie his name is first build but gabriel byrne comes in and steals the show from him man gabriel byrne comes in and he's i mean as satan he's hilarious man well just some of the [ __ ] he does were you like man you took extra steps to do that and i know you could have snapped your fingers at me you could have done something so that it is half well first of all before you get into it uh but when satan does show up on earth wherever he from hell or wherever he came from it's funny because it looks like the predator is looking to settle the score with yeah [ __ ] the predators made an appearance right here cool maybe this is like from dusk till dawn where you get a surprise predator movie we didn't even know it all right but yeah you'll know that's too good to be true but but now but yes satan has cloaking technology yeah now he thing is because you see gabriel burn as satan in the trailer and what not he's not a gabriel burns are originally saying we even know who this guy is what happens is the devil comes down you know his predator cloaking the technology and he uh chooses gabriel byrne and i think he actually chose him because gabriel byrne is already dressed like the devil in here [Laughter] he actually is a he's like like a banker or something you find me a smooth irish dude to go here yeah yeah he's like yeah yeah i know he can get some ass and once he goes up gabriel burns ass man they had they boy they they have a because he enters gabriel byrne look like he went up his ass and he went through his back though but him satan satan and gabriel oh gabe boy they have uh they have a great time together man they have an awesome time because satan is back you know he ain't been here a while he ain't hung out on earth you know he didn't have his past at the time and he got here and he just making up for lost time just being a complete dick yeah just being just being a dick and a creep and everything like you shut up the table yeah now the thing is it's funny too because at first you think like oh well he just being cool charismatic charismatic ass satan like the first thing he does when he gets in that body he says [ __ ] i'm gonna make out with the first chick i see he go he goes at the table you get the feeling like he's having a meeting with a guy and his girlfriend or a guy and his wife and he says [ __ ] i don't give a [ __ ] ain't that dude that was sitting at that table this is satan baby look what the hell are you what [ __ ] what the titty too [ __ ] you better shut up eat your goddamn salad the funny thing is is that you thought that he did this because he was pulling the flex on this dude over his girl you thought he was doing this because he was pulling a a a smooth power move you know yeah [ __ ] saying ain't been back in the game for a while you got damn right the first chick i see i'm gonna get up in there nah that's that's that is not why he did it he playing a bomb in that [ __ ] that's why he kissed these guys just like man you had to do all that that food he kissed her because he was putting a satan bomb in her mouth and i guess his clothes are satan now too because they didn't burn he got satan powers over there he's protected yeah he's got a satanic aura around himself that then that's but no this movie got his own rules sometimes them clothes are fine and sometimes they all torn up depending on what's needed at the moment it does have its own rules too because that's his girl's wife or his girlfriend whatever he came up and graduated he started kissing his reaction would have been way more than hey what are you doing like i mean he would have hopped up and threw a chair over his head no he would have been no that's what you wouldn't that's what you would have done no this nah but when you no not him see when you when you [ __ ] made like this all right that's the worst picture in the show that's [ __ ] made right there when you look like that you should you said i shut the [ __ ] up yeah i guess so what you do is give them the key to your hotel room and say i have fun what did she end up liking it too i bet she did no she blew up what i'm saying today show her i know she walks away she's looking wistful oh yeah i knew it oh yeah yeah no oh man let me let me show you that was some good [ __ ] i mean oh here man yeah hasn't done that to her in a long time yeah yeah when he walks away she's like she's like that was some that's some good [ __ ] i knew it i knew it was like i ain't had no hell i ain't i can tell i'm about to get some dick i ain't having i ain't had like this in a long time look at her she's in it now she's into it hey so what am i supposed to do like clean yourself up come back it's like he's a vampire yeah he's like [ __ ] you better stop looking over there yeah i mean i'm not gonna do nothing yeah he ain't gonna say nothing until gabriel byrne is out of the building you know we're getting separate i just want to say i didn't like that yeah separate checks like i said you pay for yourself i can't deserve it [ __ ] i can i can i can i can tell you exactly what's going to happen i he he gonna try to say something that woman i wasn't gonna do the same thing that the devil did to him you shut your goddamn man all right i asked you i didn't ask you nothing and i'm gonna tell you something he's creative with these exp these explosions man that's why i love the devil in this these like he could like you said he could just snap a thing and blow somebody up but not but no no because that's not humiliating enough right he got to make you look like a punk when he does this [ __ ] so yeah cause he does what he does man he just does this to just humiliate people it's not enough to just kill you probably agonizing pain like i make you look stupid too like like this right here you know he's uh he instead of just snapping a finger and blowing you up and setting you on fire he's like nah what's the fun in that where's the high high i gotta have a story he said nah what i'd rather do i'd rather take a piss on this wall right here and let that [ __ ] roll under your car while you in there eating snacks and you know let it roll under your car oh no problem you know yeah you and once he's done just light up a cigarette and he's like yeah [Applause] [Laughter] he saw a predictable man he had me laughing so hard terrible boss awful boss man always always don't you don't i mean you know you're working for satan so it's kind of expected but god damn man you know i looked at this scene right here i was like you couldn't wait i couldn't convince her to come here man you you you couldn't wait to hear your boy out yeah you couldn't let him finish i mean udo kier dies is about everything i see matter of fact i do think it's everything jeffrey separates ventura that's better okay but but jesus christ man yeah but that was like yo man we ain't got a point system or nothing communication skills are terrible i mean if you waited he probably had a good reason or he probably was going to say but she on her way yeah yeah i couldn't convince her to come here that's fine man you know just next time just at first i was like man that's that's not cool that's that's that's really that's that's petty man but i look later on as the movie went on i was like well i mean on the positive side my man shouldn't take it personal because that's just what satan does satan just likes punching through bodies man there was a dude now this is late in the movie but we'll come back there was a dude who a subway conductor that man was doing nothing he was just sitting on the side just waiting for arnold and satan and his chick just for them to do that [ __ ] so he could just stay out the way and go home and satan came up by he he couldn't let it be man he couldn't leave this man out of it man he is big on punching through people but that's what he does that's just and i love this dude's scream because half of his being horrified the other path up is confusing he's like wow what happened right he's like what it's shitty it's not cool he's you know but don't take it personal because he just satan just he just messes with people he just likes to with people he don't satan don't care about nobody that's the key you know he he he kills teenagers just for fun and again he has to humiliate them before they die [Laughter] that kid come with him no he no that no not really because he knocked that kid down at first didn't apologize the kid's like jesus you dick oh i didn't i didn't see that i started something where you're going insane like you know hey watch where you going man ain't saying like you want to talk that [ __ ] okay he's like all right i got i got something for you you don't know who you are made his ass [Laughter] but i tell you what what he saying is like he he did he was trying to be nice because he actually the kid gave him one last bit of sass but before that satan was trying to be it was one of the few times in the movie same was trying to be cool because he saw his shirt which had satan on there satan rules and he's like yeah before he killed him he's like hey man i dig the shirt hey i like the shirt and dude's like man [ __ ] you so he said you know you can catch this bus right here too yeah you got a transfer yeah but the thing is hey he was still cool even after he killed the kid still complimenting his shirt [Laughter] [Music] yeah man he's also kind of a perv too boy like him yeah yeah i already saw him oh yeah no yeah i say that mildly but yeah because i mean what you saw before was nothing i mean he started you start getting his free going later on in the movie like like killing that killing that kid just made him horny like the moment that kid got hit with that by that bus he just started looking at braun's walking by just looking at asses and things like that that's some good stuff [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah should i forget how funny these women are yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] him in him and max need to hang out man [Music] i forgot that part of that part yeah he turned his head sideways god damn the max need to hit the night out [ __ ] both of them ass people man she said i got somebody i want you to meet max uh because sane's a freak boy if he comes over to your house for dinner hide your kid hide your wife is this your daughter yes this is your wife yes to see what i'm saying that's what i'm talking about that's how you know satan is a dick because all these other things with pissing on people and pushing people in front of buses he don't have to do that because he can do things with the snap of his finger yeah when he wanted to when he wanted that ass yeah in bed immediately [ __ ] meanwhile the husband out there on the couch like god damn man he does this [ __ ] it looked like the wife gave consent yeah the daughter maybe not so much right right the wife was like you better come home get this yeah and it's a man it's a freaky kinky ass threesome too because they she on the side i don't because i don't know what's weirder with this threesome i don't know because after a while they just start melting into each other [Music] wow yeah [ __ ] he's steady turning there cause he ain't slow down once no [ __ ] whatever you wanna i don't know if it's weird because of that or because it looks they listen to limp biscuit though that's why the hair no wonder they melting like nothing sexy about that hey that boy he took that that what that wife and that daughter in there and put on limb biscuits and all the out of all the things he couldn't play just add that extra insult what could be more evil than that but i will say this hey we've seen all these freaky things that satan has been doing over here we've seen all this this kinky stuff that satan's been doing over here i just showed you right here y'all see all that nastiness going on does the devil in you go online and look at nasty stuff like this do you actually you actually got things that you don't want people to see you doing that's the thing you don't even have to worry about that that's the least of your worries ain't nobody worried about your search history no more i mean unless you're looking up like things on the dark dark web or something like that you know you trying to find sex ladies or something that's something that people do need to catch you on but but short of that but short of that hey you know but hey listen nobody's worried about anybody's search history no more ain't nobody worried about all these crazy things you're looking at that's the least of your awareness people telling you what you need to worry about are people trying to steal your identity people 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surf shark for sponsoring this portion of the show and i want to thank all of you out there for your support and hopefully i helped you out a little bit protect that information everybody's out there trying to get it ah let's see we got here we were talking about that soundtrack man uh playing lip biscuit this the use of the soundtrack on this movie is stupid they they force that soundtrack in wherever they can so the soundtrack and nothing against the people that are doing any of the songs on there and listen limp bizkit is a guilty pleasure for me so i'm not even making fun i'm not making fun of anybody but it is that it was during that time when new metal which is just a bunch of rockers trying to do hip-hop yeah with a hard hard hard rock edge to it are industrial rock people out there that's what the whole soundtrack consists of so you do have people like limp biscuit corn uh guns and roses after they split up and got back together and axl rose was trying like this new metal thing i think yeah yeah so you got all these people on there say what you will about the soundtrack i mean a lot of people love those bands love those songs uh but the way they just throw it into this movie man gabriel byrne just walking just walking now this is a movie where it's dark it's moody you want some moments where either they're playing the right music or they're playing no music at all the bill moved sure he's just he's just walking y'all yeah but that's like that's such a bar scene background song that afford a ball when you walk into a bar yes that's what you expect to hear like like i'm like where is he at oh that's a hot damn i was playing he's evil though they don't want you to forget that he has evil he say needle he's all about that devil music that that's that editor is evil putting that me put you right it's like laying down man you're right trying to like like lay it in too heavy i mean that is the thing he's evil but this whole movie is that man y'all had an idea and they just lay it on thick with every cliche you could come up with well the reason why they're doing it here is because somebody told them studio or someone record company said you have to play these songs oh yeah at certain times so when gabriel burns just walking going to see somebody at the hospital like he's at like he's at a leather club or something right god damn cut that [ __ ] down you know he's just he's just walking he's walking evil he's walking even well if you can't play evil music when satan's walking into the room who can you play it for me uh let's see here the movie has also this is what had me laughing back in the day because they just mean they just they don't know what they do or something they just throwing in things just to throw it in there again like they're throwing in the soundtrack they're just doing obligatory things so the movie has its fair share of dumb imagery as you've seen you know we need to tell you that but some of it just kind of lazy you know they got jump scares in here they just they don't make no sense they just they just they they just crammed them in here because they needed some jump scares no matter how much sense a lack of sense it had no i could hate [Music] kelly yeah got your ass yeah yeah yeah yeah that kept me weight on them yeah yeah how [ __ ] is that was more terrible editing matt you know did you notice what i noticed i i hope you did what did you notice because you said it's terrible editing well first i look at different cats that's number one number two it was the angle changed on the cat the cat was already yeah but it was the jumps and the cat was already hollering and then started hollering and all that but and also like different cats if you ask me yeah you don't need that many cuts for a cat jumping out of out of a refrigerator that you're right this editing is terrible yeah and first of all what the [ __ ] was the cat doing in refrigerator yeah i didn't survive that long should he put himself in there hoping that they would open so i could so i could get the ass freezing in there [Laughter] let's get out of here there's nothing else to see the editing on that is horrible i don't need that many cuts for that and plus we notice at the end [Applause] wow the cat's mouth was closed while the meow was still going oh yeah i noticed that too yeah you had you had a cat jumping a door opening arnold looking like this a cat jumping again pollock's reaction and then this this this cat right here you ain't even going with the scene no more that your cat is completely different look at the hair [Applause] yeah so yeah that cat was planning on scaring them uh i don't know i mean that's the explanation right why else would the cat be in the refrigerator like who put the okay don't do it maybe satan put him in there they did have one jump scan here that actually got me besides the gun on arnold's head yeah there was another one here uh they did they did a they had that seven moment that actually worked got a doctor reading these carvings up on this guy right here and uh well when i say seven moments you probably know what that means in new york everybody's mouth was over in that scene the cch founder wasn't joking oh real with her she was like i don't know how slow arnold's reactions are because everybody is screaming and going nuts he's just kind of looking until he's like he is he's like man y'all was some [ __ ] oh [ __ ] and you're right about uh cch pounder man i'm here to work goddammit so robin tooney who was in this and there and you know robin tooney uh robin toonie was in things like 90s man the late 90s she was everywhere she was left the the what the craft yeah she was in she was a movie that was pretty popular early 90s like the empire records i think is what it was called she shaved her head yeah she was in the with the lib tyler yeah yeah so she was a big a lot of 90 stuff yeah now you're right no big 90s yeah person right there oh she just dropped off yeah well she's got like i think she kind of dropped off to spend time on her family because i looked her up after looking at this movie okay and uh she's in magazines like advertisers what it was no i'm sorry uh uh architect digest and stuff like that she's like yeah i just i got my kid i got my partner we're just kind of laying low okay well i went and i went like well what happened to her career i was just like oh i'm surprised no no because she was blowing up she seemed like she would have been in some of the screen movies i didn't even think that i think that's a legit question right there thing is with her man like like these guys are saying she was huge in the 90s so this movie you know for as big as she was they don't use her for [ __ ] here uh you know it's either people trying to kidnap her so they could they could like they could stick something in there arse which is either the knife or the devil's penis or something because they everybody just picks up screaming just trying to put something inside of it man uh hey man it's true it's like you don't if you give me a choice i will tell you this the devil might actually be the better choice right here because the devil the devil just wants to like the other just wants to hook up man you know devil just comes down and he's you know he's trying to have sex and he clearly has a lot of satisfied customers he's choking yeah man you know we saw him how many chicks did we see him pick up in this at least three three four so you know he just trying to hit he's trying to get some mass when you come down here so and then when he's done he might be trying to make his his side chick so you know when it when you think of it that way it ain't that bad compared to the vatican that actually wants to kill her [Applause] good thing they suck at it right boy that was slow yeah yes ah the catholic church always taking things too far yeah exactly yeah yeah what it is is that the catholic church is uh they they know that if satan has sex with her then it's going to be hell on earth you know so they gotta try they say we kill her then same king put his dick in nothing so i love that you said take things too far we must pray for her no we gotta kill this [ __ ] maybe we can do both and fade [ __ ] and failing at it too [ __ ] that was a little boy that job be done real quick [ __ ] that same sucks too though that smooth as he's trying to be you know smart he's trying to come across he's just stupid man uh sex does that he doesn't yes it does it's true that dickhard you can't make no kind of decisions right decisions this man is ready to punch a man's skull in just for bringing him some slight bad news he don't want to hear but kissing arnold's ass throughout this whole movie and i get it because arnold knows where and robin tooney plays a a girl named christine york he is the one that satan is hoping to have sex with and bring this antichrist and what he does what i don't know afterwards but uh she's a chosen one um but uh uh arnold has a uh whatever his name is in the movie he has a hidden and so he only knows the address satan can predict all kind of [ __ ] in here and yet this man he this man just holds one simple dress out on him and he can't he can't find well what that is some other kind of way it's so bad this is so stupid but anyway he he's being very patient with arnold he even tries to like out all the dirt he's been doing arnold when it comes to arnold who got them digits he needs that girl he's spending so much time trying to try to charm your man you can hold your wife again you think you're saving her from me she wants to be with me you know this baby i know she wants to say she digs me daddy [Music] yeah i'll give you yours let me get mine baby you know we all walk by weird pro quo it'll all be cool yeah man what happened here is that uh he's trying to promise him that hey look it ain't gonna be real but you can you can live this fantasy of being back with your wife and kid you know and it's like man set his ass on fire and he'll tell you exactly what he wants to know right spend all the time coddling him yeah [ __ ] and you put that heat on his ass he'll tell you anything you want to hear that [ __ ] gonna make up numbers too yeah right [ __ ] he'll tell you he'll tell you where every chick in town is if you set his ass on fire but now you got to cuddle this [ __ ] over here i said you got to sit up here and try to bargain that's why arnold keeps getting the drop on his ass you fell for that one for real you literally failed right yeah yeah you deserve it on that one i can't i can't reach yes you can yeah yo dumbass you couldn't see that he was slow with it too yo yo that's how martin gonna do carlos he'll be carla okay i got you baby i'm glad you see it my way and he fell for that oh god you're supposed to be lucky in a way yeah hey you got god man you suck keep saying you suck i tell you what though gabriel burns man i thought he was good in this because he he's got he's getting a lot of monologues chewing center oh yeah yeah i mean he's yeah i mean you can be excused from chewing the scenery when you're the devil sure yeah yeah no no no no i i love gabey where he's one of my favorite actors yeah he comes in this new york accent he just happened man the thing is he's having fun playing the devil in this and they give him all these monologues and the writing is i mean it's typical satan calling out god kind of stuff but it's still kind of fun i actually enjoyed these parts with him man it makes me wish it was a better movie within a minute he is the biggest underachiever of all time he just did a good publicist that's all i'm not the bad guy oh shecky satan over here satan's a jew i've seen the devil's advocate you can yeah yeah exactly that's what it is my love yep that's exactly what yeah that's exactly what it is what do you say uh god is a absolutely so this is the yeah they are completely ripping off the devil's advocate but hey he's like i'm getting paid to have fun and do this so he goes into it i will say that i do love that line like that overblown press kit they called the bible that was kind of cool no that's a cool line there's some good writing that goes on when they give it to him i mean i guess they put all their work into the into satan right here but yeah man you know i i enjoy watching him man there's a lot of good actors here but not and they're not all giving all the good stuff like like like gabriel byrne man uh oh uh uh what's his name kevin [ __ ] man so you saw kevin [ __ ] get blown up early with that piss so dude that fire piss yeah they bring him back and i'm glad first i'm glad they brought him back because i like him you know and i don't give a [ __ ] about this movie he's actually pretty good in the movie but they just do dumb things with him too when uh when kevin [ __ ] comes back after they've blown him up you're not sure what's really going on with him but i get it and there's some funny scenes with schwarzenegger trying to figure out are you real you took his body all right you're ill okay you need some help all right ah jesus he said you know i was like man you get shot you ain't like come on he didn't step on your foot [ __ ] that should have been the first sign that that wasn't right right right he uh uh you soon find out why he is back and of course he's predictable you know he comes back you don't nobody just pop up after being blown up right you know saying saying got that ass you know something son satan did something to him and uh it turns out that he actually made a good reason because when you get these moments right here it's like somebody's betraying something because well satan promised me women are ultimate power all the money in the world not with him he made a very good he made a very good argument ah don't look at me like that you'd be amazed what you agreed to when you're on fire that's how i figured it out he said i just want to stop burning instead i was like hey man that's a good argument yeah i don't want no power women and no money [ __ ] i just want to stop burning yeah [ __ ] i want to piss someone on me i figured i figured that's what it was like yeah i was burning alive and he was like hey so that's why i call [ __ ] or when he breaks his deal with satan standing right there because you know he's sitting up there pointing a gun at arnold and he's like hey man you know pull the trigger get him to go convince him to come over to the other side or something and that you know of course since he looks in the eyes of his friends he's like i can't do this [Music] i guess the deal's off no come on so from the way kevin pollock is so nurturing and like come on get up let's let's do our job let me help take care of you you think maybe he's secretly in love with him he has to be yeah burn a lot for him because i tell you [ __ ] if this was me and you i'd be like hey martin you understand right no man if i saw him setting you back on friday yeah you know don't do that i'll tell you martin just shoot me i'll be like hey i'm doing you fake come get some good satan over here man yeah i put a bull in both y'all's asses well i was expecting you too i'd be kind of mad at you if you didn't in the end it turns out what we expect us to be it's honest schwarzenegger versus the devil yep schwarzenegger's style he don't go in with no holy water or a priest the exorcist or the bible that's for [ __ ] that that's for [ __ ] right there no [ __ ] i got a machine gun when the machine gun didn't work he pulled out some missiles see what i did i'm awesome right and when [Music] and when that does actually work wait but it does it works that's what insane said the hell this goddamn gabriel burn body in human form when i can reach when i could actually do something in my you see what you did oh no you don't make me pull up my final form which if you could do that the whole time yeah why are we why do we wait so long if you become a video game boss because you had to get some ass for some [ __ ] out of that yeah yeah yeah and the funny thing is he says man i'm not gonna even i'm not gonna even fight you i'm gonna do you like i did uh gabriel burn i'm gonna get up in that ass he possesses arnold man now this is this is where they just say this is where we have like man they tried to set up all this deep biblical stuff before yeah when we knew the whole time we just gonna make them schwarzenegger movie sure well we talked about how schwarzenegger had fought everything at that point the martians and robots and predators and himself and something about mars yeah so the devil was like devil was the last thing yeah the devil came in got up in there and satan picks up where he left off man trying to get that in [Music] [Applause] but that's the problem it's arnold's still in there and the whole time jesus is watching and i don't know if y'all have been through this before this happened to you that's like trying to jack off in a room and then realizing like oh [ __ ] there's jesus up there yeah i mean there's a there's a crucifix on the wall you can't do it well it's not like one of those jesus paintings where the eyes follow you no matter where you oh yeah well even when jesus hanging on the cross he's you still feel like he's looking at you judging you he's judging you like you thinking nasty things and that cross is judging you man and that's arnold man he's like man i can't i can't allow the devil to sit up here and rape this chick while jesus is watching jesus gonna be like you could have done something you need to sit up there and let it happen i thought you were arnold schwarzenegger and he thought you were and so man jesus put that guilt trip on him so bad when arnold got that body back he was he felt so guilty he jumped on the sword and killed himself i forgot how you took that running start too he got a lot of hang time so who stopped it so the devil stopped because the devil possessed him and he was going to go ahead and try to like commence with impregnating uh christina played by robert tooney uh christine and arnold you know it's one of those things where she's talking to him i know that you're in there oh there it is okay there it is fight him you're better than him and he's like no i'm not but he saw that jesus like oh [ __ ] i better do something so yeah when he gets his conscience back he's like what the devil's in me the only thing that i can do to destroy him i get him out of me is kill myself right what you what she does it immediately regrets right yeah she's like no but she says no he's already in the air what do we mean what the [ __ ] was i thinking falls on that sword and the devil finally says you know what this this is not worth the trouble yeah yeah sure she said if this is what it takes to just have to get some ass or have some sex you know what i'll be a virgin man he looks at all sports [ __ ] like you know what you can have a man i'm out [Applause] youth christmas y2k 1999 uh 666. whatever your math i'm just trying to get laid that's all he gets to see his family one more time because we know that's the predictable thing of course the old gladiator yeah yeah right you're right and then looking at him like damn that was stupid yeah what you did what i was dumb oh dad wow it was another way you didn't you didn't have to do this and uh and then that's when the police come in it was funny because so the whole place is burned up there's a dead man lying on the sword and the police rush in i thought you're gonna start hearing i got caught and they start shooting rubbish new york is safe again and they get to they get to uh they get to celebrate y2k sign of the beast all that good stuff man the the end is what they do the end of days hey everyone support our patreon which helps us to continue bringing you our live streams videos and podcasts while bringing you new content such as exclusive live streams and animated shorts [Music]
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 113,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: End Of Days 1999, End Of Days, End Of Days review, End Of Days movie review, End Of Days reaction, End Of Days trailer, End Of Days satan, End Of Days funny scenes, End Of Days wwe, End Of Days best scene, End Of Days movie, Movie reviews, Movie review, Movie, Review, Trailer, Funny video, Double toasted, Doubletoasted, Doubletoasted.com
Id: F04p-9JPfaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 53sec (3473 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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